USS Feynman APR 1997

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April 1997 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



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USS FEYNMAN: A Discovery

by Andrew Catterick 4-1-1997

SD: 90401.0900
MD: 6.0900
Scene: Caves on Planet

As the small group of explorers spread out into the dim light of the underground base Zane's mind kept working on the problem of the charred remains of the Xanthandi they had found. One body. Who or what killed him? Was he alone? If not where were his companions? Why was he/they here? Were they now silently watching Zane and the others? Were they in the moon installation stalking the other team? Too many questions and no answers.

What was becoming clear was that this cavernous chamber was a spaceport of sorts. There were a few derelict spaceships over to one side, a quick examination of which showed nothing of particular interest, without being able to power-up their onboard computers. Zane looked up at the roof far above him. Most likely it parted to allow the ships access and egress. He looked back down at the floor. The dust that had settled looked like it hadn't been disturbed for thousands of years. Perhaps the unlucky Xanthandi was the only one to have come here. An exile?

It hadn't taken long to find the access tubes from the spaceport down in the bowels of their new discovery. As they stepped on to the belt it activated and they were slowly moved down the incline. Instinctively Zane drew his phaser, as did the security team. A few members of the science contingent raised their eyebrows at the action. As if the sheer thrill of exploration and discovery could conquer all. As they neared the bottom light began to flicker. As had happened in the spaceport the city's internal power system was laboring to light their way. By the time they set foot on the next level a very dim light had taken hold allowing them to see no more than 20 meters. Their wrist light would have to do the rest for now.

As the group once again began to fan out and explore one of the science team looked up from his tricorder. "Captain this room is out into the ocean." Zane nodded at the report. He looked down at his own tricorder to get a better idea of the room's layout as the slowly brightening light was still not enough. Again, the room was huge but this time long and narrow. Behind the north wall there appeared to be another, much smaller chamber. As there was little of note in this room the party began to move in this direction.

"Captain!" One of the forward team members called out as he jogged over to Zane. "You'll never believe it."

Zane looked over in the direction he pointed. Standing at least one hundred meters high was a statue. The entrance to the next room at the floor between its feet. But it was not the size of the statue that the crewman had become excited about. Quickly Zane realized what he was staring at as the bright lights of the team splashed across the statue's face. It was Vulcan.

If the Husnock computer could have sighed it would have. For several seconds it labored to override the alien computer on the planet surface. It was very primitive but extremely stubborn. From the second these newcomers had ventured into its underground lair it had sought to neutralize them. An action the Husnock computer had made every effort to stop. It was clear now they were explorers and it found it somewhat ironic that they had stumbled across the find that had taken years for its Husnock masters to locate. The find that had caused them to build this small moon and move it here to permit exploration. The computers purpose had been to aid its masters explore this world and now with them gone it found it had the need to help these new ones.


Just keeping things rolling

RT has started but it looks like there won't be much to delve into=so far.

Kris: excited!??!


-Captain Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence, BLUE FLEET
-Commodore Robert Steele, Commanding, TASK FORCE ZINDERNEUF


by Kevin Thigpen 4-3-1997

Stardate: 90402.0138 (GMT)
Scene: Underwater City
MD: 6.0930

The group of starfleet security officers and ever inquisitive science team members continued to make their way through the winding labyrinth of the underground city they had stumbled upon.

Thus far the team had made no further discoveries of life, past or recently past, anywhere. The entire place appeared deserted with the exception of the Xanthandi body discovered earlier.

So far the team had passed several corridors containing rooms that appeared nearly identical. Captain Zane had surmised that they were most likely living quarters. As the group progressed the eagerness of the science team to proceed even further became more evident. Only with the cautious attitude of the Captain did exploration of the city go with some level of caution.

"Captain, stop," quietly stated Loren grabbing the CO's upper arm. "Something's changed."

Zane, not necessarily a strong believer in the ultimate utility of telepathic counselors obeyed quickly nevertheless. "Can you elaborate ensign?"

"There's a new impression nearby. It seems familiar and it's very different from the fuzziness I mentioned earlier. This is almost like a fire that's been cordoned off from everything else. a wild animal held at bay."

"Sir," interrupted one of the security guards holding his tricorder out for the CO to see. "There's movement nearby, and it's definitely humanoid."

"Alright," began Zane alerting the team, "stand ready." The tricorder showed the new visitor approaching further down the corridor at a junction with three other corridors.

The corridor the team was in was long and narrow. Like in the other parts of the station, the illumination system was barely able to activate thus giving the corridor an eerie, dim feeling. It didn't help matters that the material used to construct the city interfered severely with communications and tricorder scans.

To top it off, whatever was approaching the team was definitely headed to intercept them.

Zane could feel the perspiration forming on his forehead. *So much for a little bit of relaxing* he thought as he could feel the excitement coupled with that familiar feeling of controlled fear build.

He felt a tug on his arm and turned to see the counselor standing next to him. "Counselor?"

"I finally recognized the feeling, sir. It has to be Jerran. I recognize his closed mind."

Still a little apprehensive, Zane nodded to show that he understood the counselor's abilities, but to lower their guard now would be foolhardy.

A few seconds passed and then a few more before at the junction down the corridor the team saw movement. Loren appeared at ease whereas the rest of the team were definitely on edge.

Not until the figure came closer did everyone recognize the familiar form of Lt. Jerran.

"Captain Zane, Ens. Landers. The last communique stated that your team was on the surface."

"We discovered a system of caves on the island and after losing contact with the ships found a energy source emanating from the caves. We went to do a little exploring in the hopes of finding out what exactly was going on."

Jerran nodded his head in agreement with what the CO had just said. "We are not sure what causing the interference with ship's systems either. I took an aquatic shuttle down to attempt to do the same as you. Unfortunately, I have nothing further to report about this underground city either."

Yeoman McDougal stood nearby listening absently to the exchange between the three senior officers. The entire installation or city as they called it made him feel uneasy. His first tour of duty on the FEYNMAN was turning out to be more than he had originally wanted. Still, his senses were alert as he stood several meters behind the team facing the corridor they had just come down. Being a rearguard didn't help matters much. He still could visually see the team, but being this far behind didn't sit well with him. McDougal's uneasiness cost him...dearly.

The mechanical clanking of the sentry's legs were subdued enough to be beyond the hearing threshold for the green security guard. Fortunately for him, his death was near instantaneous.

The 8 foot tall robotic sentry turned the corner and came face to face with McDougal who had already been detected by its sensors. The guard was fast and managed to squeeze off a sharp piercing cry and a short phaser blast before the sentry's gun arm came up. At such short range McDougal was vaporized into atoms.

Increasing it's pace, the sentry set out to overtake the group of intruders it single optic sensor saw further up the corridor. Already, it could sense the invading program from the outside source attempting to override its programming. The intruding program would not finish rewriting it's subroutines before it completed what it had been originally programmed to do.

Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Thigpen

[NRPG: This is just something to keep us going. Sorry about the poor quality guys, but I've been swamped with RL lately and the stress has been killing my creativity.]

  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • Ens. Loren Landers *
  • *
  • Commander Kweee Hwichk *
  • *
  • Lt. Conrad Robicheaux (Ro'bo'sho)*
  • SFDIPTF Cultural Attache *
  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

USS FEYNMAN: Incoming!

by Andrew Catterick 4-4-1997

SD: 90404.0700
MD: 6.1000
Scene: Just inside underground city

"Well Mr. Jerran I must say I'm happy to have you join us. Where is the shuttle bay from here?"

Jerran pointed off to the north. "Just behind those structures there. The thing is huge. You could probably park a corvette or two comfortably."

"Any ships left behind?"

"A few small ones. From the looks of things I would say they were intentionally damaged before everyone left." He looked around thoughtfully. "You know, this architecture, could be a Romulun off-shoot perhaps even Vulcan."

Zane smiled. "Thats not the half of it. Let me show you something. Mr. Landers, I think we should setup a command post of sorts before we go any deeper."

"Aye sir." Loren replied as he began to set about getting everyone into action.

Zane and Jerran walked out into the Great Hall, as everyone had begun to call it, the captain stopped and motioned the pilot to turn and look up. "What do you think?"

"Well this definitly explains the architecture>"

Zane nodded. "Vulcan."

Jerran shook his head slowly. "Vulcanoid yes. Vulcan? Not necessarily. Its impossible to be sure from the face of a bronze statue. These people, if they were in fact Vulcanoid and not just merely worshipping them could be one of a three or four different offshoots. We'd really need to do more investigation."

"Captain!" A voice called out from the direction of the base camp. Its tone had Zane and Jerran instantly draw their weapons and charge back towards the others.

The sentry had waited calmly, hidden in a nearby building for others to come. Once the critical number had arrived they had each targetted an intruder and moved in.


I don't know why but I get the picture of a Dr. Who episode with the Dalaeks closing in droning on 'exterminate! exterminate!

-Captain Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence, BLUE FLEET
-Commodore Robert Steele, Commanding, TASK FORCE ZINDERNEUF


by Melanie Pocknall 4-6-1997

SD: 90406.0454
MD: 6.1245
SCENE: Computer centre, Husnock base

While Koreth was busy trying to work out which of his people were in danger on the planet, Meleah and her team had been examining all they could figuratively get their hands on in order to understand how the centre worked. She had been in contact with Maril and Koreth, who were apparently having similar experiences with the base actually talking to them. The more information that her team found, the more convinced that the base would be good to use as a base of operations. However, the question now was, would the base let them?

Since none of the crew except the senior officers knew about that objective, and they really weren't supposed to know much anyway, she couldn't discuss it with anyone until she got back to the ship. But she was taking careful note of what the base could do.

The sensors apparently automatically search for any ships in the surrounding area, presumably because they were waiting for their masters to return to the base. The computers also controlled the tractor beams which were connected to the docking bays, the shields, and communications. Overall, the computers did a lot of the work normally done by Starfleet staff. And since it knew the area better than anyone currently in the vicinity, that would be an asset for the Fleet.

The away team was actually finding the base quite easy to get along with. In a way, it was like dealing with androids, except it was easier to believe that androids were sentient because they looked that way. With the base, it was harder to believe. The computers were giving them some instructions (but not all) as to how they run the base, and the officers were continually amazed at the speed of the computers and it's vast knowledge banks.

Suddenly, the base said, [Something is approaching.] On the viewscreen, it magnified a square of space until a small ship could be seen. It magnified it even further.

"Xanthandi," Meleah recognized. "How far is it away from the planet?"

[2 light years. There are six of them. They are on a heading towards your ships.]

Meleah's fingers flew over the panel and discovered the computer was indeed correct. The Xanthandi ships were on a heading for the FEYNMAN and the other ship, the HARBRINGER, the computer had identified it as. "By my calculations, they will be within sensor range in three minutes, and within firing range in five."

[Are they friends of yours?] the computer asked.

"No, they are not," Meleah replied. "Lt. Meleah to the FEYNMAN."

MD: approx 6.1255
USS FEYNMAN, bridge (nrpg: I'm assuming J.C. is on the FEYNMAN)

Krysa sat up in the command chair. "Jenn here."

[Cmdr, the base's sensors are picking up six Xanthandi ships within two light years of your position.]

"How come we didn't pick this up," Krysa said, asking the bridge officers.

"They're just coming into range now," said Allard at tactical. "Six Xanthandi ships, same class as the HARBRINGER."

"Thanks, Meleah. How well protected is the base?"

[Unknown. I assume we shall soon find out. Meleah out.]

"I believe we shall. Mr. Allard, shield status?"

"Now at 95%."

"Why only 95%?" Krysa questioned.

Allard looked down at his panel. "It appears much of the energy is being used by the Delphi, therefore taking a little power away from the shields."

"Boost shields to maximum, and ready phaser and photon torpedoes."

"Aye, sir."

Meanwhile, M1C Lianna West looked on from her science station. She hadn't been on the bridge before when there was a battle, and she wasn't particularly looking forward to it now.

On the Husnock base.....

"Has anyone found the weapons control?" Meleah asked her team.

There was a small bit of silence as the team shook their heads. Apparently, the base was still holding out on that. And if they wanted to help the FEYNMAN, there was only one thing to do. Ask it.


Okay, the threat that Kevin vaguely mentioned is arriving. Mike, I think you're on the FEYNMAN with Kristen but I'm not sure. Will the base join in the fight?

Sincerely yours,
Lt Meleah, CSciO, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet


USS FEYNMAN: Friends and Enemies

by Andrew Catterick 4-9-1997

SD: 90409.0900
MD: 6.1015
Scene: Underground City

"Ok everyone we're heading over to the shuttlebay and back to the ship." Zane tried not to laugh at the faces of the science team who had all taken on the 'gee, can't we stay a little longer' look as a group. "Security will form a perimeter and we'll move as quickly as possible. Leave everything behind that isn't easy to carry. Mr. Jerran if you could show us the way. Ok people lets move."

As the small group began to head towards the shuttle Ensign Landers moved to the rear to watch for any stragglers from the science team and Zane fell into step with Jerran. "Its going to be a tight fit in the shuttle" The pilot said, looking around at the assembled numbers.

"Good thing we're all friendly" Zane answered before becoming more serious. "With communications down we'll have to have a a few shuttles drop down to the surface to retrieve the rest of the team."

"I'll see to it as soon as we get back." Jerran answered, his eyes slowly wandering in search of any stray sentries.

MD: 6.1045
Scene: Shuttle

"...well so much for retrieving the away team." Zane said in exasperation as Krysa finished telling him about the incoming craft. There would only be a few moments before they arrived, certainly not enough time to journey down to the planet and back. The away team would have to fend for themselves. He wished he had a way to warn them. "Alright commander I'll be aboard in a few minutes, I'm going to drop Jerran off at the HARBRINGER first. Zane out."

Zane looked over to Jerran. "I know the transporters are dicey but if we get close enough and use the HARBRINGER's transporter's as well...."

Jerran laughed. "I look forward to it."

MD: 6.1050
Scene: Bridge, USS FEYNMAN

As the turbolift doors swooshed open Krysa rose from the center seat and moved to the OPS station as Zane asked for a status report.

"The Xanthandi ships have just entered the HARBRINGER's firing range. Jerran has started a standard DELTA-IV maneuver and I complimenting with a ECHO-SIERRA. We should have them corner in a few seconds."

"Excellent." Zane replied trying not to get overconfident even though the Xanthandi had yet to show any real battle acumen.

"Captain, I'm getting a communication from the moon base. Its Commander Koreth." Lt(jg) Allard announced from his tactical station.

Zane raised an eyebrow, wondering how Koreth and managed to bypass the communications problems. "Put him through."

[Captain, I've got someone here that would like to speak with you.]

Zane felt his curiousity picque but he did have other priorities. "Commander I'm a little busy right now."

"Enemy craft are now in firing range." Allard announced, the adrenalin clear in his voice.

"Helm come left to 235 mark 7. Commence firing." Zane ordered.

[I know captain. The Husnock computer has your tactical situation on the screen down here.]

The ship shook as the first of the Xanthandi weappons made contact with FEYNMAN's hull.

"Sheilds down to 93%. HARBRINGER has destroyed one craft." Allard reported.

"Come to new course, 328 mark 45. Lets catch up to Lt. Jerran Mr. Allard. The Husnock computer Commander?" Zane prodded his eyes scanning the tactical display on his armrest console.

[Yes sir, it has chosen to reveal itself captain. Its currently working on the subspace distortions and has already transported the away team from the planet here to the base. It wants to help sir.]

"Firing torpedos!" Allard interjected.

"Understood. Please pass on my appreciation commander and as soon as we've taken care of the current situation I'll be down to meet our new....'friend' FEYNMAN out."


Just tying up a few things....I'll let someone else finish the battle off.

BTW, meant to mention it before: I got the aquatic shuttle idea from Jason.

RT update: D'Maris Coffman who I'm sure you all know as CSFO has been near unamiously elected as CINSF...which I think is great except for the fact that she is no longer CSFO:) We are now working on who will be the new CSFO. After that? Who knows.


-Captain Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence, BLUE FLEET
-Commodore Robert Steele, Commanding, TASK FORCE ZINDERNEUF

USS FEYNMAN: Getting Back Into the Thick of Things

by Kevin Thigpen 4-11-1997

Stardate: 90410.1831
Scene: Aquatic shuttle
MD: 6.1040

The shuttle ride up had been a tight fit, but fortunately it was manageable. After considering staying in the underground city with those roving sentries, the decision to crowd in Jerran's shuttle was easily made.

Still, Loren was left with the odd feelings he had sensed within the city. There was really no way to put into words the sensation he had in the underground metropolis. These thoughts and others kept coming back to him as the shuttle rose through the waters of the planet and streaked into the dark space above.

Moments later, the shuttle pulled up alongside the FEYNMAN. Without seconds Jerran established a short range comm linkup with the FEYNMAN to notify them of the imminent beam over of the Captain and other crewmembers.

"Jerran to FEYNMAN, come in."

The voice of Krysa came back over the comm unit through the crackle of the normal interstellar radiation. ["This is the FEYNMAN. It's good to hear from you Lt. Jerran."]

"Thanks Cmdr. I'm beaming over the Captain and several other crewmembers now. Please stand ready to receive."

"Understood Lt., but there is a situation you should..."

Jerran had already transferred the necessary power from the shuttle's small sublight engines to the transporter array and initiated the beam out process. The Captain and survey team had already begun to dematerialize from the cabin even as Lt.Cmdr. Krysa finished her statement.

"...know about."

"Apologies Cmdr., but the CO should already be over there."

There was a pause as Krysa checked with the FEYNMAN's transporter room..."Acknowledged Lt. As I was saying, we've got six Xanthandi ships headed our way. We're in for a mean fight. I suggest you get back to the AVENGER."

"Aye, sir. The counselor and I are returning to the AVENGER. Coordinate your attack patterns with me. Jerran out."

Jerran then deftly turned the nose of the shuttle toward the AVENGER.

Scene: AVENGER shuttle bay
MD: 6.1045

The darkened and blurred designation numbers and letters still remained on her saucer section against the Xanthandi's best attempts to remove them.

Jerran docked the shuttle effortlessly and before the rear door was down bolted out heading for the turbolift and the bridge.

"Counselor, I would suggest you get down to sickbay. I believe the medical staff down there could use an extra hand."

"Aye, sir," replied Loren.

Jerran headed down the corridor as Loren turned to head in the opposite direction.

Scene: AVENGER sickbay
MD: 6.1050

Sickbay was in shambles. The place was staffed by two junior officers. One was a technician and the other was a registered nurse. The position of the full doctor was being filled by the EMH program.

"Please state the nature of the medical emergency." The calm toneless words emanating from the Asian/American looking Terran form reminded Loren that he wasn't at all real. Ignoring the EMH program Loren turned his attentions to the junior officers.

The two officers snapped to attention upon seeing the young blond ensign sidle into the room.

In his best imitation of Captain Zane, Loren began "Firstly why are there only two of you?"

The auburn haired nurse spoke up first. "Sir more medical teams were due here but the loss of communications put the transfers on hold. We were the first to get over here."

"That's fine. I'm not in command down here or anything. I'm only here to help." Gesturing towards the nurse, "Any suggestions on how we can prepare for an upcoming battle."

She paused for moment in thought, "We'll need a mobile med team to attend to injuries that can't get to sickbay."

"Okay..." began Loren.

"Sir, I would be best qualified for that position. With the yeoman's help I think we can handle most any situation that arises."

"Alright then. You and the yeoman make the housecalls and I'll stay here with the EMH doctor. Anything else?"

Both the nurse and yeoman remained quiet. Unintentionly in his best imitiation of Captain Zane, Loren then stated, "Okay let's move people."

The nurse had more confidence than Loren had seen in most of the other junior officers he had ever encountered. Nevertheless, he said nothing about this as everyone set about gathering together the necessary first aid equipment.

The two junior officers and counselor jumped right into the job. Loren even managed to coerce the EMH doctor into prepping sickbay to receive any major injuries. No one mentioned the more likely reason to prep sickbay...casualities.

Just as Loren was loading a hypospray with dermal regenerator, the entire bay shook from an explosion. *Must be pretty bad up there* thought Loren as the ship shook once again from a direct hit.

Quickly moving over to a nearby console, Loren activated the comm feed to the bridge so that he could hear exactly what has happening.

["Initiate a DELTA-IV manuever on my mark!...] Jerran's steady voice could be heard over the din of alarms and popping of damaged consoles.

Another voice then quickly cut in on the sickbay's comm system.

["Crewman Tosilisk to sickbay! We have men down on deck 4. Request medical assistance!"]

"A team is on the way Mr. Tosilisk." Loren motioned to the nurse and technician. The two grabbed a med-pack and headed through the doors at a sprint, leaving Loren with the EMH doctor in a, for the moment, empty sickbay.


So far the battle had been going for only a few long exactly Loren wasn't sure. His hands were full. The ship shook again and lights flickered in the bay. Slowly they came back up to full power. *Four times* Loren thought as he attempted to tabulate how many hits a MIRANDA class cruiser could take before...

<"Hold that there. I will be right back."> The holographic doctor moved lithely amongst the three bodies that lay in sickbay. So far they had received two severe plasma burns and a concussion complicated with severe lacerations from shrapnel.

The last patient was not a pretty sight. Cuts and pieces of metal still lined her face. Fortunately the EMH doctor had the bedside manner to put the poor woman under heavy sedation. She seemed to be resting at the moment.

Ens. Loren Landers was attending to one of the two plasma burns. Already the two member med team had reported several injuries they could not yet get to. Like them Loren knew that he and the EMH doctor were soon to be overextended as well and then there would those who would die.

Loren shook his head to rid himself of these thoughts of death. *Stay focused* he reminded himself.

<"Here take this and move it slowly over the more serious looking burns."> the EMH doctor ordered Loren returning from the other plasma burn victim.

Loren peeked over his shoulder to see the plasteen sheet covering the poor crewman.

And this time he took no notice as the AVENGER rocked from another near hit.

Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Thigpen
Ens. Loren Landers

USS FEYNMAN: Brief Thoughts

by Kristen Gant 4-14-1997

Stardate: 90410.2025
Scene: Bridge
MD: 6.1130

Krysa was glad to be able to sit back and relax as they moved back toward the Husock base to check in with the away team still on the planet. There were some parts of the job she was not fond of, and the heat of battle was one of them. She could see the exhilaration in the eyes of other members of the bridge crew, but she somehow never felt that. On rare occasions she could feel the dying emotions of those defeated by the FEYNMAN. Though it was becoming rarer the more she learned to block the sudden bursts of emotion.

This time she was lucky. The Xanthandi did not appear to be very telepathic and so it had been fairly easy to block. Though the loss of life, even a life that was trying to kill you and your friends, wasn't easy to take.

Grief and grief counseling was something that was taken very seriously by all trained psychologists as that more then anything could be responsible for severe mental fatigue and depression. And while Krysa was no longer a practicing psychologist, training was something that was impossible not to take into consideration.

As Krysa began to remodulate her sensors to watch for more signs of hostile attacks she felt someone come up behind her.

"How's our guest doing?" The captain's voice sounded quietly behind her.

Krysa grinned, "She's not happy. And she's still demanding to see you." She turned and looked up at the Captain. "Though I told her there was nothing she had to hold over you any longer."

He nodded with a smile and a chuckle, and then turned back to take his seat. "How long before we are back in transporter range of the base?"

Krysa looked at her console. "About 15 minutes, sir, at our current speed."


Lt.Cmdr. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Well all here is my pathetic attempt to get back into play on the FEYNMAN. Now that we have the cooperation of the base, I'm not sure what's left to do, so I didn't do anything. Sorry.

Thanks to all of you who sent such nice sympathy messages. We are doing as well as can be expected, I guess. Taking it much better this time .. probably because this isn't the first time and because I finally feel I have a little bit of control in finding out what the problem is. Not that we will, of course. The medical community loves to quote, 'sometimes these things just happen'. I've heard that so much I could scream!

At anyrate, I'm all for getting this base ready so Silver can move in. That is the purpose right :}



by Kevin Thigpen 4-15-1997

Stardate: 90415.2300
Scene: USS FEYNMAN CNS's office
MD: 6.1145

"Hi Amber," Loren greeted his ACNS in a hurried voice. Amber noted the tinge of fatigue present as well.

Upon beaming over the FEYNMAN, Loren found there were a few minutes before the senior staff was to meet. As any dutiful counselor who had been on extended leave from his office he went to get brought up to date on happenings on board the FEYNMAN.

"Well, not much to report here sir." Amber's use of rank always irked Loren a bit. As counselor, rank was something he didn't use often with those he worked with closely. Furthermore, it always put a bit of distance between him and others which served to make his job harder at times.

Of course Amber was aware of this and used 'sir' more as a joke than for formal address with her boss Loren.

"Chief Warren wants to make an appointment again," continued Amber.

"Again? I just spoke to her before leaving on the mission. Is this about leaving Jayce behind again?"

"I really don't know Loren. I would suspect as much. You know she loves her little boy. Being away from him is pretty hard on her, seeing that's the only family she has."

Smiling, "I know Amber. Put her down for the afternoon day after tomorrow. I've got a feeling we could be pretty busy come the next few days."

Amber continued, "Also, Crewman Dnate is still having troubling with his dreams."

"I thought we solved that problem with some R&R on the holodeck."

Amber replied shaking her head, "Apparently not Loren. He's been coming by just about every other day now asking to see you. Claims the holodeck helped him for a few days but then the insomnia kicked in again. Dr. Glin'kharr said there was no medical reason for it and sent Dnate back our way."

It took Amber a few moments to realize her mentioning of the late Glin'kharr stirred feelings best left undisturbed in Loren. She knew very little of the late doctor, this being her first tour of duty aboard the FEYNMAN.

Funny, the same thing applied to Loren, yet he felt more loss than she. Thinking about his own feelings Loren's mind wandered to those of the rest of the senior staff.

"I'm...uhmm..sorry Loren.." began Amber. From the look on the CNS's face she could tell a damaged chord had been struck at the mention of Glin'kharr's name.

"No.." shaking his head to throw off the feelings, "continue Amber. I'd like to be brought up to speed before the meeting."

"Okay, Loren. Also, Habbakah..." Amber went on and on about the crewmembers who for some reason or other felt they needed the services of the ship's counselor.

Loren focused on Amber's report, mentally logging away the names mentioned and scheduling appointments when possible, but his mind kept wandering back to those who were feeling the most pain at the moment...the senior staff.

Speaking with Zane had confirmed that the loss of Glin'kharr was real and painful. All of his psychological training had suggested time...time to forget and time to heal. But then again, Loren was never the type to trust that training. The way he saw it, a friend wouldn't...couldn't sit still waiting while another hurt.

"Amber," interrupted Loren as his ACNS continued down her to do list for him, "could you do me a favor?"

Amber stopped with a somewhat quizzical look on her face. Her tour with this counselor may have been short, but already she had come to expect the unexpected from the man before her. "What exactly do you have in mind?"

"I want you to do some research on how Kar'llians celebrate."


"No. Not specifically funeral rites or anything like that. I'm mainly interested in how they throw parties for their loved ones. Do they celebrate birthdays? Now if you can find info on funeral rites, that would be good too. But I'd like to know if they have celebrations, what do they do?"

Amber leaned back. "I see. For Glin'kharr's death?"

"Something like that Amber. I prefer to remember people as they were."

"Celebrations huh..." stated Amber reiterating her boss's request.

"You got it," replied Loren.

"I'll do what I can and you better get to that meeting Loren," reminded Amber.

"On my way. And thanks Amber," added Loren heading for the door.

Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Thigpen
Ens. Loren Landers

[NRPG: Felt like Loren had a little catching up to do once back onboard. Yea, I know its a fluff post but I have yet to reach my fluff post maximum for this month (have I?<G>). ]

USS FEYNMAN: Partnership

by Andrew Catterick 4-16-1997

SD: 90415.1200
MD: 6.1200
Scene: Observation Lounge

"Commander Koreth you've probably had the most dialogue with the Husnock computer. Are you in contact with it now?"

[Actually sir the computer is, in a manner of speaking, the base, in much the same way the FEYNMAN computer is continually present.]

"So it is likely the computer has been monitoring this entire conversation." Allard surmised, always watchful for any form of security breach, no matter how small.

[I would be surprised if it wasn't.] Koreth replied.

"Is that true computer?" Zane asked.

[Yes captain, I have been monitoring your meeting. But I am capable of 'ignoring' the conversation if I am so requested. Shall I?]

"No. As I'm sure you are aware this is of great concern to you and we welcome your input and views."

[Thank you captain.] A spark of light appeared two feet over the conference table and split into several streams each flowing into one of the empty chairs. The Husnock computer had transported the remaining senior staff back to the FEYNMAN and now a new individual had joined them.

"I hope you don't mind captain but I felt a holographic projection of myself might be more comfortable for all concerned"

"Not at all. Welcome to the FEYNMAN."

"Excuse me for asking." Meleah began as she turned to face the hologram. "Are you sentient?"

The computer smiled. "That is a question I have often asked myself. I was not designed to be but I was designed to learn and grow. I have surmised that I may one day attain sentience and indeed may have already done so. But it is a hard thing to establish. Various cultures have many definitions. In some I would be considered so in others I would merely be a machine with a sophisticated mimicry subroutine. Are you sentient lieutenant?"

"I am."

"Based on what?"

"Among other things, legal rulings."

"I see. Fascinating." The hologram turned back to face Zane. "My apologies captain. It has been sometime before I have had any sort of interaction. I find it intoxicating."

"I understand." Zane smiled his curiosity about just what it was that was sitting there was slowly getting the better of him. "Now that you have been 'awakened' and the mystery of the Husnock has been explained what do you plan to do?"

"I have two main functions serving my creators and exploration. In regards to the latter I have been programmed with certain drives that make exploration almost a necessity."

"And yet you have spent the last fifty years nearly deactivated, not even continuing the exploration of the planet below." Maril voiced.

"That is true. However the disappearance of the masters was unprecedented and inexplicable. I decided not to proceed until evidence presented itself. There was a danger that further action would limit the chances of their return."

"Or through inaction." Allard added.

The hologram nodded in acknowledgment.

"We are explorer's ourselves and perhaps we could form a partnership of sorts."

"From what I understand from monitoring your personnel on the base it would seem that you are in need of more of just a simple partnership or have I misread the situation?"

"No, our base, Starbase EPSILON, is in orbit of the planet Cait. Political winds on the planet have made our stay on the base for much longer unlikely."

"And you have been sent out to find a rumoured Husnock base to establish as a new base for your fleet."

Zane nodded. "We are one of several units in search of a suitable new home. Yes, we were sent," He waved vaguely at the assembled group, "specifically to find this base and obviously it would have been simpler if it was not inhabited by a sentient or near sentient being. So if we are to utilize the base it will of course be with your permission. However, even with your acceptance of the idea it is still only a possibility. Final approval rests with the admiralty. It is entirely likely a more advantagous location may be found. The inside of the sack, so close to the Xanthandi fleet, is not the best of places."

"Your offer is certainly intriguing. I would welcome the chance to interact with others again. It would give me a purpose. But while it is my impression is that your Federation is a worthy organization I would need to know more before I could give my final decision." The hologram reached out and placed a hand on one of the computer consoles. "May I?"

"Of course."

Instantly all the computer terminals in the Observation Lounge came to life, information flickering across the screens at an unbelievable speed.

[Bridge to Captain Zane!]

"Zane here, go ahead."

[Captain our computer banks have been comprised. Something is scanning us. I've raised shields but it hasn't helped. We're unable to locate the source.]

"Its alright ensign, everything is under control."

[Aye sir.] The young bridge officer didn't sound convinced.

By now the hologram had completed its scan. "I would welcome your presence."

"That simple."

"Yes captain. It is evident from your records that we have similar goals. It is logical that we pursue these goals together."

"Excellent! Its now up to the admiral. But even if another location is chosen as SILVER's new base I'm sure a partnership can still be formed."

"I would look forward to it."

MD: 7.0300
Scene: Ready-Room

"Captain's Log, supplemental.

With another mission complete FEYNMAN is on course to the edge of the 'sack' and home. The missions, both official and unofficial, have been a complete success. Two suitable locations have been found for a possible base for SILVER. The planet, which I have heard some of the science staff calling Atlantis in reference to its underwater city, has the room and the facilities but with only a cursory exploration it is hard to tell just how suitable it might be. Obviously before any decision could be made a more thorough exploration would have to be conducted and of course the city's computer and security grid would have to be deactivated. Either way the archeologists and exo-anthropologists will be salivating at the possibilities of getting their hands on it. It will be interesting to see just where these Vulcanoids came from and where they went.

The Husnock base, on the other hand, offers numerous possibilities. It is big enough to house all of SILVER with room left over, it is able to move under its own power, it has a large spacedock, extensive research facilities, a formidable defensive capability and of course a sophisticated computer. It is the computer that I am sure will be the deciding factor, either positive or negative. While the computer would be of tremendous help on a variety of levels I do have the uncomfortable feeling that it feels somewhat superior to us despite its stated programming desire to serve. Perhaps a Husnock trait.

As for our unofficial mission the Xanthandi have been shown just what one Federation destroyer can do. Hopefully the bloody nose will make them think twice before they engage in any serious hostilities. I hope our three sister ships have faired as well. If not, I fear there may not be a SILVER Fleet to return to. Especially if we are evicted.

End log."


Wow! 8 posts in three days! Sounds like FEYNMAN is back!

And so ends another one...

I've left room if any of you have anything to finish up. We'll be back at EPSILON on or about MD: 10.0800.9

Mike Dawe: Well, two possibilities to choose from.

NRPG to follow.

-Captain Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence, BLUE FLEET
-Commodore Robert Steele, Commanding, TASK FORCE ZINDERNEUF

USS FEYNMAN: Eat now ... Talk Later

by Kristen Gant 4-17-1997

Stardate: 90417.1145
Scene: Corridor of USS FEYNMAN
MD: 7:1725

Krysa was moving quickly down the corridor with only one destination in mind and was certainly not listening for anyone to call her when she heard her name echoing behind her, "Krysa!!"

She turned to see the FEYNMAN's counselor hurrying after her, "Wait!" he called.

She stopped and waited, only half-heartedly, her mind still on where she wanted to be. "Where are you going so fast. I must have called you three times and you didn't listen."

She grinned sheepishly. "I'm sorry, Counselor, I was heading to 10-forward. Bat just called, to let me know that his Jambalaya is nearly ready. I'd hate to miss that."

Loren nodded, "Oh really."

Krysa chuckled, "Definitely, so if you wanna talk, you gotta keep moving." She turned and continued on her trek.

Loren grinned and moved to keep pace with her. "I take it your a big fan of Bat's Jambalaya?"

Krysa nodded, "That I am. Not to mention I'm starving."

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about what happened on the ship while I was on the away team. With Dr. Glin'kharr and that woman .. Dee."

Krysa halted, "You know how to ruin an appetite, Ensign."

"I'm sorry, but I really need to know what's going on. I know it's got both you and the Captain on edge." Loren remarked.

"Not on edge, really. We've just had run ins with her before, and they weren't pleasant. I hold her responsible for the death of my husband." Krysa said. "And she tried to take over my mind. I thought I was going crazy for a while. The list of her offenses is long. Dr. Glin'kharr's death is just another in a long line, I'm afraid."

"But it effects this ship particularly."

Krysa began moving again, though at a slower pace, "I know."

Loren waited as Krysa remained silent. He could feel the turmoil in her emotions and thought it best to let them settle a bit before digging any deeper.

Just as they reached 10-forward she stopped, "I think you're right. We do need to tell you what happened. But I do think it needs to wait until after the Jambalaya. I'll talk better on a full stomach."

Loren smiled understandingly, "Okay." Krysa turned to enter 10-forward and Loren caught her arm. "By the way, what *is* Jambalya?"

Krysa laughed, "It's wonderful! You'll love it .." She paused, a light frown resting on her lips, "I just hope Bat didn't use too much chili powder .."

Lt. Cmdr. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: I love fluff posts :} So anyone who wants to join us for some chow in 10-Forward feel free. Kevin, I hope you don't mind me dragging Loren around :}


USS FEYNMAN: News From Home

by Andrew Catterick 4-17-1997

SD: 90417.1000
MD: 7.1730
Scene: 10-Forward

"Well you look like your having a good day." Bat said as Zane dropped into a chair joining Krysa and Loren.

The captain tilted his head toward the table and rubbed the back of his neck under his right ear. "No, not really, just got hit with a lot."

Bat raised a finger. "Hold that thought." With that he almost ran off to the bar. In less than a minute he was back with food and drink for Zane and himself. The captain looked down at the bowties. "What makes you think I want this?"

Bat shrugged as he dove into to his own pasta. "Today’s special. Enjoy!" He leaned forward. "Now you were saying."

"C’mon captain" Krysa chided Zane playful. "Can’t keep good gossip from Bat."

Zane looked over at Krysa’s dish and involuntarily shuddered. He’d had bad experiences with Jambalya. "Well its not so much gossip as news. We just received a standard update from Fleet and as Onta said when I filled him in ‘It is like tidinds from a collector."

Bat rolled his eyes and Krysa and Jenn and Landers chuckled. "You know I think he makes these metaphors up sometimes. He knows I can’t seem to get my mind around them."

"Anyways, you we’re saying." Bat prodded.

Zane took a sip of his Auxerois before beginning. "Major shakeup back home. To begin with we got the boot. Caitan ambassador dropped by to deliver the eviction notice personally. That’s a conversation I would have liked to have heard."

"How soon?" Landers asked.

"Soon." Zane answered as he pulled apart a roll and began to butter it.

"Well at least we can give the admiral a couple of options for a new home."

"True." Zane didn’t sound to cheerful about the idea and Loren pointed it out. "I don’t know. There is something about that computer. I just can’t put my finger on it."

"Well it tried its best to emulate us but it is still a Husnock creation. Perhaps its as simple as that."

"Perhaps. But its up to the admiral to decide. I can’t even begin to picture a whole base full of people and equipment moving. I don’t envy the admiral that task at all. Right now I’m glad we’re only a small destroyer. We might get convoy duty but at least we won’t have to deal with an influx of material."

Bat smiled wickedly. "I’ll bet the QM will being having a great time."

Krysa laughed. "Poor Jerran might get away with his shuttle problems this time."

"Or feel Commander Branno’s wrath in full." Zane added.

"Let’s get back on track. There’s got to me more going on than our eviction. Besides we new that was coming."

"SILVER is splitting up into two taskforces." That caught their attention. "They’ve been throwing around the idea for a year or so now and its finally going to happen. ZINDERNEUF is obviously going to be the secondary base, and the new Task Force CO is now on EPSILON." He looked over to Bat. "your going to love this one."

"Who is it?" Bat asked with a mixture of anticipation and dread.

"One Commodore Robert Steele." Zane answered as he finished the last of his wine and motioned for one of the servers to bring him another.

"Bob Steele! How the hell did that pompous, self-important, egotistical…." He searched for the proper word. "….blowhard get tapped for that."

"C’mon Bat you know he is an outstanding officer. Just because you don’t like each other…"

"Who’s Commodore Steele?" Loren asked.

"He is, was I guess, a captain in the deepspace exploration fleet and had been out well beyond the edge of explored space for several years. Six or seven years ago there was a group at HQ who lobbied to have a long-range exploration fleet based around Starfleet’s early days when the CONSTITUTION explorer’s use to be sent out on 5 year missions where they were pretty much on their own. Starfleet Command never authorized the creation of an entire fleet but they did detach a few heavy cruisers for the job. Bob Steele was lucky enough to get tapped for one. He’d always had a strong career but the success of his five year mission really gave him a boost. And," he continued, "when he first started out in security he was under Bat’s command on the REPULSE. They didn’t get a long very well."

"That’s an understatement." Bat replied darkly. "I don’t suppose you know which TF FEYNMAN will be assigned to."

Zane shook his head. "No, not yet."

"Well, with all the stuff that happens to this ship I can’t see the admiral ever letting it out of his sight."

"You never know." Zane answered thoughtfully.


Never one to pass up a fluff post or add in a little foreshadowing character stuff:)

Well, I downloaded Netscape 3 and am using its mailer. If you received this then I guess I configured everything properly. Is there anyway to cut n paste entire mailing lists into the address book? I was stuck with recreating the lists one address at a time:(


-Captain Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence, BLUE FLEET
-Commodore Robert Steele, Commanding, TASK FORCE ZINDERNEUF

USS FEYNMAN: What Up In Science...

by Melanie Pocknall 4-17-1997

SD: 90417.0435
MD: 9.0800
SCENE: Science Lab 7

Meleah and Nali sat at the table in the middle of the room, both with a PADD in hand. They were reviewing the mission in terms of the science department. Things had gone very well, and the computer experts were pleased to have had a firsthand look at the Husnock computers. All members of the away team had aquitted themselves well, and many new things had been learnt.

There were going to be several promotions at the end of the mission, provided Zane and Maril approved. These promotions would be mostly among those with the rank of CPO, however there were a few hugher-ranked enlisted officers who would be promoted due to their good work on the mission.

"We'll be losing Midshipman Bergmann when we reach Epsilon," Nali commented, "And picking up two new cadets. I recommend we assign one cadet to each department."

"Agreed. And we will be losing Ens' Hillary and Kirkwood also. Recommendations for promotion to their positions?"

"Chief Manning has performed well in the Social Sciences. I believe she will be capable of handling that department."

Meleah made a note on her pad. "And for Biological Science 2?"

"Warrant Officer Merrick is the current XO of BS1. I believe he could handle the CO position, and Jazz will keep an eye on him anyway. He'd need to be promoted though, before he could hold the position."

"Agreed. His work has been outstanding. I will recommend he be promoted," Meleah stated, pressing more buttons on the PADD. "We will need replacement officers for them."

"Already in the works." Nali was unusually good in keeping up with personnel appointments. "We're also getting a trial department - Mathematics and Logic. We'll take aboard one officer and six crew for that department at Epsilon."

"I have heard about that department. They may come in useful."

After a few more minutes discussion, Nali asked, "So what are you going to do when we reach Epsilon?"

Meleah gave the question some consideration. "I will greet Cadence. Then I do not know what I will do." She paused. "And you?"

"Go shopping," Nali said with a smile.

"Tell me, why do humans enjoy shopping?"

"Because it's fun! You go around lots of shops, try on clothes but don't necessarily buy them, and have a great time!"

"Ah," Meleah replied. "I wonder whether Commander Jenn will be doing so when we reach the base?" At Nali's raised eyebrow, Meleah continued, "Krysa and I went shopping just before Christmas. We somehow ended up at the Wall, where several other senior officers were in attendance, and there was a fight in progress."

"Sounds like fun!" Nali had heard the rumours about what happened at 'The Wall' on the last shore leave, where the stories had the Captain being arrested and put in Epsilon's brig to several angry Klingons descending on the group, and the senior FEYNMAN officers fighting them off without any help from the other patrons. However, the person starting the rumours was known for his frequent visits to the 'Wall' when the FEYNMAN was docked.

"It was an interesting experience," Meleah said neutrally. "However, I believe Security will now know the Captain, and will not detain him again."

Nali stored that piece of information away but she wasn't a gossip, and anyway, the brawl was old news.

"Oh, I forgot to mention," Nali brought up, "Next mission will be my last with the FEYNMAN."


"I've been offered the position of Chief Science Officer on the USS LINCOLN but it won't be commissioned for some time yet, so I've been told that I'll be staying on the FEYNMAN for the next mission. So you'll need to find a new assistant."

"Do you have any recommendations from among the staff?"

"Probably Kentin. He's the most experienced officer, and I don't think Loth would be agreeable working so closely to you." In fact, the Tellarite's attitude towards Meleah had almost been downright rude, especially since she won the medal for scientific acheivement.

"I have noticed that he seems to be in a disagreeable mood."

"Mmm," was all Nali said about that. "Oh, we've had a request from Lianna as to what she'll do after the next mission. She wishes to come back here after graduation. Her work has been exemplarary."

"I will put in a request for her, then. Is that all?"

"I think so. There's a post-mission party in 10-f tonight, if you want to go."

"I will be there," Meleah said, as Nali got up to leave.


Well, it's that time again. What trouble can the crew get up to on Epsilon this time?? All we need to do is keep a few trouble-prone officers out of the 'Wall' and we should be fine <VVVBG>.

Exactly how many shuttles did the FEYNMAN lose on this mission?? <VVBG>

Sincerely yours,

Lt Meleah
Chief Science Officer, RDMMS
USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet


USS FEYNMAN: A Day In the Life

by Kevin Thigpen 4-18-1997

Stardate: 90418.1452
Scene: Ten-Forward
MD: 7.1730

*How had Maril once said it? The burning of Shandrisan?* Something like that was happening in Loren's mouth as he dutifully shoveled in another spoonful of the jambalaya.

The other officers seemed less disturbed by the amount of spices Bat had opted to use in his dish. Zane as usual, ate as if it were his first meal of the day, but retained that aura of regality reserved for Captains of starships somehow. Krysa also seemed less bothered by the mixture. Jerran who had just approached the bar actually requested more spices in the dish after polishing off his first. *Unbelievable* Loren contemplated as he drained his glass again.

"Hanging in there Ensign?" queried Bat.

"Uhmm..." began Loren between flashes of heat in his mouth, "yea. It's different," finished Loren blinking his eyes to prevent everyone from seeing the tears welling up behind his eyes from bursting forth. Back on Qo'nos spices like these were rarely used to cover up the taste of one's food. All in all the experience was...interesting.

After finishing up his plate, Loren listened attentively to the Captain continue about the EPSILON move as well as Bat's ravings about the new CO of the ZINDERNEUF task force being among many things an ass.

Finally Jerran mentioned something about getting back to the station. *A little R&R could do me some good as well* Loren thought.

"Well, Loren. What did you think of your first mission out of the Academy?" posed Krsya.

"Let's see. I gained valuable diplomatic experience with another culture, namely the nanites; got to impersonate a rogue trader; got shot at by Xanthandi and attack drones; and explored a heretofore unexplored underwater city which could be our fleet's next home. I think I'm going to apply for a security position. It might be much safer."

Loren's comments gained a round of laughs and even a slight smile from Jerran and his friend, Stark.

["Crewman Pierce to Ens. Landers."] Loren's comm badge interrupted the good natured humor being passed amongst the assembled senior staff.

Lightly tapping the pin Loren replied, "Landers here."

["Sir, we have a comm message here from a Delores Dannon on SB EPSILON for you."]

"Good. I'm on my way. Landers out."

"Problems Ensign?" asked Zane as Loren stood to go.

"Oh, no sir! I asked Ms. Dannon to keep an eye out for any problems with the temporary foster parents for the children of the FEYNMAN that we left behind. She's probably curious as to when we will be returning seeing as how the station is probably in a mess with the imminent move."

Loren then took his leave of his fellow crewmembers.

Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Thigpen
Ens. Loren Landers

[NRPG: So! Who's up for another round of pysche evaluations! Just kidding... Also, if there are any objections to having children on the FEYNMAN, please let me know. We don't have to go forward with the idea if you guys don't like it.]

USS FEYNMAN: Never Play Poker With A Telepath...

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 4-25-1997

SD: 90425.1100
MD: 7.2215
SCENE - Deck 5, Cabin 735 CSO's quarters
'Below Decks'

"I can't afford this," said MCPO Larocque as he tossed his pair of fours into the mound of cards and chips in the centre of the table. "I fold," he turned to SCPO Alex Tamarov. The security XO contemplated his hand, and the meagre few chips he had left,

"Too rich for my blood, guys." and likewise folded. That left J.C. facing the Counsellor, Loren Landers. The CSO eyed his cards, a full house of 10's and Jacks was a decent hand, actually one of the finest of the evening. The chip pile before him, however, had gradually disintegrated to almost nothingness, most of which ended in the commendable stack in front of Loren.

Seizing up a calculated number of chips, Loren put on the poker-face that had nearly washed out each player that night.

"I raise you 100, J.C." the smugness was not quite overflowing in his tone, since the Counsellor knew that was exactly the amount J.C. had remaining. His hand tenderly prodded the chips into the centre,

"Here's your 100, and I call," said J.C. "Let's see what you have".

J.C. completely held his confidence, it was not common to beat a high-full house. But this was not the case, as four queens stared back at him from Loren's hand, wiping away his game for the night. Loren eagerly scooped the pot towards him, glowing with pride.

"Thank you, one and all. It's been a most enjoyable game." Earlier in the evening when they had started playing, the FEYNMAN's notable barkeep, Bat Durensten had joined their party. After playing a few hands, the results of which he would rather not discuss, excused himself from the company of J.C., Loren, and the senior NCO's,

Mike Larocque rose from his chair, "Counsellor, I don't know when I've had SO MUCH fun," he rolled his eyes in mocking exaggeration.

"I do, I think the last time I did an inventory in the Armoury! said Alex Tamarov. Still glowing, Loren beamed,

"We should make this a habit, a sort of tradition after every mission." Alex and Mike looked at one another, and said in unison, "Transfer time", a chorus of laughter followed, and Mr. Laroque excused himself, as did the champion of the evening,

"Well, Loren. I'll certainly let you know the next time I want to loose a months' pay." mumbled J.C., with his best 'hurt-puppy' look.

"Anytime, my friend. Anytime." Loren neatly stacked the latinum strips and shoved them into his pocket.

"Say, Loren. I was thinking..."

"Uh-oh. I hate it when you do that.." taunted Loren. Alex coughed loudly to muffle his laughter, as J.C.'s playful punch landed on Loren's shoulder.

"ANYWAY," continued J.C. "I was thinking of venturing down to Cait tomorrow once we dock and the 'old man' cuts us loose." J.C. replaced the cards and chips into the oak storage box, and slid it into his deck drawer. "I've never been on-planet, and with the evacuation, EPSILON will be a hectic mess."

"We should probably shed these," Loren gestured to his uniform.

"I was thinking the same thing. Sound good to you?" asked J.C.

<K.T. - honest, we won't get into trouble... much. You game?>

Both security officers said their respective good-nights to Mr. Landers, and Alex cleared his throat,

"Well, J.C. so ends my tenure on the FEYNMAN." said Alex. "After tomorrow at least. I..." J.C. held up his hand to halt Alex from going any further.

"No, Alex. Don't." J.C. sat on the edge of his desk. "Let's go down to 10-F. Bat has some 'special' vintage stuff that's not replicated synthahol. Wait to say your good-bye's after we've killed a bottle." Alex got up,

"Sounds good to me." They left for Bat's domain, J.C. pondering to himself, *I'm not only loosing my second in command, but a good friend. He will come out of OCS and officer.* He suddenly dreaded the task of breaking-in a replacement.

Mike Dailey

******** * NRPG * ********

OH NO! No more Wall!!!! Can we bam it into a cargo deck or something?? BTW - J.C. HATES cats... this should be fun. ;)

Cheers! Mike D.

= Lt., j.g. J.C.M. Allard CSO USS FEYNMAN Alt.Starfleet.RPG =
+ Lt. [Dr.] D'doj Zzawj Ckorji - UNASSIGNED SILVER FLEET +
= Lcdr. Jordon Kabreigny CNS USS BURKE GREEN FLEET =
+ Lcdr. Ion Steiner L.C. SFDITF TEAM ALPHA-1 SFDITF +
= Capt. Johan Bauer COMSFDITF "All I ask is a tall ship..." =

USS FEYNMAN: Almost To Shore Leave

by Kristen Gant 4-25-1997

Stardate: 90425.1607
Scene: 10-Forward
MD: 7.1810

The captain had just excused himself and left 10-forward, and Krysa thought perhaps she should head out as well. It would be a good idea to send some of her personal messages home before they arrived at Epsilon, as there was really no telling what they would find when they arrived there. She stood and waved to the two Bajoran pilots.

"I should be going as well," she said with a smile.

"Krysa? Only four helpings? Are you feeling all right?" Jerran asked in mock shock.

"It was only three, and besides I may want to save room for something for later."

"I don't know, Krysa. Is 'saving room' ever a problem with you."

She shook her head, and chuckled "No, not very often. However, if you'll excuse me I have plans for the night."

Jerran grinned, "Hopefully not alone."

Krysa just raised an eyebrow and smiled playfully. "Good-bye boys," she said before turning and leaving.

MD: 7.2210

Krysa re-read her letter to her parents. It would have to do. In many ways it was probably a good thing that there would be no way for them to contact her while they were at what was left of Epsilon. Communication traffic was limited to only those related to the actual evacuation of the base. Her father's usual diplomatic channels wouldn't even work for him this time.

At least this way she would not have to deal with her father's questions into her personal life. She had decided after all, to mention to them that she was seeing someone, mostly as an attempt to curb any idea's her father may have had to try and remedy her widowhood. At least in a letter the barrage of questions would at least be bearable. Over a comm link they would be nearly intolerable.

She smiled as she hit the send button, then looked up at the clock and wondered why he was late. It certainly wasn't like Zane to be late ..

"Computer, location of Captain Zane."

<Captain Zane is in 10-forward.>

Krysa grinned, 'well, that figured.' But there was no way she was going to sit in her quarters and wait for him. She didn't believe in that sort of thing. However, just like the old earth proverb said about Mohammed .. she would go and search him out.

>"Krysa, I'm sorry but this can't wait. I've got to contact EPSILON right away."

>"I understand. Besides," She said with a grin. "that means more chocolate mousse for me."

She'd barely noticed Tarrant slipping out, as Zane gave his apologies. She, of course put on an understanding face as Zane too slipped away, first giving her a light kiss of consolation. Then she sighed, "Life on a starship," she murmured ruefully.

Then she opened the basket and took a deep breath full of the aroma of the rich Thalian chocolate mousse. Picking up a spoon she dug it deep into the middle.

MD: 9.1930
Scene: 10-Forward

Krysa grabbed Terel's hand, and pulled him up. "It's a party, and I'm not sitting here and listening to you gab on about your wonder maneuvers with Stark any longer. Come and dance with me."

"I'm not big on dancing." Jerran protested.

"Well, Lt.," she grinned, "Until someone better comes along .."

"Hey, I am the best," he chuckled, and wrapped an arm around her waist, "Very well, Commander, but remember I warned you."

Krysa laughed and happily began to dance with the FCO. The band made up of several of the FEYNMAN crew, including Lt. Meleah and Lt. Koroth was wonderful and she was having a wonderful time. There was only one thing she could think of to make it better ..

.. and once he walked in, he wasn't hard to miss. Her eyes lit on his tall frame and she smiled and waved. Jerran turned to see who she was waving at. He chuckled, "I think something better just walked in." Krysa looked an him with a raised eyebrow, and he laughed again, "By the way, you do that eyebrow thing quite well."

"I've been watching you far too long," she teased.

He released her from his embrace and out his arm, "Shall we?"

She nodded with a smile and they headed over to where the Captain had moved to chat with a table of his crew. "Excuse me, sir." Jerran, said getting Zane's attention, "I believe the next dance is yours."

Lt.Cmdr. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: I do believe Melanie mentioned a post-mission party in her last post. And Krysa is never one to miss a party. Nor a chance to dance :}

At any rate, this is the day before we dock at wherever it is we are docking :) So I'm not quite caught up there.. but this was a fun start :)


USS FEYNMAN: BrOT, First Section

by Max Felsher 4-28-1997

SD 90428.0300(GMT)
SLD 4.1800 (SLD 1.0800=MD 11.0800)
Holodeck 3

Maril tapped a few commands into his PADD and looked up as Ensign Landers stepped in. The Counselor stopped and stood at attention about two meters away from Maril.

"At ease, Ensign," Maril said sharply. Landers slackened slightly, but remained rather stiff. "The Bridge Officer's Test consists of four sections: Helm, Ops, Tactical, and Command. The Command section represents 40% of the test; the other three sections comprise 20% each. To pass, you will need a composite score of 90%. I will grade each section individually. You will be notified of the results of the test after the entire test is completed, not before. Understood?"

"Understood, sir," Landers answered.

"Good." A small smile passed across Maril's face, but it was so quick and so small that it was hardly noticeable. "Computer, initiate Bridge Officer's Test, Section: Operations."

A few seconds later, the black and yellow grid of the holodeck had been replaced by the bridge of the Feynman, with all of its officers on it except for Jenn, who had been replaced by Landers at Ops. The real Maril was masked by the holodeck, but a holographic representation of him sat in the first officer's chair.

Landers had hardly looked over the Ops console and determined which sections did what when Allard announced, "Sir, I'm picking up a distress call from a Federation base on Sierra III. They say they've been attacked by Cardassian warships. They have several injuries, and they say their weapons are not able to defend them."

The holographic Maril turned to his small console. "The Sierra system is only eleven light-years from Cardassian territory. Sierra III has an atmosphere of violent storms which are over 450 kilometers deep."

"Can we beam through it?" the holo-Zane asked.

"We should be able to, sir, but it will be extremely risky," Meleah replied.

"Are there any ships closer to the colony?" Zane said.

Maril turned back to his console. "No. The Pearson is over twenty-five hours away at Warp 9. The Regent is more than four days away at Warp 9. At Warp 9, we can make it to the colony within thirty minutes."

Zane nodded. "Mr. Jerran, set course for the Sierra system, Warp 9."

"Course already laid in, sir."

"Engage. Mr. Landers, prepare for the beamup of several injured civilians and officers. Tell Sickbay to get ready to set up triage centers in the shuttlebays and cargo bays, if necessary. Mr. Allard, shields up, weapons armed, get us ready to fight if we need to."

"Aye, sir," Landers and the holographic images of Jerran and Allard answered.

Almost half an hour later, Jerran said, "We're nearing the Sierra system."

"Slow to impulse speed. Report, Mr. Allard," Zane ordered crisply.

"Sensors are picking up one Cardassian warship. It is in a low orbit of Sierra III, bombarding the colony. It looks like it's noticed us, but it's continuing to attack the colony."

The holo-Zane nodded. "Okay, we're going to try a very unorthodox maneuver. Mr. Jerran, I want you to make a small warp jump to a point 3 kilometers away from the Cardassian ship. Make sure we're pointed towards the ship. Mr. Allard, the moment we come out of warp, I want you to fire all available phasers and photon torpedoes. Don't wait for a lock. Just fire straight ahead."

After a few seconds of adjusting controls, Jerran reported, "Sir, I've got the course laid in. We'll make a quick jump to Warp 1, then make a full stop, pointed toward the Cardassian warship and 3 kilometers away."

"Good. Mr. Allard, are you ready?" Zane asked.

"Ready as ever, sir."

"Alright, engage warp!"

Jerran engaged the warp engine, sending the holo-Feynman lurching toward the fictional Sierra III and the nonexistent Cardassian ship. Seconds later, phasers and photon torpedoes were fired, but they did not exist.

"Direct hits, sir!" Allard cried. "Their shields are almost nonexistent, and we've knocked out their weapons systems! They're leaving, at full impulse!"

"They'll be back, Lieutenant, don't you worry," Zane said calmly. "Mr. Landers, you may have less than two hours to get all the injured aboard and/or treated. Make plans with Sickbay and whatever departments you need to."

The sun has met the sea,
Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: So begins the BrOT! Kevin, just resolve (either positively or negatively) the situation in your next post, and I'll give you the next section. BTW, Command will be last.