TFHorizon ships

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The Ships of Task Force HORIZON
Version 2.0 (Created SD 370202)


Task Force Horizon is the larger organizing formation of which Starbase Magellan is the headquarters. Given its place on the edges of the Federation's rimward frontiers, several starships have been assigned to support exploratory, first contact, and military operations in the area of operation.


SB Magellan Starbase

Starbase Magellan, or Outpost 572, is the command post for the recently formed Task Force Horizon, located on the rimward edge of Federation space, close to the Cardassian Union, the Kzinti Republic, and the outer limits of the Romulan Empire. A mere outpost for deep space surveillance and a military post for a small garrison protecting the Akata III colony, recent findings of an incredible amount of Iconian artifacts have forced Starfleet to deploy a whole Task Force, to which this orbital station serves as an operations base.

Commodore S'Tveck COMHORIZON Male Vulcan NPC
CDR Saris Sh'shesrar Commandant SB MAGELLAN Female Andorian NPC
Ensign Maria Yin PACOMHORIZON Female Human NPC
LT(jg) Jotark CSciO Male Vulcan NPC


Wellington-class Explorer

TOVARISH is a Wellington-class light cruiser, one of the last of this aging class still in active service. Wellington-class light cruisers, have been retired and are generally comparable to modern vessels of similar class, but were retired in favor of commissioning newer vessels rather than refitting the older designs. Many Wellington-class cruisers still see limited service as local patrol ships,

CAPT Yin, Xiangyun CO Female Human PNPC
CDR Zhoren th'Kylath XO Male2 Andorian PNPC
LT Horrz OPS ??? ??? PNPC


Coral Reef-class general Duty Frigate

MALDIVES is an Engineering-type Coral Reef-class frigate, one of the newest general duty frigates out of Star Fleet Engineering. The CORAL REEF-class is the latest modular design for an utility ship that is designed for all sort of tasks within friendly space, mainly supplies cargo, engineering tasks, scientific studies and even diplomatic missions.

DESTINY Flight Group


Europa-class Explorer

DESTINY is a EUROPA-class, a light cruiser designed with an eye towards exploration while providing multi-mission capabilities. Essentially, it will replace the obsolete HIRYU-class in Star Fleet's inventory.

EUROPA incorporates Star Fleet's latest gravity planing sublight drive systems, making her extremely maneuverable in comparison to her light cruiser brethren. Additionally, EUROPA is heavily armed for a ship of her class; her upgraded Type XI phaser emitters give her a punch that few ships of her size can match.

For defensive purposes, she has the latest point defense systems, something the HIRYU did not incorporate. Despite be a light cruiser, EUROPA makes limited use of ablative armor around the bridge, engineering, and auxiliary control. The coverage is much more limited in this light cruiser than in a compatible-generation heavy cruiser like FEARLESS.

CAPT Alejandro Costa CO Male Human PNPC
LT(jg) Anichka Volodymyrivna Bariseva FCO Female Human PNPC

ship specifications


Kronshtadt-class Escort Carrier

TULSA is a KRONSHTADT-class CVE. KRONSHTADT was the first starship in the Federation to carry a new generation of combat shuttles. The shuttles themselves are a radical departure from conventional subspace propulsion concepts in the Federation. And the ship has been build to accommodate these new crafts.

TULSA shares many features with both of the other standard Federation carriers, BOGUE and STARFALL. She has down-swept nacelles allowing for a dorsally mounted sensor pod that contains electronics specialized for the command and control of multiple small craft. Like all carriers, she is intended to stand off from any conflict and control her combat shuttles in patrol operations and actions in the atmosphere or against multiple small targets in space rather than directly confront other starships. As such, she carries armament comparable to a destroyer. However, since she could potentially come into conflict with a pulverizer-missile armed Dalriadan warship with the huge standoff range of these missiles, she has been outfitted with the latest generation of point defense weaponry. This weaponry has the additional advantage of being able to efficiently engage opposing small craft that might penetrate to the carrier.

TULSA's specifications make her in many ways similar to the other escort carrier in service, BOGUE. However, unlike the BOGUE which was a design converted from existing military transport command fast freighter, she is a purpose-built vessel. This means that her internal layout is much more efficient than the BOGUE and all of her internal fittings are dedicated to the role of carrier. In this way, she is much more like a STARFALL-class fleet carrier writ small. This, however, actually allows KRONSHTADT to be efficient to deploy in much greater numbers than the massive, and massively expensive, fleet carriers.

CAPT Dorothy Parker CO Female Human PC
LTCDR Cal Nevari XO Male Human PNPC
LT Rocho "Rocco" Murph OPS Female Trill PNPC
LT Abraham Johnson SEC Male Human PNPC
LTCDR Merlin Capaldi CMO Male Human PC
LTCDR Jackie Mason COU Male Human PC
Ensign Havan on duty at Communications Male El-Aurian NPC
Ensign Coimín Kim on duty at Helm Female Human NPC

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Diligent-class Escort Destroyer

SENTRY is a Diligent-class warship. The DILIGENT-class escort was built with the intention of replacing the aging THUNDERBOLT/DEFIANT spaceframe with a newer, more modern design. Although she is still one of the smallest destroyers in service, the extra volume allows relative to THUNDERBOLT allows her to carry a full platoon of Marines. The somewhat larger spaceframe also allows the design to carry more supplies, thereby addressing the key flaw in the THUNDERBOLT -- lack of cruising range. However, the design incorporates everything that made the DEFIANT spaceframe a success: relatively small, highly maneuverable, and, above all, a potent offensive punch for a ship of her size.

DILIGENT's main assets are her weapons array and tactical sensor systems. Unlike the THUNDERBOLT which was built around a set of narrow-angle forward-firing pulse phasers, she mounts more conventional parallel arrays which give her a far broader field of fire than her cousin. This allows DILIGENT to engage multiple targets from various attack angles. This allows the escort to place herself squarely between multiple hostile targets and her charges at all times. A large portion of her hull volume is dedicated to 7 capacitor banks to power 11 arrays. While sacrificing the hard-hitting concentrated punch of the pulse phasers hurts her maximum damage potential against a single opponent, she has nearly the flexibility of a light cruiser in her firing patterns. Her torpedoes are the longer-range, harder-hitting Mark II flux torpedoes. While the design is still too small to handle the multi-fire Mk III tube, she has the advantage of an aft firing tube over the THUNDERBOLT. Her shields are also reinforced relative to those of THUNDERBOLT and her hull is coated with advanced ceramic ablative armor. She also carries a limited point-defense laser system to further aid her ability to protect her charges.

The DILIGENT possesses 6 decks; though no science labs of any value are to be found on this warship, there is plenty of space for its officers and crew to maintain normal -- if spartan -- quarters for extended missions, alleviating the overcrowded feeling of THUNDERBOLT during long patrols.

LTCDR Benjamin Grayson CO Male Human PNPC
LTCDR Keta Tral XO Female Trill PNPC
LT Rekim Zur OPS Male El-Aurian PNPC
LT Dirdoi Hraxx 2O/SEC/TAC Male Bolian PNPC
ENS Tiago Couso FCO Male Human PNPC
LTCDR Teln Yesa CMO Female Bajorean PNPC
LTjg Rox ENG Male Ferengi PNPC

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USS RANGER Flight Group


Wanderlust-class Explorer

The WANDERLUST-class is the first outcome of a new philosophy in exploratory vessels. Applying the lastest technologies and automatisms, the result is a ship more capable than much bigger cruisers with a lighter frame and only a fraction of the crew.

With a touch of inspiration from the classical Constitution-class vessels, and three touches from the venerable Excelsior-class spaceframe, the WANDERLUST is, however, a completely different ship inside-out, with the latest improvements in all systems shipwide, starting with the internal network that has been updated to the latest biogel cells and the fastest optoelectroics. Taking advantage of the increased computational power and the extremely fast optical network, the main computer core has been designed around the concept of a cluster of many smaller cores distributed around the ship: this provides a more robust system, resilience to partial failure and faster local response.

Due to production problems while assembly, the USS RANGER nacelle pylons are straight instead of square angled like the other models, adapted from those of an Argos-class cruiser.

As a roleplaying unit, you can visit its webpage here

Wanderlust Mark I Statistics | Wanderlust 3D view | contact




Tsyklon-class Surveyor

IKAR is a TSYKLON-class Destroyer. The tactical configuration of the TSYKLON was developed to allow adequate defense while providing maximum energy distribution to the engines and AUGUR sensor suite. This philosophy directly resulted in the addition of ablative armor to give a static boost to the FD-7e shielding, as well as linking the multiple dorsal phaser arrays to a common bank for power conservation.

An outgrowth of the technology used in the DELPHI and ORACLE suites, the AUGUR sensor suite uses a system similar to the subspace field balancing coil of three nacelle ships like SOLAR, CAESAR, and FENRIS to focus a subspace scanning beam which allows faster-than-light (long-range) sensor reading at far higher resolutions than any conventional sensor system with a fraction of the computer processing overhead of the DELPHI and ORACLE systems, both of which require dedicated computer cores. In addition, the AUGUR is designed to tie into the ship's communication systems to act as a high-power signal relay station or a jamming station.

When the sensor system is operating in high power mode, the warp field is distorted to such an extent that it actually impacts the performance of the starship's propulsion system. This is in part due to the configuration of the TSYKLON class which allows the AUGUR system to directly interact with the warp nacelles.

With the AUGUR system, the TSYKLON class vessels are quite capable for reconnaissance, exploration, and patrol missions.

CDR T'Vria CO Female Vulcan PNPC
LCDR Sirit Zh’thallot XO Female Andorian PNPC

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Tesla-class Surveyor

MAXWELL is a Tesla-class Surveyor. After successfully testing and improving the DELPHI array deep space sensor system on the USS FENRIS, it was decided to implement it in a smaller class of vessel with a strong emphasis on scientific use. It quickly became evident that a medium-sized ship of 300 to 450 crew would be the platform suited best, filling the gap between the WOLFE-class frigates and the DIOGENES-class cruisers both in size and crew.

To avoid the mass and energy consumption that comes along with a third nacelle to shape the subspace field for scanning purposes, the TESLA class uses a variable warp nacelle geometry, based on a two nacelle design. Improved ORACLE-IId sensors, alongside SESR and extra computing power allow for standard white hull, despite the almost back coating of its FEYNMAN predecessors.

The ship's saucer section is somewhat elongated with a more streamlined arrowhead appearance to facilitate a more efficient warp bubble at higher warp speeds, while the engineering section is resembling the shape of an elongated AMBASSADOR-class design with variable position warp nacelles. The hull allows an emergency separation but cannot reassemble in space. There is no Captain's yacht to allow the bottom of the saucer section to be shaped for optimum deflector use. The auxiliary shuttle bay doors open forward.

CDR Nze Catalina CO Female Human PNPC

ship specifications | ship schematics | ship visuals | ship deck plans


Tesla-class Surveyor

MANDELBROT is a Tesla-class Surveyor, like the USS MAXWELL.

After successfully testing and improving the DELPHI array deep space sensor system on the USS FENRIS, it was decided to implement it in a smaller class of vessel with a strong emphasis on scientific use. It quickly became evident that a medium-sized ship of 300 to 450 crew would be the platform suited best, filling the gap between the WOLFE-class frigates and the DIOGENES-class cruisers both in size and crew.

To avoid the mass and energy consumption that comes along with a third nacelle to shape the subspace field for scanning purposes, the TESLA class uses a variable warp nacelle geometry, based on a two nacelle design. Improved ORACLE-IId sensors, alongside SESR and extra computing power allow for standard white hull, despite the almost back coating of its FEYNMAN predecessors.

The ship's saucer section is somewhat elongated with a more streamlined arrowhead appearance to facilitate a more efficient warp bubble at higher warp speeds, while the engineering section is resembling the shape of an elongated AMBASSADOR-class design with variable position warp nacelles. The hull allows an emergency separation but cannot reassemble in space. There is no Captain's yacht to allow the bottom of the saucer section to be shaped for optimum deflector use. The auxiliary shuttle bay doors open forward.

CDR Hserr CO Male Caitian PNPC

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