Main Page

Revision as of 17:50, 29 April 2007 by Drainu8 (talk | contribs)

Welcome to the Central-Net of the Star Fleet Bureau of Information!

Home | Star Fleet Library | BuPers | SF Engineering | SF Intelligence | SF JAG | SF Marine Corps | SF Medical | SF Records | SF Sciences
UFP Dept. of Colonial Affairs | UFP Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.

BLUE fleet Insignia
GOLD fleet InsigniaASR LogoGREEN fleet Insignia
SILVER fleet Insignia

"Bringing Information Together"

We, the players of Alt-StarFleet-RPG, found that it is sometimes hard to find the information needed for a post, for a new character or a new mission.

Sure, they are available on the internet, but it could takes hours of research to what you are looking for, and then how do you know if it will mesh with the game itself?

Therefore the concept know as the Bureau of Information was born.

Here you find a place, where a good portion of 'game canon' information has been brought together.

That means besides the "standard" information such as rank tables, we also set up a database of all cultures roleplayed here, of star systems and, of course, our jewel, the mission database (under development).

We need your help to continue filling the BoI with new life and data. Every player in ASR is asked to submit information about new cultures, news star systems, mission summaries, new phenomenons... every interesting bit of information you feel worth mentioning.

Enjoy your trek through our databases and may they fill your journeys in writing with us with a new, richer life.

If you have want to help us building BoI, have ideas comments or need help, please don't hesitate to contact Jeffrey Jenkins.


ASR Library:

Personnel and Player Assignments:

Writing Groups

Gold Fleet
Blue Fleet
Green Fleet
Silver Fleet

Indigo Fleet- NPC Fleet

What is ASR?


Alt.StarFleet.RPG (or ASR) is a Usenet newsgroup on the Internet. Using email and Usenet, ASR players create an interactive fiction universe based on Star Trek: The Next Generation, extrapolated approximately 40 years after the end of the series. Players create characters and, along with other players, develop stories set around starships, starbases, and the various beings that inhabit both. ASR, founded in 1991, has grown to 17 role-playing units, organized into 3 distinct timelines, involving around 100 players. It continues to grow and prosper.

To learn more about ASR, you can visit the ASR Homepage.

At this site, you can find instructions on how to join ASR in the ASR FAQ, as well as other official documents, and links to other starship homepages. This FAQ is also posted periodically on the newsgroup.

For information about ASR: ORIGINS, the new Alternate Timeline group set in the universe of the 2009 Star Trek movie, please visit the ORIGINS wiki portal.

For infomration about ASR: BEYOND, the new "future" timeline set int he year 2771, please visit the BEYOND wiki portal.