
USS Feynman NOV 1996: Difference between revisions

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Potest esse nur unus<br>
Potest esse nur unus<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Lend-Lease</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 11-24-1996</h4>
View: Outside the FEYNMAN of the Issahi Fleet Circling the Asteroid<br>
"Captains log, supplemental...The events of the past 24 hours have
sped by as if they had been preordained but now we find ourselves in a
rather uncharacteristic pause. A pause before a great storm. After the
initial battle with the Reaver ship the base has been overtly quiet. This
has given the Issahi homefleet time to move in and surround it. After the
destruction of the Reaver ship the base made some attempts to send out
communications packages but have since stopped due to Issahi jamming.
Fortunately these messages were recorded and have been passed along to
Ensign Loth and his team trying to crack the Reaver code.
It is the Issahi intention to overrun the base as soon as they
feel their net is complete. From monitoring their communications it seems
they are filled with a strong sense of apphrehension however the
destruction of the Reaver ship is serving to reawaken their warrior
emotions. Either way the assault will most likely be a bloody one.
Captain Jilithi, the homefleet's tactical officer and third in
command has come aboard to discuss the operation."
Scene: Conference Lounge<br>
The large Saurian sat down slowly in the modified chair that had
been provided for her. Her tailed slipped slowly back and forth as if it
did not believe the fragile looking seat would support her weight. It did
but not without a few troublesome creaks.
"Welcome aboard Captain it is an honour to have you here." Zane
"There is no time for pleasantries Captain. The assault will
begin in three hours and I have much to do. My science officer informs me
you have information that will aid us. I am here to retreive it and to
discuss your ship's role in the coming operation."
"Captain all the information has been forwarded to your flagship
there is nothing more to add. We were hoping that your people would be
able to provide some more answers."
"Captain I am not a scientist, I can look at the summaries but I
believe to truly utilize information one must understand it completly.
I could have my staff explain it to me but it is your staff who have
made these breakthroughs and, therefore, their right to explain.
"Lt. Meleah." Zane gestured towards the science officer.
<nowiki><<<NRPG: Mealnie feel free (or not) to explain the defence you
have come up with to him. Ted, likewise the possible language
Jilithi looked somewhat pleased at the information. Before these
Starfleeters had come things had looked quite bleak. But now in less than
24 hours they had destroyed a Reaver ship, found a hidden base almost on
top of the homeworld, taken a first step towards cracking the strange
click and buzzes that passed for the Reaver language and now they had a
defense against The Weapon. Certainly it wasn't a foolproof one but even
if it saved each ship from only one shot it would effectively double the
size and power of his fleet. Perhaps the First Counsel was right and
these strangers could help. Well, their technology maybe but certainly
the fighting would be left to the real warriors. These puny Starfleeters
could certainly not face the Reavers with out wetting themselves.
"As for our place in the battle.." Zane began
"Your ship is very powerful for its size Captain, we would like to
give you the honour of leading the third wave." It was clear from her
voice that she did not agree with the offer. It had probably been made by
the First Counsel himself.
A silence slid through the room. "That is not possible."
The Saurian frowned. "Surely you do not see yourself leading the
Fleet." She challenged.
"This is not our fight...yet. As Captain of a Federation Starship
I have wide discretionary powers but they do not include starting a war.
For the FEYNMAN to participate in such an assault would be tantamount to
doing just that."
"You coward!" Jilithi snarled as she rose from the chair slowly.
"No you are worse than a coward you are a fool. We will be destroyed by
the Reaver's and then they will come for you. The only chance of stopping
them is to ally ourselves against them. If you do not have the backbone
then Lord Nicholas must send someone who does!"
"Sit down!" Zane ordered in a tone he hadn't used since his
security days. Surprised the Saurian did so.
"I agree with you completly and I am am certain that the
Federation will to. But until that time I am duty-bound to remain
neutral and try to communicate with the Reavers. There is still the
possibility that this war can be diverted and as a Starfleet Captain
I must exhaust all possibilities. Since the discovery of the base we have
been trying to establish contact with the Reavers but have remained
"So you will watch as brave warriors give their lives to protect
"No we will conduct an operation of our own. A shuttle has been
stolen and we will retrieve it. If we encounter resistence we will
extinguish it. But we will not bombard the base nor will we be joining
your ground troops.
"And that is your final decision."
"It is the only decision to make."
"I will leave you then." Jilithi said clearly disgusted.
"Wait." Zane rose. "Lt. Koreth, Mr. Allard report to my
ready-room in 10 minutes. Everone else dismissed."
With the officers gone Zane walked over to the Saurian. "I know
how you feel about me but my hands are tied. But for what it is worth I
am completly of the same mind as you. The Reavers are as much our enemy
as they are yours."
"Brave talk for someone who prefers to slink in the shadows while
true warriors go out to die."
"Listen to me! I do not want war with the Reavers and I will do
everything in my power to stop it. But I will not run away from it. When
you have overcome the base's shields we will land an assault team to
retrieve our shuttle. It is likely that they will encounter opposition.
I know that is not enough for you now but it will be in the longrun. The
Federation Council must make the decision and to do that they need proof
that the Reavers have already warred against us. If I go in guns blazing
then some will think that it is Starfleet that started the war. That we
did not do enough to prevent it. Eventually they will know the truth but
how many Issahi will die until then. This is the only way."
"You are all cowards." Were her final words.
Scene: ReadyRoom<br>
"The Issahi offensive will begin in 2 hours. As I made clear to
Captain Jilithi, we will not be participating." To their credit both
officers remained impassive. "Once the sheilds go down I want you to lead
a heavily armed team of primarily security and engineering into the base
and retrieve our shuttle. If you can't escape with it, scuttle her. At
the same time find out as much as you can about anything you come across.
As I said, we are not at war with the Reavers and I don't want us to be
the ones to start it. If you are attacked defend yourselfs. But your
goal is to find the shuttle and return with it. Are there any questions?"
Ok, we're walking a fine line here so lets keep it within the parameters
where possible. But above all have fun.
Melanie/Ted: fill in where applicable.
Jason/Mike: same for you as well.
-Captain Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
