
ORIGINS: USS Hood April 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Simple Plan==
===by David Kiel===
SD: 2261.095
MD: 2.1140
Captains Cabin TSS Hood
<snip from Revelations by Andy and Steve>
The door slid open and 4 red jacketed security men had Cedria in the corridor on
her knees hands resting on her head. "Commander Merrick had us bring this
traitorous trill here to you sir."
Jack looked out at the small group and hoped he didn't appear as surprised as he
felt. He recognized the lead security officer as Gene Lowl and hoped to hell
these officers were loyal to the captain and not someone else. Finally an evil
grin broke out across his face. "Gene why don't you bring her in here and we
have a little fun with her before we carry out her punishment?"
"Yes sir!"
Jack moved aside as the four red shirts dragged the Trill into the cabin. They
were clearly intent on their prey and did not notice as Stile pulled a hypo from
his pouch. Suddenly the hypo hissed and the first red shirt went down followed
closely by the second. The remained two lurched up in surprise turning on the
doctor. It was a move based solely on instinct and one that allowed Jack to
send one crashing into the wall as Cedria easily, and viciously disabled the
last. "Stile make sure the other two are out for a long time."
"Done sar." He answered as the hypo hissed twice more.
"Good." Jack looked up at the trill. "I hope you have a plan."
<snd snip>
She looked at the Captain and the doctor, she was a lowly ensign and had never
seen them this close. If she had they would have been dead already.
Cedria had waited, once she had been led out under arms from the Flight Deck she
had been pretty much decided. Officially out of time, she had to go to plan B,
pretty much the same as plan A only with an explosion to bring them out of
cloak. The sight of her led away under arms would bring too much attention, she
couldn't squirm far enough away from that attention anymore. Talk, bargain,
seduce, none of it would leave her with anything but a giant crosshairs on her
everywhere she went.
So everything got simple.
The loneliest corridor they dragged her through was to be their end. But they
didn't. They were smart enough to keep her ten deep in guards the whole way.
They were smart enough to keep her kneeling once they arrived. The first
opportunity was in the Captains quarters, with their libidos working in
overdrive already parceling up her favors. That's when she moved and in a flash
one was bleeding and unconscious.
And the others were already down.
So she looked at the Captain and the doctor, she was a lowly ensign and had
never seen them this close. But she wasn't exactly as dim as Starfleet liked
its crewmen. She looked from one to the other and everything started to make
sense. The engineers inability to hang on to his weapon, the first officer
calling her Zade. The Captain letting Arcturus turn the ship into armed camps.
The Doctor, well, taking a break from examining female crewman. If these mirror
folk were as different as advertised this Doctor must live like a Priest.
"Your, plan?" The good doctor prodded her.
What lie to tell, how to twist them to her purposes. A little lost girl who
needed help? `oh please brave federation officers, save helpless little me.'
Or a play on their sympathies. `We just want to live quiet live, free from
oppression..' Hmmmm. She could ask for water and stab them when they turned
their backs? What to do.
And the answer came to her in a little burst of symmetry and simplicity. How to
get them to cooperate? Cedria Quall told the truth, the plain and simple truth.
"I am with the Resistance. I mean for this ship to die, especially its Captain.
In our universe the twelve Constitution ships are the power in space, and after
this journey there will only be eleven…."
And she continued, she explained about the complicated cross wiring that turned
every juncture of the shield grid into its own happy little flash bomb. How the
next time TSS Hood raised its shields they would be helpless, dead in space
without any protection as every power junction from level two to the working
nacelle blossomed into oh so much fiery ash. She hadn't been able to get close
to main power but all the little flows, the junctures the capillaries if you
would, all cross wired to flash when the shields engaged.
She told them about the shuttle that shed engineered to obey her and not any of
its safety protocols. How she had been caught altering her back up shuttle, but
that the prime one was ready to go. She was about to explain the small
explosive lattice on one of the port cloaking generators that would let her
reveal her ship to the USS version when the security officer she had immobilized
groaned and something in his chest detonated, silencing him rather abruptly.
"What was that?" Captain Other-Steele asked.
"Sorry," she said, showing the small dagger she had used and had been hiding in
her palm. "In my universe, Trills are kinda, a race of assassins and general
opportunists. I'm both. That was a toxin, it settles in the spleen and liver,
which harden, warm up and eventually, explode in a sorta fatal way." She
smiled, trying to look friendly.
"We need you to take a few people with you in your escape shuttle. Hemux, Jeri
Merrick,…" Other-Steele turned to Other-Doctor.
"Their Sean, and their Stile from what I've seen. And mother, I'm not killing
her in any universe." The Doctor added.
"I want to live too." Lowl said from the floor, raising his free hand while
clutching his broken nose.
"Him, too." Steele motioned turning to Cedria.
Cedria tried very, very hard not to look like she was completely convinced that
she was having a conversation with escaped mental convicts. "Um, yeah, that's
just a great idea, anything else?"
Steele looked at Doctor Corbett. "The Tholian device."
Doctor Corbett explained how the Tholian device needed to be overloaded just so
to seal the bridge between the universes. Cedria considered all of it carefully
and decided on a plan of action. Kill these two and go ahead with her original
plan B.
Corbett was sufficiently clever enough unfortunately to realize she might have
something of that nature in mind. "No, little assassin. Drop the blade."
She let the small blade clatter to the Captains desk. "Fine then. We will do
it your way, but it would be a frackload simpler if everybody dies."
NRPG: Now how to get Merrick and Corbett back to their TSS ship bundled in the
escape shuttle and then beam the real Captain away before it switches universes.
Should be easy really.
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Right Moment==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Right Moment==