
ORIGINS: USS Hood April 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Time to Go==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.103
Scene: Brig, USS HOOD
BlackJack Steele stood arms clasped across his chest as he stared at the humming forcefield ahead of him.  Incompetent fools.  He was surrounded by incompetent, pathetic fools.  HOOD had the reputation of being the best ship in the fleet.  A reputation that he had fought long and hard to maintain.  A reputation that would be maintained as long as he was captain.  A reputation that, would be extended by whichever lucky bastard he rewarded her too as he moved on to bigger and better things.  A reputation that was currently on the verge of being seriously tarnished as he sat here considering his options.
If only they could get out of this cell.  He had no doubt that they could take this luxury liner.  Wouldn’t that make things more interesting?  He was sure that the lower ranks would flock to his leadership.  Hungry for adventure and the profits that came with it.  They could upgrade the ship’s armaments and turn it into a real warship.  His engineers could then take the obviously superior computer power of this ship and upgrade his own HOOD.  From there it would be almost too easy to knock off the rest of this universe’s Starfleet.  There would be no need to go home.  If he chose to do so he would return in force, master of two universes. 
But he was surrounded by incompetent fools.
“Alright Jack, lets have it.”  The doctor broke into his reverie.
He turned and merely raised an eyebrow. 
“I don’t need my instruments to see your stress and anger levels rising.  If you don’t let it out soon you’re going to have a stroke.  So let it go, we already know we’re worthless and weak.  Why don’t you just tell us, it’ll make you feel better.”
Jack just shook his head as he contemplated which one of the fools he should kill first.  “Well now that you mention it.”  He began quietly as he turned to face Merrick and Gar.  “Would one of you two useless pieces of crap explain to me why the FRAK! I am still locked in here like some petty criminal.”  “You!”  He jabbed a finger at the first officer, “I guess I have no need to blame you.  I mean I know you once where an engineer but you were so frakkin pathetic at it I had to find a position where you didn’t actually have to do anything. But you.”  He turned to face Gar.  “You are an engineer.  You’re supposed to be a good one, while else would an inferior race be allowed to be an officer on my ship?  So start acting like one of your betters and get me the frak out of here.”
“I’ll grant that wish right now pink skin!”  Gar screamed as he charged Steele.  Seconds later the forcefield was down and the two security officers charged in.  Seconds after that they were disarmed and unconscious on the deck.
“Good work Gar.”  Jack said as he grinned at the Andorian.  “I knew you’d follow along.  Now let’s get out of here.”
C’mon guys lets keep the story rolling, lots going on on noth ships.
CAPT BlackJack Steele

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Decision Point==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Decision Point==