
ORIGINS: USS Hood April 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Right Moment==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2261.108
Setting: Brig, USS HOOD
<<snip- from Andy's post, entitled "Time To Go">>
Jack just shook his head as he contemplated which one of the fools he should
kill first. "Well now that you mention it." He began quietly as he turned
to face Merrick and Gar. "Would one of you two useless pieces of crap
explain to me why the FRAK! I am still locked in here like some petty
criminal." "You!" He jabbed a finger at the first officer, "I guess I have
no need to blame you. I mean I know you once where an engineer but you were
so frakkin pathetic at it I had to find a position where you didn't actually
have to do anything. But you." He turned to face Gar. "You are an
engineer. You're supposed to be a good one, while else would an inferior
race be allowed to be an officer on my ship? So start acting like one of
your betters and get me the frak out of here."
"I'll grant that wish right now pink skin!" Gar screamed as he charged
Steele. Seconds later the forcefield was down and the two security officers
charged in. Seconds after that they were disarmed and unconscious on the
"Good work Gar." Jack said as he grinned at the Andorian. "I knew you'd
follow along. Now let's get out of here."
<<end snip>>
Anti-Gar realized that, at this moment, BlackJack was perhaps at his most
vulnerable; if he waited until he got back aboard THEIR HOOD...
...he might never get another opportunity.
As soon as BlackJack turned towards the cell doors, Anti-Gar fired.
BlackJack crumpled to the floor.
Immediately, the Andorian's phaser panned across both Anti-Merrick and
Anti-Stile. "Make up your minds quickly," Anti-Gar said.
"Did you kill him?" Anti-Merrick asked, not without a trace of hope in his
"No," Anti-Gar grumbled. "I may be a slave, but I am a better man than
him," he spat. "He deserves to die, but it won't be by my hand; I've seen
enough killing for one lifetime."
As he spoke, Anti-Stile moved to BlackJack's side, and checked his pulse.
Then, quietly, he drew his phaser.
Anti-Gar's grip tightened on the phaser, and his finger brushed the firing
stud. "That doesn't mean I won't kill to protect myself," he warned,
changing the setting from stun to kill with a touch of the thumb.
Anti-Stile stood up, and, suddenly, turning his aim to BlackJack, he fired
his weapon into the prone body.
"He'll have a hell of a headache, but he'll live," the doctor growled. "But
now he won't awaken for a couple of hours."
Anti-Stile glanced at Anti-Merrick, then back at Anti-Gar, and re-holstered
his phaser.
"What's the plan now- Captain?"
Anti-Gar shook his head. "No way- I don't want it- I have a target on my
back already being a member of a slave race." He paused, and looked at
Anti-Merrick. "Looks like you're in charge now- CAPTAIN Merrick."
Thought I'd throw another twist into things...
BlackJack's not dead, just stunned...though Anti-Stile could have done
anything to him. It really depends on what side of things Anti-Stile is on-
if he's on the Captain's side, he could have fired a shot into him that did
nothing, and BlackJack will just wake up as if after a normal stun. But if
he DID double-stun BlakcJack...well, that's different. And no one checked
BlackJack AFTER Anti-Stile shot him...
Now we have an open cell- where to?
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Damn Incompetant Security==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Damn Incompetant Security==