
ORIGINS: USS Hood April 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Getting Home==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.096
Scene: Fleet Base, Aldeberan
"What do you mean she’s gone?” CPO Hillroy asked in exasperation before remembering to add a hasty sir and a barely noticeable pretense of respect for the young stuttering ensign in front of her. 
“That all I know chief.”  Ensign Rivers replied bordering on a whine.  “She received new orders and took off on the first shuttle out of here.”
“I guess that means you are in charge sir.”  The chief replied in a tone that spoke of confidence and trust as if Komack himself stood before the small group of HOOD crewman who had joined Lieutenant Steering when she had brought the captured Nauscian ship back to Aldeberan.  The display fooled no one, least of all Ensign Charlie Rivers.  “I’m glad that you’re here sir, Lieutenant Steering had ordered me to meet her here and then accompany her down to the dockmaster to see about transport.  Did the Ensign have a similar plan?”
“Uh yes I did chief.”  Rivers replied.  “I was about to head down there and I would certainly appreciate your expertise so no grizzled old vet tries to pull a fast one on me.”
“I don’t think they’d be slick enough to do that sir.”  Hillroy had been breaking in new officers for so long the lies just rolled off her tongue.  But at least this youngster had no illusions that being an officer granted any sort of infallibility.  She really was tired of giving the ‘this is the way it is’ speech, and even more weary of provided pointed lessons to those few newly minted ensigns who didn’t heed the ‘this is the way it is’ speech the first time round.  She gestured towards the main corridor.
“Think we’ll have any problems finding passage chief?”  Rivers asked as they moved out into the crowded corridors.  It was still dawning on him that he was in command of the 10 person detail and it was his responsibility to get them all back on HOOD as expeditiously as possible.
“Well sir I imagine you’ve already gone over the two possibilities.”  She had little doubt as to the answer.  The ensign still appeared to be channeling all his efforts into not wetting himself.
Surprisingly Rivers answered immediately.  “Well the way I see it we can either wait here for HOOD to pick us up.  Or we could see if we can requisition a shuttle craft and a pilot and rendezvous with her ourselves.  I guess the other possibility is to hitch a ride on any Starfleet ship heading that way but I don’t expect there will be any.”  She chuckled at Hillroy’s look of surprise.  “Look chief, the Academy instructors made it perfectly clear to us that if we want to learn our jobs and become real officers the most important first step was to find a CPO whose wing we could nest under.  I have every intention of doing that because I know how painfully inexperienced I am.  But I’m not an idiot either.”
It was Hillroy’s turn to chuckle. “As the ensign says.”
Just a quick one to close that loop.
CAPT Jack Steele

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Time to Go==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Time to Go==