RT0804- CINCSF Report
From StarFleet Bureau of Information
The Chair will now submit his report and calls for the CSFO's report. Assembled Delegates, The last year has been a relatively good year for ASR with only a few exceptions. This year has seen the closure of units, a decline in our posting rates, and the loss of several players but the most important thing is that we are still here. ASR has survived the decline and is still attracting new players. Our stories are still moving forward and our units are still productive. Changes in our posting and membership is a normal part of our existence. As interest for Star Trek waxes and wanes, so does interest in our organization, and without an active series interest in Star Trek is declining. It's normal for players to get burned out and lose interest from time to time but we have also attracted several new and old players back to the organization. I feel that the future of this organization is a bright one. First, look at the talent of our writers, many of whom are sat at this Round Table. Quality stories written by good writers helps to maintain interest and drive. It's our writers and the excellence of our stories that will draw new players and allow us to grow. Next, consider the vast and varied history that we have created as a group. ASR has been around since 1991 and during that time our history has become vivid and in depth. Through the work of our dedicated leadership, we can not only talk about the starships we fictionally live in but we can see them and know their lay outs. We can see the uniforms that our character's wear and can look at the starbases that we walk around in. It's this vivid detail that attracts players and helps our players formulate stories. It's one thing to imagine a story but it's another thing when you can see the details in your mind. Finally, we have a major Star Trek event to look forward to in May 2009. With a new movie set to hit the theaters, interest in Star Trek and thus in our organization, will be on the rise again. With planning and some good advertising I hope to see our numbers expanding even further. In short, we've lost some units and have lost some players but that shouldn't define our organization. We are still an organization that is stable and productive with things to offer new players. Our membership is still viable and as new players continue to come in, our organization will grow. It's because of the hard work of many of the people here that we can be proud of our organization. I am excited to part of this and I'm even more excited about what the future holds for ASR. Submitted, Bruce Summa CINCSF Chair, April 2008 Round Table