ASR Honors List- October 1999 Round Table
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Outstanding Players
- Johann Ortiz (Pilot, 716th NASW) has been very influential in the turn-around that has taken place in the 716th. Already, Johann has demonstrated exceptional dedication to his unit and skill in developing story lines including the complex, inter-unit threads common in Indigo Fleet's Dante Expedition Force.
- Melvin Pollack (CO, DS4) continues to impress me with his role-play skills as commander of DS4, probably the most difficult unit to play for in ASR, due to the fact that the DS4 is more in the tradition of "Red Dwarf" or "Hitchhiker's Guide" than anything by Herbert or Heinlein or even C. S. Forester. Pollack has faced the challenges posed by his most creative players -- challenges which have involved major twists in the direction of the plot with one post, often several twists in the same month -- by miraculously reincorporating these twists into some sort of consistency, if it can be called that, while leaving his commanding officer character as an active controller of the situation instead of an innocent bystander.
- Greg Posey (CMO, USS NOVA; ENG, USS HUDSON) has a been mainstay of the USS NOVA since his assignment there over a year ago. His enthusiasm, energy, and reliability have set an example to other players. More importantly, he has been instrumental in developing subplots to spur writing when the CO and XO were otherwise bogged down in real life, and his knack for drawing others into the story has been a singular source of forward momentum for the ship.
- Sean Speake (MCO, USS CIRCE) has received multiple nominations for outstanding player for his work on the USS CIRCE. His portrayal of the ship's marine contingent has won the admiration of his fellow players, and his enthusiasm for joint posts has assisted others in their own character development. His cooperative playing style, sense of humor, and attitude towards role play help to make the CIRCE fun for everyone; moreover, as a former CO (USS LEVIATHAN), Sean's success sets an example to all players that one can find enjoyment in ASR after retiring from command.
Outstanding Command Players
- Andy Catterick (CO, USS KIROV) has performed exceptionally as the CO of the USS KIROV over the past year. He has provided consistently strong leadership of his unit and his players appreciate his efforts. Andy also provided valuable help during the Silver Fleet Command transition earlier this year. He provided background material on the history and mythology of Silver Fleet which provided invaluable assistance to the new Commander in Chief Silver Fleet.
- Mike Johnson (OPS, USS AURORA; XO, USS LEVIATHAN) is recognized for tremendous dedication to the USS AURORA, during a period where her CO was on a leave of absence, and her XO was busy with real life concerns. His leadership in story direction, introduction of new players, and routine shipboard administration have been instrumental in maintaining the viability of the unit. Moreover, he has recently taken on XO, USS LEVIATHAN, where he is likewise doing an excellent job.
- Scott Lusby (XO, DS13) is once again honored for his outstanding commitment to DS13. He is one of the hardest working command players in ASR, and his support of DS13 has not lessened in the least despite taking on his own command and the duties of COMALB. His enthusiasm for the unit's concept and the writing, his attentiveness to all players under his care, and his tremendous attentiveness to administrative tasks serve to set an example to others.
- Sean Murphy (CO USS BURKE) -- When Sean Murphy was tapped for the role of CO BURKE -- after only months earlier accepting the position of XO -- his effort quickly turned the BURKE around and made it one of the strongest ships in Green Fleet. With his new command, Murphy's strong contributions both in player acquisiton and roleplay proved that the new BURKE would be a force to be reckoned with. Sean Murphy, it seems, in a few short months has completely recreated the BURKE and made it one of the most successful units in ASR.
- Peach Sweeny (XO, USS CHESAPEAKE; COU, USS CIRCE) is nominated for her incredible work aboard the CHESAPEAKE during the last six months. When its present commander faced academic and career distractions that kept her from the ship, Peach picked up the slack and went above and beyond the duties of not only a substitute CO, but a regular one. This was done despite Peach's own academic burdens and being overseas. We realize in ASR that real life takes precedence over the game, but Peach showed that she clearly was not neglecting her own real life duties. She put in the extra effort for the love of her vessel. It makes one wonder what she shall accomplish when she has more time to dedicate. Peach also was nominated for her actions as a player aboard CIRCE also.
- Stefan Wiedner (CO, USS EXCALIBUR) The EXCALIBUR recently lost over half her crew including her command staff. Rather than dissolving the ship which could have been easily done, the task was put to Stefan to solve the problem. He has done that and more. EXCALIBUR is a highly active ship with a compelling, engaging story. It is the guidance of Stefan and his command staff that have made the remarkable turn-around possible.
Meritorious Administrative Commendation
- Chris Aubrey (GREENXO), once again, has shown his ability to go beyond the call of duty for ASR. After Mr. Aubrey accepted the position of GREENXO, he played an active role in the restaffing not just of the units of his Green Fleet Task Force, but Green Fleet as a whole. His observations on the state of the Fleet and on particular units therein have always been spot-on, and he has been willing to take up many of the duties of the CINCGREEN while the current CINCGREEN was undergoing moving and searching for a new job in a new city. Furthermore, his contributions as acting CINCGREEN were not merely adequate, but went beyond the call of duty, with Mr. Aubrey taking an active part in role play and staffing while not going beyond the bounds set by his role as an acting CINCGREEN.
- Kip Manley (Secretary UFPESCO), though only recently appointed as Secretary of UFPESCO, has made a significant contribution to ASR in terms of a database containing a great deal of information on alien cultures. This database contains data from canon Trek races as well as cultures made specifically for ASR. Kip showed tremendous initiative to develop this database. When complete, it will prove to be tremendously helpful for all players.
- Michael Natale (INDIGOXO, CO ALIGHIERI) has made consistent and significant contributions to Indigo Fleet. Michael has been an intrinsic part of the planning of the story lines of the fleet. As Fleet Game Master and, soon afterward, as Fleet XO, he has been steadfast in the completion of his duties and had regularly gone above and beyond the call of duty in his contributions to the fleet. His replies to administrative requests are prompt and conscientious. His dedication to the players and units of Indigo Fleet is clear.
- Greg Posey (COMDANTEXF), having been new to administration in ASR with no prior experience as a Commander, has taken his position as task force commander of Indigo Fleet's Dante Expeditionary Force with great pride and dedication. His loyalty to the task force and the Fleet has proven a great advantage and asset to all those who work with him. Greg's involvement with Indigo Fleet's plot development and planning has been a great blessing to his Fleet commander, and despite his newness to the position, has excelled in taking his task force and making it stronger, more active, and more interactive with the other units.
- Andrea Schalk (Deputy CINCGOLD) is recognized for her ongoing efforts on behalf of Gold Fleet, particularly the units in CRUDIV-11, which she supervises. Her active role in recommending players for recruitment, helping with conflict resolution, and supporting the efforts of veteran commanding officers sets an example for effective oversight of writing intensive units. Moreover, her invaluable assistance of CINCGOLD with her counsel and her ear is in large measure responsible for the smooth operation of and administrative stability in Gold Fleet.
Star Fleet Outstanding Unit Citation
Most Improved Unit Citation
- USS LEVIATHAN (multiple nominations)
Honors to Retired Personnel
- James Braun (former CO, USS CORONA; BATAXO; UFPDOCA) is honored for his three year commitment to ASR which saw his outstanding contributions to nearly a half dozen ships, two branches, and his own command. His knack for character development, enthusiasm for development of story arcs, and commitment to helping with ASR's provision of background material to all players have set an example to others in ASR. Moreover, his down-to-earth attitude and cooperative approach to role play is deserving of special recognition.
- Matthew Cunliffe (former GREENXO) deserves recognition for his overall contributions to ASR -- as a player, ship CO, GREENXO, and branch commander. Mr. Cunliffe remained involved with his units during the time he was able to contribute to ASR, always willing to contribute with other players in RPG or behind the scenes in administration. Most of us in Green Fleet have fond memories of Matthew, and hope he will be able to return to active role play at some date in the future.
- Christine Fontaine (former CSFO) has earned recognition as a long-serving administrator in ASR. Her dedication to this club and service as Chief of Star Fleet Operations and as a member of the Flag Council have have gone far above and beyond the call of duty. Her patience, approachability, and devotion are example to any who would serve the club as administrators.
- Janis Hill (former CO, SB OMEGA) has again proven to be a true motivator to her crew. She is consistently on her crew's toes encouraging them to post, and is quite apt at running multiple plot trends. She also corresponds with her crew in NRPG almost on a daily basis, and has truly made her unit one of a group of friends who share a passion for Star Trek.
- Marc Johnson (former Acting Adjutant, Armstrong Lunar Base) is recognized for his invaluable help during a critical time for ALB. When Scott Lusby took command of ALB when Christine Fontaine became CSFO, ALB was without an Adjutant (Peach was on hiatus), short of instructors, and in the process of losing our Personnel Officer to Green Fleet. Mr. Johnson stepped in as Acting Adjutant and immediately made an impact, helping COMALB to restaff ALB with Instructors and a new Personnel Officer as well as provide much-needed help with the Quick Start Guide project. Marc's dedication to ASR and energy in fulfilling this temporary billet was critical to the successful transition of command at ALB, and serves as an example to all.
Jeffrey J. Jenkins aka Admiral John R. Brooks Command in Chief Star Fleet Star Fleet Command, Starbase ALPHA