ASR Honors List- April 2005 Round Table

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Smaller ASR Insignia

Please join me in congratulating all those that make 
this group the interesting, enjoyable place it is.

And last but not least on the list, I draw your attention 
to our retiring CINCSF that has done so much for ASR that 
would could never repay him.

Karen Fainges
Adm Rose Holland nee Blouse
Commander-in-Chief, Star Fleet 

** Outstanding Player **

Merrica Forsaith-Smith(USS MACRONIN, USS KRONSHTADT): Merrica 
brings wit and wisdom to her units in and out of ASR. She embodies 
the spirit of community that is ASR's strength.

Tim Smolen (MED, USS ANDROMEDA): The character of Dr Twin has 
developed over a long time and keeps getting more and more 
interesting. Recent plots have developed this character even more 
while providing a very interesting subplot for the entire crew.

Andrew F. (SCI, CIRCE)- Andrew joined CIRCE in October, and 
immediately made his impact felt by helping to spark huge posting 
rates in October and December. Continues to be a central player for 
the unit, advancing plots in a unique manner.

** Outstanding New Player **

Kanako Sosuke Yedor, SCI USS DAEDALUS : Playing new Science Officer 
LT Honwara Kyoko, this player has revitalized USS DAEDALUS and is 
off to a promising start of what is hoped to be a long and 
illustrious career in ASR.

Scott Ramos (FCO USS YORKTOWN): A new player that has hit with a 
vengeance. His character has already developed three dimensions.

** Outstanding Command Player **

Harry Iha (CO, USS LEDA) : The success of this unit rests on the 
shoulders of its founder and GM, Harry Iha. A vision for a unit 
not bound by Fleet perimeters or standard billets is no easy vision 
to realize, and LEDA has the visionary to see it through to 
completion in Harry Iha, a long time member and supporter of this 
club. LEDA is one of ASR's newer units, and already one of its best 
thanks, to Harry Iha.

Christopher Mayberry (XO, USS Nebula) Someone who, even though he 
has many responsibilities elsewhere in the fleet, has been an 
incredible posting monster the last few weeks. He has been 
inspirational in furthering the lot along on the Nebula, and adding 
a few new twists and turns that has made the job of Captain easier.

Michael Alibrando (OPS, USS EXCALIBUR): His splendid posting on the 
last mission and his creative views for the next one boosted the 
posting rate and made it big fun too.

Mary McNeely (acting XO, USS Yorktown) New to command, you would never 
know it. She stepped into the role taking up both roleplaying and admin 
duties with aplomb.

Marco Mueller (XO KUSANAGI)- Marco stepped into a vacated command 
position in October and has embraced his job completely, in both RP 
and behind the scenes. Marco not only sparks the crew with his inventive 
posting, but has been somewhat of a cheerleader behind the scenes, 
working to make the newer players in the group more integrated with the 
story's action.

Jeffrey Jenkins (CO NOVA)- Jeffrey has, despite other pressing duties 
in the club, continues to be a model for other unit commanders, with his 
direction of plot and, most importantly, his motivation of the others 
around him to continue posting.

** Outstanding Unit **


** Most Improved Unit **


** Outstanding Admin **

During the merger, a lot of work went on behind the scenes to make the 
whole thing seem easy. Paul Gilberston, Mike Tripp, Kevin Richter, Jeff 
Jenkins and Scott Lusby were most involved. Cograts to all that worked so 
well together.

And kudos to Scott Lusby, no longer the boss, but still an incredible 
asset to ASR.