USS Feynman NOV 1996

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November 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



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USS FEYNMAN: Some Thoughts On the Issahi

by Kristen Gant 11-2-1996

Stardate: 81102.1119
Scene: Lt. Jenn's Quarters
MD: 4. 2000

Almost immediately after returning to the FEYNMAN, Krysa headed to her quarters. She was completely exhausted and more then a little on edge after Jerrans daredevil flight back. She was sure he had but it on simply for her benefit, but she'd refused to show him how nervous it made her. Not that she could probably have kept it off her face, but she gave it her best try.

Once in her quarters, she immediately put on some soothing music and changed out of her uniform and into her nightgown. She washed her face in cold water which always made her feel better, then headed to the replicator for some hot lemon tea.

She noticed her message light flashing, so headed over to see what needed her attention. The red flag on one of them caught her attention. Seeing it was forwarded from the Captain, she opened it immediately. She laughed when she heard the news that Dee had been caught by Starfleet Security. "Up to your old tricks again, I see. Well, finally there's an end to that one!" With a satisfied flick of the finger she deleted the message.

The next was again forwarded from the Captain, and as she watched and listened to the video recording she couldn't help but glare at the unfamiliar face which she knew was Dee's. At least Krysa didn't have to worry about having a double any longer. Listening to the manipulating and demanding voice of the woman, she felt sympathy for Zane. Well, at least that was over. Now that the truth was out, Dee had nothing over him any longer.

The truth was out .. Krysa was determined not to let it stand in the way of their careers. Yet .. why did she spend so much time thinking about it?

She sighed heavily and quickly went on to a last message from her brother. He was graduating early and heading off for Starfleet Academy the next semester. She sent a quick note of congratulations, letting him know how proud she was of him. Glad for something to celebrate.

Scene: Bridge MD: 5.0900

The Captain sat in the center seat deep in thought. Krysa could feel his concern over the status of the Issahi in regards to the destruction of the SERAPIS. She'd been trying to get some sort of feelings from the ship ahead of them, and had it not been for the one human presence on the ship amongst all the aliens, she might not have gotten much at all.

She handed the Ops station over to a junior officer and moved over to take the counselor's chair to the Captain's left. He looked down at her questioningly.

"It doesn't seem to make sense that the Issahi could have caused the destruction of the SERAPIS."

"Lt. Meleah doesn't agree with you."

"No, I know. However, Meleah isn't a trained psychologist either. The Issahi were to have met with the SERAPIS to discuss Federation membership, correct?"

Zane nodded, "That was the original mission, yes."

"If the Issahi used that as a ruse to get the SERAPIS out here and destroy it, which doesn't make a lot of sense in the first place, why are they willing to talk to us."

"They haven't really talked to us yet." Zane reminded her.

"Sir, there is something they want from us. I can sense that .. but it doesn't have anything to do with the SERAPIS."

"How can you be sure?"

Krysa frowned, "I suppose I can't. It's just a feeling I have. Some from the sense I get from Martin Ross, despite his extremely guarded nature, but also because there is no reason they couldn't have gotten the same thing from the SERAPIS that they can get from us. I mean, why destroy the SERAPIS?"

"Lt., we know very little about the Issahi. How can we determine their motivations?"

Krysa was silent for a moment before answering, "Call it hunch, if you must. I suppose I could be wrong. I don't have anything to back me up yet. Perhaps once we meet them in person .." Krysa shrugged, "I just wanted to add my thoughts on this."

Zane nodded and Krysa stood. She grinned at the Captain, as she moved onto a less serious subject, "I wanted to thank you for filling my mailbox with good news last night."

Zane grinned back, "I was more then glad to do it."

Krysa chuckled and headed back to take her seat at Ops.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

Kristen & Scott Gant ~sgant/gant.htm

USS FEYNMAN: Nothing Really New

by Jason Bostjancic 11-3-1996

SD: 81103 MD: 5.0815 Holodeck 2

>"They do not appear to be a friendly race," Koreth commented. "Another patch
>is near their sensor array, and another near what could be their aft weapons array."
>Using these positions, they started entering information into the holodeck
>program, and ran through it.


<Insufficient data>

"Damn!" Tarrant shook hi head and leaned up against the wall.

IT was about the 30th time the computer gave that answer. They entered every bit of data they had, knew, hypothesized, and guessed at. There were just to many holes.

"We could get the Issahi to fire on us?" came Meleah's reply.

Tarrant only looked at her in utter disbelief. According to their previous tests, a ytterbium weapon or gas cloud would destroy their SIF, and the FEYNMAN would fall/blow apart.

"It was a joke Lieutenant... humor in stressful situations is said to relieve tension."

The CEO could only stare at the android.



He, Oh my ship... little ship... The pain hurts... Another, a mind, hurting... FORCING! It wants the first officer... trying to get to him...

STOP SHOUTING! ... oh, must go, must find them.... Me? Yes, I'll help.. just Stop SHOUTING!

WHO? I' dont KNOW a ROSS? A ship.. yes another, a ship... the Issahi ship.. they are with us... watching. Oh, the pain... hurts

Must give the pain, must hurt the others... YES Will tell, will help... yes, when time comes. Just take me with you.. take me...


Sorry Max, just trying to play a little off your idea.

As for the lack of findings. I just couldn't in good common sense figure that we had enough data. But I think we've all decided that this is *not* the ship....

Well, let's get going.

Respectfully, Jason

Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS BURKE
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

Potest esse nur unus