USS Feynman NOV 1996

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November 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



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USS FEYNMAN: Some Thoughts On the Issahi

by Kristen Gant 11-2-1996

Stardate: 81102.1119
Scene: Lt. Jenn's Quarters
MD: 4. 2000

Almost immediately after returning to the FEYNMAN, Krysa headed to her quarters. She was completely exhausted and more then a little on edge after Jerrans daredevil flight back. She was sure he had but it on simply for her benefit, but she'd refused to show him how nervous it made her. Not that she could probably have kept it off her face, but she gave it her best try.

Once in her quarters, she immediately put on some soothing music and changed out of her uniform and into her nightgown. She washed her face in cold water which always made her feel better, then headed to the replicator for some hot lemon tea.

She noticed her message light flashing, so headed over to see what needed her attention. The red flag on one of them caught her attention. Seeing it was forwarded from the Captain, she opened it immediately. She laughed when she heard the news that Dee had been caught by Starfleet Security. "Up to your old tricks again, I see. Well, finally there's an end to that one!" With a satisfied flick of the finger she deleted the message.

The next was again forwarded from the Captain, and as she watched and listened to the video recording she couldn't help but glare at the unfamiliar face which she knew was Dee's. At least Krysa didn't have to worry about having a double any longer. Listening to the manipulating and demanding voice of the woman, she felt sympathy for Zane. Well, at least that was over. Now that the truth was out, Dee had nothing over him any longer.

The truth was out .. Krysa was determined not to let it stand in the way of their careers. Yet .. why did she spend so much time thinking about it?

She sighed heavily and quickly went on to a last message from her brother. He was graduating early and heading off for Starfleet Academy the next semester. She sent a quick note of congratulations, letting him know how proud she was of him. Glad for something to celebrate.

Scene: Bridge MD: 5.0900

The Captain sat in the center seat deep in thought. Krysa could feel his concern over the status of the Issahi in regards to the destruction of the SERAPIS. She'd been trying to get some sort of feelings from the ship ahead of them, and had it not been for the one human presence on the ship amongst all the aliens, she might not have gotten much at all.

She handed the Ops station over to a junior officer and moved over to take the counselor's chair to the Captain's left. He looked down at her questioningly.

"It doesn't seem to make sense that the Issahi could have caused the destruction of the SERAPIS."

"Lt. Meleah doesn't agree with you."

"No, I know. However, Meleah isn't a trained psychologist either. The Issahi were to have met with the SERAPIS to discuss Federation membership, correct?"

Zane nodded, "That was the original mission, yes."

"If the Issahi used that as a ruse to get the SERAPIS out here and destroy it, which doesn't make a lot of sense in the first place, why are they willing to talk to us."

"They haven't really talked to us yet." Zane reminded her.

"Sir, there is something they want from us. I can sense that .. but it doesn't have anything to do with the SERAPIS."

"How can you be sure?"

Krysa frowned, "I suppose I can't. It's just a feeling I have. Some from the sense I get from Martin Ross, despite his extremely guarded nature, but also because there is no reason they couldn't have gotten the same thing from the SERAPIS that they can get from us. I mean, why destroy the SERAPIS?"

"Lt., we know very little about the Issahi. How can we determine their motivations?"

Krysa was silent for a moment before answering, "Call it hunch, if you must. I suppose I could be wrong. I don't have anything to back me up yet. Perhaps once we meet them in person .." Krysa shrugged, "I just wanted to add my thoughts on this."

Zane nodded and Krysa stood. She grinned at the Captain, as she moved onto a less serious subject, "I wanted to thank you for filling my mailbox with good news last night."

Zane grinned back, "I was more then glad to do it."

Krysa chuckled and headed back to take her seat at Ops.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

Kristen & Scott Gant ~sgant/gant.htm

USS FEYNMAN: Nothing Really New

by Jason Bostjancic 11-3-1996

SD: 81103 MD: 5.0815 Holodeck 2

>"They do not appear to be a friendly race," Koreth commented. "Another patch
>is near their sensor array, and another near what could be their aft weapons array."
>Using these positions, they started entering information into the holodeck
>program, and ran through it.


<Insufficient data>

"Damn!" Tarrant shook hi head and leaned up against the wall.

IT was about the 30th time the computer gave that answer. They entered every bit of data they had, knew, hypothesized, and guessed at. There were just to many holes.

"We could get the Issahi to fire on us?" came Meleah's reply.

Tarrant only looked at her in utter disbelief. According to their previous tests, a ytterbium weapon or gas cloud would destroy their SIF, and the FEYNMAN would fall/blow apart.

"It was a joke Lieutenant... humor in stressful situations is said to relieve tension."

The CEO could only stare at the android.



He, Oh my ship... little ship... The pain hurts... Another, a mind, hurting... FORCING! It wants the first officer... trying to get to him...

STOP SHOUTING! ... oh, must go, must find them.... Me? Yes, I'll help.. just Stop SHOUTING!

WHO? I' dont KNOW a ROSS? A ship.. yes another, a ship... the Issahi ship.. they are with us... watching. Oh, the pain... hurts

Must give the pain, must hurt the others... YES Will tell, will help... yes, when time comes. Just take me with you.. take me...


Sorry Max, just trying to play a little off your idea.

As for the lack of findings. I just couldn't in good common sense figure that we had enough data. But I think we've all decided that this is *not* the ship....

Well, let's get going.

Respectfully, Jason

Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS BURKE
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

Potest esse nur unus


by Andrew Catterick 11-6-1996

SD: 81106.2100
MD: 6.1700
Scene: Bridge

"Captains log stardate 81106. After a voyage of silence from the VIGIL it seems we have made some headway. Sub-commander Ross has extended a formal invitation to me to meet with members of the Issahi ruling council once we arrive at the homeworld. He also requested permission to have additional members of the Issahi governmnet to come aboard the FEYNMAN while we are in orbit. I have agreed to this request and as a recognition of our guests importance Commander Maril will represent the Federation to this delegation.

While the importance of these actions as a major step in diplomatic discussions can not be overstated I find the composition of the delegation to be the most telling point. While Ross firmly pointed out that it will be a diplomatic mission designed to facilitate relations between our two governments he also specifically identified the fact that the group visiting the FEYNMAN would not only be comprised of diplomats and political leaders but scientists and engineers as well. Further, these specialists were being sent to meet with their counterparts on the FEYNMAN to discuss 'mutual problems.' Perhaps the SERAPIS is not the only ship to have fallen victim.

"Captain we are being hailed from the planet."

FEYNMAN had been in orbit of the Issahi homeworld for almost 45 minutes and there was a barely perceptable sigh of relief from the bridge crew now that contact had finally been made. "On screen." Zane ordered.

As soon as the Issahi leader appeared he began to speak. Zane put on his best dilpomat's face as he silently cursed the fact that the universal translator was still unable to decipher the Issahi language.

Ross interpreted. [On behalf of the 10 Clans, the spirits of Issah and the citizens of the Confederacy, I, First Counsel Krazich welcome you to our world. May your hunt be bountiful.]

"On behalf of the United Federation of Planets I thank you for your kind welcome and extend the heartfelt gratitude of all our citizens for this important bridge between our two governments."

As Ross translated Krazich nodded to Zane. Again he spoke and again Ross interpreted. [Captain it is my hope that we may exchange representatives with the desire of a more beneficail interaction. In this spirit I invite you and your officers to join me here for further discussion.]

"I am honoured and look forward to our meeting. In the spirit of this cooperation it is my hope that you will accept my invitation for some of your representatives to join Commadner Maril and my officers on board the FEYNMAN to help facilitate this cooperation."

[That will be acceptable Captain.]] This time Krazich needed no interpretation, the universal translator had finally deciphered the Issahi language. [Is one hour agreeable?]

"One hour is most agreeable First Counsel. I look forward to meeting you."

Krazich nodded and the viewscreen returned to the orbital view of the red world.

"Well everyone," Zane said addressing the senior staff, "time to jump into the dress As. Lieutenants Jenn and Jerran and Ensign Lee meet me in transporter room 3 in 45 minutes and have Dr. Glin'kharr join us as well."

As the bridge started to bustle with officers leaving and relief arriving Zane rose from his chair and turned to face Maril. "Have fun!"


Ok we're here...time to schmooze.<G>

Just some brief reminders:

-Issahi look like Saurians (Dinosaurs) and live in a clan system with each clan having distinctive skin (hide?) markings.

-the clans are rivals in the same sense that Klingon and Romulan Great Families/Houses are...all want to be more powerful within the clan system but they do all work toward the common good of the Confederacy especially when something threatens the the coming of the Reavers.

-the Reavers destroyed the SERAPIS and several Issahi warships and the Issahi see the Feds as allies. But again like the Klingons and the Romulans they are a proud an mistrustful race....they haven't decided if they will trust us and it is hard to ask for help...they will be very cautious.

This is where the mission really starts going and I look forward to seeing where it takes us.

Donna: I know you want to write your character about she stays as a kind of ambassador between the Federation and the TOS' 'The Corbomite Maneuver'?


-Captain Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET


by Kristen Gant 11-6-1996

> "Well everyone," Zane said addressing the senior staff, "time to
>jump into the dress As. Lieutenants Jenn and Jerran and Ensign Lee meet
>me in transporter room 3 in 45 minutes and have Dr. Glin'kharr join us as well."

Can we dress up pretty, or do we have to go formal in dress uniforms... :)

Kris & Scott Gant


by Andrew Catterick 11-6-1996

On Wed, 6 Nov 1996, Kris & Scott Gant wrote:

> > "Well everyone," Zane said addressing the senior staff, "time to
> >jump into the dress As. Lieutenants Jenn and Jerran and Ensign Lee meet
> >me in transporter room 3 in 45 minutes and have Dr. Glin'kharr join us as well."
> Can we dress up pretty, or do we have to go formal in dress uniforms... :)

Sorry Kris...its formals.:(

USS FEYNMAN: A First Step (Cont.)

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 11-7-1996

SD: 81107.1630
MD: 6.1705
Scene: Bridge

> "Well everyone," Zane said addressing the senior staff, "time to jump into
> the dress As. Lieutenants Jenn and Jerran and Ensign Lee meet me in
> transporter room 3 in 45 minutes and have Dr. Glin'kharr join us as well."

> As the bridge started to bustle with officers leaving and relief
> arriving Zane rose from his chair and turned to face Maril. "Have fun!"


Leaning back in his chair, feet propped upon the edge of his desk, J.C. took the PADD his ACSO, Senior Chief Petty Officer Alex Tamarov handed him.

"Here's the duty roster. Looks like PO1s Covo't and Jonas are up for the away team." said Alex, taking a seat beside the desk.

"Thanks Alex. Like I said earlier, no surprises this mission." J.C. scanned the roster. Covo't was a good member of the team, but as Tellarites' don't necessarily make good diplomats... J.C. shuddered to think. Jerry Jonas was promising, but had prior misdealings with the Captain. Better to keep both Covo't and Jonas on board this time. Punching a few keys on the PADD, J.C. inserted two names above Covo't and Jonas, bumping them down to the next mission. He handed the PADD back to Alex.

"I think we better keep Jonas and Covo't here this time. Have the replacement NCOs in transporter room 3 in 35 minutes, Class A's and Type I side arms only. Concealed, Mr. Tamarov. We don't want to appear as invaders." Alex took the PADD and looked over the two names, CPO T'boc and competent Vulcan NCO, and ....himself!?

"Mr. Allard, you want ME to go? I thought you would want to go?" Alex looked confused.

"I think Mr. T'boc and yourself are the best choices for this mission. I'll have my hands full here on the ship, tending to our visitors. Besides, this way you can put on your best for the Captain without me along." They both grinned, taking the hidden meaning. Last mission saw them both injured, almost captured, and not exactly on the CO's most favorite list.

"Get going, Alex." said J.C. The ACSO stood at attention, "Aye SIR!" them smiled and left.

"Computer." said J.C. He stretched, wondering if he had enough time to grab a bite to eat. Frowning, it was about five seconds, and the usual instantaneous response from the computer was not happening. J.C. stood up this time.

"Computer, respond!".

[breep! Crackle.... crackle... error. Please restate inquiry.]

"Computer, I didn't make any inquiry, yet." Reaching over to the console on his desktop, J.C. hit the command access link. No response... something was really wrong. Maybe Koreth was running a system diagnostic or something. Tapping his comm badge, J.C. started to call the CEO, but the comm link did not connect.

"Damn." Thinking, J.C. opened his bottom desk drawer and got out his handheld communicator. They were seldom used anymore by Star Fleet, but it still worked. He flipped open the cover, activating the comm link. He was rewarded with the old-style 'chirp' sound of the connection.

"Allard to Koreth." J.C. hoped this would work.

"Koreth here. Yes Mr. Allard". Relieved, J.C. explained the weird system failures....

Mike Dailey
Lieutenant J.G., J.C. Allard CSO - USS FEYNMAN - SILVER FLEET

******** * NRPG * ********

Just a little pre-mission stuff. Enjoy the system failure, everyone. Kinda reminiscent of 'Contagion' [TNG 2ns season episode.] Hope we fare better than the YAMATO and her crew.... have fun!


USS FEYNMAN: Step Right In

by Jason Bostjancic 11-8-1996

SD: 81108
MD: 6.1800
Scene: Engineering

"Finally, some useful information," said the CEO as he stared at the main engineering computer display. With Meleah off playing diplomat, Tarrant had been unable to get any further on the SERAPIS' destruction. Then a second idea almost smashed him in the face when they reached the Issahi system.

Koreth brought the DELPHI system up to full capacity and began scanning each astral object in the vicinity for the rare element ytterbium. The results from the scans of the Issahi homeworld were just coming in.

Ens. Dunnon sounded off the more interesting findings as they came in. "Estimated Population, 1.5 billion; Atmosphere, class M; Ten separate energy sources... sir, the levels are off the chart - my guess is they're on a magnitude of 10000 times greater than a warp reactor each!"

"Looks like the 'plants' supply power to the entire planet. I'm not sure what type of energy source there using, can't get through the Dilithium shielding..., " said Koreth as he adjusted the sensors, "... but, they don't seem to produce any adverse affects to the planet or atmosphere. With the exception of the power output, there are no other emissions."

<Scan complete. Percentage of Ytterbium detected in atmosphere 0.000% Percentage of Ytterbium detected on planet 0.000%. Percentage of Ytterbium found in initial geological scans 0.000%.>

The Engineering crew breathed a collective sigh of relief. It seemed quite probable that the Issahi, and their weapons, did not use Ytterbium. Granted, they could have mined it from some other location, but Tarrant didn't think so.

"Which means that our enemy is still unknown." Tarrant ran the holo of the SERAPIS' destruction again. The staff had seen it a number of times, but they all watched it again anyway. The relief was short lived.

Suddenly the Issahi delegation, led by Cmdr. Maril, came into engineering. The toughened grey-green skin and yellow eyes of the Issahi were a sharp contrast to the humans in the room.

"... this is our Main Engineering." announced Maril standing to the side so the guests could see.

Meleah translated the presentation. But even as she did, the group seemed mesmerized by something in the room, and two from the back stepped forward. They had different markings on their skin that looked to be permanent, but un-natural.

Tarrant turned to see what was the cause of the stares, and realized it was the holo of the Serapis. It had run through and paused just before the explosion, the ship falling apart without its SIF.

In a slightly gutteral voice one of them spoke, luckily the translator had already decoded thier language into a useable form.

"This is what happened to your brothern vessel?"

Koreth rose and nimbly cleared his screen of the scans. "Yes. The SERAPIS."

The two Issahi looked at each other. One seemed ready to say something when the larger gave a quite Klingon-like growl.

'They knew something' thought Tarrant.

Maril and Meleah stepped in, "This is Lieutenant Koreth, our chief engineering officer.

<NRPG> Feel free to add... I think I've given enough to play with for now <G>


Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS BURKE
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

Potest esse nur unus

USS FEYNMAN: What Did You Call Him?

by Kristen Gant 11-10-1996

Stardate: 81110.1005
Scene: Issahi Council Chambers
MD: 6.1815

Had the events unfolding before her eyes not have been so serious, Krysa would have almost chuckled at the look of surprise on Jerran's face as he heard they were going to put him on display!

Krysa focused her empathic energies on Ross as she'd been completely unable to get anything from the Issahi. There was something about Jerran that the human disliked, but she couldn't figure out exactly what it was. But the hostility was more then obvious.

She watched as Dr. Glin'kharr stepped forward to speak.

"First Council, perhaps this one is here to bring you a greater gift," Glin'kharr found himself saying, pointing at the FCO. All eyes turned to the Doctor, who felt his shackles rise. "...for this one may lead you to your lost treasure."

Jerran raised an eyebrow at Glin'kharr, who could only shrug in response...

Krysa returned her focus to Ross who was immediately surprised and indignant at the thought the despicable creature in front of him could be of any help. He was even more surprised when the First Counsel spoke again, "This creature is willing to give us this information."

Ross did not appear to know everything, Krysa mused, though he hid his surprise well.

Zane spoke quickly, "We are here to discuss a mutually beneficial alliance. I'm sure an exchange of any useful information will be a part of that."

The First Counsel looked at the FEYNMAN's commanding officer with a bit of a frown, then nodded. "That will be acceptable. However, we will not share a counsel table with a .." the universal translator was not able to translate the final word which Krazich spoke in his guttural tongue. Something Krysa couldn't even hope to repeat, let alone spell. However, the word was spoken with obvious distaste and was directed at Jerran. There were rumblings of agreement from those around.

Lt. Krysa Jenn
*** NRPG: Sorry it's so short, but I really didn't have any good ideas, other then not letting Jerran off the hook to easily <EG>

Kristen & Scott Gant ~sgant/gant.htm