ORIGINS: Timeline of Events

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Timeline of Events- Alternate Timeline


Timeline of Events

21st century


  • The interstellar probe Nomad is launched.


  • The past events of "Carpenter Street". (Enterprise)


  • The first successful Earth-Saturn spaceprobe mission takes place.


  • The world's first self-sustaining civic environment Millennium Gate which became the model for the first habitat on Mars, completed in Portage Creek, Indiana. ("11:59", Voyager)


  • Sleeper ships are made obsolete. ("Space Seed", The Original Series)


  • The 'reunification' of Ireland by the United Kingdom.
  • The past events of "Past Tense" (Deep Space 9)


  • Ares-IV, a manned mission to Mars is launched.


  • The spaceship Charybdis makes an attempt to leave the solar system. ("The Royale", The Next Generation)


  • World War III ends and the Earth is left devastated by the nuclear carnage of it. Scientific advancement continues, however. (Star Trek: First Contact)


  • Zefram Cochrane makes the first human warp flight with the Phoenix. This attracts the Vulcans and they make first contact with humans. (Star Trek: First Contact)


  • The SS Valiant is launched. ("Where No Man Has Gone Before", TOS)


  • The unmanned interstellar warp probe Friendship 1 is launched. ("Friendship One", Voyager)


  • The colony ship SS Conestoga is launched. It would found the Terra Nova colony. ("Terra Nova", Enterprise)


  • Earth begins to recover from its nuclear war. ("Encounter at Farpoint", TNG)


  • Future Enterprise chief science officer T'Pol is born on Vulcan.

22nd century


  • Jonathan Archer is born in upstate New York on Earth. ("In a Mirror, Darkly", Enterprise)


  • Zefram Cochrane who now is residing on Alpha Centauri sets off for parts unknown and disappears. Some thought he was testing a new engine. After an exhaustive search, it is believed that Cochrane has died. He becomes one of the most famous missing people in history. ("Metamorphosis", TOS)


  • Hoshi Sato is born. ("In a Mirror, Darkly", Enterprise)


  • The events of Star Trek: Enterprise take place.


  • The Earth-Romulan War is fought between the United Earth and its allies, and the Romulan Star Empire. The war ends in a stalemate though the Romulans are defeated at the Battle of Cheron. The Romulan Neutral Zone is established.


  • The United Federation of Planets is founded by Earth, Tellar, Andoria, and Vulcan. ("Conundrum", TNG; "These Are the Voyages...", Enterprise)


  • Sarek, Federation diplomat and father of Spock, is born on Vulcan. ("Journey to Babel", TOS)

2160s to 2196

  • The Daedalus-class starship is active. ("Power Play", TNG)

23rd century


  • Montgomery Scott is born in Scotland. ("Relics", TNG)


  • Leonard McCoy is born in Georgia on Earth. ("Encounter at Farpoint", TNG)


  • Spock, the son of Sarek and the human Amanda Grayson, is born on Vulcan.

NOTE: it is at this point that the timeline of ORIGINS splits from the ASR Prime timeline. Everything from this point on is a part of the ORIGINS back story only.


  • The USS Kelvin is destroyed by the Romulan ship Narada, which has accidentally come back in time from the year 2387 while attempting to kill Spock; whom Nero blamed for the destruction of Romulus. (Star Trek)
  • James T. Kirk is born in space when his mother goes into labor during the attack on the U.S.S. Kelvin. George Kirk, father of James Kirk, dies. (Star Trek)


  • Hikaru Sulu is born in San Francisco.


  • Nyota Uhura is born in the United States of Africa.


  • Pavel Chekov is born to Ukrainian parents. (Star Trek)


  • The Romulan ship Narada destroys the bulk of the Klingon fleet, 38-40 warships in total and makes towards Vulcan. (Star Trek)
  • The USS Enterprise NCC-1701 is launched on her maiden voyage under Captain Christopher Pike. However, she arrives at Vulcan too late: the Narada destroys the planet Vulcan- killing billions, including Spock's mother, as well as the starships USS Farragut and the USS Hood. (Star Trek)
  • The Enterprise, now under the command of James T. Kirk, manages to destroy the Narada before it can destroy Earth. (Star Trek)

NOTE: the events that follow come from either the role-play of the ORIGINS units or their back-stories.



