Gold Fleet Introduction

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GOLD Fleet Insignia

An Introduction to Gold Fleet and ASR

Gold Fleet has a rich and storied history in ASR, a history that has undergone more than a couple of shifts since its re-opening in 1999.

The Beginnings

When Star Fleet decided to re-open Gold Fleet in 1999 due to escalating tensions along the Romualn and Gorn frontiers, they began a precedent of hiring former CINCSFs to command the fleet by tapping Admiral W. Gordon Crowell (played by veteran D'Maris Coffman) to serve as CINCGOLD. A veteran combat commander and a tough administrator, Crowell's tenure lasted from the fleet's reopening in 1999 until October of 2002.

Crowell's toughness and capabilities were needed in the early days of Gold, as fires seemed to erupt from every corner, most notably from newly-emergent Gorn Hegemony and continued agitation by the Fardons. Deep Space 13 would develop into a hub of both commercial and illegal activities during this time, transforming what had been not much more than a frontier waystation into a strategic and political hotspot. Out of this evolution would the Krima Expeditionary Force be born.

During this time, many heroes would be born; some would die, yes, but some would etch their names in Star Fleet lore forever. The work by the crews of the USS Quasar and the USS Resolution have given Star Fleet everything we currently know about the Fardons; and the sacrifices of the crews of Deep Space 13 and the USS Leviathan to block Gorn Hegemony aggression into the frontier worlds of the Federation follow the highest standards of Star Fleet. However, the explorations undertaken by the crews of the USS Aurora and the USS Nova were equally as important in establishing a Star Fleet presence in areas previously unknown.

The Recent Past

In October of 2002, Star Fleet Command made another retired CINCSF, Admiral John R. Brooks (played by another veteran, Jeffrey Jenkins), the new CINCGOLD following Crowell's retirement. Brooks was- and still is- a man cut from the same cloth as Crowell: a tough-as-nails officer who does not suffer foolishness or deception well. However, while Crowell had his share of combat experience, there are few in Star Fleet's history who can match Brooks' experience and success in combat. This gave Brooks an element of respect from the unit commanders that few flag officers have enjoyed- he had "been there." Brooks would serve as CINCGOLD from October, 2002 until April, 2007, when he would be reassigned as the Commander-in-Chief of Blue Fleet.

Due to budgetary cutbacks, Brooks would have a somewhat smaller resource pool from which to work than his predecessor. This fortold of dangerous times for Gold, for the tensions along the Gorn Hegemony border were threatening to boil over into all-out war while at the same time new enemies, such as the Woren Imperium, began to make their presence felt. In a sign of the unrest during this time, Deep Space 13 would be destroyed, as would the medical pavillion at Orestes.

Also during this time- and, again, likely a sign of the unrest at the time- a new task force would open: the Blue/Gold Joint Task Force. This task force would work in areas formerly patroled by Blue Fleet ships, and be based out of Point Gideon Station.

Despite the obstacles, heroes would again, reluctantly, emerge: USS Indefatigable and USS Kusanagi would encounter enemies of a kind that seemed straight out of old-Terran horror movies. USS Serapis would be instrumental in containing the escalating aggression of the Gorn Hegemony and even foil an assassination attempt against a Gorn Confederacy ambassador. And USS Circe would emerge as the lightning rod for conflict, fendning off major offensives by the Gorn Hegemony and the Woren Imperium.

The Future

Gold has evolved into a smaller, more compact force with the re-opening of Blue Fleet. Now under the command of Admiral Conrad Veld (played by Scott Lusby)- another former CINCSF- Gold has been quick to answer the threats emanating from the Orestes region with the opening of the Scimitar Expeditionary Force, while at the same time reinforcing the rebuilt Deep Space 13 as the headquarters of the beefed-up Krima Expeditionary Force. This has been a key reorganization, as rumblings from within the Gorn region indicate that the situation within the Gorn Hegemony might finally destabilize enough to explode, while at the same time the Fardons have re-emerged as a player in the region. And though little has been heard from them in recent years, discounting the Borg would be a mistake.

Final Thoughts

Gold Fleet is comprised at this time of 4 primary role-play units, and literally dozens of other ships, locales, and places of interest that make up the fleet's background. However, things evolve and change all the time; if you have an idea for a new unit or storyline, please feel free to drop a line to the command team here in Goldand we'll be happy to work on it with you. While we try to create an interconnected overall story arc between our units, there is plenty of room for individual creativity. If you are interested in such opportunities, please send drop us a line here.

Scott Lusby

aka the player behind

Admiral Conrad Veld

Commander in Chief Gold Fleet

P.S. If you have an interest in learning more about ASR, by all means, let me know and I'll put you in touch with the administrators in charge of new player orientation.