USS Feynman APR 1996

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April 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



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USS FEYNMAN: Fobok Must Be On To Something

by Kristen Gant 4-1-1996

Stardate: 80401.0048
Scene: Malia’s restaurant
MD: 2.1230

>"Very well, we will meet tomorrow at 0500 hours to exchange data."
>[Understood. Fobok out]

The doctor and the second officer looked at each other. Neither really wanted to split up their away team, but as it was officially shore leave there wasn’t any reason why they shouldn’t.

“So what do you make of that?” ask the Bolian.

Krysa shook her head, “I’m not sure. It doesn’t seem like Fobok to just take off like that. However, this is a very friendly planet, so I suppose we shouldn’t worry.” She was right. So far they had not seen anything to lead them to believe that Fobok would not be safe.

They begged their leave from a disappointed Malia and headed out to further explore the festival. There was a lot of eating and dancing going on. Though, Krysa noted, they were not consuming any alcoholic beverages. Everything seemed to be aimed toward one purpose during this festival: Conception.

As the night wore on, they noticed the planet’s inhabitants beginning to pair off and disappear into the night. Both were exhausted and headed to the inn where Malia had helped them to secure lodgings for the night. They were given strange looks as each went into thier own room. Once in their rooms the two exhausted officers fell fast asleep.

Scene: Malia's restaurant

Lt. Fobok did not arrive at the appointed time, which was extremely rare for the Vulcan. Dr. Tok blamed himself for not searching for him the day before. Krysa knew that there had not been any reason yesterday to worry, so tried to calm Tok’s fears.

“Jenn to Fobok, report please.”

[Fobok here.] came the tired voice.

“Where are you, Mr. Fobok. You were supposed to meet us at the restaurant at 0500 hours. What are you doing?” said Krysa annoyed at the Vulcan obvious disregard for his crewmates.

[I apologize, Lt., I just got to sleep two hours ago, and I forgot to have someone wake me up. I will meet you later in the day.]

“Fobok, we would you here now!” said Krysa.

[Lt., I am sorry, but that isn’t possible right now. I will explain when I see you later.]

Krysa was flustered. She did not like being put off like this. “Mr. Fobok, I’m afraid I need a little more explanation then that right now.”

[I can’t discuss it right now, but I promise it will be worth it.] The link was silent for a moment. [Krysa, don’t worry, I’m fine. Please, let me finish this.]

Krysa sighed. “Very well, Mr. Fobok. But this had better be worth it. Jenn out.”

Dr. Tok looked at her. “What do you think that is all about?”

“I don’t have a clue, but I really can’t order him to report. This is officially still shore leave.”

Malia came out of the kitchen and greeted her guests. “Did you all have a good night last night?”

“Oh, yes,” said Krysa, trying to put her concern for Fobok out of her mind.

“This morning is the elections, you know.” Tok and Jenn nodded, and Malia continued, “We will have the broadcast on here all day.”

“The festivities are over?” asked Krysa.

“Oh no,” said Malia. “But this is an important election after all. So things are just put on hold for a while. I’m sure things will resume in no time. We Furjenian’s don’t like our Fertility Festival interrupted!”

Krysa smiled. Somehow she didn’t doubt it.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

USS FEYNMAN: After the Blue Stork Riot

by Charles Jencks 4-1-1996

SD 80401.0000
MD 3.0400

Having beamed back to the FEYNMAN and deposited Commissioner Thessa in the Sickbay, Ensign Krazny Oktyabr and Ensign Jade Sr'qwon reported to the Captain. "Sir, we've returned from the surface. The Commissioner is somewhat drunk and slightly injured, sir. I had to carry him to a safe beamup point slung over my shoulder."

"The riot?"

"The local security force was starting to suppress the insurrection when we beamed up. I don't know how mad the Commissioner will be when he wakes up, because he wanted to see more of the city."

"He'll probably have time for that. Look, the locals have asked us to provide observers for the election. You'll be leaving for the main ballot-counting facility in the capital city in six hours, two hours after the polls open. The Commissioner has been asked for, so if he's in any condition to leave Sickbay, he goes."

"Yes, sir."

"I suggest you two get some rest. Be back here at 0800. You beam down at 1000."

NRPG: The election awaits...

PS I'm back from vacation.

- Charles Jencks (                               -
-                                                                         -
- Student of History, Life, And All Things Remotely Star Trek!            -
-----------------------------ASR Charachter List---------------------------
- Ens Christophe Boulanger, USS MELBOURNE FCO, Blue Fleet                 -
- Ens K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, USS GAUSS FCO, Blue Fleet                          -
- Ens Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN CNS, Silver Fleet                       -
- Ens Jarin Edisrevir, USS LINCOLN CSO, Red Fleet                         -
If you don't write it down, then it never happened.
- Dr Caroline Ryan, MD, FACS

USS FEYNMAN: Reporting In

by Kristen Gant 4-1-1996

Stardate: 80401.0104
Scene: Fertility Festival
MD: 3:0800

Tok and Jenn had spent the last several hours listening to Malia and her staff’s views on the election. Krysa noticed that it was time to report in to the Captain. She excused herself leaving Tok with the others. Once she found a quiet spot she hit her comm badge.

“Jenn to Feynman.”

<Zane here, what’s your report, Lt.>

“Tok and I are having a wonderful time. The people are extremely friendly and everything we have seen, leads us to believe that this planet should be excepted into the federation.” She paused wondering how to explain the Fobok situation.

<What about Lt. Fobok?>

“Well, Sir. Dr. Tok and I haven’t actually seen Mr. Fobok since yesterday at lunch. We have been in contact with him, but he refuses to tell us what is going on. He promises that he is fine and that he will have something interesting to report later in the day.” Krysa hoped she had acted correctly in not ordering Mr. Fobok to rejoin them.

<Alright, Lt. Contact him again to make sure he is okay. Tell him I personally want a report from him by 1200.>

“Yes, Sir. I will do that. Jenn out.” Krysa quickly hailed Lt. Fobok and told him of the Captain’s request. Fobok seemed annoyed, but promised he would contact Zane by the appointed time. With that Krysa rejoined Tok and the other to watch the coverage on the election.

Regards, Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Just a Short not to report in. Lysle if you have anything to add to the report feel free.


USS FEYNMAN: Jenn and Tok to the Rescue

by Kristen Gant 4-2-1996

Stardate: 80402.1528
Scene: Malia’s Restaurant
MD: 3:1030

The two Starfleet officers sitting at Malia’s restaurant hadn’t been paying to much attention to the broadcast of the Election. It certainly wasn’t the most interesting thing going on, even if it would turn out to be the most important as far as the Federation was concerned.

They were watching a couple dance on a table top with everyone laughing and clapping around them. Malia was distracted from the display in time to catch the running tally. She frowned. Krysa saw her look and turned to her.

“What’s wrong, Malia?”

“They are predicting a strong showing for the Yinterego Consolidacy.” the woman grimaced. “That’s not good for the Federation. They are separatists, wanting to keep other races from crossbreeding our world.”

Krysa had to contain her smile. Yes, the way these people felt about breeding, once they were members of the Federation, there could very likely be interspecies breeding. Yet, if they won the election, then their trip here was for nothing.

[Zane to Jenn.]

“Jenn here.”

[I need to speak to you alone, Lt. Please find a quiet spot.]

“Just a moment, sir.” She nodded to Malia, and turned to find the Doctor. Tok was enjoying the show, so she left him there and walked to a quieter section of the restaurant. Looking around she found no one about, “Jenn to Zane, I’m alone.”

[Lt., Cmdr. Maril and his team have not reported in. We can not find any sign of them on sensors, either. I want you and Tok back up here to plan our next move.]

“What about Lt. Fobok, sir?”

[Don’t worry about him. I’ve already checked in with him and he’s fine. Ens. Jade and Ens. Krazney are watching the Commissioner, and I’d like them to stay there. But I need you and Tok here.]

“Yes, sir. I’ll get the Doctor.

[Zane out]

Krysa headed back into the main dining area and pulled Tok aside and explained the Captain’s new orders.

“I don’t like leaving Fobok down here.” frowned the doctor.

“Me either, but those are the Captain’s orders.” She turned to Malia and thanked her for her hospitality then the two officers exited the restaurant and beamed back to the ship.</nowiki>

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Just thought I’d get Krysa and Tixx in on finding our missing officers. Since Jade brought her suspicions to Zane I figured he’s want the to stay close to Thessa. (Hey, I can’t help it if they disobey orders <G>)

Lsyle & Andy, any idea how we can find Maril, Koreth and Jerran?


USS FEYNMAN: The Grey Party

by Charles Jencks 4-2-1996

SD 80402.1600
Furjen Ballot Counting Facility.

"No, Jade, I'm staying here. But if you find out the commissioner did something, then you can tell me and I'll tell them."

He then walked away from Jade and to a viewscreen. A new party, called the Grey Party, was shooting up in the totals, now up to 8 percent, and rising.

He approached the supervisor of the counting facility. "Who are the Grey Party?"

"Radicals. Don't worry, they're harmless. Actually, I'm a Grey."

"Well, what do they stand for?"

"Families. They want lots of new schools, playgounds, everything for little kids. And one more thing: They're as radical as the Yiteringos when it comes to the Federation."

"Really? Then how come they're starting to gain on them?"

"The Grey Party's position on the Federation is the exact opposite of that of the Yiteringos. They want membership, immediately."

Krazny looked over to a narby screen. The Greys were now at 10 percent, but the Yiteringos were currently pulling 49 percent of the votes.

NRPG: Hmmm... hope lingers on the horizon. And, as far as Krazny's decision to stay goes, he could have gone either way, but he didn't want to disobey the Captain. (One of my other charachters just got formally reprimanded for something similar, and I didn't want to do that again right away.)

- Charles Jencks (                               -
-                                                                         -
- Student of History, Life, And All Things Remotely Star Trek!            -

-----------------------------ASR Charachter List---------------------------
- Ens Christophe Boulanger, USS MELBOURNE FCO, Blue Fleet                 -
- Ens K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, USS GAUSS FCO, Blue Fleet                          -
- Ens Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN CNS, Silver Fleet                       -
- Ens Jarin Edisrevir, USS LINCOLN CSO, Red Fleet                         -
If you don't write it down, then it never happened.
- Dr Caroline Ryan, MD, FACS

USS FEYNMAN: I'm Here Now, You're Safe :)

by Kristen Gant 4-1-1996

Stardate: 80403.0426
Scene: Museum of Science (Selgo)
MD: 3:1130

The three Feynman crew ran toward the loud crashing sound, and quickly ran inside to investigate. Sure enough true to Tok’s word there were the three Starfleet officer looking down from a ceiling panel they had pushed out onto the floor. The crashing sound had been the panel as it fell smack dab on top of a Statue in the middle of the floor.

“See guys, I told you I’d find a way out of here.” Lt. Jerran said to the other officers looking down from the ceiling. “Hi Krysa! Hi Tixx! It’s about time you guys got here!”

“What are you doing up there?” Krysa called.

“It’s a long story,” said Maril. “I don’t suppose you could find us a ladder or something?”

“I’ll see what I can do.” Krysa turned to the doctor who was doing his best to control his laughter. “Call the captain and tell him we found them.”

“I’m here as well, Lt.” called down Fobok.

Krysa looked up in disbelief. “This is going to be some story, I can tell.” She then turned and found an official looking person to help get the officers down.

Time: 3:1300

Maril, Koreth and Jerran told there part of the story and Fobok added his. It was a fascinating story, and one that bothered Krysa a great deal. First members of the Yintirego party kidnapped several of the Feynman’s officers. And then Ferengi, kidnapping Fobok. The Ferengi appeared to be working with another group, probably the Manarkians, as they closely resembled the Furjenians.

“Well, this is turning out to be more of a mystery then we thought.” Krysa said.

“Anyone know how the election is going?” asked Maril.

“Last I checked it was a very close race. Too early to tell what’s going to happen.” Krysa told him.”

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: So does the election end at 1400 or 1600 hours. I’m a tad confused. But don’t worry, I didn’t get that far in this post<G>


USS FEYNMAN: Counting Votes, What a Bore!

by Andrew Nugteren 4-2-1996

SD: 80402.1320
MD: 3.1010
Scene: Furjen Ballot-counting Facility

Ensigns Jade and Krazny, Commissioner Thesa and another 30 junior personnel from the FEYNMAN, followed the well-dressed official down a long corridor and then after a security check, into the main ballot counting office. Several hundred people were gathered both seated and standing around the room and as the counting had yet to get underway, were chatting among themselves. The noise died down as at the far end of the room, a member of the Furjen Judicial Council appeared at the small podium and began to address them all.

"Good morning," he began cordially. "Firstly, a very special welcome to our observers from the Federation's USS Feynman. We're most grateful to have an independent presence monitoring our elections. As you are all aware, polling booths opened at 0800 this morning, and ballots will be flowing in from all over the city over the next 6 hours. If we all work together as a team, we'll get the job done much quicker...."

After giving a further run-down for several minutes, the Judicial Officer stepped down from the podium and released the first set of ballots to be counted. The Feynman personnel began the task of casually walking from aisle to aisle; observing progress in a non-threatening manner. Jade wondered personally what the result of the elections would be. It seemed that the Yinterego Consolidacy had made very rapid gains over the past 24 hours and now looked very likely of gaining an overall majority on the Planetary Assembly, and therefore the power to appoint their own President, Prime Minister and cabinet into power. Such moves didn't brighten the horizon as far as moves for Federation membership went, as it was well known that the Consolidacy were strongly pro-isolationist and would most likely cancel diplomatic talks with Commissioner Thesa.

Thinking of Commissioner Thesa, Jade began to reflect on what they knew. For all intents and purposes, his behaviour on Furjen and in the 24 hours before they had arrived had been most unusual. Nehelik, her most recent host, had been the Federation's Ambassador to the Ferengi Alliance for 10 years, and his accumulated knowledge gave Jade the idea that everything was not as it had seemed.

For a start, the Commissioner's behaviour toward his hosts on Furjen had been most undiplomatic, and he had even refused (not declined) an invitation by the President to be his personal guest. Since arriving, the Commissioner had not enhanced his credibility in Nehelik's eyes, but seemed somehow to be actively opposed to granting Furjen Federation membership. The telling blow had been the Commissioner's apparent foreknowledge of the Yinterego newscast, although how he had known still remained a mystery. In fact, in this whole mess there were far too many questions and not enough answers. The most serious matter at hand was that if the Commissioner was in someway, whether by himself or in a group of others, attempting to swing the elections then they would need to discover his motives. And considering the ballot-counting would be all over in 6 hours, they needed to act fast and gather the necessary evidence to support their claim.

Bumping into a woman, Jade apologies and concentrated back on the task at hand. Noticing Ensign Krazny only a few desks down, she sidled up to him and briefly explained the situation as she saw it.

"Basically I think it boils down to the fact that we have only about six hours to come up with proof of the Commissioner's or anyones involvement in this," Jade summarised her thoughts. "I say we leave and search around Furjen."

"The Captain did order us here to observe," Krazny reminded her. "And I'm sure he had considered the Commissioner's behaviour when he gave the order."

Jade gave Krazny an exasperated look. "I guess that personally, I have the advantage in having served in Starfleet for one lifetime already. That experience has taught me that Starfleet isn't after officers that blindly follow orders, but after those with initiative and ideas who are willing to take the risk."

"I think our situation justifies taking a different approach to our orders," she continued. "Are you in?"

Respectfully submitted Ensign Jade Sr'qwon


Phew!! There was no way I was going to stand around observing people count votes for 6 hours in a stuffy room while everyone else has fun. No thank you!!!

The above mainly just summarises Jade's thoughts and provides for an investigation to begin with the goal of basically tracking down the people behind all of our problems. The stopwatch is started... we have but 6 hours!!

Charles: Krazny can follow orders and stay behind, or he can be a rebel and help Jade track down the culprits at the roots of all of this. I leave you the choice :)

Andy: My candle is lit for you <EG>

Jason/Joseph/Max: I guess that since Zane didn't change our orders in the morning, that you guys either hadn't escaped captivity by 3.1000, or that you're still stuck somewhere on Furjen that is still jamming your communicators. I'll leave that to someone else to sort out :) (Aren't I generous!)

| Ensign Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Lt.Colonel Chris Williams Instructor - Holodeck 11 ARMSTRONG LB           |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                 New Zealand |

USS FEYNMAN: Fitting Some Pieces...

by Andrew Catterick 4-3-1996

SD: 80403.1000
MD: 3.2000
Scene: Captain's Ready-room

[So after an unprecedented day of voting the Kming Party has retained its mandate to govern. However,] the newsanchor continued, [for the first time in over 20 years it has failed to achieve 85% of the vote and for the first time in over 50 years it received less than 70%. Any thoughts on the outcome, Kerhi?] The anchor turned to her companion.

[This is shocking blow to the leaders of the Kming party. Yes it is a win but they have lost a large part of their support and this could prove to hamper them in the near future.]

[Can you be a bit more elaborate?]

[Certainly. They have won the election by carrying 63% of the ridings but they clearly did not receive the majority of votes. In the past Furjen has been a single party dominant democratic system. Other parties ran but the Kming was so large and encompassed the viritual political spectrum, they were the only party to vote for and everyone did so happily.]

[Now, we have two other parties to consider. Kming has slowly been moving towards one end of the political spectrum and as vacuums develop it is inevitable that the fringe parties slowly fill them and moderate there own poicies to appeal to a wider range.]

{I'm just surprised at how much of an impact these two parties had on the overall results. If you look at the numbers in most of the major ridings you can see that the Kming party failed to get the majority of votes but managed to win because the remainders were split between the two rivals. Often they received a 40% and still won. So, yes, they've been elected with a 63% but if you really study the numbers they are running around a 44-47% popular support....]

Zane reached over and turned off the video feed.

"Well this is just an outrage!" Thessa said quietly. Actually he didn't seem all that outraged.

"I'm not sure I follow you Commissioner. I realize, unofficially of course, that it would have been better for the Federation for the Kming Party to have made there usual strong showing but they still won so this shouldn't disrupt the diplomatic discussions too much. And, it is a clear example of the evolution of their democratic sysytem. I should think that only enhances their chances of membership."

"You completly miss the point, again." The commissioner sighed. "The majority of the planet voted against the party that wants Federation memebership. I can not recommend such a membership if the planet is not unified." Thessa seemed quite pleased with himself. Something Zane was coming to see more and more especially after hearing the report from Krazny and Sr'qwon.

"But commissioner they had a planetary-wide referendum 5 weeks ago with a 94% vote in favour of joining the Federation. Even Vulcan didn't vote that high."

Before Thessa could reply they were interrupted by a call from the bridge. "Excuse me captain, commissioner but there is an incoming sub-space message for the commissioner."

Thessa stood, the satisfied look on his face of a few moments previous clearly deflated. "I'll take it in hear" he announced to the comm-system. "This is a private communication commander."

Smiling at the commissioner's rudness Zane left for the bridge.

As soon as Zane was gone Thessa opened the channel. "You guaranteed the Kming would lose the election! Have you seen the numbers? I told you it was impossible and now look at the mess we are in!"

[The election results are regrettable but nothing has changed. If the Kming had lost you were to have indefinetly post-poned the Furjen application. This you must still do.] the voice was calm and controlled.

"Aren't you following along?" Thessa shouted exasperrated. "They won! There is no grounds for postponement. You failed on your end and I am no longer obligated to aid you. I never want to hear from you again. You and your associates don't exist."

[You will help us for as long as we desire it or we will contact the Federation Council and inform them of your misdeeds. Now, the Kming party has done poorly enough that you *can* and *will* move for postponement. There is nothing more to say on this.]

"You're damn right there is! What about this ship? They've been crawling all over this planet and it is obvious there own positions on Furjen's chances at memebership. My voice carries the farthest on this issue. But if a number of Starfleet officers recommend it I may be overrulled."

[You need not worry about the FEYNMAN. Steps have been taken to 'remove' them from the equation.]

Thessa looked horrified. "Your not going to destroy them....."

[Of course not! Do you take us for fools. We have neither the means nor the inclination. Destruction of a Starfleet vessel would bring.....unwanted attention. No, the ship will receive an invitation to visit Manark V while you continue your *private* discussions. When they arrive we will simply show them a good time and when they return to Furjen your decision will have been made.]

"They'll never leave me or the Furjen. They have their orders."

[Yes, I have read them. They are to escort you to the planet and then return you to EPSILON. As for not wanted to leave...they will not refuse the invitation of a planetary governor of a Federation world. You have your orders carry them out.] The screen went blank.

Scene: Bridge.

Thessa emerged from the ready-room in a very dark mood. "Commander Zane I will be beaming down to the planet at 0900 tomorrow morning to continue talks with the government in private. There will be no baby-sitters coming along with me, is that clear?"

Zane nodded grimly. He expected that. "Commissioner we have just received an invitation to visit Manark V which means you will be on your own for at least three days. Let me send an honourary escort along."

"I think I can handle it, commander." Thessa replied dryly. "I am going alone. Who knows, perhaps the election results were a reflection of all your officers running around drunk on the planet."

Zane bristled at the insult but fought down a reply. He could not explode in front of the crew.

"I will be going alone. Good night."

As the doors of the turbolift closed Zane turned to Maril and Jenn. "Would you both join me in my ready-room."

Scene: Ready-room

"...there is something going on down there and the commissioner is ivolved and I don't like it."

"I take it you think this invitation from Manark V is a little strange?" Jenn asked.

"Not on the surface. But with all the other events I do find it quite a convienient coincidence for the Commissioner. Its obvious as to his intention for denying Furjen admittance and with us gone he can do so and not have to worry about our own recommendations. All we can say is based on pre-elections surveys they'd make a fine addition but after his secret talks .....well our opinions don't matter too much. Why doesn't he he want them in?"

"Transwarp drive." Maril said quietly. He immediately had both of their attention. "I don't know exactly what is going on but when you look at the pieces of the puzzle which my away team and Ensign Sr'qwon's examination of the secret warehouse provide the solution seems to be transwarp."


"We are met by escort ships from one of the major industrial giants of this world who later try to attack a seemingly peaceful Ferengi Trading vessel who we later discover is transporting technical components for a ship. My party stumbles upon the Transwarp experiments and are immediately seized by unknown assailants in a privately owned labs. The owners later give us an unlikely explanation that they thought we were engaging in industrial espionage. Fobok becomes victim to the same fate. Next we find that the Commissioner, who we know already is against membership, may have connections to a radical party who Ensigns Sr'qwon and Krazny have traced to the company that does not have transwarp. It is muddled but clear."

"So who is to gain by all this? Certainly the Ferengi have positioned themselves to be heavily involved but it isn't really up there alley."

Krysa snapped her fingers. "Manark V! That would explain the invitation out of the blue."

Zane considered this option. "A Federation world taking such action? Still they have only been a member for ten years and have been a enemy and industrial rival of Furjen for much longer."

"Exactly." Jenn replied. "If Furjen gains Transwarp it will make them the preeminent trader in this region, supplanted Manark V. And it is much more likely they will achieve it with admittance into the Federation. They can receive Federation funding and probably a science ship to test it. But if they are refused admission the process will take much longer and Manark V will retain there position."

"And they may even develop the technology before the Furjen." Maril finished.

"You think they are stealing the information and building their own system?" Zane asked.

"It would fit the puzzle and answer many questions."

"Agreed. Still this all seems to hinge on the success of transwarp drive, a technology abandoned 100 years ago."

"That doesn't mean it isn't possible."

Zane considered the options for a few moments. "Commander we will depart for Manark V as soon as the Commissioner leaves. I want you and Mr. Koreth to upload all information you can get on the Furjen experiments. I need to know how viable it is. Lieutenant, I want you to study the trade patterns of this region, especially those involving Furjen, Manark V and the Ferengi Alliance. Perhaps we can gleam more information that way."

Both officers rose to leave for the bridge. Their minds cluttered with half formulated theories and speculation.

"Onta could you have Mr. Jerran report to me?" ____________________________
Timeframe: 10 minutes later.

"You wanted to see me sir." Jerran said as he entered the room.

"I have a special mission for you Lieutenant. How long will it take to reach Manark V at warp 4?"

"About Five hours, sir."

"Good about two hours into the flight I want to stage a surprise intruder alert drill." Zane smiled. They hadn't had a surprise drill in quite awhile and it would be completley unexpected. "You will be the intruder and we will be the only two who know that. Do you feel up to it?"

"Of course sir. How do you want me to play it?"

"That's up to you and as I will be trying to capture you as well I don't want to know. Make your prescence known and then evade us for as long as possible. Use any means you can, but of course I don't want any major injuries."

"Yes sir....ah sir why me?"

"Well Commander Maril or Ensign Sq'qwon would be the obvious choice but if they weren't involved in the pursuit the surprise would be evident."

"I understand sir. Don't worry I'll make them earn their pay!"

"I'm sure you will, dismissed."

Zane walked over to the replicator. "Coffee, hot, black." Everything seemed to be covered with the exception of the Commissioner. He didn't like leaving him 'alone' on the planet whether there suspicions were true or not. Still the Commissioner's orders were clear, no Starfleet officers. He sipped his coffee and though about that. Slowly a smile creeped across his face.

"Zane to 10-Forward."

[Bat here. What's up Z?]

"I have a mission for you....interested?"

[I'm on my way!]


Just tying some things together and I took a few liberties to move things along.

Act One was great, on to Act Two.

Max/jason/Kris: Don't worry to much about your assignemnets...just keeping t the story but some infor would be nice.

Joseph/all: Have fun with the 'intruder alert' Just thought it would be a nice diversion/breather before delving back into the political intrigue...just remember the SF guidelines, phasers on stun only we don't need anyone dying or any equipment destroyed during a drill!

As for Transwarp drive.....if it was a viable technology it would have implication throughout ASR so far now its prabably best to keep it optimistic but not a sure thing. Besides SF has D-warp so doesn't need Transwarp but I imagine it would be a large benefit to the everyday trader...

Its still awhile away but I'm still, as always, taking suggestions for future mission plots to forward to Mike...

Respectfully submitted, Andy

-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Intruder Alert!!

by Kristen Gant 4-3-1996

Stardate: 80403.2301
Scene: Bridge
MD 4:1115

Lt. Jenn was sitting at Ops doing a last minute check on all sensors before being relieved by Ein. As she had OOD for Beta shift, Ein was relieving her early. She planned on spending that time studying the trade patterns of the Furjenians, the Marakian and the Ferengi as Commander Zane had asked. She had started it the night before, but found the reading so uninteresting she had fallen asleep at her computer console. She planned on finishing it now that she was wide awake.

One of her sensors sounded. She quickly checked and found nothing there that would have made it go off. Then a second one sounded. Her fingers flew over her controls as she tried to pinpoint the source of the alarm.

“Is there a problem, Lt.?” asked the captain coming out of his ready room.

“Yes, sir. It appears that we may have an intruder on board... I’m sure it isn’t a sensor glitch.” Her fingers moved over the panel some more. Yes sir, there is definitely an intruder on board.”

“Intruder alert!” called Zane.

“It appears to be on Deck 6... no make that deck 8.”

“Where, Lt.” said Zane his voice tense.

“I think the intruder entered at deck 6 near the life pods, probably. But is moving and now on deck 8... wait... it’s gone.” said a frustrated Jenn.

“Commander Maril, get a team and start searching near the life pods. Lt. Jenn, keep your eyes on those sensors and let me know when you see it pop up again.”

“Yes sir.” She continued to search with her sensors. How was it that it kept appearing and disappearing? “Sir, I have a confirmation on deck 9 section 22a.”

Zane looked at Maril, “Go!” Maril nodded and exited the bridge.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Just a short post to let the games begin. Now that we know there is a intruder... all we have to do is find him<G>


USS FEYNMAN: Detective Work

by Andrew Nugteren 4-4-1996

SD: 80404.0030
Scene: Furjen City
MD: 3.1200

Jade had been wandering around the city for several hours now trying to find information... any information that could provide solid evidence that would stand up before a Federation court of law. She was a bit disappointed that Krazny had decided not to join her, but she understood his reasons. Having served in Starfleet before probably made one a little more confident to take risks and their consequences. Technically speaking, she wasn't disobeying orders anyway. She remembered back to what Zane had said back on the FEYNMAN.

>"...Look, the locals have asked us to provide observers for the election.
>You'll be leaving for the main ballot-counting facility in the capital city in
>six hours, two hours after the polls open. The Commissioner has been asked for,
>so if he's in any condition to leave Sickbay, he goes..."

The Feynman had provided observers as requested and both Jade and Krazny had reported to the main ballot-counting facilitiy, and she had even observed the counting, something not expressly spelt out in her orders. Cmdr Zane had also asked them to keep an eye on the Commissioner and Krazny was indeed looking care of that responsibility more than adequately. Now that her orders had been fulfilled, the more pressing need was to get to the bottom of the situation at hand that seemed to be developing deeeper and deeper every hour.

Noticing a Ferengi standing out in the crowd, Jade held back a gasp as she recognised the face to be that of rebel Ferengi Captain Par Lenor. Back when Nehelik had been Ambassador on Ferengi, Lenor had been an active opponent of the treaty between the Federation and the Ferengi which had culminated in the desertation of a Ferengi Marauder to his cause as well as several trading vessels. He had quit the system presumably to set up headquarters in some other part of the quadrant and now here he was on Furjen. His opposition to the Federation 10 years ago implied immediately to Jade that Lenor was somehow involved in the scheme of things on Furjen so dropping back somewhat, she began to follow him along the street.

Several blocks later he paused, and then turned and entered a building who's markings showed it to be one of Furjen's Trading Delegations. The building was dwarfed in comparison to the massive warehouse structure behind it. Remembering what Commander Zane had said about the Ferengi beaming their cargo down to Furjen, she decided at an impulse that the cargo would be where Lenor was heading.

Moving quickly and silently along the side of the building, as only a PAT-trained security officer could, she kept her eyes pealed for a discreet entrance into the warehouse. A ventilation grill caught her gaze and with a delicate motion she had removed the grill and still holding it in one hand, jumped up and crawled into the shaft. An open ventilation shaft would arouse any intelligent persons attention she rightfully concluded so carefully pulled the grill back over the end of the shaft in a secure fashion and then began to crawl along in the semi-darkness.

Only several metres down she felt the first downward grill and peering through it, noted fairly pleased that it exited into an empty room who's purpose she couldn't derive. Working her fingers around the grill, this time with some difficulty, she hauled it up and dropped to the floor below. Replacing it this time would be all but impossible, so she made no attempt to cover her entrance.

From the clean coveralls in neat piles on the nearby bench, Jade concluded that the room was most probably changing room for the Furjenian workers in the warehouse. It also struck her at almost the same moment that her presence would be far too obvious in Starfleet attire, so quickly she donned a pair of blue coveralls over her uniform and looked in the mirror. There she said to herself. *Passable on first glance, but it wouldn't stand up to a close inspection.*

She moved toward the doors and exited out into the warehouse.

Respectfully submitted
Ensign Jade Sr'qwon


Seeing everyone seems to be picking on me, I thought I just *had* to use the first few lines of my post to justify leaving the vote counting facility by pointing out that I'm *not* technically disobeying orders!!!

btw, did I ever tell you how Ensigns Zane and Paxwax once conspired together in an attempt to hijack the Feynman off Epsilon :)

| Ensign Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Lt.Colonel Chris Williams Instructor - Holodeck 11 ARMSTRONG LB           |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                 New Zealand |

USS FEYNMAN: Psychobattle

by Charles Jencks 4-4-1996

SD 80404.0030

Ensign Ryan had just been coming off duty when a phaser beam shot past her in the hallway, and she ducked into the small alcove which both Krazny's quarters and the office doors opened into. The turbolift was on the other side of the hall. Suddenly, an arm wrapped around her from behind, and dragged her out of the alcove, just as she was keying the lock on the office door, to get out of harm's way.

She belatedly remembered the intruder alert that went off a few minutes before, which she'd shut off because she'd been counseling. Who had captured her? Furjenians? Marnarkians? Borg? Romulans? The ULA?

NRPG: Could be security thinking she's an intruder, could be a psycho patient, could be the intruder, or worse, she could have a boyfriend nobody knows about. <EG>

Later: Bridge Observation Lounge.

Krazny was curious about his assistant, who hadn't called him as she normally did when going off duty. He tapped his commbadge. "Krazny to Ryan."

<Ensign Olivia Ryan is not aboard the FEYNMAN.> the computer answered.

"Where else could she be?"

<Please restate request.>

Krazny gave up and headed for the bridge. "Ops, can you do a thermal scan for me, scanning for anyone not wearing a commbadge and having female human lifesigns?"

NRPG: This set of parameters won't turn up the intruder, but maybe he kidnapped her...

Where is Ensign Ryan?

- Charles Jencks (                               -
-                                                                         -
- Student of History, Life, And All Things Remotely Star Trek!            -
-----------------------------ASR Charachter List---------------------------
- Ens Christophe Boulanger, USS MELBOURNE FCO, Blue Fleet                 -
- Ens K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, USS GAUSS FCO, Blue Fleet                          -
- Ens Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN CNS, Silver Fleet                       -
- Ens Jarin Edisrevir, USS LINCOLN CSO, Red Fleet                         -
If you don't write it down, then it never happened.
- Dr Caroline Ryan, MD, FACS

(K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia is the one Andrew was talking about....

USS FEYNMAN: Maquis Tactics

by Charles Jencks 4-4-1996

SD 80404.0445

"Sir, I know a bit about Maquis tactics, I may be able to help out."

"Talk to Security." Counselor Zane said.

Krazny headed for Ensign Sr-qwon. "Jade, can I help out?"

"Take a security team and look where you'd hide."

"Thanks, sir." She didn't outrank him, but it was good practice. In fact, he wasn't sure of the regs, but he probably had some sort of seniority over her, but then again, he wasn't a 'line officer', so maybe not. At least nobody was using that damned title any more...'Counselor'. He preferred 'Ensign'.

Later: Jeffries Tube, Deck One

Krazny motioned to Chief Jones, who'd come along to score extra credit with his department head, to duck to the left of the access hatch, while he took the right. The security officers stood inside the junction. Krazny said, On three. One. Two. Three." He tapped the panel, and the door slid open...

NRPG: Well, what did he find?

- Charles Jencks (                               -
-                                                                         -
- Student of History, Life, And All Things Remotely Star Trek!            -
-----------------------------ASR Charachter List---------------------------
- Ens Christophe Boulanger, USS MELBOURNE FCO, Blue Fleet                 -
- Ens K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, USS GAUSS FCO, Blue Fleet                          -
- Ens Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN CNS, Silver Fleet                       -
- Ens Jarin Edisrevir, USS LINCOLN CSO, Red Fleet                         -
If you don't write it down, then it never happened.
- Dr Caroline Ryan, MD, FACS


by Charles Jencks 4-4-1996

SD 80404.0645

Ensign James Greer {NRPG: Brand new assistant: same as Ryan, on GAMMA shift.} looked around, seeing no evidence of anyone in the Counseling Department. The four of them always met at the end of each shift, but now he couldn't find any of them. He'd tried all their quarters and the scheduling office, and calling them. Nowhere to be found. To himself he said, "What now?"

NRPG: Well, the 'intruder' knocked out everyone in my department...

Andy, I followed form on the name: It's J.E. Jones' charachter. All four names from one book! (HFRO)

- Charles Jencks (                               -
-                                                                         -
- Student of History, Life, And All Things Remotely Star Trek!            -
-----------------------------ASR Charachter List---------------------------
- Ens Christophe Boulanger, USS MELBOURNE FCO, Blue Fleet                 -
- Ens K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, USS GAUSS FCO, Blue Fleet                          -
- Ens Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN CNS, Silver Fleet                       -
- Ens Jarin Edisrevir, USS LINCOLN CSO, Red Fleet                         -
If you don't write it down, then it never happened.
- Dr Caroline Ryan, MD, FACS

USS FEYNMAN: The Jig Is Up, But Who's Left Laughing

by Kristen Gant 4-4-1996

Stardate: 80404.1309
Scene: Bridge
MD: 4.1145

Ein entered the bridge, ready to take over for Lt. Jenn, but she shooed him away as she continued to attempt to monitor the events taking place on the ship. Her heart was still beating fast from that Warp Core alert that had turned out to be only a drill. Whoever this intruder was, he was extremely familiar with the Feynman.

“Sir, Dr. Tok is reporting that Ens. Krazny and his aide have been found unconscious near Jefferies Tube one. Also Ens. Ryan was found on Deck 5, in her quarters, unconscious as well, but uninjured. Her comm badge had been destroyed. It appears our intruder is being very polite about not killing, or seriously injuring anyone.”

Zane ignored Jenn’s comment, “Has he revived them... Did they see anything?”

“Well, sir, according to Dr. Tok, Krazny and Jones got hit with a stun grenade, so they’ll be out for a little while longer. He might have Ryan up sooner, he’s not positive yet what knocked her out.”

“Very well. Any reports from Maril yet?”

Just then a phaser materialized on the bridge emitting a loud signal. Ein, who had been standing around watching quickly picked it up to turn off the sound.

<Cartwright to Zane. I've got our intruder.> Ens. Cartwright’s voice broke in.

“Very good, Ensign. Who is he?”

<I don't know, sir. I'm just about to unmask him,> The connection went dead.

“Where is she?” asked Zane calmly.

“Lt. Jerran’s quarters, sir. I read Jerran as being there also. Neither appear to be unharmed and there is no sign of any other life forms in the room.” said Jenn. “Sir, our intruder is definitely playing with us. Sounds to me like Cartwright was correct. She does have our intruder.”

<Maril here. We found Ens. Cartwright unconscious, Lt. Jerran is here also. No sign of any intruder.>

“And what does Mr. Jerran have to say about all of this.” Zane asked with a touch of humor.

<Sir, he’s laughing so hard, I can’t get a word out of him.>

Krysa chuckled quietly at her station. Ein stepped up behind her. “Shall I take over, sir.”

Krysa looked up at Zane who nodded. Yes, she had been correct, the game was over. She nodded and Ein and stood, “I’ll see you in a couple of hours when we arrive at Manark V, then.” She headed out off the Bridge and down to her quarters to work on the trade routes. She had to stifle a yawn just thinking about it.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: I hope I didn’t end your fun too soon, Joseph, but I couldn’t find a way for Jenn to miss the facts as you laid them out without appearing extremely incompetent... And we can’t have that now can we<VBG>


USS FEYNMAN: Transfer for Fobok

by Andrew Catterick 4-4-1996

Scene: Captain's Ready-room

"You wanted to see me sir?" Fobok asked as he entered the room.

"Yes lieutenant. Have a seat." Zane gestured to one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"Thank you sir, I prefer to stand."

"Suit yourself." Zane told the Vulcan. "Lieutenant how much of the transwarp files from Furjen have you examined?"

"All of them sir. I find their solutions to some of the problems Starfleet encountered quite intriguing."

"What do you think the chances of success for the program are?"

"Without further study it is too early too tell but I believe there is reason to continue." Fobok was unsure as to where this was going.

"I have been forwarding the files, with the permission of the Furjen authorities of course, to EPSILON. The science department agrees with you and would like the program monitored. They'd like to attach a Starfleet liaison regardless of the membership issue. As we are on scene the admiral has offered us first shot at it.

"It hasn't escaped my attention that you prefer research to the administrative duty of a department head.."

"Yes sir, that is true however, as a Starfleet..." Zane waved him quiet.

"Let me get to the point. I'm offerings you the chance to take this assignment. It will mean a transfer off the FEYNMAN but it will certainly enhance your career in the science branch. You don't have to decide right away. We won't return to Furjen for at least three days but I will need to know then."

"No wait is necessary captain. I realize the benefits but it is the work I am most interested in. I will accept the transfer."

"Good. As of now consider your self a mission specialist and tell your ACSciO she is acting department head until EPSILON sends us a new CSciO." Zane stood. "Good luck."


As you will have noted in Mike's last post we have our replacement CSciO (three cheers) So say goodbye to Fobok who will be returning to Furjen and may be seen at a later date....<EG>

Sherman: the ship is currently heading for Manark V from Furjen. I'll send you a mission synopsis tomorrow morning. We are in a bit of a intermission right now so your transfer here is at a pretty convenient time. As soon as I get your bio I'll add it to our bio list and send you an updated version. We have a 'Where we all hail from' section on the roster so if you don't mind please send along your city and state of res (Or province)

All: Please give your usual friendly welcome to our new officer. I hope he enjoys himself here as much as I do. (And don't forget to add him to your mailing lists)

-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Some New Pieces to the Puzzle

by Max Felsher 4-5-1996

SD 80405.1500 (GMT)
MD 4.1230

Lt. Commander Maril thought, contemplating the "invitation" Manark V had extended to them. It had certainly come at a convenient time for the Comissioner. Nevertheless, it would not have been a good idea to reject Manark V's invitation.

Lt. Koreth and Lt.<jg> Fobok were looking at the transwarp drive of Furjen at that moment. Their investigation seemed to be going well. In fact, Maril was planning to join them as soon as his shift ended.

Charles Dunnon was curently piloting the ship, for some reason Maril did not know. Ein had replaced Lt. Jenn, as she was handling the BETA shift that day. Ensign Sr'qwon seemed to be the only one who was actually at her post during this ALPHA shift.

"Mr. Dunnon, why are you currently at that station?" Maril inquired. "Isn't this Mr. Jerran's shift?"

"I don't know, sir. I got a message from Lieutenant Jerran about half an hour ago, telling me to take the ALPHA shift," was Dunnon's reply.

"Very well." Maril was going to have to talk to Mr. Jerran about not notifying the Bridge about changes in rotation.

The Feynman continued to move towards Manark V at Warp 4. [Jenn to Bridge.]

"Bridge here," Maril replied.

[I've been studying the trade routes between Furjen, Manark V, and the Ferengi.] Maril could hear a yawn over the comm system.

"Is something the matter, Lieutenant? Are you becoming like Selior after midnight?" Maril asked, amused.

[No, nothing's wrong, sir, but this isn't exactly the most exciting thing I've ever read. At any rate, sir, I've found something interesting.]

"Which is?"

[That Ferengi ship that traveled to Furjen--it was the first time a Ferengi ship had been to Furjen in about fifty years. Apparently, a Furjen merchant didn't pay a Ferengi tax or someting like that.]

"What are you getting at, Lieutenant?"

[That maybe the Ferengi weren't there just to trade....]

"Hmmmm. I will inform the Captain of this. Thank you, Lieutenant."

[You're welcome. Jenn out.]

MD 4.1530

As the Cardassian Lt.<jg> reported to him, Maril tried to remember the officer's bio. Finally, he remembered: the joker.

"Well, Mr. Selek, welcome onboard. I believe your quarters are Deck 5, Section 1, Quarters 4. This is a good ship to be a CSciO on. THe DELPHI array is one of the most advanced arrays in Starfleet and we have many science labs. I suggest you get settled in, and then join Lieutenants Koreth and Fobok, who are doing research on transwarp drives. Understood?"

"Yep," Selek replied.

"Very-" [Styrline to Bridge. Some juvenile Cardassian just programmed my replicator to not give me food and insult me at the same time!]

"Do you have any proof that a Cardassian did this, Mr. Styrline?"

[No, but I don't need any proof. Cardassians are the only ones who would do something like this. I want that Cardassian thrown-]

"Mr. Styrline, it will be taken care of. Bridge out. Did you do this, Mr. Selek?" The Cardassian just shrugged and tried to look innocent. Maril raised an eyebrow.

"Mr. Selek, such behavior is not tolerated on a Federation starship. Perhaps on other ships, but not the Feynman. You are dismissed."


"Dismissed, Lieutenant."

Lt.<jg> Selek did finally leave, and Maril realized that Lt. Jenn would be coming to the Bridge soon.

Suddenly, Ein reported, "Sir, we have an incoming transmission from Furjen." "On screen," Maril said as Jenn entered the Bridge.

The President of Furjen appeared on the screen. [Commander, the Yinterego party is staging a coup. We need your assistance immediately.]

"I need to talk to Commander Zane, but we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Feynman out."

Maril called the Captain to the Bridge, then explained the situation to both Jenn and Zane.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: All: What's going to happen? We must remember that this is an internal affair, and the only reason we would be able to go back would be to pick up the Commissioner and Bat. Of course, there are always loopholes. ;)

Joseph: Which method of torture do you prefer for not telling Maril about Dunnon? ;D Sherman: Hope I wasn't too harsh on Selek. We're actually a pretty fun-loving group, here on the Feynman, but I thought maybe Selek had gone a little bit too far. :)

Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla

USS FEYNMAN: Some New Pieces to the Puzzle (Cont.)

by Andrew Catterick 4-3-1996

SD: 80405.2100
MD: 4.1530
Scene: Bridge

> Suddenly, Ein reported, "Sir, we have an incoming transmission from Furjen."
> "On screen," Maril said as Jenn entered the Bridge.
> The President of Furjen appeared on the screen. [Commander, the Yinterego party is
> staging a coup. We need your assistance immediately.]
> "I need to talk to Commander Zane, but we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
> Feynman out."
> Maril called the Captain to the Bridge, then explained the situation to both Jenn and Zane.

Zane, Maril and Jenn discussed the request for several minutes before Zane had the channel reopened.

[Captain! Thank you for responding so quickly. It seems that we will finally be able to meet in person.....]

[Commander I have tried to explain to the President here that you are not allowed to interfere in the internal matters of this planet, potential member or not.] Commissioner Thessa interjected smugly.

"I'm afraid the Commissioner is correct sir we really can't take sides in this matter. I must say however that I'm a little surprised. From what my officers told me your miltia forces are professional enough to diffuse the situation at hand."

[Captain perhaps you misunderstand. We do not want help quelling any violent activities. As you said our forces are certainly adequate enough to handle this matter.]

"Then I'm not sure why you've requested our help. What can we do?"

[We do not want to 'stamp out' this movement.] The president seemed digusted with the thought. [We would like to alleiviate the tension and therefore ask your help as impartial mediators.]

Zane smiled, more so at the look on the commissioners face than at the request. "Of course sir. We would be honoured to help in any way we can."

[Commander you have been requested to Manark V and the FEYNMAN will keep its commitment. Is that clear?]

"Yes it is sir. The FEYNMAN will continue to Manark but I will not. Expect me in six hours, FEYNMAN out."

Jenn chuckled. "The Commissioner seemed real happy about that."

Zane laughed still picturing the look on Thessa's face.

"Your heading back to the planet? Alone." The first officer clearly did not like this prospect.

"Cheer up Onta, I'll take some babysitters along and I promise not to get into any trouble. Krysa, you, Fobok, Jerran and I will depart on the Nogura in two hours. I imagine we better let our intrepid FCO finish his beauty sleep after his jaunt around the ship. Don't want him crashing into any planets on the way there. Grab anything you think we'll need I imagine we'll stay on Furjen until Maril is finished hob-nobbing on Manark V."

Zane turned to face Maril as Krysa left. "I hear our new CSciO made his arrival known."

Maril smiled. "Yes it seems his bio is quite accurate. But I think he and I have an understanding."

"I hope so." Zane grinned. "I find any snakes in my bed I'm not going to be happy."


Hi all, just a short one to keep things rolling.



-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Back to Furjen... Will They Make It?

by Kristen Gant 4-6-1996

Stardate: 80406.1112
Scene: Shuttle Nogura
MD: 4.1730

Krysa was sitting in the pilots chair noticing some of the improvements the FCO’s department had made since last she flew the Nogura, when Lt. Jerran arrived and did not noticed his arrival. He threw her a wry smile as he sauntered over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned and looked up at him, seeing his face she could already tell what he was thinking.

“Lt. Jenn, I just got this runabout fixed after your last jaunt in space. There is no way I’m going to let you take the helm this time.”

“Don’t worry, Lt.,” said Jenn matching his smile. “As long as you don’t get yourself knocked out, I won’t have to.”

The both were laughing when Fobok walked on, followed closely by Zane. “Are we ready?” he asked looking at the two.

“Yes, sir,” said Jenn moving to the copilot’s chair while, Jerran took his seat. Zane and Fobok took a seats to the side.

“Take us out, Mr. Jerran.” He paused and then with a hint of humor, “And Mr. Jenn, do be careful.”

“As always, sir.” she said with a grin.

“Shuttle Nogura, request permission for take off.” said Jerran

<Permission granted> came the voice of the XO.

Jerran, with his hand moving gracefully across the control, maneuvered the runabout up and out of the shuttle bay.

“We are clear of the Feynman,” said Jenn.

“Going to warp.”

And so began thier trip back to the planet Furjen. Once they were in a proper flight path, Jenn turned to Zane.

“I think that the Commissioner’s loyalties are in question, sir, but how are we going to prove it? He is a high ranking member of the Federation’s diplomatic team.”

“We may not have to, Lt. We may make Thessa nervous enough that he reveals it himself.” Zane answered with a smile.

“That would make our job easier. I have been thinking about this election also, sir. All of the civilians that Tok and I met were extremely disappointed in the way the election was going. What do you think the possibilities are of election fraud?”

Zane nodded, “I suppose it’s a possibility. But Ens. Jade and Ens. Krazny were watching the election, and saw nothing suspicious.”

Fobok interjected, “Perhaps not, sir. But this obviously is a well thought out and well planned take over, especially since it appears they have even been able to get a Federations diplomat on their payroll.”

“Yes, but so far their plan doesn’t appear to be working very well.”

“What do you mean, sir?” asked Jenn.

“Well, they didn’t win the election... and commissioner Thessa is extremely agitated. I have felt from the beginning that the Feynman’s trip to Manark V was contrived as a way to get us off Furjen. Now that has partially failed as well. I think they must be getting very worried about now.”

Krysa nodded.


Commissioner Thessa was once again on a secured comm link.

[What do you mean they are coming back!]

Not the Feynman, just her Captain. The President has asked for a impartial moderator which is within his rights. And does make it possible for Zane to come back and do so, while still not snubbing you on Manark.

[I can see our covert tactics are not working as planned. Perhaps it is time to be a little more aggressive. I would assume the Captain would be taking a shuttle craft back to Furjen, then.]

"Most likely. But..."

[We shall just have to make sure that the Federation shuttle carrying the impartial mediator does not make it back to Furjen, won't we?]

"But you can't just blow up a Federation shuttle! There would be investigations, and the Feynman would most definitely be brought back then."

[Who said anything about blowing it up...]

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Don’t know who is taking Beta shift now... But duty calls<G> BTW,
thanks, Andy for getting me out of it !


USS FEYNMAN: Still Goin' To Manark V

by Max Felsher 4-7-1996

SD 80407.1500 (GMT)
MD 4.1730

As the Nogura sped away, Maril ordered, "Mr. Cartwright, continue on current speed and heading."

"Aye, sir."

Maril sat down in the center chair, only to hear a beep from his communicator. [Jade to Maril.]

"Maril here."

[Sir, could Selek, Tok, Krazny, and I talk to you?]

"Of course. Just walk down the path."

[No, sir, could we do it in private?]

"Very well. I will be in the Captain's Ready Room."

[Thank you, sir. Jade out.]

Minutes later, Maril was sitting behind the desk in the Ready Room and the four officers were standing in front.

"So, what did you want to say?" Maril started.

"Well, sir, we would like to take the Bridge Officer's Test," Tok replied. "All of you?" Maril said as he raised an eyebrow.

"Sir, we realize it is out of the ordinary, but we would like to do this," Selek said.

Maril sighed and looked out the window. "Very well. I want all four of you in Holodeck 2 at 1830 hours. Understood?"

"Understood," the four of them replied in unison.

"Good. Dismissed."

"Maril to Bellad. I would like you to take the Bridge."

[Aye, sir.]

MD 4.1830 Holodeck 2

Lt.<jg>'s Selek and Tok, as well as Ensigns Sr'qwon and Krazny walked into the Holodeck. Maril had arrived half an hour earlier to set the program up.

"Now, you will need to listen to me carefully," Maril started. "Since this is rather out of the ordinary, I have changed it in some ways. As we are in the middle of a mission, and I do not want us to be away from the ship for very long, you will not take the whole test at the moment. The only section, though it is the most important, that you will take is the Command section. If you pass this part of the test, you will have at least a temporary shift. The rest of the test will be taken after the mission is over. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Computer, begin Bridge Officer's Test, Section:Command-Variation Beta."

The black and yellow grid faded away as the bridge of a ship, but what ship none of the officers could tell. It certainly wasn't the Feynman.

The Captain, who was a Ferengi, stood up. "What are you doing? Get to your ships!"

The four officers looked confused. "Ships, sir? What ships?" Tok asked. The Ferengi captain sighed, frustrated. "Look, I'm Captain Meln of the USS Amsterdam. You are the CO's of those Feynman-class ships behind us. Your mission is to find the Bajoran terrorist ships inside the Deptapa Nebula and get them out of it. Understood?" the captain had said everything before in a sweet voice. The four officers nodded. "Then go!" That was not such a sweet voice.

Making their way to the transporter room, they found the names of the ships and decided who would get which.

Lt.<jg> Selek beamed onto the oldest of the ships:the USS Tecumseh Sherman. Lt.<jg> Tok was transported to the smallest:the USS Independence. Ensign Sr'qwon found herself on the most heavily armed(and damaged):the USS Eagle. Finally, Ensign Krazny was beamed to the one with the most advanced sensors (but the worst weapons):the USS Stennis.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: All: Andrew, Sherman, Lysle, and Charles asked me to administer the BrOT for them, and like the fool that I am, I agreed. ;)

Andy, Kristen, Jospeh: Have fun on Furjen!(or wherever you're going) :)

Charles, Lysle, Sherman, Andrew: So, you all know what you're doing? You got to capture these Bajoran terrorist ships from the nebula, but you can delegate duties however you like. Captain Meln is meant to be played mean and nasty. And I have no idea where I got the name Meln(hmmm...why is my nose getting longer?) And you all know the characteristics of your ships, right?

Jason: Sorry you have to miss out on the fun. ;) (Don't worry, you'll only miss them being tortured.) ;) I didn't have Koreth take command because I know he has the GAMMA shift, and I didn't think he would want to come up to the Bridge. :)

Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla

USS FEYNMAN: On the Road Again

by Andrew Catterick 4-7-1996

SD: 80407.1400
MD: 4.1800
Scene: Shuttle NOGURA, Inside Nebula

The shuttle NOGURA had remained quietly hidden in the nebula for over 30 minutes, waiting for their pursuers to make a move. They hadn't. Jerran remained glued to the pilot's seat, ready for maneuvering. Jenn and Fobok sat at console's monitoring the Manark ship.

The two officers had made some adjustments to the sensor array and had sent out a pulse of energy towards where they thought the ship might be. Most of the energy dissipated before leaving the nebula but enough made it to the target to determine its position. By closely the output they could tell where an 'object' blocked the wave. They assumed the object was the Manark ship and that its own sensors wouldn't be able to detect the energy wave.

"Sir, if I may ask a question."

"Sure Fobok. Go ahead."

"We are in a Starfleet vessel and our representatives of Starfleet and the Federation. Presumably the occupants of the ship waiting outside the nebula are citizens of Manark V and are, therefore, Federation citizens as well?"

"Thats true."

"I fail to understand why we are hiding from them."

"Don't you think, after all that has happened it is a little strange."

"Perhaps. But isn't it more likely that they merely wish to meet with us, pass along a message or something of that nature?"

"But that doesn't explain the energy weapon they powered up." Jerran joined the conversation.

"That is true. However, by our fleeing the ship perhaps they assumed the occupants were not who they appear to be. In short by running from an ally for no reason they have a right to be suspicious of us. The fact that their weapon was designed to detain rather than destroy could be seen as evidence of that."

"Its plausible." Zane didn't seem convinced. "But if they had to becoming after us for a reason. If they simply wanted to talk they could have done so without leaving the planet. If they had requested our wherabouts from the FEYNMAN Onta wuld have told us. No, my gut tells me there up to no good."

"Well there no match for us." Jerran offered.

"Suspicious or not I don't want to fire on a Federation ship. For all we know that is what they want us to do."

"Well if they want us to be late for the mediation talks they're doing a good job. The longer we sit here the worse the situation gets." Jenn added

"Agreed. So how do we get out of here without a fight?"


NOGURA: Options?

BrOT: Have fun!


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: BrOT: Stenn-Ographer

by Charles Jencks 4-7-1996

(OK, it's a bad pun)8
SD 80407.23408
Holodeck: USS John C Stennis8

The communications officer said, "Captain Krazny, the Independence 6*, Eagle, and Sherman are hailing us."

*Captain Krazny sounds nice* Krazny thought, then said, "On screen. Three part split display mode."

The viewscreen crackled to life, and Krazny stood. "Greetings. I am Captain Krazny Oktyabr of the USS John C Stennis." He muttered, "OPS, tie in the feed from the Spotlight sensor array."

NRPG: Krazny's ready for whatever you have in mind. To cover for what Maril said about our weaponry, as in my last post, we have NO photon torpedos, only standard phasers. Otherwise, it's a normal Feynman-class ship, with the addition of the Spotlight sensor array.

- Charles Jencks (                                  -
-                                     -
-----------------------------ASR Charachter List-----------------------------
- Ensign Christophe Boulanger, USS MELBOURNE FCO, Blue Fleet                -
- Ensign K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, USS GAUSS FCO, Blue Fleet                         -
- Ensign Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN CNS, Silver Fleet                      -
- Ensign Jarin Edisrevir, USS LINCOLN CSO, Red Fleet                        -
-Captain Marie Tranquilite Alsatien, SS ALSACE (MVL-774221) CO (Free Thread)-

USS FEYNMAN: Aboard the Eagle

by Andrew Nugteren 4-7-1996

SD: 80407.2330
Scene: Bridge of the USS Eagle
MD: 4.1830

"Captain Sr'qwon on the bridge," the Ferengi First Officer announced as Jade beamed directly onto the bridge. The bridge of the Eagle was reassuringly familiar, although Jade noticed immediately the subtle changes. The Science station had been downgraded to just one terminal behind the Tactical station, while Tactical had seemingly expanded and two officers stood at the ready.

The Ferengi stepped aside smartly and following Jade's cue, took his seat on her right. "Yellow alert," Jade ordered customarily and watched as the alert klaxon began to ring. "Your name?" she addressed the Ferengi.

"Shog sir," he smiled. "Commander Shog."

"Status report Mr. Shog?"

"Offensive capability at 100%. Delphi and long-range sensors are down. Engineering are working on it, although they expect it will take several days to repair the damage."

"Damage?" the tone of Jade's voice queried his report.

"We took battle damage while completing our last mission at Galorndan Cor," Shog began and then continued with a note of pride in his voice. "We took out the flagship and damaged the two escorts before they turned and...."

"Thank you for the history Mr.Shog," Jade cut him short. "I believe we have a mission to complete."

"Ah yes, of course sir," he stuttered.

Jade was about to make a comment when Tactical interrupted. "Captain, we have an incoming channel from the Independence. It's linked to both the Tecumseh Sherman and the Stennis."

"On screen."

Respectfully submitted,
Ensign Jade Sr'qwon


Okay, here we all are!! The Eagle is damaged like most of the otheres (!) but then again it wouldn't be fair if we were hunting them down in A1 condition Solar class vessels would it!!

| Ensign Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Lt.Colonel Chris Williams Instructor - Holodeck 11 ARMSTRONG LB           |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                    New Zealand |

USS FEYNMAN: BrOT: Mississippi Fox

by Charles Jencks 4-8-1996

SD 80408.0350
Aboard USS John C Stennis (named after a Mississippi senator and a CVN)

Captain Krazny spoke up. "I disagree. I think the STENNIS, with its better sensors, should go in. I can detect them at longer range, and chase them out. But perhaps you are right. How about this: The STENNIS and the INDEPENDENCE go in, and the SHERMAN and the EAGLE move to the far side of the Nebula, and we'll chase them through. Like a hammer against an anvil."

NRPG: Makes sense, does it not?

BTW make sure you change my address to the watmail one, the other one has not been reaching me since Thursday. And yes, I ralize it does not match the one that comes on my messages, but trust me.

And, I have some specs on my web page that we might want to look at for the terrorist ships. Check it out at Charles


by Charles Jencks 4-8-1996

SD 80407.1620
Holodeck: Aboard the "USS John C Stennis"

The 'Captain' of the USS John C Stennis made his way to the Bridge, and started off giving orders. "Helm, pull us away from the other ships, but keep us in transporter range. OPS, prepare the Spotlight sensor array. Tactical, I want all torpedo bays loaded..."

"But sir, we don't *have* any torpedoes."

"What do you mean?"

"We had to use all the torpedoes on the Galorndan Cor mission and we haven't been able to dock at a starbase since then."

"Great. Medical, prepare for casualties. Science, is there anything strange about the nebula?"

"We can't go through at warp, which is normal, and all energy-based systems will have their ranges diminished to one half due to the sheer density of the matter in the nebula."

"Nice... let's see, if I were a terrorist, where would I hide?" Under his breath, he muttered, "It's in the blood."

The Ferengi OPS officer said, "What, sir?"

"Never mind. Those terrorists, well, if I were them, I'd hide either in the center of the nebula or on the outer edge, just farther than our sensors could penetrate."

Ops said, "Sir, the Spotlight array has a much greater range and resolution than those ships think. We'll find them."

The Captain, Ens Krazny Oktyabr, sighed. "Hail the Amsterdam. I want to know what kind of ships those terrorists have." He thought to himself, *If they have Quebec-class MVLs, I'm going to laugh out loud.*

NRPG: First installment. Haven't really done anything but move away (reasonably, to reduce the interfence on the sensors) and eplain the weaponry thing.

BTW if all these ships are FEYNMAN-class, how can the Independence be smaller?

Charles Jencks
Ens Krazny Oktyabr

USS FEYNMAN: A Dangerous Adversary

by Andrew Nugteren 4-8-1996

SD: 80408.0440
I'm missing the post before this one but by the sounds of things it doesn't seem a lot transpired behind my back <EG>

>Captain Krazny spoke up. "I disagree. I think the STENNIS, with its better
>sensors, should go in. I can detect them at longer range, and chase them
>out. But perhaps you are right. How about this: The STENNIS and the
>INDEPENDENCE go in, and the SHERMAN and the EAGLE move to the far side of
>the Nebula, and we'll chase them through. Like a hammer against an anvil."

Jade considered Krazny's thoughts carefully. What he had said made a lot of sense, especially seeing the damage the Eagle had taken. If the Stennis and Independence could somehow get the rebels to run then the Eagle and Sherman could gun them down at the other end. The only problem was it sounded all too easy, and not something that the Feynman's First Officer would have set up for a Command test. She was distracted by a junior officer who piped up.

"Captain, I've picked up something urgent for you."

Jade apologised to her comrades for the interruption and made here way quickly to the young officers station. He gestured nervously at the little sensor input they were getting.

"Sir, we're receiving an increase in neutrino pulse waves coming from the Nebula. It would be nothing unusual but I've run a recent history scan past the computer. Apparently more than 40 ships have been attacked in this area within the last 5 years. Most were just fired upon, however a few were destroyed."

"Carry on," Jade nodded seriously, realising there must be a reason for her having been called away from the joint transmission.

"The mystery pirate causing the damage reputedly has cloaking capability to avoid detection. Reports from those attacked also suggest it is a massive ship, and has an incredible grunt of firepower. Back to the logs, we've just been installing some new Vulcan scanning software to make up for our defficient sensors and the moment they went on line they picked up an anomoly." The officer gestured to the screen.

"It was only there for a few seconds but it was long enough for the sensors to pick up. The computer gives it a 45% chance of being a sensor shadow, 20% that it's an asteroid from the belt and a 13% probability that it's a ship it the middle of decloaking."

"13% is fairly slim, Ensign," Jade commented.

"That's not all sir," the science officer continued to justify his findings. "The computer has come up with two very recent incidents near this system and I've plotted a trajectory that, assuming they continue roughly in the same direction, would place them near our present position. I think that would significantly raise the chances that the pirate is in the Nebula."

Jade thought quickly to herself for a brief moment. The science officers conclusions were quite valid and if so, were cause for reasonable concern. She turned to see her First Officer Shog behind her looking over her shoulder.

"Advice, Number One?"

"If the cloaked pirate is in the Nebula, it seems more than just a coincidence that the Bajoran rebels have recently entered. Perhaps the Bajorans are running supplies for the vessel, or alternatively that the cloaked vessel acts as a mothership supplying them. I advise caution."

"And which reputable First Officer doesn't," Jade grinned at his comment. Caution could never be criticised, but could always be praised if something came of it. "We'll go to Red Alert." She moved back to her chair and addressed her fellow Captains and began to relay the findings...

Respectfully submitted
Ensign Jade Sr'qwon


Hunting down some Bajoran rebels seemed a little easy, so I decided to come up with something on the spur of the moment that is a more than just a little *more* challenging for four Feynman class vessels! <EG>

| Ensign Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Lt.Colonel Chris Williams Instructor - Holodeck 11 ARMSTRONG LB           |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                    New Zealand |


by Charles Jencks 4-8-1996

SD 80408.0812.
"USS John C Stennis" (BTW this is post 9 of the test)

Captain Krazny startled when his OPS officer spoke up. "We are reading a ship coming out of the nebula. Its size and markings indicate it as a Quebec-class MVL, the SS ULSTER. That ship, I may add, was stolen from the Norfolk Starship Yard, where it was built, three years ago."

Captain Krazny said, "Can the others see them yet?"

"No, they are just within range of the Spotlight array, at quarter impulse."

"Maybe they don't know we can detect them at this range. Helm, intercept course, warp seven, wait on my order."

"Yessir." The raw ensign rubbed her ridged Bajoran nose, which made Krazny think of the faint ridging of his own.

OPS spoke up again. "I no longer have a reading on the ULSTER, sir, but it's not like a cloak, more like, a jammer... sir, order shields up and power to phasers!"


"EM jamming... the trademark of fightercraft since the 20th century!"

NRPG: Is there any coming at us? Keep in mind that they would be less than eight in number and runabout-sized, maximum. Also that the Quebec-class MVL is similar in armaments and size to a frigate, and probably would not stand a chance against four Feynman-class destroyers, even if we held back to phasers (and I have to...)

If you haven't yet, download those specs if you get a chance. I have a printout sitting next to my machine right now.

- Charles Jencks (                                  -
-                                     -
-----------------------------ASR Charachter List-----------------------------
- Ensign Christophe Boulanger, USS MELBOURNE FCO, Blue Fleet                -
- Ensign K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, USS GAUSS FCO, Blue Fleet                         -
- Ensign Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN CNS, Silver Fleet                      -
- Ensign Jarin Edisrevir, USS LINCOLN CSO, Red Fleet                        -
-Captain Marie Tranquilite Alsatien, SS ALSACE (MVL-774221) CO (Free Thread)-
- (SS ALSACE (MVL-774221) page at -

USS FEYNMAN: NRPG:Explanation?

by Mike Dawe 4-8-1996

> Charles Jencks wrote...
>. And, I've been meaning to ask, especially now that I know we have a mole in the Admiralty...
>Why isn't our 'captain' a Captain?

It was a idea batted around the Admiralty and one I supported. The big ships have CO's that are Captains but smaller ships may be manned by officers not of full captains rank. To quote:

> >Heavy Cruiser and Above (CA, CC, BC, etc)
>CO= Captain
>XO= Commander
>Ops= Lt.Commander
>CSO= Lt(jg) or Lt.
>CEO= Lt(jg) to LtCmdr
>CMO= Lt. to Commander
>CNS= Lt. to Commander
>CSciO = Lt(jg) or Lt.
>FCO = Ensign
>MCO = LMaj to Lt.Col
>Light Cruiser (CL)
>CO= Commander
>XO= Lt. Commander
>OPS= Lieutenant
>CSO= Lt(jg)
>CMO= Lt.(jg) to LtCmdr
>CNS= Lt.(jg) to LtCmdr
>CSciO=Lt(jg) or Ensign
>FCO= Ensign
>MCO= 1Lt. or LMaj
>Destroyer, Frigates, Corvettes (DD, FF, ES)
>CO= Lieutenant Commander
>CSO= Lt(jg) or Ensign
>CMO= Lt(jg) or Lt
>CNS= Lt(jg) or Lt
>CSciO= Lt(jg) or Ensign
>FCO = Ensign
>(?) MCO = 2Lt.
>1.) Commanding Officers holding the rank of Captain who are currently
>commanding ships that call for a lower grade will be given the option of
>either remaining with their ship at their current rank or "trading up" as
>new ships, or positions, that call for a Captain as CO become available.
>2.) CO's have the ability to promote up one rank below their own, with the
>exception of the position of Executive Officer which requires a Flag Officer
>to appoint.
>3.) Ships smaller than Light Cruiser will combine the Executive Officer and
>Operations Manager positions.

So technically this means that if I promote your CO I have to move him to a bigger ship.

I'm not sure how written in stone this is. But the way I see it, it gave me a chance to leave room for promotions, even at the top.

mike--->mole? but I don't squint . . .

USS FEYNMAN: Fugitives!

by Max Felsher 4-10-1996

SD 80410.0100 (GMT)
MD 4.1900

WO Bellad Jafel stood on watch, as Lt. Commander Maril had ordered. "Sir, we are nearing Manark V," WO Ein reported.

"Okay. Drop out of warp. Bellad to Maril."

[Maril here.]

"We are nearing Manark V and have dropped out of warp, sir."

[Very good. Keep walking. Maril out.]

"But, sir...," Bellad finally realized Maril needed to stay at the BrOT.

"Well, contact the planet."

"Aye, sir," the officer at Tactical complied. A face, almost Furjenian, but not quite, appeared on the screen.

[Hello, USS Feynman. Let me introduce myself. I am President Decero Ilab. Welcome to Manark. May I ask who you are?]

"I'm the Chief Science Officer," Bellad fibbed.

[Chief Science Officer? I don't want the Chief Science Officer. I want the Captain!]

"Well, actually, I was just promoted to Operations Officer," Bellad lied again. Deciding even that wasn't good enough, he expanded his lie. "And I am the second highest in rank on the ship, so I am First Officer as well."

[Well, First Officer. That's a little better. Well, I invite all of your senior officers to visit our beautiful planet. Ilab out.]

"Well, actually, that is....," Bellad reflected that his first command of a starship was not going well. Speaking to the officers on the Bridge, he said, "You think you can pull off being senior officers?"

They smiled. "Aye, aye, sir."

Bellad also smiled. "Okay. Ensign Cartwright, I hereby assign you as Acting FCO. WO Ein, you are now Acting OPS. CPO Mancuso, you will now be referred to as Acting CSO. Bellad to Clayton. How would you like to be Acting CMO?"

[I suppose...alright.]

"Good. Meet us in Transporter Room 3. Bellad out."

Holodeck 2

Lt. Commander Maril sat in his "office", a holographic room where he could watch all of the ships and their captains. He could also enter commands into the holodeck computer without disturbing the officers in the simulation. He had just noticed Lt.<jg> Tok's suggestion to find the ships through a "light net". Not a bad idea, Maril thought. Too bad they might no have a chance to use it. Maril smiled.

"Computer, have enemy ships attack the...USS Stennis. Have them disable its shields, then board and capture the Stennis."

<Command carried out.>

Maril smiled again.

[Bellad to Maril.]

"Yes. What is it?"

[Well, the President of Manark invited the senior officers down to the planet, so we're going.]

"Very well. Get on the raft. Wait, what did you say?"

[Bellad out.]

Maril suddenly realized what Bellad had just said. "Computer, restrict all transporter access to Security Clearance Level 6 and above. Authorization Maril beta Nbolni omega 3."

<Authorization accepted. Transporter access limited to officers with Security Clearance Level 6 and above.>

"Computer, what was the last use of the transporter?"

<A beamdown to the capital of Manark V.>

"The volcano has erupted," Maril lamented. "Maril to Lieutenant Koreth."

[Koreth here.]

"Could you take the Bridge for now? We have a little problem."

[What kind of problem?]

"It appears that some officers beamed down to Manark V unauthorized. So you should probably send down a security team as well."

[Aye, sir.]

"Maril out."

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: So, we have some future fugitives. Anyone who wants their BETA NPC to come along that I didn't list(or I put the wrong person), just correct it somehow. :)

Nogura: You think you're going to make it to Furjen? :)

BrOT: Keep on going. I think it's great. Just keep in mind that the USS Stennis will be attacked very soon.... :) And I do know that it's the weakest of them weaponry-wise--that's why I picked it. :)

Lysle: Just FYI, what you described is not triangulation. Triangulation is when you take a view of an object from Point A and Point B. If you know the distance between Point A and Point B, and you can see the difference between where the object is in each view, you can use trigonometric tables to figure out the distance from the two points.

Jason: Good luck trying to catch the fugitives!

Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla

USS FEYNMAN: BrOT: Filibuster?

by Charles Jencks 4-10-1996

(another play-on-words on the ship named after a senator)
SD 80410.0030
Aboard the 'Stennis'

All of a sudden, the EM interference dropped off the scale. And there were eight smaller craft, obviously the terrorists' ships, with phasers and photons blazing. The Captain of the Stennis was not able to get the shields up before the first shot, which took out the entire port nacelle.

Another few volleys hit before the distress signal was sent, which would bring the other ships, which, unfortunately, were over two minutes away at Warp Nine.

Wishing he had photons, he said, "Tactical... fire at will."

NRPG: Short, but establishes the battle scene.

- Charles Jencks (                                    -
-                                       -
-----------------------------ASR Charachter List-------------------------------
- Ensign Christophe Boulanger, USS MELBOURNE FCO, Blue Fleet                  -
- Ensign K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, USS GAUSS FCO, Blue Fleet                           -
- Ensign Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN CNS, Silver Fleet                        -
- Ensign Jarin Edisrevir, USS LINCOLN CSO, Red Fleet                          -
- Captain (FMM) Marie Tranquilite Alsatien, CO, SS Alsace (MVL-774221) (FT)   -
- USS Melbourne Homepage:         -
- SS Alsace(MVL-774221)Homepage: -

USS FEYNMAN: Blockade!

by Andrew Nugteren 4-10-1996

SD: 80410.0900
Scene: Bridge, USS EAGLE

With frightening rapidness, Jade watched as the eight rebel craft leapt out of the nebula heading for the Stennis with all guns blazing, and then felt her stomach jerk as the Stennis' port nacelle exploded under a direct hit.

"Red Alert," she ordered. "Intercept course, Warp 9.95 engage!"

"Aye sir," came a worried reply from Engineering. Warp 9.95 was emergency speed and couldn't be sustained for long before the warp coils blew. Fortunately in this case, a minute was all that was needed. As the seconds ticked down, the Eagle's bridge readied itself for the imminent battle. Tactical checked, and rechecked its attack vectors and then linked up controls with the helm for possible evasive maneuvers.

Jade watched from her chair as the battle scene grew closer and closer. The Eagle had been the furthest from the Stennis and was the second of the three other ships to arrive in support. Phaser fire from the Sherman struck out destroying an attacker. Almost simultaneously, an enormous anit-matter explosion glittered in the centre of the viewscreen as the Sherman dumped it's FRAM-901 warp core into the path of the oncoming vessels.

"Sir," the OPS officer spoke up. "The Stennis' shields have failed and the Sherman has taken damage."

Jade snapped her eyes back to her arm-rest panel. They were almost in range.

"Helm, take us out of warp, 1/2 impulse."

"Only 1/2 impulse sir?"


Dropping out of warp, Jade was pleased to see that the closest attacker had overestimated their dropout speed and the torpedo spread it had launched passed harmlessly across the Eagle's bow.

"Fire at will Lieutenant," she ordered. "Helm, increase to maximum impulse. Direct heading for the Stennis. Position us between the rebels and the Stennis."

"Aye sir."

The same attacker who had just missed was obviously stupid enough to assume that the Eagle would keep a constant speed and was caught off guard again as the Eagle this time accelerated past the second torpedo spread and just in front of the attacker. A moment later the Eagle's tractor beam had cut in on the enemy vessel and brought it round onto two nicely placed torps. Boom! Bang! A second later the Eagle's phasers lashed out at close range not surprisingly cutting through the now weakened shields and promptly causing a display that would have brought cheers at a fireworks display. Now however, was not the time for congratulations as the battle was by no means over.

With expert precision the Eagle nosed past the Stennis and cut its impulse engines down to minimum maneuvering velocity.

"Extend our shields to the Stennis and beam the survivors into Cargo Bay Two," Jade ordered. "Sickbay, ready for casualties in Cargo Bay Two."

The attacking rebels seemed overjoyed by the Eagle's presence almost as if they were another prize to take. The five remaining began to converge for a head-on attack run with the Eagle their target...

Respectfully submitted
Ensign Jade Sr'qwon


Charles: Figured you guys could do with some help :) No shields is no fun :)

| Ensign Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Lt.Colonel Chris Williams Instructor - Holodeck 11 ARMSTRONG LB           |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                    New Zealand |

USS FEYNMAN: BrOT: Thanks Jade...

by Charles Jencks 4-10-1996

> SD: 80410.0900
> Scene: Bridge, USS EAGLE
> The attacking rebels seemed overjoyed by the Eagle's presence almost as
> if they were another prize to take. The five remaining began to converge
> for a head-on attack run with the Eagle their target...

Location: Eagle Cargobay 2:

Ensign Krazny looked around, somewhat dejectedly. He hadn't been beamed out of a crisis like that since... the Black Hole Squadron getting ambushed by those Orion pirates on the way to the Rigel Cup competition junior year at the Academy.

Of course, this time he'd had command of something more than an Academy Flyer.

Wading through what could only be the remains of his crew, he headed for the Eagle's bridge.

Upon reaching the Eagle's bridge, he said, "*Captain* Sr'qwon, what shall I do to assist you?"

NRPG: Andrew, your turn. Haven't seen much of you since the election...

- Charles Jencks (                                    -
-                                       -
-----------------------------ASR Charachter List-------------------------------
- Ensign Christophe Boulanger, USS MELBOURNE FCO, Blue Fleet                  -
- Ensign K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, USS GAUSS FCO, Blue Fleet                           -
- Ensign Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN CNS, Silver Fleet                        -
- Ensign Jarin Edisrevir, USS LINCOLN CSO, Red Fleet                          -
- Captain (FMM) Marie Tranquilite Alsatien, CO, SS Alsace (MVL-774221) (FT)   -
- USS Melbourne Homepage:         -
- SS Alsace(MVL-774221)Homepage: -

USS FEYNMAN: Two Captains, One ship :)

by Andrew Nugteren 4-10-1996

SD: 80410.1055
Scene: Bridge, USS Eagle
>Wading through what could only be the remains of his crew, he headed for
>the Eagle's bridge.
>Upon reaching the Eagle's bridge, he said, "Captain* Sr'qwon, what shall
>I do to assist you?"

Jade spared a glance from the tactical screen and spotted Krazny standing to the side of the bridge; her bridge she reminded herself with a smile despite the grim situation they were facing. "If you could take Operations Krazny," she gestured at the officer sitting there. "Mr. Foresolf, report to Engineering and assist Mr. Yahiklow with damage control."

"Aye sir," the OPS officer slid out of the chair and stepped smartly into the turbolift. Krazny took his seat and began to quickly monitor the onboard situation. The Eagle still had most of it's offensive weaponary online but had suffered a crippling hit to engineering. Impulse power was still online, but only at about 50% of maximum. The problem at OPS was redistributing the remaining power to cover lifesupport, shields, weapons and engines, as well as leaving backup power for emergency action. He quickly got to work.

Back to the situation, despite having already taken damage, the Sherman continued to bravely battle on as well. A well placed salvo had taken out the lead attacker on the last run but that still left four intact, and judging by their speed, still relatively undamaged.

The Eagle shook as another blast was absorbed by the shields.

"Shields down to 23%," Tactical shouted above the alarm klaxon. "More than two more hits and shields will be comprimised sir."

A shout from Krazny confirmed that he had something to offer. "Captain," he turned excitedly. "Since the rebels are flying in headon, my short-range sensors show they've redirected all of their shielding to the foreward hull alone. If we could get a hit to the rear-section of their hulls, they'd go up just like that."

Jade's hopes, which had risen slightly at Kranzy's initial excitement, began to drop. "The only problem is that we *can't* get behind them," she exclaimed. "They severely outrun us with our damage, and..."

"The Independence," she exclaimed out loud. "If the Independence drops out of warp behind them...."

Respectfully submitted
Ensign Jade Sr'qwon


Sorry for the duplicates but my mailing list keeps halting when I get to Jason's address. Could someone please forward for me?

Okay then, I guess that I'm in the mood for crediting other characters for my ideas :) Krazny comes up with a good tactical insight to get rid of these pestering rebels that seem to be killing us all and then Lysle can come make his entrance, bow, and then blow them to pieces before they know what's hit them <EG>

| Ensign Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Lt.Colonel Chris Williams Instructor - Holodeck 11 ARMSTRONG LB           |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                    New Zealand |

USS FEYNMAN: Some Pieces Fall Into Place

by Andrew Catterick 4-10-1996

SD: 80410.0930
MD: 4.2350
Scene: Planet Furjen. Small cafeteria in visitor compound.

Zane, Jerran and Krysa sat in silence. Staring into is black coffee, long gone cold, Zane considered the meeting they had emerged from more than 2 hours ago. It had started out very promising. Both parties wanted to get to the heart of the matter right away. There would be no diplomatic wrangling, no political maneuvering all would be straight-forward.

With the proceedings not even ten minutes old the meeting came to a ginding halt as the opposition stated in very clear terms it would not accept membership with the Federation in any form. It was clear they valued relations with their Federation neighbours and wanted them to continue, especially in the area of trade. But they felt joining the Federation outright was an invitation to surrender their political autonomy.

For the next few hours the Furjen president, the FEYNMAN officers and even Commissioner Thessa pleaded the neutrality of the Federation and gave example after example. Through it all the opposition leaders remained fairly silent.

Although gratified to see the Commissioner's defence of the Federation and his assertions that Furjen had nothing to lose and everything too gain, Zane was quite surprised. As the meeting had commenced Thessa seemed quite content with the situation, even happy. But after one rather heated charge, launched by a junior member of the opposition, Thessa had seemingly 'come alive'. The rest of the Federation case had been championed by Thessa himself.

Once the proceedings had broke up the Commissioner seemed as surprised as everyone else at his passionate defence of the Federation and the place Furjen could have in it. As soon as the gavel hit the desk, signifying the end of the session he had raced from the room.

*So*, Zane thought. *The opposition seems solid, the Commissioner seems....well strange and then there was the very brief report from the ship.* An hour ago Zane had checked in with the FEYNMAN and was told by the OOD that, [...everything is fine...*now*, sir] *''. What the hell was that supposed to mean?*

Interrupted by his thoughts Zane turned to see what had caused the commotion behind him. Bat had arrived and even at this late hour he was as loud as usual. Plopping down in the seat across from Kyrsa he took a quick look at each of the officers. Displaying a convincing pout he returned his gaze to Zane. "Whats the matter, someone steal your candy?"

Zane raised his eyes to express his own look at his bartender and soon to be ex surrogate-uncle. "Bat, now is not a good time." He took a long drink of his coffee. Next to him, Krysa looked over at Bat suspiciously. The Betazoid sensed a lot of happiness in Bat, as well as feelings of success. And she could see a little gloating might be on the way.

"You know I should have never retired from Starfleet." Bat shook his head and frowned. "Yep. Big, big mistake."

He knew he'd regret it but Zane took the bait, the tone of his voice clearly exasperated. "Why?"

"Well cause if today's navy sees fit to place you two in command of a starship." He wagged a finger between Jenn and Zane. "Then they'd at least make me an Admiral for what I've just done." He stroked his chin thoughtfully and looked towards the ceiling. "Maybe an Ambassador at Large. Hmmm...nah think I'll have to stick with Admiral. That way I can train a whole generation of officers to be like me. Yea, maybe retirement wasn't a good idea."

"Hey what about me?" Jerran asked, enjoying Bat's theatrics.

"I like you kid you got spunk! Your still junior enough to have not wrecked your career imitating these two." He jerked a thum towards the two senior officer. "Maybe I'll make you my protege. You know live my career through you. Whattya say?"

Jerran just laughed. Bat must have something really good to be this insubordinate, even for a civilian.

Zane rested his head in his hands and used his fingertips to massage his forehead. This had been a really long day. Sitting back in his seat he stretched his arms up over his head wishing, not for the first time, he was able to sleep. "Ok Bat I'll bite, if only to shut you up. What did you do?"

"Well I cracked this whole mystery, thats all." he replied smugly "Maybe I could teach at the Academy." He nodded his head, congratulating himself at the good idea. Jerran rolled his eyes and Krysa stifiled a laugh. Zane simply stared.

"Don't you ever have fun? Alright, alright I get the point, you want the point."


"Well I heard what happened with the Commissioner in the meeting you were in. As I've known him for 30 years I was happy to hear that he was back to his old self and no longer the tremendous idiot he's been the last week. You know Zane maybe its you. Sometimes you just rub people the wrong way."

"Get on with it!" The captain was losing his patience.

Bat gave Krysa a 'see what I mean look'. "I decided to stop by his quarters to talk about the good old days. I knew he was in his room but he wasn't answering the door or his commlink so I went in anyway. The room was completly black. He'd shut off the lights and covered the windows. It took a while but I found him lying in the bathtub, drunk." Bat stopped the description there, it had actually been much, much worse.

"Drunk?" Zane asked surprised.

"Well its not all that hard to do now that we're all weaned on that synthehol crap! Anyways I decided it was a good time to find out what Cori had gotten himself into...."

In a nutshell, Thessa had confessed to his collussion with elements of the Manark government. If the Commissioner agreed to Furjen's membership petition they would 'leak' all their files on Thessa's past 'trangressions' to the Federation Council. So even if he made the 'right' decision his career would be ruined.

"Well that's too bad. Now that we know all this the Commissioner has to the tell the truth regardless of what it will do to his career."

"Somehow I doubt he will be as repentenet in the morning when he is sober." Jenn replied. "But if the truth comes out won't it hurt the Manark government as well."

"They probably have a sacrificial lamb all ready to go." Bat said.

Zane thought for a few moments then smiled. "I think the Commissioner can accept the application. Without fear of reprisal."


"We make our own deal. We agree not to mention how the Manark shuttle attacked us and nearly killed us and they agree to 'forget' about the Commissioner."

"Well they didn't really damage us." Jerran reminded Zane.

"Yes but they don't know that. We were in a nebula and there sensors could see us. Let's face it the Manark government couldn't withstand too embarrassing situations at the same time. Scape-goat or not."

"Well if everything works out I think we should 'convince' the Commissioner to step down from his post." Jenn added.

"Agreed." Zane seemed reenergized. "Lieutenant would you contact the Furjen officials and get the ball rolling on an emergency session I think the separatists might be a little more accomadating if they don't want their links to Manark published. Bat you and your apprentice here go sober up the Commissioner and I'll get a hold of Maril and tell him to whisper our plan into the Manark presidents ear. I'll see you all in the conference room in one hour."


This kind of jumped at me after Joesph posted the attack by the Manark!

Kris/Joesph: Take it away...

BrOT: Good thing you guys are only in a simm. Hey maybe part of the mission could be your characters having to report to a Simm Admiral as to why your ships got so beat up! <EG>

Max/Jason: Looks like you have some info that might circumnavigate the 'embarrasing incident' with the NCOs

respectfully submitted,

-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Emergency Mediation Session

by Kristen Gant 4-10-1996

Stardate: 80410.2312
Scene: Planet Furjen
MD: 4.2350
>"Agreed." Zane seemed reenergized. "Lieutenant would you contact
>the Furjen officials and get the ball rolling on an emergency session I
>think the separatists might be a little more accommodating if they don't
>want their links to Manark published. Bat you and your apprentice here
>go sober up the commissioner and I'll get a hold of Maril and tell him to
>whisper our plan into the Manark presidents ear. I'll see you all in the
>conference room in one hour."

Krysa stood and headed first for the President of Furjen. She spotted him talking to one of his officials, and quickly headed over toward him. “Mr. President,” she greeted him.

“Lt. Jenn. Are you back for more argument already?” said the older man.

“Actually, sir. I think we are. Commander Zane has uncovered some most interesting information. Could you help me call and emergency session to take place in one hour?”

“This is good information for us?” he asked with a smile.

“Yes, sir. I think you’ll be pleased.”

“Good. You will join me in calling this session, won’t you. I think your pretty face will make them more likely to want to join us.”

“You are a charmer, Mr. President.” Krysa smiled. Glad something was finally going thier way.

MD: 5.0050

Between Krysa’s smile and the President’s political pull, they were able to round up everyone for the emergency session, just in time. It seemed even Bat and Jerran had managed to get the drunken Commissioner sobered up enough so that he wouldn’t embarrass himself.

Commander Zane walked in after having contacted the Feynman. He stood at the end of the table and began to lay out the newly discovered facts. Krysa was watching faces to see if she could tell who were the ones who were feeling the fear and apprehension over Zane’s revolutions.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Please excuse the lame post... but I have had a horrible day :( And therefore I do not feel very creative. But I still want you all to know... I’m Here, I’m Here.


USS FEYNMAN: BrOT: The Phasers' Red Glar

by Charles Jencks 4-10-1996

> "We were just senting you up, Captain." Krazny replied.
> "Tactical, I want you to maintain an open channel with the Eagle
> and the Tecumseh Sherman."
> "Aye, sir."
> "We appreciate the assist, Tok." Captain Jade stated. "We have
> the Stennis in tow."
> "Captain," the holographic TacO said. "Two of the terrorist
> fighters have regrouped and are now making a run or the Nebula. Sir, if
> they make it, I doubt that we'll find them in there. Their carrier is
> still in their and without the Stennis' sensors, we'll be a sitting duck."
> "I am well aware of that, Lieutenant." Tok responded." Helm..."
> "Sir! The third fighter, he is on a collision course with the
> Stennis! He's gaining speed and the Eagle's shields are already stretched
> thin and there is no guarantee that they'll hold. If the Stennis' warp
> core explodes..."
> Tok was uncertain what to do. If he remained, the terrorists may
> get away. If he pursued them, he'd be putting the Eagle and Stennis at
> risk. A decision was needed and fast.
> "Tactical, contact, the USS Tecumseh Sherman, tell them that they
> may soon have a pair of fighters to deal with. Helm, get us behind that
> rogue fighter."
> "Sir, sensors indicate the the fighter's warp drive is approaching
> critical."
> That tricky Maril, even if we disable the ship, when it blows,
> we're all going with it.

Krazny thought... why not? He engaged the emergency transporter band he'd stuffed in his empty tricorder holster, and returned to the STENNIS's bridge, and turned it against the strain of the EAGLE's tractor beam... Suddenly, he cut loose with all the phasers, having physically moved to the tactical station. The direct hit disabled the rogue fighter, but it was still drifting toward his ship at two thirds impulse. He had less than a minute to rig a repulsor beam, and managed to engage it... just as the fighter breached the EAGLE's shields and the INDEPENDENCE beamed him aboard.

The Captain of the INDEPENDENCE fumed, "WHAT were you trying to DO?"

"I wasn't trying, I did it. Saved the STENNIS!"

Just then the SHERMAN could be seen, its phasers lancing out and hitting the disabled fighter, and the fighter exploded. Unfortunately, it blew the entire drive section of the STENNIS to shreds, but fortunately the saucer... and its Spotlight sensor array... were untouched by the explosion.

The EAGLE rocked at the explosion which destroyed half of the ship it was now towing sideways, and attempted to make its thrusters fire, but to no avail. Now they'd have to turn it, the Spotlight array could only 'shine' forward...

NRPG: Interesting twist, eh? I wanted to try to save the STENNIS, or at least the part of it with the sensor array. I didn't deal with the other 2 fighters, and we still have the mothership...

BTW, I expect no congratulations, but one of my other charachters made LtJG earlier today.

- Charles Jencks (                                    -
-                                       -
-----------------------------ASR Charachter List-------------------------------
- Ensign Christophe Boulanger, USS MELBOURNE FCO, Blue Fleet                  -
- Ensign K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, USS GAUSS FCO, Blue Fleet                           -
- Ensign Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN CNS, Silver Fleet                        -
- Ensign Jarin Edisrevir, USS LINCOLN CSO, Red Fleet                          -
- Captain (FMM) Marie Tranquilite Alsatien, CO, SS Alsace (MVL-774221) (FT)   -
- USS Melbourne Homepage:         -
- SS Alsace(MVL-774221)Homepage: -

USS FEYNMAN: As Furjen Spins

by Kristen Gant 4-11-1996

Stardate: 80411.1023
Scene: Emergency mediation session

Zane and Jenn stood guard over the Commissioner. However there were no more shots fired. It appeared Jerran had picked out the correct target and swiftly put him out of action before he could get off a shot which might actually hit the Commissioner.

Jenn felt the determination of the Yinterego party, beginning to diminish as the Commissioner continued to talk and they began to realize that the Manarkian help they had been valuing so much was not what it had appeared. Not to mention the disfavor that would fall of them if the people of thier world discovered they were working with the Manarkian’s.

She thought of Malia and how disappointed she and her entire restaurant had been when the Yinterego party had been doing so well. She still had doubts about the validity of the election process, however, the Yinterego’s had not won, and right now their attempted coup was on the downslide as well.

By the time the Commissioner finished his full confession before the mediation committee, the Yinterego party was in total disarray. They were arguing amongst themselves. One fist fight even broke out when Jerran was able to halt easily with a swing of his phaser. The two men looked at him, then at their fallen compatriot and returned to their seats.

The governing party was full of smiles along with the President. He turned to Commissioner Thessa and Commander Zane. “I think that has put an end to that! We officially ask for acceptance into the Federation.”

The Commissioner while looking rather pitiful, still had the feeling that that he had done the right thing. Krysa put her hand on his shoulder, “I think you did the right thing too.” she said smiling as he looked at her.

He tried to recompose his face into the nasty drudge he had been prior to this moment, but wasn’t fully succeeding. Krysa chuckled... some people never completely change.

Zane turned to the Commissioner, “Well, I don’t see how we can turn them down.”

Thessa nodded weakly, knowing that while Zane was right, with Furjen’s admittance into the Federation, his days were numbered. He knew some people who would not be happy about his failed job.

NRPG: So is it a go... How will the Manarkian’s react... Will there be an assassination attempt?? All these questions and more in your next exciting episode of “As Furjen Spins”

BTW: Congratulations, Charles. One promotion down... how many more to go? :)



by Andrew Nugteren 4-11-1996

SD: 80411.1313
Scene: Bridge, USS Eagle

Jade breathed a visible sigh of relief as the rogue fighter was taken out of commission courtesy of Messrs. Krazny and Co. That just left two of the original eight rebel ships left. Besides the Independence, the other Feynman class vessels were in no shape for a fight... the Shurman having taken damage, the Stennis without impulse power and its Secondary Reactor and the Eagle having purposefully taken the brunt of the damage from the to save the Stennis and its precious 'spotlight' sensor array.

"Captain," the TacO stated. "We're being hailed from the Sherman."

"On screen," Jade ordered.

The main bridge viewer cut to show Captain Selek standing in the centre of the USS Sherman's bridge. "I have a plan..."

Resepectfully submitted Ensign Jade Sr'qwon


I'm beginning to like this setting other people up for the glory bit... although I decided not to give any ideas away this time :)

Anyway, this post is fairly brief as although it's after midnight here, I head away today on holiday for the weekend and I expect to be back around 64 hours from now. See ya all then and have fun while I'm gone :) (just not too much!!)

BrOT: Two days ought to be plenty enough to tie this up except... this mothership thingame sounds pretty tough. Still, we have creative freedom aboard and anything can (and usally does) happen to end up in our favor so I hereby entrust my noble ship into your care while I'm gone. Don't do anything that I wouldn't do!! <EG>

| Ensign Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Lt.Colonel Chris Williams Instructor - Holodeck 11 ARMSTRONG LB           |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                    New Zealand |

USS FEYNMAN: A Little Deal...

by Max Felsher 4-12-1996

SD 80412.0000 (GMT)
MD 4.2200
Holodeck 2

Maril continued to watch the officers in the BrOT. He was worried about Bellad and the others.

[Koreth to Maril. We have the 'fugitives', sir.]

Maril sighed like Febilo when he heard he had been freed. "Good work, Mr. Koreth. Confine them to quarters until I can administer discipline."

[Aye, sir. Koreth out.]

Maril refocused his attention on the simulation. "Computer, create Cardassian convoy opposite the nebula from the Amsterdam, Sherman, Stennis, Eagle, and Independence. Extrapalate reaction of Bajoran terrorist ships from database."

<Command carried out.>

Maril smiled. He knew that he was throwing everything at the officers, but, Maril justified to himself, they had asked to take the test together. He did feel a little guilty about it, though.

MD 5.0030 Bridge

Lt.(Commander?) Koreth stood on watch--his actual watch this time. "Sir, we are receiving a communication from the Captain," Trog, the tactical officer for the GAMMA shift reported.

"Put it on screen," Koreth ordered.

Zane's face appeared. "Oh, Lieutenant Koreth, I forgot that it was your shift...," he started.

"Actually, sir, Commander Maril is in the middle of a BrOT."

"Really? Well, could you patch me through to him. And on a secured channel, please, Commander?" Zane said, noticing Koreth's new pip.

"'s a long story, sir."

Zane smiled. "Well, just get Maril."

Holodeck 2

Maril was getting rather tired. The BrOT ht had taken over six hours, but it seemed to be almost over.

[Koreth to Maril. The Captain has contacted us, and he wants to talk with you.]

"Very well. Patch it through."

Zane appeared on Maril's holographic console. [Hello, Commander. Tired?]

"Actually, yes. What did you want to talk about, sir?"

[Well, we have some 'dirt' on the Manarkians. Apparently, Thessa was collaborating with them and the Yinterego party. Actually, it wasn't so much collaboration as blackmail. If Thessa had recommended membership, the Manarkians would have revealed certain incidents of Thessea's career, which would not have been good for Thessa.]

" Sepel changing sides. Blackmail, as well as illegal attempts to stop a planet becoming a Federation member are not small offenses."

[Not to mention that a Manarkian shuttle attacked us on our way to Furjen.]

"Mmmm. Well, this will also cover up a rather nasty mistake on our part."

[Oh really?] Zane raised an eyebrow.

"I'll tell you all about it when you get back, sir. Maril out."

Zane's face faded from the screen. As it did, Maril tapped his communicator. "Maril to Koreth. Get me the Manarkian president."

President Ilab's face then appeared. [Who are you?] was the not-so-kind greeting.

"I am the First Officer of the USS Feynman."

[How can I believe you?]

"You will believe me in a second."

[Really?] the President said sarcastically.

"Yes," Maril was getting impatient. "Now, Mr. Ilab, I have a proposal to discuss with you. In exchange for allowing Commissioner Thessa to make a true decision, as well as the incident with our officers, we will not reveal the fact that you--a Federation member attacked a Starfleet shuttle. Do you agree?"

[Very well,] Ilab finally accepted. [Ilab out.]

Maril sat back, but only for a second before he returned to watching the BrOT.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: All: Well, now we're starting to wrap things up....

Furjen: Good work! :)

BrOT: You've probably forgotten by now, but there will be a Cardassian convoy out there. (Why do I get the feeling the terrorists will not just sit there?

) ) Oh, and you probably will have finished by the time Maril talks with Zane

and Ilab, but I didn't want to set any limits. :)

Jason: Don't be too harsh on our "fugitives". :) (That's for Maril to do. ;) )

Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla


by Charles Jencks 4-12-1996

SD 80412.0110

Captain Krazny loked upon the half-destroyed STENNIS from the INDEPENDENCE's forward lounge. The EAGLE had just finished turning it forward, which had required the efforts of six shuttle tractor beams and an hour. Mysteriously, the fighters had broken off, and gone deeper in the Nebula than the Spotlight could shine.

Suddenly, as Krazny returned to the INDEPENDENCE's bridge, a distress call came in. <<This is Gul Cercros, of the Cardassian cargo vessel Raxon. We are under attack by several Bajoran fighters and a heavily armed Quebec-class cargo ship. We have taken severe dam...>> The transmission just cut off there...

NRPG: Maril, here's your convoy. The mother ship, I surmise, could be a Quebec-class with far more weaponry than it should have.

Ens Krazny Oktyabr


by Charles Jencks 4-12-1996

> > SD 80412.0110
> "There is no way that we can be in two places at once, Captain." The
> holographic helmsman stated.
> Computer programs, such limited thoughts. Tok thought to himself.
> "Don't be so sure. Captain Krazny, will do me the honor of assuming
> control of the Battle Bridge and prepare for emergency saucer separation."
Captain Krazny took the INDEPENDENCE's Battle Bridge, and, right after separation, said, "To avoid confusion, this ship will be called the FREEDOM until further notice. Open fire on the cargo ship, and I want an ID on it." "That is the SS ULSTER, sir." The first salvo of torpedoes impacted its shields quite harmlessly. "It has weapons and shields roughly equal to a Hood-class light cruiser."

"I wonder how that happened. Tactical, fire at will, and try to keep us between the ULSTER and the RAXON."

"Yes, sir."

"Hail the INDEPENDENCE and the SHERMAN. Tell them the FREEDOM is hailing them. Also get me the AMSTERDAM."

NRPG: Well, another command... let's see if I can keep this one from getting blown to shreds. BTW the STENNIS *might* be able to go to impulse power, but the drive section is completely gone.

- Charles Jencks (                                    -
-                                       -
-----------------------------ASR Charachter List-------------------------------
- Ensign Christophe Boulanger, USS MELBOURNE FCO, Blue Fleet                  -
- Ensign K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, USS GAUSS FCO, Blue Fleet                           -
- Ensign Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN CNS, Silver Fleet                        -
- Ensign Jarin Edisrevir, USS LINCOLN CSO, Red Fleet                          -
- Captain (FMM) Marie Tranquilite Alsatien, CO, SS Alsace (MVL-774221) (FT)   -
- USS Melbourne Homepage:         -
- SS Alsace(MVL-774221)Homepage: -

USS FEYNMAN: Ending the Voyage (figuratively)

by Max Felsher 4-13-1996

SD 80413.2200 (GMT)
MD 4.2300
Holodeck 2: SS Ulster

Lt. Colonel Derya Fipol, the Bajoran Captain of the SS Ulster, watched the battle that had gone on for more than an hour. "Hail the Starfleet ships!" he ordered.

"They're not responding," the communications officer reported. Derya sighed. The Starfleet ships had not responded to their hails since they had left the nebula. Few of the officers on the Ulster were even upset with the Federation. It was the Cardassians they hated.

"Continue hailing. Fire phasers on the Raxon."

Holodeck 2: USS Amsterdam

"Sir, we have reached the battlesite," the tactical officer told Captain Meln.

"Recommendations?" the Ferengi asked.

"The Feynman-class starships are still battling the terrorists. The terrorists must be pretty strong in their position," the Andorian FO replied.

"Well, tactical maneuvers. Fire weapons."

The Hannibal-class(NRPG: Yes, I made the name up.) starship moved towards the Ulster. It fired phasers and a full spread of photon torpedoes.

"Sir," the tactical officer sounded surprised, "the terrorists are hailing us!"

"On screen."

[Hello. I am Colonel Derya. I would like to know why you have fired upon us.]

"Because our own ships are firing on you, because you are firing on the Raxon," Meln replied.

Holodeck 2: USS Eagle, Sherman, Independence, and Freedom

"Computer, freeze program."

All of the officers were surprised to hear Maril's voice. "Computer, transfer all actual beings in Holodeck 2 to simulation of Bridge of USS Amsterdam. Keep program frozen."

All of them--Maril, Selek, Tok, Sr'qwon, and Krazny--appeared on the frozenn simulation of the USS Amsterdam's Bridge.

"If you have not figured it out already, you have reached the end of the voyage," Maril sounded angry. "I must say that I am surprised. It took two simulated characters to start to solve the problem." The four officers started to feel guilty.

Maril continued with his admonishment. "Not one of you, not one, even tried to hail the Ulster. The Amsterdam, a heavily-armed starship was firing on the Ulster. Do you know what could have started here if this had been real? Terrible repercussions, all because you forgot to hail the ship." Maril took a breath. "Command isn't necessarily about being able to win a battle or destroy the enemy. What it is about is being able to make peace. If you notice, we do not have the emblem of the Klingon Empire."

Maril sighed and picked up his PADD. "You all passed the Command section of the BrOT, although maybe you shouldn't have. Ensign Krazny, Lieutenant Selek, you just barely passed. I hope you do better on the other sections, or you may not pass the BrOT. Ensign Sr'qwon, Lieutenant Tok, you did slightly better. You both have a little more breathing room."


The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: All:So, the BrOT(or this part) is finished. Now we can get back to the mission. :)

Lysle, Andrew, Sherman, Charles:Don't worry, but bear what Maril said in mind. :)

Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla

USS FEYNMAN: Aftermath of the BrOT

by Charles Jencks 4-13-1996

SD 80413.2245

Krazny mulled over Maril's words... 'just barely passed'. Well, he supposed, he could always try to take the test again later, for a better score, but how often did the Ship's Counselor get left in command anyways? The whole thing had been an ambition, for he had always wanted to be a line officer, but the ship had the necessary staff.

The counselor's three staff members, Ensigns Ryan and Greer and Chief Jones, filed in for the normal end-of-shift conference...

NRPG: Well, Krazny seems to be taking things well...

Charles Jencks
Ens Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN, CNS

USS FEYNMAN: Time to Relax..

by Andrew Catterick 4-14-1996

SD: 80414.1000
Scene: Visitors Compound, Furjen
MD: 5.0800

"Captain's log Stardate 80414.0800...

...I am happy to record that as of 0700, this day, the Planet Furjen, upon due consideration of the planetary government in conjunction with Commissioner Corino Thessa, representative of the United Federation of Planets has been accepted as the newest member in the Federation."

Zane hit pause on the recorder as he reached over for his coffee. It was a cool morning and he watched the steam rise from the contents of the black mug. Inhaling the aroma he smiled. This was by far the best coffee had ever had. The smile grew as he relished in the fact the President had promised to make a substantial supply of it available for transport to the FEYNMAN once it returned from Manark V. There'd be enough for six months and now that Furjen was a Federation member it would be relatively easy to acquire. He made a mental note to talk to his friend who ran the cafe on EPSILON to add this to his specialty brew list.

After a few more sips he placed the mug on the table beside him and let his head sink into the cushion. Closing his he thought about how much nicer it was to plan out his quest for the perfect cup of coffee rather than trying to determine what was driving an enigmatic commissioner or why a Federation ally would try to divert their runabout. *Maybe when I retire I'll open a little coffee shop out on the frontier. Somewhere where it is scarce and they can appreciate it.*

He opened his eyes and frowned as he heard he click of boots coming down the hall. So much for his quiet morning to reflect. Picking the PADD up of his lap he placed it on the table next to the coffee. The log could wait.

"Good morning captain." Jenn smiled.

"Good morning Krysa, Bat. Commissioner wasn't it my understanding that the Furjen authorities had confined you to a holding area until the FEYNMAN returns?" Zane asked clearly not happy to see the Commissioner. He had done the right thing but that still did not excuse the abuses of power leading up to that point. The Commissioner had broken the law and would have to pay the penalty.

"To be honest captain I don't know how I was allowed to go free. Bat arrived this morning and told me I was under his 'protective' custody."

Zane looked over at a smiling Bat, he should have known better.

"It just takes a little charm. You know, smile here, compliment there."

"I see. What do you have planned?"

"Well we decided we should spend Cori's last few hours of freedom taking in the local culture"

"Very well, just remember that I am holding you personally responsible for the Commissioner. The second the FEYNMAN returns I want him beamed aboard and confined to his quarters. Is that clear?" He didn't dare ask how Bat, a civilian, had managed to get custody of the Commissioner. It was probably something better left untouched.

"Crystal sir." Bat replied. With his trade mark half-salute he turned and the two older men left across the compound.

"So what's are FCO up to this fine morning?"

Jenn laughed. "He burst in the cadet's room at 0500 and berated them for sleeping. Somehow he talked the government into allowing him access to one of their airbases and the use of several training craft. Right now he's putting them through their paces and they're probably hoping his engine falls out."

"Well I guess that leaves just us. Well your the expert on the Furjen tourist scene, would you care to indulge your Captain in a little sightseeing?"


Well it looks like things are wrapping up....I've left enough time for those of you on the FEYNMAN to continue/finish any threads on Manark V before you head on over and pick us up for the return trip to EPSILON.

Congrats to the BrOT participants!

Max: Stern but fair.;)

Regards, Andy

-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: The Days of Krysa's Life

by Kristen Gant 4-14-1996

>"Well I guess that leaves just us. Well your the expert on the
>Furjen tourist scene, would you care to indulge your captain in a
>little sightseeing?"

Stardate: 80414.1833
Scene: Visitor’s compound
MD: 5.0800

Krysa smiled at the Captain. “Are you hungry, sir? I know the best little restaurant...”

Zane laughed. “Is that all you ever think about?”

“Please, sir,” said Krysa faking a slightly hurt expression, “You ought to know better then that. However,” she said switching back to her smile, “there is more to this restaurant then just food.”

Scene: about an hour later. Malia’s restaurant.

Krysa found herself back at Malia’s restaurant. Zane seemed to be enjoying himself watching the antics of the crowd and Bat was having a great time bantering back and forth with the animated Malia. Krysa decided she was definitely going to miss this place once their mission was officially complete and they were back on their way to Epsilon.

She frowned as she found herself getting lost in her thoughts. She was still uneasy over the fact that she hadn’t heard from her parents during thier last sojourn there. She knew something was brewing and most likely it would hit as soon as they got back. She was pretty sure she knew what it was.

Scene: USS FEYNMAN Bridge
MD: 5.0900

“Sir, we have an incoming message from Starbase Epsilon,” said PO Thain, who was sitting in for the know incarcerated WO Ein, at Ops.

“On screen,” said Maril.

“Sir, they are asking for Lt. Jenn, and saying that it is a personal matter.”

“Fine, I’ll take it in the Captain’s ready room,” said Maril, intrigued at such an unusual occurrence.

He moved quickly to the Captain’s ready room and sat down. “Lt. Cmdr. Maril here,”

A flustered ensign sat at the panel, [I have someone here to speak to Lt. Krysa Jenn, sir.]

Maril could hear a deep voice in the background, <Haven’t they located her yet? Let me talk to them, please.> The Ensigns face was replace by that of an older man. [I am Ambassador Quarn Jenn, where is my daughter?]

“Ambassador, Lt. Jenn is on an away mission at the moment.”

[Indeed,> sighed the Ambassador, <Very well, when do you expect her back on board.]

“We will be picking them up within the next 6 hours.”

[Very well, I will call soon after that. Please try not to disappoint me.] With that the channel was broken.

Scene: Starbase Epsilon

“Quick! Duck!” said Jeri to her companion, ducking behind a large potted plant.

“What?” asked the tall Vulcan male.

“It’s my father.” whispered the girl as the Ambassador and his two aides walked by, only a short distance from them.

Once the man and his companions had passed, she stood up again, sighing, “Why didn’t you listen to me?”

“Jeri, your father would not recognize me. I only met him briefly that one time.”

“Don’t be so sure, Boren. You don’t know my father very well.”

“I wonder what he’s here for?” the man asked.

Jeri grimaced. “The same thing I am; to see Krysa. Or perhaps I should say, to tell her how to run her life.”

“I told you we should have just found another shuttle off this base rather then waiting around.”

“I know what you told me.” she said irritated. “But since you had given all our money to that phony travel agency, we didn’t have a lot of choices, did we?”

“By the end of the week we should have enough saved up to continue our trip now, though.”

“No, not until I see Krysa. As long as we are going to have to wait anyway... I want to make sure I see her.” Jeri watched in the direction her father had disappeared to, but saw no signs that he was returning, so she began to relax. “I think now, though that I can get in touch with her much easier.”

“How, you tried earlier... what makes you think they’ll let you contact her personally now, when they wouldn’t before.”

“Because now, my father is here... If you think being an Ambassador has it’s privileges, you should see how they treat you when you’re the Ambassador’s daughter.” Jeri said with a smile. “Now that he’s actually one the base, it is something I plan on invoking.”

Boren pressed her for details to her plan, but she refused to speak further of it. Simply assuring him that they would be on their way soon.

Ens. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Just starting to continue threads I started prior to going on our mission. I think everyone was on board then, except Sherman..

This is mostly to keep us busy during our next stop at Epsilon, which looks like it will be coming up in the next few days... ship time of course <G> More will be coming once we are actually on our way back to Epsilon.

Max, if my times for the call from Krysa’s father need to be changed... that’s fine. It should take place when the ship is either already left Manark V or just about ready to leave... so if you are planning on staying longer, we can change them ....


USS FEYNMAN: 10-Forward

by Andrew Nugteren 4-2-1996

SD: 80414.2315
Scene: 10-Forward
MD: ?.???? (After the BrOT)

Tixx arrived in 10-Forward and couldn't help but overhear a conversation that Jade was having with Bat.

"I've told you already," she was saying to the barkeeper. "I keep that sort of information to myself."

"Touchy.. touchy aren't we," Bat grinned. "Did something happen that shouldn't have?"

Jade was about to reply when she noticed Tixx out of the corner of her eye.

"Dr. Tok," she smiled. "At last I get to meet the man behind the name."

Tixx seemed a little confused. "You'd heard of me before coming aboard the FEYNMAN?"

"I've read some of your papers. The last one you wrote about the Cardassian aging technology was a very balanced report. I'd never thought that linking the key principles of mysteroplosis and clydaxinus would achieve such a result, but your research provides a definite insight."

"Thank you Ensign Sr'qwon," Tixx smiled. "I hadn't realised my work had been distributed so widely."

"Ensign Sr'qwon," Jade grimaced. "is both far too long and far too formal. Jade will do just fine."

Respectfully submitted
Ensign Jade Sr'qwon


Well, just got back and I find in my absence the BrOT got a little warped <EG> After I had entrusted my ship into your care...

>BrOT: Two days ought to be plenty enough to tie this up except... this
> mothership thingame sounds pretty tough. Still, we have creative
> freedom aboard and anything can (and usally does) happen to end up in
> our favor so I hereby entrust my noble ship into your care while I'm
> gone. Don't do anything that I wouldn't do!! <EG>

...although if I had been around instead of on holiday, of course the ships would have been hailed Max. *wink*

Anyone else want to join Lysle and I in 10-Forward?

Lysle: Your turn now :)

| Ensign Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Lt.Colonel Chris Williams Instructor - Holodeck 11 ARMSTRONG LB           |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                    New Zealand |

USS FEYNMAN: Depression & Vodka

by Charles Jencks 4-14-1996

> "Very well, Jade it is." Tok responded, "but only if you promise to call me Tixx."
> Jade nodded.
> "So what brings you here to Ten-Forward?"
> Jade gave Tok a look, but Tok had known the answer before the words even
> left his lips. There was some uncomfortable silence.
> "When I get feeling this way," the Bolian CMO began, " I remember what my
> father used to say to me. He'd say, 'Tixx, I have won many times in my
> life, and I have lost many times in my life, and, you know, no matter how
> many times I lose...winning is a hell of alot better!"
> Jade smiled as did Tok. As a doctor, he had learned that a smile can be a
> better cure than the most sophisticated technology.
> "Thank you, Tixx." Jade said.
> "It was only a test, Jade, and the purpose of a test is to learn." Tok
> smiled, usually he spoke to relieve other's anxieties, but now his words
> seemed to speak directly to him.
> "Tixx, sorry I am late."
> "Don't worry, Jane, I had the pleasure of Ensign Sr'qwon'
> Jades' company to keep me occupied. Say, I don't think that the two of you
> have met. Jane Tamy, allow me to introduce you to my good friend, Jade
> Sr'qwon."
> "Pleased to meet you... Ms. Sr'qwon?" Jane said tentatively, "you'll have
> to excuse me, this is the first time that I have ever been formally
> introduced to a Trill."
Just then, Ensign Krazny walked in, and he looked, well, as mad as a typical Klingon... except he wasn't a Klingon. They could hear him order a chocolate sundae and a half liter of vodka from across the room. Obviously he was mad about something.

Jade rolled her eyes when he sauntered over, setting the sundae and vodka down so hard she thought the glass dishes would break, and slumped down in his chair.

Someone said, "I wonder what's wrong with him."

Krazny obviously wasn't in a good mood. "You wanna know what's wrong? I do that damned test, and I barely pass, and then I come out and go to my quarters... and a message came in from the USS ANAHEIM... my old girlfriend... well, not only did she dump me, but she's going to marry their first officer!"

NRPG: Imagine Worf on a bad day. Krazny's in a worse mood...

And I know how to play this, because I'm in a mood that bad myself, but for a *slightly* different reason...

Charles Jencks (

LtJG Christophe Boulanger, FCO, USS MELBOURNE (BLUE)
Ens K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, FCO, USS GAUSS (BLUE)
Ens Krazny Oktyabr, CNS, USS FEYNMAN (SILVER)
Ens Jarin Edisrevir, CSO, USS LINCOLN (RED)
Capt (FMM) Marie T Alsatien, SS ALSACE (MVL-774221) (FT)

USS FEYNMAN: Finishing Stuff Up

by Max Felsher 4-15-1996

SD 80415.19800 (GMT)
MD 5.0330
First Officer's Office

Lt. Commander Maril sat behind his desk, eating meat from a Terran bird called a "chikin". It had an interesting taste to it. He had decided not to add sodium chloride as some humans did.

Finally, he finished it. "Maril to Bellad, Cartwright, Ein, Mancuso, and Clayton. Report to my office at 0400 hours. Maril out."

MD 5.0400

The five culprits stood in front of Maril's desk, while Maril sat coolly behind.

"Now, would you like to explain to me why you endangered this mission as well as possibly creating a diplomatic nightmare for the Feynman?" Maril said calmly, but there was a sense of danger in his voice. No one answered.

"So, you had no control over what you did? Someone had control over your minds?" Still, no one answered.

Finally, Bellad said, "Well, sir, you didn't give us any orders, you didn't come up to the Bridge, you-"

"So you just took it upon yourself to give an order that could have had had terrible repercussions?" the calmness was gone from Maril's voice now.

Ensign Cartwright pleaded, "Please, sir, it wasn't Bellad's fault...the President invited the senior officers and...."

"And what about you, Mr. Cartwright?" Maril was almost yelling now. "You were the highest-ranking officer on the Bridge. You could have ordered all of the officers, including Bellad, to stay there. Yet, you didn't!"

All of the officers were silent. Maril sighed angrily. "Actually, I will let your Section heads take care of this. They know what punishment to give better than I. Dismissed."

They all started to file out, but Maril called, "Mr. Bellad, I want you to stay here." The other four officers walked out the door, but Bellad turned around.

"Sit down, Mr. Bellad." The Bajoran did, and Maril sighed once again. "Jafel...I would just like to know which river were you traveling down when you beamed down?"

Bellad sighed as well. "I don't know, I just thought...."

"I hear your story, but you must learn to, as humans say, 'Look before you leap.' I will give you some time to think over what you have done, and then you may resume your normal duties. I am sorry, but I must issue a formal reprimand on your record."

"I hear your story," Bellad replied.


Bellad left the office and Maril began his log.

"First Officer's Log, Stardate 80415.0430. With the deal with the Manarkians completed, Furjen has been admitted into the Federation. No doubt, there will be a full investigation into Manark V's dealings in the attempt to stop Furjen's admittance, as we did not agree to remain quiet about that, only the fact that a Manarkian shuttle attacked the away party we sent to Furjen. We will be traveling back to Furjen at 1300 hours, where we will pick up the away team, along with Comissioner Thessa and our bartender.

"On the ship, I must report two occurrences which I regret. The first one is that the four officers who took the Command section of the BrOT--Mr. Selek, Mr. Tok, Mr. Sr'qwon, and Mr. Krazny--did not perform very well. They engaged in a battle which could have been avoided. Luckily, it was only a simulation and they passed. The second is even more serious. Five junior officers--Mr. Bellad, Mr. Cartwright, Mr. Ein, Mr. Mancuso, and Mr. Clayton--beamed down to Manark V on their own authority and could have started a major diplomatic embarrasment. Luckily, Lieutenant Koreth was able to defuse the situation quite effectively and gracefully.

"I look forward to finsihing this mission and starting the next, whatever it might be. End First Officer's Log."

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: Just finishing some stuff up. :)

Kristen, Joseph, Lysle, Andrew:Do your worst to your NPC's. ;)

Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla

USS FEYNMAN: Counselor's Release

by Charles Jencks 4-16-1996

SD 80416.2030

Ensign Krazny had been trying to get over that message from Ensign Strait for a day now, but he couldn't think of a thing he hadn't done with her... oh, yes. She never had liked holodecks...

Later, Holodeck One.

The life jacket bobbed up as Krazny hit the freezing waters of the North Atlantic from a two hundred foot fall, and he twisted his head to the right. And there was Big D...

NRPG: Just a little something to get my... er, Krazny's... mind off the breakup (it happened to me too, but not quite the same, and I'm taking it better)

Charles Jencks
Ens Krazny Oktyabr / Sir John Patrick Ryan

USS FEYNMAN: Going on the Record

by Andrew Nugteren 4-17-1996

SD: 80417.1059
Scene: Observation Lounge
MD: 5.2000

The FEYNMAN's arrival back at Furjen signalled in many ways the end of the mission, although there were a few loose threads to tie up. One was being tied up right now in the Observation Lounge, where Ensign Jade Sr'qwon had requested a formal meeting with both the Captain and the First Officer. Having given no reasons for her request, both Zane and Maril were curious as to what she wanted to bring up. Both senior officers were seated together, and Jade stood at the opposite end of the briefing table and addressed them both.

"Cmdr. Zane, LtCmdr. Maril," she addressed them formally in opening. "As you are no doubt aware, it is my primary duty as the Chief of Security to ensure the safety and wellbeing of this ship and its crew. As a Starfleet Officer, I also have certain other responsibilities, and it is those other responsibilities that I would like to address to you both now."

"I understand that you have together made an under-the-table deal with Manark V and have ommitted certain pieces of information from the official Mission Report that has been already submitted to CinC-Silver."

Jade paused for a moment and noted Maril was wriggling slightly in his chair.

"I have on record sir from the communications logs, conversations that suggest that in exchange for not mentioning the unprovoked attack on the Nogura and also the Manarkian blackmail attempt, that Manark V would not mention the incident that occured on the surface and in addition, allow Commissioner Thesa to make a true decision."

"It was a diplomatic decision that had to be made," Zane pointed out. "It means the Commissioner can step down from his task without dishonour and also clears us from the embaressing incident that occured on Manark V."

"Captain," Jade stood her ground firmly. "Starfleet is about justice with accountability. What yourself and Commander Maril have done is to have perverted the flow of justice and have let the innocent go unpunished."

"Commissioner Thesa has committed certain actions and must be held accountable for what he has done. Manark V have attacked a Starfleet vessel and must be held accountable for what they have done. Our junior officers that caused the incident on Manark V have acted in an insubordinate manner and have already been held accountable for their actions."

"As officers in Starfleet, we have all chosen to accept the responsibilities that go with rank. That much, we all have in common. However, it is my belief sir, that you have acted inproperly in discharging your duties."

"Captain," Jade paused. "I respect you as the fine officer that you are and although I have only been on this ship a short period of time, I value the way you have made me feel welcome and for the friendship that has been forthcoming. I have struggled over whether to bring this up for some time now, but in the end I have been forced to the conclusion that unless I did my duty by reporting this to Starfleet Command, that I would be as much responsible for what has happened, as you both are."

"Please done't let this stand in the way our relationships with one another. I sincerely hope you can see that I have only done as much as my duty required. Sir."

There was an uncomfortable silence in which neither of the three officers present spoke.

"Is there anything else you would like to add, Ensign?" Zane questioned.

"No sir."

Zane nodded. "Then dismissed."

Respectfully submitted Ensign Jade Sr'qwon


Maril: Tit for tat for the BrOT?

Seriously though, this is how Jade feels about the above issue and I question whether we too today would be prepared to support web of secrecy (such as the Iran Arms deal) to protect the guilty and to let them go free. I'm not trying to put anyone down here in this post, but simply to point out that as RP-writers, we *are* responsible for the actions of our characters as the BrOT also pointed out. Anyway, I'm not part of SF-JAG, but a second edition of the BrOT and an insuing court-martial might be an interesting way to pass the time while we're on Epsilon :)

| Ensign Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Lt.Colonel Chris Williams Instructor - Holodeck 11 ARMSTRONG LB           |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                    New Zealand |

USS FEYNMAN: Going on the Record (Cont.)

by Andrew Catterick 4-17-1996

> SD: 80417.1059
> Scene: Observation Lounge
> MD: 5.2000
> "Cmdr. Zane, LtCmdr. Maril," she addressed them formally in opening. "As
> you are no doubt aware, it is my primary duty as the Chief of Security to
> ensure the safety and wellbeing of this ship and its crew. As a Starfleet
> Officer, I also have certain other responsibilities, and it is those other
> responsibilities that I would like to address to you both now."
> "I understand that you have together made an under-the-table deal with
> Manark V and have ommitted certain pieces of information from the official
> Mission Report that has been already submitted to CinC-Silver."
> Jade paused for a moment and noted Maril was wriggling slightly in his chair.
> "I have on record sir from the communications logs, conversations that
> suggest that in exchange for not mentioning the unprovoked attack on the
> Nogura and also the Manarkian blackmail attempt, that Manark V would not
> mention the incident that occured on the surface and in addition, allow
> Commissioner Thesa to make a true decision."
> "It was a diplomatic decision that had to be made," Zane pointed out.
> "It means the Commissioner can step down from his task without dishonour and
> also clears us from the embaressing incident that occured on Manark V."
> "Captain," Jade stood her ground firmly. "Starfleet is about justice
> with accountability. What yourself and Commander Maril have done is to have
> perverted the flow of justice and have let the innocent go unpunished."
> "Commissioner Thesa has committed certain actions and must be held
> accountable for what he has done. Manark V have attacked a Starfleet vessel
> and must be held accountable for what they have done. Our junior officers
> that caused the incident on Manark V have acted in an insubordinate manner
> and have already been held accountable for their actions."

"I agree. And fortunately that will happen. Perhaps you have not read all of the mission summary reports. Especially the section dealing with the Commissioner's confession to the President of Furjen, his confinment to his quarters on the planet and then on this ship.

While I have not discussed this in any official reports to the Admiral I have communicated them to him on a secure channel. Commissioner Thessa is to be transported to the Federation Council where he will formally confess his crimes of this mission and those of the past. Currently, this ship has been ordered into a 'stand-by' position until the Admiral reviews the current situation at hand. As we already have the Commissioner on board and are closer to Earth than most ships in the fleet, it is my guess that we will be ordered to transport him there. At that time I'm sure there will be a full reckoning."

> "As officers in Starfleet, we have all chosen to accept the
> responsibilities that go with rank. That much, we all have in common.
> However, it is my belief sir, that you have acted improperly in discharging
> your duties."

"Again I agree with you Ensign. However you must also except the fact that even as a department head you are not necessarily privy to all that is happening. What may appear clear on the surface is usually quite clouded underneath unless all the facts are known. I do not expect any of my officers to trust me blindly in all matters. However, as a Starfleet officer I would hope that the trust of one's senior officers is not completely absent. Without such trust the operation of this ship, indeed of Starfleet, would be severely hampered.

> "Captain," Jade paused. "I respect you as the fine officer that you are
> and although I have only been on this ship a short period of time, I value
> the way you have made me feel welcome and for the friendship that has been
> forthcoming. I have struggled over whether to bring this up for some time
> now, but in the end I have been forced to the conclusion that unless I did
> my duty by reporting this to Starfleet Command, that I would be as much
> responsible for what has happened, as you both are."

"I am happy you felt you could bring this too us and I commend you for it. However I feel that in the future you may want to temper your zealousness for your duty with the fact that everything is not always as it seems and learn to trust us a bit more."

> "Please done't let this stand in the way our relationships with one
> another. I sincerely hope you can see that I have only done as much as my
> duty required. Sir."

"It takes alot of courage for an Ensign to come an question a CO and XO on matters such as this. There is no reason to believe that this would affect our professional relationship in any way." >
> There was an uncomfortable silence in which neither of the three officers
> present spoke.
> "Is there anything else you would like to add, Ensign?" Zane questioned.
> "No sir."
> Zane nodded. "Then dismissed."
> <<NRPG>>
> Maril: Tit for tat for the BrOT?
> Seriously though, this is how Jade feels about the above issue and I
> question whether we too today would be prepared to support web of secrecy
> (such as the Iran Arms deal) to protect the guilty and to let them go free.
> I'm not trying to put anyone down here in this post, but simply to point out
> that as RP-writers, we *are* responsible for the actions of our characters
> as the BrOT also pointed out. Anyway, I'm not part of SF-JAG, but a second
> edition of the BrOT and an insuing court-martial might be an interesting way
> to pass the time while we're on Epsilon :)

I don't know if this is a web of secrecy on par with Iran-Contra! On Furjen the guilty parties were uncovered and are presumably to be dealt with by the domestic authorities...this is an internal matter. As for Manark V, well it was never really clear one way or another who was involved with what. Yes the leader accepted a deal over this but that could simply mean that an element of Manark V had acted improperly and the President was happy it would not be blown into a larger incident with the Federation. During most of this mission it seemed that the 'guilt' parties on both worls were 'business interests' with support from fringe political parties. As for the implication that Zane and Maril might have broken the law by not reporting this (sweeping it under the rug) well I'd like to think that both characters are a little more honest than that. And come to think of it much precedent has been set through out ST 'history' of such actions and inadmissions. For example...

DS9--Sisko et al. letting Garreck 'know' the Klingons were invading Cardassia even after they were ordered not to.

ST--It seemed every other episode had Kirk disobeying someones orders;) But I think perhaps the most related episode might be where he begins to go mad and strays into Rom space and eventually stole the cloaking device. Only Spock knew of this plan. If it was communicated to the entire crew the secret might have got out. Secrecy doesn't necessarily mean dishonesty.

I'm sure we can all think of opposite examples however but this really isn't the point.

Not really much more to add to this than Zane has already stated. Thessa did admit his crimes and was confined to quarters by the President (although Bat sprung him for a few hours) I had intended to write a post which would confine him to quarters and as Zane alluded to Mike and I have discussed future events for the FEYNMAN, one aspect of which did include transporting the Commissioner to Earth. I was hoping to wait to announce this after everything was in place but unfortuantely Andrew unintentionally jumped the gun.


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Krysa's Responsibilities to Home and Hearth

by Kristen Gant 4-17-1996

Stardate: 80417.1428
Scene: Ops Office
MD: 5:2000

WO Ein was standing in front of Lt. Jenn’s desk. He looked very uncomfortable, and she was enjoying it. He had been much to haughty since she took the Ops position and she was glad to be able to set him down a notch. She walked over to the replicator.

“Hot Chamomile Tea.” she took the cup as it appeared and moved slowly to her desk. She sat down and eyed the Bolian standing in front of her.

“I’m very disappointed, Mr. Ein.” she said. “The Captain and XO have left it to each department to decide your fate. I have decided that as of now you are no longer AOPS. There will be no reduction of rank, but I will be moving you to Gamma Ops. You do, however, have the option of transfer to a different department if you’d like.”

“That won’t be necessary, sir.”

“Very well, as of right now, Mr. Garrett will be AOPs and you will take her place as Gamma Ops. Any questions?”

“No, sir.”

“Then you are dismissed.” Ein left quickly. Krysa began to feel slightly guilty for enjoying his predicament so much.

[Lt. Jenn, there is a subspace comm call coming in for you from the Starbase Epsilon.]

Krysa froze. She knew it could only mean one thing. She had expected this even since before Lt.Cmdr. Maril had told her that her father was on Starbase Epsilon and wanted to talk to her.

[Lt. Jenn?]

“Put it through,” said Krysa, finding her voice. She turned to the comm screen on the desk. The happy faces of her parents appeared on the small screen in front of her. Since her father was an Ambassador he was allowed the privilege of using the subspace channels to speak personally rather then having to rely on messages.

[Krysa, my darling. You are looking beautiful as ever.] said her father.

[We’ve missed you, dear.] added her mother.

“Thank you, Father. I’ve missed you both also, Mom.” Krysa said fearing what would follow.

[Honey, you know why we’re calling?] Quarn Jenn knew that she hadn’t forgotten, even before he asked the question. He had reminded her when she went to the Academy and when she had graduated. Then he reminded her again when she took her assignment aboard the Feynman. It had remained on her mind a lot since taking her promotion to 2nd Officer. Somehow she had always managed to hope her father would let her out of it, even though she knew that he wouldn’t.

[You’re time is up, dear. It’s now time for you to face your responsibilities.] added Baris.

“But...” said Krysa with little hope.

[Krysa! We had a bargain.] came Quarn’s stern voice.

“Daddy, I was 15 when we made that bargain...” one last, weak challenge.

[Irregardless, young lady. We have followed through on our part. Now it is your turn.] he paused, [You aren’t going to let us down are you?]

Krysa shook her head. She knew that she would do as she was asked. She had made that decision the last time they were on Epsilon while she had waited for their call that never came. Despite having lived on Earth for her entire life, she still had great respect for and faith in Betazoid beliefs and traditions. She would not be the one to break the cycle.

[Excellent. We will beam aboard your ship when you reach Epsilon day after tomorrow.] Quarn told her.

“The FEYNMAN has been put on Stand-by status, we don’t know yet when we will be returning for the time being, I don’t know when we will be back to Epsilon.” said Krysa.

The Ambassador appeared to fume for a short time, [Very well, as soon as the Grall’s arrive, we will be on a shuttle enroute to the FEYNMAN. Expect us the day after tomorrow. I hope there will be no further complaints on the matter.]

Krysa shook her head. She had known that they FEYNMAN’s status wouldn’t stop her father once he had his mind set.

[I’m looking foreword to seeing you, dear] Baris said as the screen went blank; the connection ended.

Krysa sat down as the tears began to flow. A bargain made almost 10 years ago, was now being thrust upon her. At 15, she had just been glad to be given freedom to make her own choices. She wasn’t worried about what would happen when she reached 25. That had seemed a lifetime away back then.

She realized that two days did not give her very much time to prepare. But first she needed to speak to the CO. He must be made aware of the upcoming changes.

Scene: Captain’s ready room
MD: 5.2030

“Come in”, Zane said at the sound of the door chime. “What can I do for you Lt.?”

“Sir, I should have come to you earlier, but I ... well, it’s just that my parents are going to catch a shuttle out here to meet us here the day after tomorrow.”

“It is a little unusual, but it shouldn’t be a problem, Lt.”

“Well, sir... It’s a little more complicated then that.” Krysa stammered.

“What is it, Krysa?” Zane asked, Bat had mentioned to him that she hadn’t been herself during the last trip to Epsilon. He had also noticed her unusually sullen mood at times on Furjen while they were waiting for the FEYNMAN to pick them up.

“I’m to be married.” Even with the words out they seemed strangely foreign.

Zane was taken aback by Krysa’s announcement. “Congratulations, Lt. But I must admit, I’m a little surprised.”

“Well, I guess I am too. I mean, I knew about it, but... I just thought maybe, it would go away. I should have know better with my father.” She paused briefly before continuing.

“Genetic bonding is a common practice for Betazoids.” Krysa began. Zane nodded, he knew this. As she began to speak the words just poured out, “Well, my fiancé is the son of my father’s best friend. The union was arranged when I was born. Kavan was five. They lived on Betazed so I never met Kavan until I was 15. He was a nice enough lad, but I was 15 and had lived on Earth all my life. None of my girlfriends were engaged.

“Our parents were ready to arrange the joining to take place on my 18th birthday. I was incensed that they would do such a thing to me. My father and I argued for hours. Finally, thanks to my mothers intervention, my father relented... somewhat. He agreed to give me until my 25th birthday. If I chose my own mate by that time, I would not have to marry Kavan.

“I’ve had several relationships since then. One in particular that I thought I might actually marry. But he was a career officer with no place for a wife. He went on to his assignment, and I went on to mine. So nothing ever went beyond that.

“At 15, 25 seemed a million years away. But it’s not... I turn 25 in 2 days. Just in time for them all to meet the ship.”

“Will you be staying on the ship after that?”

“I don’t know, sir. I’ve given it a lot of thought recently, and I would like to, but I haven’t talked to Kavan since I was 15. I have no idea what he does. I assure you though, I will discuss it with him and the decision will be made as soon as possible, though.”

“Very well, Lt.” Commander Zane said.

“Commander, I have one more request. I’d like to have you meet them all with me, when they arrive.”

“Of course, Lt.”

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Well, I couldn’t resist<G> Since she is Betazoid and her father is an Ambassador, I figured she had to have a few responsibilities hidden away...

This also gives us some parties to have while on our trip to Earth... If that ends up being where we are headed<G> And of course, you all are invited to the wedding... if it should take place... You all do know what to wear, right?<VBG>


USS FEYNMAN: Krysa's Responsibilities to Home and Hearth (Cont.)

by Andrew Catterick 4-17-1996

> Stardate: 80417.1428
> Scene: Captain ready room
> MD: 5.2030
> Will you be staying on the ship after that?
> I dont know, sir. Ive given it a lot of thought recently, and I would
> like to, but I havent talked to Kavan since I was 15. I have no idea what
> he does. I assure you though, I will discuss it with him and the decision
> will be made as soon as possible, though.
> Very well, Lt. Commander Zane said.
> Commander, I have one more request. Id like to have you meet them all with > me, when they arrive.
> Of course, Lt.

Zane watched Krysa leave the office in silence. His first thought was for the predicament his second officer was in. Arranged marriages! As a Starfleet officer he was used to being at odds with some of the customs of the variety of cultures he was faced with on an almost daily basis. On a personal level he often found them to be in conflict with his own beliefs but in terms of the overall scheme of things he valued this diversity and would do anything he could to protect and uphold it. It was what made the Federation prosper.

Still, Kyrsa was his friend, not to mention a damned good officer, and it was evident that she was not overly thrilled with the coming wedding.

He wished there was something he could do to help her. And what would happen if she decided to leave the ship? Obviously no officer, even himself, was irreplaceable but the FEYNMAN with out Krysa? It was hard to picture.

Calling up the transport logs for EPSILON he quickly tracked down the shuttle carrying the Ambassador and identified its ETA. Adding on a few hours of 'personal time' for the Jenn family to be reacquainted he scheduled an official function to welcome the Ambassador to the ship. He frowned at the thought of putting on his dress uniform.

"Zane to 10-Forward."

[Bat here, go ahead.]

"Bat we will be receiving Ambassador Jenn and his family in 2 days and I'd like to have an official reception in his honour. Can you up something appropriate in time?"

[I'll dig out the puff-pastry!]

"Thanks Bat, Zane out."


Just a quick one to record Zane's immediate reaction to Krysa's dilemma.

BTW, just in case any of you missed it Sherman (Ensign Selek) resigned from the FEYNMAN a few days ago so please remove him from your mailing lists. Until we receive a new SCI Selek will remain in place but as a NPC

Respectfully submitted, Andy

-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Tying Up a Few Ends and Starting a Few More

by Kristen Gant 4-18-1996

Stardate: 80418.2213
Scene: SB Epsilon
MD: 6.1000

Jeri had been keeping a close eye on her parents. Waston was with them, but as far as Jeri was concerned he was no ally. As the youngest of the Jenn children he had been nothing but a bother, not to mention a little tattle-tale. Krysa, of course had babied him, but Jeri would have none of that. She knew him for the spiteful brat he was.

She was surprised to see her parents with their luggage heading toward a shuttle port. Where were they going? It was then she noticed another couple heading toward them. When her father spotted the pair, he held out his hand in friendship. Jeri thought the couple looked familiar but she could remember for sure. That was until she saw Kavan joining them a short time later. He was definitely older, but she recognized him right away.

She had lost her childish heart to him ... was it ten years ago already? He was still quite handsome. Had it not been for the fact that he had been her father’s choice, she would have thought that Krysa should definitely marry him. But Jeri and her father had never been on the same wavelength, and if he said ‘go’, she invariably would say ‘stop’. So while she had always like Kavan, she couldn’t help but be glad that Krysa had refused to marry him.

But as she watched Kavan greeting her father and mother she realized what was going on. She know knew why they were here. Jeri sighed, realizing that this meant Krysa was giving in to the pressure. She watched them board the shuttle happily and realized that this also meant that for some reason the FEYNMAN wasn’t coming back to Epsilon right away.

She turned and went to find Boren. She saw no point in staying at Epsilon any longer. She would just have to wait for another day to talk to her sister.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Just tying up my loose end with Jeri... well sorta tying it up. She could still return to haunt us another day... Maybe then we can actually find out what she wanted <G>

Also letting you know that the Ambassador’s party is on thier way... I expect them to arrive in about 24 hours (ie. MD: 7.1000) though that could always change.... they aren’t taking a D-warp shuttle <G>



by Andrew Nugteren 4-18-1996

SD 80418.1303
Scene: Turbolift
MD 6.0800

By 0800 hours, Jade was usually standing Alpha Watch on the bridge, although Captain Zane had declared that in their current state, only a skeleton crew stood watch. Jade had taken the opportunity to give her BETA watch Tactical Officer, Barbara Mancuso, a taste of standing double watches as an official reprimand for the diplomatic incident that had occurred on Manark V.

"Sickbay," Jade addressed the turbolift computer glancing slightly upward, and then steadying herself as the lift gracefully took off.

Scene: Sickbay

Jade just managed to suppress a grin as she saw Doctor Tok attempting to pull back the covers on his biobed, while Dr. T'kin was doing his best to prevent this from happening.

"Hello Tixx," Jade called out, and both Tok and Clayton postponed for the meantime their struggle with the bed covers as she approached. "Dr. T'kin, I think it would be better if I could speak with Dr. Tok alone."

Moving to the bedside, Jade took a seat and studied Tixx silently for a few seconds. "Doctor... Tixx I mean," she corrected herself. "Is there a problem?"

"That Vulcan is driving me up the wall," Tixx replied, glad for the presence of someone with which he could explain his problems. "He insists that I have contracted a slight strain of the Tchlogiran virus and that I must be confined to my bed for at least another 8 hours."

"Tixx," Jade's voice softened. "Have you any reason to doubt his diagnosis?"

"Of course I have," Tixx replied. "I feel fine. There's nothing wrong with me."

Jade grinned a grin at him that suggested she seen something similar before. "I'm sure that Dr. T'kin would not have come to his conclusion lightly and without some good reasons. I suggest you listen to him."

"And I imagine that you were a doctor too in a past life," Tixx said a little sarcastically. "Convenient isn't it."

"No I've not been a doctor yet," she replied. "Although I am over 200 years old and I've seen enough to suggest that often the best cure for a minor virus is a dose of good old-fashioned rest. Besides, it's good to settle back once in a while and unwind from life."

"But I am not sick."

Jade beckoned Dr. T'kin over. "Tixx has decided to accept your treatment," she began, ignoring the look of protest on Tok's face. "If you have any problems, give me a call and I'll pop by right away."

She got up to go, and then turned as if she had changed her mind. "Oh, and I was going to ask you Tixx. There's a cultural event on Furjen that begins tonight at 2000 hours. Seeing you'll be up by then, I was wondering if you'd like to join me?"

Respectfully submitted
Ensign Jade Sr'qwon


Just thought that if Lysle was sick, why not have Dr. Tok go down with the flu at the same time. Convenient.. yes!! <G>

Lysle: No hurry to continue on with this if you're not feeling like writing at the moment. Oh, and I figured some of what I've written could be quite likely to be out of character for Tok, so I figured being sick could explain anything unusual :)

| Ensign Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Lt.Colonel Chris Williams Instructor - Holodeck 11 ARMSTRONG LB           |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                    New Zealand |

USS FEYNMAN: Maril's Emotional Side

by Max Felsher 4-19-1996

SD 80419.1630 (GMT)
MD 6.1200

Maril stood watch, even with the Feynman safe near Starbase Epsilon. When he had heard about the possible deaths in Maril's family, Commander Zane had offered to let Maril not take the shift, but Maril had refused. Even with all of the quiet around him, Maril couldn't seem to concentrate. His head was filled with thoughts about his family. How could this have happened? They had not reached the ends of their rivers. It was too early. Why did it happen?

Maril returned his attention to the PADD he was using. It dealt with transfers to and from Epsilon. Most of them were routine, dealing with family, promotion, etc. Except for a...Mr. and Mrs. Jenn, traveling to the ship? Maril was just about to ask Lt. Jenn if she knew anything about it, but he satback down. It reminded him of his own family. Tears started to form in his eyes. It couldn't have happened, Maril decided. It just couldn't. More tears started to form, and he was having trouble keeping from crying. Finally, he couldn't stop himself anymore, and the tears started to rush out.

Lt. Jenn and Lt.<jg> Jerran turned around. "Are you alright, sir?" Jenn asked. Maril took a deep breath. "Yes, Lieutenant, I am fine. Carry on," he sighed. "Aye, sir," they both said hesitatantly.

MD 6.1545

Maril watched as the officers for the next shift started to come in. Garret, the AOPS after Ein was "demoted", walked over to Jenn as they started to discusswhat had gone on during the shift. Maril noticed that one person who was not being replaced was Mancuso, the Tactical officer. Maril remembered that Ensign Sr'qwon had ordered the TACT-BETA to take double shifts as punishment for beaming down to Manark V unauthorized.

Finally, Lt. Koreth appeared. "Any news, sir?" the CEO asked.

"As still as the pond in the emperor's garden," Maril replied, hinting at a smile.

MD 6.1600 Deck 5

However, as he returned to his quarters, he started to think about his family again. His eyes once again teared up. It was all he could do to get to his quarters while still standing on two feet. Maril just lay down on his bed, sobbing....

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: Maril would probably appreciate some compassion, but he may not accept it. :)

Lysle, Andrew, Charles: If it doesn't conflict with the wedding :), the BrOT will probably be sometime like MD 7.2000 (the rest of it, that is. :) )

Joseph, Lysle: I noticed you two haven't disciplined the officers who beamed down in your department (although I think you wrote that Tok was about to, but never actually said what the discipline was, Lysle.) I know both you and Tok have been sick, Lysle, but Jospeh, you better discipline Ens. Cartwright right now, or you may be disciplined yourself! ;)

Kristen: Maybe you shouldn't invite Maril to the wedding. I mean, he isn't exactly in the best mood. :) What? You say he still has to come? Rats, I didn't get out of it! ;) (Guess I'll have to go to Plan B. ;) ))

Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla

USS FEYNMAN: This Ain't Fort Worth...

by Charles Jencks 4-21-1996

SD 80421.0810
Holodeck One

The drenched Counselor was sitting in a cramped corridor, the captain of the ship he was aboard looming over him. "Ryan, you've gotta be crazy to pull off something like that."

"That's what they said when I saved the Prince of Wales. The first time, I mean. Next time, Jack," Krazny paused when he realized he was talking to

  • himself*, so to speak, "write a damned memo!"

"Well, we better get you out of those wet clothes. Chief, get something for Commander Ryan."

The holo-Chief nodded. "Yes, Captain."

The Captain turned back to his guest. "Well, Commander, welcome to the USS DALLAS."

"Did you find them yet?"

"Find them? We've been chasing them since they left Polyyarny! We had to break off to come pick you up! Too bad Starbase couldn't have gotten that chopper farther north."

By 'Starbase' he meant the aircraft carrier ENTERPRISE, Krazny realized... it had to do with those classified 20th century prophecies about Starfleet... ah, who cares? It was just a cultural thing, which he didn't share with them, but knew the character of Jack Ryan did.

"Yes, Captain. I wish they had... that sub will be damned hard to find again."

"Ah, well, my sonar department has a few thoughts on that. I'll have to have you talk to Jonesy." He glanced at his wristwatch. "I have to get to the conn. Meet me there after you get some dry clothes on."

NRPG: Keeping the Counselor occupied... hey, is it true we're headed for Earth? Got some interesting places to go diving... shipwrecks and the like...

Charles Jencks
Ens Krazny Oktyabr

USS FEYNMAN: The Ambassador's Arrival

by Kristen Gant 4-21-1996

Stardate: 80421.1237
Scene: Shuttle Bay
MD: 7.1000

Lt. Jenn and Commander Zane were in the Shuttle bay as the Shuttle bay doors opened to allow the Ambassador’s shuttle to enter. Zane saw Krysa’s nervousness and clasped her hand briefly, “Relax, Lt.”

Krysa smiled at him, “I’m trying.”

The Shuttle glided gracefully through the doors settling down gently. As soon as the Shuttle bay doors were closed and sealed once again, the force field was dropped and the two officers walked to the door of the Shuttle and waited as it opened.

Ambassador Jenn, his wife, Baris, stepped off the shuttle first. “Commander Zane, I’d like you to meet my parents, Ambassador Quarn Jenn, and his wife, Baris.” Krysa introduced.

“I am honored, Ambassador.” Zane bowed his head slightly.

“Commander. Thank you for allowing us to hold our prejoining festivities on your ship.” said Quarn, formally. “And also for waiting to depart until our shuttle caught up with you.”

“Of course, sir. Lt. Jenn has been a valuable member of our crew and we are glad to be able to do this for her.”

Krysa definitely favored her mother, Zane noticed, seeing that the Ambassador was very starched and certainly did not seem prone to smiling. His wife, Baris stayed close to her husbands side, her face graced with a smile. Much more like Krysa, who seemed to smile most of the time. Baris took her husbands arm as they stepped toward their daughter. Each kissed Krysa on the cheek and turned as a handsome young man followed them out of the shuttle.

“This is my son, Waston.” Ambassador Jenn said. Zane didn’t have to be told, the young man bore a very close resemblance to his sister.

“I am please to meet you all.” Zane asked.

A short stout man, stepped out next, with his wife close behind. “Commander, I’d like you to meet Devon and Salli Grall, and...” the Ambassador motioned to the young man following behind them, “their son, Kavan.”

Devon Grall quickly stepped down and began shaking the Commander’s hand.

While the Commander greeted the enthusiastic Devon Grall and his wife, Krysa set her eyes on Kavan. He looked much the same as he had 10 years ago. However now she looked at him in a new light. She was no longer that rebellious 15 year old. Now she was ready for her responsibilities. And standing there was the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with. He was quite handsome, with the classic Betazed black eyes and dark hair. He winked playfully at her as his parents greeted Krysa.

“Krysa, you have become more beautiful then I imagined,” said Salli Grall as she took a step toward the Ops officer. “I think it was well worth the wait, Kavan.”

“Thank you,” said Krysa, blushing slightly.

“This is indeed a pleasure,” said Devon Grall, taking her hand and kissing her quickly on the cheek, “We don’t get off Betazed very often, and now we’ve been shuttling all over the galaxy just to catch you, my dear. I must say, it is the most fun I’ve had in a long time.”

Ambassador Jenn, shook his head, exasperated, “I find it quite frustrating.”

“That’s because you do not have a sense of humor, old man,” chuckled Devon. It was amazing that these two men, who seemed complete opposites were actually friends. Yet looking at them, it was easy to tell that while they were so different they had a genuine fondness for each other.

“Lt., why don’t you take the rest of your shift off, and escort your guests to their quarters.” Zane said. After Krysa nodded, he turned to the Ambassador, “We have are having an official reception in your honor, sir, in the officers dining room at 1900 hours.”

The ambassador nodded, “That is most appreciated, Commander. We shall be honored to attend.”

“Can I show you to your quarters?” asked Krysa.

“That would be wonderful, my dear,” said Devon taking Krysa arm and heading toward the door.

Sallie cleared her throat. “Ummm, sweetheart.”

“Yes, dear.” said Devon turning to look at his wife.

“Wouldn’t you like to allow your son to escort his bride?” said Salli. Krysa did not allow herself to grimace at the word, instead maintaining her smile.

“Yes, I suppose you are right.” said Devon with a smile.

“I always am,” said Sallie with a warm smile.

The man looked from Krysa to Kavan and smiled. He then moved so that Kavan could take his place. The young man smiled as he took Krysa arm. Krysa noticed that he did have very nice eyes. She thought perhaps she could get used to looking at them.

Scene: Bridge MD: 7.1030

Commander Zane walked onto the bridge. All of the senior officers, with the exception of Dr. Tok, who was still confined to Sickbay by Drs. Clayton and T’Kin, and Krysa, who was playing escort to thier guests, were on the bridge. Zane looked at Maril, who was looking better then he had the day before. Zane knew him well enough to know that he was just covering it well.

“Lt. Jerran, set course for Earth, warp 7, and engage when ready. There will be an official reception for Ambassador Jenn and his family, at 1900 hours. All senior officers are requested to attend. I’m sure Lt. Jenn would want you all to be there. She has an announcement to make.”

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Andy, hope you don’t mind me getting us underway <G> I ‘m sure that RT is keeping you busy!

All: I’m assuming that Krysa has pretty much holed up in her quarters with the exception of her duty shifts, and hasn’t told anyone other then Zane the ‘good’ news. Max, if you don’t think Maril can handle it, he doesn’t have to come... but if he doesn’t, Krysa might cry<EG>

Sorry you are all on the bridge now <EG> but I had to get you all in one place... and that can be almost impossible!!


USS FEYNMAN: Too Much Stuff to Write a Subject Line

by Max Felsher 4-21-1996

SD 80421.1600 (GMT)
MD 7.0400
Lt. Commander Maril's Quarters

Maril woke up for the fourth time since he had gone to sleep ten hours before. Several dreams, which were actually closer to nightmares, had shortened the actual time he had been asleep to about seven hours. He decided to stay awake this time. There was no use trying to sleep when all he could think of was his family. He sat down near his window, and just stared out into was hard for him to imagine the universe without his family....

Ferengi Transport _Gain Through Greed_: Bridge

"Yes...I think I see your plan, Remin," Daimon Lir said as he smiled greedily. "We take our passengers to the other side of Vandel VI from Rori Station. Then we demand that they give us their valuables or...."

"We crash into the surface!" Ribo, the first officer, laughed.

"Mr. Remin, set a course for Vandel VI, Warp 8," Lir ordered. All of the bridge crew, which was entirely Ferengi, laughed and laughed.

FT _GTG_: Passenger Compartment B-9

Maril's family--his mother, Perun; his sister, Mikel; her husband, Asfero; and Maril's brother, Bero--were gathered in the compartment. They were discussing some rather strange occurrences.

For instance, the Ferengi had denied them access to communications equipment and had all but sealed them off to the outside world. They had then proceeded to explode quantities of metals found in the ship's hull outside the transport. The four Tamarians realized this wasn't normal.

They agreed that they would need to take control of the ship. Perun, being a starship designer, would be able to do that easily. They then agreed that they should also turn the ship over to the authorities somewhere.

"But, to what city?" Mikel asked. Her question actually meant something like "Where should we go?"

At that point, Perun started to "hack" into the transport's computer, while Mikel, Asfero, and Bero argued about where to go. Finally, Perun said, "We have breached the walls of Dibago. The telescope sees the 'United Federation of Planets'."

"Then, we ride to Earth!" Bero suggested. The others nodded in agreement.

"Riding to Earth, 656 times the star's speed," Perun reported. In English, it would have been, "Course set for Earth, Warp 7.""

MD 7.1000 USS Feynman: Bridge

Maril was still feeling rather depressed, but you couldn't have figured that out from his face. Although he didn't smile that much, he seemed to be simply his unemotional, quiet self.

Commander Zane had told Maril to excuse Lt. Jenn's absence from the Bridge. Something about personal matters. WO Bellad had returned to duty, so Maril had invited him to take Ops for the shift. It would have been rather unfair to order Garret or Ein to take ALPHA since they already had shifts. It was rather quiet that day on the Bridge, but inside Maril's mind, it was a wild storm....

MD 7.1400 Transporter Room 1

As the Feynman's newest CSciO, Ensign Jakkao Serra, beamed aboard, Maril extended a hand and greeted him.

"Hello, Ensign Serra. The door has been opened. Your quarters are...Deck 5, Section 4, Quarters 3. I suggest you get settled in, and then meet me in my office at 1700 hours. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," the CSciO replied.

MD 7.1700 First Officer's Office

Maril, though still disturbed, was feeling better. "Come," he answered when there was a chime at the door.

Ensign Serra walked in. "Sit," Maril suggested, and Serra did.

"Mr. Serra, the Feynman has one of the most advanced sensor arrays in Starfleet--the DELPHI array. As Chief Science Officer of this ship, you will be expected to provide answers when needed, considering you have such a tool to work with. I think you know most everything else that a CSciO does, but I also need you to provide me with an officer at the Science I station for all three shifts. I assume you will take the ALPHA shift?"


[Bridge to Commander Maril. We have an incoming message for you from a ship in orbit of Earth.]

"Hmmm. Patch it through to my office. Maril out." Turning to Serra, he said, "Dismissed."

Ensign Serra was just about to walk out the door when Maril said, "One more thing, Mr. Serra."

"Yes, sir?"

"I was the Chief Science Officer of the Feynman...the first one, in fact. If you work hard here, it can be a dream come true. If not, that dream may become a nightmare."

"Aye, sir," Serra said as he left.

As he put the message on his screen, tears started to come down his face. Not tears of sadness, but tears of joy. The face that appeared on the screen was his mother's.

"Came back from the depths of Fitabio!" Maril exclaimed.. His mother agreed to come aboard the Feynman with the other three. Maril then transferred the link to his father's quarters.

"Maril to Zane."

[Zane here.]

"Sir, I would like to know if four members of my family could come aboard for a visit. They are already in orbit of Earth."

[The four that were missing! Of course, Onta.]

"Thank you, sir. Maril out."

MD 7.1800 Shuttlebay 2

Maril stood, waiting for his four family members to step out of the shuttle whichhad just landed. Finally, they did. Maril and his father embraced the four for what seemed like an hour, although when Maril checked the chronometer, it had only been a few minutes. There was something wrong, but Maril couldn't figure out what it was. Finally, he realized. Before Maril could say anything, his sister answered his question unknowingly. "Where should the river be?" she asked.

"Why would a river be needed?" Maril exclaimed. Then, he nodded. It was obvious Mikel was going to have a baby.

"The horse fell on its way?" Mikel asked. Maril nodded again. They were walking out of the shuttlebay when suddenly Mikel cried out in pain. Then, she fell down and cried out again. "The source has been found!" she yelled.

Maril grabbed Mikel and her husband. "Computer, Sickbay!" he yelled as they into a turbolift.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: Well, that solves Maril's emotional problems. So, don't worry, Kristen, Maril will be there! :)

Lysle, Andrew, Charles: Cancel the BrOT for now. :)

Lysle: I don't care if you and your character are sick, you're delivering that baby! ;)

Bill: Welcome to the Feynman! I know most of this was probably gibberish to you. Just know that four members of Maril's family had been missing, and Maril thought they were dead. :( But now they're okay! :)

Jospeh: Got another shuttle to add to your list. ;)

Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla


by Charles Jencks 4-21-1996

SD 80421.1915
Holodeck One

Counselor Krazny had been in the holodeck for what seemed like hours, and he barely felt better than when he started. "Computer, end program." The sonar room of the DALLAS disappeared to reveal the holodeck grid. He headed off for his quarters.

"Computer, give me a comm line to Neptune Aquaventures, Earth."

<Link open.>

<<<Neptune Aquaventures. May I help you?>>>

"Well, I'll be coming to Earth very soon, and I wanted to know if you have any interesting dives available..."

<<<Of course, sir. We have a beginner's dive off the coast of Cape Hatteras, including the wreck of the ironclad MONITOR, a dive into the coral caves of the Great Barrier Reef, an advanced dive to several shipwrecks in the Puerto Rico area, and eveyone's favorite, the dive to the Klingon Bird of Prey in San Francisco Bay.>>>

"I'll let you know about my choices once I've decided. Can you send the details to me? I'm the Counselor on the USS FEYNMAN."

<<<Of course, sir. Neptune Aquaventures out.>>> The viewer blinked off, and he headed out the door.

Several Minutes Later, in the Counselor's Office.

"So you're getting married?"

NRPG: Kristen, I believe a little premarital counseling is normal, but if you don't want to I could say it's some NPCs.

Well, I'm just moving in some plans for when we get to Earth.

Oh, and BTW, Krazny is 3/4ths Betazoid, so of course he won't be worried about what he's wearing to the wedding...

Charles Jencks
Ensign Krazny Oktyabr, CNS, USS FEYNMAN

USS FEYNMAN: What Am I Going to Do

by Kristen Gant 4-21-1996

Stardate: 80421
Scene: Ambassador Jenn’s quarters
MD: 7.1100

“These will be wonderful, dear.” said her mother, “Please stop being so nervous.”

“I’m not nervous, mom, honest...”

Baris shook her head, knowing Krysa better then that. Krysa and her mother were alone as the rest of them had headed were in the Grall’s room making new plans, as they old one’s had to be changed now that they were headed for Earth. The Ambassador was contacting the Betazed Embassy to make plans to hold the wedding there as soon as they arrived.

“He’s a nice young man, Krysa. And he did wait for you.”

“You don’t have to talk me into this, I already said I’d do it.”

Baris sat down and motioned for Krysa to sit beside her. “Listen, this is something your father firmly believes is the right thing. I know you haven’t always agreed.”

“I’ve grown up.”

“Yes, you have...” At that moment the Ambassador, Waston and the Grall’s walked in.

“We have decided to go to the 10-forward, on this ship. Will you join us?” Said the Ambassador.

“I will, my dear.” said Baris smiling and walking over to her husband. “Where is Kavan?”

“He is in his room. He decided not to join us.” his mother told her.

“Then I think I’ll go speak with him.” Krysa told them.

Sallie Grall nodded, smiling. “I’m sure he’d like that. He’s really been looking forward to this.”

They all turned to go, but Krysa pulled Waston aside briefly. “Was, where’s Jeri?”

“She’s on the outs with father right now, so I really don’t know.”

Krysa rolled her eyes. “Oh dear, what now?”

“It’s the same old story, Krysa.” Was told her, “Jeri wanted to leave that school and father said ‘no.’ She left anyway... we don’t know where she went.”

“Has she said anything to you?”

“Are you kidding, she wouldn’t tell me anything. She still thinks I’m fathers spy.”

“Well, you were... for a long time.” Krysa smiled, then her smile faded. “It surprises me that I haven’t heard from her.”

“I think she’s upset that you’re giving in now.”

“I am not giving in!”

“Come on, Krysa. You’re going to marry Kavan.”

“That doesn’t mean I’m giving in. I just have some respect for our culture.” she smiled, “Besides, he seems very nice.”

“Yes, but remember he’s father’s choice, not yours.” With that Waston Jenn turned to follow his parents. Neither he nor her sister would ever understand her decision. She had known that when she made it. Krysa sighed and headed to Kavan’s room.

Scene: Kavan’s Room

Krysa stood in front of the door for a while before she could bring herself to hit the door chime. An ensign came down the hall giving her a strange look, which prompted her to finally hit the chime. She heard the deep voice call, “Come in.”

The door slid open and Kavan walked over to greet her, a smile on his face. He stared at the woman in front of him, as the door slid closed behind her. He smiled, “I’m glad you came.” He wasn’t a tall man, only measuring a few inches taller then Krysa. He took a step toward her and reached out to gently to take her hand. “You look beautiful. Even more beautiful then I remembered.”

Krysa blushed. “I’ve had a few years to grow up.” she said. He chuckled, as he led her over to take a seat on the couch. *He has a pleasant laugh,* she thought.

“Yes, you did make me wait a few years, didn’t you.” his eyes were smiling. She could tell that it didn’t bother him at all, and was a little surprised at that.

“Yes, I suppose I did.” she said.

Then Krysa got serious. She had made a promise to the Commander to find out what their plans would be. “Kavan, we need to make some plans for the future.”

“I know.” He said looking at her, “You like it here, don’t you?”

“Yes, very much so.” She set her chin, knowing she had to be honest. “I don’t want to leave.” The she paused, thoughtfully, “But I don’t even know what you do or where your life is?”

“What I do?” Kavan laughed, “Well, if you ask my father, he’ll tell you that I don’t do much of anything. But in actuality, I am a writer.”

“Really? What do you write?” asked Krysa.

“Poetry, short stories... I’m even in the middle of my first novel. But I have yet to be published. Therefore, it’s not a real job, according to my father.”

“I’d like to read some of your writing?”

“I’d like that. I even wrote one for you. I’ll get it for you later,” He said obviously pleased by her interest. “but in the meantime, you asked about our future. Krysa, I am not tied to any one place. I can write anywhere... And I think I would very much like to travel the stars with you.”

Krysa felt a broad grin cross her face, “I would like that as well.”

“Can I ask you a question, though?”

“Sure,” Krysa said. After all it was only fair, so far she had been asking all the questions.

“Why do you want to do this now, when you were so adamantly opposed to it, before?”

Krysa smiled. “Well, that was 10 years ago. I was much younger then.”

“I know, but it was more then that. You grew up on Earth. I’m sure none of your friends were going to be getting married. Especially to someone they had never met.”

“No,” said Krysa, “that’s quite right.” She looked at the man. Not sure whether she should tell him the truth or not. However, in the end, her honesty won out. Kavan had a kind face, and if she was truly going to spend her life with him, it wouldn’t do to start out with lies and half-truths.

“It’s actually a bargain I made with my father. We argued and argued that week that you and your parents spent with us on Earth.”

“Yes, I remember,” he said smiling at the memory of the young girl stomping around, showing her displeasure.

“You must have thought I was a spoiled brat.” sighed Krysa.

“Yes,” he chuckled, “I suppose I did. But I also understood.”

Krysa nodded, and continued to tell him of the bargain a young girl had made with her father.

“I find it hard to believe you never found anyone else?”

“I never really looked. I was to busy finishing school and getting on with my own career.” Krysa looked at him more serious now. “So why did you wait for me?”

“Honestly, cause I knew you were the right one. I’ve felt it since we met. Don’t you remember that very first day I arrived?”

“I do,” she said looking down. She and her parents had gone to the shuttle port to pick them up. She had heard her name being called, but whenever she would turn around to see who was calling here, there was no one there. It had been Kavan calling to her, though he hadn’t been aware that he was doing it, not until he saw her. And her mind had responded, though she hadn’t been aware of the response. Standing there looking at each other they had each realized what was going on. Kavan had tried to talk to her about it later, but she was so wrapped up in her arguments with her father, she hadn’t spent any time with him.

“Krysa, I’ve never been able to contact anyone like that. Not before, and not since.” He said, “I was astounded. I knew it meant great things for us.”

“I’m sure my father has told you about my accident though.” she said sadly. “I am no longer telepathic. There hasn’t been anything since you’ve arrived now.”

“No, but that doesn’t change the fact that we once had a connection. I think we could have it again.” He held her hand tightly in his. “Even if we never did again, it wouldn’t matter to me. I still believe we belong together.”

Krysa wasn’t sure she could believe him. The loss of her telepathy still bothered her after all these years. She had a hard time believing it wouldn’t bother him. Though she could sense no deception on his part.

She suddenly began to feel uncomfortable. Her feelings were a jumble, and she was having a hard time sorting them out. “I... I have to go, Kavan. I must report to the captain, and ... We’ll see each other soon.” With that she fled the room and quickly headed to a turbolift, not quite sure where she was headed.

Scene: Counselor’s office MD: 1500

After spending time wondering the ship, Krysa found herself in front of Ens. Krazny’s office. She absently hit the chime, and entered when she heard him call.

“Lt. Jenn,” he said smiling, “Is there something I can do for you?”

Krysa took a seat on his couch before answering. “You are part Betazoid, do you believe in genetic bonding?”

"So you're getting married?" he said, “That’s the announcement you’re supposed to make at this evening’s reception.”

Krysa nodded miserably.

“You’re not happy?”

“I don’t know. He’s a really nice guy, and I guess he’s right, we do... did have a connection. And I need to be responsible...” Krysa paused looking at the counselor, “The worst thing is that I can’t seem to put my feelings in order.”

“Alright, Lt. Why don’t you tell me from the beginning...”

Krysa began telling the counselor about meeting Kavan, about her father’s bargain, and about her accident. “I know I’ve never really come to terms with the accident. I know the classics signs... I am still a Counselor at heart, I guess.”

“You can’t always help yourself though.”

Krysa nodded, “I know. The bottom line is that now I have to decide what I’m doing?”

Lt. Krysa Jenn.

NRPG: Gee guys, sorry it’s so long... I just got started and couldn’t stop!! And I still need to write something during the reception... I’ll do that tomorrow I think. In the meantime, the rest of you should feel free to go ahead and start the reception.... Krysa might be late.. but everyone else will be on time and you can interact with them.

Charles... if you don’t about Krysa’s accident, it is in her bio, I could send it to you if you don’t have it. Everything else should have been in one of my recent posts. Feel free to give Krysa your opinions and professional advice :)


USS FEYNMAN: Krysa and Krazny Chat

by Charles Jencks 4-22-1996

SD 80422.0115, FEYNMAN Counseling Office

> "Lt. Jenn," he said smiling, "Is there something I can do for you?"
> Krysa took a seat on his couch before answering. "You are part Betazoid, do
> you believe in genetic bonding?"
> "So you're getting married?" he said, "That's the announcement you're
> supposed to make at this evening's reception."
> Krysa nodded miserably.
> "You're not happy?"
> "I don't know. He's a really nice guy, and I guess he's right, we do... did
> have a connection. And I need to be responsible..." Krysa paused looking at
> the counselor, "The worst thing is that I can't seem to put my feelings in order."
> "Alright, Lt. Why don't you tell me from the beginning..."
> Krysa began telling the counselor about meeting Kavan, about her father's
> bargain, and about her accident. "I know I've never really come to terms
> with the accident. I know the classics signs... I am still a counselor at heart, I guess."
> "You can't always help yourself though."
> Krysa nodded, "I know. The bottom line is that now I have to decide what I'm doing?"

"Well, what do I do?" The miserable OPS officer looked up, her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands.

"Well, as I see it, you have two choices. One, you either marry... Kavan, was it?... or not. Two, you either leave the ship or not. And, clearly, there is the possibility that making one decision will decide the other."


"Well, for instance, he may not want to marry you if you decide to stay. That's sort of what happened to me."

"You too?"

"My girlfriend, Ensign Kerri Strait, and I, we were together since junior year at the Academy. When we got our assignments, she got sent to the USS ANAHEIM. We were going to try to maintain the relationship until... well, until one of us had enough pull to get transferred."

"What happened?"

"She decided, last week, that she'd rather stay on the ANAHEIM and marry the first officer than wait for me."

"So you're saying that I might be put in the situation of deciding between the relationship and my career?"


"But that's not it at all! He said... his carrer wasn't going to get in the way."

"What does he do, anyway?"

"He's a writer. He said he'd live wherever I wanted... said 'I can write anywhere'."

"Well, that isn't a problem then... so, why are you so miserable?"

"Can't you tell? You're a Betazoid, after all!"

"No, for some reason I can barely read your surface thoughts... I can tell you're miserable but I can't tell why... this probably have something to do with your disability... but then I could be wrong."

NRPG: Thought I would help hash things out. Kristen, feel free to continue, although I don't think Krazny will talk any more about his situation. Also, I'd like to have a shot at the groom...

Charles Jencks
Ensign Krazny Oktyabr, CNS, USS FEYNMAN

USS FEYNMAN: A Reception

by Kristen Gant 4-22-1996

Stardate: 80422.1555
Scene: Counselor’s Office
MD: 7.1540

Krysa frowned at the Counselor’s use of the word, ‘disability’, but she supposed he was correct. To a Betazoid it was a major disability. But she pushed the thought aside not wanting to deal with it.

“My brother thinks I’m ‘giving in’. But it is a important tradition for us. I want to respect it. Is it really so horrible to take my father’s choice in this matter.”

“I think only you can answer that for yourself.” answered the Counselor.

Krysa nodded, “I know... I wouldn’t let me off the hook either if I were you.” She gave a weak laugh. “Well, I’ve kept you long enough, Ens. I’m going to go back to my quarters. My fathers reception is tonight and he’ll have my head if I’m late. He’s definitely one for decorum.”

“Lt., I would like to meet your fiancé, perhaps talk to the two of you together?” said the Counselor in front of her.

“You can meet him tonight, I’m sure. As for the other... well, it will be almost a week before we make it to Earth, perhaps between now and then we can see you.”

“Excellent, I’ll see you tonight at the reception then.”

“Thank you... For talking to me and also for coming to the dinner tonight. I appreciate it.” Krysa turned and headed to her quarters.

Scene: Officers Dining Hall MD: 7:1900

Krysa had taken a lot of time choosing just the right outfit. Something that would make her look great, even if she wasn’t feeling particularly great. She finally settled on a blue sleeveless dress, which she was particularly fond of. Looking in the mirror she realized how much she missed wearing blue, which was a very good color on her. She sighed knowing those were the trials of promotions.

She headed to the Officers Dining Hall and was of course on time to the reception. However, her father and his entourage were still there ahead of her. Commander Zane was, of course, already there as well, chatting with the ever exuberant Devon Grall and his wife. She saw Kavan sitting at a table talking with her brother, surprisingly they seemed to be getting along quite well.

“Krysa, I’m glad to see you are joining us this evening.” said her father walking toward her; her mother as always right behind him.

“Of course,” said Krysa smiling.

“So where have you been keeping yourself all day? Kavan says you left him hours ago.”

“I had some duties to take care of. I wanted to make sure they were done so I could spend as much time with you and mom as possible.” said Krysa smiling, knowing that neither one of her parents were likely to buy her explanation. But of course, her father not wanting to disturb decorum did not question her.

Ever the good little diplomat, Krysa wondered around the room making small talk and greeting the other officers as they arrived. She had hardly said two words to Kavan since entering the dining hall as Krysa’s father had commandeered him and was doing the job of introducing him, himself. Though he had caught her eye several times.

She watched her father. He really looked happy in his new role as ‘father of the bride’. She couldn’t help but smile as she watched him. While her father was normally a very somber, formal man; with Kavan he seemed much more animated. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to find her mother watching her father as well.

“He’s very happy, you know.” she said.

“I can see that.” Krysa said softly.

“So you wandered the ship for several hours, did you?” Krysa turned and looked at her mother in surprise. But Baris just nodded, “I know, Krysa... I did the same thing almost 30 years ago. I had my doubts and fears, but you know... it was the best thing I’ve ever done. Not by any means, the easiest... but definitely the best.” Krysa just nodded, glad to know that her mother truly did understand her feelings.

Just then there was a gong sounded. Krysa smiled. She hadn’t heard that sound in a while. Commander Zane, now that everyone was startled into silence by the gong, informed them that dinner was ready. Everyone moved to take a chair, as Bat’s staff began to serve the meal.

Dinner conversations remained light and relaxed. It was good to everyone enjoying themselves, thought Krysa. Even she was beginning to relax. It was just after the main course that Ambassador Jenn stood and addressed the dinner guests.

“I would like to thank the Captain and crew of the USS FEYNMAN for allowing us to accompany you all back to Earth. We appreciate your hospitality and we welcome your company tonight.” He looked at Krysa and smiled. She couldn’t help but smile back. It was so rare for her father to smile like that.

“I would also like to make an official announcement. My wife and I, along with Mr. and Mrs. Devon Grall, would like to announce the joining of our children, Krysa and Kavan. You all are invited to the wedding which will take place at the Betazed Embassy on Earth the day arrive.” Krysa noticed that most of the crew were not surprised. She hadn’t figured they would be. Most likely her father had told them as he was introducing Kavan around.

“For those of you who are not Betazoid and not fully comfortable with Betazoid joining traditions, I would like to assure you that you are still welcome to attend.” He paused looking at the others at the table. “Clothed quests are not seen as an offense to the bride and groom any longer. So please, feel free to attend.”

Bat’s staff began to serve the dessert, and the Ambassador decided to cut his speech short. “I see dessert is here, so I won’t talk any longer. Though I would like you to join me in wishing my daughter a happy birthday.” He sat as Bat brought out a beautifully decorated birthday cake and sat it in front of the surprised officer.

“Thank you, Bat, it’s wonderful.” he winked at her and moved back. Krysa turned to her father and kissed him on the cheek, “Thanks, daddy,” she whispered. The day wasn’t turning out to be as bad as it had appeared to be.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: I think I left it open enough that you all can come and interact as you please. I also didn’t force anyone to be there, other then Zane and Bat <G>


USS FEYNMAN: A Reception (Cont.)

by Andrew Catterick 4-23-1996

SD: 80423.1200
MD: 7.2100
Scene: Officer's Dining Hall

With dinner over the group had moved into the small lounge adjacent to the Dining Hall to continue their conversations in a more relaxed setting. Facing directly aft, it was one of the more serene areas of the ship. One wall was composed of transparent steel and allowed magnificent view of the retreating star field. A second, similar, wall provided a view of the arboretum as well as a small iron gateway through which guests could enter for an after-dinner stroll. The two remaining walls were composed of a darkly stained oak joined by a large fireplace. It was easy to allow one's self to feel they had left their technological world and stepped into the past.

Zane stood staring out the window watching the stars race away, his mind cluttered with thoughts and half-thoughts. The dinner had been a great success, everyone had enjoyed themselves immensely. All of the guests had been most interesting and he had even 'allowed' Kavan's father into manouvering him into a tour of the ship. So why did he feel so....depressed?

He turned slowly to look over the room and sipped his ice wine. Noticing someone approaching to his left he turned to face them.

"Just thought I'd let you thank me for the best dinner you've ever had."

"The Baked Alaskan was too frozen."

"Heathen. You wouldn't no good food if it jumped on your plate and did a little dance. I noticed you ate enough of the satays."

Zane smiled and returned his gaze to the room. "You know my metabolism."

"Kavan seems like a good kid."

Zane simply shrugged. "Where did you learn to cook like that anyway?"

"Well CSO on a deep-explorer can be very exciting and very, very boring. When all the science types were drooling over themselves because we found a star that was the 'wrong' colour or some temporal anomoly I kept myself busy by learning the fine art of being a chef. I baked your first birthday cake."

"Thanks. Did I enjoy it?"

"I'll say ya did. Within two seconds of putting it in front of you you had sunk both hands into it and threw a glob of icing at the MCO! For your second birthday we took the picture first."

Both men turned silent as their thoughts drifted to old memories and lost friends.

"Excuse me sir?" Ensign Serra extended a hand.

Zane grasped it. "Welcome to the FEYNMAN Mr. Serra, I apologize for not being able to officially meet you until now." Both had been busy before the dinner had begun and had not been able to meet. During the dinner they had sat at opposite ends of the table and had to be content with a smile and a nod.

"Thank-you sir. I'm glad to finally be here."

"Yes, Commander Maril told me of your run-around to get here. Not to ironic we're now heading to Earth."

"No sir." Serra grinned. "Of course I can't complain, being granted shore-leave a week after taking my first post. Seems a little unfair."

"I'm sure you'll manage."

"I'll try my best!" With a nod to both he turned and headed to the dessert buffet."

"Any plans for when we dock, Bat?"

"A few old friends to visit, a little relaxation. Nothing to spectacular. You?"

"To be honest I haven't spent all that much time thinking about it. Perhaps stopping by the Academy to see some old instructors." He unconsciously frowned at the thought. "I don't know, maybe a ride on the Orient Express. I always wanted to do that but missed out after I almost failed second year exo-biology. Who knows maybe I'll just stay aboard and catch up on some reading."

Bat considered the blank look on his friends face. *Now what's eating you?*


Hi all, just placing myself at the reception. Wasn't too sure as to what was happening re: the Maril's and the birth so I didn't touch on it.


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Reception

by Charles Jencks 4-23-1996

SD 80423.1830
Officer's Dining Hall, 7.1930

Krazny, after all, had known what was going to be said, so he glanced around the room when the other officers were told there was going to be a Betazoid joining ceremony...

... and saw exactly what he'd felt was going to happen. Some of the officers, like himself, didn't mind at all, and some were already thinking up excuses not to go before it was said that "Clothed guests are not seen as an offense... any longer."

To that he felt two reactions. Among the minority (albeit a large one), including himself, was a great deal of amusement, and the others seemed to let out a simultaneous subconscious sigh of relief.

But when they hauled out a cake, of all things, he was puzzled... Betazoid joining announcements weren't exactly a cake kind of occasion.

Then, after listening to the ambassador, he understood. The cake had nothing - or not much - to do with the announcement. Krysa hadn't told him... and he hadn't read - from ANYBODY... that it was her birthday!

Arrrggghhhhhhh..... Krazny never did like birthdays.... especially those of people who were much older than his paltry eighteen. Even when he'd gone into the Academy - just after turning fourteen - he'd hated birthdays... perhaps because his father's birthday had been the day he got killed.

After the meal, Krazny got up and headed for the window where Krysa was standing. "You didn't tell me it was your birthday, too."

"Thought you wouldn't understand the mood I was in if you knew." Krysa whispered.

"No, I hate 'em." He lowered his voice. "Always have... though maybe my nineteenth could change that... because, and I don't usually talk about before I was in the Academy, but... my father died on his birthday, when I was seven."

NRPG: Well, here's Krazny's take on things. Oh, and I realize he's been drinking under age, but then, he's a Starfleet Officer, who's gonna check his ID? That is, if there still IS a drinking age...

Charles Jencks
Ensign Krazny Oktyabr

BTW My machine had a fit every time I tried to read the last note... seems it didn't want me to read past the second page. I ended up printing it out just to get to read the end! Servers....

USS FEYNMAN: Maril's Thoughts... :)

by Max Felsher 4-24-1996

SD 80424.0130 (GMT)
MD 7.1845

Maril was watching the proceedings with some interest when Nurse Tamy suggested, "Sir, I think it would be better if you and the father would sit in the Doctor's office until the delivery is over."

"Very well," Maril replied. Turning to Asfero Cupel, the soon-to-be father, said, "Servants of Cabeli must do their work. There is the shelter of Simbago." As he said the last sentence, Maril pointed at Dr. Tok's office. Both Tamarians walked over to the office and sat down.

Maril sighed. He was fatigued. First the Furjen mission, then the BrOT, then the unauthorized beamdown...the list of stressful situations went on. Finally, he had been terribly worried about his family, and when they were found, Mikel had had a baby.

Maril sighed again. Cupel hadn't spoken much. Even at his wedding to Maril's sister(back when Maril was the Ensign CSciO of the Feynman), he had been rather quiet.

"The impari has picked away at you?" Cupel finally spoke.

"Yes, the impari of Diabot Cave," Maril replied. Cupel grimaced, as the impari is a Tamarian bird, almost like a cross between a vulture and an eagle, and the impari of Diabot Cave was a particularly large, ruthless one. Suddenly, Maril remembered something about a reception having to do with Lt. Jenn. When he had heard about it, he had still been seriously worrying about his family. Very well, he would check anyway.

"Computer, give ship's time," Maril said.

<USS Feynman time is 1856 hours.>

"Is there going to be a reception soon?"

<Define 'soon'.>

"Within the next four hours."

<Affirmative. Reception for Ambassador Jenn, family, and friends, as well as senior officers will be held at 1900 hours.>

Maril jumped up. "The fastest horses!" he cried. Turning to Cupel, he said, "If the source is found, call the eagle." Remembering that his family would not know the correct terminology to contact anyone. Quickly, he said, "Computer, allow for phrase: 'The Eagle, Person X; The Owl, Person Y.' to substitute for the phrase: 'Person X to Person Y.' during intraship communication."

<Command carried out.>

With that, Maril hurried out the door....

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: Just putting Maril at the reception. If anyone wants to have Maril arrive, it's okay. If not, well, I'll have to think of something else. ;))

Lysle: You're the medical expert(right?), so you handle the medical details. I personally have no idea what to write....;)

All:Any thoughts on the new baby's name? :)

Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla

USS FEYNMAN: Reception Continues

by Andrew Catterick 4-24-1996

SD: 80424.1600
MD: 7.2130
Scene: Lounge adjacent to Officer's Dining Room

"Onta, you look like your going to be sick!" Zane observed as he handed his friend a drink.

The first officer accepted it gratefully and drank it down before accepting another. This one he was content to just hold.

"She'll be fine, don't worry."

"I know its just...Gomel in the bureacracy!" he exclaimned in frustration. Zane nodded sympathetically wondering what Onta would be like if the labour extended long into the morning. He needed something to keep his mind busy. As if on queue Kavan's father joined the two officers.

"I hear congratulations are in order." he said as he grabbed Maril's hand and began pumping his arm vigourously.

"Well almost. I'm afraid the baby has yet to make an appearance."

"A good omen captain, having a birth on your ship." he announced happily. "A good omen. I understand that you were born on a starship yourself...."

"Well grown is closer to the truth." Zane grinned. "But yes, I was born on the USS REPULSE."

"The REPULSE, the REPULSE....hmmm" Devon seemed lost in thought. "Why does that name seem familiar....I've got it!" He snapped his fingers triumphantly. "I was attending to some business on Starbase GAMMA a few months back and I remember seeing the REPULSE exiting as our ship approached. She was quite a ship but certainly not that old."

"No, the ship you saw was the new version, an ENDEAVOUR class if I'm not mistaken. My REPULSE was one of the old AMBASSADOR class ships."

"Ahhh...I see. But Captain as fascinating as this is I think we are neglecting our patient here." He nodded towards Maril "Commander, believe me there is no need to worry. Why don't you enjoy yourself a little." Seeing his wife close by he waved her over to join them. "Commander Maril has just asked my permission to ask you to dance."

"Why Commander Maril I'd love to." Mrs. Grall replied happily

Zane grabbed the drink from Maril's hand as his first officer looked at Devon in complete surprise. "Here let me hold that for you."

"But there is no music...." Maril stated hopefully, not knowing how he'd been volunteered for this.

"Allow me. Computer, music appropriate to the occasion." He grinned as Maril was led to the middle of the room. At least his first officer would now have something else to keep his mind occupied. Zane wondered just how Onta would get his revenge.


Just a short one to pass the time...

Max: <BEG>!


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Reception and Naming

by Max Felsher 4-26-1996

SD 80426.0230 (GMT)
MD 7.2145
Lounge adjacent to Officer's Dining Room

Maril struggled to keep up with the pace of the fast dance. Although Maril had danced before, Mrs. Grall was definitely a better dancer and was keeping him moving. He certainly didn't have time to think about anything except keeping up with Mrs. Grall.

Suddenly, the music changed and the tempo slowed. Although Mrs. Grall was still dancing much better than Maril, he did get a chance to catch his breath. "I didn't expect you to ask me to dance, Mr. Maril," the Betazoid woman smiled.

"Well, I suppose it is sort of like Ciapo leading Fedri down the wrong trail," Maril smiled back. Mrs. Grall seemed confused by the metaphor.

"Never mind. It is just a metaphor. You may be hearing many of them in the near future, as almost my entire immediate family is aboard."

"Really? I'm sure I would like to meet them," Mrs. Grall replied.

"Perhaps you will," Maril sighed.

"Is anything wrong, Mr. Maril? You seem rather uptight."

" sister is in labor right now, and...."

"I understand, Mr. Maril. I know it can be terribly worrisome waiting...." The music switched once again. This time, to a more medium tempo.

[Sickbay to Commander Maril. The baby has...arrived.]

"Understood. I will be there soon. Maril out." To his dance partner, he said, "I am sorry, Mrs. Grall. I must leave. My sister just-"

"I heard. There is no need for an explanation."

"Good." Maril looked around. Finally, he smiled. He pointed to Commander Zane. "I'm sure, however, that our Captain would like to continue in my place." They had reached Zane. "Wouldn't you, sir?" Maril grinned.

"Well...I'm...not sure. I never really learned how to dance," Maril could tell Zane would say anything to get out.

As Maril walked out of the room, he could hear Mrs. Grall say, "Nonsense. Anyone can dance. Commander Maril just...."

MD 7.2215

Lt. Commander Maril entered the room to see his sister cradling the newborn baby. She looked rather cute.

"Congratulations, sir! You're an uncle!" Dr. Tok noticed Maril. "So, Doctor, did everything go smoothly?"

"Well, we had to use the fetal transporter, sir, and at first the baby wasn't breathing, but we were able to revive her."

"Good job, Doctor," Maril smiled. Walking over to his sister, he said, "May I watch the new river flow?"

"Ambado to Iperi," Mikel said as she handed the new baby girl over to Onta. He smiled. It had been a long time since he had seen a newborn baby.

"Iperi back," he said as he handed her back. "What should the new river bee called?"

"Hmmm...I am Digabo. Asfero, can you guide us?" Mikel said. Asfero just shrugged, a gesture common to all species.

Maril smiled. "I am not Digabo. If Sibak allows it, we call this river the same as another whose river started this day, though many sun-circles ago."


", must meet the sea with an inflexible letter...."

"Krysel!" Mikel called out.

"Name rivaling Dorai," Maril smiled.

This baby, the baby that all this fuss was made over, just lay in her mother's arms and smiled....

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: And so, Krysel Tuelchi is born (Maril's sister is named Mikel Tuelchi). The little bit about the "inflexible letter" was just because, for some reason (I forget why), all the males' names in Maril's family end in vowels, while all the females' names end in consonants. Just FYI. :)

Andy: Now your character has to dance with Mrs. Grall! <evil laugh> :)

Kristen: Glad that I named the baby after Jenn? :) It actually made sense, though. ;)

Lysle: I moved the time of the delivery up, so that everything worked out OK. :)

All: Where is everybody? If you're not going to be at the reception, you could at least be somewhere. ;)

Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla

USS FEYNMAN: Welcoming Dr. Tok

by Kristen Gant 4-26-1996

Stardate: 80426.1231
Scene: Reception
MD: 7. 2300

Krysa saw Dr. Tok walk in. She headed over to the Bolian. “Dr. Tok, you’ve missed most of the reception.”

“I had to deliver a baby,” he told her grinning.

“Yes, I heard. How is Commander Maril’s sister?” asked Krysa. She hadn’t had a chance to talk to the Commander, but Mrs. Grall was making sure everyone was aware of his good fortune.

“Mother and child are doing well. You’ll be interested to know that she had a girl. They named her name is Krysel Tuelchi, in honor of your birthday.” Tok told her with a smile.

Krysa’s eyes sparkled, “Really. That is exciting. I am really honored.”

Just then Krysa’s father walked up behind her. “Honored for what, my dear?”

Dr. Tok, smiled at the Ambassador, “Krysa just had a baby named after her. Only born a little over an hour ago.”

“A baby! See Krysa, I knew there were good things in store for you and Kavan. This is certainly a sign,” said the Ambassador with a hint of a gloat.

Tok looked confused, “Who’s Kavan?”

“Dr. Tok has only just arrived, father.” Krysa said, quickly, still uncomfortable with her newfound role, “He missed your reception because he was delivering the baby,” she turned to introduce the doctor to her father, “Doctor, this is my father, Ambassador Quarn Jenn.” Krysa said quickly. “Dr. Tok is our CMO on the FEYNMAN.”

Her father shook the Bolian’s hand. “Pleased to meet you, Dr. Tok. I’m sorry you missed Dinner. It was splendid! But Krysa I’m surprised you haven’t introduced your fiancé to all your friends,” he scanned the room quickly for the young man. Spotting Kavan, the Ambassador was able to catch his eye, and motion him over.

Tok looked at Krysa in surprise. She shrugged slightly, as Kavan joined their group. “Kavan,” said Ambassador Jenn, “ I’d like you to meet the CMO here on the FEYNMAN, Dr. Tok. Doctor, this is my future son-in-law, Kavan. He has some very interesting news for you. Excuse me please, won’t you, I see someone else I must speak to.” With that the Ambassador turned and left.

Kavan smiled at the doctor, “News? What news, doctor?”

Tok looked a bit confused, “Well, I suppose he was referring to the fact that I just delivered a baby tonight, and it was named after Krysa because they will share a birthday.”

Kavan laughed and turned to Krysa, “Let me guess, he thinks it’s a good omen.”

Krysa nodded, and began to laugh as well, “Yes.”

The both turned back to the doctor and Kavan held out his hand. “I am pleased to meet you, doctor. I’m Kavan Grall.”

The Bolian shook the man’s hand, “Well, you are a surprise, Kavan. I didn’t even know Krysa was engaged.”

Throwing a teasing glance at Krysa, he said, “No, I imagine she didn’t tell anyone.”

“Congratulations to the both of you.” He looked at Krysa with a frown, “Krysa, you aren’t leaving us are you?” Tok asked.

Krysa looked at Kavan, “Well, no, I guess not.”

Kavan smiled, “There’s no reason for her to. As long as I’m allowed to ‘tag-a-long’. You see Dr. Tok, I would follow her anywhere.” Krysa blushed. “I’ve already been dragged from Betazed to Starbase Epsilon, and now I understand we are on our way to Earth.”

“Yes, we have been granted shore leave for a week. Just perfect for a honeymoon, wouldn’t you say,” said Dr. Tok smiling.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Lsyle, well, you made it :)


USS FEYNMAN: What's Wrong, You Can Tell Me

by Kristen Gant 4-26-1996

Stardate: 80426.1504
Scene: Reception
MD: 7.2330

Krysa allowed Tarrent his excuse. She motioned to the handsome man standing just off to the side of her. Tarrent hadn’t noticed him before, “Kavan, I’d like you to meet our Chief Engineer, Lt. Koreth. Tarrent, this is Kavan Grall, my ... well, we’re...”

Kavan chuckled at her and turned to the Lt., “Don’t mind Krysa. I’m not sure she’s gotten used to me yet. I’m her fiancé.”

Tarrent’s eyes widened slightly as he looked from Krysa to Kavan. “I’m pleased to meet you. Though a bit surprised.”

Kavan laughed. He was incredibly good natured about the whole thing. Krysa had yet to figure him out completely. So far all of her fellow officers seemed to like him. She was finding it hard to understand why she still had her own doubts.

As the evening wore on, officers began to trickle out, calling it a night. Ens. Krazny had asked to meet with the two before the reached Earth. Kavan readily agreed, and Krysa simply nodded, going along with it.

“I’d like to turn in as well, Krysa. Do you want me to walk you to your quarters?” asked Kavan.

“No, thank you. I want to help Bat clean up a bit. You go on. I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast with my parents.” Kavan nodded and headed out. Krysa looked and noticed Commander Zane sitting by one of the windows. She walked over and sat down next to him.

“Thank you for the reception, sir,” she said.

“You are welcome, Krysa, we were glad to do it.” The Commander told her.

“You know if you don’t mind me asking, you seem ... distracted tonight. Is there a problem you’d like to talk about?” she asked concerned.

“You sound like a Counselor...”

Krysa laughed, “I suppose, it’s a habit I guess. Something a Counselor never loses. But really, I would like to know what you’re thinking.”

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Yeah, Tarrent made it!! :)

Charles... I will write a post with Krysa and Kavan coming to see you probably tomorrow (that would be around 9am EST :) If you would like to start it before then feel free.

Andy, just thought I’d follow up on the depressed commander :) Yes, Krysa still has the heart of a counselor <EG> And no she’s not trying to take Krazny’s job, she happy with the one she’s got, thank you:)


USS FEYNMAN: What's Wrong, You Can Tell Me (Cont.)

by Andrew Catterick 4-26-1996

SD: 80426.2230
> Scene: Reception
> MD: 7.2330

> Thank you for the reception, sir, she said.
> You are welcome, Krysa, we were glad to do it. The Commander told her.
> You know if you dont mind me asking, you seem ... distracted tonight.
> Is there a problem youd like to talk about? she asked concerned.
"You sound like a counselor.." Zanecursed himself silently. It was Krysa's evening and he had not meant to put a damper on it in any way.

Yes, he was depressed but he shouldn't be showing it.

> Krysa laughed, I suppose, its a habit I guess. Something a counselor never
> loses. But really, I would like to know what youre thinking.

He looked up at her and smiled. He couldn't say anything so instead lied. "I appreciate the concern but really I'm fine." Krysa wasn't convinced, and said so.

He shrugged in mock surrender. "Well maybe I might be a little weary lately. Can we just leave it there?"

Krysa thought better of it but decided she'd let it go....for now. "I'm glad your both here I've got a great idea!" Bat exclaimed as he approached.

Zane put his head in his hands. "Bat with another idea, now I am depressed.

Krysa laughed. "What's your idea Bat?"

"We..." He pointed at Zane and then himself. "...throw a bachelor party for Kavan! What d'ya think?"

"Well I don't know, I'd have to ask Kavan."

"Well what are you doing standing here? Go and ask him! There's plans to be made!"

"I think it will hold til morning Bat. Earth is still 5 days away."

Bat ignored him. "Yes sir it'll be great. First we'll have to come up with a really good holoprogram....he's not allergic to anything is he?"

"I don't think I want to hear any of this so I'm heading off to bed to leave you two to your planning. Good night and thanks again." They both watched her go in silence and once the doors closed Bat turned to Zane. "Now what's your problem?"

Scene: Sickbay

Zane looked down at the FEYNMAN's newest arrival, Krysal who was sleeping contently in sickbay's makeshift nursery. One of the nurses came over and stood beside Zane. "Cute little guy isn't he?"


"Your about the 20th person to come in here in the last 90 minutes. It seems he's quite a celebrity."

Zane nodded not surprised. A new birth was definitly not an everyday occurrence on the FEYNMAN. A birth, a wedding and now maybe a bachelor party. It was certainly turning out to be quite a week.


Just a short one... Kristin: What do you think, would Kavan be interested in a Bachelor Party or should we put a leash on Bat before he gets rolling. <G>


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS


by Kristen Gant 4-27-1996

Stardate: 80427.1312
Scene: Kavan’s quarters
MD: 8. 0800

Krysa rang the chime on Kavan’s door. She heard him call ‘come in’ as the door slid open. She entered, but didn’t see him right away.


“Just a minute, I’ll be right out came his call from the bedroom.”

Krysa took a seat on the couch to wait for him. She didn’t have to wait long, as he came out almost as soon as she had sat down. His short, wavy hair was wet and freshly combed. “I apologize, Krysa. I got a late start this morning.”

“That’s alright, I don’t think my father will mind if we’re late. I think as far as he’s concerned you can do no wrong.” she said chuckling.

“Well, your dad’s not such a bad guy. A little stuffy perhaps,” Kavan sat down next to her and took her hand. “Besides it’s thanks to him, I have you.”

Krysa blushed. She found that she rather liked Kavan’s sweet remarks. She was beginning to warm up to this marriage idea after all. At least Kavan was a good man, and he seemed to genuinely care for her. She smiled, “I do have a request for you.”

“Anything, you have only to ask.”

“Well, it’s not my request exactly... it’s Bat’s. You met Bat last night, didn’t you?”

“Oh yes, the bartender,” laughed Kavan, “Quite a character.”

Krysa laughed, “Yes, he is. He would like to throw you a bachelor party.”

“A what?”

“A bachelor party. It’s an Earth tradition to hold a party for the groom just prior to the wedding. ‘One last chance to party with the guys before you get tied down’.”

“And Bat would be throwing this party?” Krysa nodded and Kavan smiled, “I think it sounds like an excellent idea. So you wouldn’t be there?”

“I think that’s the general idea.” said Krysa raising an eyebrow at him. “You needn’t look so happy about that.”

Kavan stood and pulled her up. Grinning, he said, “You can tell Bat that I would be honored to have a ‘Bachelor Party’.”

“I’m sure he’ll be glad to here that,” together they headed out to meet the Ambassador for breakfast.

Scene: CNS Office
MD: 8.1000

Krysa and Kavan entered Ens. Krazny’s office. Krazny motioned them over to the couch, “Come in, have a seat.”

“Thank you, Ens. Krazny,” said Krysa. She and Kavan sat down and looked at the counselor.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Sorry, I can’t write more Charles... My DH (dear husband) is up early an wants to get out of the house on this beautiful Saturday. Go ahead and start the session though :)
