
USS Feynman NOV 1996: Difference between revisions

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Mike Dawe: I am at your disposal.
Mike Dawe: I am at your disposal.
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">SB EPSILON: Ens. Loren Landers Reporting (Cont.)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Mike Dawe 11-25-1996</h4>
>The Shuttle named the Harrah was packed with new personnel headed for SB<br>
>EPSILON. Loren took a seat in the passenger compartment of the shuttle<br>
>and called up the fleet roster for silver fleet. He intended to do some<br>
>studying while waiting for arrival at SB EPSILON.<br>
>The D-warp shuttle experience was somewhat uneventful for Loren, with one<br>
>exception. Upon entering the netherworld of D-warp, Loren felt a minor<br>
>tingle...not physical, but mental. *It's as if my telepathic powers were<br>
>suddenly skewed in some way* he thought. The feeling was so strange that<br>
>Loren couldn't even describe it to himself.<br>
>Seeing as this was his first actual D-warp trip, Loren was glad when it<br>
>was over and the pilot announced their docking at SB EPSILON.<br>
>Leaving his possesions with a yeoman, Loren made his way to CINCSILVER's<br>
>office and his new assignment.<br>
The outer office was abuzz with activity. Most were crowded around
viewscreens watching some official ceremony and even the secretary to the
Vice Admirals office was intent on watching. Loren could feel air of
expectation and celebration before he even left the turbolift doors.
[Out of the deaths we will find life, out of the sorrow we will find hope.
To do anything less would dishonour those who have gone before us . . .
those who have died. I call upon you to join together, bound by the loss of
comrades and of ships I call upon you to form a new, stronger force.]
He crossed to look over a few shoulders at the viewscreen. It
showed a full crew standing at attention in a very large cargo deck. On a
dias before them stood some officer headed by a single dominant figure of a
Vice Admiral. Loren correctly assumed his assignment might be put on hold
for a few moments and watched, half his attention on the screen but an equal
half on the staff around him. As the Admiral continued he saw some tears
form and be wiped away as well as some smiles. It was like attending a
funeral at which a new birth is announced. As the commissioning ceremony
ended he saw a few shake their heads in wonder and some money pass hands.
The secretary was dabbing her eyes as she saw the betazoid approach.
"I'm sorry the Vice Admiral is not here right now but if you'd like to wait
I am sure that . . . "
She never finished her sentence as the Turbolift doors opened and a
huge bear of a man crossed the room and came up the to the secretary.
'Hrrmf, he next for me? Right then, come on."
So saying the Admiral Nicholas entered his office followed by a
bemused Ensign. "Bio chip?" Taking the proferred chip he slotted it into a
reader, skimmed it, then spun it back across the table to the CNS. "I have
been wailing for CNS's for months now. It's nice to see that they finally
saw fit to listen. I have two openings for someone of your calibre but
unfortunatly only one slot that would truly suit you. The other is on a
mission into Klingon territory and not what I think would be the best way
for you to start."
"It would be . . . uncomfortable." Agreed the Ensign, when it
became obvious the Admiral was waiting for a response.
"Hrrmf, uncomfortable eh? Well then, that leaves us with putting
you onto a D-warp . . . .what?" Grey eyes snapped to meet the dark ones of
the Betazoid.
"Your reaction when I mentioned D-Warp. Have some difficulties
coming over?"
"No, no, I just feel like I have been in it for a while now, hard to
get my 'legs' back." The Counsellor lied, unsure how he could explain his
feelings about D-warp to an Admiral when he had yet to even find words for
them for himself.
"Well, get them back once you reach the Feynman because that is
where you are going to be the new head counsellor. Ops will give you docking
bay and departure time so dismissed Ensign, dismissed."
Feynman crew, meet the latest addition who is lucky enough to not have his
box innundated with nrpg as an intro to the ship <G> but I enjoyed it.
Kevin Sherrod Thigpen <>
Kevin, meet the feynman. They will set you up and let you know you have
gotten one of the steadiest ships in the fleet and winner of the order of
is the mailing list, plus you and the starfleet bounce.
I am two weeks behind on my reading due to marks and report cards so I
cannot place him cleaner than this. The excerpt from the ceremony is from a
post for the regent. The thread was included as it also contained the
remains of the Serapis crew (what few there were)
mike--->reading desperately to catch up, but needing to write, too.<br>
Vice Admiral Azariah Nicholas CINCSILVER<br>
Captain Christof Fife USS REGENT<br>
Lt. Cmdr Eskat Eskat USS HERMES<br>
Lt James Cardiff USS SARATOGA<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: CNS2 On The Way</h3>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: CNS2 On The Way</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by  
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by  
