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Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
Kristen & Scott Gant<br> ~sgant/gant.htm<br> ~sgant/gant.htm<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Some Progress</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 11-6-1996</h4>
Stardate: 81110.1005
Scene: Issahi Council Chambers
MD: 6.1815
> Zane spoke quickly, "We are here to discuss a mutually beneficial alliance.<br>
> I'm sure an exchange of any useful information will be a part of that."<br>
> The First Counsel looked at the FEYNMAN's commanding officer with a bit of<br>
> a frown, then nodded. "That will be acceptable. However, we will not share<br>
> a counsel table with a .." the universal translator was not able to<br>
> translate the final word which Krazich spoke in his guttural tongue.<br>
> Something Krysa couldn't even hope to repeat, let alone spell. However, the<br>
> word was spoken with obvious distaste and was directed at Jerran. There<br>
> were rumblings of agreement from those around.<br>
Zane stood and his fellow officers quickly followed suit. "If
this is your decision we will of course respect it. I will report to the
High Lord Nicholas that your people do not wish to establish diplomatic
dialogue. Your representatives on my ship may stay until their tour is
complete after that we will return to our space." He gestured
impaitently to Glin'Kharr at his far right and the four Starfleet officers
turned towards the exit. The council room went silent.
As they neared the doors Zane began to think that his bluff had
not worked but as Glin'kharr crossed the threshold Krazich's voice boomed
out. "Wait!" They stopped and turned. A dull murmur began to rise from
th council members but it was quickly silenced as Krazich rose.
"This....'being' you not know what it is?"
"I know who he is but I don't think you do." Zane challenged.
The counil broke out in a roar at such insolence from the strange
little ape. Again Krazich silenced them, this time with a ear shattering
roar of his own. "I know his kind all to well. They are evil."
Zane moved back towards the dais. "First Counsel, part of Lt.
Jerran's ancestry is that of the planet Vulcan. They are a noble and
peaceful race that were instrumental in founding the Federation. There
ideals are based around logic, peaceful coexistence and their belief in
infinite diveristy in infinite combinations. Vulcans as a people are not
evil nor are they a threat to you or the Issahi. Vulcan as a planet is
thousands of light years from your confederacy it is unlikely that you
have ever encountered one before and if they had encountered you then the
Federation as a whole would know. I do not know what race you have
contact with that you find so evil but they are not Vulcan's whatever the
appearance." The crowd began to murmur again but before Krazich quieted
them Zane turned to face them. He shouted above the noise. "If you want
to establish relations with the Federation then you do so with all its
members and before you do that you must learn to trust as we have learnt
to trust you."
The lingering silence that filled the room was broken by the bang
of Krazich's staff upon the rock floor of the dias. "Your words are well
taken Zane of the Federation but I alone can not make this decision." He
turned to face the assembly. "The leaders of the Great Clans will
assemble in the Hall of the Clans. Adjourned."
Four more Issahi joined Krazich on the dias and followed him down
a long stone hallway. The honour guard motioned Zane and the others to
follow. It seemed they were moving to a more private meeting with the
ruling class. Perhaps now they would find out what it was the Issahi
wanted from them and perhaps even what happend to the SERAPIS.
Scene: 10-Forward.<br>
Bat looked on in disgust at the sight that was his bar. Maril had
offered refreshements to the Issahi as he should. But now 35 minutes
later Bat cringed as another 100 pounds of raw meat had been placed in
front of them. He knew all races were different, none no better than
another no matter how different their customs and traditions but this was
just digusting. He'd never eat meat again. Of course the small group of
Issahi who seemed to be vegetarians weren't making a salad look all that
appetizing either. But through it all Commander Maril sat facing them,
engaged in polite conversation as if they were sipping tea and nibbling on
cucumber sandwiches. The old security officer remembered once again why
he had never sought the command path. Diplomacy was too annoying. *But I
bet those beasts can fight.* He thought approvingly.
Maybe now we'll see just what the Issahi want/expect of us...I'm looking
forward to finding out just what that is.
It'll also be interesting to see why the Issahi hate beings that look like
Vulcans and just where they came from. Perhaps during the great schism
on Vulcan part of the group that would later become Romulans left and
headed out this way....I leave it up to you.
-Captain Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
