
USS Feynman NOV 1996: Difference between revisions

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Potest esse nur unus<br>
Potest esse nur unus<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: A First Step</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 11-6-1996</h4>
SD: 81106.2100
MD: 6.1700
Scene: Bridge
"Captains log stardate 81106. After a voyage of silence from the
VIGIL it seems we have made some headway. Sub-commander Ross has extended
a formal invitation to me to meet with members of the Issahi ruling
council once we arrive at the homeworld. He also requested permission to
have additional members of the Issahi governmnet to come aboard the
FEYNMAN while we are in orbit. I have agreed to this request and as a
recognition of our guests importance Commander Maril will represent the
Federation to this delegation.
While the importance of these actions as a major step in
diplomatic discussions can not be overstated I find the composition of the
delegation to be the most telling point. While Ross firmly pointed out
that it will be a diplomatic mission designed to facilitate relations
between our two governments he also specifically identified the fact that
the group visiting the FEYNMAN would not only be comprised of diplomats
and political leaders but scientists and engineers as well. Further,
these specialists were being sent to meet with their counterparts on the
FEYNMAN to discuss 'mutual problems.' Perhaps the SERAPIS is not the only
ship to have fallen victim.
"Captain we are being hailed from the planet."
FEYNMAN had been in orbit of the Issahi homeworld for almost 45
minutes and there was a barely perceptable sigh of relief from the bridge
crew now that contact had finally been made. "On screen." Zane ordered.
As soon as the Issahi leader appeared he began to speak. Zane put
on his best dilpomat's face as he silently cursed the fact that the
universal translator was still unable to decipher the Issahi language.
Ross interpreted. [On behalf of the 10 Clans, the spirits of
Issah and the citizens of the Confederacy, I, First Counsel Krazich
welcome you to our world. May your hunt be bountiful.]
"On behalf of the United Federation of Planets I thank you for
your kind welcome and extend the heartfelt gratitude of all our citizens
for this important bridge between our two governments."
As Ross translated Krazich nodded to Zane. Again he spoke and
again Ross interpreted. [Captain it is my hope that we may exchange
representatives with the desire of a more beneficail interaction. In this
spirit I invite you and your officers to join me here for further
"I am honoured and look forward to our meeting. In the spirit of
this cooperation it is my hope that you will accept my invitation for some
of your representatives to join Commadner Maril and my officers on board
the FEYNMAN to help facilitate this cooperation."
[That will be acceptable Captain.]] This time Krazich needed no
interpretation, the universal translator had finally deciphered the Issahi
language. [Is one hour agreeable?]
"One hour is most agreeable First Counsel. I look forward to
meeting you."
Krazich nodded and the viewscreen returned to the orbital view of
the red world.
"Well everyone," Zane said addressing the senior staff, "time to
jump into the dress As. Lieutenants Jenn and Jerran and Ensign Lee meet
me in transporter room 3 in 45 minutes and have Dr. Glin'kharr join us as
As the bridge started to bustle with officers leaving and relief
arriving Zane rose from his chair and turned to face Maril. "Have fun!"
Ok we're here...time to schmooze.<G>
Just some brief reminders:
-Issahi look like Saurians (Dinosaurs) and live in a clan system with each
clan having distinctive skin (hide?) markings.
-the clans are rivals in the same sense that Klingon and Romulan Great
Families/Houses are...all want to be more powerful within the clan system
but they do all work toward the common good of the Confederacy especially
when something threatens the the coming of the Reavers.
-the Reavers destroyed the SERAPIS and several Issahi warships and the
Issahi see the Feds as allies. But again like the Klingons and the
Romulans they are a proud an mistrustful race....they haven't decided if
they will trust us and it is hard to ask for help...they will be very
This is where the mission really starts going and I look forward to
seeing where it takes us.
Donna: I know you want to write your character about she stays
as a kind of ambassador between the Federation and the TOS'
'The Corbomite Maneuver'?
-Captain Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
