
USS Feynman APR 1996: Difference between revisions

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Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman<br>
Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman<br>
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla<br>
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: On the Road Again</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 4-7-1996</h4>
SD: 80407.1400<br>
MD: 4.1800<br>
Scene: Shuttle NOGURA, Inside Nebula<br>
The shuttle NOGURA had remained quietly hidden in the nebula for
over 30 minutes, waiting for their pursuers to make a move. They
hadn't. Jerran remained glued to the pilot's seat, ready for
maneuvering. Jenn and Fobok sat at console's monitoring the Manark
The two officers had made some adjustments to the sensor array
and had sent out a pulse of energy towards where they thought the ship
might be. Most of the energy dissipated before leaving the nebula but
enough made it to the target to determine its position. By closely
the output they could tell where an 'object' blocked the wave. They
assumed the object was the Manark ship and that its own sensors wouldn't
be able to detect the energy wave.
"Sir, if I may ask a question."
"Sure Fobok. Go ahead."
"We are in a Starfleet vessel and our representatives of
Starfleet and the Federation. Presumably the occupants of the ship
waiting outside the nebula are citizens of Manark V and are, therefore,
Federation citizens as well?"
"Thats true."
"I fail to understand why we are hiding from them."
"Don't you think, after all that has happened it is a little
"Perhaps. But isn't it more likely that they merely wish to meet
with us, pass along a message or something of that nature?"
"But that doesn't explain the energy weapon they powered up."
Jerran joined the conversation.
"That is true. However, by our fleeing the ship perhaps they
assumed the occupants were not who they appear to be. In short by
running from an ally for no reason they have a right to be suspicious of
us. The fact that their weapon was designed to detain rather than
destroy could be seen as evidence of that."
"Its plausible." Zane didn't seem convinced. "But if they had
to becoming after us for a reason. If they simply wanted to talk they
could have done so without leaving the planet. If they had requested our
wherabouts from the FEYNMAN Onta wuld have told us. No, my gut tells me
there up to no good."
"Well there no match for us." Jerran offered.
"Suspicious or not I don't want to fire on a Federation ship.
For all we know that is what they want us to do."
"Well if they want us to be late for the mediation talks they're
doing a good job. The longer we sit here the worse the situation gets."
Jenn added
"Agreed. So how do we get out of here without a fight?"
NOGURA: Options?
BrOT: Have fun!
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
