
ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Back to Normal?==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2261.024
Setting: Shuttlecraft speeding away from Arcturus
<<snip- from Steve's post, entitled "Riding off into the Sunset">>
Gar sat next to the unconscious Andorian female and Romulan prisoner.
Shaking his head he tried to clear his thoughts and the fading effects of
his own stunning. He watched Avae and pondered what he was going to do, but
that could wait.
He had been listening to his shipmates joke amongst themselves. Humans were
a curious race, he thought. They could endure hard battle and tragedy just
to make a joke on the other side of it. They were in their own way a
remarkable species.
"I seem to remember from old Earth movies." Gar said quietly. "Westerns I
think they were called. That at the end the good guys always rode off into
the sunset."
The senior officer looked over at him and smiled.
<<end snip>>
Gar turned his attention back to Avae. He was worried about her- not
medically, as he knew she was not seriously injured. However, she'd been
conducting black operations within Federation space- at least what the
Federation considered Federation space, anyway- and that was outlawed.
Neither the Federation Council nor Star Fleet Intelligence sanctioned black
operations. Period.
Gar leaned back in his chair. He didn't **really** think the Federation and
SFIA could afford to be as naïve as that...but the laws were what they were,
and Avae was going to end up answering for her crimes.
After a moment, Gar chanced a glance at Doctor Sahen. This man was one of
the most despicable men he'd ever had the misfortune of meeting: he was a
man who thought of nothing beyond his own gain. He never gave a second's
thought to the consequences of his research- a problem more than one
scientist has had over the millennia.
Looking back and forth between the two prisoners, Gar couldn't help but
feel, at least on the moral level, that Starfleet's brass had gotten this
one all wrong. In fact, had Starfleet recognized the kind of monster Sahen
was, they could have avoided all this unpleasantness by putting a phaser
bolt between the Romulan's eyes and keeping the Am Tal out of the mix.
Of course, that might be giving Starfleet too much credit, he thought: they
could- and likely DO- know full-well what kind of monster Sahen was.
They wanted him anyway.
One thing was certain, he concluded as he closed his eyes: there was certain
to be quite a flurry of animated communiqués from the President's office and
Timeframe: 2100 hours- several hours after the shuttles made it back to HOOD
Setting: Officer's Mess, C-Deck, USS HOOD
<<snip- from Daniel's post, entitled "Party!">>
The door opened and Gar and Merrick walked in. Gar started feasting on the
food and Merrick poured himself some of the same god-knows-what DeSimms was
drinking. Suddenly, Corbett said over all the voices, "It's time for the
DeSimms tuned the screen into the FNS frequency and dimmed the lights.
Everybody looked at the screen as John Williamson and Mike Calviston, the
'voices of the Federation' materialized on the set.
Calviston started talking after the FNS logo had flashed onto the screen,
<<"Good Evening and welcome to Evening News with Mike and John, today's
headlines are: Fighting in Arcturus leaves several people dead, the Kirk
Court Marshal continues, and the starship Vance was decommissioned today,"
Calviston immediately turned towards John.
John looked at the camera, "Today, a fight over an unknown situation
completely wrecked the Arcturan Spaceport. It seems to have ended in a
Federation Victory."
Mike led on, "It seems that the Klingons, Romulans, and the Federation were
fighting over an unknown asset today. It ended in a heroic, against-the-odds
victory by the crew of the USS HOOD. After capturing the assets, a man
heroically stayed behind to make sure everyone got onboard. Even when he
was left for dead, he and the crew that pulled this off changed all my
opinions about Starfleet. Our Arcturan field office captured this footage."
John interjected, "This is captivating stuff. Wow."
The viewer was filled with the image of DeSimms persisting in his fight even
with the gash in his shoulder. The famous shot then appeared of DeSimms
rallying forth with his Disruptor as his communicator was shot out of his
hand. The new navigator, Cedria, smiled at DeSimms.
<<Calviston then started talking again, "And here is the unknown Starfleet
Officer's heroic rescue.">>
The screen filled with the image of Steele and Corbett lifting DeSimms into
the moving shuttlecraft as Hemux manned the door gun. It was captivating
imagery, even for the participants in the shot. Suddenly, a huge spontaneous
cheer emerged from every single officer in the mess. It rang through the
halls on that deck and made pipes shake.
<<end snip>>
Gar leaned over towards Merrick. "I'm not sure Admiral Carstairs would be
joining in on the cheering."
"You think?" Merrick asked, his tone sardonic.
Gar's lips twisted into a tight grin. "Yes, I think," he said. "Covert
operations- even successful ones- are not supposed to make it onto the
Evening News."
They watched as Steele abruptly got up to answer a hail from the intercom
across the room. After a couple of quick words, he pushed the intercom
closed, and, tugging his uniform and pursing his lips, he marched out of the
mess hall.
"That doesn’t look good," Merrick commented. "Carstairs?"
"I'd bet my thermal bedsheets on it," the Andorian quipped.
Merrick's eyebrow shot upwards. "Thermal bedsheets?"
"I come from an ice world, Sean."
Suddenly, there was a call over the ship's comm. [[[Security to the brig-
security to the brig.]]]
Gar quickly turned to Merrick. "Avae's in the brig," he said, pushing
himself out of his seat.
Merrick followed suit, and found it hard to keep pace with the Andorian.
When they reached a comm. panel, Gar flipped it open. "This is Commander
Gar- what happened?"
[[[Sir, the Andorian spy has escaped somehow.]]]
"Good thing you didn't take that bet," Merrick muttered as they jogged
towards the nearest 'lift.
Just taking this another step forward. Up to you whether Steele is
answering an angry call from Carstairs or investigating an escape from the
brig. Maybe we have both happening at the same time.
I'm assuming since we are giving Sahen asylum that he's NOT in the brig, but
in guest quarters. Is that where Avae's heading? Or is she escaping?
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Madman and the Scientist==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Madman and the Scientist==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Can I Come Too==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Can I Come Too==