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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Madman and the Scientist==
===David Martens===
SD: 2261.024
USS HOOD, Guest quarters...
Time: during party
ARr'Rhiana was facing the Romulan scientist in front of her. She had left the
party just before the newsflash. Hemux felt still confused, tensed and she
needed to know. She needed to know who Sahen was, why StarFleet had sent them
in to get him, why she had endured the Orion Traders again and why she had to
kill to rescue Sahen.
So she had wandered to the secured quarters where he was , two Security Guards
next to the door and two more at each junction of the corridor leading to Sahens
quarters. After a scan of her retina and voice print to make sure she was
ARr'Rhiana Hemux, she had to give of her phasor and only then she was allowed to
get in with Sahen, joined by one of the guards.
Hemux now sat in front of him, "Dr Sahen, I am ARr'Rhiana Hemux, Science
officer. I am curious why you have left Romulus and why StarFleets want you so
badly that they where willing to send in one of their top StarFleet senior
officers to get you."
She paused for a moment, but the man only looked to her with a slight, grim
smile on his face, leaning a bit to the back in his seat.
"I know you reputation, Sahen. You're a brilliant genetics engineer and the
results of your cloning is highly praised in StarFleet science. You're findings
on growing organs and replacement techniques for limbs are an incredible step
forwards into science and medical technology." Now Sahen sat up a bit more
straight and nodded to Hemux, but he still didn't said anything.
ARr'Rhiana narrowed her eyes and her voice became more harsh "But I also have
heard the rumours, the rumours about forbidden experiments, cloning total
humans, or Romulans, breeding and selecting the individuals as you, or better
the Romulan Empire wants them. Have you not learned from what happened in the
Now Sahen laughed "You know nothing, woman. You do not know half of what I have
achieved. You want to know what I can do ? I do much better then just breed
new limbs or new skin for medical purposes. I am way beyond the pity requests
of parents who want their son to have green eyes and be 6 foot tall or their
daughter to be as pretty as an Orion slavegirl."
Sahens eyes glistened as he talked about his achievements, he was a proud man
who had top hide himself to long in the underground, and now found someone who
was a scientist, highly trained and good neough toi serve on the top of
StarFleets battleships. She woudl understand, at least so he thought...
"In the past they where able to clone humans, breed them with better muscles,
being stronger, having a mind capable of better thinking and swifter analysing
then normally possible. But they all forgot one thing: they had still the
imprints of their original `parent' What I achieved is better, I can breed full
grown bodies, not babies that need to be grown over decades before they perform
at their best. I am able to grown a full grown adult in less then three
Hemux stared at Sahen stunned, if that was true then it was beyond anything that
was achieved until now, that was a really incredible step forwards in genetic
Sahens lips curled up in a wicked, evil smile "And I even add more to it, woman!
I can breed full-grown bodies with a blank mind, ready to be trained for any
Now Hemux shook her head "That is not possible, a body can not grow for so long
without picking up feelings, senses, sounds. Even babies grown in the womb of a
mother hear the heartbeat of their mother, taste the fluids in the womb, move
their muscles, feel the warmth off the summersun. That all leaves imprints. It
is know that soft music calms an unborn child, and..."
"You are an idiot!" Sahens voice lashed out to her with such anger and rage
that the guards took a step closer. Sahen looked to him and ignored him as
Hemux waved the guard back.
"Grow them in isolated tubes, isolated from sounds, light anything. Keep the
temperature exactly as high as needed, it is all possible. And then, in the
end, lay the imprint over their mind as you want it, as you desire it. I can
create any kind of Romulan or human or Klingon, I want. I am better then God
because I choose who they are, what they become!"
Now hemux knew it for certain: Sahen was crazy, but also a brilliant scientist.
"You mean you can add a personality to the clones?"
Sahen nodded "Imagine, I create slaves for the mines, stronger muscles, greater
endurance, better resistance to radiation or chemicals so they can perform
better in hostile environments. I feed their minds with what they need to know
to handle the tools and equipment, but no anger against the guards, no requests
for better payment, no anger as a mine collapse and dozens of their comrades die
in the accident. They just accept their fate... Or soldiers: I create them
with better reflexes, better vision so they can see better at night, hear the
enemies come from hundred feet away, feel no pain, no fear, I lay a keen mind,
ready to follow orders from any superior officer, ready to march into death with
a smile."
Sahens eyes where wide open as he talked about his dreams and his breathing was
faster. "Imagine what I could do with such an army of soldiers."
Hemux blinked her eyes "Is that why you where hunted away? You want to breed
your own army and the Romulan Empire discovered your plans?"
Sahen growled to her "They thought I searched for knowledge, not for glory on
the battlefield. They where jealous of my talents as scientist and yet hated me
because I found the continuing struggle for territory and new ground an idiotic
thing to do. They found me weak so they repelled me from their worlds. And
knowing that Romulus might be destroyed in the future, they wanted to become to
most powerfull asset in the Galaxy, so they only wanted to use my talents for
their own good! So YES ! I wanted REVENGE."
Sahen had a glow in his eyes that made it clear he had completely lost all
sanity and normal looks to the universe. He was crazy and very, very dangerous.
Hemux stared at him in silence, she knew enough...
Before anyone could speak or do anything there was suddenly a strange noise in
the corridor. Running around, a voice talking, then a strange bump or so and
then silence again. Hemux narrowed her eyes and the guard layed his finger to
his lips.
ARr'Rhiana puled Sahen to his arm into the back of the room, hidden behind a bed
and notioned him to shut up as he wanted to ask something. Maybe it was
nothing, but maybe Sahen was not safe after all...
<tag anyone>
Hi All,
I tried to figure out what would be so important about Sahen and came up with
this background for him. I hope it fits into the storyline.
I also picked up the Alert in Scotts post, maybe the sounds in the corridor are
nothing, maybe it's just Gar and Merrick checking Sahen, but maybe it's
something bad... (Play the `Jaws' theme here...)
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Can I Come Too==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Can I Come Too==