USS Feynman AUG 1997

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August 1997 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



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USS FEYNMAN: Burning Down the House

by Kristen Gant 8-1-1997

Stardate: 90801.1622
Scene: Krysa’s Quarters

Krysa looked over at the water bubbling happily in the pan as it set on a hot plate. She picked up the dried pasta and dumped it in, then stirred it briefly. *This is easy!* she thought with a smile.

She lifted the lid of the pan next to the boiling water and breathed in the steam which rose from inside. She frowned slightly. It wasn’t exactly what she expected... Certainly it didn’t smell like Bat’s always did. Perhaps something was missing. She looked at the various spices she had laying around the table and shrugged not sure where to begin.

Finally she gave up and dumped them all in the pot stirring it carefully, then replacing the lid. She fiddled with the controls on the hot plate one more time and then headed over to her desk to do more paperwork. After all, as she had read somewhere.. ‘A watched pot never boils.’

She frowned as she noticed her request for more personnel had been returned, ‘Denied’. She supposed she shouldn’t be surprised. With the upheaval of Silver it was getting harder to get the things they needed. Particularly now that the FEYNMAN was based virtually right in the ‘sack'. Taking a deep breath she rewrote her request, still asking for the same things only giving it a much more urgent tone. Who knew... maybe it would help. It certainly couldn’t hurt!

Her comm badge beeped and she tapped it, "Jenn here."

<Hey Krysa,> Jerran’s voice rang out. <Thought you might like to know the ENDEAVOUR is coming in. We’ll have her on our viewscreens any minute now.>

"Oh great! I’ll be right up," Krysa said pushing back her chair. While she loved the FEYNMAN and her crew as much as the others, she couldn’t help but be a little jealous of the luxurious Endeavor-class starship.

She pushed her chair in and hurried to the door. Then she stopped, Oops, almost forgot ..˛ She spun around and grabbed her PADD, as long as she was going to the bridge she might as well, send in her request from the communication terminal there.. it would go much faster. Then she hurried out of her quarters.

"Hmm, she is beautiful, isn’t she," Krysa smiled.

"Thinking of transferring to a larger ship, Commander?" Jerran said looking over at her.

"Don’t count on it Mr. Jerran." she quipped.

"I was only asking out of concern for my shuttles." Suddenly there was an alert signal from tactical. Zane, who had been sitting in the center seat looked up at the young ensign.

"We have a fire on board sir."

"A fire??" All eyes turned to the young man. Fire’s couldn’t start on the ship they had fire protection to prevent that.

"Yes sir, a fire. I’m rerouting to put it out."

"Where is it?"

"Umm .." the young man said throwing a quick glance toward the ops station. "It’s in Commander Jenn’s quarters .."

Krysa’s eyes widen, "Oh no .." she whispered, "My sauce .."

Lt.Commander Krysa Jenn
NRPG: Okay it’s pure entertainment :)

SB EPSILON The Ceremony Commences

by Mike Dawe 8-3-1997

SD: 90803

[Approaching Zinderneuf base now, sir.]

"Right, I'm on my way." He stood and glared at the pile of PADDs before him. The divisions had been made but he still wasn't happy with it. He glanced out at the deck below and smiled. Off to one side sat a sleek black sled of a craft . . .he had already arranged for practice time for the pilot and had no trouble convincing him to race.

Passing through the small hall and into the turbolift he gave his grey hair a once-through with his fingers before the doors opened onto the bridge. Now Zinderneuf filled the screen. Azariah stepped out and, without turning his head from the view ordered contact to be established with Commodore Robert Steele.

A ruddy face filled the viewscreen almost instantly, but it wasn't the Commodore that Azariah had hoped for. [Eh? Calling Bobby before me old chum. I'm hurt, hurt I say. Eh wot?]

"Hrrmf, Upshaw, get off the channel. Business before, remember?"

[Quite, quite. But remember your old chum here or I'll come across to that floating museum of war of yours and hunt you down.]

"I'm not a fox and you haven't the hounds for a 'hunt' Now get off the channel, I'll be contacting you for some special business shortly. Oh, the ceremony will be in an hour so get your best out."

[I'll do that old chum. That's an order I'll snap to. Zinderneuf Admin out, transferring to Task Force Ops.]

The viewscreen fuzzed then cleared with another Commodore standing ramrod straight. [Task Force command} he stated clearly.

"Not yet, Commander, but soon. I would like you to come aboard the Defender in one hour. One hour, Commander . . . enjoy it as it is your last free one for a very long time." Azariah laughed nastily and signaled for the line to be closed. Turning to Dark Blade he asked. "Have the preparations been made?"

"Yes sir." She replied. "All shuttles are being launched for cover and to make room. The bay will be clear and ready for the ceremony."

"And the transporter room?"

"I had the sign made but I . . . "

"It's not something you would do? Well it is something I wish they had done for me."

She shrugged and continued monitoring the ever-growing traffic about the Defender and the Base. The addition of the Feynman, the Regent, and the Endeavour did little to ease he job. The Bismark was also enroute and due within the hour, without her command staff. "Mother . . . Defender to Regent, what is going on?"

[Regent to Defender. Can't let your lot hog all the airspace. Our fighter wings will fly high pattern.]

She sighed and was about to reply when another set of movements caught her eye. "Stand by one, Regent. Feynman, what is your status?"

[Defender, Feynman. We are running some basic tests on our shuttlecrafts. Wouldn't do to report for a new command in less than tip top status. We'll leave the high ground for the Regent and take the middle space.]

She sighed and gave orders for the Defender shuttles to maintain a close orbit of the ship to keep out of the way of the higher traffic. Then another set of markers arrived on her board. "Defender to Zinderneuf. Status please."

[Bob, my XO, and I can't have all you lot cluttering up our airspace without having a presence ourselves. Tallyho! We'll be coming in for close orbit so we may be transported across at the appropriate time. The rest of my fighter wing will join the Regents in high cover.]

The XO of the Defender sighed and looked over to the Admiral who seemed to be taking it all in with good humour. "All we need now is some enemies and it would be a right busy place."

****Azariahs rule of jokes****
They won't get it and it might happen.<br> ****************************

Far out beyond the sensor range of the various ships and the stations a small fleet waited. "He seems prepared." Growled the First.

"It does not matter. One may not prepare for that which has already taken place." The Third replied.

"But proximity rules . . . "

"Will be kept. A minor alteration of the plan. Two waves. The first will occupy the forces and then the Device carrier will follow. As soon as it is within range it will be activated and then all will be done."

"With that much heavy cover it will be hard for our pilots to survive."

"Immaterial. If the Device succeeds this will not have happened. If they fail and the device does not make it through they are better off dead." A hand slaps the edge of a twisted console. Skin flakes off of the hand and drops to the deck, unnoticed. "Today we close the loop opened so long ago."

Back on the Defender the preparations continued until the last moment. The Commodore and his aide transported across to find a sign hanging above the entrance to the shuttle deck. "Abandon hope . . . " Captain Faison read aloud.

Steele snorted. "Must be the Admirals idea of a joke."

"Strange idea. Bet still on?"

"It is. Let's go." They stepped through the doorway into the amptheatre that served as the shuttle deck for the Defender of Hoji. It was full of people. Most of the staffs of three ships and the starbase were on hand for it. Holodeck recording equipment was set inconspicuously off to one side, focused on the podium. Steele lead the way to the podium where Commodore Thornton Featherstone Upshaw and Vice Admiral Azariah Nicholas were already waiting. As they came to a halt on the podium Azariah nodded to them and stepped forward to the lectern.

"Hrrmf" (Faison winced and surreptitiously passed a slip of latinum across to Steele) "In accordance with the regulations and powers I hereby hand control of Outpost Zinderneuf and Task Force Zinderneuf to Commodore Robert Steele. Commodore, take care of my ships and people because you _know_ I will be watching." The Admiral stepped aside and Steele stepped forward to accept command.

<<<<nrpg>>> Okay, this sucker became a lot more than I planned when I started writing it.

Things to do. Your take and view of the action so far and the imminent arrival of the uninvited guests. First wave should rapidly become a close quarters 'knife fight' dogfight. Any and all may participate and help win the fight, which we will. The second wave will be a single ship, scout class that will seem to be on a collision course and then wink out just before colliding with the Defender. It is the lead in for a few missions for several ships . . . Feynman and Regent for openers. So you may try to stop it mut please fail.

These aliens are fanatical and NOT interested in talking.

Andy, you may begin your acceptance speech then interrupt yourself with a red alert as the first wave arrives to break up the party.

The rest of you, hop in anytime.

CO's please forward this to your respective crew but leave me to put it on the net. That way it gets done just once. Include the reminder for everyone to check their mailing lists. Too many stay messages have been going out with people reflexively hitting reply to all. I include others in my mailings by request but they don't want to follow bits and pieces of everybody else's ships as well.

mike--->who has been just as guilty lately.
Vice Admiral Azariah Nicholas CINCSILVER
Captain Christof Fife USS REGENT
Lt. Cmdr Eskat Eskat CNS USS HERMES
Lt James Cardiff FCO DEFENDER
Kytan Duandir XO HRSS St. Jude

SB EPSILON: Bad Start to a First Day

by Andrew Catterick 8-4-1997

Scene: Amphitheater, DEFENDER of HOJI

> "Hrrmf" (Faison winced and surrepticiously passed a slip of latinum >across to Steele) "In accordance with the regulations and powers I hereby >hand control of Outpost Zinderneuf and Task Force Zinderneuf to Commodore >Robert Steele. Commodore, take care of my ships and people because you >_know_ I will be watching." The Admiral stepped aside and Steele stepped >forward to accept command.

As Steele rose from his seat Faison leaned over and whispered last minute instructions. "If you get nervous, picture them all naked." Straightening up without managing to lose his composure he strode over to the podium. "Thank-you admiral." A brief shaking of hands and he turned to face the assembled personnel, silently cursing his XO for inserting the thought when he had. Faison had definitely avenged his loss of the bet.

"As of this stardate I officially acknowledge command of Task Force ZINDERNEUF." He paused and he could see on some of the faces in the crowd the hope that he would keep his speech reigned in to these few words. He didn’t blame them. Of course how often did someone pull out the soapbox for him? "Sentients of ZINDERNEUF,..." That was to be as far as he got before the eerie sounding alert klaxons of the Husnock ship began to reverberate through the amphitheater.

For an instant everyone remained still, most had never heard the low pitch whine before, but then a calm voice confirmed the alert. "Red Alert! Red Alert! All hands to battlestations, this is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill." The admiral moved to the podium. "It seems some of our new neighbours have come calling and they don’t seem the friendly type. You have enough time to beam out to your ships. Make it fast."

Instantly the hum of transporters filled the room as crews began emergency beam outs while they could.

Fasion looked up from the comm screen at the edge of the stage that showed the tactical situation as Steele approached. "Their really putting an effort into this."

"I guess they’re worried about the property values of the neighbourhood not that us transients have moved in."

"Do you want to head over to the flagship."

Every inch of his being wanted to be on the bridge of ENDEAVOUR, of any ship for that matter. This was his first crisis situation since leaving his command and his inability to rush off to the bridge of his ship and jump into the fray left him feeling ineffectual. "No, this looks like its shaping up to be a feeding frenzy and we’ll be able to coordinate better from here. Let’s get to the bridge."


Hi all, just a short one so we can jump into the thick of things. And saving me from writing and you reading the stereotypical acceptance speech <G>

CO’s: please pass along to your crews. I’ll send a copy of this to the newsgroup…

-Captain Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-Commodore Robert Steele, Commanding TF ZINDERNEUF
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence, BLUE Fleet