USS Feynman MAY 1997
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USS FEYNMAN: Arrival/The Party
by Melanie Pocknall 5-2-1997
SD: 90502.0503
MD: 7.2000
SCENE: Main shuttlebay
Anxious parents were crowded into the shuttlebay, awaiting the arrival of their children. Although the mission had not been long, they had missed their children dreadfully.
Among the expectant parents was Meleah. She stood back from the others, trying to work out the emotions displayed by them. She could see that they all seemed to be overjoyed, displaying large smiles, and chattering amongst themselves. She wondered why it was that parents missed their children so much. It was definitely a human emotion that Meleah was yet to fully understand, although she was close. She had found that her quarters had not seemed so lively without Cadence in them. There had been no-one to greet her when she got off-duty, and that was something Meleah had grown used to. *Perhaps*, she thought, *this means that I missed her.* This thought pleased her but she didn't have a lot of time to dwell on it as the shuttle finally arrived and the children started pouring out of the hatchway.
A blur of blue ran out of the shuttle, heading straight for Meleah. As soon as Cadence reached her, she flung herself upon Meleah, crying "Aunty Mellie!!" Similar cries could be heard by the other children to their parents. "Guess what I've been doing?"
MD: 9.1900
SCENE: 10-Forward
After two days of catching up with Cadence, Meleah decided it might be a good idea to take her to the party in 10-Forward. So Cadence, all nicely dressed up, accompanied Meleah to 10-Forward, where the former was admired by various crew members. However, when Cadence saw Jerran, she bolted from Meleah's side over to where he stood.
She tugged on his clothes, and said, "Hello."
Meanwhile, seeing that Cadence was in good hands, Meleah made her way over to where the band was setting up. Tarrant was already there, tuning up his violin. Meleah sat down beside him and proceeded to tune hers.
As soon as the music started, there were a few people who got up and danced. Somehow, Cadence even got Jerran to dance with her. After a while, Meleah noticed Krysa dancing with Jerran, and then with Zane. The way that the Captain and the Cmdr were dancing suggested to Meleah a style that was quite intimate...
Just establishing that Meleah's at the party with the little whirlwind called Cadence.
Sincerely yours,
Lt Meleah
Chief Science Officer, RDMMS
USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet
USS FEYNMAN: A Funny Thing Happened To Us On Cait...
by Michael "Mike" Dailey 5-2-1997
SD: 90502.2130
SCENE: Cait, capitol city. In a casino-club a few blocks from the Federation Consulate
> "'re not leaving already." Ma'reth spoke into Loren's ear as
> the last of his winnings made it's way into his pockets.
> "Still lots to see around here. Don't want to miss a thing," stated Loren
> in return. The Orion smiled and for a moment seemed to captivate Loren
> with her sensuality. Round hips, and a more than ample frame, not too
> large nor small.
> "Trust me, you won't miss...a thing," she said seductively as she leaned
> forward, closer to his face.
> "Come on Loren!" Allard's sharp voice rang out of the mixtures of noises
> that seemed to fill the room. J.C. had noticed the Nausicans standing at
> the rear of the room conversing and glancing ever so quickly in Loren's
> direction as the Counsellor's winning streak became more and more obvious.
> He had also seen the same beautiful Orion girl speaking to them as they
> entered the establishment. For now, their interest in the FEYNMAN officers
> was casual. Hopefully, that wouldn't change.
> Loren was dully aware of a slight throbbing in his head, but reached for his
> bottle and devoured the last drop of real, non-synthahol Jack Daniels, dated
> 2263. He considered the merits of staying and leaving, but choose to stay.
Together J.C. and Tarrant maneuvered over to the swaying form of Ens. Landers, wrapped in the snug embrace of the Orion ‘Entertainment’ Director. Each seized one of the doleful Counsellors’ arms, attempting to liberate him from captivity, much to his disappointment. At first, J.C. was not quite sure who resisted more, Ma'reth or Loren. *Ah, more fuel to grill you with, Loren. I'll save this for a rainy day.* thought J.C.
Ma'reth finally gave up and lost interest in Loren, who slumped happily into a nearby chair. Far from defeated, mere seconds passed before she sauntered over to Tarrant Koreth. Focusing her powers on the FEYNMAN CEO, she threw her arms around the Klingon’s torso. J.C. unsuccessfully tried to hide a few snickering laughs,
“What’s your hurry, boys?” asked the Mistress. “Especially you, Mr. Klingon”.She kneaded her green hands over Taraent’s shoulders. Bringing her mouth to his ear, she whispered inaudible words to that only he could hear.
“Seems you have your hands, er... full, <snicker>.“ J.C. motioned to the Counsellor, “Come on, Loren. Perhaps we should leave Tarrant and friend alone.” Loren stood, reached for his glass, empty for quite some time now. Unhappily he set it back down, looking for a refill.
“How about ‘nother round Justin? MY TREAT.” Loren stood, and reached inside his jacket for a few strip of latinum, but began to loose balance. Tottering a bit himself, J.C. braced the Counsellor upright, so as not to become horizontal.
“PERHAPS you two would like to WALK back up to the FEYNMAN”, growled the CEO. The mistress released her hold on Tarrant,
“You’re too loud,” said Ma'reth. Dismayed for a few seconds, she turned to direct her energies toward the last of the trio, J.C. Allard. Still supporting Loren from becoming a fixture of the floor, all while tottering a bit himself, J.C. tensed as the seductress ran her long fingers through the CSO’s short trimmed hair.
“Justin, <snicker>“ said Loren, “I didn’t think she was your type.” She nudged Loren back into the chair, landing with a thud. Tarrant took amused note of J.C.’s misfortune, but decided to help, after a few minutes of torture. Taking hold of her hands, the Klingon removed J.C. from her grasp. Not ready to give up, she ignored Tarrant and tried to scoop up the CSO again. Tarrant brought Ma'reth's arm up behind her, causing her to struggle and throw quite a tantrum.
“Leave me be!” roared J.C. “I don’t want any of your...” he stopped as his eyes rested again on two Nausician ‘employees’ of the fine establishment, apparently angered that someone had mishandled their co-worker. "I hate to break up this party," said J.C. pointing to the Nausicians, "but it's time to leave. NOW!" He propelled Loren towards the front doors, trailing right behind. Looking back, he saw Tarrant had set Ma'reth into a chair and was on his way.
"Let's make our way back to the Federation Consulate, and beam back up to the FEYNMAN.” said Koreth.
“You’re right,” agreed J.C. “We should probably avoid EPSILON.” The set off walking the main commerce centre of Cait’s capitol city, but only made it a few steps as J.C. halted, grabbing his comrades’ arms to stop them.
“Look across the street,” said J.C. “Coming this way” He looked towards the pair of Marine MP’s, with MK-VII rifles in hand. Both were typical grunt Marines, a lot of pride, and very full of themselves, though J.C. The senior of the two, a MSGT, had the cocky attitude of a recruiting poster Marine. His partner, a short, stocky PFC. Both wore the black armbands with the bold white MP letters showing.
"Now the Nausicans won't follow," said Loren. They were safe from the locals, for now.
"Halt! You three, stand to!" bellowed the MSGT. J.C. laughed to himself for a second. Tarrant, Loren, and himself WERE officers. Inter-service rivalry was far from a thing of centuies past. He glanced at Koreth, who nodded approval. They reached for their respective ID cases, J.C. noticed the PCF tightened his grip on his rifle.
"We're on leave from the FEYNMAN" said Koreth. They handed their ID's to the MSGT, who casually gave a quick glance at them with disinterest.
"The Federation Consulate has been closed, and all 'Fleet personnel were ordered off-planet an hour ago."
"SIRS!", J.C. finished for him, thinking how he would add colour to the NCO's life if assigned to his command. Koreth shook his head. A glance at Loren said the Counsellor knew J.C. was in one of his moods...
"Yeah...." The MSGT laughed out loud. "Sirs." Koreth spoke with irritation evident to a blind man.
"Sergeant, we were..." Koreth couldn't finish. The MSGT brought his own rifle to bear, with the PFC following a half-second later.
"Keep quiet, you" He poked Koreth with his rifles muzzle. J.C. was mildly shocked the Marine was still standing afterwards.
"You're all under arrest for violating the Consulate's orders." He motioned for the PFC to search and disarm them. When he got to J.C., the CSO took a step back, but was sharply nudged in the side by the Master Sergeant's rifle.
"Stand still boy. You're not going anywhere." The rifle in his side didn't hurt J.C. nearly as bad as the Master Sergeant's jaw and gut did from the impact of J.C.'s fists. Of course, all hell naturally broke loose...
Mike Dailey
******** * NRPG * ********
Hello all! Of course we couldn't leave without getting into a LITTLE trouble... resisting arrest, striking a non-commissioned officer... Wow, what fun! Yes I finally got this one out, and apologize for the delay. Jason and/or Kevin take it away!
as always,
= Lt., j.g. J.C.M. Allard CSO USS FEYNMAN Alt.Starfleet.RPG =
+ Lt. [Dr.] D'doj Zzawj Ckorji - UNASSIGNED SILVER FLEET +
= Lcdr. Jordon Kabreigny CNS USS BURKE GREEN FLEET =
+ Lcdr. Ion Steiner L.C. SFDITF TEAM ALPHA-1 SFDITF +
= Capt. Johan Bauer COMSFDITF "All I ask is a tall ship..." =
USS FEYNMAN: BrOT, Second Part
by Max Felsher 5-5-1997
SD 90505.0130(GMT)
SLD 4.1820
SCENE: Holodeck 3
Maril watched with interest as Ensign Landers reacted to the situation in the Bridge Officer's Test. Once he was satisfied with Landers's performance, he said, "Computer, freeze program."
Landers looked up from the Ops console and stood up, not saying anything.
"Well, Ensign, that was a good solution to the situation. Perhaps you should have reacted to the saboteur more quickly, however. Computer, begin Bridge Officer's Test, Section: Helm."
The Feynman's bridge remained, but it seemed like Landers was transplanted to the helm console. At the same time, Maril disappeared.
"Mr. Landers, ahead full impulse," the holographic Maril, next to Zane, ordered. "Mr. Allard, keep on the lookout for enemy ships. Commander Jenn, keep up a constant communications link with the other ships in the convoy escort."
All three officers, real and holographic, replied, "Aye, sir," as they followed their orders. Nothing significant happened over the next ten minutes. Landers was able to ascertain that the holo-Feynman was part of an escort for a convoy of Andorian freighters that had sensitive emergency supplies for several starving colonies. Unfortunately, the convoy had to pass near Xanthadi space. The Feynman was positioned about halfway down the length of the convoy.
"Captain," Jenn started, "the lead escort reports that they are picking up a group of Xanthadi ships."
"They're almost within sensor range," Allard said. "Yes, I have them. Six Xanthadi attack cruisers and ten Xanthadi raiding scouts. The scouts are ahead of the cruisers."
Landers noticed the ships on his console and quickly sized up the odds. They were not in the escort's favor. There were seven capital ships and eight armed runabouts, but the escort could not stray very far, while the Xanthadi could move as they pleased.
"Stay close to the convoy, Mr. Landers. Don't let any of the Xanthadi get between us and the ships in the convoy," Zane said, not letting a trace of fear enter his voice.
"Sir, a Xanthadi attack cruiser is nearing us. They're weapons are powered up, and so are their shields. They'll be within weapons range in thirty seconds."
"Lock phasers and photon torpedoes," Zane said. "Be ready to fire as soon as they do."
"They're within weapons range. They are firing on one of the freighters. The freighter's shields have fallen to about 60%."
"Fire when ready."
"Firing phasers and photon torpedoes. Hit on their shields, which are down to 80%. Minor damage to the ship."
"Fire at will, Mr. Allard," Zane ordered. "Mr. Landers, maneuver us directly between the cruiser and the freighter."
"The Xanthadi are firing." The lights went dim for a second and the ship shook, but the Feynman regained control of herself soon after. "Shields are down to 75%. Returning fire, sir."
There was a pause and then the whole bridge seemed to bob up and down.
"What was that, Lieutenant?" Maril asked incredulously.
"it seems that the last shot...destroyed the Xanthadi cruiser."
"How is that possible?"
'It was either sabotage or suicide, sir. The ship showed no signs of weakness before."
"Captain," Jenn reported, "we are receiving reports from the other ships. The second escort ship and one of the runabouts have been disabled, as have three of the freighters. Another freighter has an imminent warp core breach. The fighting is still going on around the other ships."
"How long until the freighter's warp core loses containment?" Maril asked quickly.
"Approximately thirteen minutes, sir."
"Are there any ships in the escort that are closer?" Zane said.
"The third escort is closer. However, it is engaged with an attack cruiser and a scout, and its shields are down to 45%," Allard answered.
"Well, then I guess we have to rescue it," Zane said calmly. "Mr. Landers, set course for the freighter, full impulse. Bridge to transporter rooms. Prepare to beam up the crew of the freighter."
"Sir, we're within visual range of the freighter, the _Stripe_," Allard said.
"On screen, Lieutenant," Maril ordered. The long freighter appeared on the screen. There was certainly damage to the ship, although it did not look serious.
"This is Captain Zane of the USS Feynman to the Stripe. Please respond."
A voice answered. [I am Captain Midel of the Stripe. We require your assistance, Feynman. We need to get all of our people and as much of our cargo off the ship before the core breach.]
"Is your ejection system operational?" Zane asked.
[No. It is offline and beyond repair.]
"Alright. We're starting to beam your people off, but we'll have to get your ship out of this area before the antimatter loses containment."
[Thank you, Feynman. Stripe out.]
Zane turned to Maril. "How long will it take to beam their entire crew and cargo off?"
Maril turned to his console and then looked back at Zane. "There are less than thirty people in the crew. If we use all of our personnel transporters, it will take less than two minutes. However, there is a great deal of cargo. That will take at least thirty minutes, even with all of our cargo transporters."
Zane nodded. "We can't wait that long. Get all of the crew aboard, then tractor the ship and set a course towards the front end of the convoy. We'll beam aboard as much of the cargo as we can before we let the freighter go."
Minutes later, the freighter's crew was entirely onboard the Feynman and they had set a course for the front of the convoy, with the Stripe in tow.
"Captain," Allard began, "sensors are picking up a group of five Xanthadi attack cruisers heading for the convoy."
"Understood, Lieutenant."
"Are we going to reverse course, sir?" Maril asked with suspicion in his voice.
"No, Commander, we'll keep on this course, except for one major change-- we're going right between those five ships and leaving the freighter there."
MD: 9.1930
SCENE: Ten-Forward
Maril (the real Maril) sat at a table far back from where the main throng of people was socializing. It was not that he wanted to avoid the people, just that he was not particularly interested in this type of socialization. However, as the FO, he could not simply stay in his quarters. So, he had gotten some food and found a table that was remote enough to escape notice and close enough to not look secluded.
He sipped some of his syntheholic Andorian brandy. How was he to last through the party?
The sun has met the sea,
Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher
NRPG: Well, Kevin, here's your next section. Only two more to go.
USS FEYNMAN: The Jerran Gambit
by Kevin Thigpen 5-9-1997
Stardate: 90509.01350
Scene: Holodeck; USS FEYNMAN
SLD: 9.1820
As soon as Captain Zane uttered that he wanted to take the ship between the incoming Xanthandi freighters, Loren could feel the sweat beading up on his forehead. Looking back at his controls, he began centering his mind as per an old Betazoid technique he had discovered while at the academy.
"Tractor beam engaged and the STRIPE is now in tow," came the clear voice of Krysa from OPS.
"Engines at three-quartes impulse. Course laid in for mark four-five-three," added Loren as the blips on his screen for the Xanthandi cruisers moved closer at an even faster rate.
"Xanthandi cruisers, 1 million kilometers and closing. They've fired photon torpedos."
Loren already saw the added images on his screen indicating the incoming torpedos before Allard had even spoken. *Standard spread pattern. One to port and starboard.*
With as much care as possible with a ship in tow, Loren jinked the FEYNMAN up and then down as the torpedos detonated harmlessly several thousands of kilometers behind the ship.
["Bridge, this is Koreth. With the tractor beam and our shields extended around the STRIPE, we can't afford any massive power drains. Our manueverability is going to have to be limited...drastically, or we'll rip the STRIPE apart."]
"Mr. Tarrant, we can't have that right now. If you must, transfer power from the warp engines, but we must hold onto that freighter."
["Aye Captain, I'll do what I can. Koreth out."]
Zane gently reminded Landers, "Ensign, keep our movement to a minimum. The STRIPE is not a destroyer class vessel. Moves like that will rip her from fore to aft and leave us at ground zero for a warp core breach."
"Captain, ten minutes to breach. Xanthandi, at 500,000 kilometers and closing," interrupted Krysa. "Sir, to release the STRIPE, we will have to lower our shields. At the range you propose to do that, there will be about six seconds for the Xanthandi to have a clear shot at us."
"Are you saying the odds aren't in our favor?"
"Aye, sir," resonded Krysa.
Loren stopped listening to the exchange that began as Zane asked for suggestions. Instead a plan crystallized in his mind.
"Captain, we've just gone to full impulse!" exclaimed Krysa.
["Bridge, Koreth here! What's going on up there!? We can't hold onto that ship at full impulse..."]
*Focus Loren,* he thought.
"Mr. Landers, what are you doing?" queried Maril from his chair.
"Sirs, I have a plan."
"The Xanthandi ships are now at 200,000 kilometers and are opening fire," reported Krysa.
The ship bucked ever so slightly as the blasts fanned out over the forward shields. *Too far away.* Loren thought breathing only a seconds sigh of relief.
What he next did was a move almost worthy of the skill displayed by the FEYNMAN's real NAV officer, Terel Jerran.
The FEYNMAN tore towards the oncoming Xanthandi who were letting lose with all weapons now. At about 100,000 kilometers, Loren shut down the impulse engines at swung the ship into a hard turn to port, while simultaneously shutting down the tractor beam.
With the engines off, the FEYNMAN swung into a tight turn, almost a slide.
The STRIPE began the turn with the FEYNMAN, but once released from the FEYNMAN's unnatural hold, momentum took over. The STRIPE swung free and clear of the FEYNMAN and continued on a direct course with the Xanthandi cruisers.
"Re-engaging impulse engines," quietly stated Loren as his screen showed the enemy cruisers scrambling to avoid the STRIPE. *Too late,* he thought as sensors registered the explosion from the STRIPE's warp core breach and several Xanthandi cruisers.
Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Thigpen
Ens. Loren Landers
[Andy-Sorry it's taking me so long with this BrOT. Next time as soon as Max gets the next portion out to me, I'll get a quicker reply off. My finals are next week. Most of my prof's decided to give a final test this week though (in addition to the final comprehensive exams that are the following week). All in all though I doing well, anxiously waiting for this semester to be over.
David- Welcome to our little group!
="The computer allows one to make mistakes faster than any other invention=
+aside from possibly handguns and Tequila." +
=--Mitch Ratcliffe =
USS FEYNMAN: The 5¢ Tour
by David Williams 5-9-1997
SD 90509.1404 CDT/1904 GMT
MD ???
Scene: Deck 9 corridor--->Sickbay
Dr. Mary Mac moved swiftly down the corridor. She was anxious to see the state of her sickbay. "Her sickbay" still sounded good to hear. She crossed the threshold into sickbay. It had all the modern affectations of a starfleet sickbay. She looked around and was stunned to see that there were no personnel in sickbay.
"Computer, activate the LMH program." Mary said in an irritated tone.
"Please state the nature of the medical inquiry" stated the newly-formed Long Term Medical Hologram. He was the spitting image of his creator, Dr. Lewis Zimmerman, a holoengineer at the Jupiter Station.
"Doctor, why are there no personnel in sickbay?" Mary asked as she turned to look at the doctor.
"There are no medical personnel currently in sickbay. The new medical personnel are in the main shuttlebay." The Doctor replied.
"Computer, deactivate LMH program." Mary said as she turned to go into her office. A shocked look danced across the LMH's face as he disappeared into the nothingness from which he came.
"Computer, current medical roster as of SD 90509." Mary asked as she dropped into her chair.
[Crew Manifest, Medical Department, Stardate 90509.
Ensign Mary Dana Mackrenseklar, M.D., Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Rolf Chavez, Assistant Chief Medical Officer, Alpha
Shift Lieutenant Dana Scully, M.D., Assistant Chief Medical Officer, Beta Shift
Lieutenant Julius Hibbert, M.D., Assistant Chief Medical Officer, Gamma Shift
Ensign Samantha Caine R.N., Nurse, Alpha Shift
Ensign Charly Elizabeth Baltimore R.N., Nurse, Alpha Shift
Chief Petty Officer Mercedes Lackey R.N., Nurse, Beta Shift
Chief Petty Officer Diana Tregarde R.N., Nurse, Beta Shift
Chief Petty Officer Elise Eliot R.N., Nurse, Gamma Shift
Chief Petty Officer Cynthia Swann-Griffin R.N., Nurse, Gamma Shift
Crewman Bruce Wayne, Medical Technician, Alpha Shift
Crewman Richard Grayson, Medical Technician, Beta Shift
Crewman Alfred Pennyworth, Medical Technician, Gamma Shift]
"Well, at least they met the starfleet minimum operating roster." Mary said to herself.
"Computer, have all medical personnel come to Sickbay immediately for a staff meeting." Mary said
Mary prepared herself for the meeting. The assignments that had been made ahead of time seemed okay. She turned to her display, to access her new medical crew's bios. It was going to be a long day....
All: This is my first post to the Feynman. I noticed on the roster that there were no MED NPC's. So these are my creations. If other MED NPC exist that I just don't know about, please let me know and I will fit them in. All of the names are in-jokes to my favorite books and movies. They come from (in order) ST:TNG #25 "Grounded", "The X-Files", "The Simpsons", "The Long Kiss Goodnight", the Diana Tregarde Investigation books, "The First Wives Club", and "Batman". Bios for the MED NPCs will follow shortly (I hope. Most of them will be short). I am confused about Kevin's post. I read Melanie's and then Kevin's seemed incongruent. I'm pretty sure I missed something. Could someone fill me in on what happened and how we got into the fight...Thanks for making me feel welcome and I look forward to the mission ahead...
Andy: Thanks for the roster and the info you asked for can be found at the end of this message. It's part of my signature.... :)
Kristen: Thanks for the webpage info. It simplifies a lot of things. I only wished the Hermes had one....
Joseph: I hope that Xena comment I made didn't come off as sarcasm. It was meant as a joke. Sorry! :)
Melanie: Go grrl. Dr Mac is a female with a 'tude. The bio tells all....
If I have left anyone out, I apologize. My mail server has been down for the
last 12 hours and I am swamped in mail...
Respectfully yours,
Ensign Mary Mac(krenseklar), M.D.
CMO, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet
Ensign Henry Elias Jekyll, Ph.D.
David Williams
Sallisaw, Oklahoma, USA
"When you feel the sunlight fade into the cold night,
You're not alone, I will be here for you,
Somewhere in the night, I 'll shine a light for you,
Somewhere in the night, I'll be standing by, I will be here for you..."
--Michael W. Smith
USS FEYNMAN: A Hot Bath...
by David Williams 5-9-1997
SD 90509.2058 CDT/0100 GMT (90510)
MD: NONE (0.0000)
Scene: Dr. Mac's quarters, Deck 5
It had been a long day. The staff meeting went well, but she received some flak from Dr. Chavez about his assignments. She told him he'd like it or she send him off this ship to a Starfleet Penal Medical Facility. And she could do it. With her connections in Starfleet Medical, she could get the worm sent anywhere.
She just wanted to forget the onfgneq (scrambled with ROT13) and slip into a hot bath and read her journals. She threw her lab coat over the back of a chair, took her glasses off and placed them on the table next to the chair. She took her high-necked, ankle-length, lavender willow dress off, letting it fall at her feet. She kicked off her shoes and rubbed her feet. She removed the hip holster that held her Orion dagger, the thigh holster that held her personal phaser, and the shin holster that held a small Bajoran knife.
She walked into the bathroom, asked the computer to draw her bath. She liked her bath hot and full of bubbles. She left her hair up so it wouldn't get wet, and removed her bra and panties. She grabbed a PADD, a glass of berry punch from the replicator, and slipped into the tub.
She called up the Journal of Federation Medicine and laid back and relaxed as she read the first article on Forensic Pathology. A very interesting article on some recent grisly murders on Alpha Centauri... Complete with crime scene footage... Very interesting, indeed....
All: This is just a piece of fluff, designed to tie up some loose ends, and prepare myself for my planned RL absence tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to my small (sniff) vacation. I'll be back by tomorrow night, and I'll post again on Sunday.
Andy: I believe I have everything now, and I feel like one of the crew. Thanks for everything :) I look forward to the next mission, having read the last one. The Caitans are close to my own heart. I have a CPO on the Hermes that's Caitan.. Who could resist a cat-like race? :)
Respectfully submitted,
Ensign Mary Dana Mac(krenseklar), M.D.
CMO, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet
Ensign Henry Elias Jekyll, Ph.D.
David Williams
Sallisaw, Oklahoma, USA
"When you feel the sunlight fade into the cold night,
You're not alone, I will be here for you,
Somewhere in the night, I 'll shine a light for you,
Somewhere in the night, I'll be standing by, I will be here for you..."
--Michael W. Smith
USS FEYNMAN: Pre-Mission Stuff
by Melanie Pocknall 5-9-1997
SD: 90509.0653
MD: -1.000
M1C Lianna West walked into 10-forward with a dejected look on her face. This was to be her last mission. After that, she would graduate, and goodness knows where she would end up. She had made so many friends on board the FEYNMAN and she didn't want to leave. Somehow, she made her way to an unoccupied tabel and sat down.
She sat, slumped in her chair, for a few minutes until a vioce roused her out of her thoughts. "Lee?"
Lianna turned and saw M2C India Sommerville, a good friend from the Academy. "Indy, what are you doing here?"
"I've been assigned to the FEYNMAN for this next mission, in Stellar Cartography."
"You're in Science too? That's great!" They hugged each other and then India sat down opposite Lianna. "I've got to go down and find out where I'm working for this mission later."
"I'll come with you. So, what's it like, being an officer on a starship?" India asked. She had been envious when Lianna had been accepted for the program, but had missed her friend terribly.
"Great. It'll take ages to fill you in, though, so you'll have to be patient. But basically, it's fantastic. The crew's great, and the people in the science department are really helpful.. oh, with the exception of Ens Loth."
"Who's Ens Loth?"
Lianna made a face. "He's the second-in-command of the department, and he's very disagreeable. But the cadets don't have too much to do with him unless we're on his shift. Nali's really nice, she's the ASCI. You'll like her." Actually, Lianna was slightly exaggerating about Loth but she had to make it sound good.
"So do you get up on the bridge?" That was what India was interested in. Although she was majoring in Science, she really wanted to command a ship someday.
"Once you get promoted to Cadet first class, you get to man at least one shift during the mission, usually the night shift. Nothing usually happens, though, when you're on the bridge. I'll be going up onto the bridge a little more during this mission though, in preparation for when I graduate." Lianna was looking forward to doing more shifts on the bridge.
The talking went on for quite a while, and then Lianna decided she'd better find out what shift she would be doing for the next mission, so the two of them headed down to Science Lab 3 where Nali was working.
"Hi, girls," Nali said in greeting. "Lee, I presume you're here to find out your timetable."
"That's right."
Nali stopped what she was doing, and turned her attention to the PADD next to her. "You'll be working in Lab 7, Beta shift, in Biology, with CWO3 Dai Pryce. Jazz is the head of that department. Pryce is the new biology chief. And I presume this is Cadet India Sommerville?"
"Yes, sir," India replied.
"I'm Lt(jg) Nali Swansen. There's no need to worry about the 'sirs' in the labs. We only use them for formal introductions, so from now on, call me Nali." India just nodded, so Nali continued. "You'll be working in Stellar Cartography with Lt(jg) Stefan Hunter, in Lab 4, Beta shift also. Your department head is Lt(jg) Kentin Greene."
"Understood," India replied. She and Lianna shared a glance. They would both be working the same shift, which could be quite interesting <G>.
"Now, girls, we have to attend the department meeting in a few minutes, so we'd better get going."
The three of them travelled along to Lab 1, where most of the science department was assembled. Lianna saw a few new faces, especially Vulcan faces, and wondered who they were.
Meleah started the meeting by introducing the new members of the crew, including the cadets. "We also have a trial department for this mission, Mathematics & Logic. Ens S'tel will be the head of that department."
S'tel, a stolid Vulcan if ever Lianna saw one, nodded his head in acknowledgement.
"We also have a few promotions to make. Mr. Merrick, Mr. Koullan, Chiefs Crysta, Murphy, Fergusson, Magen, Kramer, Rowan and Gray, please step forward." Meleah promoted each of the above in turn, and then announced, "Mr. Merrick will be in charge of Biological Science in Lab 7, with Lt. Aidonis in charge of the whole department. Also, Mr. Manning will be in charge of Social Science in Lab 1."
There were various other announcements and then the science department was dismissed.
Welcome, David, to the best ship in the fleet! Kristen, just think, there's another female officer on the ship - yeah!!!
Sincerely yours,
Lt. Meleah, Chief Science Officer, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet.
M1C Lianna West, Science cadet, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet.
USS FEYNMAN: NRPG Pre-Mission Stuff
by Kristen Gant 5-9-1997
Kris & Scott Gant's profile photo Kris & Scott Gant unread, May 9, 1997, 2:00:00 AM to
>NRPG: > >Welcome, David, to the best ship in the fleet! Kristen, just think, >there's another female officer on the ship - yeah!!!
I know :) Isn't it wonderful.. pretty soon, we'll have a ship full of women.. We just have to plan this right ... <whisper, whisper>
Kris -> who would never think of plotting against her Captain :)
Kristen & Scott Gant
USS FEYNMAN: NRPG Pre-Mission Stuff
by Michael "Mike" Dailey 5-9-1997
> Kris & Scott Gant wrote:
> >NRPG:
> >
> >Welcome, David, to the best ship in the fleet! Kristen, just think,
> >there's another female officer on the ship - yeah!!!
> I know :) Isn't it wonderful.. pretty soon, we'll have a ship full of
> women.. We just have to plan this right ... <whisper, whisper>
> Kris -> who would never think of plotting against her Captain :)
...TAKE COVER, MEN!! We're being invaded, under fierce attack!!! <BG>
as always,
Mike Dailey
USS FEYNMAN: Catching Up
by Andrew Catterick 5-11-1997
Zane sprawled out on his comfortable couch and looked over at his executive officer who had parked himself in the chair to the left. "So," Maril began, "I take it you were able to corner the admiral."
Zane nodded. "Met the Commodore as well. Seemed everything his bio says he is and little of what Bat made him out to be."
"Not a megalomaniac?" Maril asked with a chuckle.
"Not in the first five minutes I talked to him. You never know though. He could be a closet dictator." Zane asnswered with a laugh.
"Did the matter of the Task Forces come up."
"Actually it did but only to the extent that he assured me it was not his place to divulge the information."
"Which the admiral didn’t do." Maril answered for him.
"No, but he will be joining us for the briefing tomorrow morning. Who is on the scenario rotation?"
"Allard. He’s already working on it. I’ll let him know the admiral will be joining us. 0800 hours?"
Zane nodded. "Speaking of Allard I got whiff of some minor incident on Cait while I was on the EPSILON that concerned some of our senior officers. Do I want to know anything about it?"
"No, suffice to say the matter is cleared up and there should be no repercussions."
"Good. Nice to see your little spy network comes through even with the crisis at hand."
Maril nodded in response before changing the subject. "I was a little surprised to find Dr. Mac reporting aboard as our knew CMO."
Zane gave him a sheepish grin. "I guess my spy network is not as formidable as yours. She squared away?"
"Of course." He replied with an amused air that said he was shocked he had even been asked. "Already had a staff meeting and shaken them all up by the sounds of it."
"Good. Oh and you also be happy to hear that I was wrong on a second count. We didn’t pull convoy duty."
"No, it seems we have a rather important first contact ahead of us." Zane began to fill him in on what the admiral had told him.
Just a short one…
David: One thing I forgot to mention was out pre-mission briefings. One of our traditions is to hold the briefing in some exotic locale. Some past examples are inside the Great Pyramid, the Roman Coliseum, and underwater lair, Mt Selya on Vulcan. The fun is usually in getting to the actual briefing table where a buffet awaits but once there it is actually business…but hey we gotta have some fun. So, this time Mike Dailey is setting the scene so after he does enjoy!
As Zane mentioned the briefing will be at 0800 which will also begin the mission clock at day 1.
-Captain Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-Commodore Robert Steele, Commanding TF ZINDERNEUF
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence, BLUE Fleet
USS FEYNMAN: New Faces, New Places PART 1
by Michael "Mike" Dailey 5-11-1997
SD: 90511.1330
MD: -2.1830
SCENE - Deck 9, Sickbay
(NOTE: Starting out a bit of a backpost)
Tarrant Koreth, Loren Landers, and J.C. Allard materialized home once again from what would be referred to by some as 'the Great Caitian Expedition', though certain others had even more colourful words to describe their most recent shore-leave excursion. Luck had been with the trio, as the 'fleet Provost Marshal on Cait, LCDR. Vance Seelman had been in an agreeable mood. In addition, the Marines seemed to have abusive past histories, which was in the favour of the FEYNMAN trio. Seelman had let them go, thankfully without a word to anyone. Before the leave port, J.C. would send his compliments, along with a bottle of Centaurian brandy dated 2270. It had cost him quite a few bars of latinum, but a small price to pay for having avoided the brig. If Zane were to be called again to 'bail' anyone out, the brig would no doubt become his new assignment.
Tarrant and Loren left for their separate ways, and a very sore J.C. went to catch the next lift to sickbay. The Marine MP's down on Cait had left their 'impressions' on the trio, but J.C. have infuriated the Marine Master Sergeant, and had the respective black-and-blue marks to show for it.
The lift deposited the CSO onto deck 9, and as he made his way through the corridors, greeted the various Medstaff, who by now most had become accustomed to seeing the Security Chief after shore leave. Stepping into the main sickbay room, J.C. noticed Dr. T'del tending to another patient. *Perhaps I'll come back later,* He turned to leave, when the form of the LMH and temporary CMO materialized in the entranceway before him.
"Please state the nature of the emergency," the slender hologram with a Britt accent said blankly.
"We'll, there IS no emergency..." started J.C.
"Very well," replied the LMH, and began to fade.
"Wait!" shouted J.C. "I need a doctor." The holo-CMO returned in full resolution.
"Then there is an emergency?" asked the HCMO.
"I have a few scrapes and bruises I need tended to," said J.C., brushing his hand over his black eye.
"All emergency use and activities of the LMH are recorded in both the Ship's and Medical Division logs." said the HCMO. "All other medical services may be performed by current Medical staff." J.C. winced slightly. He had wanted to avoid any mention of this in the logs, remembering the grueling hour he had spent on the receiving end of Mr. Maril's infamous lectures. This guy was getting on J.C.'s nerves, and suddenly he found himself missing Glin'khar's rough bedside manner. T'del finished with his patient and strode over to inquire J.C. predicament.
"Back from shore leave again, Lt. Allard?" asked the ACMO. T'del reached for his tricorder from his with jacket pocket and began reading J.C.
"Yes Sir. I haven't had much luck with THIS." J.C. gestured to the LMH Doctor. T'del turned to the LMH,
"End program." ordered the aCMO. "I may have been replaced by a hologram as temporary CMO, but how many people in the 'fleet can 'turn off' their Department Heads?" the two shared a laugh as T'del tended to J.C.'s scrapes and black eye.
[SNIP] -1.1420 Deck 15 - Security Office
J.C. shoved the mountainous stack of report PADDs away from him. Closing his eyes, the CSO eagerly wished them into nothingness. Moments later, he reopened his eyes and released a hearty sigh as the stack remained as unmoved a great boulder on top of his desk. *If I start now and finish them now,* thought J.C. *I won't have to spend the entire next mission buried in reports.*
He sifted and sorted through the PADDs, arranging them on order of priority... Armoury inventory, squad reviews, shift logs, duty logs, and Starfleet wants a report on the MK-VI sidearm emitter upgrade last month! *I never realized how valuable as efficient Department Assistant can be.* gone only three days, and already J.C. missed his friend and ACSO Alex Tamarov.
[SNIP] -1.1730
Slumped over his desk, head quite uncomfortably resting on his console, Captain Justin Christopher Michael Allard dreamed wonderful dreams of a life that for now was only just a dream. And as dreams go, it was shattered at the blaring sound of the comm signal tweedle-beeping in his ear. Reality seized J.C. from the world of imagination and plunged him back into the real world.
"Transporter room 2 to Lt. Allard." Reality, such as it was at that moment, returned slowly and the fuzziness began to clear. J.C.'s hand tenderly rubbed his sore neck, the price he paid for sleeping on his desk. His other hand somehow found the comm toggle on his console,
"Allard here." he mumbled.
"CPO Tenre reporting, Sir." said the Transporter Chief. "I have a new transfer officer from Epsilon for you Sir. Probably the last one." added Tenre. With EPSILON closing down... suddenly the words sunk in...
"AN OFFICER??" J.C. spoke quietly. When they had put into port, J.C. filed his request for a new ACSO after Alex Tamarov departed. He had not expected a replacement until they returned next time around, let alone another commissioned officer. J.C. didn't realize he had spoken aloud until Tenre replied,
"Yes Sir. Orders are verified. Shall I send him to the QM or directly to you, Sir?" inquired Tenre. J.C. considered, *when I took over this department I had six squads of NCO's and enlisted people... now I get another officer! Things ARE looking up.*
"Mr. Tenre, send him to the QM to get settled in." J.C. paused and flipped over his wrist to glance at his chrono... "Have him report to me at 1900 hrs," ordered J.C.
"Aye aye, Sir. Tenre out." The caller clicked quiet and J.C. mind though of SCPO Alex Tamarov, who by now should be almost to Starbase ALPHA where he would begin his Officer's Candidate Shcool sometime next week. His former ACSO and friend left behind his silver and black SCPO pips, and would in two years would emerge sporting a gleaming new Ensigns pip. *It will be hard breaking in a new department assistant. I'll have to try no to judge the new fellow against his predecessor...*
[SNIP] -1.1858
The door to J.C.'s office tweedle-beeped. J.C. checked the time, and knew it must be the new transfer. Unconsciously, he straightened his uniform, and then laughed to himself as he became aware of what he was doing. *I'm acting like a green Academy graduate reporting to Old Man Crowell,* though J.C. *Relax J.C., you're on the OTHER side of the desk for once.*
"Enter," ordered J.C. He tried to apply a gruff, somber scowl resplendent of their own CINCSILVER Bear, half-heartedly succeeding. The door slid open to emit the FEYNMAN's new ACSO. Perhaps a few cm. taller than J.C., the lean fair haired Ensign bounded in and came to attention, his Academy freshness overwhelming. *I was NEVER like this.* Crisp and almost gleaming, if one's appearance could be regarded as such.
The newcomer stole a short glance at his commander, but shot his look straight forward as their eyes met.
"Sair! Ensign Rory T. Heywood reportin' per me orders, Sair." His accent, from one of the area in the British Union, the exact dialect J.C. wasn't sure of. His words were spoken softly, yet forcefully. Combined with the accent, reminded J.C. of one of his Academy instructor's.
"Stand easy, Mr. Heywood." said J.C. "I'm Lt. J.C. Allard, Chief Security Officer." J.C. stood and offered his hand, which Rory shook with a warm but tight grip. "Welcome aboard the FEYNMAN" said J.C. as he sat back down again. Rory relaxed and proffed his orders PADD which J.C. retrieved and inspected. *Signed by CDOR Steele? Who the hell.. J.C. wondered where the 'Bear' had wandered off too.*
"Thank ye, Sair. It's quite good ta be here finally. Thot station over there's a bloody whirlwind of chaos, Sair." J.C. laughed, picturing the Ensign caught in the middle of EPSILON's evacuation. He skimmed over Heywood's service record briefly. Excellent grades, just missed honours by a few points (they had something in common already). Top-rated marksman, *have to set him up against Loren* Hmm, commendation for original thinking while at ALB... by Commander Novodan!
"Mr. Heywood, I see Cdr. Novodan thinks highly of you. He was one of my favourite Instructors, also." said J.C.
"Aye, my squad learned a lot more than sittin hours on end listing to the ramblins of some yuppie..." Rory caught himself, unsure if he was being too outspoken with his new CO.
"Forgive my outburst, Sair." J.C. waved it away,
"I understand, Mr. Heywood. Everyone has instructors who put them to sleep." J.C. flipped to the personal background section of his record.
"You're from Wexford, Ireland?" asked J.C.
"Aye. Me Da's been a Jerrie there all my life, and mom's a teacher at a school down in Cromwell." said Rory. Everything looked well, scores, comments, psyche evals. J.C. closed the file, and returned the PADD to Rory. Reaching over to his console, J.C. called up his log and entered in Rory's orders, officially making him part of the FEYNMAN crew and his security staff. J.C. stood,
"Ensign, feel free to familiarize yourself..." he stopped, as an idea came into his head.
"Actually, I have a little project, if you're interested." said J.C. Rory's eyes widened a bit, not expecting his first assignment so soon.
"Very good, Sair! Where do we start?" Rory was all excited, * I know I was never THAT green,* thought J.C.
"Easy, Mr. Heywood." J.C. patted the ACSO's shoulder and turned him as they walked out of J.C. office and the Security section. "First you stop and change into your duty uniform, then meet me on holodeck 2." said J.C.
"Holodeck 2, sair?" asked Rory, but his fresh Academy discipline kicked in promptly,
"Sorry Lt., orders received and understood, Sair." J.C. chuckled a bit,
"Mr. Heywood, I'm you CO, not your barracks Sergeant. Ship duty is not nearly as gruelling as Academy life. Go change and report to holodeck 2" J.C. paused, considering how much further to go. *let him discover the in and outs of FEYNMAN life on his own, like I did,* decided J.C.
"We have a tradition aboard the FEYNMAN, and considering your background, you'll be perfect to help me." said J.C. This was going to work great...
"Aye aye, Sair. I've even got a few ideas for the watch roster and patrol coverage." J.C. nodded,
"Um, o.k. We'll go over them later." Rory bounded off. *We'll, MAYBE this will work great.* and headed off to holodeck 2.
Mike Dailey
* NRPG *
Greeting all. Meet my new ACSO. Actually you'll meet him at the briefing, yes I know we usually don't bring our Department head assistants, but there's a first time for everything! Forgive the post (and me<G>)for being a bit long, but I had a lot I wanted to get out. And actually, this os only part 1! Stay tuned for more, don't touch that dial....
Mike Dailey
= Lt., j.g. J.C.M. Allard CSO USS FEYNMAN Alt.Starfleet.RPG =
+ Lt. [Dr.] D'doj Zzawj Ckorji - UNASSIGNED SILVER FLEET +
= Lcdr. Jordon Kabreigny CNS USS BURKE GREEN FLEET =
+ Lcdr. Ion Steiner L.C. SFDITF TEAM ALPHA-1 SFDITF +
= Capt. Johan Bauer COMSFDITF "All I ask is a tall ship..." =
USS FEYNMAN: New Faces, New Places PART 2
by Michael "Mike" Dailey 5-14-1997
SD: 90511.1930
MD: 0.0700
SCENE: J.C.'s quarters - Deck 5
<Ship's time is 0700 hrs.>
The computer's voice thundered throughout the CSO's quarters, instantly awakening him from more vivid and pleasant dreams. J.C. and the new aCSO had been up until 1 am in the holodeck control room going over ever single detail of the program, sometimes twice. Holodeck programming was not J.C.'s best venture in his Academy days, as old Commander Hobson had constantly nagged him when he botched a perspective matrix or jumbled a imaging subroutine. These days, sidearm qualifications and tactical drills for his troops were the main programs he ran, and those seldom needed changing. Luckily J.C.'s creativity combined with Rory's fresh knowledge from the Academy (who also studied Holoprogramming under Hobson) made the job far less difficult than J.C. had expected.
J.C. bounded from his bed, despite having only 6 hours sleep. Following a quick jump in the shower, J.C. went over to the materials replicator and keyed in the program from the ship's library, the same program he sent to all of the replicators in the senior officers quarters. Slowly his 'new' uniform fizzled into being, including all of the proper accessories. Grabbing the handfull of things, J.C. excitedly changed into the gear, then tried the look in the bedroom mirror, checking to see each piece was perfect, in it's proper place and not missing anything.
The calf-high black boots were shined to a mirror's perfection, not a dull spot on them. The soft cotton breeches were only slightly less comfortable than standard fleet pants. J.C. stretched his arms, the fit of the white long sleeved dress shirt was a perfect fit, not near as tight around the neck as a standard fleet dress uniform. The black leather belt strap fit naturally around his left shoulder, and J.C. slid it into place so that the golden engraved crest of the Royal Navy attached to the center of the belt was square in the middle of his torso. Next he picked up the dark blue frock with white striping running along the lapel. The shoulders had but one braid, as the sleeve cuffs were encircled with one strip each. The overcoat was heavy, but a necessary for protection from the elements of the high seas and mother natures wrath. The matching hat fit snugly upon his head, also trimmed in white striping, with the crest matching that on his belt strap. The finishing touch, J.C. picked up his officers' sword and clasp it to the snap on the belt strap. He drew the sword, inspecting the edge, sharp as that of a second Leftenant some seven centuries past. Satisfied to the uniforms perfection, J.C. turned to leave but caught hismelf. He stopped by the console on his desk and typed a quick note.
TO: Senior Staff
From: Ltjg. J.C. Allard
RE: Briefing
By order of the Captain, the briefing will be held at 0800 in holodeck 2. Use program #JCA-0160 to obtain the proper 'uniform' from your material replicator. Also, there will be a scroll outside of the holodeck for each of you. These scrolls contain your orders. Please present these to the Port Captain, as you will not be allowed aboard without them.
Ltjg. J.C. Allard, CSO
J.C. stabbed the send key, and retrieved the scrolls from ontop his desk. They had taken almost an hour to perfect, but it was well worth it.
"Sair, I was at Portsmouth just over a year ago for me leave. Da took me older brother and meself down for a few days." Rory swept the view with his hand,
"It was NOTHING like this." *Well, if we can please a green Ensign...
= Lt., j.g. J.C.M. Allard CSO USS FEYNMAN Alt.Starfleet.RPG =
+ Lt. [Dr.] D'doj Zzawj Ckorji - UNASSIGNED SILVER FLEET +
= Lcdr. Jordon Kabreigny CNS USS BURKE GREEN FLEET =
+ Lcdr. Ion Steiner L.C. SFDITF TEAM ALPHA-1 SFDITF +
= Capt. Johan Bauer COMSFDITF "All I ask is a tall ship..." =
by Michael "Mike" Dailey 5-14-1997
SD: 90514.2230
MD: -1.0730
SCENE: Holodeck 2
J.C. and Rory paused outside of the Holodeck, admiring each others new uniform.
"Sair, I believe you're the likeness o' his Lordship Admiral Nelson himself!" Heywood beamed with a smile.
"Thanks for the compliment." said J.C. He noticed Rory's hat a bit crooked, and reached over to adjust it. "There you are, fit for a Flagship!"
"Very good, Sair." replied the aCSO. Picking two scrolls out from his pile, J.C. lay the remaining ones carefully beside the holodeck doors. Handing one to Rory, they both opened them...
On this date of 22 December 1787, by the Grace of His Majesty,
King George III, and by the order of the Lords of the Admiralty,
you are hereby ordered to take proper post upon the maiden voyage
of the Royal Navy Frigate, H.M.S. FEYNMAN.
The FEYNMAN shall proceed will all do course and speed around the
Channel and up to Southampton. Once ported there, you will surrender
the ship to the permanent crew.
Present these sailing orders to the Port Captain at Portsmouth harbour.
Once acknowledged, the Port Captain will see you transport to your vessel.
Good luck on your journey
and godspeed.
Sir Josehp O. Banks,
Adjutant and Advisor
Lords of the Admiralty
"Looks quite authentic, Sir." said Rory as he rolled his up and tucked it inside of his jacket.
"Well, shall we?" said J.C. It wasn't really a question... he was bursting with anticipation and excitement. *Now I DO feel like a giddy raw Cadet, but I love it!* Tapping the panel, the doors clanked open to a cobblestone street somewhere in downtown Portsmouth, only shy of seven hundred years past. They moved forward to allow the doors to clank shut behind them, forming the image of the road leading off to the horizon. The harbour's business day was just beginning to stir, with peddlers and shoppers popping about in shops and stands.
"Sair, I was at Portsmouth just over a year ago for me leave. Da took me older brother and meself down for a few days." Rory swept the view with his hand,
"It was NOTHING like this." *Well, if we can please a green Ensign, thought J.C. A light snow was falling, a few flakes landed on their jackets. After a few seconds, they melted away like real snow. J.C. hated cold weather, so they included the snow in an imaging subroutine (with Rory's help) independent of the temperature settings.
Passing down the street along several vendors of fresh foodstuffs, they passed a hotel. A frisky blonde 'night' employee came out. As soon as she seen the two Naval officers, she approached with a wry grin.
"Well lookit what we've got here... Two Admirals goin out ta see. Ya need a little fun 'fore ya cast off?" She started pawing the CSO. J.C. cast a sharp look at Rory.
"I KNOW I didn't put HER in." said J.C. The 'Great Caitian Expedition was enough for a while. Rory turned a bit white, unsure of the potential wrath of his new CO.
"VERY sorry, Sair. I thought enjoy a bit of horseplay..." *Now, he couldn't have known about Cait. Don't be too hard on him.* He decided to play along, to a point. J.C. turned to the mistress,
"Not now, Lady. We're in a bit of a rush. Perhaps later." They walked on, stopping only once more as they passed a bakery, from which the most delectable aromas seemed to draw them in, mouth watering before they even hit the doorway. Ten minutes and two oversized pastries (each) later, they emerged and headed for the docks.
A short distance from the bakery, the cobblestone road curved sharply, allowing the harbour to come into full view. Both men stood there in awe. Portsmouth traffic was as busy, if not moreso than any modern-day STARBASE. The amount of traffic was by far the only similarity. Frigates, sloops, Ship-of-the-Line and all sorts of others about either loading, unloading, just coming in, or preparing to leave. The snow had begun to come down a bit heavier now, and they picked up their pace towards small building that housed the Port Captain. Light shone through the windows, as small puffs of smoke climbed up from the rooftop chimney.
Approaching the door, J.C. reached out and rapped a few quick times, then twisted the knob. Two midshipmen, barley into their teens, vaulted to their feet. A grim older figure clad in a Captain's dress sat in front of the minute fireplace. *Nice effect, even without the cold temperature,* thought J.C.
"Eh? What have we here?" the older fellow slowly rose to the newcomers. Rory looked to J.C., who grinned and nodded. He came to attention, not quite as smartly as the Middies had done.
"Captain, Second Leftenant Allard and Ensign Heywood reporting for duty." J.C. tried his best Brit. accent, but failed at Rory rolling his eyes and snickering.
"Oh, you are, are you?" said the P.C. "I'm Port Captain Gritham, and where are your ORDERS!" Each presented his orders scroll, to which he glanced over them and tossed upon an pile on his desk. The Middies sat back down.
"Blast their Lordships! The fool Admiralty assign a crew ta' a jolly-run like this! Makes no sense, and causes more work!" He scowled at the FEYNMAN men, trying to read them.
"Hrmf. More work for a man who's given his life for King and Country, and 'gently been beached 'cause he's been one too many sailing's. Blast the Navy!" Obviously the result of someone who had too many years or connections to retire, but to old to command a ship. So the Admiralty had given him an 'honourable' light duty.
"They're Lordships can take this post..."
"Beggin' the Cap'ns pardon," said Rory. "Shouldn't we be getting on to our ship?" Gritham took a long sigh,
"Aye. That you should. Me regrets for blowin' up at the lot of you like a French twenty-pounder." He gestured towards the door, they moved to leave, all except the Midshipmen. Rory nodded at them,
"What about them?"
"Oh, they're MY addition." J.C. grinned. "They're the PERSONAL escort for the Captain."
"Uh, is it too late to ask for a transfer, Mr. Allard." J.C. laughed, and propelled Rory out of the door behind Captain Gritham. The wound their way around the docks and came to a row of small boats. The climber in, and Gritham whistled to two seamen for rowing duty.
"It's a maze for someone to get to a ship." said J.C. The seamen started off rowing towards a group of ships.
"Is that one ours," asked Rory. No one could make out the names on the hulls, they were still too far out, and the snow was still getting worse.
"Lad," said Gritham. "That's the Flagship of the North Fleet!"
"Oh... how about that smaller one?" he tried again.
"Naw. That's the BOUNTY. She's leaving tomorrow for Tahiti." Captain Gritham looked displaced. "What I wouldn't give to change places with that grouse that's a takin her helm! A boot licker that served as Cook's lackey! But then we each have our tales..." he trailed off, searching the ships. As they came around the flagship, he pointed.
"There's your lady, boys!" the oarsmen rowed them closer, and slowly the hull became visible...
H.M.S. FEYNAMN. They could hear the seamen and petty officer hollering orders,
"Get those bloody topsills' and headsils' wrapped up 'fore the Capn' get here or you'll wind up overboard!"
"There ya' be. She's a good ship. Treat he well for your short trip." Gritham had changed from the sour old salt to a kinder fatherly figure. The gig came about to the side ladder, and J.C. grabbed for the ropes.
"Hold on there," said Gritham. He extended his hand with two scrolls, one for each. "Here's you a copy of the roster. Penned them myself, even though it took all night."
"Thank you very much, Captain Gritham." said J.C., taking the scroll. Rory echoed his comments to the P.C., and did likewise. This scroll was even more beautifully done than J.C.'s imitation.
Ship's Company for the Maiden Voyage
of His Majesty's Ship FEYNMAN
Zane - Commander
Maril - Ship's Master
Jenn - Master's Mate
Jerran - Navigator
Koreth - Carpenter
Allard - Master-at-Arms
Heywood - Master-at-Arms Mate
Meleah - Royal Scientific Advisor, Associate Dean at Oxford
Mackrenseklar - Ship's Surgeon
Landers - Adjutant to the Lordships of the Admiralty (Captain's Advisor)
Durensten - Captains Steward
Sir Azariah Nicholas, Lord High Admiral of the SILVER (North) Fleet
They rolled the documents back up, and bid farewell to Gritham as they climbed the rope ladder up the FEYNMAN.
"I better be gitten back," said the P.C. "By now some more o your crew migh be there..." J.C. and Rory landed on the deck as the Boatswain piped them aboard.
"When the Captain's gig comes about, call all hands on deck" ordered J.C.
"Very good, Sir." said the Boatswain. *I can't wait!*, grinned J.C., as he shook some snow off his jacket...
Mike Dailey
* NRPG *
Hope everyone enjoys the trip back to Merry old England, circa 1787!!! I've been wanting to do this for quite some time, and am a history buff of the time period... a bit of the Horatio Hornblower in me! <SBG>
= Lt., j.g. J.C.M. Allard CSO USS FEYNMAN Alt.Starfleet.RPG =
+ Lt. [Dr.] D'doj Zzawj Ckorji - UNASSIGNED SILVER FLEET +
= Lcdr. Jordon Kabreigny CNS USS BURKE GREEN FLEET =
+ Lcdr. Ion Steiner L.C. SFDITF TEAM ALPHA-1 SFDITF +
= Capt. Johan Bauer COMSFDITF "All I ask is a tall ship..." =
USS FEYNMAN: Take A Tart To Sea?
by Kristen Gant 5-15-1997
Stardate: 90515.1224
Scene: Holodeck 2
MD: 1.0800
Krysa walked down the corridor to the holodeck, pulling uncomfortably on the awkward fit of the trousers for this mission briefing. While she had to admit it did look quite dashing, the computer had failed to adjust accurately for the slightly altered shape of the FEYNMAN's OPS officer. Krysa simply did not have the narrow hips for which the uniform was originally intended.
She was grateful that the shirt was blousy, and therefore not constrictive across her front. Even the over coat seemed to fit better then the trousers, despite the fact that Krysa did not have the flat chest normally associated with British naval officers.
She had tied her hair back in a single pony tail, and put on the hat as a finishing touch. She wasn't sure she looked the part, but figured it would suffice.
She picked up a scroll set just outside the doors, quickly scanned it and stepped onto the holodeck..
The busy cobblestone road was slightly wet from the light snowfall. But the dampness of the day did not stop any of the daily tasks. Krysa pulled her shoulders back and tried to walk with the dignity that any Naval officer would as she headed down the street toward the dock.
Krysa spotted a rather colorful woman looking her up and down. Interesting garb, Krysa thought. The woman took note of Krysa's glance and laughed, "Ain't never tried it that a 'fore, but can't be any worse then the t'other."
Krysa blushed slightly as she realized what the woman was talking about. Then she smiled back as an idea hit her. She headed over to the woman, "How'd you like to make a deal?"
"What's ya got in mind?" the woman asked eyeing her warily.
"Come with me," Krysa grinned, grabbing the woman's hand and pulling her into the building.
Fifteen minutes later Krysa stepped out of the inn; the shiny black boots and feathered hat gone, replaced by lace stockings and a black mole just over the left side of her upper lip. Her woolen, navy blue jacket, and awkward fitting trousers replaced by a tight corset and cotton skirts, tucked into her belt on one side, just enough to show her knee and the top of one off white stocking.
This wasn't a comfortable costume either.. but it was definitely more fun! She turned to see the blonde harlot oohing with her friends over the shiny buttons and gold cording of Krysa's Naval uniform. Smiling she tucked the scroll into the front of her bodice and sauntered merrily on down the cobblestone street to the Port Captain's office.
She rapped lightly on the door and smiled wickedly when the door opened.
Two young men gawked at her and nearly fell backwards as she moved toward them, "S... sir .." One of them finally spit out.
The older Port Captain turned to look at his newest 'guest'. He grinned devilishly as he looked her over. "My, my, what do we have here?"
"I've come to catch a ride over to that handsome new boat you have out there," she said teasingly. Then reached for the scroll and pulled it slowly out. She winked at the man as she handed it over, "If that's all right with you, that is."
He took the scroll, his eyes focused on his former hiding place. Unwrapping it he quickly read through it before looking back up at her. "It's a shame to send you over to those scrappers. Wouldn't you rather have a little party here with me?"
Just then there was another rap at the door, and Krysa grinned, figuring it was likely the next one of her crewmates. She watched as the door opened, then turned to the Port Captain and chuckled cheekily at him, "Now I wouldn't mind .. but *he* might .."
She turned to see the next FEYNMAN crewmember ..
Lt.Cmdr. Krysa Jenn
NRPG: So who gets to take a consort on the HMS FEYNMAN with him...
USS FEYNMAN: Surprise!
by Andrew Catterick 5-15-1997
Scene:Zane's Quarters
Captain Zane looked into the mirror with great satisfaction. He knew when he saw the uniform sitting on the replicator pad he would enjoy wearing it. But now as he stood meticulously scrutinizing every square centimeter of the naval dress he decided that this was an item he would keep for later use. His anticipation for the holodeck was growing by the second. Sheathing his dress sword he retrieved his hat from the table and place it under his arm. With a brisk stride he was off.
As he stepped into 1787 Britain the first thing he noticed was the smell. It was terrible. And in seconds he found out why. All along the street windows were being opened and shutters thrown out as the citizens of Portsmouth were dropping their refuse into the gutters below. Fortunately the holodeck doors had deposited Zane in the middle of the cobblestone street and he decided without much effort that he would not stray any closer to the sides. Seeing the harbour off to the south he placed his hat on his head and began to follow the winding road.
As he walked along the road he tried to take in as much as he could but his attention was soon drawn to six burly marines plowing their way up the street. Each of them carried a small truncheon and to the rear a horse and cart followed by an older, meaner looking man. As soon as the morning’s passerby saw them they began to scurry in all directions. For a moment the captain was confused at what he was seeing but it quickly dawned on him when two young men were unfortunate enough to exit a store and walk right into the middle of the burly marines. A few words were spoken, a brief struggle ensued and suddenly both men had gone limp and were being ‘helped’ into the wagon. Two more volunteers for the Royal Navy.
"You there." Zane called out to a scruffy young lad as he neared the harbour.
"Wot me?" The urchin replied as he sauntered confidently over to Zane.
"Yes boy. Where is the Port Captains office?"
"Wot’s it wirth ta ya?" The boy challenged.
Zane felt around in the pockets of his overcoat. He found a small change purse and pulled it out. Plucking out one of the larger coins he held it for the boy to see before tossing it to him. The look of astonishment on the lads face revealed the fact that the coin was of a fairly large denomination.
"Cor!" The boy exclaimed. "I’ll takes ya there meself." And with an air of guide heading out into darkest Africa the boy set off.
"Right in their guv." The boy pointed at a rather ramshackle cabin and with a grin scurried off.
The port captain was busily downed his third glass of brandy as Zane walked through the door. Seeing him Gritham capped the bottle and put it back on his shelf while he muttered something about woman and seamen not mixing. Zane wondered what that meant but decided to ignore it.
"Well now, you must be Commander Zane, captain of His Majesty’s Ship FEYNMAN, the flagship no less."
"No less." Zane replied holding out the scroll. "My orders sir."
Gritham gave them a cursory glance. "Yes, yes. All in order. You will find your ship in berth seven. It is fully crewed. All you be waiting on is the rest of your officers and of course the admiral."
"Of course." Zane replied wondering what exactly had the captain so preoccupied.
"Well then be off with you!"
The bosun’s whistle rang out as Zane was piped aboard. Allard was waiting there but his attention was focused on something aft. Zane turned to see what the attraction was and realized just what Gritham’s whispered comment had meant. "Very realistic having a working girl see the ship off lieutenant, excuse me, leftenent, but its very unlikely that she’d be let aboard."
For a moment there was silence as Allard weighed the options of just how he should answer that when a whistle from above broke his thoughts and he noticed the leering holomen up in the rigging. "You lot!" He screamed. "Get to work or I’ll have you all keel hauled!"
"Nice program leftenant." Zane said as headed in the same direction of the assumed holotart, Bat’s buffet.
"Well now." Bat said as Zane approached. "Its not like you to be early for a meeting. Computer malfunction and give you the wrong time?"
"Good morning to you Mr. Cabin boy. Nice outfit. So whats good today?"
Bat smiled wickedly. "How about a nice cup of grog." He handed the cup over and watched as Zane took a swig and in doing so noticed who the holowoman actually was and then tried his best not to spew it all over the deck. With supreme effort he managed to swallow it.
"Enjoy the grog." Bat replied as he calmly downed his own. "All true sailors love it." He added with a grin.
"Good morning captain." Krysa said with a playful smile. "Welcome to the meeting."
Before Zane could reply the bosun’s whistle rang out again. He turned to see who had joined them.
Ok as is his mission in life, Joseph sent out a post just as I sent my original thus voiding mine. For whatever reason my server hiccupped and some of you did not get it. For those of you who did…ignore it and go from this one.
Oh BTW, couldn’t resist tossing in one of my favourite Simpson’s lines
Andy-->Internet challenged!
-Captain Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-Commodore Robert Steele, Commanding TF ZINDERNEUF
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence, BLUE Fleet
by David Williams 5-16-1997
SD 90516.1709 CDT/2209 GMT
MD 1.0900
Scene: The cobblestone street...
Mary Mac was PISSED. The uniform provided by the computer was incredibly slim-fitting. She wondered if Allard had meant this as a practical joke. She would soon find out...
Mary had already killed 3 of the holocitizens for trying to "paw" her. Mary didn't even bother to keep her rapier sheathed. Mary was headed at full tilt towards the portmaster's office, when she was stopped by a harlot in a naval uniform.
"Don't I look pretty?" said the little tart, who was obviously suffering from advanced stages of syphilis.
Mary dropped into a mok'bara position and lopped the whore's head off and continued on her way..
Scene: Portmaster's Office
Mary had her rapier trained on the old man. The other two had already been cut down when they tried to cop a feel. The old man gave Mary her orders and said very little. He directed her to the launch. Mary thanked him and stepped into the dinghy and prepared herself for the ride out to the HMS FEYNMAN
Scene: On the deck of Her Majesty's Ship, FEYNMAN
Mary was the last to board the ship. She had fallen behind, deciding on whether or not she was going to wear the ridiculous (sic) costume that she had been given. By the time she had chosen it was 0830 hours. Mary spotted Kryssa, who had most likely been the one to change her uniform with that of the streetwalker. Just as Mary was going over to talk with Krysa and Meleah, she spotted Lt. Allard.
- Just the person I was looking for* Mary thought as she made a beeline
for his position, with an evil gleam in her eyes and a hand on her rapier...
All: I'm glad to be back on-line!! The last 72 hours have been a nightmare, but I think everything is back in order, and I have made arrangements so that the virus can never take control again. I read everyone's post, so I guess mine's the last one before we move on.....Sorry this one's soooo short, but things are a whirlwind right now!
Mike: Don't take Mary's thoughts too hard. She'll calm down after ya tell her it was not a joke. She *does not* like form-fitting clothing
- )!! I promise no violence will be brought down on Allard's head ;)
Also, this is just a nit-pick, but Mary goes by Mac and not Mackrenseklar. Mackrenseklar is reserved for the computer....
Respectfully submitted,
Ensign Mary Dana Mac(krenseklar), M.D.
CMO, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet
Ensign Henry Elias Jekyll, Ph.D.
David Williams
Sallisaw, Oklahoma, USA
"Just be yourself, don't hide... Just believe in destiny,
Don't care what people say, Just follow your own way,
Don't give up and use the chance, You'll return to innocence..."
--Enigma, "Return To Innocence"
-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet
USS FEYNMAN: The Doctor's Revenge <insert evil laugh>
by David Williams 5-17-1997
SD 90516.2117 CDT/0200 GMT (90517)
MD 1.0910
Scene: The deck of His Majesty's Ship, Feynman
Mary moved closer to the buffet table, where Lt. J.C. Allard stood. The murderous look on her face made Allard distinctly nervous, but he stood his ground. He noticed that the Doctor's body made the most lovely Risian girl look like swine. Mary reached towards the table, picked up a drink and drenched the Lieutenant with it. J.C. sputtered like a wet toaster, unable to fathom why the most lovely woman in the universe would throw a drink in his face, and he hadn't even said anything!
Mary grabbed one of the holodeck men, took his cloak, and pushed the poor hologram off the side of the ship. She pulled the cloak around her body and joined the lively discussion being put on by Krysa, Meleah, and Captain Zane.
Mary slid up next to Krysa, and soon the ops manager turned to her.
"Hello Doctor. Mary isn't it" Krysa said as she looked into the Orion's black eyes.
"Yes. I noticed the lively conversation and decided to join the group. I guess I'm not the only one who is made "uncomfortable" in this hideously misogynistic costume" Mary said as she pointed to Krysa's harlot trappings.
"Ah yes. I couldn't help it. J.C.'s costume was riding up on me and I said to myself 'what the hell' and grabbed that streetwalker. I hear she made a fool of herself, parading around in the naval garb." Krysa said as she took a sip of her drink.
"Well she won't have to worry about anymore. I ended her holographic life about 10 minutes ago. The only good thing about this naval costume is that the rapier is quite real" Mary said to her amazed audience.
<You guys pick up the conversation here>
All: I hope I haven't set the briefing ahead to far. I was rather belated in my posting. I apologize profusely for my miswritten "Her Majesty's Ship" earlier. I totally forgot that it wasn't Elizabeth II but King George III. Sorry! The "sputtering like a wet toaster" line is something I have always wanted to type. It's from G.I. Joe, a line that Cobra Commander say to Destro. Boy, no one could do camp like the good ole CC.
Andy, Melanie, & Kris: I'll turn this conversation over to you. My only advice is not to comment on the good doctor's uniform or she may have to reach for her rapier. <G> Sorry, Mike! ------
Respectfully submitted,
Ensign Mary Dana Mac(krenseklar), M.D.
CMO, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet
Ensign Henry Elias Jekyll, Ph.D.
David Williams
Sallisaw, Oklahoma, USA
"Just be yourself, don't hide... Just believe in destiny,
Don't care what people say, Just follow your own way,
Don't give up and use the chance, You'll return to innocence..."
--Enigma, "Return To Innocence"
-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet
USS FEYNMAN: Close Your Mouth, Dear
by Kristen Gant 5-17-1997
Stardate: 90517.1326
Jenn settled into a spot along the side of the boat next to Zane a smile still on her lips from the practical joke on the poor Mr. Heywood.
"You know you really shouldn't tease the crew like that," he grinned, "They might get the wrong idea."
"It made Allard happy. Besides it was kinda fun." She wiggled a bit pulling on the corset, "Well, at least now I know why the women were always in such a blooming hurry to get these things off!"
Zane nearly spit out the second mouthful of grog since arriving on the HMS FEYNMAN.
It wasn't long before they were approached by the green-skinned Orion CMO. She towered over the diminutive OPs officer by at least a foot. But Krysa was not easily intimidated.
>"Hello Doctor. Mary isn't it" Krysa said as she looked into the Orion's black eyes.
>"Yes. I noticed the lively conversation and decided to join the group. I guess I'm not the only one who is made "uncomfortable" in this hideously misogynist costume." Mary said as she pointed to Krysa's harlot trappings.
"Ah yes. I couldn't help it. J.C.'s costume just wasn't my style and I couldn't pass up the chance to have a little fun on our mission briefing. The young woman was more then happy with the trade. Though, I hear she made a fool of herself, parading around in the naval garb." Krysa said as she took a sip of her drink.
>"Well she won't have to worry about anymore. I ended her holographic life about 10 minutes ago. The only good thing about this naval costume is that the rapier is quite real" Mary said to her amazed audience.
Krysa's mouth dropped open and Zane thoughtfully pushed it closed for her. "Care for a cup of Grog?" He asked the newest FEYNMAN crewmember, diplomatically.
Regaining her composure Krysa smiled at the woman, "Well, she is only a hologram after all."
"Not fond of blood, Commander?" The CMO asked pointedly.
"Um," Krysa sputtered for a moment, a bit caught off guard by the woman, "Not really I suppose. Though I imagine as a Doctor, you get used to it." She smiled uncomfortably and looked at the Captain, "So where do you suppose Commander Maril is."
He grinned at her. Krysa was rarely off kilter, but this new CMO seemed to have done just that in only a short conversation. "He'll be alone soon, I'm sure. Look, here comes the Admiral."
Lt.Cmdr. Krysa Jenn
NRPG: Well, David, Mary seems to have surprised my Krysa :} I wouldn't
worry about it. I'm sure she can pull herself together :}
SB EPSILON: Silver Chains Weigh Anchor
by Mike Dawe 5-18-1997
SD: 90518
Azariah returned from the last ship briefing before the Defender left orbit with a twinge of regret and nostalgia. He had taken a shuttle, still wearing the hat he had worn during the briefing. Any jokes at his expence because of the replica of a 18th century Admirals hat was made well clear of his earshot. As the shuttle closed with the Defender he turned his gaze from the teardrop shape of his former command to once again examine his new one.
The Defender of Hoji sat there, a behemoth amongst the backdrop of the other starships. Mining ships and shuttles were gnats before it. The Feynman, a kitten before a sabertooth. Every angle and surface of the vessel spoke of violence and war. Small worker shuttles were still making repairs on the damage that the ship had sustained during the defence of the Kzin colony. They moved slowly across its surface, ants on the body of a juggernaut.
A gaping hole appeared on the underside of the ship and the shuttle swooped closer to be taken by a tractor beam and pulled into the lower shuttle bay. Off to one side there was still the remains of the medical triage that had been the first mission for the Defender. The shuttle was guided slowly to the base of the ampitheater and soon the Admiral was crossing the broad deck and climbing the stairs to the side elevators that would take him to his office.
The hat that had seemed foolish in the small shuttle somehow fit this larger than life environment and he had a sudden urge to wear the hat onto the bridge. He fought it successfully and dropped it off in his office before heading up to the bridge.
>"Admiral on the bridge!" an officer near the lift shouted. > >Everyone on the bridge of the DEFENDER snapped to attention, and a >hush fell over them. They stood and watched as Adm. Nicholas walked >to the rail at the upper level of the bridge. > >"Hmmf. If you people do that everytime I walk into a room around >here, we'll never get this ship ready for departure," he said. > >No one moved. Taara though that some of the younger officers weren't >even breathing. > >"As you were," the Adm. said with a wave of his hand. The barely >controlled chaos erupted again. > >Nicholas approached the pair, "Dr, Cmdr. I'm supposed to meet with >Capt. Circe." > >"She just left to meet you, Adm." Dark Blade said, "I think she went to >your office." > >"Damn. I thought we were meeting in her ready room. Well, at least I >know where my office is. I can't seem to find anything else on this >ship." > >Nicholas turned to walk away when Dr. Jarel said, "Admiral, you need >to make an appointment for your semi-annual physical." > >He paused, turned and said, "It's been 6 months already?" > >"Aye, sir." > >"I'll be in next week," he said and then he walked off grumbling >something about doctors.
He returned to his own office to find the captain there waiting for him while examining the hat that sat on his desk. He smiled and swept the hat to one side as he sat down and steepled his fingers. "I wanted to have a meeting with you now that we have got the ship ready to go. I wwant to set the ground rules for how things will operate. Where it comes to fleet matters, who docks and when, I and my staff must have the right of way. If it is day to day business then you have the call _unless I_ say otherwise. Is that acceptable to you?"
"I suppose I have little choice on that question, do I Admiral." It was more a statement of fact than a question.
"No I suppose you don't. But I wanted the rules out in the open. I'll try to keep off of your turf as much as possible so those damn junior officers don't go hoarse yelling 'Admiral on the bridge'."
Circe nodded. "I see we are headed for Zinderneuf. Transfer of command?"
He nodded. "I'll be handing over half the fleet to Bob Steele. Then we are going to take a position on a different side of the cloud, the outland side and be the base for deeper space explorations. While we are out there we will continue to try to figure each individual system on this boat as the knowledge will come in handy when we get our new base."
This was the first mention of any new base that the captain had heard. She leaned forward in anticipation of the news. He didn't dissapoint her as he explained how the Feynman had found a Husnock Moonbase deep in the nebula. It also had been the site of a ancient underwater civilization that could be closer examined by another ship at a later date.
"The Feynman is now trying for a first contact with a race that reportedly can move planets and moons. If they are successful we will engage them to bring the moon out of the nebula and into the new position."
"What are the other ships doing right now?" She asked, feeling that the world had been passing her by since the loss of the Elizabeth Blackwell.
"Let's see" he tapped a PADD and skimmed the contents as he answered. "The Andromeda is currently on a diplomatic mission to the CO's homeworld which the Romulans are trying to convince to change allegiances. With Klingons also trying for a little gunboat diplomacy in the neighborhood it looks to be a tense situation."
"Which is why you have your flagship there." Commented Circe.
"Exactly, it also doesn't hurt that the CO is of the right race to give us an inside track in the proceedings. The Bismarck is being used to ferry crew and equipment off of the Caitian station."
"That must irk the CO." Circe sympathised with a ship getting the ferry duty.
"Nope, I said the Bismarck is doing the run. The senior staff is currently elsewhere on a mission that I cannot go into detail on right now. They should be arriving on site soon but they are pretty well on communications blackout so I won't know how things are going until they are over."
Thsi was a different mission profile from the standard and Circe wish she knew more about it. Most missions were ship related, to assign a crew without a ship was not something done lightly or often.
"The Callisto is going on a little diplomatic errand" He continued casually. Too casually. Circe knew there was a lot more to that statement than met the eye but again she did not pry. She had seen the callisto loading and noted the abundance of a specific type of crew transferring aboard. Marines or ex-marines for the most part. And he had them doing diplomacy?
"The Endeavour is chasing a warp speed anomoly it spotted a while ago. We have lost a cruise ship and a scout vessel to the anomoly so far." He paused. "I hope I don't lose another ship. I cannot afford it."
She knew that wasn't meant to be a dig but it hurt just the same. In the space of a few months Silver had lost three ships and hers had been the third. It had crippled what had once been the single command in starfleet. "I know Lakotas reputation. They should be able to pull it off."
He nodded. "If anyone can." and left it at that. "As I already said, the Feynman is going out on a first contact mission in hopes of finding us some new tech. The Hawking, on the other hand."
She smiled. The greeting and hospitality the CO of the Hawking had shown them had been good. "Yes? Where are you sending them next?"
"It was almost to the Grey fleet." He grudgingly admitted. "Head office stole the CO out from under me and didn't approve the latest upgrades for the Hawkings systems. I'm scrambling to find a replacement CO . . . " he looked her in the eye. "It was almost you but I just got you settled here. Now if you want I can still make it happen but I have to know now."
Seriously David and Holly (even though you are not in the room) I can make
this happen but I need to know soonest.)
They discussed the topic for a space of time before the Admiral returned to the original topic as though nothing had changed or been said. "The Pearson is out on a mapping expedition but hasn't been keeping to her proposed schedule of call-ins. I wasn't a 100% comfortable with giving Wolfe command of a vessel in this region after the loss of the Bishop but he had all of the qualifications."
That one took a moment to digest. "You don't mean . . ."
"He won't back down and he has an axe to grind. A dangerous combination in this region given the current tensions. But he is a Starfleet officer and I trust him to do his duty." Any reservation the Admiral might have had vanished as he made his statement and Circe was reminded how much responsibility this one man carried. Not just one command but ten were his and all the souls that served in Silver. And he stood like an ancient oak under the pressure, refusing to bend or give an inch to it.
"Lastly there is the Regent." He chuckled.
"What is so funny?"
"I had two experts in from the Daystron institute to tell me that the mission that the Regent was going on was a total impossibility. As one put it . . . 'It would be more likely to make a Vulcan laught with a knock knock joke'. So I sent them along to watch. Last report I had was that the regent had just completed battle with a fighter group and a pair of Klingon Bird of Preys."
"You sent a Storm class ship on a combat mission? What kind of Pod were they carrying? Tactical weapons? Gattling phaser units?"
"No, no, and no. Thye are on a scientific mission and their auxilary Pod was 100% dedicated to the mission. Its just that Fife and Canon are one of those odd pairs that manage to get into _and out of_ trouble. I expect they'll complete the mission in spite of its being impossible due to a linguistic weakness on their parts."
"Linguistic weakness?"
"Neither of them is quite clear on what impossible means. Patch seams to think it means try harder and Fife is more of the 'switch to plan B' belief. 'Impossible' isn't in their vocabulary." he paused. "But it is in mine, and if I don't get to some paper work soon impossible will describe the tasks that pile up."
Circe took this as a cue to get up. "I appreciate the news Admiral. Sometimes you feel like the rest of the Universe stops while you are on a mission. Its nice to know what the neighbours are doing."
"Anytime Captain, anytime."
<<<nrpg>>> Roll call y'all. Ships staffing reports and rosters ASAP.
mike--->who wonders how some people manage to get by with 2k posts. Figures it must be the soil or the sun as his grow of their own accord.
Vice Admiral Azariah Nicholas CINCSILVER
Captain Christof Fife USS REGENT
Lt. Cmdr Eskat Eskat CNS USS HERMES
Lt James Cardiff FCO DEFENDER
Kytan Duandir XO HRSS St. Jude
USS FEYNMAN: And This Is Him In A Good Mood
by Mike Dawe 5-18-1997
SD: 90518
He looked down at the data chip that had been delivered attached to an ancient looking scroll with a mixture of trepidation and anticipation. Finally he unrolled the scroll and read the invitation that it contained. He then slotted the data into a reader and found it to contain a pattern for the replicator. Running the file up and appending his own measurements he soon found himself in possession of a small pile of clothes topped by a tricorn hat that, in and of itself, made a statement.
Slowly he pulled on the clothing . . . the breaches were too tight, the blouse far too loose. He tossed aside the sword that had been attached and strapped on his own crystal sword. The hat fit and, amazingly enough, did not feel unbalanced or liable to take flight at the first opportunity. He tapped his communicator and announced to his aide who was still trying to figure out how to make a corridor into an outer office that he would be away for a few hours, on the Feynman. He then switched over to the transporter chief and had himself beamed across to just outside of the holodeck mentioned on the invite. Stuffing the invite into his belt he entered the deck.
A more sensitive soul might have been slightly disgusted by the squalor that was the day to day life of ancient times. Azariah had done a lot of travelling and had experienced worse, first hand. While his hobby of collecting scents had not gone to the extent of collecting such odours as now assailed him he stepped out onto the street and, with a short sniff, turned and headed for the docks, following his nose.
Enroute he was first accosted by a pack of street urchins who eyed the cut of his uniform resplendent in braid and nudged each other before the bravest of them approached. "Would ya be wantin a guide ta the Por' Cap'ns office?"
The boy had underestimated the man, the clothes combined with the girth of the Vice-Admiral did little to slow him down as he closed the distance between them and scooped up the lad. "Hrrmf, now a fine Admiral I'd be to not know the way, wouldn't I now. But, you _will_ be coming with me."
"Not bloody likely. Put me down." The boy squirmed in the paw of the man that held him well off the ground. The other hand came around with the swiftness of a snake and tapped a pocket. Silver within rang a clear sound.
"No, lad. You've accepted the Kings silver and you _know_ what that means."
The little eyes went wide with fear. "Oy didn't. I ain't taken no . . . they tricked me. Honest sir, it was just a bit o' guiding, for the good of the city and the fleet. I wasn't out ta' join up."
"A sad tale, but one we will have to tell to the Port Captain. If he is short some posts you may be looking at a whole new career. Now I'm going to let you down slowly, try to run and I'll turn every swab in the fleet out after you as a man whos jumped ship. And you know what we do to them, don't you?"
"Oy won't run sir." Eyes wide with fear told that he probably wouldn't. Admiral Nicholas set him down and followed his new guide. The next encounter was briefer but had the boy laughing as they continued on. "Oy ain't never seen ole Nell so scared in all her life. Whots a yellow flag mean anyway?"
Azariah grinned. "Plague ship. She'll probably skin out of those clothes so fast they'll burn just from the speed of the passage."
"Plague sir?" Squeeked the lad.
"I lied, I do that. But I won't have people making a mockery of my fleet." Then he chuckled as he realized the incongruity of the statement coupled with the location and the uniform he was now wearing. "But this must be the place." They passed into the office and all present stood and saluted. He nodded and saluted back before addressing the Port Captain. "I have a young lad here who has taken the Silver. Would the fleet be looking for any Cabin Boys?" Over the frightened lads head he tipped the Captain a wink.
The Captain made a show of checking some papers and hemming and hawing before announcing that the Feynman already had a Cabin Boy (at this several sailors on the side snickered) and that perhaps the boy could report in at a later date. The lad took this as permission to leave and wasted no time doing so. The Port Captain laughed as the boy cleared the door heels flying up as he took the turn and the racing footsteps faded. He then turned back to Azariah and asked for his orders.
"My what?" The measured coldness of the reply was a tip.
"Your . . . orders?"
"I am an Admiral, whom would be cutting ME orders and why would I be presenting them to YOU?. Now I am to join the crew that has been stumbling through your doors this day and I plan to do so. You have a choice to make, get me over to that ship personally or join the lad who just left in flight from this mans navy. Do I make myself clear?"
Apparently he did for soon he was being rowed out to the waiting vessel. Once he assured himself of the stability of the ferry he stood at the prow and admired the lines of the ship he would soon be on. he cast a practiced eye at the skies and nodded to himself. This would be an interesteing briefing."
<<<nrpg>>> Okay, so I'm a bully.
tomorrow the briefing. you may post me aboard and set sail. But I will do the briefing after a short consult with an arch to make a few modifications for the sake of the briefing itself.
mike--->who had a day similar to this today
Vice Admiral Azariah Nicholas CINCSILVER
Captain Christof Fife USS REGENT
Lt. Cmdr Eskat Eskat CNS USS HERMES
Lt James Cardiff FCO DEFENDER
Kytan Duandir XO HRSS St. Jude
USS FEYNMAN: Briefing al fresco
by Mike Dawe 5-20-1997
SD: 90520
The wind had started to pick up as the Admiral stepped to the chart table and unrolled a specially prepared roll of what looked like parchment. When it was laid out and held down at each corner by either an officer who was handy or a weight of some sort he began by drawing a small blade from on sleeve and pointing down to the table.
"Hrrmf, here there be dragons." He declared in a melodramatic voice. The wind freshened even more and he frowned at the fact that the weather was beginning to upstage him. "Have us weigh anchor and get going. Once we are running with the wind I'll be less distracted by errant breezes."
"Aye Admiral." The officer stepped back and gave several sets of orders that, if all were followed would have sunk the ship in less than three minutes. Fortunately the safeties and the user friendly interface of the program were in full effect and the ship soon was picking up speed as she headed out to sea.
Once again back at the chart table they found the Admiral having a second cup of grog with Bat and arguing. "Now I wouldn't say that about him. It may be a broomstick but I wouldn't say its all the way up his . . . hmm? Ah yes. Well done, now back to the briefing. I wish to compliment you and your team with the good work you've done in finding a suitable facility. I think I am going to become very familiar with the Husnock before my tour ends."
A chuckle went around the table from those who had seen the Admirals new digs. "The only problem is I am not quite happy with the location."
"Repairs to the engines . . . " The CEO began only to be waved off.
"Would be far to costly and time consuming. No. I have an alternative plan." His dagger touched the map and it shifted to a briefing display screen showing a region of space. "On this outer edge of our known area lies a System known as Tango-India. The what used to be the fourth planet was little too cold for life and the third was too hot."
"What used to be? What happened?" Asked Maril.
"Karrest happened. A new planet arrived on the scene and slotted right into the life zone of the solar system. It was inhabited by an intelligent species we had heard rumours about but never found. It seems that they like to travel without leaving home so they take their world with them."
"Like the Fabrini?" Asked Meleah.
"No, they had a world that was, in truth, a starship. This starship is a world. Core, atmosphere, the whole ball of wax. They have developed a technology that allows them to move an entire planet with the equivalent of D-Warp. They spend so little time in transit that the planet seems to suffer no lasting effects. If they could do that for us . . . "
"Then they could move your moonbase for you." Zane finished.
"Correct, but we have yet to make formal contact with the inhabitants. They are reputed to be a peaceful species, fortunate given their skills. They have escaped several invasions and attacks simply by leaving as the approaching force arrives. You will be the first contact team as they obviously have the tech to warrant it. If successful then you may also enter negotiations into having them do our little move for us. Questions?"
"What do we have to offer a planet that can do what they do?" This came from the counsellor, who would be the most likely negotiator.
"Perhaps a map of vacant systems within the federation and permission to visit them?" The Admiral growled softly "I don't know, I haven't met them. That is why I am sending YOU. Find out what they have, what they need, see if we can get that. People this is a First Contact mission. I cannot give you much more information besides where to go. I don't even have a species description for them." He shrugged. "I expect you to come back with a lot more than I send you out with."
He pulled his dagger from the map and it changed back to a standard 18th century chart. "Now I'll leave you to finish your cruise but I have other ships to see to . . . "
"I'll call you an arch." Suggested J.C.
"No thank you, Mister Allard. I have arranged my own transport home." The Admiral stepped to the starboard side of the ship and whistled through his teeth. A moment passed and then a huge head broke the surface of the ocean. "Like the map says, 'here there be dragons'." With a wave the Admiral steeped off of the boat and onto the upper neck of the beast and it turned and carried him off into the snowstorm.
"I knew I should have kept an eye on him after I gave him access to the program." J.C. muttered.
<<<nrpg>>> And now the ball is in the capable hands of the Feynman once again
Go to it. Karrest is a take off of a very old sci-fantasy called the Witches of Karres but I do not expect you all to rush out and read it and copy its characters. I only stole what I needed . . . a name and the ability to move planets. From there it is up to y'all.
mike--->wondering what you'll do first. And I _had_ to make a grand exit
Vice Admiral Azariah Nicholas CINCSILVER
Captain Christof Fife USS REGENT
Lt. Cmdr Eskat Eskat CNS USS HERMES
Lt James Cardiff FCO DEFENDER
Kytan Duandir XO HRSS St. Jude
USS FEYNMAN: End and Beginning
by Andrew Catterick 5-22-1997
SD: 90522.1400
MD: 1.1000
Scene: Deck of HMS FEYNMAN, Holodeck 2
The assembled FEYNMAN officers watched with bemused smiles as the admiral whisked away on the back of the dragon. Unfortunately HMS FEYNMAN’s holocrew were not as amused. As a man they began to sink into a panic, so much so that two lost there footing and fell overboard. Fortunately Bat who had nominated himself chief came to their rescue and managed to calm them down. Mostly through intimidation and insult. The surprise over he set them to work, rescuing their crewmates.
"Well then," Zane continued. "Pretty straight forward. We head out into unexplored space, track down a race we have barely anything on, and try to convince them to give total strangers this unbelievable power. And to make it even better they have a history of being invaded so I’m sure will be very trusting of strangers. Did I miss anything?"
"Actually," Maril began thoughtfully, "we might be able to use that fear to both our advantage. Perhaps a suitable trade might be membership in the Federation. That would give them protection. They could even pick up their world and drop it into the middle of our space if they wanted to."
They all considered the idea. "That’s the best suggestion I can think of." Zane said. "Anyone else."
<<<Submit if ya got ‘um>>>
"Well Mr. Landers it looks like your about to embark on your first diplomatic mission."
"Yes sir!" Loren answered it had been quite a meeting for him. "I look forward to it."
"Good. We leave at 1200. Dismissed."
Someone called for the arch and they began to exit, each heading to attend to last minute duties. As they did Zane grabbed Kyrsa’s arm gently and pulled her closer. "I really think you should keep that outfit." He whispered.
Scene: Bridge
"Course laid in." Jerran announced as Zane entered the bridge from his ready-room.
"Very well." Zane answered as he lowered himself into his chair, the premission excitement welling up in him as it always did. "Mr. Allard signal the DEFENDER that we are leaving and send my compliments to the admiral."
"Aye sir." Allard replied. "SILVER OPS has cleared us for departure.
"Mr. Jerran, full impulse and then warp 7 when we pass the asteroid belt."
"Full impulse, aye."
And away we go….
We’ll arrive in the vicinity of Karrest on MD: 7.1400. But I don’t plan on Rping the whole way….feel free to throw out some filler or assorted character development etc.
Admin type stuff:
Back when the gateway to the newsgroup was in full swing one glance at the list made it look like it was the USS FEYNMAN newsgroup and some other people posted as well. That of course changed once that went down. I’d like to get that back. The eddress <> seems stable so if you are having any problems with the one you are using please try that one.
Please remember NRPG stuff is *not* to go to the newsgroup. I am probably the worst offender as I am notorious for replying to something at the end of a post and sending back to the group…watch for that one.
And since I’m in an anal retentive type mood please watch the headings to the newsgroup its USS FEYNMAN: not RE: USS FEYNMAN.
-Captain Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-Commodore Robert Steele, Commanding TF ZINDERNEUF
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence, BLUE Fleet
USS FEYNMAN: Stop Rocking the Boat.
by Jason Bostjancic 5-22-1997
SD: 90522
Scene: Holodeck 2 (HMS FEYNMAN)
The fact that he was just the ship's 'carpenter' left little for the engineer to do on the pristine ship. Once the meeting was effectively over, he set about playing out the scenario as the rest of the officers had chosen to do.
>Koreth seemed to take great interest in hauling sail lines, much to the
surprise of the holo-crew, who were not used to an Officer of His Majesty's
>Navy working beside Able-bodied seamen.
"An I tau't they was all jus blow 'ards wit fancy buttn's!" Shouted a particularly unshaven individual. The comment brought a round of laughter that was quickly silenced when Tarrant looked sternly at the man and placed his hand on his hilt.
"And *what* is that suppost to mean?"
The sailor now regretted his words, and tried desprately to appologize. But all that came out was stuttered nonsence.
Grabbing one of the rigs and holding it behind his back, Tarrant slowly walked towards the man who was now trying to backpedal. Suddenly in a blur, the man was wrapped up in rope and found himself hauled airborne up the secondary mast.
Looking wryly at the remaining crew Tarrant asked, "Anyone else have a comment to make about my buttons?"
Scene: Outside Holodeck 2
Time: MD 1.???? (after the meeting)
As the Feynman's officers headed through the arch, effectively stepping through time a few centuries, the ease of adjustment from 'sea' to 'land' legs varied among them. And among the worse was Lt.Cmdr Koreth.
Undaunted, he attempted to catch up with Cmdr Jenn who had a head start. With each step the partial klingon continued to compensate for the rocking motion that no longer existed. Needless to say he nearly bumped into everyone he tried to avoid. It also didn't help that many of them were distracted by the 'harlett' that passed them only moments before.
"Commander... Commander Jenn!"
The XO stopped and turned. "Yes, Commander?"
Trying with all his might not to lunge into her, Tarrant leaned up against the wall.
"Problems ?" asked Krysa with a hint of a smile.
"Please give me a moment." the CEO took a deep breath and straightened up a bit, "If at all possible, I need to have my sister and nephew assigned quarters for the duration of this mission."
An inquisitive look crossed her face, "Hmm, I remember seeing their clearence to come aboard, but I don't remember anything about an extended stay."
"My 'father' has managed to call in a few favors to ensure they'd be removed from Cait. Needless to say the order should be in before we leave."
..................... NRPG:
Krysa's response?
All, Feel free to play with the character of Tarrant's sister, Ferra. More than likely she'll spend most of her time in and or around 10-F, and maybe the sciences.
Character Info:
Her background is strong in archeology, divorced from a deadbeat I hinted towards earlier, and basicly trying to rebuild herself back to the spirited person she once was. Quite the contrast to her older brother.
Little Torin, well he's around four, and has spent the good portion of the last year living in caves with his mom. Needless to say, a starship holds many wonders. But, his facination with the little things is held in check with a bout of shyness. Again, the lack of interaction has taken its toll.
Both of these characters I developed a while ago for another project. I felt like trying to adapt them to ASR and see what may be.
USS FEYNMAN: Sailing Home...
by Michael "Mike" Dailey 5-22-1997
SD: 90522.1300
MD: -1.0800
SCENE: H.M.S. FEYNMAN - Quarterdeck
The CSO applied a congratulatory thump onto Loren back as he returned to his seat, sporting his new hollow pip which looked a tad bit strange upon the collar of his 18th century Ensigns uniform of His Majesty's Royal Navy. Rory Heywood, the new aCSO seemed dismayed, as the only equal he had met so far was now his superior officer. Loren however, was all aglow with excitement. He elbowed J.C. in the side,
"Guess you don't rate a 'Sir' any longer, huh?" teased the Counsellor.
"Just wait until your next sidearm qualification... I have this little scenario in mind" they quieted down as Sir Nicholas, Lord High Admiral of the SILVER continued with the lecture.
> "Perhaps a map of vacant systems within the federation and
> permission to visit them?" The Admiral growled softly "I don't know, I
> haven't met them. That is why I am sending YOU. Find out what they have,
> what they need, see if we can get that. People this is a First Contact
> mission. I cannot give you much more information besides where to go. I
> don't even have a species description for them." He shrugged. "I expect
> you to come back with a lot more than I send you out with."
*Another first contact*, though J.C. *Probably another Xanthandi or something creepy. Why can't we ever discover a people like the Vulcans, the Organians.* A smile came to his face, *...or the wonderful people from Edo. Their favorite pastime.... * The CSO shook the thought away, now wishing to become uncomfortable.
> He pulled his dagger from the map and it changed back to a standard
> 18th century chart. "Now I'll leave you to finish your cruise but I have
> other ships to see to . . . "
When the Admiral concluded and finished all questions, he indicated it was time to leave. J.C. piped up, as it never hurt to be kind to the Bear.
"Admiral, can I call for the Arch for you?" asked the CSO.
> "No thank you, Mister Allard. I have arrnaged my own transport
> home." The Admiral stepped to the starboard side of the ship and whistled
> through his teeth. A moment passed and then a huge head broke the surface
> of the ocean. "Like the map says, 'here there be dragons'." With a wave
> the Admiral steeped off of the boat and onto the upper neck of the beast and
> it turned and carried him off into the snowstorm.
> "I knew I should have kept an eye on him after I gave him access to
> the program." J.C. muttered.
All officers stood in at the very least, mild bewilderment. Before them, a huge creature rose from the English Chanel, emitting a low growl. Azizrah climbed upon its back, and patted its green scaley head, causing the growling to become much louder. * Was that thing purring? * Checking his chrono, J.C. walked up to Zane.
"Leftenant Allard reporting, Sir." Zane donned a broad grin, J.C. wondered if the Captain was beginning to like to Navy of seven centuries ago.
"Yes, Mr. Allard." said Zane.
"It's three bells until we make port at Southampton." J.C. peered up into the rigging at the ladder at the mainmast,
"It's a grand view coming into harbor. Would the Captain care to go aloft and see for himself?" Loren rolled his eyes... The Royal Science Advisor Meleah propelled J.C. forward a few steps,
"Lead the way, Leftenant!" J.C. audibly gulped.
"Go on, skipper! " nudged Commander Jenn playfully. Commander Terrel happily shouted orders to the crew, raising and lowering the topsails, headsails, and gallants, though not quite as skillfully as his counterpart of seven centuries past would have. Bat was enjoying himself ringing the Ship's bell, not quite every quarter hour, but closer to every few minutes.
Koreth seemed to take great interest in hauling sail lines, much to the surprise of the holo-crew, who were not used to an Officer of His Majesty's Navy working beside Able-bodied seamen.
Mike Dailey
******** * NRPG * ********
Just had to write one more before we really 'set sail'. Go on, Andy. Zane's not afraid of heights!!!???
A reminder I be on a mini-vacation until Monday night. Will probably have to stop at a Kinko's or something and get my e-mail, or suffer ASR-withdrawl!!!
To all of my friends on the FEYNMAN, have a fun and safe holiday weekend!
as always,
Mike Dailey
= Lt., j.g. J.C.M. Allard CSO USS FEYNMAN Alt.Starfleet.RPG =
+ Lt. [Dr.] D'doj Zzawj Ckorji - UNASSIGNED SILVER FLEET +
= Lcdr. Jordon Kabreigny CNS USS BURKE GREEN FLEET =
+ Lcdr. Ion Steiner L.C. SFDITF TEAM ALPHA-1 SFDITF +
= Capt. Johan Bauer COMSFDITF "All I ask is a tall ship..." =
by Melanie Pocknall 5-23-1997
SD: 90523.0247
Holodeck two, HMS FEYNMAN
> A chuckle went around the table from those who had seen the Admirals
>new digs. "The only problem is I am not quite happy with the location."
> "Repairs to the engines . . . " The CEO began only to be waved off.
> "Would be far to costly and time consuming. No. I have an
>alternative plan." His dagger touched the map and it shifted to a briefing
>display screen showing a region of space. "On this outer edge of our known
>area lies a System known as Tango-India. The what used to be the fourth
>planet was little too cold for life and the third was too hot."
> "What used to be? What happened?" Asked Maril.
> "Karrest happened. A new planet arrived on the scene and slotted
>right into the life zone of the solar system. It was inhabited by an
>intelligent species we had heard rumours about but never found. It seems
>that they like to travel without leaving home so they take their world with
"Like the Fabrini?" Asked Meleah as she leaned forward to take a better look, although her eyesight was perfect. It was an unconscious human habit she had picked up over her years in Starfleet.
> "No, they had a world that was, in truth, a starship. This starship
>is a world. Core, atmosphere, the whole ball of wax. They have developed a
>technology that allows them to move an entire planet with the equivalent of
>D-Warp. They spend so little time in transit that the planet seems to
>suffer no lasting effects. If they could do that for us . . . "
> He pulled his dagger from the map and it changed back to a standard
>18th century chart. "Now I'll leave you to finish your cruise but I have
>other ships to see to . . . "
> "I'll call you an arch." Suggested J.C.
> "No thank you, Mister Allard. I have arranged my own transport
>home." The Admiral stepped to the starboard side of the ship and whistled
>through his teeth. A moment passed and then a huge head broke the surface
>of the ocean. "Like the map says, 'here there be dragons'." With a wave
>the Admiral steeped off of the boat and onto the upper neck of the beast and
>it turned and carried him off into the snowstorm.
> "I knew I should have kept an eye on him after I gave him access to
>the program." J.C. muttered.
As the attention turned back to Zane, Meleah pondered the technology that would be involved in moving a planet. Certainly, human technology was nowhere near accomplishing such a thing so the ideas Meleah had to draw upon were limited. But to actually move a whole planet, presumably with cities on the surface, without suffering too much damage was almost unthinkable. Half her mind listened to what was going on while the other half worked on this problem.
>"Actually," Maril began thoughtfully, "we might be able to use that
>fear to both our advantage. Perhaps a suitable trade might be
>membership in the Federation. That would give them protection. They
>could even pick up their world and drop it into the middle of our space
>if they wanted to."
> They all considered the idea. "That’s the best suggestion I can think
>of." Zane said. "Anyone else."
Meleah spoke up next. She had been thinking that the damage done to the areas of space in which the planet came to rest would be difficult to measure. In leaving a region of space, a planet would make a small change in the density of that space which could ultimately lead to some adverse effects in the surrounding area. She said as much to Zane.
"How?" he asked.
"Over the past fifty years, there has been an increase in the research into hyperstrings. Hyperstrings make up the very fabric of space, and make our universe unique. However, they can be pushed out of shape by various events. Our ships passing through space doesn't have enough mass to disrupt the strings but a planet's mass would displace them. There is a theory that if a planet were to be destroyed, it would cause the strings to vibrate. This vibration would theoretically affect the orbit of planets and stars, which in turn would disrupt the natural environment of the planets. If any of the stars fell out of orbit into the path of a planet or a star, the effects would be catastrophic."
"But what does that have to do with the Karrest?" one of the officers asked.
"When Karrest arrives at a new place, it's density would hypothetically be enough to slightly alter the strings in that area of space. Depending on it's proximity to other planets, it could alter the gravity of neighbouring planets, which would be disasterous for any inhabitants. Because it has not been documented so far, it would be safe to assume that the Karrest have a way to determe precisely where each planet is in the system that they want to live in, so that they do not disrupt the natural state of things too much."
------ NRPG:
Finally, a scientific idea from me! I'll do something about exploring that theory later on.
Sincerely yours, Lt Meleah, Royal Scientific Advisor, HMS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet.
USS FEYNMAN: A Physical Sensation...
by David Williams 5-23-1997
SD: 90523.2155 CDT/0255 GMT (90524)
MD: 1.1015
Scene: Sickbay
After having made a brief stop to her quarters to change, Mary made her way into her office which was occupied at the moment with the presence of Dr. Dana Scully. Dana smiled as Mary entered the room. Mary let out a sigh and dropped into the chair in front of the CMO's desk.
"Can I get you something Dr. Mac? You don't look very well..." Dana trailed off.
"Yes, please. Berry Punch. I've had a long night and a grueling mission briefing. How are the staff physicals going?" Mary said and attempted a smile as Dana handed her a cold cup of Berry Punch.
"Physicals are going well. I've done 10 so far this morning. Ferra and Torin are scheduled for 1030. I thought you might like to do theirs personally, since they are V.I.P. guests and members of LCDR Koreth's family." Dana asked as she rumaged through pile of PADDs on the CMO's desk. She pulled out a datafile for Ferra and Torin, which she handed to Mary.
"1030? That will be fine. They are V.I.P. guests and I don't imagine in their last few months on Cait they received acceptable checkups. Would you get one of the nurses to set up exam 1 for a full physical. Thanks, Dana, and please, call me Mary." Mary said as she smiled at Dana.
Dana left the room, which gave Mary a few minutes to prepare herself before the arrival of Ferra and Torin.
Scene: Exam 1
Ferra was trying to get little Torin to set on the exam bed and not fuss, but was having a hard time. Nurse Caine finally bribed the youngster into sitting quietly with a piece of Bajoran Pull Candy. Ferra whispered a well-deserved thank you to Caine, as Samantha stepped back to allow Mary to continue her examination. Mary did a final sweep with her tricorder wand and correlated the data.
"He has a slight upper-respiratory infection. I'll replicate the medication. He should take this medication 3 times a day for 5 days and that should clear up the infection before it can become a larger problem. It seems to be a strain of the Caitan Hydrocephalic flu which is very common on Cait this time of the year." Mary finished as she stepped towards the repicator.
"Computer. Replicate pharmaceutical #4335-8769 Zeta for Patient #3-667932TK. Authorization Mackrenseklar Theta 2997 Blue." Mary said, reciting the number from memory.
The replicator emitted a small whine as a bottle of gel-encapsulated pills formed on the pad. Tornname and instructions for use were clearly marked on the side of the bottle in blue, Federation script.
Mary handed the bottle to Ferra, who was holding Torin in her arms. "That's all for today. I would like to see Torin in a week for a check-up. See you then." Mary said, smiling at Ferra.
"Thank you, Doctor. I'll see that Roin takes these. Maybe we can get together for a drink in the 10 forward sometime?" Ferra said.
"I would like that very much." Mary said.
"Have a nice day>" Ferra called out as she was leaving.
Mary sincerely doubted she was going to have a good day for some time to come...
All: This will be last post until Monday! Have a great weekend, I know I will! Mmmmmmmmm...Potato Salad... <insert Homer's drool here>.
Jason: I think we have a budding friendship between Ferra and Mary. One I plan on continuing, As things get uglier in Mary's dreams, she's going to need a confidante...
Andy: Thanks for being so prompt in your response to my request. Andrea's got it all lined up for me to be my one true love, an Engineer. My posting, if everything works out, will be DS12 in Blue Fleet. Hoorah!
Kristen: XO? Promotion or mutiny? ;) I was wondering if you plan on adding Bios to your wonderful Feynman homepage. I noticed Krysa's, but no one elses. Also, Oops! My character's rank and species seem to be missing... Just wanted to let you know.
Respectfully submitted,
Ensign Mary Dana Mac(krenseklar), M.D.
CMO, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleey
Ensign Henry Elias Jekyll, Ph.D.
Lieutenant Ha'Tila Molari
Awaiting orders, SB ALPHA, Wolf 359
David Williams
Sallisaw, Oklahoma, USA
"The dream is still alive, The one of you an I, And my heart keeps returning, I couldn't let it die, No I knew it would survive, The dream is still alive..." --Wilson Phillips, "The Dream Is Still Alive"
USS FEYNMAN: Heading Out
by Kristen Gant 5-25-1997
Stardate: 90525.1314
Scene: Holodeck
Krysa sauntered toward the arch, enjoying the stares she got as she went. It was rare that she got to play such a role and she was eating it up. She had smiled at Zane when he suggested she should keep the outfit, giving him a devilish glance.
She chuckled again when a seaman carrying a water harness across his shoulder spun around, knocking another man in the head with one of the buckets of water. The victim howled in rage, as water drenched his now drooping hat. Yes, she would definitely have to keep this outfit.
The corridor of the FEYNMAN were not as crowded as the deck of the HMS FEYNMAN, yet those that were passing by Holodeck 2 as they emerged couldn't help but stop and stare at the spectacle walking past them.
Krysa was stopped in her tracks by a voice calling from behind her.
>"Commander... Commander Jenn!"
>The OPs officer stopped and turned. "Yes, Commander?"
>Trying with all his might not to lunge into her, Tarrant leaned up against the wall.
>"Problems ?" asked Krysa with a hint of a smile.
>"Please give me a moment." the CEO took a deep breath and straightened
>up a bit, "If at all possible, I need to have my sister and nephew
>assigned quarters for the duration of this mission."
>An inquisitive look crossed her face, "Hmm, I remember seeing their
>clearance to come aboard, but I don't remember anything about an
>extended stay."
>"My 'father' has managed to call in a few favors to ensure they'd be
>removed from Cait. Needless to say the order should be in before we leave."
"No problem, Tarrant." Krysa smiled. "You are lucky you caught me in a good mood."
"Well, I had thought of waiting until after lunch," he said as the green tinge from his skin began to fade slightly.
"Hmm," she said, raising her eyebrow, "Just make sure they have their physicals on file with our new CMO before we depart."
"I will. Thank you."
MD: 1.1210
Krysa sat at OPs thinking about their newest mission. She was a lot more comfortable now that she was changed back into more appropriate dress for a Starfleet Officers. But there was little for her to do at her station other then basic operations at this point in their mission. She looked up to see the young Ens. Nunlot sitting a short distance away at a separate station.
She caught his eye, and motioned him to come and take her spot as she moved to sit in the counselor's chair next to the Captain. He looked down at her, "What's on your mind, Commander?"
"Well, I was wondering what is to stop Karrest from leaving as soon as we arrive?" she asked.
"One small starship is not a threat to them."
"No," she said, "I realize that, but one ship can often be the start of more coming."
"As in a scout."
Krysa nodded. "I was wondering if it might not be prudent to have a friendship message broadcasting as we approach?"
Lt.Cmdr. Krysa Jenn
NRPG: Sorry for the pathetic post. I've been uninspired the last couple of days. Ah well. Hopefully, I'll get inspired before we get to Karrest .. how long before that happens anyway, I know Mike's post said they were in far reaches of our know space, so I figure it'll probably take a few days.
by Max Felsher 5-28-1997
SD 90528.0330(GMT)
SLD 4.1830
SCENE: Holodeck
Maril tapped in the command to freeze the test program and looked up at Ensign Landers.
"Good job, Ensign," he said, saying it as if it were neither a compliment nor a reprimand. "Are you ready for the next section?"
Landers had stood up. "Yes, sir, I am ready."
"Good. Computer, begin Bridge Officer's Test, Section: Tactical."
For the third time in the test, the Feynman's bridge was the location, although this time it was Allard who Landers replaced.
"Captain," Landers called out, "we're receiving a communication from a scientific outpost on Celera VII."
"On screen," the holographic Zane said as he and the fictional Maril stood up.
[This is Celera VII to any nearby Federation ship. We require assistance.]
"Celera VII, this is the USS Feynman," Zane replied to the call. "How do you require this assistance?"
[We've been having unexplained seismic activity. We need to evacuate some of our people. A mobile sensor array might help us in figuring out what's wrong, too.]
"Very well, Celera VII, we'll be there in less than an hour. Feynman out." Zane signaled for the link to be cut. "Mr. Jerran, plot a course for the Celera system, Warp 9."
"Aye, sir."
Landers waited as the Feynman sped towards "Celera VII". Almost fifty minutes later, Jerran reported, "Sir, we've reached the Celera system."
"Set a course for Celera VII and form a low orbit around the planet."
As Landers looked down at his console, he noticed a light flashing. "Captain, I believe the outpost is hailing us."
"On screen." This time, no one stood up. [Feynman, thank goodness you've come! Our wounded are ready to be evacuated. We just need you to lower your shields.]
The last statement aroused a tiny bit of suspicion in Landers, but he decided to dismiss it once Zane ordered, "Make it so, Mr. Landers."
As he lowered the shields, Landers noticed several moving flashing points of light.
"Captain!" he almost screamed. "Ferengi Marauder at 027, mark 36. Another at 196, mark 13. And a third at 143, mark 302!"
"Shields up!" Maril bellowed. Landers initiated the command sequence, but as he did, a shot from the first marauder scored, shaking the bridge.
"Return fire, Mr. Landers," Zane ordered without hesitation.
The sun has met the sea,
Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher
NRPG: Kevin:Here's the tactical section. only the command section after this.
USS FEYNMAN: Straight Talk...
by David Williams 5-31-1997
SD 90531.2001 CDT/0101 GMT (90601)
MD: 3.1930
Scene: En route to 10FWD
Mary was a little surprised when Meleah had asked her out to dinner. Most of the others were friendly enough, but they seemed distant, like they were afraid of her. *I guess what they say about first impressions is true after all.* Mary thought to herself as she and Meleah walked down Deck 10 towards its famous lounge.
As they were walking down the corridor, they came upon Krysa who was dressed for a party. That's when Mary picked up on the noise coming from down the hall. "Is there a party in 10 forward" Mary asked the others.
"I thought you knew. The Security department is throwing a bash for Mr. Jonas. It's his 19th birthday and he'll be leaving off ALB soon." Meleah answered.
Krysa laughed. "I have a feeling that J.C. was just a tad intimidated. It's okay. All the senior staff are invited, but it's not required."
The trio entered a 10FWD in full party mode. Music was playing loudly in the background and several couples were dancing on a makeshift dance floor in the middle of the room. Most of the others were just mingling and having a general good time.
"I'm going to go get us some drinks. Why don't you two find us a table." Krysa said over the loud Klingon music.
Meleah repleid in the affirmative, and she and Mary got the last table in the house. Krysa met Bat's eye and got three Ferengi Black Holes. She carefully threaded her way back to the table. More than once she was bumped into by dancing crewmembers.
The trio had been in 10FWd for almost three hours. The music had died down a little as they were serving pieces from a very large birthday cake. As the girls were enjoying their cake, Rory Heywood came up to the table.
"Care if I join you ladies?" Rory said.
"No, please. Sit." Krysa said as she motioned to the empty fourth chair. Rory sat down and proceeded to engage Mary in conversation.
"Doctor, I know that this is your down time, but I thought that i might mention that you haven't completed the required phaser range proficiency test for Away Team Duty yet. I was wondering if you might want to join me in the phaser range. It might make things easier for you to have company..." Rory realized he was babbling and trailed off.
"That would be a welcome idea. How about 1600 hours tomorrow afternoon? Right after my shift." Mary replied. She was in the best mood she had been in days. It must be the 6 Black Holes she had consumed.
"That would be great. If its not too forward. I was wondering if I might have this next dance." Rory asked, nervously. He had heard of the Doctor's reputation for violence in the holodeck. The music had slowed to a slow Vulcan etude, perfect for a slow dance.
Mary wondered if it was a good idea. She felt awkward and nervous, but finally decided to give a try. She got up and Rory extended his hand. She nervously took it and he wheeled her out onto the dance floor. Rory, it seemed, was an excellent dancer. They glided up and down the dance floor ad Meleah and Krysa exchanged surprised looks.
The other couples moved off the dance floor to give them room to dance. Everyone's eyes were on mary and Rory...
All: It would seem that the Black Holes have had a positive effect on Mary.... The song "I Could Have Danced All Night" kept rotating in my head as I wrote this. This looks like a party to end all parties. I can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with for the party.
Mike: Rory might not want to go any further than dancing. Mary has dropped part of her guard, but not all of it.....
Until next time.....
Respectfully submitted,
Lieutenant Ha'Tila Molari
CEO, DEEP SPACE 12, Blue Fleet
Ensign Mary Dana Mac(krenseklar), M.D.
CMO, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet
Ensign Henry Elias Jekyll, Ph.D.
David Williams
Sallisaw, Oklahoma, USA
"The dream is still alive, The one of you an I, And my heart keeps returning, I couldn't let it die, No I knew it would survive, The dream is still alive..." --Wilson Phillips, "The Dream Is Still Alive"
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USS FEYNMAN: Range Games
by David Williams 5-31-1997
SD 90531.1647 CDT/2147 GMT
MD: 4.1610
Scene: Sickbay
Rory Heywood stepped into sickbay just as Mary was finishing Commander Maril's physical. Maril was just putting his pips back on his collar when Rory stepped forward.
"Mr Heywood. Right on time. I'll be ready to go in a minute. I just have a few things to finish. Would you please wait in my office?" Mary said turning her attention from the Tamarien that sat before her.
"Yes Ma'am" was the only response Rory gave before disappearing into the nether regions of Mary's office.
"Before you go Commander. May I aks you a question?" Mary asked as she handed her XO a PADD with his phyiscal information on it
"Certainly Doctor. What is it that you'd like to know?" Maril said, curiously.
"I am familiar with your native language, and I noticed that Captain Zane mentions phrase often. But the phrases he quotes are often mistranslated or misidentified. Why is that?" Mary wondered.
All Maril did was chuckle and walk out of sickbay. Mary wondered if it was some private joke. She didn't have much time to ponder, because she had a strapping aCSO waiting in her office.
Dr. Hibbert and Rory were engaged in an amusing conversation when Mary entered the office. Dana had already left for the day, and Mary had worked past her shift to conclude Maril's physical. Mary gathered her stuff as they finished they're conversation.
"Are you ready Doctor?" Heywood asked. *I wonder how good she'll be. Everything I've ever heard about Orion females paints them as nothing but sex objects. I wonder if she'll even pass...* Rory thought to himself.
Mary answered in the affirmative as she strapped on a Bajoran Type-II-U Phaser to her hip. Rory looked at the ovpowerfully upgraded phaser and wondered what a sex object would need with a security-issue phaser.
Scene: Just outside the Phaser Range
Mary and Rory exited the phaser range and waited while the computer tabulated their score. Rory was in complete disbelief. *She was like a Marclosian Wind Devil. How could anyone move that fast. I don't even want to know....* Rory finally decided.
Rory just stood there in shock as the computer displayed the averages of the three completed levels.
"Computer, display range scores"
The requested information scrolled across the screen.
Phaser Range Levels 1-3 completed
Rory Heywood Assistant Chief Security Officer Training Level: Expert Score: 92%
Mary D. Mackrenseklar
Chief Medical Officer
Training Level: Above Expert
Score: 97%
Rory looked very pleased at his score and then wondered if the Doctor might want to join the Security team.
"Does that satisfy the Away Team requirements, Mr. Heywood?" Mary asked.
"Quite" was all that Rory Heywood could manage to say.
All: Rematch anyone? As described in Mary's bio, she is quite the little markswoman. Is the Bajoran Phaser acceptable for personal use on Away Team mission or will a Starfleet Type-II-B Phaser be required? The next post should be sometime later this evening, not to mention the one for DS12 that still has to be written. Jeez, take a few days off to go to the Hospital and the work just piles up on ya. <VBG>
Mike: Sorry if this makes J.C. depressed. Maybe he'd like to practice with Mary sometime? <G>
Melanie: Dinner date and the requisite party are next.
Respectfully submitted,
Lieutenant Ha'Tila Molari
CEO, DEEP SPACE 12, Blue Fleet
Ensign Mary Dana Mac(krenseklar), M.D.
CMO, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet
Ensign Henry Elias Jekyll, Ph.D.
David Williams
Sallisaw, Oklahoma, USA
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USS FEYNMAN: A Deep Secret...
by David Williams 5-31-1997
SD 90531.1250 CDT/ 1750 GMT
MD: Late Evening on Day 1
Scene: The corridor outside 10FWD
Mary and Loren walked down the corridor with very little being said. Loren began to get distinct impressions from her that she was hiding something, something she was struggling to tell him about. Loren waited patiently as he walked beside Mary, waitng for her to make her move.
Mary couldn't do it. *I want to tell him, but I can't. Or can I? I can't simply tell him out here in the open. But, where?* Mary thought to herself. Mary spotted a storage room. As they got close to it, Mary opened the door and pulled Loren into the room with her.
Loren was surprised to say the least. "What are you doing, Doctor?" was all that Loren could sputter.
"I have something to tell you. Something I couldn't say in the corridor." Mary said, apprehensive about telling him of her nightmares.
"Go on, please. Take all the time you need." Loren said as he luickly shifted gears from surprise to sympathy.
"I use my gruffness as a shield, particularly with men. I'm sure you are familiar with my psychological profile. That is why I feel I can talk to you about this. I have been having nightmares for the last two nights. But they aren't nightmares, at least not in the traditional sense. We have a name for these kinds of dreams on Orion, Poji. Poji aren't really dreams, but conduits by which to kill the sleeping. I think I'm being stalked by someone in my dreams. Someone who knows me very, very well..." Mary trailed off, noticing the faint disbelief on Loren's face.
Mary unhooked the top part of her dress, showing Loren the five, distinctive bruises on her neck. Bruises that couldn't be mistaken for anything else than fingermarks. Loren's eyes became saucers, as he started to believe the Mary's story.
<Loren's response>
All: This is just one of many posts today. Sorry this one was short, but I didn't want to write the counselor's reaction.
Kevin: Your description of Mary was a little gruff, but know you now why. <G> Thnaks for adding a perspective on the character I hadn't thought of. Thanks for dropping me a note about my ordeal. It was greatly appreciated.
Melanie: Mary and Meleah's dinner date will be following shortly. I'm sure they'll have a lot to talk about, expecially if there's a party.
Mike: Break out the phasers, it's range scoring time. Post will follow shortly.
Respectfully submitted,
Lieutenant Ha'Tila Molari
CEO, DEEP SPACE 12, Blue Fleet
Ensign Mary Dana Mac(krenseklar), M.D.
CMO, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet
Ensign Henry Elias Jekyll, Ph.D.
David Williams
Sallisaw, Oklahoma, USA
"The dream is still alive, The one of you an I, And my heart keeps returning, I couldn't let it die, No I knew it would survive, The dream is still alive..." --Wilson Phillips, "The Dream Is Still Alive"
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