USS Feynman MAR 1996

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March 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



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by Kristen Gant 3-2-1996

Stardate: 80302.1306
Scene: Computer Center/Cesphalean Government Building.

Lt. Jenn began searching through computer files. The Cesphalean’s were not a very organized people, so she was having difficulty. She found herself in various maintenance files several times. She groaned in frustration.

“What’s taking so long?” asked Zane.

“Just a minute...” Jenn told him. She continued to search, becoming more frustrated all the time. “It’s not here... I can’t find it.”

“Look for personal files for Rrall.” suggested Edal.

“You really think he would be that stupid?” asked Krysa. Edal nodded.

Krysa backed up in her file search and started looking directly through Rrall’s files. If she thought the main computer system files were in disarray, now she knew why. Rrall’s files were in much worse condition and he was supposed to be running the place. She started laughing.

“I’ve found it. He didn’t really bother to hide it at all. It’s under a file called ‘top secret files’!” She quickly began downloading the files into her tricorder. “This should only take a couple of minutes,” she told them as they waited impatiently for her to finish.

It seemed like forever until the tricorder beeped indicating that they were finished. “Got it! Now how do we get out of here?”

Edal smiled at her as he pulled out a small communicator and tapped it. Krysa felt the transporter beam hit them. She was surprised. How were they beaming out. And if they could beam out, why hadn’t they beamed in. It would have saved them a lot of trouble.

The reappeared in a room surrounded by several Cesphalean’s with phasers pointed at them. The Cesphalean’s took their phasers and Krysa’s tricorder. A tall black Cesphalean walked up to them smiling.

“I am Rrall, and I would just like to thank you for your help in our cause,” He smirked. “You have just cinched our victory.”

“What are you talking about?” demanded Zane, throwing a glaring look at Edal.

“Now we have proof of just how evil those across the wormhole are.”

“That evidence proves that you are the evil ones,” yelled Jenn.

“Lies, all planted by you my dear.” sneered the felinoid.

“You were winning, why did you have to do this?” asked Zane.

“Because you were working too fast. Of course, the anti-isolationist base has already been cleared out. Thanks to informants like Edal. Our people are much to trusting, as it turns out, so are you. Soon your ship will be destroyed, the wormhole will be closed and you three will be imprisoned here as an example for the rest of your lives.”

“Not so fast, Rrall,” said Zane smiling. He grabbed Jenn’s tricorder from the guard who had taken it and said, “Now!”

Krysa once more felt the pull of a transporter beam as the Cesphalean guard disappeared and the bridge of the Feynman took it’s place.

“How did you do that?” asked Jenn completely surprised.

“Call it the Captain’s secret. Good job, Mr. Maril!” He said turning to the FO.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Okay so the ending is a little hokey and I don’t explain it. Maybe
Zane can<G> Or Maril. At any rate we are back and we have the files<BG>


USS FEYNMAN: Wandering the Ship

by Andrew Catterick 3-6-1996

SD: 80306.1100
Scene: Engineering

Zane entered engineering to find a flurry of activity. Zane was impressed at the obviously motivated team work he was witnessing. It was good to know the crew cared so much about the ship.

One of the engineering officers, noticing Zane's gaze an look of pride approached him. Nodding his head over to the bustle of activity he spoke. "Shore leave. Lieutenant Koreth isn't letting anyone go until they finish what they were working on."

"Where is Mr. Koreth?" Zane asked.

"He's up in the Jefferies Tubes checking on some calibrations."

Scene: Jeffreies Tube Junction K-387

As Zane came to an intersection in the maze of pathways he heard some muttering from around the corner, actually it sounded like the CEO was explaining to a ODN conduit, in a very colourful way, just exactly what he would do to it if he wasn't able to repair it soon.

"How's it going Tarrant?" Zane asked, unable to hide a grin.

"Fine sir. Just fine." It wasn't very convincing.


"No sir, it just seems that all the damage is confined in the hard to reach places, and some of it...well I don't understand how it was damaged in the first place."

"I see you've set shore leave rotations for your department."

Koreth pulled his head out of the open accessway and sat against the wall. "Yes sir, Commander Maril said shore-leave was available to all who wanted it, on a rotational basis."

"Oh I know, I was just wondering why you would let your engineer's head off to EPSILON when all the damage hadn't been repaired."

"all of the critical systems are back on line. The remaining problems are for the most part secondary systems. Besides it shouls only take another 16 hours or so and from what Maril has said we'll be in dock for at least 72.

"Correct, so why aren't you on EPSILON or relaxing in 10-Forward right now." Zane asked.

Koreth waved a dismissive hand. "I don't need a break sir, I want to get these repairs done as quickly as possible."

"Thats very admirable lieutenant but we don't know how long our next deployment will be so I'd like you to take some down-time."

"With all due respect sir, I'd rather remain on board and see these repairs through. I couldn't enjoy myself if I new my crew was working on these repairs without me."

"Your right lieutenant. Hand me that servo." Zane looked inside the access way.

"Sir?" Koreth was perplexed.

"The servo lieutenant, the thing to your right." Zane extended a hand.

Koreth picked up the instrument and passed to Zane. "Ah I know what a servo is sir I was just wondering what you were doing."

"Well your argument hit home. If your staying how can I do any less, so I'll give you a hand and then we can both relax. Now...if I remember...this junction connects with this pathway...." There was a brief electrical flare. "...uh maybe it was this one."

"Sir! Okay I get your point. I'll take a break if you promise not to help me."

"I want you to log-off for at least the next two shifts. You said it your self the remaining damage is minimal, your department heads can take care of it in your absence, it'll be good command experience for them."

"Two shifts! I was thinking more like having lunch and then getting back to work...." Koreth protested.

"Hmmm, maybe it was this juction that I had to connect."

Koreth raised his hands in mock defeat. "Okay, okay, deal. Just please don't help me anymore."

Scene: 10-Forward

Zane sat at the bar talking with some of the crew. Everyone seemed in high spirits and that made the afternoon even more enjoyable for Zane. A happy crew was contagious.

"So I hear our CSO had to leave."

"Yeah, unfortunately he had some sort of personal emergency he had to attend to so he requested an undetermined hardship leave." Zane replied.

Bat leaned against the bar polishing a glass. It was an unnecessary procedure as the replicators took care of such things but Bat told everyone it added to the atmosphere. That and all the other western paraphanelia he had added throughout. "Its too bad, he was a good kid. Had a good head on his shoulders."

"Well, he'll be returning to duty at some point but its doubtful whether or not he'll be reassigned to us. Too bad he was the second-best CSO this ship ever had."

Bat snorted. "I suppose you are alluding to your esteemed tenure in that position."

"Who else. I hear there writing songs about my exploits." Zane chuckled.

Bat just rolled his eyes. "Your not letting that marine puke run the security department are you?" Bat shivered at the thought.

"No, they all transferred off as soon as we docked. They got new orders to transfer to the 58th for some frontier skirmish with a new race that has been attacking some settlers."

" I guess you'll be needing a CSO until the paperpushers send you one."

"MCPO Mancuso's nominally in charge until that time." Zane replied, he could see where this was going.

"You know I was reading the regs last night....its surprising how easy it is to change your status from retired to active." Bat announced as he grabbed another perfectly polished glass began to rub it.

"Really." Zane replied, unsurprised. "Of course I know your not referring to yourself cause how could you ever leave the bar. Besides I've noticed you like being my OPS officer's unoffical assistant. She's a liitle young isn't she granpa."

Zane removed the wet towel from his face that Bat had just thrown there. "I guess I better making my getaway while I still can." Tossing the towel back at his friend he made a break for the door.

respectfully submitted,

-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS


by Andrew Catterick 3-6-1996

Scene: Captain's Quarters

Zane sat back in his chair and relaxed. After such a tension filled mission it was nice to not have to worry about life and death matters and what repercussions the actions of himself and his crew might have on the Federation, and fairly recently on an entire galaxy.

Of course the paperwork that he was now faced with offered a much more frightful fate. He may die of boredom. But while perusing a replenishment report Jenn had copied to him he remembered another major item the ship was in need of. It was possible that his FCO might have already taken care of the matter but a quick check showed that he had not. That wasn't too surprising. Currently Jerran was on the holodeck under Onta's watchful eye.

"Zane to bridge."

[Bridge, Lt. Jenn.] came the quick reply.

"Lieutenant I expected you to be on EPSILON relaxing what are you doing up there?"

[I decided to run a few diagnostics and add some modifications while we were in port. Nothing major.]

"I see. Well I was just notifying the OOD that I would be off-ship for the next hour or so. As Commander Maril is currently occupied with the BrOT you have the conn. Notify me if anything comes up. Zane out."

"Zane to 10-Forward."

[Bat's Drinking Emporium and One Stop Novelty Shop, how may I help you.]

Zane laughed. "A little bored."

[A little bored!] came the exasperated response. [I was a little bored 3 hours ago. What the hell did you think you were doing letting all my customer's off the ship.]

"Sorry Bat not my fault they all have taste. I practically got run over as the crew took off in search of real food and real atmosphere."

[Harumpf! What d'ya want anyway? Even you must have something better to do than harass someone who works for a living.]

Zane laughed again. "Are you implying I don't do anything on this ship?"

[I ain't implying I'm telling. Your aide, Mike keeps me well informed on just how much he does and how little you do.] Bat was really getting warmed up.

"Anyways...I'm heading out to the base to retrieve ASIMOV want to ride shotgun?"

[I'll meet you at air lock two in five minutes.]

Scene: Main throughway, EPSILON

It was good to be amongst the bustle of the station. Zane would never trade his life aboard a starship, after all it was all he really knew. But he did enjoy 'people watching' and if EPSILON was anything it was definitely home to a vast array of lifeforms. He had yet to walk its corridors without seeing a race and never seen before. He revelled in the diversity.

"You know I think..." he was interrupted by the chirp of his commbadge.

[Jenn to Zane. Mr. Maril and Mr. Jerran are overdo from checking in on their holodeck test. I've tried calling them to no avail. I've just sent Ensign Cartwright with a security team to check it out.]

"Alright lieutenant. Keep me informed." Zane replied closing the channel.

"Hmm knowing Onta he's probably worked the poor boy so hard he caused him to keel over. Probably hiding the body right now."

Zane laughed trying to picture his FO doing just that. "I think its more likly theres a holodeck glitch. Hey, have you noticed we seemed to have picked up a gremlin or two."

'Tell me about it. That replicator spits out a drink at me one more time I'm going to rip it out of the wall."

Scene: EPSILON Flight OPS

"Now look...what's your name again...okay, look Mr. Gates its my shuttle! We sent here last week with a civilian onboard and now I'm here to retrieve. Simple."

Gates shook his head. "I'm sorry sir but you are mistaken. The shuttle in question is currently attached to the EPSILON flight wing, it doesn't say anything about being assigned to your ship."

Zane tried again. "What registry number is it?"

Gates ran a finger down his screen. "Uh...NCC 66000/E."

"Right! Now do you know what registry the FEYNMAN is?"

"Sure NCC 66000." he announced not seeing where this was going.

"Great! Two for two. Now doesn't the similarity tell you something crewman?"

"Yeah the ASIMOV *used* to be part of the FEYNMAN's complement but it isn't anymore."

"Do you want me to kill him?" Bat asked innocently.

Zane ignored him. "Okay, let's go from there. Can I see a copy of the transfer orders?"

"Nope, can't do that without proper authorization."

"And how do I get that?"

Gates handed him a PADD. "Just fill this out and have the QM process it, should take 6-8 weeks."

Zane grasped the PADD and tried a different course. He had enough run-ins with the base Quarter master and he really didn't want to have to see her again. "While *my* shuttle sits out on your flightdeck it might get stolen what sort of precautions are you taking?"

"Oh they wouldn't get to far. At the first sign of trouble the space dock doors are closed. Even at full speed the shuttle'd never make it out in time. After that its only a matter of time until the MP shuttles box it in and subdue the pilot."

Zane and Bat exchanged a glance. "I see. Well I guess we'll have to resort to the proper channels. Is it alright if we go out and take a quick look at it. You know, make sure it is in fact our lost shuttle before we get the paper work going."

"Sure." Gates smiled smugly, he enjoyed getting the better of officers. "But you can only look at the outside."

"Fair enough." Zane replied as he and Bat turned and headed for the shuttle.

When they were pout of earshot of the annoying crewman Bat spoke. "You know they've probably changed the computer lock codes on the hatch."

"I know. How long will it take you to get around them?"

"Three seconds. I brought along one of my little gadgets."

Both men smiled.
Scene: Interior, ASIMOV

<<Warning. You have left EPSILON flighdeck with out proper authorization. Please return to Flightdeck immediately.>> The recorded message droned.

Zane's hands flew across the board. "Report."

"Well he's true to his word, the doors are closing."

"MPs?" Zane asked.

"No he didn't have the guts to call them. Probably closed the doors to cover his ass. We could be lunatics who wanted to take this thing for a tour of the asteroids, maybe even join the criminal fringe."

Zane grinned. "Hey we're not that crazy. Would you do the honours?"


[FEYNMAN here. Bat is that you?" Jenn asked surprised.

"None other. Would you be so kind as to open the flightdeck doors we're returning with our shuttle and we're in a bit of a hurry."

[Understood. Doors opening. What are you up to? Does Commander Zane know about this?}

"Sure lieutenant. Where else would I be?"

As the shuttle entered the FEYNMAN's flightdeck Zane brought it down to a landing that even his hot-shot FCO would have been proud of. Silently the ship's flight doors closed behind them.


Just having a little fun. Consider this a bit of a backpost.

Joesph/Max: Love your BrOT posts.

Jason: Glad our 'friend is still with us

Kris: Feel free to leave the bridge now that Zane is back

Mike: Did you get the post I sent you a few days ago with the crew's mission suggestions?

All: Any suggestions on a suitable holodeck site for our next briefing. I'm hoping to come up with something permanent and I value your suggestions....Also, for tho of you who haven't already done so please remove Colby from your mailing lists.

respectfully submitted,

-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Krysa's Advice

by Kristen Gant 3-9-1996

Stardate: 80309.2109
Scene: 10-Forward

After the excitement of losing Jerran and Maril in the Holodeck, and then Commander Zane and Bat 'running off' with a Shuttlecraft, Krysa needed a rest. Blayne was on Epsilon, in a meeting with Admiral Nichols. Krysa feared her transfer request had been processed before the Feynman's orders for a new Counselor. That seemed to be the usual way things worked. Krysa would miss her. Hopefully whomever filled the spot would do as good a job as Blayne had done during her short tenure as Acting Counselor.

Just as she was about to head back to her quarters, Dr. Tok entered and headed toward her table.

"May I join you Lt.?" he asked.

"Of course, Doctor."

"I need to speak to you about a matter of utmost importance."

Krysa wondered what on earth could be so important while they were in dock at the Starbase. She didn't have to wonder long. Dr. Tok had the Bolian trait for speaking quickly.

After relaying what he had discovered about Varaxxian rituals to her, he stopped talking and waited for her to begin.

"And how do you feel about the ritual?" Jenn asked slipping into her counselor mode.

"I'm so torn over this. Having a child is such a personal thing! One I always thought I'd do one day... but not like this."

"If I understand the ritual correctly, you would only be a donor."

"Yes, but... I mean..." For once, Tixx was without something to say.

"Dr. Tok, let me ask you this, if you were in this situation, what would you want to do?" Krysa paused allowing the thought to settle. "I know that having a child is one of the most important things a woman can do. It's a part of her womanhood. I think particularly in the human culture. Not being able to have a child is very disheartening for a woman."

"But any child that Jane and I would conceive wouldn't look much like her husband."

"No, not likely," said Krysa smiling at the thought of a little blue Varaxxian. "But genetics isn't what makes a good parent. It's easy to love a child. Even one that doesn't look anything like you."

"Yes, I see what you are saying. That I should look at what would make Jane happy."

"No, not necessarily. Because any decision you make, you have to be able to live with as well. There isn't anyone right answer here. If you can't live with the possibility of a little Tok duplicate running around calling someone else 'Daddy', then you had better let them know now."

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Just a few thoughts from Krysa:)


Kristen and Scott Gant

USS FEYNMAN: Chatting with Bat

by Kristen Gant 3-12-1996

Stardate: 80312.1144
Scene: 10-Forward

Krysa walked into 10-forward for the third time since they had docked at Epsilon. She saw Lt.Cmdr. Maril chatting with an unfamiliar young ensign, but didn't want to disturb them. Instead she walked up to the bar and took a seat by Bat. She could use some company and Bat was good at that.

"Back again, Krysa." said the old man good-naturedly.

"Yes, I'm afraid so, Bat. Not that this isn't a wonderful place now that you've taken over, but..." Krysa said, not wanting to hurt the Bartender's feelings.

"No buts... I understand, you're still young. You should be out having a good time on the base during your shore leave."

Krysa smiled. "Yes, you are so right, I should be. But... I'm kinda expecting a message, so I didn't want to leave the ship, just in case."

"A message... hummm, sounds mysterious." Bat leaned closer. "Tell ol' Bat about it."

"No, nothing mysterious, just from my parents. They call me every time we're in dock."

"Maybe they don't know yet."

Krysa sighed, "Bat, my father is a Betazed Ambassador on Earth. He has connections, and he uses them to keep track of me," Krysa chucked. "I don't really mind... it's nice to hear from them."

"Ummm, I sense another 'but...' coming."

"It's just that my birthday...."

Bat broke into smiles, "It's your birthday!! Well, Happy B...."

"Bat! No, it's not my birthday... yet."

The old man frowned, "oh, I could really have used a party."

"Just wait, my parents have a big bash planned for my next birthday... believe me." Krysa lowered her head, "I kinda figured they'd call again, to let me know all about it."

"Maybe it's going to be a surprise." Bat said with a gleam in his eye, "I know how to do surprise parties. Did I ever tell you about the one we threw for Zane on his 10th... or was that his 11th birthday... Now, that was a party to remember. Maybe I could give your parent's some pointers."

Krysa laughed, "Oh no, sir. You just relax. Let's not stir anything up. Maybe we'll be lucky, and they'll forget."

"Now, why would you want them to forget? It certainly can't be because you are getting old... cause believe me you aren't" Said Bat ruffling his white hair for effect.

"No, I suppose you're right, but..."

"No, no, no, not the 'but's..' again! That's all I've heard from you since you arrived!"

"I'm sorry, Bat, I'm not very good company, am I." Krysa smiled.

"You are always good company. Now you've got me worried. You're never so down. Why don't you tell me all about it."

"I wish I could," said Krysa almost tempted to spill everything, "I'm just not ready yet. Besides, once we get underway, I'll forget all about it and be myself again."

"Now is that anyway to be? What would you tell your patients, if they did that."

"Bat... just stop playing Bartender Counselor for a while."

Bat watched the cloud pass over Krysa's face. Shrugging he decided that it wasn't worth it to upset her. "Okay... so when is our next baseball game? I have this new recipe for those 'sloppy joe's' I made last time. This one has hot pepper sauce in it. I think you will really love it."

Krysa sat back enjoying the Bartenders chatter. It was exactly what she needed. Something to get her mind off her parent's and their plans and back on relaxing.

Regards, Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: This is just a precursor to things I have in the works for our next downtime. Right now, hopefully, we'll have a new mission soon. So you probably will not hear Krysa mention this again, until it happens!

This also get me in 10-forward if the new counselor would like to meet the old counselor:)


(AKA - Dr. Janna Swansen, CMO, USS Bismarck, ASR)
(AKA - Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O, USS Feynman, ASR)
(AKA - Ens. Ainese Kev, CSciO, USS Magellan, WW)
(AKA - Bree, Broken Lands, WW)
(AKA - Darlea & Makayla, Dragon Lands, WW)
(AKA - Dr. Darla Shane, CMO, Starbase 109, UFPI)

USS FEYNMAN: Ten Forward Mytholog

by Charles Jencks 3-13-1996

SD 80313.0320
Ten Forward

Ensign Krazny sat, and looked at LtCmdr Maril. "Ramius and Ryan at docking."

"Hello to you too, Ensign. I would feel that way myself." LtCmdr Maril said. "I see you know the speech patterns of my people."

"I'm a counselor; it's part of my job, sir. Ensign Krazny Oktyabr, at your service."

"How do you like the ship so far?"

"It is unfamiliar, but I am here. Ryan on RED OCTOBER."

"Why are you uncomfortable about the ship?"

"Because it's unfamiliar, and there may be a crazy cook lurking around a torpedo tube."

Both of the officers laughed: Krazny had extended his metaphor into a joke.

NRPG: Well, here's Krazny introducing himself to Maril. If anyone knows the proper language, you'll catch why he used these metaphors... Charles.

USS FEYNMAN: Finishing Up, Starting Up

by Max Felsher 3-13-1996

SD 80213.0100(GMT)
Holodeck 2
<<<<This is something that Jospeh sent me with some changes of mine. You better read this, because you may never see it again--a fusion of my style and Joseph's style. ;)>>>>

As Lt.<jg> Jerran Terel brought the simulated Feynman into warp speed, Lt. Commander Onta Maril appeared from out of his holographic hiding place from which he was observing Mr. Jerran.

"Computer, freeze program," he said. "Congratulations, Mr. Jerran. You are almost through woth the Bridge Officer's Test. The next and final part is the command test. It is worth 40% of your final score. Are you ready?"

"Of course, sir," Jerran said in a matter-of-fact nature that would make even a Vulcan proud.

"Very well. Computer, begin Bridge Officer's Test, position:Command." Maril disappeared and the bridge of the Feynman was replaced by the ship's engine room. Red lights were flashing all over the place as physicians ran to and fro trying to fix something.

Jerran walked over to the master control display and stood next to Lt. Koreth as the Klingon CEO explained the situation.

"Apparently, the port nacelle has begun to shear itself off in warp flight. We can't shut it down because we've lost the control leads to it, and it would take at least twenty minutes to do it manually. If that nacelle comes off in warp flight, the other one could rip the entire ship in half."

Jerran nodded and said, "What about a shuttlecraft? We could send one with a tractor beam out to the warp nacelle and keep it in place during the time it takes to shut it down."

"We could do that, Lieutenant, but whoever we send out there would be signing their death warrant. The radiation that close to the nacelle would cause irreparable damage in the amount of time it'll take to shut down." "I'll go, then," Jerran said.

He turned to head out to the turbolift, but Tarrant's strong hand grabbed his arm and said, "That would be against all rules of procedure, sir. You are in command now, and so you must send someone else."

Jerran understood the logic of what the CEO was saying and he nodded in agreement. Whoever he did send out would have to be almost as good of a pilot as he was, though, to pull off a stunt like this.

"Computer, who's next on the shuttlecraft pilot rotation?" said the CEO. Even before the computer said the name, Jerran knew who it was. His face wenta slightly lighter shade than its normal light green hue as the computer said, "Ensign Jennifer Cartwright is the next pilot on the shuttlecraft rotation schedule."

Jerran kept reminding himself that this was only a simulation, but he knew deep down in his mind that this very situation could happen one day, and that's what scared the hell out of him at this moment. His mouth went dry as he tapped his badge and said, "Ensign Cartwright, report to the main shuttlebay."

[Aye, sir. I'm on my way.]

"I've briefed the shuttlebay crew on the procedure, sir, and we should be able to walk her through it," Koreth said. Jerran had since snapped out of his fear and had put his mind back on the job at hand as the shuttlebay announced that Cartwright had completed preflight on the shuttlecraft Skywalker and was now launching.

They watched on the nearest viewscreen as the shuttlecraft went out to the nacelle and activated its tractor beam. Before, the nacelle had been noticeably swaying, but now the shuttlecraft's beam had stabilized it.

"It's working, Lieutenant. Initiating warp shutdown now."

About twenty minutes later, the Feynman had slowed to a stop. Jerran tapped his badge and said, "Jerran to Skywalker. Good job, Ensign."

As Koreth's warning before had suggested, there was no response. "Bring the shuttle in on automatics," Jerran said.

"Aye, sir," said the CEO.

Even though it was only just a simulation, Jerran knew that if he was going to be in command, he was going to have to make decisions like that, and that decision may one day kill someone he cared about, such as Jennifer. He was just glad that this time he would be able to walk off the holodeck and see her waiting for him in his quarters, but what about next time?

Engaging his Vulcan emotional control techniques, he decided that he could make the decision in real life if he had to. His teachers from the Science Academy on Vulcan had taught him that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one, and that's a philosophy that every command officer must consider. He would not let his Bajoran feelings get in the way of his duties, and he hoped that this simulation was enough to convince Lt. Commander Maril of that also....

He was snapped out of his thoughts by the program freezing as Maril appeared once again.

"Congratulations. You have finished the test. That was a decision like Fikala made on the battlefield at Ster. I am also happy to announce that you have passed the Bridge Officer's Test, completed Stardate 80313.0200, administered by Lieutenant Commander Onta Maril. Again, congratulations, Lieutenant. You are dismissed."

"Thank you, sir," Jerran smiled as he left the holodeck.

"Computer, end program," Maril took his PADD and also left.

Several minutes later, Maril was in his office enjoying some Terran egg salad and talking with his aide(WO Bellad Jafel) when there was a beep at the door. "Who is that?" Maril asked.

"It must be Ensign Krazny, our new Counselor."

"I think we're getting too many Bajorans on this ship. First you, then Jerran, and now this Ensign Krazny. One would almost think the Bajorans implanted a colony on this ship," Maril grinned. "Very well, send him in." The newest senior officer on the Feynman walked through the door.

"Hello, Ensign. Have a seat," Maril offered.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All: So, this exhausting test is finally over. Now, I can get back to real life. (At least as real as it gets in ASR.)

Lysle: I'll try to post Maril's view on your dilemna soon. Get ready for some mythological examples! :)

Joseph: I'll have you know that you just barely passed! Just kidding. :) If you want to know any of your individual scores, just ask. Oh, get ready for a Command shift!

Charles: Tell Maril any of your expectations, requests, grievances, etc. I'll give Krazny some info about where his quarter are, etc., but until I do, say what you want.


by Charles Jencks 3-13-1996

SD 80313.1620

Ensign Krazny Oktyabr was determined to meet the senior staff before the first meeting, and he saw opportunity across the room like a hawk-eyed Ferengi, but not the same type of opportunity a Ferengi would be looking for.

So he walked up to the bar, grabbing a stool next to a lieutenant who was talking to the bartender. "Vodka, please." He said, when they paused.

The old bartender said, "Yes, Ensign. Sorry." He walked off to get the drink.

The lieutenant turned to him. "I don't know you."

He smiled, and said, "No, I just came aboard. Ensign Krazny Oktyabr, the new counselor." She started laughing. "What?"

"I'm Lieutenant Krysa Jenn... the old counselor. I'm OPS now." She paused and said, "Where did you get a name like Krazny Oktyabr?"

The vodka arrived, and he said, "Thank you. Now, about the name," He turned to face her again, "I chose it from a book after my parents were killed."

"Really? What kind of book?"

"A twentieth-century Earth novel, called _The Hunt for Red October_."

"Why would anyone be looking for a month?"

"The RED OCTOBER was a submarine... a naval vessel that is enclosed and designed to go underwater. The RED OCTOBER's captain, when they left port, sent a letter to an admiral telling him that he was going to defect."

"My gods!"

"Well, actually, the side he was defecting TO was the good guys." He paused. "You're Betazoid, aren't you?"

"How did you guess?"

"So am I. One of my grandparents was Bajoran, but the other three were Betazoid."

"Now I know why you're a counselor..."

NRPG: This is Krysa's chance to ask questions. BTW Krazny uses the Bajoran name system... it was his paternal grandfather. I don't know much about Krysa, but I figured she'd want to hear quite a bit about the new counselor! Charles (Krazny)

USS FEYNMAN: The Counselor's Chat

by Kristen Gant 3-13-1996

Stardate: 80313.1830
Scene: 10-Forward

"You're Betazoid, aren't you?" asked the tall ensign, who had grabbed a seat next to her.

"How did you guess?"

"So am I. One of my grandparents was Bajoran, but the other three were Betazoid."

"Now I know why you're a counselor..." She smiled at him. "Well, you definitely favor your Bajoran quarter."

The young ensign nodded.

"So do you also follow the Bajoran naming... So you would be Ensign Krazny?"

"That's right."

"Our Flight control officer is part Bajoran, and he also follows thier naming."

"Yes, Lt. Jerran, I met him briefly on my way here."

"Well then, you are well on your way to meeting everyone, aren't you. That's a good sign in a counselor." Krysa smiled. She was still sad that Blayne wasn't staying on board. It would've been nice to have another female senior officer. But due to Starfleet red tape she had been transferred to another ship as thier Ship's Counselor. It was still a good step, and Krysa was happy for her.

"I have made a goal to meet all the senior officers before the next mission briefing."

Krysa smiled. She was impressed. It would be nice to have a fellow counselor on board, especially one who took an interest in his crewmates. "That's an excellent goal. When I came on board, the Feynman was in the middle of a mission. So I took a D-warp shuttle out to the middle of nowhere, where I was almost eaten by a space anomaly, only to be beamed on board just in the nick of time and taken directly to a staff meeting. Talk about getting directly to business."

Ens. Krasny chuckled, "You must have done something right, you got quite a promotion."

Krysa blushed, "Yes, well it works well. Our Captain started out as a Security Officer, our FO was a Science Officer, and I... well, besides being the counselor, I am also the daughter of a diplomat, so I have lot's of experience there. It makes for a well rounded team. So far I really haven't had time to miss my duties as counselor."

"Well, if you do, I'm sure something can be arranged." smiled the new counselor.

Krysa laughed, "I'm sure you won't need my help. It looks like you have things well in hand. However, I still have lots of files of notes for you to go through. If you come across anything that you have questions on, I'll be happy to help out. Just be glad the Feynman is a small ship with a small crew compliment."

NRPG: For Charles, Blayne was an NPC of mine. She was the Asst. Counselor.
When Krysa got her promotion to Ops/2Officer, she became acting counselor.
Now she's been transferred into NPC oblivion.

Max, could you send me my list of staff please... I have lost it, and now I
can't remember who they are (I'm so embarrassed:)

(AKA - Dr. Janna Swansen, CMO, USS Bismarck, ASR)
(AKA - Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O, USS Feynman, ASR)
(AKA - Ens. Ainese Kev, CSciO, USS Magellan, WW)
(AKA - Bree, Broken Lands, WW)
(AKA - Darlea & Makayla, Dragon Lands, WW)
(AKA - Dr. Darla Shane, CMO, Starbase 109, UFPI)

USS FEYNMAN: The Counselor's Chat

by Charles Jencks 3-13-1996

SD 80313.1945
FEYNMAN Ten-Forward

"...with a small crew complement." Lt. Jenn smiled.

"Well, I should be going, I still have people to meet and that briefing could show up anytime." Ens Krazny stood and left, and headed for engineering.

Later.... in Engineering.

"Hello. I'm Ensign Krazny Oktyabr, the new counselor."

"Lieutenant Tarrant Koreth, chief engineer." He didn't even look up from the matter injection conduit control panel. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, sir."

"If you'll excuse my manners, I have a diagnostic running. If you want to talk, you'll have to walk with me."

An ensign in the background said, "There's a magnetic inducer malfuctioning in Jeffries Tube 11C."

"I'll take care of it." Koreth said. "Counselor, if you want to talk, you can follow me. Could you grab that tool kit?" He pointed to one across the room.

The ensign spoke up again. "Sir, it's fixed. Just a computer problem, just had to reprogram it a little."

NRPG: Well, I'm in Engineering. Is the engineer going to look into it anyways or not? I don't know him well. See you... Charles (Krazny)

USS FEYNMAN: 10-Forward

by Andrew Catterick 3-14-1996


Bat sat back and enjoyed the scene. The lounge was bustling with FEYNMAN crew and that was thoroughlly gratifying. Someone had noted Zane had reported to CINCSILVER and immediately word spread like wildfire. Within 30 minutes mot of the crew had returned to the ship. Zane could return at any minute with new orders for deployment. They were all eager to go.

Of course there was thing that still troubled Bat. He looked over at Kyrsa, chatting with the new counselor. Something was bothering her and until he figured out what it was and was then able to help her he wouldn't rest. Something about her parents and her birthday.

Tossing the official 'bar rag' to his assistant, who immediately dropped the disgusting thing. The old security officer headed for his office. Once inside he flopped down at his desk and powered his vidscreen.

"Computer access cultural files, Betazed."


Hi all I was going to send an NRPG update but I thought I'd add a brief post for Bat following up on his conversation with Krysa.

As soon as the admiral passes along the specific mission orders to Zane we'll have our customary meeting and then be on our way.

Mike: any chance you'll be opening the package in your office while Zane is there? He is almost as nosy as me! <G>


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Prometheus Introduces Fire to 10-Foreward

by Joseph Baker 3-14-1996

SD: 80314.2054

LTJG Jerran Terel and ENS Jennifer Cartwright walked into 10 Forward, each holding a couple of plates in their hands which contained something that looked like rather fat Terran burritos. Jerran saw Jenn sitting over by herself and walked offer her some of it while Cartwright went to take some over to Bat.

"Care for some hasparat, Lieutenant? It's fresh. Ens. Cartwright and I just made them up ourselves from supplies we procured from EPSILON."

Jenn leaned over the plate to get a smell of it. Tears came to her eyes as she took a whiff. It reminded her of some of the tear gas training maneuvers they did in the academy.

"Kind of powerful, isn't it Terri?" she said, whiping a tear off her face.

"Well, it's supposed to be. Back in the days of the Cardassian occupation of Bajor, hasparat was pretty much a staple in every Bajoran's diet. They didn't have much in the way of meat or vegitables, so the only way to give it any flavor was to spice it up. It also helped to keep people awake on long patrols and lookout shifts. Don't worry, though. It's hot at first, but it doesn't last more than a minute. Plus, you kind of get used to it after a while."

Jenn raised an eyebrow and looked at the dish questioningly. She heard a loud shout from over by the bar and turned to see Bat pouring a jug of water down his throat. After puting the jug back down, he picked up the hasparat and took another bite.

"Well, if Bat can stand it, I guess I can, too," she said with a smile.

Just a little post to pass the time :)

Joseph--->Desperately waiting for a new mission ;)

*        *             *
* Raneov Stefanh e-Annhwi tr'Khnialmnae, CO, HgR Ja'telaih, TOS TREKMUSE   *
* LTJG Jerran Terel, FCO, USS FEYNMAN, alt.starfleet.rpg                   *
* ENS Logan Knight, CEO, USS TSUNAMI, alt.starfleet.rpg                    *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                          *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                              *
* University of South Florida                                              *

USS FEYNMAN: The Counselor Passing Time

by Charles Jencks 3-14-1996

SD 80314.1745

Knowing that mission orders could come anytime, Counselor Krazny headed for the holodeck instead of the starbase. "Computer, load programs under the name 'Krazny' from Academy database." he said, still in the turbolift. When he got there, it was up to Program 17. He said, "Run Program 1."

"You may enter."

He found himself in a small park... in London if he remembered the program... with a red-headed woman and a small child. The woman was saying, "London is already 'Canon'ized- or would you prefer that we spent the whole day shopping?"

Krazny, remembering his lines, said, "What do we do for dinner?"

"Catch a cab back to the hotel?" She checked her chronometer. "Or we can walk."

"They're supposed to have a good dining room. But these civilized places make you wait until eight or nine." An expensive car went by, and he thought of the child. Little kids and expensive restaurants don't mix too...

BOOM! An explosion went off in the street behind him, and he crowded the woman and child... his 'family'... behind an English oak.

NRPG: Just passing time until the staff meeting. If anyone wants to watch, there is a park bench where you won't... might not... get shot at.

Patriotically, Charles Jencks
Ensign Krazny Oktyabr, Counselor, USS Feynman

USS FEYNMAN: Hesperat :)

by Kristen Gant 3-14-1996

Stardate: 80314.2256
Scene: 10-forward

Jenn first got a large glass of water. She saw Terri smiling in amusement over her precaution.

"Hey," she told him, "I'm not stupid!" she flashed him a smile as he suppressed a chuckle. She then sat back down to the plate of hasparat. She carefully took the first bite.

It was like fire in her mouth. She grabbed her glass of water and had half of it gone before she stopped. She sat there, savoring the flavor. Once you got past the initial burn, the flavor was incredible.

"It's is wonderful," she told Jarren as she went for a second bite. "We need to have this more often."

Jarren laughed. He had been at too many meals with Krysa to know that she loved to eat. Though from her figure you would never know it. He couldn't help but wonder where she could put all that food.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: I'm sorry, it's short. I have no excuse, except that I'm about written
out<G>. I've been working on lots of stuff tonight. Not to mention, there
isn't much going on while we wait to get our mission.... so.....


(AKA - Dr. Janna Swansen, CMO, USS Bismarck, ASR)
(AKA - Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O, USS Feynman, ASR)
(AKA - Ens. Ainese Kev, CSciO, USS Magellan, WW)
(AKA - Bree, Broken Lands, WW)
(AKA - Darlea & Makayla, Dragon Lands, WW)
(AKA - Dr. Darla Shane, CMO, Starbase 109, UFPI)

USS FEYNMAN: Patriotic Fire

by Charles Jencks 3-15-1996

SD 80315.0205
Holodeck -> 10 F

Even as the Rolls Royce exploded, Krazny could smeel the hasparat, through the decks and the program. Absently, he left, and said, "Computer, end program." He headed for Ten Forward.

In Ten Forward, he could smell the hasparat, and made a beeline for the table. "Can I sit?"

Lieutenant Jenn and the other people at the table motioned that he should, and passed him a plate of hasparat.

Krazny smiled. "I haven't had good hasparat in years." He immediately started eating, and they passed him a glass of water.

NRPG: Sensitive smell of a Bajoran and telepathy of a Betazoid really help in tracking down hasparat, if you know what I mean. It's nice breaking bread... er, hasparat... with you guys.

Charles, AKA Ens Krazny Oktyabr, ship's counselor, USS FEYNMAn

USS FEYNMAN: Just Waiting Around

by Max Felsher 3-15-1996

SD 80315.0130
First Officer's Office

"Very well, Ensign Kranzy. Your quarters are on Deck 5, Section 2, Quarters 1. You may choose an office that is convenient for you and form your staff. Although you are not required to be on the Bridge, you are welcome to join us at any time. If you have any more questions, do not hesitate to ask me. Understood?"

"Understood, sir."

"Good. Dismissed."

Just as Maril was getting ready to go, another person appeared at the door. It was the Dr. Tok, and he looked unusually disturbed.

"Is there a problem, Doctor?" Maril asked.

"Actually, sir, there is." Tok quickly explained his dilemna. After he was done, Maril sat and thought.

"In Tamarian mythology, there was a culture called the Sebemites. In that culture, it was expected that males be whipped every 2 years, from birth until death. One day, a traveler from afar visited the Sebemites. He and one of the young boys became very good friends. When the time for the traveler's whipping came, he refused. He was about to be taken prisoner by the Sebemites. Now, what does his young friend do? Does he stand by what he has known all his life, or does he stand by his friend?"

"I don't know. What did he do?"

"I can not tell you that until you have made a decision. Whatever decision you make, it must be your decision. Now, did that help?"

"Yes, sir, I think it did."

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

Lysle:This may not help, but this is Maril's point of view.

Lt. Comm. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla

USS FEYNMAN: Just Waiting Around (Cont.)

by Charles Jencks 3-15-1996

SD 80315.0240
LtCmdr Maril's office

"Enlightening story, sir. I believe I'll want the room next to mine, Quarters 2, for my office."

"As you wish." Dr. Tok left, and Ensign Krazny followed him out.

NRPG: Short, I know, but there's a thunderstorm brewing and I wanna get off line for a while. Working on a staff? I'm not sure I'll need one. For now, I won't have one. And I'll probably be on the bridge a lot.

Andy... I was looking at your bio today. Looks like we both read the same books. But really... LtCmdr Cathy Ryan? Capt John Clark? A bit more obvious than mine...

Charles Jencks
Ens Krazny Oktyabr, Counselor, FEYNMAN

USS FEYNMAN: Just Waiting Around (Cont.) NRPG

by Andrew Catterick 3-15-1996

> > Andy... I was looking at your bio today. Looks like we both read the same
> books. But really... LtCmdr Cathy Ryan? Capt John Clark? A bit more
> obvious than mine...
> True but at least they are a little more common. Of course I can't claim to be named for a tractor factory in Russia! :D regards,

Zane-->Which I borrowed from Piers Anthony as well!

-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Still Sitting in 10-Forward

by Kristen Gant 3-16-1996

Stardate: 80316.2136
Scene: 10-forward

Lt. Jenn leaned back in her chair. “Oh dear,” she said. “I do believe I ate way too much!”

Bat just laughed. “I’ll say! I think you ate enough for two!”

“Yes, I’ll probably look it in the morning,” Laughed Jenn. “Speaking of which, you put away quite a bit.”

“Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get the recipe from Jennifer before she and Jerran took off. But I won’t give up.” The two continued laughing and chatting. Bat was glad to see that she had cheered up considerably from when she first walked in.

PO John Cassey walked into 10-forward and headed over to the table where Jenn and Bat were sitting. He did not look happy. “Lt. Jenn, could I speak to you for a moment.”

“Of course, John have a seat.”

Bat beginning to feel that maybe he had others places to be, excused himself and headed back to the bar. John watched him go, then looking at Krysa said, “I’ve been replaced.”

Jenn nodded, she knew it would happen. Every new counselor chose thier own staff. John was just lucky when Ensign Chesterton had filled in for her because she kept him on as the counseling secretary. “I’m sorry, John. I suppose I should have let you know as soon as I found out, that Blayne was being reassigned. I’ve been enjoying my shore leave here in 10-forward.”

John nodded. “Well, I thought I’d have to find a new position when you were promoted, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. When did Blayne get reassigned?”

“Just yesterday. She had a brief meeting with Admiral Nicholas and then D-Warped out to her new ship. I didn’t get to tell her good-bye either. She sent me a brief memo saying she was needed right away. I haven’t really had time to think any more about it since I got her memo.”

“I’m really happy for her. She deserved it.”

“Yes she did.” Krysa looked at John, “I will be needing some experts in sensor technology in Operations. Can you help out?”

“I don’t have a lot of experience, but I’m eager to learn.” said John smiling.

“Good, report to Ens. Garrett, she’s my Gamma ship Ops officer. She’ll get you started.”

“Thanks Lt. I appreciate it.”

“I’m glad to be able to do something. You’ve been a big help while we were waiting for a new counselor, and your hard work should not go unrewarded. Now,” she said slyly, “Have you ever tried Bajoran hasperate?”

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Just throwing John Cassey into the bowels of the Feynman. Who know where we might see him again<G>

USS FEYNMAN: 10F: Back from the Base

by Charles Jencks 3-17-1996

SD 80317.0120
Ten Forward

Ensign Krazny Oktyabr, having taken the book back to his quarters, walked into Ten Forward, and saw Chief Jones already there. Noticing Lieutenant Jenn and some enlisted man at a table across the room, he decided to go over there, and Chief Jones picked up his drink and followed him.

"Hello, Ensign. Who's your friend?"

"This is Chief Ron Jones, my... scheduling department. Chief, this is Lieutenant krysa Jenn, the Operations officer."

Jones smiled. "Nice to meet you." He sat down next to the enlisted man. "Who are you?"

"Petty Officer John Cassey, sir." He frowned. "I'm the old counselor's aide, but they made her the OPS officer so now I'm moving to the OPS department."

"Too bad, man. Let me buy you a round for takin' your job."

"Huh? What d'ya mean?"

"This is Ensign Krazny Oktyabr... the new counselor." Krazny turned when he heard his name. "Petty Officer John Cassey, sir."

"Pleased to meet you." He turned to Lt. Jenn. "We went shopping on the starbase today. I found a copy of 'Agents and Agencies'-a single-edition Ryan- for onlt three thousand credits!"

"Three thousand?"

"Yeah, and it's worth a hundred thousand, at least. There were only 96 copies printed."

"What's it about?" Jenn asked Krazny.

"Twentieth-century Earth international espionage."

NRPG: Follow up to Debts... , bringing me back aboard. Andy, I'd think you
would comment on these glaring references by now! (And the 'STENNIS' will
pick you guys up if possible... you know what I mean...)

Charles (Krazny Oktyabr)

USS FEYNMAN: Ensign Ryan and Dr. Ryan's Book

by Charles Jencks 3-18-1996

SD 80318.1645
Sometime during Beta Shift

Ensign Olivia 'Sally' Ryan was bored. Nobody had yet scheduled any counseling sessions, so she was in the office in case an emergency case developed. She started roaming the room, and found herself looking at the bookshelves. She saw a book that hadn't been put away, sitting on one of the vacant shelves by itself and read the cover...

Agents and Agencies
Dr. John Patrick Ryan
Central Intelligence Agency

...interesting. A Dr.Ryan? She briefly remembered such an ancestor, so she took the book to the massive black leather chair and sat down and started reading.

As she got past the prologue and turned the page to Chapter One, her communicator beeped...

NRPG: My A-COUNS. I assume the new security officer and the new cadets will need to at least MEET the counseling staff, and Krazny does sleep, so...

... but if you prefer you can use Krazny.

Charles AKA Ens Krazny Oktyabr, COUNS, FEYNMAN

Welcome to our new CSO! I'm not a security risk! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

USS FEYNMAN: Waiting Around...

by Max Felsher 3-19-1996

SD 80319.0130
First Officer's Office

"Maril to Lieutenant Jenn and Ensign Krazny. Please report to my office immediately," Maril said with no words wasted. As the two of them entered the room simultaneously, Maril greeted them, then continued.

"Mr. Krazny, I am sure you are unaware that during our last shore leave, we had a baseball game on the holodeck to...relax. At the time, Lieutenant Jenn was Counselor. Before the Captain left to see Admiral Nicholas, we discussed doing something similar. Do you have any suggestions?"

<<<<Guys? Anything you can think of, just take someone hostage and demand that we do what you say...;) On second thought, just start something up, unless I post first, in which case you are all doomed. <evil laugh> >>>>

"Very well. Why don't we use Holodeck 3 for the simulation. Dismissed." The two officers left, but Maril stayed in his office. He was thinking, not deeply, but thinking, as Emen did before the trial..... He brought himself back to reality as he decided to go back to his quarters for some relaxation.

Walking into his quarters, Maril fell onto his bed. He fell onto his bed. He didn't stay there for long. Tapping his communicator, he said, "Maril to Warrant Officer Mulak. Could you meet me in Holodeck 1?"

[Of course, sir.]

The holodeck was dark and shadowy when Mulak entered. "yIHub'egh!" a Tamarian cried from the shadows. The Tamarian, who was Maril, threw a holographic bat'telh over to Mulak. The two opponents circled before Mulak charged and they locked weapons.

"tlhIngan DaSov!" Mulak yelled as he pushed Maril into a pillar.

Maril skillfully dodged Mulak's thrust and brought the blade to the Klingon science officer's throat. "HIja'. Dajeylu'," Maril smiled and withdrew the blade as he commanded the computer to freeze the program.

As the two of them left, Maril almost thought he heard someone whispering, "You won't survive next time."

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All:Just doing some character development. Again, any ideas for a sim to pass the time. FYI, the Klingon sentences meant as follows:
"yIHub'egh!"--"Prepare yourself!"
"tlhIngan DaSov!"--"You speak Klingon!"
"HIja'. Dajeylu'."--"Yes. You are beaten."
My only reference is "The Klingon Dictionary", so these may not be exactly correct.
Jason:Sorry if Mr. Evil Shapeshifter has already left.
Andrew:So, you're starting a new character. Now, I will get my revenge! <evil laugh, cackle, etc.>

USS FEYNMAN: Holodeck Suggestion

by Charles Jencks 3-19-1996

SD 80319.0325
Lt Cmdr. Maril's office

Ensign Krazny looked up. "Sir, I would like to suggest that we simulate a voyage of an American attack submarine, the USS DALLAS. I already have the program, it would just take some minor adjustments... I could play Ramius, you could be Ryan, the captain can be Mancuso... yes, this could work! Ummm... what do you think, sir? I can have the program ready in a few hours."

NRPG: It's meant to be the scenario from _Hunt for Red October_, one of Krazny's favorite books.... incidentally, the one he chose his name out of.

Would prefer the part of Capt Marko Ramius. The plan I have would make all the line officers the crew of the DALLAS, and the doctor could be the cook, or something.

Charles Jencks
Ens Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN

USS FEYNMAN: Staff Meeting, Counselor's Report

by Charles Jencks 3-19-1996

SD 80319.1845

"Captain, as for the counselor's report, I've noticed a growing amount of discontent amongst the entire engineering and flight control staffs, so I plan on calling in various officers from those departments after we get underway. Lt. Jenn and Lt.Cmdr. Maril have been very gracious in welcoming me aboard, and I already feel like I belong here."

The captain nodded. "Thank you for your report, Counselor."

"Also, sir, I'd like to meet with all of the senior officers before our mission gets too complicated. That way I have a baseline to compare their actions to, and I know what the potential problems are."

"Sounds like an idea."

"Well, if you agree, could you have them all contact Chief Jones for scheduling?"

NRPG: Well, I don't think I met my goal of meeting everyone before the briefing, cause I haven't met the CSO, and I think a couple other people.

After the staff meeting, you can post your reports to the counselor. One at a time, please!

Note that I will have only limited access from Thursday to the end of next week... I'm going home for spring break. Will have modification to mail list after I get back on the 31st.

Charles Jencks
Ens Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN counselor.

USS FEYNMAN: The Czar Comes to Town

by Charles Jencks 3-19-1996

SD 80319.1700

Entering the desert simulation, Ensign Krazny Oktyabr saw the pyramid a kilometer off, and decided against the camels. "Computer, I want an entourage of appropriate size and dress and equipment, including horses, for an early Russian Czar. I will be the Czar."

<Working.> Soon, the whole entourage, some thirty men on horseback, appeared around him. The horses nickered at the camels, and then they got under way.

As they approached the pyramid, they slowed down, then stopped. Several of the 'Czars men came with him as they passed down the dark corridor, and four more men lit torches and carried them. The party of a dozen or so men came to a junction, marked by a single arrow laying on the floor, and continued.

Soon, the Czar and his party reached the chamber where, obviously, the breifing would take place. Just *after* entering, he ordered the rest of his men to return to the surface, and the four with torches to escort anyone who was coming in to this chamber. They left, and Zane looked at him. "What are you supposed to be, Counselor Krazny?"

"Czar of all the Russias, on a diplomatic mission to the Pharoah of Egypt."

NRPG: I wanted to do something else, but the timeline didn't permit. This stretches it enough!

BTW, all you who haven't arrived yet, the Czar's torchmen will escort you in unless you tell them not to.

Charles Jencks
(Czar) Ensign Krazny Oktyabr (Romanov), COUNS, FEYNMAN

USS FEYNMAN: Mission Briefing

by Kristen Gant 3-19-1996

Stardate: 80319.1607
Scene: Holodeck

Krysa took a deep breath before entering the Holodeck. She remembered the last surprise Commander Zane had planned for their mission briefing. Her heart had almost skipped out of her chest in that old haunted castle. What would he have planned this time.

“Computer, open door.”

The door slid open to reveal a vast desert. Not to far from the entrance were hitched camels. One was already missing, so one of the senior officers had already arrived. Krysa walked up to one of the camels.

“Now here’s a nice camel... Right...” she said looking in the camel’s unreadable eyes. “You’re going to give Krysa a nice ride, right... No bumps, no throwing me off....”

The camel continued to just stare at her. Sighing, Krysa hopped up onto the camel as gracefully as she could considering the camel was not helping. She almost misjudged and practically slid off the other side.

“Okay, Mr. Camel. You can go now.” The camel didn’t move. “Hello, Camel... Go!”

Still the camel refused to move. *Maybe I got a defective Camel* thought Krysa. She was just about to hope down when the camel began to run off toward the pyramid. Just about losing her seating again, Krysa grabbed a hold of the Camel’s neck. Her nose wrinkled. Why couldn’t the computer make a non-smelly camel?

When the Camel finally reached the pyramid, Krysa slid off thankfully. She tentatively headed into the tunnels.

Scene: Meeting room

Zane and Jerran were chatting while they waited for the other to arrive. They were startled by a shrill female scream emanating from the depths of the Pyramid. They looked at each other and began to laugh.

The mummy entered the room carrying Krysa over it’s shoulder.

“Put me down, you brute.” she squealed, bringing another burst of laughter from the two officers. Krysa glared at them. “You cou....”

The mummy picked just that moment to drop her unceremoniously on the floor. Zane and Jerran both hurried over to help her up, still quietly amused at the scene.

“As I was saying, you could have warned me!” she said brushing herself off.

“Awww, now that would have spoiled my fun.” said Zane with a mischievous smile on his face.

“Yes, Krysa, I must say it was the most hilarious thing I’ve seen in quite a while.” laughed Jerran.

“Go ahead.... have your little laugh.” She stalked off to the breakfast buffet Bat had sat up. The other two just watched her go and started laughing again.

Scene: Krysa’s Report

“There isn’t much to my report. Everything is in order. My staff is complete. I have yet to appoint a Mission Ops and a Chief Sensor Officer, but I think I’ll be able to do that during this mission. Right now, Ein and Garret have been helping fill in and it’s working great.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

(AKA - Dr. Janna Swansen, CMO, USS Bismarck, ASR)
(AKA - Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O, USS Feynman, ASR)
(AKA - Ens. Ainese Kev, CSciO, USS Magellan, WW)
(AKA - Bree, Broken Lands, WW)
(AKA - Darlea & Makayla, Dragon Lands, WW)
(AKA - Dr. Darla Shane, CMO, Starbase 109, UFPI)


by Charles Jencks 3-20-1996

SD 80320.0410
Counseling Scheduling Office

Cheif Jones was going over the day's schedule when a another officer entered. "Is this the counseling office?"

"That's across the hall. This is the scheduling department." Cheif Jones replied.

"I'd like to schedule an appointment. I'm Ensign Jade, the new CSO."

Jones, who'd been hard at work, looked up. There before him stood another Trill.

"Excuse me. I'm Chief Ron Jones." He introduced himself.

"Are you joined?" Jade asked.

"Yes. I'm the first host."

"That is a great honor." Jade smiled. Obviously Jones was a man to be reckoned with.

"What about you?"

NRPG: The counselor's in a meeting, and I couldn't resist having the two Trill meet. Ensign Jade, you get to meet the real counselor after the staff meeting, or you can see his assistant, Ensign Ryan. Or you can just talk to Chief Jones.

Cheif Jones is a PNPC

Charles Jencks
Ens Krazny Oktyabr, COUNS, USS FEYNMAN

USS FEYNMAN: Talking to Koreth

by Charles Jencks 3-20-1996

SD 80320.0520
After the breifing, in the pyramid corridor.

"Lieutenant Koreth, I need to talk to you." said an unfamiliar voice from behind him. He turned to see the tall Ensign Krazny looming behind him.

"Can I help you, Counselor?" the CEO snarled.

"That was my question. Many of the reports from Engineering have noted that you have been acting... a little out of sorts since you returned. Look, I know how Klingons act, I had one in my flight squadron at the Academy. And you are acting a bit hostile, even for a Klingon. Your staff says you're more hostile and demanding than usual. For those reasons, I require you to schedule counseling. If you resist, I'll have to talk to the Captain about it."

Seeing the FCO, LtJG Jerran, passing, he continued, "I must talk to Lieutenant Jerran. I expect you to contact Chief Jones for scheduling."

Approaching Lieutenant Jerran, Ensign Krazny got his attention as well, and told him, "Your department has expressed some discontent in their weekly reports. I would like to talk to you about what might be causing the problem. Please, contact Chief Jones and schedule yourself for a counseling session, sir."

Jerran looked at Krazny. "I know what the problem is. Starfleet dumped a squadron of cadets on us for this mission."

"Then I want to talk to the cadets too. Maybe someone fresh from the Academy like me can help the situation. By the way, I noticed you're programming holodeck flight exercises for them. I'd like to take part in some of them. I have flight time in F-19s, F-14s, MiG-27s, MiG-29s, Mi-24s, AH-64s, and P-51s, as well as Spitfires and Mirages."

"You are a pilot?"

"Yes. I even got to fly an old Columbia-class shuttle once."

"Columbia-class? Those must be four hundred years old!"

"Yes, they are. Starfleet even left the old NASA markings on them."

"You sound like someone I can relate to."

"So do you. I must be going, Lieutenant." Ensign Krazny hurried away as the fuming Lieutenant Koreth neared.

NRPG: I assume Koreth would be mad? And as for Jerran... well, we'll see.

Charles Jencks
Ens Krazny Oktyabr, COUNS, USS FEYNMAN


by Andrew Nugteren 3-20-1996

Stardate: 80320.0000
Scene: Transporter Room

[[Bridge to Transporter Room. Ensign Jade, our new Security Chief, is ready to beam across from Epsilon on your signal.]]

Ensign Matt Fuhrman acknowledged his readiness. "Aye sir. Transporter Room is ready. Energize."

A few seconds later the door slid open and Lt.Cmdr Maril stepped through just as the shimmering effect died away to reveal a lone ensign standing on the platform. She smiled at Maril.

"My name is Lt.Cmdr Onta Maril, First Officer aboard. Ensign Jade?" Maril searched for recognition.

"Reporting for duty sir," she smiled as she stepped down from the platform. Jade, like most SFA graduates, looked in her early twenties, although there was a hint of maturity in her step. Maril studied her closely. He had only just had enough time to scan her bio-file quickly before she arrived, but he had had enough time to note that she was a Trill. The markings on her face confirmed his thoughts.

"Glad to have you aboard Ensign. We've just received our mission orders and Commander Zane is holding a briefing in the holodeck that begins about now. I just wanted to meet you beforehand. If you'll just follow me, we can talk on our way."

Scene: Outside Holodeck

"...strange occurences around the ship. Our Helm officer, Lt.Jerran, was almost killed by a holodeck malfunction while sitting his BrOT. There have been reports as well of a strange presence roaming the ship."

"Interesting," Jade surmised. "I'll have to look into things more I think. I imagine you have logs on the computer."

"Of course," said Maril coming to a halt in front of the holodeck doors. Pushing the door release mechanism, he and Jade stepped through the doors and felt immediately the scorching heat of the hot sun.

Respecfully submitted
Ens. Jade


So much for the anti-climax :) Actually, this character was going to be quite quite different. I was working on the idea of a race similar to the trill in which *two* hosts were joined to different symbionts. The two hosts would share their consciousness and memory similar to the Borg, but have independant freewill. The two symbionts (and hosts) would be kind of opposites, so working together they would maximise their strenghts. Anyway, it was all going to be a bit tough to put together, so I settled on the simple option :)

Max: Feel free to post our arrival together at the meeting. I have to run to class so I'm out of time!!

Andy: Obviously, Jade won't have a report for the meeting since she hasn't even had a chance to go *anywhere* :)

Welcome all!!

USS FEYNMAN: Reasonable? I Can Be Reasonable!

by Charles Jencks 3-20-1996

SD 80320.2215
Outside the pyramid.

"All right, Lieutenant. When can you come in?"

Koreth said, "I do not know. I will have to consult the Engineering schedule and get back to you."

"Understandable. Look, I'm sorry if I offended you, sir."

Seeing that his entourage had arrived, Krazny mounted his horse, and offered Koreth one, and rode toward the exit.

Charles Jencks
(Czar) Ens. Krazny Oktyabr (Romanov), COUNS, USS FEYNMAN

USS FEYNMAN: Meeting the Cadets (NRPG)

by Andrew Catterick 3-20-1996

> BTW, is the mission clock starting with our staff meeting in Egypt, or
> once we launch?
Once we launch. As soon as the last officers report into the meeting we can get underway. (Hint! Hint!)

-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Maril(and Jade) Arrives

by Max Felsher 3-21-1996

SD 80321.0100(GMT)
Holodeck:Just inside doors

Lt. Commander Maril, along with Ensign Jade, entered the holodeck. Maril felt some discomfort from his not-so-cool surroundings, but tried not to show it.

"The diamond on Egats Mountain," Maril spoke metaphorically, noticing the distance between themselves and the pyramid. Jade just nodded. Maril, seeing the camels, tried to jump onto one. He promptly fell off, onto the hot, scorching sand. He made another attempt, only to fail once again. Finally, when the camel relaxed, Maril pounced, and within a few seconds was sitting proudly on the camel. Now if he could only make the camel go in the right direction.

Finally, Maril and Jade set off for the pyramid. Considering their vehicle of transportation, it did not take long to get there.

Most everyone else was there when Maril and Jade arrived in the warm room.. Commander Zane was calling the room to order as Maril sat down. After Zane explained their interesting mission to Furjen, Maril stood up and gave his report:

"Everything is like Eln at a party from my standpoint. I'm sure the extra time at the Starbase helped. All sections have their necessary personnel and all systems are operating at peak efficiency. Thank you."

As Maril sat back down, he listened to the other officer's reports on the status of the ship. He was looking forward to this new mission. It sounded rather exciting.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All:Just telling you all that I'm here.
Andrew:You think Andy's having a good time commanding his former commander! You don't know what Maril will do! :D Don't forget that Maril has the ALPHA shift every day! ;D

USS FEYNMAN: Conspiracy

by Andrew Nugteren 3-21-1996

Stardate: 80330.1230
Location: Manark V
Scene: Manark Planetary Intelligence (MPI)
Ministerial Briefing

"...plan is almost ready to swing into its final stages of execution. Our agents are standing by."

Vice-Chancellor Brownlie gave a wicked grin as he leaned back in his chair. "Quite something Mr. Savage," he affirmed. "but I there was one notable omission in your report."

"And what was that, sir?"

"The Federation. What of the Federation?"

Rick Savage, current CEO of the MPI swallowed uncomfortably. "Intelligence suggests the Federation will present us with no difficulties, at least nothing in the short term. Our agent on Starbase Epsilon has confirmed that the USS FEYNMAN is readied to depart on her diplomatic mission as anticipated."

"While it would be unwise not to note that she has one of the finest crews in the Silver Fleet Taskforce, she too is still limited by the Prime Directive. Since Furjen is not a member of the UFP, she will have no other choice but to ignore the events on the surface as an internal matter..."

Brownlie cut him off sharply. "Very well. You have your orders. I expect regular reports on your progress. Dismissed."

Respectfully submitted
Ens. Jade


This meeting is a little something occuring on Manark V at the same time as our holodeck briefing. I have a few little developments I intend to play with as we get closer to Furjen as a sub-plot line, and obviously have them reach a climax during our arrival. For now though, I'll keep things a secret :))

USS FEYNMAN: The Comissioner Arrives

by Andrew Catterick 3-21-1996

Scene: Holodeck, Briefing Chamber, Great Pyramid

Having listened to the reports from his officers Zane was pleased, but not surprised, that all was ready for immediate departure. He could see the look in their eyes, they were itching to get out 'there'. So was he.

" the offical mission is that we are a glorified taxis to take Commissioner Thessa to Furjen and then return him to EPSILON once he has completed his final evaluation. However," Zane smiled, "As the Furjen have extended shore-leave to the FEYNMAN it won't hurt if you gather information on the various aspects of the planet so that when the time comes to file a final report you may, as Federation citizen's and Starfleet officers, add your own views as to the planet's acceptance."

"How much of the crew can be offship at one time sir?" Maril asked.

"Standard rotation. As we're in the middle of Federation space there should be no concerns but I don't want Bat chasing me all around the ship again for taking away his customer's." Zane joked. He wanted the ship ready in case the commissioner wanted early departure.

Zane turned to face his FO. "Onta I want you to coordinate with the senior staff and the planetary officials to find the most....suitable sites for our officers to visit to exchange information....." Zane was cut off as all heads turned to the commotion emanating from the tunnel. A few moments later a very hot Chief Larocque emerged.

"I'm sorry commander but he insisted on seeing you right away and since you adjusted this program's controls we had to barge into your medium."

Zane stood. "Its alright chief. Who demanded to see me?"

A small figure emerged from behind the imposing figure of Chief Larocque. "I did commander and I want to know what the hell is going on here. We've got an important mission to get to and you and your staff are here playing in the sand! The admiral will here about this."

Zane didn't even try to explain instead turning to introduce his officers. "Comissioner Corino Thessa allow me to introduce my....."

"Aren't you listening? I don't care who your officers are as long as they are capable of running this ship. I demand we leave right now!"

"Sir, with all due respect, I am the captain of this vessel and I give the orders here."

"Well let me make it clear that as a Federation commissioner you answer to me and that means *I* give the orders. I want this ship moving and I want out of this place now!"

"Computer remove extra parameters this program. Zane to Ensign Furhman, lock on to Chief Larocque's signal. Two to beam out."

As the two transported away the room became silent as all considered the joy's of transporting bureaucrats. Finally the FCO broke the tension. "I guess he doesn't like sand." The room erupted into laughter.

Zane turned to the still smiling FO. "Commander its time to sail."


Okay, its time to leave!!!

Joesph: Take us out and start the mission clock at 0800

Jason: Yes you can keep the carpet (If you can get it off the holodeck) :)

Did everyone get an updated roster?

respectfully submitted,


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Oops Just Missed Them

by Kristen Gant 3-21-1996

Stardate: 80321.1442
Scene: Starbase Epsilon, Shortly after the Feynman has left

Ens. Reggie Frohlech had not been having a good day. He had slept in, dropped his breakfast all over the mess hall floor, and been late for his shift because the cook had insisted that he help clean it up before he would let him out of the mess hall.

This was the 3rd time he had been late and he knew that the Comm officer would be all over him about this. He just hoped he would be put on probation or anything. After all, that illegal subspace message that got out had not been his fault, even though he was the only one on duty.

A pretty dark haired young woman ran up to him. She was a civilian by her dress so should not have been there. "I need to speak to someone on the Feynman right away."

"Do you have the proper authorization forms?"

"What kind of authorization forms do I need? All I want to do is contact my sister who is on that ship."

"Well, ma'am all personal messages have to be sent by message relays. This is for official business... Starfleet use only."

"But this is really, really important. Please, I'll keep it short."

"I can't do it ma'am. You can go to the Base's civilian comm center and send a message there." Reggie was not about to make another flub, and allowing this woman to use subspace channels.

"Do you know how long it takes one of those messages to get through? I could be a grandmother before she gets it."

"I'm sorry, that's the only option you have."

A tall Vulcan called to the young woman, "Come on, Jeri, we're going to miss our shuttle."

"Just a minute, Boren, I have to get through to Krysa."

"We're out of time. Let's go!" The woman looked obviously torn between her need to contact her sister and her need to catch her shuttle. Finally throwing up her hands, she threw Ens. Reggie Frohlech a disdained look and ran to join the Vulcan. They took hold of hands and ran off across the base.

Reggie was proud of himself. He had done the job right this time. Just then Lt. Cmdr. Jorden arrived. "Ens. Frohlech, a word in my office, please." Reggie swallowed hard and got up as another ensign quickly took his place. Slowly he followed the Comm Officer to his office.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Well, now you've sort met Krysa's sister, Jerna... not related to this
mission, of course, but who knows when the information might come in handy:)


(AKA - Dr. Janna Swansen, CMO, USS Bismarck, ASR)
(AKA - Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O, USS Feynman, ASR)
(AKA - Ens. Ainese Kev, CSciO, USS Magellan, WW)
(AKA - Bree, Broken Lands, WW)
(AKA - Darlea & Makayla, Dragon Lands, WW)
(AKA - Dr. Darla Shane, CMO, Starbase 109, UFPI)

USS FEYNMAN: Boy is He Mad :)

by Kristen Gant 3-21-1996

Stardate: 80321.1339
Scene: Bridge

All of the senior crew headed to the bridge. Soon they would be departing. There excitement for departure was not diminished any by the sour mood of their Federation diplomatic representative. Though Krysa didn't see anything diplomatic about him at all.

Fortunately, Commissioner Corino Thessa had not yet made it up to the bridge, so things were quiet. Krysa expected a great deal of yelling when the small man appeared. And a short time later she was right.

He wasn't even out of the turbolift when his ranting began.

"Commander, how dare you beam me anywhere without my permission! I will not stand for this kind of treatment from you or anyone else on this ship! I am the Fed..."

"Commissioner Thessa, if you can not sit quietly while on the bridge I will not allow you up here until we arrive at Furjen. Do you understand me?"

"I will not be spoken to in that manner! I am running this ship now, not you! This is my mission...." He was interrupted by strong hands on either side of him. Ens. Jade and one of her security guards had each taken an arm. He had not seen Zane's signal to the new officer nor her signal to her guard while he had been ranting. "What... What is the meaning of this? Unhand me!"

"Commissioner, you heard my request. Now either sit down and be quiet, or security will escort you off the bridge and you will not be allowed back on until we reach Furjen. Do you understand me?"

Lt. Jenn was amazed at the calm tones being used by the CO. She could tell by looking at him that he was seething inside. She was very proud of his inner control.

Commissioner Thessa started to open his mouth again, then thought better of it. He simply nodded, his eyes burning with fury. Ens. Jade let him go and he quietly took a seat.

Zane looked at the FCO, "Mr. Jerran, take us out."

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Thought I'd continue with our guest, who I'm sure wasn't happy about Zane's transport.


Kristen and Scott Gant

USS FEYNMAN: You Don't Have to Be Here

by Charles Jencks 3-21-1996

SD 80321.1610
Feynman Mission Time 1.0755 (Five minutes before departure)

The Bridge

The doors opened in front of the young ensign... he was only eighteen... and revealed the bridge of his first ship, the USS FEYNMAN. He headed for the traditionally vacant seat across from the First Officer, but the Comissioner was sitting there, and so he sat at the vacant Science II station.

"You know, Counselor, that your presence is *not* required, I presume?" Commander Zane asked.

"Yes, sir, I do. But how could I miss my first ship setting sail for the first time?... since I came aboard, that is"

"I see." Zane turned back to the normal bridge crew... it was, after all, about time to get under way.

NRPG: Just wanted to place me after the meeting. BTW I am going on vacation today, for the next ten days. I will still be able to post, but nowhere near as often as I have been. Things will be back to normal on the 31st.

Charles Jencks
Ens Krazny Oktyabr, COUNS, USS FEYNMAN


by Andrew Nugteren 3-21-1996

Stardate: 80321.1100 (GMT)
Scene: Mission Briefing

Zane nodded at Jade. "Ensign," gesturing for her to stand. Catching on almost at once, Jade flashed a smile back at Zane and stood.

"My name is Jade Sr'qwon and I've been assigned as Chief Security Officer. I'd like to introduce myself a little more fully, as I understand my personnel files are still enroute from SB Alpha and I gather some of you are a little curious about my history."

"Through Sr'qwon I go back a total of 3 generations. Utton was Sr'qwon's first host. After joining, Utton entered into a rigarous study of Colonisation Management Techniques at the University of Paris on Earth. His achievements were highly honoured when he was chosen to lead the first joint Trill/Federation colony on Celius V. Utton remained in charge of the colony until his death, only rarely venturing off-world. During this time he turned his energies to the arts, music and painting especially. His 'Duronium Starscape' still hangs at the Planetary Museum on Trill."

"My second host Sayana chose to join Starfleet to pursue the quest for scientific knowledge. She served as Science Officer aboard many ships during her fifteen years in the service and made Commander before retiring to teach and research spatial-zolaegis theory at the Academy on Earth."

"Nehelik was my previous host. He contrasted again from both Utton and Sayana in vocation serving in the diplomatic service for Trill. Nehelik dreamed of a peaceful life, and still does in his own special way. He saw the advancement of peace as the greatest gift a race could give to another and strove to this end throughout his life. That's not to say he didn't have his enemies. Quite to the contrary. One most certainly doesn't make many friends at the diplomatic table, although it's often said that the ones you do make are indeed friends for life."

"For the last, and his last, 10 years he served as Federation Ambassador to the Ferengi Alliance on their homeworld. Those 10 years have left a lot with Sr'qwon. It takes about that long to understand them as who they are, and to fully comprehend their culture and way of life. I've made several friends among them."

"And me?" Jade smiled. "I add a fourth different contrast to Sr'qwon. Before I was joined to Sr'qwon I was very different to the Jade you see before now. I had a strong agressive viewpoint and would heavily defend my views. After graduating from the SFA I continued my training in the UFP Assault Team. Those days of training were the hardest of my life, but looking back perhaps some of the best. My joining added to me a more balanced perspective from my previous three hosts. We all offer one another support, and perhaps my differences were the reason I was allowed the Sr'qwon symbiont in the first place."

"To tell the truth," she paused for effect. "when you have 3 lifetimes of history already, to sum it up into several minutes isn't easy so I apologise for the length although I do look forward to learning more about you all on our mission ahead. Thank you all for your welcome; I really do feel at home already!"

Respectfully submitted,

Ensign Jade
Chief Security Officer

USS FEYNMAN: Where is My Mind Today?

by Kristen Gant 3-22-1996

Stardate: 80322.1919
Scene: Bridge
MD: 1.1130

Krysa sat at Ops watching the scanners. Not much was happening now. They were still 16 hours from Furjen. Her mind began to wander. This was highly unusual in the normally focused Ops Officer.

Her mind kept going back to her family. She had not heard from her parents at all while they were at Epsilon, which was highly unusual. On top of that she hadn't heard from Jeri since just before she joined the crew of the Feynman. Krysa wondered how things were going. Last she had talked to her, Jeri was seriously thinking about leaving school. Krysa had, of course tried to talk her out of it. Jeri, true to her nature finally said she would think about it before she did anything, but Krysa hadn't been sure that she wasn't just saying that to appease her.

"Just talk to father, before you do anything , Jeri," she had begged.

"Krysa, you know what he'll say. Why should I even bother?"

"Because I asked you to. I just don't want you making a big mistake."

"I'm not sure it is a mistake," Jeri had told her.

"Maybe not, but you'd better be very sure before you just up and throw it all away."

Jeri had sighed and rolled her eyes, "Alright, Krysa, I promise I won't do anything rash."

"Good. Oops... Jeri I gotta go. I've got a D-Warp Shuttle to catch. I'll talk to you later."

Krysa's thoughts were interrupted by WO Ein, who had come to replace her. She had Beta shift Officer of the Day, so had a few hours off before she needed to be back on the Bridge.

"Your mind not on your job today, Lt.?" asked Ein.

"You just surprised me, that's all." Krysa said tightly. She and Ein still did not seem to be getting along. For some reason, Krysa felt some resentment from him, though she couldn't figure out what it was she had done to make her feel it. Oh well, she didn't have time to deal with that now. It would have to wait till another time. She quickly ran down the things that had been happening during her short shift, (which hadn't been much) and left him to his duty.

She nodded to Commander Maril telling him she would see him in a few hours, then headed to her quarters to try and get refocused before she had to take over the bridge.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: I don't think Ein is much longer for this world:)


Kristen and Scott Gant

USS FEYNMAN: Adversary Unseen

by Andrew Catterick 3-22-1996


Zane looked out the canopy to the sleek fighters on either side of him. The yellow nose cone of the ME-109 which he and his comrades flew standing out against the blue of the cloudless sky. Below him at 3000 feet the 6 Mustangs were creeping up on their prey, a wing of FW-190s.

Jerran had positioned his flight above the FW-190s and with the sun to his back. The Allied planes would be hard to spot even by the most hawk-eyed observer. Of course Zane had taken the same position for his 3 aircraft relative to Jerran's flight.

Zane smiled at the thought of surprise his FCO would soon experience. He was good a pilot but he new his FCO surpassed him. Still he had surprise on his side, and a more maneuverable fighter.

As he watched Jerran's Mustangs begin their run Zane turned to his two companions and gave the attack signal. He gunned the engine and dove.


Just checking my mail before heading off to bed and I couldn't resist:)

Any volunteers for the other two fighters?

Kris: now might be a good time for Krysa to prune some ego on an un-named FCO! <VBEG>


Andy-->Who can fly but can spell;)

-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Frisbees of Dreamland

by Charles Jencks 3-23-1996

SD 80323.0700
Mission Date: 2.0830

Lt. Jerran and the four cadets filed in, as Counselor Krazny had specified, at precisely 0830 hours. He stood before them.

"These are twin-seat F-19A Ghostrider fighter aircraft, colloquially known as Frisbees. Our three craft... I will be flying with Lt. Jerran and you cadets will also be paired off... will be part of an eighteen aircraft squadron which will be engaged in Operation Dreamland. Our three craft are to destroy two IL-76 Mainstay radar aircraft and a highway bridge twenty kilometers beyond the Elbe River, which is the border with enemy territory."

"We will keep a low profile, flying virtually at treetop level, to avoid rader detection. These fighters are specially built to avoid radar reflections as well. I will warn you, they don't handle as well as most of the craft you're used to. Go to your planes."

Lt. Jerran and Ens. Krazny climbed into the nearest craft, with cadets in the next two. Krazny keyed up the radio. "My craft is Phantom One, the craft behind me is Phantom Two, and the other is Phantom Three."

"Phantom Two here, sir." one anxious cadet reported. Then the cool tones of a female cadet came through. "Phantom Three here, sir."

Phantom One began to roll down the runway.

NRPG: Take it. They're those Stealth fighters. The sequence (for Andy's benefit) is out of Chap 15 of Red Storm.

Charles Jencks
Ens Krazny Oktyabr, CNS, USS FEYNMAN

USS FEYNMAN: Persuasion

by Andrew Nugteren 3-23-1996

SD: 80323.0545
MD: 1.1500

" Chief of Security I am responsible for your safety Commander," Jade tried a different approach putting on a serious approach both she and Zane knew had been invented for the situation. "I wouldn't like to see you shot down by Lt. Jerran."

Zane smiled. "The closest he'll get to me in the air is on the other end of a stream of cannon shells. Do you have a flight rating?"

"Not an official one myself sir," Jade began. "but Sayana held a level 3 classification when she was serving in Starfleet."

"But that must have been... years ago?"

"60 years to be pricise Commmander. They were still flying the Galactix VII back then," she held up her hand quickly to ward off objections. "but I assure you that the techniques have not changed that quickly. And I did have a basic flight at the Academy."

"One flight and you expect me to let you fly against Jerran?? He's good you know."

"Oh no," Jade smiled innocently. "Jerran's yours. I'll just take on some of the trainees."

"All right Ensign," Zane gave an exaggeratingly large sigh. "I do need a wingman I guess."

"Thanks Commander." Jade smiled at her sucess and then followed Zane into the already opening doors of the holodeck.

Respectfully submitted
Ensign Jade


I guess if someone writes away before Joseph gets a chance to do likewise then we can shoot him down no questions asked!! <EG>

USS FEYNMAN: Back to the Bridge

by Kristen Gant 3-23-1996

Stardate: 80323.1308
Scene: Jenn's Quarters
MD: 1.1500

The lights were darkened in Krysa's quarters. She sat on the floor trying to focus and meditate. She finally had to give up, as it didn't seem to be helping. *What is wrong with me?* she thought.

Finally sighing, she turned the lights back on and found a brief message from Terri, inviting anyone down for a quick flight in the Holodeck. She smiled briefly, "Why not?" and headed out the door.

Scene: Bridge
MD: 1.1615

After the commissioners tirade, Jenn noticed that is was 1610. She was late. Commander Maril would not be happy. Properly chagrined she said her good-byes and ran to the turbolift.

Sure enough, when she reached the Bridge, Commander Maril was annoyed. "You're late, Lt."

"I know, sir. I'm sorry. I was with Commander Zane." She said hoping that would help.

Maril just humphed and let her know what was going on. Out of the corner of her eye she could have sworn she saw the Bolian at Ops smiling at her discomfort. It still was beyond her why Ein didn't like her. She would just have to try harder.

"Any questions, Lt."

"No sir. I've got things under control." she said smiling. Unfortunately it didn't make Maril any happier. He turned and left the bridge. Krysa sighed and sat down in the Captain's chair, hoping the next 8 hours would be uneventful. They wouldn't make it to Furjen until 0400 hours and that was Lt. Koreth's shift.

She began to relax and enjoy her shift.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Now you've all gotten me in trouble with the FO! Shame on you<G> Sorry about the hour that we are arriving at Furjen... but I'd already said in another post that it would take 16 hours to get there.... Should have calculated that a little better, huh<Sheepish G>


(AKA - Dr. Janna Swansen, Lt. Krysa Jenn,
Ens. Darla Shane, Ens. Ainese Kev, Bree,
Darlea & Makayla, Captain Gabriel Faison)


by Andrew Nugteren 3-23-1996

SD: 80323.1230
Scene: Bridge
MD: 2.0110

>"Understood. We will contact you again when in visual range.
>Feynman out" Tarrant motioned for the link to be cut.
>"Tarrant to Cmdr. Maril, please report to the bridge."

Lieutenat Koreth almost jumped as the turbolift doors swished open almost instantaneously. That certainly was very prompt of the First Officer he thought, turning only to see he had been mistaken. Ensign Jade emerged from within and crossed the bridge to report.

"Ensign?" Tarrant questioned, surprised by her arrival on the Bridge.

"I'm sorry sir, but I couldn't sleep. I think it must be first mission nerves or something. It was the same for Sayana Sr'qwon on her first mission in Starfleet as Science Officer. I think I've inhereited the trait!"

Tarrant smiled to himself, reminding himself of his first mission. Now that *had* been some time ago, although it still remained fresh in his mind. Then again, it seemed hard to forget that his Captain had sacrificed himself and his ship in order to save themselves against a Starfleet ship from the future. His mind wandered back to Jade who was looking at him strangely as if something was wrong.

"Are you all-right, sir?" concern was evident in her voice.

Tarrant shrugged off her question with a smile. "I'm sorry," he replied. "I was just thinking back to my own first mission. Yes, I'm fine."

Jade sensed the tension in his voice and decided not to pursue the matter further for the moment. "If it's all-right then, I'd like to do some background research on Furjen before we arrive, and besides, I figured you could use some help on the Bridge with the Ambassador. I understand he wants to beam down immediately upon arrival and he's requested, or should I say ordered, a Guard of Honour to beam down also."

"By all means, Ensign."

"Jade," she smiled a correction. "I'll make it so."

She turned and took a seat at one of the vacant Science stations behind Tactical and began to scan through the files on recent Furjen history and upcoming events of note on the planet, while at the same time considering in the back of her mind the security personnel to select for the Ambassador's Honour Guard.

Respectfully submitted
Ensign Jade Sr'qwon


Just getting us a *fraction* of a bit closer and putting Jade on the bridge. I figured out Ambassador *friend* would want to beam down to the surface the *moment* we arrived at Furjen. I'm sure anyone he wants to meet will still be asleep but I'm sure that won't stop him all the same :)

If it's fine by you Andy, I'd like to have Jade working her Alpha shift planetside keeping tabs on the Ambassador. Babysitting I guess, although knowing the Ambassadors temparament, that could be kinda fun :)

btw, for those interested, Jade's symbiont has the following pronunciation... SIH-KWON

| Ensign Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                 New Zealand |


by Max Felsher 3-23-1996

SD 80323.2230
MD 1.1800
Kaung, Furjen

Edir Sebel sat at his desk in the highly developed Duoquarter of the city. He was president of Sebel Darmati Purification Corporation(SDPC), one of the fastest growing businesses on the planet. The guards at his door let someone in.

"Ahhh...Mr. Listine. What do you have to report?"

Listine reported, "The Federation has sent a ship, the USS Feynman, to see if Furjen is fit to be a part of it, sir. I have also received reports that the MPI is planning to stop us somehow."

"Mr. Listine, you know how important this could be for us. There would be no tariffs when we trade, no inspections...."

"Yes, Mr. Sebel."

"So, I want you to send out some of our 'protection force' to the Manark border," Sebel smiled.

Listine smiled back, "Yes, sir, I will."

"Meanwhile, I will be trying to stop the MPI through more...civilized avenues. Now, leave before I get my guards to do it for you."

"Of course, sir."

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All: Just showing that the Furjen people are not all good.... :) Oh, BTW, that "protection force" is nothing to laugh at.
Andrew: Hope I didn't wreak havoc with your plans.

Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla

USS FEYNMAN: Frisbees Against Mustangs

by Charles Jencks 3-24-1996

SD 80324.0015
MD 2.0830 (disregard previous Frisbees post please)

Lt.Jerran and the four cadets entered the holodeck, to find Counselor Krazny standing in front of six F-19A Ghostrider fighters, with holographic copilots already inside. "These are F-19A Ghostrider fighters, with Stealth technology. I have sent a challenge to Commander Zane and any five personell he can scare up. They will be participating by hololink from Holodeck Two. They will... um, we'll wipe the sky with them this time... be flying P-51D Mustangs, the same we flew yesterday."

Simutaneously, the hologram of Krazny on Holodeck Two ushered Zane's team to F-14 Tomcats, the same provisions made, and they were told Jerran's team would be flying British Supermarine Spitfires. They actually laughed at that, just as Jerran and the cadets had. Both sides were told they had a vast advantage, when in fact they did not.

The Ghostriders skimmed the treetops, racing toward the high-flying Tomcats...

NRPG: Someone pick this up, I gotta go... Mom is getting mad because I've been online so long.

And Krazny's a very good pilot, so portraying him outlasting the cadets in the last one was very accurate.

Charles Jencks
Ens Krazny Oktyabr, CNS, USS FEYNMAN
And pilot of an F-19A Ghostrider (which the pilots call a Frisbee.)

USS FEYNMAN: The Ferengi Equation

by Andrew Nugteren 3-24-1996

NRPG) Third time lucky perhaps!! I keep getting a carrier dropout, so if this is in triplicate, please delete the other two and I offer my apologies :)

SD: 80324.0715
Scene: MPI Directors Office
MD: 2.0000

CEO Rick Savage looked up as a weary looking Vice-Chancellor Brownlie came into the picture on his viewer. "Vice-Chancellor"

"You have a report?" Brownlie fired at him with the utmost brevity.

"Yes sir. Our strike-force units have boarded the Ferengi cargo ship and left orbit 10 minutes ago according to schedule. ETA in Furjen space is 0410 hours which should coincide with the arrival of the Federation ship in the sector as well."

"Good... and news from Furjen itself?"

"Our political espionage staff are finalising their preperations sir. Their campaign will begin with the 0800 Furjen planetary newscast. That gives us a full day before the polling booths open; plenty of time by my assessment. I'll remind you that Jock McLebin is in charge of the planetside operation, so we should have no problems on the ground. I understand you've worked with Mr. McLebin in the past sir?"

Brownlie grunted a non-commital answer. Rumor held correctly that McLebin had worked as Brownlie's personal attache engaging in smear tactics during the last Manark elections, but as always in politics, a policy of neither confirm, nor deny, seemed to work wonders.

"That's all sir. I'll keep you informed. The next 24 hours will be a time of great triumph for all of Manark V. Savage out."

Scene: MPI Operations HQ
MD: 2.0055

The atmosphere in MPI's operations nerve-centre was almost electric. A beeping noise alerted one of the Communications operators to an incoming message.

"Sir," her voice hastened. "We have an incoming subspace message from the Ferengi trading vessel."

Savage stepped quickly toward her station. "On screen."

The main OPS viewer flashed to show the face of the Ferengi captain, Par Lenor. "Commander Savage," Par smiled wickedly. "I'm so glad I got hold of you."

"This had better be urgent," Rick said rather forecfully. "Your orders stipulated no subspace communication until your arrival on Furjen."

"I am aware of my orders," the Ferengi stated. "However a little matter has just been brought to my attention."


"It seems there has been a slight misunderstanding with regard to the payment for our role in the mission. My purser has informed me that only 160 bars of gold-pressed latinum were delivered before we departed."

"As I recall," Rick started to heat up. "160 bars was our agreement. I have a copy of the contract in my office."

"I have no queries with the contract." the Ferengi continued glibly. "I'll remind you that a Ferengi's word is his honour, however it seems that at the time we were not made aware of a possible Federation presence. Our latest intelligence suggests we may come across the Federation ship FEYNMAN. To be perfectly frank Commander, we feel that it would be unfortunate for us both if we were forced to stop and the Federation *happened* to discover your troops in our cargo bay."

"The mission was most thoroughly explained prior to your departure," Rick retorted. "You were made most aware of the requirements. If this is some kind of double-crossing deal, then this is the last time you trade in Manark V *or* Furjen space. Do I make myself clear?"

"Perfectly Commander," Par Lenor continued cooly. "However after all, I am just an honest businessman trying to make a little money to support my family. If you ask me to take greater risks, there must be greater profit or I'm afraid we don't have a deal."

"What's your price then?" Rick conceded, realising the inevitable.

"1000 bars of the finest gold-pressed latinum," the Ferengi smiled.

"That's insane and you know it," said Rick. "1000 bars is ten times the standard rates. We'll never agree to that much."

Lenor gestured apologetically. "I'm sorry Commander, but I do have my costs as well... I'm sure both of us realise it would be most unfortunate for our passengers if we failed to reach an agreement. No fare means no ride, and space is a very cold place for passengers who don't pay their fares."

Rick gestured at the communications operator to place the Ferengi on hold. He began to pace back and forth. The Ferengi had already received full payment from the original contract and t was clear that they held the ace of trumps; the troops. Par Lenor *was* probably bluffing, but this was critical to the sucess of the entire mission. Without the strike-force, Manark would have no way of enforcing their annexation once approved by a mock-government. Rick gestured to the operator and the Ferengi Captain reappeared.

"I have reached a decision," Rick told him. "The way you put it, I can assure you that MPI would be delighted to accomodate your latest offer. I will see to it personally that the latinum is transferred to your account immediately."

"I'm so glad you can see sense through all this Commander," Lenor said in a most sincere tone. "I'm sure this is only the beginning of a profitable business relationship... for us both." His wide smile remained on the viewer unmoving for several seconds, and then the channel terminated.

Respectfully submitted
Ensign Jade


Just to clear up a few implications I've made in Manark V's plans:

Furjen elections for the Legislative Council will be taking place at MD 3.0800 Once those are complete, the Legislature votes will also vote for a President, the imcumbent having served his 10 year term already.

The Manark political espionage officers on Furjen are going to come up with some very nasty scare or rumour which they can substantiate with supposed evidence. Their aim to swing elections in favor of their own candidates. If they took control of the Legislature, put in their own President and took control with their strike-force, we would be obliged to step back since it's an internal matter and Furjen is not *yet* a member of the UFP.

Of course, if some of us are on the planet when some of this begins to happen, we could see quite a different story... :)

USS FEYNMAN: Various Places...

by Andrew Catterick 3-24-1996

SD: 80324.1000
MD: 1:1530 (Backpost after Flight Simm ends)
Scene: 10-Forward

Commisioner Thessa marched into the lounge still fuming from the incident on the holodeck. He didn't know who he annoyed so much that he would be placed on such an unprofessional ship but he would soon find out and break them.

He had yet to eat that day and was famished. A private person he would have preferred to have his meal in the quiet solitude of his own cabin, as small as it was. But decided the bustle of the ship's main lounge would be a good place to eavesdrop and perhaps find some useful information.

As the doors shut behind he surveyed the room to find a good vantage point to hear and see everything. As he did so he was shocked to notice a figure from his past.

As was becoming his trademark, Bat leaned against the back counter with one foot resting on the counter in front of him. He held a glass in his left hand and was lazily polishing it with the blue and white checkered cloth in his right. A small smile creeped across his face. He had wondered how long it would take the Commissioner to make his way down here.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Thessa asked as he slid into one of the barstools in front of Bat.

"Hi Cori. Its good to see you again." He smiled as he set down two glasses and filled them with a green liquid. Bat picked up his and raised it in salute. "To old times!"

Both men emptied their glasses and Bat quickly refilled them. "I was on leave on Earth when the REPULSE went missing." Bat answered the commissioner's question.

"But what are you doing here?"

"I retired from Starfleet and really had no where to go. After serving on the same ship for 25 years all my friends were in one place and that place was lost....and....well, I visited family on Earth and Mars but they didn't really know me. I couldn't stay. I made my to EPSILON. I was going to invest my pension in a little mining business out in the asteroid belt. It would keep me busy and as EPSILON isn't the most civilized place in the world it would keep it interesting." He emptied his glass again and topped both up. "You've done well for yourself though, but I still think if you'd remained on the REPULSE...stayed in Starfleet you'd be an admiral by now....even if you were only a marine puke."

It was the commissioner's turn to race his glass. "Semper Fi!" Both men laughed at the private joke.

After a brief silence Thessa continued. "You were always a good officer Bat how you can stand being stuck amongst this bunch of incompetants?"

Bat nodded. "Yeah I heard what happened but I don't know why. Its not like you to run around blowing off at everyone. I know your a pig-headed bureacrat now but surely some of the officer is underneath there. As for this ship I won't stand for any insults. They are an excellent bunch. They care more about this ship and each other then you'd think possible."

"I can't believe your saying that! The captain seems to think this ship is his private holodeck. Does he ever leave the thing?"

"One, Zane very rarely endulges himself in the holodeck but he had no downtime on EPSILON as he was getting ready for you. Two, they are all extremely professional but yes they can be a little excentric at breaks the monotony and keeps them fresh, do you remember the 'raids' we use to pull? Three, if you step back and look at the big picture you'd agree with the way things run around here. It makes damned good sense. And four, besides the fact that I'm good friends with just about everyone on this boat the captain is my nephew."

Thessa took a few moments to digest that last remark. "He's the one! The one the REPULSE found?"

"One in the same."

"That makes no difference..." The commissioner was interrupted by a call from the bridge.

[Commissioner we have an incoming subspace transmission for you sir.]

"I'll take in my quarters. Thessa out." He replied gruffly. Thanking Bat for the drink he quickly shuffled out of the lounge.

Watching him go Bat wondered what had happened to change his friend so much and what was in this communication that was making him so nervous.

Scene: The Commissioner's Quarters

"....I told you not to contact me. Especially here. Everything is proceeding according to plan. I will let you know when it is finished." Tessa shouted at the console.

[There has been an unfortunate change in plans.]

"How can that be? The plan is simple. I go to this god-for saken world and deny their admission to the Federation. They lose their trading status and Manark V steps in to be the trading hub of this sector."

[Yes, well that is not what has been changed. I regret to inform you that due to financial limitation we will only be able to pay you one-third of the agreed upon fee. It is regrettable but necessary.]

Thessa shook inside. "It is also regrettable that I had to re-evaluate my decision as to Furjen's future."

[I see. Well that is your decision but I would hate to think what would happen if the Federation became aware of your dealings with us....Do I make myself clear?] The smiling image faded from the screen.

Commissioner Thessa stared at the dark screen.

Scene: Bridge
MD: 2.0300

Zane entered the bridge from his ready-room. "Report."

"We are entered the Furjen system. We have our escorts on sensor."

"Any word from the planetary government?" Zane asked, consumed in thought.

"No sir."

  • This is damn strange.* Zane thought. Up until now the Furjen had

followed diplomatic protocal to the letter. It was unlike them to make a change like this without first informing the Federation.

  • Perhaps the communique went a stray.* Zane frowned at the likely

hood of that.

"Slow to impulse. Inform the lead ship we will maintain our course to Furjen at full impulse. I want us to arrive there at the prearranged time." Turning to sit in his chair Zane looked up to the SEC/TAC station. "Go to yellow alert."


"You heard me." Zane sat in a foul mood. He new the alert was probably an over-reaction, a big one. But he remembered what happened the last time the ship received an unexpected escort. *It was a completly different situation* He told himself. *Than why is every instinct in my head sounding off?*


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: They're Going to Fire!

by Kristen Gant 3-25-1996

Stardate: 80325.1505
Scene: Bridge
MD: 2.0315

Lt. Jenn entered the bridge. She had set her alarm to wake her so she could be on the bridge when they got to Furjen. She felt much more focused and rested despite the short amount of sleep. She figured a lot of that had to do with the Holodeck exercise. She had needed that.

Zane looked over at her, "You're up early."

"Yep, I figured I should be here and make sure you don't upset the commissioner anymore then you already have." She said smiling, noting the yellow alert, "Speaking of which, where is our illustrious guest?"

"Maybe he's sleeping in?" said Jerran, "I hope..." he muttered under his breath. Krysa just nodded and headed to Ops.

"Go ahead and head off to bed, Janine. I'll take over."

"Thanks, sir. I think I'll do that." The Gamma Ops officer walked to the turbolift.

Right on cue Commissioner Thessa appeared. "Why have we gone to Yellow Alert? And why wasn't I called to the bridge immediately?"

"We are entering the Furjen system and have not yet been contacted by the planetary government. It is just a precaution."

"They probably haven't contacted you because you chose to bring this ship here at such an ungodly hour. Now couldn't that have been planned better, I ask you?"

Zane was going to explain that this was the hour chosen by the Furjen government, but decided it that it wasn't worth arguing with the man over.

"Mr. t'Jon. How are we doing?"

"We will arrive at the specified time, sir." said the Gamma FCO.

"Sir," said Jenn, "I'm picking up another vessel headed directly for us."

"Is it a Furjen ship like our escort?" asked Zane.

"No, it's different."

"Monitor them, Lt."

Krysa nodded and continued to monitor the ship. "It will intercept us in 5 minutes, sir."

"On Screen."

They watched as the ship came on screen. "Who is it?" asked Zane.

"Sir!" shouted Jenn. "Our escort has broken off and is heading toward the oncoming ship. They are preparing to fire on it."

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Is everyone up???<G>


Kristen and Scott Gant

SB EPSILON: Paxwax Takes a Second Look

by Andrew Nugteren 3-25-1996

SD: 80325.1230
Location: Starbase Epsilon
Scene: Fleet Intelligence Office
MD: 2.0300

Captain Paul Paxwax, recently promoted Fleet Intelligence Officer for Silver Fleet, took a deep sip of his steaming cup of coffee and then put it down on his desk, pushing a few padds aside in the process. Paul had nothing against readiness drills in general... in fact, thinking back to when he had been CO of the USS FEYNMAN they had always featured postively in his mind. But this time was an exception to the rule.

Vice-Admiral Azariah Nicholas, even more recently promoted than Paul himself, had taken upon himself to test the Starbase's readiness to the very limits. Paul had been up the past 20 hours working away on dummy intelligence reports, whilst at the same time continuing to monitor all of Silver Fleet's actual vessels as well. There were rumours coming in from junior officers that the Vice-Admiral was planning to keep this constant alert scenario going for at least another 36 hours. That meant a lot more work and little, if any, sleep in the forseeable future.

Picking up the next padd on his pile, Paul scanned through the contents at an appropriate speed to allow for frequent sips of coffee. This one was from a new officer, Ensign Jarkahn, who had been monitoring the intelligence sections relating to Furjen's petition to join the UFP. Paul always enjoyed reading reports pertaining to the FEYNMAN and her missions, probably because of his own attachement to her. A damn fine ship, and a damn fine crew to go with her!

Back to the report, Paul noted that subspace traffic in the sector had increased markedly in the past 36 hours. Of course, in the leadup to planetary elections that was to be expected, but the increase this time surpassed historical precedent. The officer had also noted a reported sighting of a trading ship of the Ferengi Alliance peddling the sector in the past week. Paul leant back in his chair, thinking about the run of events. While neither events were unusual, together they created a tiny inkling of trouble and while nothing conclusive at this stage, warning signs that an adept intelligence officer would monitor. Any more such coincidences would perhaps warrant a mention to the Admiral...

Respectfully submitted
Captain Paul Paxwax


Just to let everyone know that our goings on and such have been picked up back at the base by us bigwigs :) The political intrigue so far in this mission has been more than just a tad interesting and is almost killing me!!

Andy: Loved the twist with the Commissioner now in the thick of things as well <EG>

| Ensign Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                 New Zealand |

USS FEYNMAN: Anxious Anticipation

by Andrew Nugteren 3-25-1996

SD: 80325.2144
Scene: Bridge
MD: 2.0325

>They watched as the ship came on screen. "Who is it?" asked Zane.
>"Sir!" shouted Jenn. "Our escort has broken off and is heading toward the
>oncoming ship. They are preparing to fire on it."

"Mr. Jade, open a channel to the Furjen vessel and go to Red Alert," Zane ordered.

"Channel open sir," Jade replied, accompanied in the background by the wail of the red alert klaxon.

"Furjen vessel, this is Commander Zane, Captain of the USS FEYNMAN. You will immediately hold your fire and break off pursuit."

Respectfully submitted
Ensign Jade


Kristen: Yup... everyone is up I think!!!

| Ensign Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                    |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                 New Zealand |

USS FEYNMAN: Let's Get Started

by Max Felsher 3-28-1996

SD 80328.0100 (GMT)
MD 2.0530

Maril surveyed the room, then said someting aside to Zane. Zane nodded in agreement and Maril started:

"As you all know, most of us are traveling down to Furjen. The Captain has agreed to remain on the ship. Ensigns Jade and Krazny, you will be beaming down with the Commissioner to...assist him. Lieutenants Jenn, Fobok and Tok will beam down to the planet to see the culture, the way of life, Furjen's mountain to climb. Lastly, Lieutenants Koreth, Jerran, and myself are beaming down to see almost the opposite things--science, military, technology, and until the ocean ends. Does everyone understand?"

"Yes," was heard throughout the Bridge.

"Good. Continue with your duties, but everyone who is going down to the planet should be in Transporter Room 3 by 0700 hours. If not, I may have to assign you to be with the Commissioner," Maril said, smiling. Then, to Zane he joked, "I have a feeling no one will be late to the beamdown."

MD 2.0700
Transporter Room 3

Everyone who was beaming down to the surface was there, except for Commissioner Thessa. Finally, the short-tempered man appeared.

"Commander, what is this I hear? Two ensigns coming with me? This is an outrage!" he yelled as he entered the transporter room. Seeing Maril, he said nothing, just raised an eyebrow.

"Comissioner, I assure you these officers are of the highest quality...," Maril tried to calm him down.

"Uh-huh," was all the Commissioner said. "Energize." He and his party faded away. Maril motioned for Lt. Jenn, Lt.<jg> Fobok, and Lt.<jg> Tok to step onto the transporter pad. They too energized, though undoubtably to a different place. Finally, Maril, Lt. Koreth, and Lt.<jg> Jerran beamed down to the planet.

Selgo(suburb of Tinn), Furjen

The three officers rematerialized on a quiet street outside a rather large complex. "If I may, sir, why are we here?" Jerran asked.

"This is one of the leading scientific institutes on Furjen, the North Furjen University of Sciences. I suggest we go inside," Maril explained.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All: Well, you all know where you're going(or you should.) So, what are yiu waiting for? ;)

Andy(Lone Watchman): Have fun! (Try not to leave us here on Furjen, though.)

Jason, Joseph(Non-Culture): What's going to happen in there?

Kristen, B.J., Lysle(Culture): Do whatever you want...within reason, of course.


Andrew, Charles(Stuck with the Comissioner): Cheer up. The BrOT(and command) will be a breeze after being with this guy. And remember, no matter how much you feel like killing him, you can't! :D

Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla

USS FEYNMAN: Ummm, Let's Eat!

by Kristen Gant 3-28-1996

Stardate: 80328.0319
Scene: Market Square, City of Taung, Furjen
MD: 2:0700

Lt. Jenn watched the transporter room fade into a busy market square. There were definite signs of a major festival that was in process.

“Where are we Lt.? This looks wonderful.” asked the doctor.

“This should be right up your alley, Dr. Tok. This is the Furjen Feast of Fertility. It takes place for seven days. They actually celebrate the festival all over the planet, but I was informed that the festivities in Taung were the best. And since we’re supposed to be enjoying ourselves as well, I wanted to start here.”

“A Fertility Festival, how exciting,” exclaimed Tok.

“Shall we be off then. I don’t know about you but I’m starving!” Jenn headed out with the two following her. She stepped into the first eating establishment she found.

A large woman approached them as they entered. She had a large smile on her face, “Oh my, look here. I am so honored that you have chosen to enjoy your meal here with us this morning. You are from the Federation, right.”

Krysa nodded, smiling at the friendly woman, “Yes we are, thank you for your kind welcome. I am Lt. Krysa Jenn, this is Lt. Fobok and this is Dr. Tixx Tok.”

“I’m so pleased to meet you all. I am Malia Zolkche, owner of this establishment. Please, this way. You can have our best table.” The officers followed the woman to a table. Krysa found it hard to believe that there was a free table in the place as it looked that every table was full. But true to her word, the woman found them a nice table to sit at.

“Would you care to join us?” Krysa asked. “I’d love to hear about your restaurant and the festival.”

“Oh, I’d be so honored. Just a moment.” She turned, “Jasker, I’m going to sit down with the Federation! Can you take over for me.” The little man walked up with a big smile on his face.

“Of course, my dear. I’ll even be your server.” he leaned down and kissed the woman on the cheek before turning to the Feynman officers. “So what do you think you’d like to try this morning.”

“Whatever is custom.” said Krysa. “You house specialty would be fine. I love to try new foods.”

“Bring us a little of everything,” said the hostess. She put her hand on Krysa’s shoulder, “I don’t think this one eats enough... look how thin she is.”

Tok about fell out of his chair laughing. Fobok was as close to laughing as Krysa had ever seen him. She just smiled at the woman, “Don’t mind them, they have no manners.” she turned her gaze on her two crewmates, giving them a slight glare.

“Can you tell us a little bit about the festival, while we’re waiting?” asked Krysa.

“Oh, it’s the biggest event here in Taung. The days are filled with food and friendship. The nights are filled with matters of the heart. It is extremely good luck to conceive your child during the festival.”

They continued to chat about the festival until Jasker brought them a tray filled with some appetizing looking fare. Krysa tried a little of everything and was pleased to report everything was delicious. Malia commented on how much Krysa had eaten. “You are sure to plump up nicely now!” she smiled.

Krysa returned her smile and nodded, though knowing that her metabolism wouldn’t allow that to happen. She was glad of this, though she wouldn’t tell Malia this. The woman was so happy that she had finally gotten the small woman to start eating.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Did you really think Krysa would skip a change at a feast<VBG>


USS FEYNMAN: Where, Oh Where Has Our Science Officer Gone?

by Kristen Gant 3-28-1996

Stardate: 80328.2043
Scene: Malia’s restaurant
MD: 2.1200

Krysa had been having a splendid time. First such wonderful food and now dancing. Two of her most favorite things in the world. She couldn’t understand why the Commissioner was taking such a hard line with these people.

Her dance partner was a middle-aged man named Logam. He was teaching her some wonderful new steps. Tok seemed to be enjoying himself as well. Malia definitely was. She looked around for Fobok but didn’t see him. While she was thinking that maybe she had better locate him, Logam twirled her in a new step.

“What was that?” she asked, laughing.

“Here, I’ll show you.” He did it again, this time a little more slowly. Krysa followed and after a couple of practices, she was doing it like a pro. “You’re very good,” the man told her.

“This is fun,” she said.

“So tell me, how many children to you have.” he asked her.

“Me?” asked Krysa, “Oh, I don’t have any children.”

The man frowned slightly, “Oh, I’m sorry. Well, no matter. Maybe after spending some time at the fertility festival you will. Why I know a woman who all the young women go to see, whether they are having problems conceiving or not. She has many a conception to her belt!”

Krysa laughed, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“If you like I could get you in special, cause she’s a friend of mine. We want to make a good impression on the federation. Perhaps having one of thier members conceive during our fertility festival would help.” The man was grinning from ear to ear.

“Oh, .... well ... ummm ...” Krysa stuttered, a bit taken aback by his suggestion. “We have slightly different customs where I come from.”

“Oh,” he said, “You don’t put great value on children?”

“We do. But in our culture people usually don’t have children unless it is within the confines of a stable relationship between a man and a woman. I am not in that position yet.”

“Our children are raised in stable homes as well. Who their biological fathers are, isn’t the important part. It’s that they are loved by their mothers and taken care of by all.”

“I think that’s a wonderful system, Logam.” Krysa smiled. The two continued to dance as the morning turned into afternoon. Soon Malia was begging the Feynman’s Operations Officer to eat again.

“Lot’s of food is good for conception!” she was telling the flustered Lt. She was eating quite a bit as well while keeping her eye on the squirming doctor.

Jasker, their server from earlier in the evening was smiling happily at Malia. “She would know too. Our Malia has seven children!”

“That’s wonderful Malia. You know though, we are on an official assignment from Starfleet ... and we ...” Krysa paused looking to Dr. Tok for help.

“We need to continue our investigations,” Tok said happily, “Don’t we, Lt. Fobok?” He turned to find the Vulcan still missing. Krysa also began looking around. Concern growing on her face.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Okay so these people really, really like children<G> Now where do
you suppose we will find our missing Science Officer?


USS FEYNMAN: More Science

by Max Felsher 3-30-1996

SD 80330.0300 (GMT)
MD 2.0730
North Furjen University of Sciences: Transwarp Physics

"Here is where our transwarp experiments are done. It is our proudest achievement. Come, look, Tenara said."

The three officers looked at and studied the interesting experiments. Jerran was almost entranced by it all.

"Amazing," he sighed. "This is much faster than what we have." Maril noticed a scientist approaching Tenara to ask a question. "Do I know you?" Tenara asked. Maril could see why. The scientist didn't look exactly like a Furjenian. Not too different, but a little.

"Of course. I work in the microbiology department." That river has been crossed, Maril thought, relieved.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All: I know it's short, but I'll add more sometime later. BTW, what ever
happened to the big election at 0800 hours? FYI, the thing about the scientist
that didn't look quite right was a reminder that the Manarkian operatives are

  • everywhere*. ;)

Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla

USS FEYNMAN: In the Blue Stork Bar

by Charles Jencks 3-30-1996

SD 80330.0745 GMT (as always)... 80329.2345 PST (where I am)
MD 3.0300
With the 'commish' on Furjen... at the Blue Stork Bar

Ensign Krazny had just watched the Commissioner down another 'Comute', as one of the local drinks was called. Having limited himself to half a glass of it, Krazny likened it to an old Earth drink called 'rum and Coke'.

Krazny had then decided not to get drunk, and was limiting himself to a bubbly drink apparently reserved for children, called a 'Kaktovik', which was clear and citrusy. Jade was sticking to water, and not much of it at that, and both of them kept eyeing the crowd in the large bar. The far wall was about twenty meters away, and within that space were at least one hundred people. Suddenly, a bottle flew over the three Federation personnel, and shattered the front plate glass window.

Jade put her hand on her holster, and Krazny grabbed the Commissioner. "Sir, we'd better get out of here."

"No, no, I'm not nearly drunk enough to go back to the ship yet. Bartender, another please. "

Jade stared at Krazny as he shook his head. "How are we supposed to protect him if he doesn't listen?"

By now several dozen people were involved in the growing brawl behind them, and Krazny shook the Commissioner. "Sir, we are leaving."

"Fine. Go."

"No, sir, we are *all* leaving." He physically lifted the Commissioner from his stool and to his feet, not hard at his height. "Now."

Jade smiled, and began to push a path to the door. A fist flew and slammed into the commissioner's face, knocking him half-unconscious. Krazny groaned. "Now I'll have to carry him." The ensign hoisted the dazed Commissioner to a position where he was slung over the counselor's shoulder and the two officers headed out the door.

Just as they reached the street, so did the brawl. Now fully three hundred people were involved, and it had spread into the glassware shop next door... which had been closed. A glass crane (or something similar to that Terran bird) flew out and smashed into the head of an arriving planetary security officer, knocking him to the street.

Krazny now saw that it wasn't just a brawl, it was becoming a riot. Hundreds of people were now in the street, looting, fighting, and now burning, as they got to the corner, where a wide boulevard led in one direction to the President's residence and in the other to the capital building. Krazny and Jade headed for the capital.

On the way to the capital, they spotted many more rioters, and fires in the distance lit the boulevard a faint orange. Then they spotted an empty alley. "Think we should beam up?" Krazny said, still shuffling along with the half-dazed, half-drunk Commissioner slung over his shoulder, with his rank pip rubbing against the Commissioner's ribs.

NRPG: Too bad we can't kill him. And this riot might just be a misunderstanding, or it could be that political upheaval beginning. MT should be about 2.0300. or 3.0300, whichever... I lost track of which day it is, but about the same as the last post from the Science Academy team.

BTW Krazny is 1.9 meters tall... so, quite a bit above average... maybe six inches or so. And he's only 18.

- Charles Jencks (                              -
-                                                                         -
- Student of History, Life, And All Things Remotely Star Trek!            -

-----------------------------ASR Charachter List---------------------------
- Ens Christophe Boulanger, USS MELBOURNE FCO, Blue Fleet                 -
- Ens K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, USS GAUSS FCO, Blue Fleet                          -
- Ens Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN CNS, Silver Fleet                       -
- Ens Jarin Edisrevir, USS LINCOLN CSO, Red Fleet                         -

If you don't write it down, then it never happened.
- Dr Caroline Ryan, MD, FACS

USS FEYNMAN: Technology Now

by Max Felsher 3-30-1996

SD 80330.2000 (GMT)
MD 2.1100
Furjen Museum of Technology(Taung)

Maril, Koreth, and Jerran walked along with the tourguide who was showing some of Furjen's technological acheivements. They had left the NFUS about an hour ago, and had proceeded to the museum.

"And here is an exhibit on our undersea technology," the tourguide, whose name was Sonel, explained. "We have developed many habitats that function at depths of more than five miles and we have explored all of our oceans except for the very deepest part of the 9.6-mile-deep Getryono Depth. We even have built three thriving, independent cities in the Axajn Ocean. Here's the next exhibit...."

They continued on their tour, seeing the Furjen propulsion technology and their sewer systems. Suddenly, Solen stopped abruptly. He said, for some reason a little unsure, "This is our laser technology room. It needs to be dark for better viewing of the lasers." The three walked in, unaware of what they were walking into.

As Solen explained about the lasers, Maril felt something cold touch the side of his head. Then someone whispered, "Move and you die."

Lt. Koreth, who was nearest to Maril, saw this action and kicked the phaser(for that's what it was) out of the attacker's hand. Suddenly, there were attackers swirling around the three officers. All of them knew how to defend themselves, but there were at least three assailants for every officer. In the end, Maril, Jerran, and Koreth found themselves with phasers pointed at them and nowhere to run. The light came back on, and the three officers could see that there were never lasers in that room. A man who was apparently the leader stepped forward.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Maril asked, not wavering in his tone. "Simple. We are Yintirego. Some call us an ultra-isolationist terrorist group. We don't see ourselves that way. We just want things to stay the way they were before all of these alien cultures dirtied us. And, we want the Federation to deny Furjen membership. If thay accept Furjen, you three won't live to see your ship again." The leader walked out of the room, followed by the rest of those who had attacked them. Once they had all left, Lt. Koreth immediately tried to open the door.

"It's no use. The seals on this door are so tight it would take days to break through them," he observed grimly.

Maril tapped his communicator. "Maril to Feynman. Do you read? Feynman, come in. The comm signals must be jammed too," the Tamarian lamented.

"Wait a minute," Jerran said. "Their tecnology is supposed to be about 100 years behind ours. There has to be some technology that they can't or didn't stop."

Maril nodded. "Demel going back into the factory," he ordered as they started to work.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

All: How's that for pressure? So now, we have a dillemna: do we accept Furjen and kill the officers or deny Furjen and save the officers? Although I'm sure we'll think of a solution which has nothing to do with either. :) Jason, Joseph: How are we going to get out of this?

Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla

USS FEYNMAN: Captain's Log

by Andrew Catterick 3-30-1996

Scene: Captain's Ready-Room

Zane sat back in the comfortable low chair that faced the room's window and gazed down at the planet below. With the entire senior staff, save himself, gone it had been a completly relaxing day. Taking a sip of his drink he savoured the quiet. The ship was in peak condition, the crew was content and the away teams had all reported in that Furjen was everything it had been reported to be. And, the commissioner was out of his hair.

Placing the glass on the low table beside him he began his final duty of the day...

"...Captain's Log stardate 80330.0330....

After a full day in orbit of the planet Furgen I am pleased to announce that all is proceeding as hoped. Reports from all personnel have painted the planet as an excellent prospect for Federation membership.

Having been granted shore-leave for the entire crew by the planetary government I am pleased to see all department heads taking them up on their offer. However, I can't say I'm all that surprised that each of them have decided to mix 'business with pleasure'. It seems that while they are all enjoying themselves they are also appraising the planet and its inhabitants.

Lt. Jenn's party seem to be having the most fun, at least what I would consider enjoyable. They have attended one of the local festivals and from what Kyrsa has told me the inhabitants are a warm, caring bunch. While much of the festivities are steeped in in ancient custom there may be some medicinal benefits to the rituals in much the same way of the Vulcan's. I'm sure Starfleet Medical and Sociological teams would find this of interest.

Lt.Cmdr Maril's party while claiming to be enjoying themselves immensely have confined themselves to view some of the technological achievements of the Furjen. While I can understand the interest to the officers in question I'd have to say that my heart is in the festivals. Perhaps when some of the senior staff return I may get a chance for a quick visit.

As with the 'cultural brigade' Maril's party seem to have found several items of interest. Of note is the Furjen foray into Transwarp technology. Long abandoned by Starfleet as impractical, Lt. Koreth has given me a brief outline of how the Furjen have managed to solve some of the main problem's that plagued Captain Stiles and the old Excelisor experiments. If the technology is half as promising as my CEO thinks the Furjen may have a breakthrough on their hands. They have hinted that they need a starship for further testing. I have forwarded the information back to EPSILON along with the request that should the planet gain addmission, and should the technology seem feasible, that the FEYNMAN be allowed to return in aid of the final tests.

Finally, Ensigns Sr'Qwon and Krazny have the unenviable task of escorting the commissioner around. As the offical ceremonies and interviews do not begin until after the coming elections they are not necessarily 'on business'. The commissioner has decided to experience the Furjen nightlife and Onta has wisely detailed the CSO and CNS to accompany him.

I was a little concerned to hear that they had found themselves in the midst of a riot but am happy to report that they were neither the cause nor the root. They maintained their professionalism in front of such potential danger. I am also happy to relay Sr'qwon's preliminary report as to how the local authorities contained the riot, which was really just a bar-room brawl reminescent of EPSILON'S Wall. Local militia units arrived quickly and dispersed the group with miminal force using nothing more lethal than water-cannons.

Closer to home, the Ferengi vessel we encountered yesterday has entered orbit. After receiving a standard customs inspection without incident. The trading vessel began to download its cargo. It appears to be fully loaded and after six hours it is still transporting its freight. As expected the cargo is being received by one of our escorts chief competitors. It seems that while they may be a little overzealous they are firmly rooted in free enterprise.


Hi all. Just fitting Zane into the overall scheme as well as providing his views on what has transpired so far....

As the time for Maril to report in has not arrived Zane is still unaware that something is amiss. Have fun!

You will be happy to know (or perhaps scared for me!) that I am offically logged in as the FEYNMAN'S rep on the RT. So please light a candle on my behalf! <EG>

If you are interested, and I hope you are, there is a section dealing with the RT on the ASR webpage. Any questions or comments regarding the RT please let me know.....


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Captain's Ready-Room

by Andrew Catterick 3-31-1996

> SD 80331.2030
> MD 3.0400
> Scene: Captain's Ready-room
> "He'll probably have time for that. Look, the locals have asked us to
> provide observers for the election. You'll be leaving for the main
> ballot-counting facility in the capital city in six hours, two hours after
> the polls open. The Commissioner has been asked for, so if he's in any
> condition to leave Sickbay, he goes."
> > "Yes, sir."

"Ah sir...." Ensign Sr'qwon seemed quite uncomfortable.

"Yes ensign?"

"I think there may be something going on with the planetary election and well..."

Zane frowned. "Spit it out ensign."

"....Well sir, I think the commissioner may be involved."

Zane stood, his frown deepening. This was all he needed an over-zealous CSO who was seeing conspiracy on the third day of his first mission. "That's a very serious charge ensign. Are you aware of the exemplary career of the commissioner?" Zane tried to keep the lecturing tone out of his voice. "What do you base this on?"

The CSO with referral to the counselor told Zane of the terrorist acts and the comissioner's reaction and then the rather surprising conversation with the president.

Zane remained silent for a few moments considering the incident Sr'qwon had just described. "Good work! I find it hard to believe that something like this could involve the commissioner but I agree with your suspicions." Zane paused. "And it explains the request for election observers."

Returning to his chair he looked up to the two officers. "Continue with your assignment of escorting the commissioner and do not impede his actions in any way. Officially nothing changes but I want you to keep this incident in the back of your mind."

> "I suggest you two get some rest. Be back here at 0800. You beam down at
> 1000."

Just tying some threads...

ALL: Just to keep all the threads in line we'll say that 0800 is the
designated time to report in so Max and Jenn I'll hear from your
two parties (or not if your still lost) at that time and we can
decide how to continue from there.

Charles: Did you miss my last post and Andrew's?

respectfully submitted,


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS