From StarFleet Bureau of Information
================================================================== LT TORENN ENG - SB SAIKAI (played by Alan L. Martin) ================================================================== I. PERSONAL STATISTICS =========================== FULL NAME: Torenn SURNAME: GIVEN NAME: Torenn CURRENT RANK: Lieutenant (O-4) CURRENT BILLET: Chief Engineering Officer, SB SAIKAI SPECIES (EXTRACTION): Half-Vulcan, Half-Romulan GENDER/SEX: Male AGE: DOB: 23690817 POB: Baradaas III PARENTS: (Names to come) SIBLINGS: None SPOUSE: None CHILDREN: None PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: HEIGHT: 1.75 m (5.9") WEIGHT: 70 kg (155 lbs) HAIR: Black EYES: Brown SKIN TONE: Bronze BLOOD TYPE: VISION: 20/20 RELIGION: Vulcan Spiritual CITIZENSHIP: Baradaas III, Baradaas, Federation LANGUAGES: Romulan, Vulcan ============================== II. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND ============================== A. Academic Institutions Attended: ---------------------------------- -- Baradaas High School -- University of Baradaas, College of Engineering -- Star Fleet Academy (--Degree--) B. Service Schools Attended: ---------------------------- -- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School C. Qualifications: ------------------ --List Qualifications here-- D. Star Fleet Academy Record: ----------------------------- Honors: Academic Major: Professional Major: Class Rank: Reprimands: Commendations: Athletics: Activities: ========================== III. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES ========================== A. Chronology (tabular form): ------------------------------ --EXAMPLE CHRONOLOGY-- 0-18: Attended Public Schooly system 18: Accepted into Star Fleet Academy 18-22: Attended Star Fleet Academy 23-Present: Active duty in Star Fleet B. Background Summary: ---------------------- Torenn was born on Baradaas III, near the Romulan Neutral Zone. C. Personality Summary: ----------------------- --This should be a personality snapshot: what kind of a person is he/she? What is he/she like? How to others perceive him?-- ========================================================================= IV. OFFICIAL STAR FLEET RECORD ================================== A. Promotion History: --------------------- Star Date (24)190501: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1) B. Service History: ------------------- Star Date (24)170801: Entered Star Fleet Academy Star Date (24)210501: Graduated from Star Fleet Academy; commissioned as Ensign (O-1) Academic Major: --A Normal College Degree here-- Professional Major: --a military degree here-- Star Date (24)190701: Assigned as xxx, ORESTES STATION (Note: Ships recorded at classification at the time officer was assigned, not their current re-classification.) C. Medals and Commendations ---------------------------- None at this time. ========================================================================== V. Skills Profile ================== --a paragraph about the character's abilities and skills-- ========================================================================== VI. Recent Fitness Reports ========================== --a blurb written by a former commanding officer, teacher, or some person in an authoritative position that comments on the character's performance, dedication, etc.-- ========================================================================== VIII. Current Recreational Interests ================================== --a paragraph about what the character enjoys when off-duty.-- ========================================================================== IX. Miscelleneous Information ============================= --this part is not always used; you can put any information that you may want other players to know about, but you don't want characters to know. ---------------------------End Bio chip------------------------------------