
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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Andy: Well, Fobok should be able to come on duty at MD: 1.1000..:)..
Andy: Well, Fobok should be able to come on duty at MD: 1.1000..:)..
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Bridge-->Ready Room</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-13-1996</h4>
MD: 1:0925<br>
> The probe began to actively send back data. Finding something out of<br>
> the ordinary, it dropped out of warp and continued at sublight speed.<br>
> A visual scan slowly began to filter back to the Feynman, slong with<br>
> the readings.<br>
> There was a massive build up of Ion particles which the probe had picked up.<br>
> "Sir, the Probe is begining to send us some data, I've got a visual." Tarrant reported.<br>
> "On screen" Zane ordered.<br>
> The image of the drifting freightor snapped off, and replaced with<br>
> a vew of space. On the sides, technical readings were posted.<br>
> It was very close to a nebula which seemed to be made up of a<br>
> great number of gasses, most prvailent was hydrogen. Readings<br>
> showed a slight gravity well inside. The probe would have normally<br>
> veered off course to avoid it, but Tarrant sent a tight subspace<br>
> command for it too stay on the pre-programmed path.<br>
> Then something surprising. The readings began to show a fairly large build up of ions.<br>
> "Sir, this Ion build up would indicate that this area of space was<br>
> at one time heavily traveled." Observed Tarrant.<br>
> "But from where, you said there are no planitary systems for<br>
> many light years?" noted Cartwright from the helm.<br>
> As if to answer him, the view on the screen began to dramaticly<br>
> change. As if clouds of greenish dust began to appear, a<br>
> wormhole began to take shape. Looking like an inverted tornado,<br>
> the data showed that it was smaller than the one known in the<br>
> Bajoran System.<br>
> The little probe headed bravely into the wormhole, as it sent<br>
> back its last few readings. They could only see the begining of<br>
> the entrance before the tranmissions cut off, presumeably from<br>
> the wormhole closing....<br>
"Analysis?" Zane asked. "Was that a stable worm-hole?"
The CEO seemed lost in thought as he sat at the engineering
console staring at the multitude of information that was flashing across
his screen. "I'd rather examine the probe's findings before I give a
definite answer. There are many variables to be considered."
"Very well. I want you to use all available resources and come
up with a picture of that wormhold and the surrounding area of space."
"Aye sir." Tarrant sent a copy of the probe's findings to the
science station. Zane watched as, within a few seconds of receiving the
file the ACSciO's face took on the same glassy look as the engineer's as
information flashed across his console as well. This brought a smile to
Zane's face. He got the same feeling whenever the holodeck got a new
combat simulation.
"Ah Mr. Koreth. Before you engulf yourself in your work I have a
quick question for you. Will the ship out there be able to withstand a
prolonged tractor lock at warp speeds?"
Reluctantly Tarrant brought the image of the ship up on his
display. "Planning on bringing the ship with us sir?"
"No. The Away team will most likely be unable to learn all of
the ship's secrets but I'm sure Fleet engineer's and historians will
enjoy crawling all over it. If you feel it can handle it I'll ask
EPSILON to send out a tug and have it towed in."
Tarrant made a few quick calculations. "I don't see it as being
a problem sir."
"Good. Thank-you lieutenant, I'll leave you to your work." Zane
walked down the ramp towards the viewscreen and stared at the ship for
sometime. It's design was unlike anything he had ever seen but he found
that if he stared at it enough he could see some of the same patterns as
on comparable Kzin craft. That triggered a thought.
"Zane to away team."
[Maril here, go ahead.]
"How is your progress commander."
[We've surveyed the was what you would expect, a lot
of fried equipment. We got one of the bridge computers working for a few
seconds and managed to view a captain's log. The log didn't contain any
information of great importance but the picture did.]
[Sir, the inhabitants of this vessel were a feline race. It was
hard to tell as the viewer was quite distorted but I'd say they were
somewhere between a Sivoan and a Kzinti.]
"I see." The revelation seemed to confirm a thought that had
developed in the back of his mind. "Are you still on the bridge?"
[No sir, we are beginning to head below decks. We're trying to
track down some energy readings. Have you be able to find anything?]
"Yes, Mr. Koreth launched a probe back down the ships course and
has discovered a small wormhole..." The two officers continued to
discuss the findings for a few minutes. "...very well commander keep me
updated. FEYNMAN out."
Walking towards his ready room Zane looked to the CSO.
"Lieutenant I'll be in my ready-room, you have the bridge."
Scene: Ready-room<br>
It had been almost 3 hours since Zane had eaten and his body,
with is hypermetabolism was letting him know. "Large carafe of coffee,
black, hot. Large bowl of Pasta Carbonera." Picking up the tray he set
it down at his desk, poured himself a coffee and turned on his computer
access screen. Sitting he accessed historical/anthroplogical files.
It took some time but eventually he had narrowed the parameters
enough to find what he had been looking for. The ship they had found had
belonged to a felinoid race known as the Cesahata. It was not known
where they orginated from, but there had been numerous archeological digs
throughout this sector of space that had uncovered small settlements.
Rumours pointed to similar findings inside Kzin borders.
As was usually the case when little evidence was presented in a
mystery so intriguing just about everyone had there own theory on the
race. Ideas ranged from them being part of a parent race whose offshoots
included the Kzin and possibly the Sivoans to such exaggerated claims
that they were somesort of cosmic progenitor that moved from place to
place seeding the systems with their genes. One thing was agreed upon,
however, all of the settlements in this region, on both sides of the
border, picked up and left at the same time with what seemed to be little
Scanning the lists of theories presented one name caught the
captain's eye...Victor Fic. Fic was a noted scholar whose anthropological
findings were required reading at the Academy. If anyone had a realistic
take on this it would be him. Zane called up the file. He had to read
it several times to get the full impact, as well as to understand some of
the reasoning behind Fic's assumptions. Essentially he believed the Cesahala
were a related race to the Kzin but their civilization was far removed
from their cousins. A peaceful race, they stumbled across the Kzin
several thousand years ago and tried to reconcile. The Kzin, a true
warrior race were less interested in relations than using the superior
technology to make weapons. Fearing that they were further corrupting a
already savage race, the Cesahala withdrew and returned to their own
The main problem with this theory, as Fic freely pointed out, was
the Cesahala, lived on worlds that numbered in the thousands. Surely any
grouping this large and close enough to find the Kzin would leave larger
traces of itself. *The wormhole!* Zane thought.
Flagging the file and sending it first to all the department
heads and then posting it on the ship's BBS for general perusal the
captain rose and headed for the bridge. There were still many pieces
that were missing but at least they were starting to get a better grasp
at the puzzle. Perhaps the away team would provide more answers.
I had almost completed this yesterday morning and then my system
crashed:( I hope it doesn't conflict with other posts but I haven't
received anything that points to a problem so here goes...(I checked the
newsgroup too.)
Jason: I left the CSO with the bridge in case you needed to be elsewhere
with your research
