
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN:  Fobok's Quarters</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
B.J. Baye 2-12-1996</h4>
SD: 80212.1103<br>
MD: 1.0120<br>
Scene: Fobok's Quarters<br>
Fobok could hear the medical team trying to get in. He knew that soon, at
this rate, security would be coming with phasers. He decided he had to tell
the doctor, as he could call off the security, and leave him alone. He
walked over to the door, and quickly repaired the damage he had done. The
door opened and he faced a startled security officer, a CPO, who was just
aiming his phaser.
Fobok said, "I wish to speak with Doctor Tok, alone."
The CPO stepped aside and let the doctor come in, and opened up his
tricorder. As soon as the door closed, he said, "What is wrong, Fobok?
said you were unfit for duty but.."
Fobok interrupted, "I will tell you, but I need your absolute secrecy that
this is happening to me, don't even tell Matt, and that you will leave me
Tok nodded, deciding not to test this apparently out of control Vulcan.
*Correction*, Tok thought, *half Vulcan, even more dangerous.*
Fobok said just the two words, "Pon farr."
Tok nodded, finally understanding. "I shall keep it a secret, but what will
you do? Do you not need to return to Vulcan?"
Fobok shook his head, "I shall not interrupt this mission, it is too
important, and besides, that is only necessary when the chosen mate is at
Vulcan..I have no chosen mate as of now.."
Tok nodded, "I suggest you find one soon.."
Fook just nodded, but didn't heed his words. Who would he find on this ship?
Matt sat in Doctor Tok's office. Nurse Tamy said Tok had gone to find out
what was wrong with his dad. He hoped Tok would come back soon..
Just a few seconds later, he entered the office, then bent down to look
Matt, who was sitting in the chair behind the desk, in the eye. "Matt,
you're father's sick..he should be alright, but you'll need to stay
somewhere else for the next few days."
Matt was confused, "Sick with what? Why did the computer say he was no
longer on board?"
NRPG: I'll let Lysle handle this response..and feel free to send Matt to
whoever you want tto stay with during this time..:)..
Scene: Fobok's quarters<br>
MD: 1.0220<br>
It suddenly popped into his mind, as he meditated. Amy, she would be the
one he would chose. *But will she chose me, with the way she ran out the
other night.*
Well, it was worth a try. He once again unlocked his door and walked out of
his quarters.
Scene: Corridor, outside WO Tharn's quarters.
Fobok walked up to the door and pressed the door chime. He had serious
trouble controlling himself now, and soon Plak-tow would obsess him. If he
didn't 'mate' soon, he probably would end up killing the first vulcan he
sees, thinking it was kalifi. "Come" he heard, and stepped in.
She looked like she was just getting ready for bed, "Oh, hello Fobok.."
He looked at her through his burning eyes, "I need help me..."
Amy looked concerned, seeing, feeling, the pain he was in, "What can I do?"
He raised his hand, two fingers extended.
Amy saw what he wanted, and without hesitation, brought her hand up....
For that last part, I was glad I watched Star Trek III Saturday..:)..
Andy: Well, Fobok should be able to come on duty at MD: 1.1000..:)..
