
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Out of the Frying Pan, into the fire...</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 2-14-1996</h4>
SD 80214.0200<br>
MD 1.1000<br>
Cesahala Ship:Cargo Bay<br>
"This is Maril to Feynman. Before Shendako falls into the sea, please!" the
frustrated FO called out. There was no response. The foe of Tok and Maril
was a huge...being. It was so shiny that even in the dim light of the cargo
bay, it was almost too bright to look at. Maril aimed his phaser and fired.
The beam simply glanced off without a flinch from the being.
Suddenly, Maril noticed a small opening into the outside corridor that wasn't
covered with metal. He pointed it out to Tok and they ran as fast as they
could. Miraculously, they escaped practically unharmed, with only a few cuts
or bruises from the pieces of metal.
"Let's head for Engineering. I have an idea," Maril said to Tok. As soon as
they were safely in Engineering, he contacted the Feynman. "Maril to Feynman.
Are you there?"
[We read you, Commander,] the familiar voice of Commander Zane sounded over
the communicator. [Your status?]
"We were attacked by a being. I will report on it later. Right now, I am
going to shut down the whole ship, including Life Support. I suggest you get
us out of here before it fully shuts off. sir."
[Very well. Feynman out.]
Now speaking to Tok, he said, "This being appears to reflect anything we
throw at it. So, we're not going to give it anything to reflect. Shutting
down all systems except for Life Support and lights in Engineering."
"Maril to Feynman. Prepare to beam Mr. Tok and then myself up."
[Aye, sir.]
Maril was ready. "Beam Mr. Tok up."
"Sir, you should go first," the CMO suggested.
"No, you're going first, Mr. Tok," the FO ordered.
As Tok beamed away, Maril pressed the button to activate the program he had
set up. "Now, Feynman." The countdown started.
"Fifteen seconds to total shutdown...14...13...12...."
Maril could also hear something crashing down the corridor.
It was getting closer.
It was almost there.
It was entering the room. Finally, the beamout occurred. Maril thought to
himself how those must have been the longest 11 seconds of his life.
He stepped off the transporter pad on the Feynman and headed for the Bridge.
As he walked on, signs of relief could be seen on most people's faces.
However, the relief was short-lived.
"Sir, I'm reading explosions occurring on the alien ship. There are more and
more of them as it continues," Lt. Jenn reported.
"Sir! The explosions are reaching the ship. They're pushing us towards the
wormhole!" Lt.<jg> Charles exclaimed.
"Shields up," Maril ordered. After receiving a nod from Zane, he ordered,
"Full reverse until we can go to warp, Mr. Jerran."
"It's not working, sir. We're still going towards the wormhole!" Lt.<jg>
Jerran said with dismay.
"Brace for impact in 5...4...," Jenn ordered.
Thr sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
All:Well, that solves one problem, opens up another. Hmmm, I wonder where this
wormhole leads. :)<br>
Andy:I hope we *do* get the _Asimov_ back. :)<br>
Kristen:Ein is yours to kill, maim or otherwise disgrace. ;) The other 3
positions or so, you have to create NPC's. You don't really have to fill the
CSensO or MissOps position, or you could have one NPC cover a couple of the
Lysle:Sorry I had to get you out of there so quickly. ;)<br>
