Randall Lewis

From StarFleet Bureau of Information

Lieutenant Randall Lewis, is the Executive Officer aboard the U.S.S. Latador (NCC - 10948). He was promoted to first officer following the death of Lieutenant Ian Thevis in early 2411.

Randall Lewis
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Rank: Lieutenant
Status: Active (2419)
Born: June 30, 2391
Place of Birth: Earth
Affiliation: United Federation of Planets
Posting: U.S.S. Latador (NCC-10948),
executive officer
Father: John Randall Lewis
Mother: Rebecca Holston Lewis
Marital Status: Single
Spouse(s): : None
Children: : None
Portrayed By:


Randall Lewis is the first officer on the U.S.S. Latador.

Related Enlisted/Command Officers

Billet/Posting History

U.S.S. Latador executive officer
U.S.S. Latador second officer

Preceded by:
Lieutenant Ian Thevis
Lieutenant Randall Lewis
January 6, 2411 - present
Succeeded by:
None (Currently active XO)