Ian Thevis

From StarFleet Bureau of Information

This article is about Ian Thevis. For other uses, see Thevis

Lieutenant Ian Thevis, was the acting Executive Officer aboard the U.S.S. Latador (NCC - 10948). He was killed in January 2411.

Lieutenant Ian Thevis
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Rank: Lieutenant
Status: KIA (2411)
Born: August 19, 2387
Place of Birth: Earth
Died: January 16,2411 (age 24)
Place of Death: U.S.S. Latador
Affiliation: United Federation of Planets
Posting: U.S.S. Latador (NCC-10948),
acting executive officer
Father: Lee John Thevis
Mother: Ealanna Thevis
Marital Status: Single (Deceased)
Spouse(s): : None
Children: : None
Portrayed By:


Ian Thevis was acting first officer on the U.S.S. Latador, killed in 2411.

Related Enlisted/Command Officers

Lieutenant Thevis, command division officer, U.S.S. Valhalla NCC-(18000), (KIA, 2419) (sister)

Billet/Posting History

U.S.S. Latador acting executive officer
U.S.S. Latador second officer

Lieutenant Ian Thevis
December 30, 2410 - January 16, 2411
Succeeded by:
Lieutenant Randall Lewis