ORIGINS: USS Hood June 2010

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ORIGINS: USS Hood Story Posts
Last Updated: 2262.059

Total Posts: 420+

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Security Ready

SD: 2261.166

Scene: Security Briefing

            Lieutenant Commander Rick Payne looked out across 
the sea of red shirts in front of him and hoped, as he often 
did, that all the same faces would be there for the next 
briefing.  He knew odds were often against that desire; 
security officer aboard a starship was continually listed as 
one of the most dangerous jobs in the Federation. Which made 
him even prouder of his team as took in their ‘ready to get 
the job done’ faces.  He still had a lot of work to do to get 
this department where it needed to be but he was gratified to 
know he had a lot of talent and heart to work with.

            “Ok people here’s the situation.  HOOD is 
currently heading into the system to rendezvous with 
USS RUTLEDGE.  As you’ve seen from earlier briefs, every 
indication is that RUTLEDGE is operating normally.  However 
they have failed to respond to repeated hails and if they 
know we are here they’re doing a frakkin good job of 
ignoring us.”  He paused to make sure the ramifications of 
that news sank in.  “Now, if everything goes to plan HOOD 
will match orbit, someone aboard RUTLEDGE will look out a 
window and wake up their comm. officer.  Crisis averted.  
If it doesn’t go to plan we will likely get tapped and I 
want to make sure security is ready.  If communications are 
not immediately established we will likely send over a 
landing party.  Probably the CO or exec, an engineer, the 
doctor and a heavy security presence.  Team one is already 
the ready team so Mr. Lowl it will be you and your team that 
will accompany the landing party.”  He waited for Lowl to
nod his acknowledgement before he continued.  “Plan B will 
mean a large security contingent may be necessary to beam 
over to secure RUTLEGDE.  If this happens Teams 1 through 8 
will be tapped and Teams 9 through 12 will be backup.  
Should this happen I want to make clear to you all that we 
will be beaming onto a presumed friendly ship and what ever 
has necessitated our involvement does not mean we go in 
phasers blazing and dropping anything that moves.  Unless 
its called for.  And that will be my call or one of the 
bridge officers.  Phasers will be initially set to stun.  
We don’t want to be killing any of the good guys.  Is that 
clear.”  The sea of red nodded in unison.  “Good.  Any 
questions?”  There were none.  “Very well report to your 
team leaders for specific assignments.”


Not looking to storm RUTELDGE, just some security CD/fluff.  ;-)

CAPT Jack Steele


LCDR Rick Payne