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CAPT Bruce "Lucky" Paulson- Commanding Officer, USS Republic



I. Personal Data

Full Name:    	 	Bruce "Lucky" Paulson
Surname:    	 	Paulson
Given Name:    	 	Bruce
Current Rank:    	Captain (O-6)
Current Billet:  	CO, USS REPUBLIC, NCC-1371
Species:    	 	Homo sapiens sapiens (Terran Human)
Gender/Sex:    	 	Male/XY
Age:     	 	48 Terran Years 
DOB:     	 	13 July 2213 
POB:     	 	San Antonio, TX, Earth
Parents:    	  	David Paulson    	(2188- 	) - Accountant
     	 	 	Holly Parker-Paulson  	(2187- 	) - Professor
Siblings:      	 	None
Spouse:    	 	Carla Nell-Paulson  	(2219- 	) - Biochemist
Children: 	 	Richard    	 	(2240- 	) - Student
 	 	 	Pauline    	 	(2240- 	) - Student

A. Physical Description
HT:    	 	 	6'2" (188 cm)
WT:   	 	 	215 lbs (95 kg)
EY:    	 	 	Brown 
HR:    	 	 	Blue 
SK:     	 	Light Tan  
Blood Type:    	 	A+
Vision:    	 	O: +.010, S: +.025 (effectively 20/20)

B. Background Data
Religion:    	 	Protestant Christian
Citizenship:    	Earth, United Federation of Planets
Languages: 	 	Terran Standard (native speaking)
   	 	  	Spanish (fluent)

II.  Educational Background

A. Academic Institutions Attended
   -- Starfleet Academy {Graduated *cum laude*}
         (Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering)

B. Service Schools Attended
   -- Starfleet Enlisted Basics Course
   -- Starfleet Enlisted Advanced Course
   -- Starfleet Engineering School
   -- Starfleet Security School
   -- Starfleet Navigation School
   -- Starfleet Command School

C. Qualifications (MOS/MOCs)
   -- MOC:  Engineering Officer
   -- MOC:  Navigation Officer
   -- MOC:  Security Officer
   -- MOC:  Command Officer

D. Star Fleet Academy Record
Honors: 	 	*Suma Cum Laude* 
Academic Major: 	Mechanical Engineering
Professional Major: 	Starship Engineering
Class Rank: 	 	13/313
Reprimands: 	 	0
Commendations: 	 	3
Athletics: 	 	Wrestling
Activities: 	 	Orbital Sky Diving

III. Biographical Notes

A. Chronology (tabular form)
0:  	 	Born San Antonio, Texas, Earth.
0-18:    	Lived with parents.  Attended private schools.
18:  	Enlisted in Starfleet
27:  	Married Carla Nell.
30:  	Attended Starfleet Academy.


B. Background Summary


IV. Official Star Fleet Record

A. Promotion and Service History
2232.010: Enlisted in Starfleet as a Crewman Recruit (E-1)
2232.159: Promoted to Crewman Apprentice (E-2)
2232.159: Assigned as Engineer's 3rd Mate, USS KELVIN, NCC-0514
2233.190: Promoted to Petty Officer, 3rd Class (E-4)
2235.363: Promoted to Petty Officer, 2nd Class (E-5)
2247.222: Assigned as , USS ERASMUS, NCC-0464
2240.199: Entered Starfleet Academy
2242.010: Commissioned as an Ensign (O-1)
2249.059: Assigned Executive Officer, OUTPOST 14 (ROMULAN NTRL ZONE)
2250.359: Promoted to Lieutenant, JG (O-2)
2251.010: Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3)
2252.058: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4)
2253.010: Assigned as OPS, USS NEWTON, NCC-1682
2255.212: Promoted to Commander (O-5)
2255.109: Assigned as XO, USS ODYSSEY, NCC-2001
2258.205: Assigned as OPS, STARBASE 6
2261.206: Promoted to Captain (O-6)
2261.265: Assigned as Commanding Officer, USS REPUBLIC, NCC-1371

B.  Medals and Commendations
Starfleet Commendation Award x9
Combat Action Award
Medal of Merit
Outstanding Unit Citation

V. Skills Profile
Redbelt Level 1, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. 

VI. Recent Fitness Reports
Bruce Paulson is in top athletic condition.  12 minute 4 km runtime.  
90 Push-ups in 2 minutes.  70 sit-ups in 2 minutes.  No physical 
limitations found.  Right shoulder dislocation related to Jiu-Jitsu 
tournament competition fully healed.  No diseases or conditions found.  
He is cleared for active duty. 

-- Dr. Stile Corbett
   Staff Attending, Starbase 6

VII. Psychological Profile

-- 2061.003
   Staff Psychologist, Starbase 6

VIII. Current Recreational Interests
