Cayle Veld

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Commodore Cayle Veld, Task Group 17

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NOTE- This character was retired on SD 210430.


  • Full Name: Caylebreth Veld [SEC-856321-5648]
  • Surname: Veld
  • Given Name: Caylebreth
  • Nickname: Cayle
  • Current Rank: Commodore (O-7)
  • Current Billet: Commanding Officer, Task Group 17 (Flagship: USS LEVIATHAN NCC-25002)


  • Species: Homo sapiens sapiens (Terran Human)
  • Gender/Sex: Female/XX
  • Age: 39 Terran Standard Years
  • DOB: 5 August 2382
  • POB: Alexandria, Virginia, Terra


  • Parents: ADM Conrad Veld, UFPSFN, 63 TSY
  • CDR Melynda Carstairs, UFPSFN, 59 TSY

Family Profile

The Veld family, while one cannot say is one of Star Fleet's oldest, has emerged as one of Star Fleet's most prominent. Cayle's grandfather, Charles, retired a Vice Admiral; her father, Conrad, is the current-serving Commander-in Chief, Gold Fleet. Cayle's mother, Melinda, also served in Star Fleet until her marriage to Conrad; retiring eliminated the question of a personal conflict coming into play while the then-CAPT Conrad Veld was CO of USS ODYSSEY.

While Cayle has no brothers or sisters, she does have a a few cousins who currently serve in Star Fleet: CDR Samuel ("Sam") Carstairs (who, ironically, replaced Cayle for a short time after her abduction as XO of DS13 and now serves as CO USS LEVIATHAN) and his brother, Richard Jr., son of Melinda Veld's brother Richard; and Callista ("Cal"- OPS on USS KIROV) Veld, daughter of COL Kenneth Veld (deceased) of the Star Fleet Marine Corps.

Cayle is also the goddaughter of ADM John R. Brooks, former CINCSF and current CINCBLUE. The Brooks and Veld families have enjoyed a closeness since the days when the elder Veld was a midshipman in the Academy. In fact, it was Brooks who, as CINCSF, gave Conrad his first flag appointment as Commander, Public Affairs.

In recent years, the Velds have also forged a close bond with the Sharpe family, another of Star Fleet's more prominent families. This bond, however, does not date back 40+ years as the Veld/Brooks friendship does; this one began when Cayle was assigned to DS13 as XO and befriended a young Marine CO fresh out of the Academy, then-2LT Molly sharpe. Shortly thtereafter, Conrad chose Molly's father, then-COL Richard Sharpe, as his Deputy Commander of Public Affairs. Since that time, the families have grown almost as close as blood relatives. Though she might not admit it, Cayle does think of Molly as the sister she never had.

  • Siblings: None
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None


  • HT: 5'7"
  • WT: 128 lbs
  • EY: Green
  • HR: Strawberry Blonde
  • SK: Light Tan; small scar above left eye.
  • Blood Type: O-
  • Vision: O: +.25, S: +.025 (effectively 20/20)
  • Religion: Roman Catholic
  • Citizenship: Terran, United Federation of Planets
  • Languages: Terran Standard (native speaker), Modern French (proficient), Romulan (proficient), Klingon (proficient), Vulcan (basic knowledge)


Promotion History

  • Star Date (24)050221: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
  • Star Date (24)060918: Promoted to rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).
  • Star Date (24)070708: Promoted to rank of Lieutenant (O-3).
  • Star Date (24)100805: Breveted rank of Lieutenant Commander (O-4).
  • Star Date (24)110103: Brevet of LCDR confirmed.
  • Star Date (24)120919: Commission deactivated.
  • Star Date (24)130722: Commission reactivated; promotion to rank of Commander (O-5).
  • Star Date (24)150901: Promoted to rank of Captain (O-6).
  • Star Date (24)200601: Breveted to rank of Commodore (O-7).
  • Star Date (24)201231: Brevet to Commodore confirmed.

Service History

  • Star Date (24)000528: Accepted into Star Fleet Academy, San Francisco, Terra
  • Star Date (24)041230: Graduated Star Fleet Academy, 21st in class of 250
    • Major: Romulan Culture/History
    • Minor: Negotiation/Diplomacy
  • Star Date (24)050101: Assigned Space Warfare Officer School for training.
  • Star Date (24)050215: Graduated Space Warfare Officer School; Assigned to Star Base Alpha for assignment
  • Star Date (24)050221: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1); Assigned NAV, USS SEVASTOPOL
  • Star Date (24)060918: Promoted to rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2); named Strike, USS SEVASTOPOL
  • Star Date (24)061022: Named Acting TAC, USS SEVASTOPOL
  • Star Date (24)070631: Tour of duty on USS SEVASTOPOL ends; returned to SB DELTA for reassignment
  • Star Date (24)070708: Promoted to rank of Lieutenant (O-3); Assigned Chief Tactical Officer, USS PENRITH
  • Star Date (24)091231: Tour of Duty as TAC, USS PENRITH ends.
  • Star Date (24)100101: Begins extended leave from service
  • Star Date (24)100301: Assigned as Chief Operations Officer, USS AKAGI
  • Star Date (24)100805: Breveted rank of Lieutenant Commander (O-4); named aXO, USS AKAGI
  • Star Date (24)101231: Tour of duty as aXO, USS AKAGI ends.
  • Star Date (24)110103: Brevet of LCDR confirmed.

(NOTE- here begins actual RP experience)

  • Star Date (24)110105: Assigned XO, DEEP SPACE 13.
  • Star Date (24)120717: Listed as Killed in Action.
  • Star Date (24)120919: Status changed from MIA to Inactive.
  • Star Date (24)130722: Commission reactivated; promoted to rank of Commander (O-5); Assigned as Special Investigator, SECIS.
  • Star Date (24)141208: Reassigned as Mission Specialist for SECIS, USS SERAPIS.
  • Star Date (24)141231: Mission on board SERAPIS ends.
  • Star Date (24)150801: Reassigned from SFJAG/SECIS to GOLD Fleet.
  • Star Date (24)150817: Promoted to rank of Captain (O-6); Assigned CO, USS CIRCE/COMTACRON13.
  • Star Date (24)200601: Breveted to rank of Commodore (O-7); Assigned as CO, Battle Group 1.
  • Star Date (24)201231: Brevet confirmed; reassigned as CO, USS DIOMEDES/Task Force 105.
  • Star Date )24)220515: Reassigned as CO, Task Group 17.

(Note: Ships recorded at classification at the time officer was assigned, not their current re-classification.)

Medals and Commendations

  • (24)100901.0000: Bronze Star - For critical role played in establishing peace between the races in the planetary system Thranstir.
  • (24)110101.0000: GREEN Fleet Service Ribbon.
  • (24)110101.0000: Alpha Quadrant Service Ribbon.

(NOTE- here begins actual RP experience)

  • (24)110211.0000: Wounded Lion- For sustaining injury during the liberation of the Iotian slaves from the Gorn.
  • (24)110211.0000: Combat Action Ribbon.
  • (24)120720.0000: Medal of Valor- For actions which resulted in the recovery and ultimate rescue of USS RAMSES during operations against Gorn Hegemony forces in the Tybiiran Complex at extreme risk to her own life.
  • (24)120720.0000: Combat Action Ribbon.
  • (24)120720.0000: 2nd Tybiiran Campaign Ribbon.
  • (24)120720.0000: GOLD Fleet Service Ribbon.
  • (24)120720.0000: Gorn Sector Service Ribbon.
  • (24)120720.0000: Beta Quadrant Service Ribbon.
  • (24)120919.0000: Wounded Lion^- For sustaining injury during operations against Gorn Hegemony forces in the Tybiiran Complex.
  • (24)130401.0000: Prisoner of War Medal- for time spent in captivity of forces of the Gorn Hegemony.
  • (24)141031.0000: Distinguished Service Award- for continued distinguished service in her duties within SECIS.
  • (24)150531.0000: Silver Star- for her role in bringing Section 31 operatives to trial as a SECIS agent.
  • (24)160831.0000: Combat Action Ribbon.
  • (24)171031.0000: Combat Action Ribbon.
  • (24)171031.0000: Briol Campaign Ribbon.
  • (24)171031.0000: Wounded Lion- for sustaining injuring during the securing of the Briol system from belligerent forces of the Gorn Hegemony.
  • (24)171031.0000: Latinum Star- for leading Federation forces to victory against overwhelming odds in the Briol system.
  • (24)181025.0000: Bronze Star- for role in actions during the negotiations of the Second Tholian Treaty.
  • (24)181025.0000: Combat Action Ribbon.
  • (24)201231.0000: Cross of Alexander- for leading Federation forces to victory over the belligerent forces of the Gorn Hegemony against overwhelming odds in the Jar'mas system.
  • (24)201231.0000: Combat Action Ribbon.

^- originally classified as Star of Hope, as she was originally classified as KIA. Classification changed when she was recovered.


Academic Institutions Attended

  • Star Fleet Academy {Graduated *cum laude*}
    • Bachelor of Arts, Romulan Culture/History

Service Schools Attended

  • Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School
  • Star Fleet Naval War College


  • Qual: Tactical Officer
  • Qual: Navigation/Astrogation Officer
  • Qual: Shipboard Operations & Command
  • Qual: Junior/Senior Officer Bridge Tests
  • Qual: Command Officer's Tests
  • Qual: Flag Officer's Tests

Star Fleet Academy Record

  • Honors: *Cum Laude*
  • Final Cadre Rank: Cadet Lieutenant
  • Academic Major: Romulan Culture/History
  • Professional Major: Negotiation/Diplomacy
  • Class Rank: 21/250
  • Reprimands: 3
  • Commendations: 1
  • Athletics: Terran field hockey, Null gravity handball
  • Activities: Romulan Historical Society


Chronology (tabular form)

  • 0-4: Lived with parents on USS RUTLEDGE
  • 4-18: Lived with parents on USS ODDYSEY; attended educational facitlities on USS ODDYSEY
  • 18: Nominated and accepted into Star Fleet Academy.
  • 18-22: Attended Star Fleet Academy.
  • 23-29: Active duty in Star Fleet.
  • 30-32: Star Fleet Inactive Reserve
  • Present: Active duty in Star Fleet.

Background Summary

Cayle has lived the bulk of her life aboard a starship; she was born while her father was the XO and her mother was a councellor on the USS RUTLEDGE. When she was 4, her father assumed command of the USS ODYSSEY, a Galaxy-class starship, where her mother took a posting on the same ship as COU. The Velds would spend the next 14 years on the ODYSSEY- this is where Cayle's formative years were spent. When she was 18, she applied to and was accepted into Star Fleet Academy. It was around this time that her father retired from Star Fleet rather than accept promotion to RADM- he didn't feel his talents would be best served behind a desk. Cayle's mother retired several years beforehand, while she was beginning her adolescence, so as to devote more time to the raising of young Cayle.

Due to her upbringing, Cayle does not truly feel at home anywhere but on a starship; indeed, she chooses to stay in VOQ whenever she is between assignments as she retains no other permanent address.

She is decidely her father's daughter- she shares the same passion for exploration and the search for knowledge, and would scoff at any attempt to derail her quest. It is for this reason that Cayle originally turned down her assignment to DS13- she felt her opportunities for such explorations would be limited on a star base. However, her ultimate goal is command of a starship, and she was strongly advised by superiors to take the position shouldshe desire a command of her own in the future. Begrudgingly, she accepted.

Though initially viewing DS13 as simply a "stepping stone" to a future command, she would grow to cherish her role as station XO- not in the least bit due to the fact that, as station XO, she got to head up most away missions which, of course, meant commanding USS SPITFIRE, DS13's attached warship. In fact, it was her exploits as SPITFIRE CO which would ultimately shape her career.

Given DS13's proximity to the Gorn Hegemony, Cayle was frequently sent out to help protect Federation interests from Hegemony exploitation. Usually, she was successful- which made her a particularly nasty thorn in the Gorn Hegemony's side. However, as troublesome as she was to the Hegemony, she, along with Major Molly Sharpe was even more so to a small group of renegade Star Fleet Marines. These Marines ultimately engineered Cayle's abduction from a dying SPITFIRE underneath the eyes of USS LEVIATHAN and RAMSES in the Tybiiran Complex, which effectively ended Cayle's active career in Star Fleet proper. She would be rescued by her friend Sharpe, but the torture at the hands of the Marines had been enough to scar her deeply.

This abduction would affect Cayle in more than emotional ways. As a result of the emotional trauma, she has made it her mission to bring those responsible down. This task has proven more difficult and circuitous than anticipated; under all the layers, she has heard whispers of the existence of the mythical Section 31. She now believes that they were the ones pulling the renegade Marines' strings and are ultimately responsible for her abduction and torture. This has turned her desire for justice and personal vengeance into an obsession, such that she transferred from command-track to Star Fleet Security and Intelligence Services (SFSECIS), the internal intelligence branch of Star Fleet, roughly analogous with the FBI. Since Section 31 exists within Federation borders, this was who would normally investigate such matters.

Until recently, she has been unwilling to discuss her imprisonment- not even to Star Fleet Counselors- and has largely withdrawn into herself. Her nickname amongst many of the junior officers and crew of DS13 was "The Ice Queen"; if such a thing weren't true before, it most certainly is now. However, she has begun to thaw somewhat with the bringing down of a major Section 31 operation on Cestus III- taking out a major S31 cell has brought some peace to her and a reconciliation of sorts with her captivity.

However, in the aftermath of her escapades on Cestus III, she found herself in the place she most wanted to go as a younger officer- the center chair, a position she knew perhaps better than anyone that she was, at that time, ill-suited to occupy. It has taken 2 long years- and two more major combat engagements- to prove to herself (and Star Fleet Command) that she truly belongs in command. Her combat record is impeccable, having served in no less than 4 major campaigns, all in command capacities, and has yet to come out on the loosing end. Cayle may not have the tactical genius of a Buck Vargas or a Alastair Boyington, but she has an uncanny ability to rally and motivate those she commands when it is most necessary. This makes her stand out above the pack.

Personality Summary

Caylebreth (prefers to be called "Cayle") is an extremely emotional and excitable person, which, like most things, is a double-edged sword. While her emotionalism leads to a stronger connection with the crew and thusly serves as her primary motivating factor, she sometimes can react to situations based strictly on her emotions. She relies on her "gut" to help solve problems for her, and her intuition has served her well thus far- for the most part. Indeed, following her instincts played a key role in eventually landing her last posting, that of Acting XO on the AKAGI. Serving initially as OPS on the AKAGI during a classified diplomatic mission, the UFP mediator lost control of the situation and the AKAGI found herself in the middle of an interplanetary war. The AKAGI lay between both warring factions, separating the two fleets. Eventually, one side fired on AKAGI in an effort to eliminate the mediators and end the dispute in one, final action. In this volley, the AKAGI's XO was killed. Cayle immediately assumed the XO's position, and eventually played a key role in diffusing the situation and restoring peace to the sector. As a result of her initiative and subsequent role in the peace process, she was breveted to the rank of LCDR and named aXO for the remainder of the mission.

Her emotionalism is Cayle's defining character trait at this time- most of her actions are based on some form of emotional response. This pervades every aspect of her life- she rarely backs down from a challenge (she tends to take them personally), etc. Her very attachment to Star Fleet is a deep, emotional one as well, fostered by her parents, both career Star Fleet officers. However, this deep attachment has since given way to almost complete emotional withdrawal due to her imprisonment and torture by the renegade Star Fleet Marines. Her personality is now dominated by a general malaise and melancholy- essentially, her soul has been darkened by her experiences.

As things turned out, the SERAPIS mission ended up bringing some sort of closure to her in terms of her abduction. Therefore, some of this open cynicism and malaise has faded...but not all of it.

Nowadays, finding herself in a position of command, she generally keeps to herself. Occasionally, she can be found in the company of Colonel Molly Sharpe and Commander Yuri Kazhdenin.


Skills Profile

Ambitious officer, to date a relatively successful one. Extensive knowledge of cuture/history of several major foreign governments, most notably the Romulan Star Empire. Emerging negotiating and diplomatic skills. Excellent worker in team setting, but a promising soloist as well. Heavy reliance on intuition in decision-making process. Makes critical decisions quickly and correctly. Proven a keen analyst of data. Has shown some natural hand-to-hand combat abilities, abilities further sharpened with the katana.

Recent Fitness Reports

"Cadet Caylebreth Veld has all the talents and skills to make a truly outstanding officer in Star Fleet- provided she can keep a close reign on her emotions. Testing and simulations have revealed, while they do serve her well, her emotions could be a hindrance in a dangerous situation. However, in the long run, her passion for the ideals of Star Fleet and the UFP will ultimately prove to be the glue that keeps her together. Without them, Cadet Veld would certainly resign her commission- and that would be a huge loss for Star Fleet and the Federation."

  • CDR Churina Dur Tar
  • Instructor, Star Fleet Academy

"To say that Lieutenant Cayle Veld played a 'vital role' in the ultimately successful diplomatic mission on Star Date 100805.1900 is, to be blunt, an understatement. Her quick thinking in a crisis situation in assuming the XO's duties upon his death may very well have saved the ship; her subsequent impassioned speech to both warring factions struck a cord with them and allowed the peace process to move forward once again. Without LT Veld's actions, it is doubtful the AKAGI would have returned from her mission- successful or, more likely, otherwise."

  • CAPT Mace Roberts

"Commander Cayle Veld has been indispensible as XO of DS13. Her performance was always exemplary in station administration, but her absence will be felt most on away missions. Her achievements as CO of the SPITFIRE were of the highest order, true to the ideals of Star Fleet, despite being under constant pressure. Star Fleet has lost a fine officer."

  • CDR S'Tveck

"It remains unknown if, let alone when, Commander Veld will return to active duty. The psychological trauma she suffered during her captivity is extreme, to the point that she may never completely recover. She has been unwilling to discuss the subject in any manner, instead withdrawing into herself. Only time will tell if she will let go of her suffering and allow her scars to heal."

  • LCDR Diane Hunter
  • COU, Star Base DELTA

"I have reservations about allowing this officer to return to active status; the emotional scars of 10 months ago are stil raw. I would most certainly oppose it if she were going back into deep space. Given that she's to be tied to a desk analyzing data, however, I can't see any reason to keep her out. She wants to work, let her work. Picking up the pieces of her career might help her to put the past behind.

  • CDR Ariel Simmoth
  • COU, Star Fleet Command

Current Recreational Interests

At current, her hobbies revolve mostly around drowning herself in her work. However, she is a gifted tactician and is therefore a student of naval history, mostly Terran but has expanded her interests outside those narrow boundaires. She is also has a love for music; this interest has again expanded to include many forms of rock and roll and jazz.

In recent years, she has taken up the katana (kendo) in an effort to maintain some form of physical fitness. She has found some natural ability at this, but does not generally advertise her skill in this area. Instead, she practices in private, after hours, in the holodeck.