USS Feynman JUL 1996

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July 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



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by Andrew Catterick 7-1-1996

> MD: 5.1500
> Scene: Captain's Ready Room
> ".... so you see Lieutenant, I want something more authoritative. I'm
> no interior decorator, but I need something that gives me a clearer view
> of everything and that says.... *CAPTAIN*."
> The CEO looks at Zane trying to determine if he's truly serious.
> Starting slowly Tarrant begins speaking, "Well... I guess we can break
> a few rules concerning alteration of ship bridges and do it... but I'll
> have to wait till we get back at Epsilon..."
"Excellent Lieutenant. " Zane paused. "But I don't expect my Chief Engineer to lose some down time on EPSILON because he's fitting in a chair on the bridge. This past mission was particularly hard on all of us..." His mind drifted to the letter he had just finished writing to Ensign Serra's family. It was bad enough having to tell someone their son, their brother, their grandchild was dead. But to have it happen barely a week out of the Academy. "...including you. The number of hours you spent in the lab trying to figure out how to save the Ring after we cut in to it would have 'fried' most people's brains, not to mention your boarding of the Panarik vessel. So make sure you get some R&R while we're in dock. That's an order." "Aye sir." Koreth didn't seem all that convinced.

Scene: Sickbay

"Why isn't Lieutenant Krazny back on duty?" Zane asked, a mixture of annoyance and concern.

"I am unable to determine that." The Vulcan seemed perturbed and Zane wondered ideally if that perturbed her even more.

"I thought this was just a simple concussion? A few hours sleep and he'd be as good as new. That was 48 hours ago."

"I am at a loss. Every test confirms this diagnosis but he does not seem to progress from where he is now. It is as if he is in some form of stasis."

"Has Dr. Glin'Kharr been able to provide any insight?"

"I have confined the Doctor to his quarter's until he has recuperated to my satisfaction."

"I wish I could have heard that discussion."

"The Doctor did seem somewhat....discontent with my decision. However I did consult with him before he left for his quarter's. He had no insights into the Counselor's condition."

"Recommendation?" Zane asked.

"If there is no improvement in the next 24 hours I suggest we transfer him to EPSILON medical. They are better equipped to handle this."

Zane frowned not liking the options he was faced with. Having to transfer an officer as important as Krazny off ship was definatly something he wanted to avoid. He had confidence that EPSILON medical would revive the lieutenant but if it was after FEYNMAN had shipped out on a new mission it was very possible that Krazny might be permanently transferred to another ship. And transferring a comatose officer back to EPSILON raised uncomfortable memories of Captain West. On the other hand having an unconscious officer in sickbay would help no one.

"Very well, keep me informed."

Scene: Security Office

Lieutenant Sr'qwon stared down at his console with great excitement. With the communications blackout lifted his mailbox had quickly filled up with the correspondence that had been stored at Memory EPSILON for the past week. Half way down the list was the communication he had hoped would arrive but had been certain would not.

Opening the file he quickly scanned it, his excitement growing.

"Sr'qwon to Captain Zane."

[Zane here. What can I do for you lieutenant?]

"Could I have a few minutes sir?"

{I'm in 10-Forward, Zane out.]

Scene: 10-Forward

Zane sat at the table his hands clasped in front of him as he considered when the tables had turned. A few hours ago things couldn't have hardly been better. They'd found the cure to the 'incurable' plague, they saved 70 billion sentient lifeforms, and then they'd survived Cardassian treachory. But then he'd found out about Krazny. Trying to keep his spirits light he had gone to 10-Forward to revel in the high morale of his crew. As an added bonus Bat was off-duty, his assistant telling Zane that the old bar-tender was currently harassing the second officer in the renovations of her office. At least it would keep her occupied. But now Sr'qwon had dropped a bombshell of her own.

" you see captain, as much as I love the FEYNMAN, being accepted into special forces training is not something I can pass up."

He nodded feeling somewhat deflated. When he handed the Admiral his staffing report Nicholas would surely hit the roof. There were already jokes floating around the fleet about the FEYNMAN's inability to retain its officers, especially when it came to CSciOs. And now to make it worse a new science officer had apparently been transferred to the ship but had since disappeared. Zane made a mental note not to visit the Officer's Club while he was in port.

"I don't know what to say Lieutenant except congratulations you'll be missed."


Just tying up some staffing threads and laying the ground work for others that may need it.

We'll arrive back at EPSILON on MD:6.1200 Anyone feel free to take us in. Look to being in a week or so.

> As for that crack about the SOLAR class looking like it backed
> into something... I haven't forgotten that.

Oh SERAPIS is a SOLAR...I, uh, forgot. Well at least your not the pilot who couldn't parallel park.<EG>


-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: Homecoming, Finally

by Joseph Baker 7-2-1996

SD: 80702.0414 (GMT)
MD: 6.1200

"Starbase EPSILON control acknowledges our docking request and directs us to follow the beacon to our assigned bay," LT Jenn said from her console at OPS.

Jerran looked over to take a quick glance at her. She was taking this whole situation rather well on the outside, but that was his Vulcan side that was making that observation. His Bajoran side, that side which wept for the death of his own beloved, that side that was suppressed when he was among others, knew that the second officer was hurting. That side of him that he had accidently unleashed upon LT Jenn during the accident on the NOGURA during his first mission, it knew how she felt, and it almost hurt him just as much as it hurt her. But, his Vulcan half wasn't going to let him show it now anymore than he had shown the pain then. In fact, he had doubled his mental blocks so that not only Jenn but the other telepaths and empaths on board would not be able to hear his Bajoran heart's cry.

From behind, Jerran could hear CMDR Maril say, "Take us in, Mr. Jerran, maneuvering thrusters at full."

"Aye, sir," the pilot responded, turning his thoughts away from the person sitting next to him. When it came to most species that did not normally possess telepathic abilities, such as humans, Klingons, and especially Ferengi, he had to rely on touch to convey the telepathic signals. But, when it came to more powerful telepathic species, such as Betazoids and other Vulcans, and even humans who had telepathic abilities, he had to make a concerted effort to keep out their naturally telepathic emissions. Sometimes it was hard, especially when the emotions were being sent out with the intensity that he felt from LT Jenn. But, it reminded Jerran of the reasons why he had not followed his mother's unemotional heritage. Had he gone through the emotional disciplines, then he would have no common frame of reference to understand many of the myriad of emotions that he felt from the different creatures he had encountered so far in his short career.

Starbase EPSILON loomed on the viewscren, its huge space doors taking up a majority of the upper part of the station as the FEYNMAN moved in closer. After a moment, Jerran had pushed the ship past the doors and was moving her towards her assigned berth. Workbees flitted here and there on the viewscreen in front of them, moving to get out of the way as the small ship flew past. Some of them wiggled a bit in small rolls of greeting as they buzzed past the FEYNMAN's bow. Jerran smiled slightly and gave a slight wiggle of his own when he noticed that Maril wasn't paying attention to the viewscreen. He looked over at Jenn and saw by the stiffled chuckle behind her lips that she had noticed, and he smiled back to her, both understanding the other much more than they would either ever admit.

Jerran pulled the destroyer into a modern version of a parallel parking maneuver as she slipped into her parking berth. He then shut off the main thrusters and activated the station keeping thrusters.

"Thrusters at station keeping, sir," he announced.

"Very good. LT Jenn, activate the moorings, and sound the docking signal."

"Aye, sir," she said as she typed the commands into her console. "Moorings are activated and secure."

"Deactivate thrusters, Mr. Jerran. Bridge to Engineering, cut the drives and secure all drive exhausts. Bridge to Captain, we're now docked, sir."

Commander Zane walked out of his ready room and looked at the viewscreen as an ENDEAVOUR class starship slipped into a nearby berth. "Ladies and gentlemen, we're home...."

<NRPG> Yeah, I know. Melodramatic. But hey, you gotta do that sort of post once in a while ;) I can't always have Jerran saving the day :)

*       *           *
* Raneov Stefanh e-Annhwi tr'Khnialmnae, CO, HgR Ja'telaih, TOS TREKMUSE   *
* LTJG Jerran Terel, FCO, USS FEYNMAN, alt.starfleet.rpg                   *
* ENS Logan Knight, CEO, USS TSUNAMI, alt.starfleet.rpg                    *
* Dr. Alexa Denora, Sci Admin, Kachaira III Colony, alt.starfleet.rpg      *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                          *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                              *
* University of South Florida                                              *

USS FEYNMAN: Work & Relaxation

by Max Felsher 7-2-1996

Reports to be written, branch assessments to be made, and many other equally boring tasks lay ahead. Other things too, like promotion recommendations and overviewing sensor logs. Having been in command of the huge away team, as well as being the only senior officer who had gone into the Neo-Luddite settlement, he was the one who had to write the large reports. Maril sighed again.

'Well,' Maril said to himself, 'you can't get to Stirabi until you start on the road to it.' With that, he started his work.

He started on the reports--not very interesting, but they had to be done. Besides, Maril wanted to get rid of the hard stuff first.

First, the general overview of the mission. This would probably be the longest report, since it would be sent to the Captain and then to SB Epsilon, like all of the reports.

Maril looked back upon the mission, remembering the preparation for the mission, the beam-down, finding many leads in the Neo-Luddite settlement, the escape from the settlement, all of the adventures at the perimeter camp, the breakthroughs in finding a cure, and finally, the Cardassian encounter. It was quite a bit for one mission, but it was rather straightforward in that Maril hadn't gone back and forth from one area to another.

After finally finishing that report and a few smaller reports on the settlement, the Plague, and other topics which had influenced the outcome of the mission, Maril stood up and walked out of his office. There was still quite a bit of work to do, but it could wait.

MD 5.1800
Holodeck 1

Maril stood on the holodeck grid, thinking. He really didn't know what he wanted to do there, but he did know that he needed something to relax.

"Computer, access all holodeck recreation files relating to role-playing."

A long list appeared on the console just inside the holodeck door.

"Computer, limit to role-playing files from history or literary works."

A somewhat smaller list now appeared.

"Hmmm...not that one. No, not that one, either. Let's see...maybe...this one! Computer, load program and begin when ready."

Suddenly, the holodeck grid disappeared and was replaced by a view of a large forest with a plain to the right. Far in the distance, a river curved along the horizon.

However, the interesting thing wasn't the view but what was close to Maril. He was standing at the top of a defensive structure made out of stone, with stone towers to his left and right. At his waist, on the left side, was a long, straight sword. On his back was a bag-like container carrying a bow and several arrows. By his side, resting on the outer wall, was a light shield, ready to be picked up at a moment's notice.

Not a moment after he had surveyed the surroundings and himself, Maril saw a huge mass of soldiers swelling through the forest and down the plain.

Another soldier, who was obviously in charge, yelled, "To your posts, everyone! They're attacking!"

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

A little backpost. I had written this, and then read all of the new stuff, so I'll just leave this thread as it is. I'll assume that Maril does finish all the "paperwork" and that he has a good time in the holodeck simulation. :) He'll probably return to this simulation sometimes, when he needs to relax(which, knowing this crew, will be most of the time :P).

USS FEYNMAN: How to Live With Sadness

by Kristen Gant 7-2-1996

Stardate: 80702.1416
Scene: 10-Forward -> Quarters
MD: 5.1900

Krysa thanked Bat for allowing her to have a good cry in 10-forward with him. It did seem to make her feel a little better to let go of some of her anger and guilt. Much like she had done for Jerran on the runabout. Of course, as a trained counselor she had known that, she just hadn't wanted to deal with it. But now that her duties and responsibilities were at an end for a while she had time.

"Anytime you need it," he told her gently.

She nodded, "I need to get to my quarters, I think. I'm sure there're a lot of things to do there."

"Do you want company?" he offered.

She shook her head, "No, I have to do this on my own. But I appreciate the offer." He nodded and she gave him a quick hug before standing and making her way out of the lounge. Her movements were almost mechanical, but they were moving her forward, and that's what she needed.

Thankfully the hallways were mostly empty and no one stopped her on her way to her quarters. She slowed as she neared them then stood there in front of the door just looking at it. She was finally able to will herself to take the step forward that would open the door. When she did, she could almost hear the clicking of the keyboard, and hear him call, 'Did you have a good day?'. As she listened, wishing desperately to really hear it, the silence became deafening. She looked around the room. It all seemed so familiar and yet so different... so empty.

It was then that she noticed the lantern on the table. She leaned down and picked up the note. All her words to Terri that day on the shuttle came back. Oh how easy it had been then to say those words, and yet now she realized how difficult they were to hear. She picked up the lantern and paper and carried them into the bedroom. She decided now was as good a time as any to begin to admit that Kavan was dead, and to deal with the fact that he was never coming back.

MD: 5.2200

Physically and emotionally exhausted Krysa blew out the lantern and curled up onto her bed giving herself over to a sleep filled with content and peaceful dreams of happier times. She decided that there were definitely some traditions the Bajoran's did better then Betazoids. And this was one of them. She would definitely have to thank Terri soon....

MD: 6.0700

Krysa woke feeling refreshed. Her heart was much lighter, now that she had a restful sleep and allowed herself to be happy in the memories that she held. There was still sadness in her loss, but it no longer clouded her vision.

She quickly showered and changed as she prepared for the day. They would be back at EPSILON today, and she was looking forward to that. There were things that she had to do, and they would be much more easily accomplished on the Starbase then on the FEYNMAN.

She almost decided not to check her messages as she knew there would be the normal sympathy mail, and she didn't want to ruin her day with it. Then she stopped herself, deciding that knowing her friends cared shouldn't ruin her day, so she quickly pulled them up. She found herself smiling through light tears as she found that the words of sympathy really did help.

She noticed a message from Dr. Glin'kharr, asking to see her personally. She decided she could see him after they docked at Epsilon. As she got ready to leave she stopped at Kavan's computer, lightly touching the keyboard. Then shook her head, no she would start going through his things later. She quickly headed to the bridge.

Scene: Sickbay
MD: 6.1400

Krysa walked into Sickbay and up to Dr. T'Del, "Dr. Glin'kharr asked to see me."

T'Del raised an eyebrow, but didn't protest, "Please keep it short Lt., he needs his rest." Krysa nodded and turned to see the Doctor, but T'Del stopped her, "Lt," she said quietly. "We do need to discuss arrangements for your husband."

Krysa looked at her for a moment, not quite sure what she was referring to. Then it she realized what the Vulcan was talking about, and nodded slightly not quite sure what to tell her.

"I'll make some decisions within the next couple of days, I promise," she told her, and turned to see Dr. Glin'kharr.

"Dr." she said, not really wanting to disturb him.

"Lt. Jenn, I'm glad you stopped by. I would have come to see you, if that woman would let me out of here."

Krysa nodded. "I'm sure she's just making sure you're okay first."

"Hrmmmph," he growled, "Lt, I wanted to say how sorry I am about Mr. Kavan's death. I feel responsible, as I let him go with the search party."

Krysa nodded, "I understand from Ens. Couprie, that Kavan demanded to go."

Glin'kharr nodded, "Yes, he did, quite vehemently as a matter of fact."

"I'm not sure there's anything you could have done to stop him." She thought about how she had refused to marry him when she was 15. He had still eventually got his way. Yet another regret she had.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Well, here is the super fast version of Jenn's trip from the ring to Epsilon ;)

BTW, I don't expect that one Bajoran ceremony is going to make Krysa back to her normal self ... but it ought to keep her from biting any more heads off, or falling apart in 10-Forward :) :)


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(AKA - Darlea & Makayla, Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ens. Darla Shane,
Ens. Ainese Kev, Bree, Dr. Janna Swansen, Captain Gabriel
Faison, Waylene & Aura, Meena & Vonn)


by Andrew Catterick 7-3-1996

SD: 80703
Scene: Readyroom

Zane sat in his readyroom staring out the small window watching the ships of spacedock float by. In a few minutes he would depart for his scheduled appointment with the Admiral. On his desk lay a PADD that contained his mission report, its third incarnation. Ever since the end of the mission his feeling of triumph and pride in his crew had been slowly gnawed at by the mystery of the four Starfleet ships that had hidden themselves 'over the horizon' and waited. Waited for what?

At the time he had been suspicious but for the most part he had just been glad they where there to save the FEYNMAN, another thought that stuck in his throat. But as he thought about the mission at his leisure without the intense pressure to find a cure and save his ship hanging over him he began to see many more unanswered questions and one apparent conclusion. The FEYNMAN had been set up or at the very least had been deemed expendable. But by who?

Right from the start of the mission it had seemed...well strange. The FEYNMAN was not a medical ship by any means and while she had an exceptional medical department and had been sent Dr. Glin'kharr, a seeming gift from the gods, it still didn't add up. At the time it seemed an honour to receive it, desperate situation, countless lives at in the ship that can get the job done. But now? If Starfleet had four capital ships to spare why weren't they dispatched? The SOLAR class would have had a much better chance. No they had to have been setup, but why? And by whom?

Zane's thoughts drifted back to his first meeting with the Admiral. He was fresh out of the Academy and as green as they come. He smiled at the memory. He had completed his holodeck training on ALB and the second it was finished he had raced to the shuttle bay while his friends and recent grads gladly accepted the 48 hour leave before shipping out. Hours later he was standing in front of Nicholas charged with emotion as he was given his first assignment.

The Admiral had been a very imposing figure, and still was. But as gruff and demanding as he was you new where you stood. You were given a mission and you did it. If you did it well, fine that was your job. If you didn't, God help you. But through it all you knew you had someone there to back you up, and Admiral that, however imposing, cared about his ships and his officers. But he was also an Admiral that had sworn an oath to the Federation. And what happened if those conflicted? Had the FEYNMAN been set up for a higher cause? And had Admiral Nicholas been the chessmaster.

He considered that for a moment. He too had had swore an oath. An oath that he would give his life, if necessary to save others. But he had always assumed that he would be trusted to do so.

Scene: Admiral Nicholas' Office

"Commander Zane." Nicholas nodded as Zane entered the office. "I've just been reading over the mission reports your exec and 2O filed. Quite an 'interesting' mission."

"Yes sir." Zane replied staring at the Admiral trying not to believe that he had set them up and wondering what he would do if it was true.

"Is there any reason your report is not among them?"

"Sir, I was completing a last minute edit." He handed the PADD over to the Admiral.

Nicholas set the PADD on his desk without looking at it. "Commander I expect a report filed as soon as you dock. I want the facts, I do not want prose. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Now, while you are here you can give me a verbal report."

"Admiral, I have, of course, read both of my officers reports and concur with all contents. The only difference between their's and mine is that I have a question."

Nicholas simply stared, waiting.

"I want to know who set us up and why?"

<<<MIKE: Big enough opening? :) >>>

With the mission de-brief complete the two men turned to the FEYNMAN's staffing situation.

"I gather from the reports that you are once again short of officer's?"

Zane handed over his other PADD wondering how badly he would be raked over the coals for needing more staff, again. Only on the base for a few hours he'd heard the jokes that serving on the FEYNMAN was so bad you had to fake a coma to get off. "Here are the FEYNMAN's requirements as well as my recommendations for staff." He braced for the worst.


Mike: NRPG with the crew's mission suggestions to follow.


-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

SB EPSILON (To Feynman with Love) I

by Mike Dawe 7-4-1996

> The lift behind him opened to deposit two Admirals and a Fleet Captain. * Wow,
>lots of brass here!* "All right, Ensign. What can I do for you," asked the Captain.
>She looked as though she wanted to be any place but here. "Ensign Allard reporting as
>ordered, per VADM Crowell. Here's my orders and dossier," handing his PADD and Service
>record to the Captain, "Sir," he added with a crisp academy tone.

> "Have a seat in conference room 11, down the hall, 2nd door on your left. Someone
>will see to you soon. Dismissed". With that, I had no choice except to leave.


Meanwhile, in an office far above the conference room, at the very top of the station the Admiral and a Captain were involved in a debriefing of the USS FEYNMAN . . .

>"Admiral, I have, of course, read both of my officers reports and
>concur with all contents. The only difference between their's and mine is
>that I have a question."
> Nicholas simply stared, waiting.
> "I want to know who set us up and why?"

The Admiral growled in a manner that would have made a Klingon proud. "Hrrmf, I have been working on that little problem myself since the last mission update I received from you. I didn't like the answers then and I like them even less now. The answer is 'I don't know'. I kicked this all the way up the ladder and all I got was evasion and an offer to have your support withdrawn if I didn't like it."

"Which you refused."

The Vice Admiral nodded. "Wisely, it would seem. But I have been checking Starfleet records and every ship is said to be accounted for. There is only one Agamenmon class ship in action and it is the Heracles. That was not the ship you reported seeing. The Phoenix was a smaller class ship and decommissioned over a year ago. There has not been a successor to the name."

"I saw these ships Admiral. The Cardassians saw them too." Zane was adamant.

"I don't doubt your report, just the origin of the ships." The Admiral tapped some keys and a small light blinked on his desk. "We are now as secure as this office can be. You handled the last mission well and I am glad it came off without too many casualties. It could have been a lot worse. Pity the cure is dependent upon the ecosystem intrinsic to the ring itself. That stops it from being a complete cure, but the good side is it also stops the Cardassians from considering it a weapon, yet." As he spoke the Admiral was tapping some keys and accessing files that demanded a strict series of access inputs.

"Prototypes of ships often have glitches that make them too much work to fix, or to scrap. We consign them to secret fields, often well clear of shipping lanes and not near star systems. There, they become part of the Grey Fleet."

Zane nodded. The Grey Fleet was a common location for the consignment of officers whose careers had also hit the bottom as well. It was the scrap and salvage arm of the service and not one that any officer looked to for advancement.

The Admiral continued. "A few months ago I accompanied a small crew of officers on a field test of the security of one of the 'graveyards'. While there we ran into pirate activity also intent on acquiring materials. What does this tell you?"

"That Greys security is not . . . complete." responded the Feynman's CO.

The Admiral snorted "Complete? Bah, it is a joke. If you keep assigning screw-ups to one fleet what do you expect to happen? I think your little band of rescuers were from Grey Fleet. Some krig of a crew out there has recruited an 'action force'."

"Action force?"

"With some prompting from someone higher up they are trying to redeem themselves in the eyes of the fleet. Your set-up was probably just the first move we have seen but I have my suspicions a few other unexplained happenings in the last few months may also be laid at their feet. When they rack up enough 'points' then they will step into the lime light and take a bow. They will be so strong in the public eye that they will have to be awarded rather than punished."

Zane shook his head sowly. "But in the meantime they act without supervision and try for all the hotdog stunts they can to build up their reputation? Talk about your loose cannons."

The Admiral nodded slowly. "And I want you to help tie them down before they really screw up."

Part II ought to be also in your box by now

mike--->who has trouble sending larger posts
Vice Admiral Azariah Nicholas CINCSILVER
Captain Christof Fife USS REGENT
Lt. Cmdr Eskat Eskat USS HERMES
Lt James Cardiff USS SARATOGA

SB EPSILON (To Feynman with Love) II

by Mike Dawe 7-4-1996

> Zane shook his head sowly. "But in the meantime they act without
> supervision and try for all the >hotdog stunts they can to build up their
> reputation? Talk about your loose cannons."
> The Admiral nodded slowly. "And I want you to help tie them down before they really screw up."

"Easily said Admiral. But how is one little ship going to tie down the task force we saw?" Zane asked the most obvious question first.

"By doing what they cannot and taking them for 'An explore in the woods'" Azariah smiled grimly. "You have one of the best sensor arrays around. I am going to task you with an expedition into the 'sack with a great deal of press and hoopla. Your mission will be to find and map pirate bases within the 'sack for raids to be set up once you return."

"And you expect the Greys to want to take the bases first?"

Azariah nodded. "Either they will try to follow you in, which they cannot do due to the grav fluxes at the border of the 'sack, or they will wait for you on exit. Once they have the info they will try to make their raids."

"But if they cannot take the big ships in . . . " Zane stopped, seeing a predatory look in the eyes of the Admiral and thinking through what his own crew would do.

"This mission is another one where you are a worm on a hook. The only difference is _I_ tell you ahead of time and offer you a choice. Will you accept the mission knowing full well you are possibly being set up?"

<<<nrpg>>> Back to you Andy. btw AAAAARG, I have mislaid the staffing and crew recommendations stuff we discussed a while ago, could you nrpg me them again? I know you need a TAC so here we go on that one anyways. <<<rpg>>>

Later, after the discussion wound around back to more mundane topics.

>"I gather from the reports that you are once again short of officer's?"
> Zane handed over his other PADD wondering how badly he would be
>raked over the coals for needing more staff, again. Only on the base for
>a few hours he'd heard the jokes that serving on the FEYNMAN was so bad
>you had to fake a coma to get off. "Here are the FEYNMAN's requirements
>as well as my recommendations for staff." He braced for the worst.

It didn't come. The Admiral merely looked down at the list and then opened up a comm line to his secretary. "I see we have somebody waiting in Conference room 11. Why?"

[You had the light lit, sir. He is here to report for duty on the . . . ]

"Never mind where he _was_ going. Plans have changed. Have him report up to me now."


A few minutes later a young human entered, short cropped white hair almost glowed in the lights of the Admirals office. "Ensign Allard reporting as ordered, per VADM Crowell. Here's my orders and dossier," handing his padd and Service record to the Admiral, "Sir," he added with a crisp academy tone, echoing his words to the Captain earlier.

"At ease Ensign. This is Commander Zane, CO of the USS FEYNMAN. He will be your CO, and you will be his TAC/SEC officer." The Admiral nodded gruffly. "You will start out nice and easy as the ship has just returned from a mission and while we set up the next profile the crew gets shoreleave for the next . . ." He squinted at the Commander who shrugged. "Five days" Zane nodded. "Now unless there are any further questions? Dismissed."

<<<nrpg>>> Andy, we will finish this by the end of the weekend. the lengthy shoreleave is so we can put hoopla and press together for your next mission. The bait must be set well, like throwing out chum before hunting sharks.

Mike, this will be (barring news from the Feynman to the contrary) the mailing list you will be using. I am sure the CO or FO will be contacting you with the details in the next little while as to the ship, npc's etc. You have gotten a good ship. prepare for a deluge of nrpg's about who crashed what shuttle and saved whom from what certain death (they do that, I'm used to it having taught in a kindergarten <BEG>),,,,,,,,,,,

mike--->who is expecting some snarky remarks about the kindergartens crack

NRPG: Re: SB EPSILON (To Feynman with Love) I

by Kristen Gant 7-5-1996

First off, Welcome, Mike :):)

>You have gotten a good ship. prepare for a deluge of nrpg's about who >crashed what shuttle and saved whom from what certain death (they do that, >I'm used to it having taught in a kindergarden <BEG>)

Secondly, " Hey I think I resemble that remark!" Oh well, what can I say I spend my days with a 2-yr old :)

>mike--->who is expecting some snarky remarks about the kindergarden crack

Lastly, Aww Mike :) Glad to see you can join in a be one of us :):)


Kristen and Scott Gant

SB EPSILON (To Feynman with Love) III

by Andrew Catterick 7-5-1996

SD: 80705.0900
Scene: Admiral Nicholas' Office
> "But if they cannot take the big ships in . . . " Zane stopped,
> seeing a predatory look in the eyes of the Admiral and thinking through what
> his own crew would do.
> "This mission is another one where you are a worm on a hook. The
> only difference is _I_ tell you ahead of time and offer you a choice. Will
> you accept the mission knowing full well you are possibly being set up?"

Zane considered the mission objectives and the possibilities of achieving them. There were a lot of unknown variables and great deal of risk. Perhaps too much. "Sir, I'm here to follow orders as are my crew. I don't mind playing the pawn when I know I'm in the game. You can count on us."


> A few minutes later a young human entered, short cropped white hair
> almost glowed in the lights of the Admirals office. "Ensign Allard
> reporting as ordered, per VADM Crowell. Here's my orders and dossier,"
> handing his padd and Service record to the Admiral, "Sir," he added with a
> crisp academy tone, echoing his words to the Captain earlier.
> "At ease Ensign. This is Commander Zane, CO of the USS FEYNMAN.
> He will be your CO, and you will be his TAC/SEC officer." The Admiral
> nodded gruffly. "You will start out nice and easy as the ship has just
> returned from a mission and while we set up the next profile the crew gets
> shoreleave for the next . . ." He squinted at the Commander who shrugged.
> "Five days" Zane nodded. "Now unless there are any further questions?
> Dismissed."

The FEYNMAN's newest member nodded first to the Admiral and then to Zane.

"Report to the first officer, Lt. Commander Maril on board he will assign you your quarters, get you on the rotation and generally get you squared a way." He extended a hand. "Welcome aboard."

"Thank you sir." Allard replied shaking his new CO's hand.

As Allard left Zane nodded over to the light on the Admiral's console. "May I sir?"

Nicholas hit a few keys on his board and the light was extinguished.

"Zane to Commander Maril."

[Maril here, go ahead.]

"Commander, we're in port for the next five days so you can begin standard shore-leave rotations. But before you do I'd like you to make sure that each of the senior staff brief everyone in their department before leaving the ship. I want everyone on their best behavior, no brawls and definitely no drunk and disorderlies. Let them no that any breaches of this will be dealt with severely. And, if they are questioned by any media representatives it's the standard, 'no comment.'


"I'll explain when I come aboard."

[Aye sir. I will be like Mulkah in search of the oasis.]

"Zane out."


Just a short one to keep things going.

Mike Dawe: Wasn't sure if you dismissed both of us so left it vague.

Andy--->Who is wondering if his new chair will be finished in time for
some stirring pictures for the press! <BG>

-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET


by Kristen Gant 7-5-1996

Stardate: 80705.2252
Scene: Starbase Epsilon
Day 1 of Shore leave

Krysa stepped off the transporter pad in her civilian clothes. She had decided when she woke in the morning that she needed to be out of her uniform for this. She had the special authorization from Commander Zane, all she needed now was the courage and control to do what needed to be done.

She headed straight for Starfleet Communications. If she gave herself time to think about this, she was sure she’d fall apart. Without a word she passed the authorization card to the Ensign at the desk. After a quick run through the computer she said, “This way, Lt. Jenn.”

She led her to a private comm unit and closed the door. Krysa sat down and hit the console, “Priority one message, Betazed Civilian.”

<Betazed Terminal 3452.> said the male face that appeared in front of her.

“Priority one message, person to person, Devon Grall, Sharinae, Beranole Content.”

<Hold please, Lt.>

Krysa watched the young man’s face fade as the screen went dark for a short time only to be replaced by the smiling face of Devon Grall. <Krysa, my dear. This is a surprise. How are you doing?>

Krysa felt her resolve beginning to falter, “I... I’m calling because there’s been an accident.”

Devon’s face fell. He could see the seriousness on Krysa’s face and began to prepare himself for the words, <Hold on, let me get Salli. I think she should hear this as well.> Krysa nodded.

Soon the faces of Kavan’s parent’s were both waiting to hear the reason for her call. “I’m sorry...” was all she was able to get out before the words caught in her throat.

Devon was nodding sadly, and Salli had buried her face in her hands. Finally Devon asked, <What happened?>

“He was rescuing me.” Taking a deep breath she continued, a little less shaky, “He shouldn’t have been there, but they couldn’t stop him.”

<I see.>

“I’m so sorry, I wish...”

<I know,> said the man on the screen. “I ... haven’t finished packing his things. But I... when I do I’ll send them.” Devon nodded, <That’ll be fine.>

“I do need to know what you would like done with his... with him. Would you like him sent to Betazed?”

<I think that’s best.> Krysa nodded. <Will you come for the funeral.>

Krysa froze. She had known that they would want her to come, but she didn’t feel that she could. And that made her feel all the more selfish. “I can’t,” she said simply, not feeling that it was enough but not knowing what else to tell them.

<I understand.> “I said my farewells already, I can’t do it again.” Salli spoke for the first time, <Thank you for telling us.> Krysa nodded, “I’m can’t tell you how badly I feel for you.” <Have you talked to your parent’s> Salli asked.

Krysa shook her head, “Not yet.”

<Then go child, call your mother.>

Krysa nodded and the transmission faded. She felt very empty. She hit the console button again. “Priority one message, Betazed Embassy, Earth.”

Krysa headed for the main commerce section of the Epsilon. Salli Grall had known what she was doing when she told Krysa to call her mother. Baris Jenn had a way of making the whole world better. Telling her mother of Kavan’s death had been a hundred times easier then telling Kavan’s parents. The word’s had just flowed from her. And Baris had sat there listening, comforting and advising as only a mother could do for her child.

As she walked she allowed herself to enjoy the sights and forget her recent tragedy. She realized how hungry she was so she stopped in a small cafe for a quick bite to eat. It seemed so long since she had really eaten. She hadn’t felt much like eating the last few days. Bat had admonished her, warning her that she needed to keep her strength up. But now looking at the food in the cafe, she felt her appetite coming back. Instead of the quick meal she intended to have she order a rather large one and polished it off, enjoying every bite. She thought perhaps she was even up for a bit of shopping. So leaving the cafe she headed into a small clothing shop.

She found a lovely blue blouse and decided that she had to have it. She stepped up to the cashier and found herself staring at a picture on the wall. The picture was of a dark-haired model with a face so familiar, she couldn’t take her eyes off it. Her eyes widened as she realized who it was. “Jeri,” she whispered.

She pointed to the picture and asked the woman at the counter, “Who is that?”

The woman shrugged, “I’m not sure what her name is. She came around a week or so ago looking for a job. The owner took a shine to her and asked her to do a little modeling. She’s pretty, don’t you think?”

“Yes, I do.” Krysa said, “I just thought she looked familiar. Where could I find the owner.”

“He comes and goes. It’s hard to say for sure when he’ll be in.”

“I’ll come back later,” she paid for her blouse and hurried out, heading for the Epsilon directory. It might be a long shot. She might not even be here any longer. And if she was she might not be listed. But Krysa felt it was worth a try.

Lt. Krysa Jenn,

NRPG: Just a little more angst for Krysa and a reappearance (Possibly) of the mysterious sister of hers :)


USS FEYNMAN: Reporting 4 Duty

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 7-6-1996

SD 80706.1500
SCENE: VADM Nicholas' office.

>"At ease Ensign. This is Commander Zane, CO of the USS FEYNMAN.
>He will be your CO, and you will be his TAC/SEC officer." The Admiral
>nodded gruffly. "You will start out nice and easy as the ship has just
>returned from a mission and while we set up the next profile the crew gets
>shoreleave for the next . . ." He squinted at the Commander who shrugged.
>"Five days" Zane nodded. "Now unless there are any further questions?

SCENE: Leaving VADM Nicholas' office.

J.C. slung his duffle over his shoulder. Leaving the office, he passed all of the senior officers going about their business, heading straight for the lift. "Computer, where is the FEYNMAN docked?", asking the base 'puter in a gruff tone. <USS FEYNMAN located at bay 9, take this lift to level 4, follow the corri...> "Computer, CANCEL inquiry!"

**Great, here I am, on my way to the USS Garbage Scowl, to be a security grunt and human sheild for some deskbound Lt.Commander or Commander. I can see it now... Ensign Allard, quick, I'll go search over there where it's safe, you go over there and search where there's probably a squad of Romulan Troops in full combat gear! Let me know if you need any help.!" SIGH. I wonder if there's a nice position on a border patrol ship...??? **

The lift stopped at level 4, J.C. got out, noting the corridor was for the most part, quite empty. Following the corridor, he came to the first bay, #9. *Wow, short trip* The lock was already open, with base and ship personell comming and going. J.C. stepped through the lock, almost colliding with a Lt., jg. in Medical on his way out. J.C. stepped aside, "Exsuce me, Sir.", the Lt. said nothing, but hurried on his way. **Great, real friendly bunch here. That was probably the Crewmaster or Counselor.**

The end of the walkway opened up into one of the cargo bays, a command Lt. standing at the doorway. J.C. approached him, "Permission to come aboard, Sir." He had to look up, for the Lt. was quite taller than himself. "Granted, Ensign. What can I do for you?", asked the Lt. J.C. glanced around briefly. The usual hustle-and-bustle, people and supplies comming, going, beaming in and out. Seems two officers were having a heated discussion about a cargo crate. **OH well, none of my business **

"Reporting for duty, Sir. I am looking for the Duty Officer or the XO."

Mike Dailey
Ensign J.C. Allard

USS FEYNMAN: Reviewing, Welcome, Orders, and BrOTWork & Relaxation

by Max Felsher 7-6-1996

He would have to relay this information. "All senior officers, report to my office at 1400 hours. Maril out." Knowing that would suffice, he returned to his work of reviewing the departments.

Not only were they down three senior officers--with their new CSciO lost somewhere, their CSO transferred, and their CNS unconscious--but they had lost 14 officers and crewmen to the Plague(not to mention the 4 officers and one civilian, Kavan, who had also died during the mission). Thirty-nine(excluding those who had died) had either been injured or had contracted the Plague. Those who didn't fall into any of these groups were still usually exhausted--physically, mentally, or both--because of the enormous pressures exerted by the mission.

However, in light of the situation, those losses were remarkably low. If the Plague had been allowed to spread, billions of people would have died. Even the Feynman's own losses could have been worse. They were able to adapt the compounds to save most of the Feynman crew, and no one had died--or even been seriously injured- -during the encounter with the Cardassians.

"So, it is like Stigero walking into the askazi's save the city of Eroptus," Maril remarked sadly.

MD 6.1350

Maril was still going over the departments, this time for promotion recommendations and such. As he was looking over one of the Science officer's records, there was a beep at the door. "Enter."

The doors opened to reveal the newest CSO of the Feynman, though Maril didn't know it at the moment.

"Ensign Justin Allard reporting for duty, sir!"

"Ahh, Ensign Allard, Jaribo's open door. At ease. I assume you are the new CSO." This wasn't so much of a wild guess, since the officer was wearing a yellow uniform.

"Yes, sir, I am," he replied.

"Well then, Ensign, you have a fine ship. Although the Feynman is a science vessel and not heavily armed, I suppose that makes it a little more interesting in a fight. Perhaps you should ask the Captain, as he was the CSO of this ship before he rose through the ranks."

"Maybe I will, sir," Allard muttered.

"Is there a problem, Ensign? If there is, I'm sure we can arrange for you to leave. Neither the Captain nor I will tolerate a bad attitude, especially from our Chief of Security. Now, is there a problem?"

Ensign Allard was undeterred. "Permission to speak frankly, sir."

"Do so."

"Well, sir, I was within 1% of getting honors at the Academy. And on my first mission, I get stuck on some patrol ship with officers who sit behind a desk, but have no idea what it's like to really be out there!"

Maril smiled. "Well, maybe you're right, Ensign. Maybe the senior staff of the Feynman is a bunch of officers who don't have any field experience. But, I think you'll find that's wrong. Let's see...our last three missions :oh, yes--on our last mission, we saved the quadrant by containing the Tarellian Plague. The one before that, we uncovered a conspiracy and admitted a planet into the Federation. And beofre that, we discovered a whole new civilization, in another galaxy, mind you."

Maril continued. "Now, you will have quarters 0522. Once you become settled in, you can look over your department and make any changes you wish, provided, of course, they meet the approval of the Captain and I. I have sent the specs of the Feynman to your quarters. You should review them. Also, although the Feynman is not a warship, I want the armament that we do have in top working order. Even I do not know what our next mission is, so we must be ready for anything. Lastly, I want to make sure that security is kept. On our last mission, we had several security breaches. I want to make sure that doesn't happen on this one. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir, understood." Allard was a little shaken, though not too much.

"Good. Very well. Dis--actually, Computer, what is the ship's time?"

<Ship's time is currently 1359 hours.>

"Well, then, Ensign, why don't you stay here. There is a brief meeting here at 1400 hours, so officers should be coming in soon."

"Aye, sir."

One by one, the senior officers walked in. As soon as everyone(except Commander Zane, who was still with the Admiral) was there, Maril started.

"First of all, I would like you all to meet Ensign Allard, our new CSO. You can associate with him later, but, right now, I just have an important message from the Captain to the entire crew. He wants it to be clear that no member of this crew is to be involved in any fight, brawl, or any other acts which might...hurt the reputation of that person, their department, or the ship as a whole. I want this point communicated to every officer and crewman on this ship. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir," the officers responded.

"Also, there is one more thing. The Captain has told me that if any member of the press starts asking questions, the answer should be, 'No comment.'"

"Sir, could you elaborate a little more?" Lt. Glin'kharr asked.

"If I knew the reason why, Lieutenant, I would tell you. Very well, any more questions?"

No one said anything, so Maril ordered, "Well, then, dismissed."

SLD(Shore Leave Date) 1.1000

"No, no problem in having you take the Bridge Officer's Test. There are a few things you should know. One, there are four sections: Tactical, Helm, Ops, and Command. The first three are each worth 20% of your score, while the last is 40%. You need a total grade of 90% to pass. If you pass, you will be awarded with a shift on the Bridge, though I suppose, if you don't want one, I wouldn't have to give one to you."

"I will express my desires after the test, if that is acceptable, sir."

"Very well. Just remember to keep an open mind about everything. There's always one option you don't consider," Maril smiled. "Meet me in Holodeck 2 at 1200 hours."

SLD 1.1200 Holodeck 2

As Maril finished getting ready for the BrOT, Lt. Glin'kharr walked in. "Hello, Lieutenant. Are you ready?"

"Yes, sir," the CMO replied.

"Very well. Computer, begin Bridge Officer's Test, Section-Operations."

As soon as Maril had given the order, the holodeck grid was replaced with the Bridge of the Feynman. Everyone was in their proper places--except for Glin'kharr, who had replaced Jenn at Ops.

Glin'kharr had hardly gotten a chance to get settled in, when he had something to report. "Sir, we're receiving a distress call from the SS Marco Polo. There is much ionic interference, but I believe I can make it out. They have been trapped in the atmosphere of a planet containing heavy ionic storms. Their engines, as well as their life support system, are failing. They estimate that they will not be able to 'hold out' for more than two hours."

The holographic Zane nodded, and Maril(the holographic one) ordered, "Mr. Jerran, set course for the source of that signal. Warp 9. Engage when ready."

"Aye, sir."

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: Mike Dailey: Welcome! FYI, Maril is a Tamarian, so he will occasionally slip into metaphors. :) And don't get too worried about Maril's response to Allard. Maril can be a little unforgiving at times, but he's actually pretty nice if you get to know him. :) Sorry you had to be a TAC/CSO(I noticed in your bio, it said that you definitely didn't want to be one.)

Ted: Just FYI, please only do one post per section. After you write that post, I will give you your next situation. Have fun!

USS FEYNMAN: Rules of Engagement

by Joseph Baker 7-7-1996

SD: 80707.1952
SLD: 1.2300

LTJG Jerran Terel walked into Ten Forward, and for the first time since he'd seen the kid onboard the FEYNMAN, Bat could tell that he actually looked tired. The pilot sat down at one of the barstools as the bartender came over, casually wiping off a glass with a towel flung over his shoulder. "What'll yah have, Lieutenant?"

"Oh, uh, raktageno, please," he said, managing a slight smile as Bat walked behind the bar and got the dring for him.

"So, how's you're shoreleave so far?"

"Oh, fine, I suppose."

"And when's the last time you got some sleep?"

"A couple of days ago, but I'm a Vul..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. You're a Vulcan. You don't need much sleep. I've heard the same type of argument from Zane ever since I first met him."

Jerran chuckled slightly as he sipped at his drink. "Upon setting foot on Epsilon, the training commander of the base came up and asked me to do a short talk on that maneuver I did at the Ring."

"Ah, yes, the Jerran Maneuver," Bat said with a smile, exhuding the pride that he knew the Vulcan would not allow himself to have. "That was some piece of work. I think even Admiral Picard would have been proud of that."

"Well, one small lecture turned into a huge seminar, with some holodeck demonstrations, and an additional lecture on small starship tactics. I guess it was all just a bit overwhelming."

"Well, that's the price you pay for success, I suppose."

"And then there were a bunch of reporters wandering around the station for some reason, asking all sorts of questions about our next mission, which they apparently know more about than I do. I'd say someone's trying to make it extremely public for some reason."

"Hmmm, and how did you respond?" the bartender asked, casually cleaning the same glass for the umpteenth time.

"Oh, CMDR Maril had anticipated they're questions, and had told us earlier this morning that if we were confronted by the media to respond with `No comment.' I never did understand this human concept of saying such a thing when you actually know nothing about it."

Bat chuckled and set the glass down. "Sounds like politics to me. Politicians on Earth have been using that line for centuries, sometimes to make people think they know more and are more important than they actually are. But, other times it's an escape hatch so that you don't incriminate yourself. Either way, the press usually knows the answer or think they know it before they ask the question, so telling them `No comment' is the best course of action."

Jerran downed the rest of the raktageno and said, "Now I can see why Vulcan does not have a political system like Earth's." He then got up and slowly walked out of the lounge, waving to the bartender as the door closed behind him.

<NRPG> Just a quicky to show that I'm still here. I'm on shoreleave as well, back at home in Tampa for the weekend, so I haven't been able to get online too much. I'll be back at FSU tomorrow. Hopefully they'll have some data for me to analyse, but that's another story :P

Heh, I couldn't top the shoreleave story I had back at Earth, so I didn't even bother trying this time ;)

*       *           *
* Raneov Stefanh e-Annhwi tr'Khnialmnae, CO, HgR Ja'telaih, TOS TREKMUSE   *
* LTJG Jerran Terel, FCO, USS FEYNMAN, alt.starfleet.rpg                   *
* ENS Logan Knight, CEO, USS TSUNAMI, alt.starfleet.rpg                    *
* Dr. Alexa Denora, Sci Admin, Kachaira III Colony, alt.starfleet.rpg      *
* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu            * Of the Chief parts of the           *
* meillunsiateve                     * Ruling Passion only this            *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en:        * Can be truly said:                  *
* Mnahe afw'ein qiuu,                * Hate has a reason for everything    *
* rh'e hweithnaef                    * But love is unreasonable            *
* mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu          * --Rihannsu Proverb                  *

USS FEYNMAN: Prelude to Disaster

by Andrew Catterick 7-8-1996

SD: 80708.1330
Scene: 10-Forward
> Jerran downed the rest of the raktageno and said, "Now I can see why
> Vulcan does not have a political system like Earth's." He then got up and
> slowly walked out of the lounge, waving to the bartender as the door
> closed behind him.
Bat put the polished glass down on the bar and then flipped the cloth around the back of his neck and stretched his muscles, smiling. It was good now that things were getting back to normal.

"Hey Bat you ready?" A voice called out from the door.

"Guys! Shall we have a drink to begin the festivities?" He asked as he set up three glasses on the bar.

"Of course!" MCPO Mike Larocque replied as he settled into the bar stool.

"What'll it be?" Bat asked as he grabbed for the bottle of Dewar's behind him.

"Scotch." Larocque and PO John Barron ordered.

"I'll have a sloe gin fizz." Ensign Matt Fuhrman added.

All three men stopped in mid pour and turned to stare at the transporter chief. He returned the stare with a sheepish grin. "I was in the mood for something..." He groped for the proper word but failed. "...fruity."

"Lance!" Mike said, indignantly. Due to his good looks and numerous 'encounters' Fuhrman had been given the nickname Lance Romance. He hated it.

Bat grabbed the shot glass away from him while looking towards the heavens. "I do my best, I really do. I try to teach them the old ways, the good ways. Why do you test me?" He replaced the glass with a tall hour-glass shaped one and began to pour the concoction. "Would you like a straw or maybe a little umbrella?"

The three men laughed at their friend.

"So what'll it be boys? A little carousing on the market level? Some debauchery in a holodeck? Or a good old fashioned brawl at the Wall?"

"Uh, Bat didn't you hear the captain's orders? No trouble while on the base."

"And?" He asked refilling the three shot glasses and shaking his head at Fuhrman, stirring the ice in his drink with his straw.

"And maybe we better tone it down a little on this one."

"Yeah," Barron added. "Commander Maril sounded serious and I definitely don't want to be on his dicisplinary list." He shuddered at the thought of the last time he was up for discipline.

Bat shook his head. "All that means is we can't kill anybody. C'mon you can't be telling me after almost dying of the plague you want to skip shore-leave and stay aboard playing bridge and drinking Sloe Gin Fiz!"

"No, we're not saying we should skip shore-leave. We should tone it down a little this time."

"I always keep it toned down! Hell if I took you boys to my usual haunts you'd probably internally combust! We can have a good time without causing too much havoc."

"Doing what?" Fuhrman asked, unconvinced. "Listen, I don't want to be stuck down in the transporter room for the rest of my career."

"You let me handle the itinerary. For now go put on some civies."


"Hey you wanted low-key!"


Thought I'd dust off some of my NPCs and take them out for a spin under Bat's 'watchful eye'<EG>

Respectfully, Andy

-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Unassigned
-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET


by Max Felsher 7-8-1996

SD 80708.2200(GMT)
MD 6.1600
First Officer's Office

Maril was just finishing up on his work, when, on his communicator, he heard, [Zane to Maril.]

"Maril here."

[Commander, could you meet me in my Ready Room.]

"Could Abrazi the sailor leave the sea?"

[Good. Zane out.]

Ready Room

As Maril entered, Zane was looking over some information. "Sit down, Commander."

Maril did, and Zane started. "Well, I just learned of our new mission. Again, we are the pawn."

Maril was taken aback. "Captain?"

"Here's the story. The Admiral suspects that those four ships which were just within our sensor range are part of Gray Fleet."

Maril had heard of the Gray Fleet, though more in passing than in actual information about it. It was a favorite threat of the Admiral, one he used often.

"Anyway, right now, the Gray Fleet lacks ships as well as officers. The Admiral believes that they are trying to prove themselves. Unfortunately, no one really is keeping an eye on them."

"A dog without a leash."

"Exactly. Admiral Nicholas wants to set a trap for these ships. Again we are a pawn, sort of. We are to go into the Coalsack, and map the area to try to find pirate bases. The Admiral thinks that, once we leave, the four will pick up our report and go into the 'Sack themselves to destroy the pirate bases."

"I see. It is also a good chance to map the bases in and of itself. The Feynman is also a good choice, considering the DELPHI array."

"Yes, and Admiral Nicholas is going to promote it. It should be widely covered by the press."

"That way, when the ships do enter the 'Sack, at least someone will be watching. And the reason you ordered the crew to answer, 'No comment.' You're sure the Gray Fleet ships will go in?"

"No, I don't think they could resist such a temptation. But there's always the element of uncertainty."

"They also might be "scared away" by all the press. They might realize that if they went to do something, someone would be watching."

"It's possible."

"Also, Captain, I'm not sure the Feynman is up to going into the 'Sack. We may have a fine sensor array, but when it comes to defense, ...."

"I realize that, Commander. All it means is that, since we don't have teeth or claws, we'll have to use our eyes and our feet."

Maril smiled. "Captain, I am the one who speaks in metaphors."

Zane smiled back. "Yes. Now, I do realize that we'll have to get this ship into top form. We need everything working and at its best. If we don't see something coming, or we can't get out of there quickly enough, we could be just a bunch of shrapnel and DNA floating through the 'Sack."

"Understood. I'll get people to work. I think, however, we should at least tell the crew what's going on, because the press will be all over us."

Zane nodded. "Let's set the briefing for two days from now at 1400 hours."

"I will inform the crew, sir."

"Good. Dismissed, Commander."

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: Just a little post to pass the time. I think that everyone will probably be working on something in their department to give us an edge(maybe doing some work on the DELPHI array, or warp engines, or weapons systems, etc.) This will probably only be the last day or so(I guess) and of course it is shore leave, so do whatever you want! :)

Andy: Hope I wasn't a little too assuming. If there's a problem with the briefing time(which, BTW, would be SLD 2.1400), I think we could just say it was a different time. I chose that because I thought they would want to at least inform the senior crew about it, but, at SLD 1.2300, Jerran said he didn't know anything about it.

Ted: I still haven't gotten anything from you regarding the BrOT(Bridge Officer's Test).

USS FEYNMAN: Night Before the Briefing

by Joseph Baker 7-9-1996

SD: 80709.0253
SLD: 1.2330
Scene: FCO's quarters

LTJG Jerran Terel walked into his quarters and tossed his red suede flight jacket over the chair in front of the desk, looking around to see if anyone was there, and noticing that she was conspicuously missing. Nowadays, ENS Cartwright was spending most of her off duty time in Terel's slightly more spacious senior officer quarters. They were actually considering puting in for one of the double officer's quarters for more room.

Laying his grey uniform top on the sofa carefully, he tapped the badge as he lifted it off and said, "Computer, locate Ensign Cartwright."

[ENS Cartwright is not onboard.] came the computer's unemotional reply.

She probably went out to EPSILON to partake upon shoreleave there with the rest of the crew, Jerran thought, remembering the small group of junior officers and NCO's who went into the lounge to talk to Bat as he was walking out. He sensed that they were more than a little restless, and that they probably had something up their sleeves which did not bode well considering CMDR Maril's orders against causing any trouble. But, he'd caused quite a bit of trouble on his last shoreleave, which, luckily, no one in the Federation had heard about yet, to know its therepeutical value. Far be it from him to deny these men a chance to do what sailors had been doing on shoreleave since the first ocean going vessels sailed the first oceans of the first worlds in the universe.

"Computer, list messages."

[LTCDR Onta Maril, 1630, Regarding: Mission Briefing. Warrant Officer 1st Class Charles Dunnon, 1700, Regarding: New Shuttles. ENS Jennifer Cartwright, 1800, Regarding: Hello Loverboy.]

Jerran chuckled and said, "Play messages in chronological order."

Maril's recorded voice came over the speaker as Jerran wandered over to the small lavatory facilities in the room to wash his face as he threw his t-shirt into a clothing recycling bin. [To all senior officers. Report to the holodeck on MD 7.1400. Izery when the armies from Jappa came, ladies and gentlemen. I want your departments at full readiness by this time, or well on the road to it. Everything will be explained tomorrow, and as I said before, the phrase for the day is "No comment."]

The FO's voice was abrubtly replaced by the chief shuttle pilot as his message said, [Those replacement shuttles have arrived, Lieutenant. I've got Tex and the cadets doing diagnostics on them right now. No complaints so far.]

As the shuttle pilot ended his message, Jerran made a mental note to try and requisition some more shuttles and possibly small fighters, in addition to some more pilots, if EPSILON can spare them.

[Hello, baby,] ENS Cartwright's message began. [t'Jon and I went out to paint EPSILON red, so don't wait up for me. Don't worry. I'll be back in time to get a good night's sleep for tomorrow. I'm sure you'll want to run one of your holodeck training programs for the kiddies again. Can we do WWI this time? You still haven't given me a chance to fly Richtofen's triplane, and I'm sure I can get you with it. See you then.]

"Computer, message to all flight department personnel. Meeting tomorrow morning, 0800."

[Message recorded and sent.]

"Computer, message to ENS Cartwright, Regarding: reply from loverboy. Think more on the lines of assault bee, fighters, and runabouts tomorrow for holodeck training, t'hy'la. I'll get more info tomorrow at the senior officer briefing."

Jerran slipped under the covers of his bed as he turned out the lights, slightly disapointed that he wouldn't get to shoot down his AFCO in a Sopwith Camel, but more excited about the prospects of a new mission.

<NRPG> Flight department ready and waiting :), Flight Controller ready to go kick some butt ;)

Kristin: Aren't you proud of me? I haven't bothered to mention a certain runabout crash in a while. I decided that it wasn't too prudent considering I just lost our entire complement of shuttles and the runabout on the last mission, something you've been gracious enough to overlook ;)

*       *           *
* Raneov Stefanh e-Annhwi tr'Khnialmnae, CO, HgR Ja'telaih, TOS TREKMUSE   *
* LTJG Jerran Terel, FCO, USS FEYNMAN, alt.starfleet.rpg                   *
* ENS Logan Knight, CEO, USS TSUNAMI, alt.starfleet.rpg                    *
* Dr. Alexa Denora, Sci Admin, Kachaira III Colony, alt.starfleet.rpg      *
* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu            * Of the Chief parts of the           *
* meillunsiateve                     * Ruling Passion only this            *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en:        * Can be truly said:                  *
* Mnahe afw'ein qiuu,                * Hate has a reason for everything    *
* rh'e hweithnaef                    * But love is unreasonable            *
* mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu          * --Rihannsu Proverb                  *

USS FEYNMAN: Shore Leave

by Kristen Gant 7-9-1996

Stardate: 80709.1317
Scene: Starbase Epsilon
Day one

After an unsuccessful search of the stations directory for her sister, Krysa decided to head back to the Feynman. She still needed to pack up Kavan’s things and ship them back to Betazed. As she rounded the corner heading for the a transporter station, she found several FEYNMAN crewmen surrounded by media people asking question. She was glad to see that they were all following directions. The only comment she heard was, ‘No Comment.’

She was glad she had decided not to wear her uniform down to the base. The reporters shouldn’t recognize her as Feynman crew let alone her second officer. She quietly slipped over to the transporter operators and whispered, “Lt. Jenn to go back to the FEYNMAN.”

The transporter chief glanced at the crowd of reports and nodded to her. “Don’t worry, we’re discrete Lt.”

Krysa nodded, appreciatively. She stepped up on to the transporter PADD and soon the horde of reporters was far behind her. She waved at the FEYNMAN transporter operator before stepping out into the corridor and heading back to her quarters with her new blouse.

Her quarters still felt wrong. She wondered how long it would take for that feeling to go away. She turned to the half finished box sitting on her table. She supposed it was lucky that he hadn’t been on the FEYNMAN long enough to collect too many trinkets... or too many memories. She stood there staring at the box her emotions churning. She just didn’t know what to feel.

It was so much easier when she was busy, so she immediately set to work finishing up the packing. She worked furiously for the next couple of hours until everything was in the box, everything but that damned keyboard which he used to do his writing. She had teased him about how much the tapping bothered her. He always said it soothed him.

Perhaps she could have gotten used to it... if there had been more time. She carried it to the box, but hesitated before putting it in. No this one thing she would keep. She didn’t think his parents would miss it, and she was beginning to think that she might. She set it back down, plugging it back into his computer.

Then she began to type. It sounded nothing like the quiet tapping that she had heard flow from Kavan’s fingers so often, but perhaps someday... She found herself chuckling. It seemed so silly to have become attached to an outdated mode of data entry...

Day Two

Krysa ran into Lt. Jerran in the corridor on the way to her office in the morning, “Terri,” she said calling to him.

“Hey Krysa,” he said quietly, “how are you doing?”

She smiled, “Good, thanks to you.”

“Me?” he said with a grin.

She nodded, “I’m amazed at how much better I feel after that Bajoran Death Chant.”

He nodded, “Yes it helps. Though it doesn’t take away all the pain.”

“No, not all of it,” she was thoughtful for a moment, then smiled, “Either way, I am grateful. I just wanted you to know that.”

“Where are you headed?”

“My office.”

“Krysa it’s shore leave! You should be relaxing, shopping, eating...” Jerran chided her.

“Actually, I’ve already done that. I don’t plan on being in my office very long, I assure you. There was a little remodeling being done, and I want to see how it turned out.” She held up a PADD, “This is my ‘shore leave’.”

“What is it?” he asked.

“It’s a novel, that I am going to convert in the Holodeck... Kavan wrote it,” She smiled, “I haven’t read it all yet. But what I have read, I’m very excited about.”

“What’s it about?”

“An ancient mythical animal. An Betazed it was called a ‘Thaelae’. I believe on Bajor they were referred to as ‘Y’craes’, and on Vulcan..,”

“‘Fali-tore’,” interrupted Jerran. “Ah yes... and if I remember correctly, on Earth the like would have been called ‘Dragons’.”

Krysa nodded, “You are correct.”

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Anyone wanna play with dragons on the holodeck. I don’t think Krysa would mind sharing her novel with anyone who would like to. Just something to keep me occupied while on shore leave :)


USS FEYNMAN: Settling In

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 7-9-1996

SLD 2.1230

*Great J.C., you've made a good impression on your first XO. He already thinks I hate it here in your first hour. Looks like a good ship and crew after all * Thoughts of nursery rhymes, sayings, and riddles crept into J.C.'s head after meeting with the metaphoric Tamarian XO, the first he had ever met. * There was a young woman from Venus... oh well, I should probably see what my new home is like.*

Heading down the corridor after leaving the XO's office, J.C. passed several ratings changing a light disk in the ceiling. "Good afternoon, crewmen." The smaller, and younger fellow on top of the anti-gray unit had his shirt unzipped.

*No, I won't say anything, they're CPO will chew them if he thinks it necessary. I don't know how Zane's command style is yet. * They both stopped briefly, "Afternoon, Sir. Every no and then one of these disks go out. Guess they're supposed to last for three years."

Smiling at the two crewman, being so thoughtful to give him a lesson in light bulbs, "OK fellows. My name's Allard. And you two are?" They sounded off, the one on the floor first, then the one on the A.G. unit, "PO/2 Crossburn sir, PO/2 Bayham, sir."

"O.K. guys, carry on."

"Yes Sir, Mr. Allard. If you need anything from ship's services, call us!"

Getting into the lift, J.C. laughed to himself, *even after such a rough time on their last mission, everyone seems overflowing with energy* <Destination, please> The sound of the baritone computer voice startled J.C. back into reality. "Deck 5, computer". Moments later, J.C. paused in front of cabin 0522. * Well, this is it, home sweet home * J.C. closed his eyes, walked inside. When he heard the doors close behind him, slowly he opened his eyes. * WOW, this place is HUGE! I guess any place would seem big after sharing a door room with two other guys for four years *

J.C. unpacked his few possessions, civilian clothes, his books by his bed, his holo movies by his desk, three photo cubes on the table. There. Now it's home, bare, but home. VERY bare. I'll have to get some stuff to brighten it up. "Computer, increase temperature by 5 degrees C." <Acknowledged> *There, now it feels even better*

Sitting at his desk, J.C. swung his terminal towards him. "Computer, access recent mission logs of USS FEYNMAN"

<Acknowledged, mission synopsis are in reverse chronological order. Do You wish you view individual unrestricted logs as well?>

"No computer, this is fine" After reading a bit of the history of the Feynman, J.C. was surprised. * Guess this ship does see it's share of action. *

"Computer, who is my predecessor, Ensign Fobok?" <Access denied, clearance zeta-3 or higher required for service records.>

"Oh well, cancel inquiry." *Guess I'll go check out this new 10-foreward. Hope the keeper has some Ssuriv juice and hot chocolate.*

Ensign J.C. Allard
Mike Dailey

USS FEYNMAN: Settling In Part 2

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 7-9-1996

SLD 2.1300

As he was getting up to leave for 10-foreward, J.C. stopped and sat back down at his desk. "Computer, display auxiliary craft complement of the FEYNMAN."

<Working, USS FEYNMAN carries 5 SW-21 shuttles, and one S-20 Runabout>.

"Hmm. No S-19 escort shuttles?"

<Negative, this class starship standard compliment does not carry the heavier-armed, more maneuverable S-19 class shuttles.> * Damn, oh well *.

"Computer, who is the Senior Hangar Deck Officer?"

<WO1 C. Dunnon>. "Computer, send message to that officer, request an informal meeting, his convenience. Also, display the FCO's pilot credentials."

* Wonder how good a pilot the FEYNMAN'S FCO is. Maybe I'll challenge him to a 'little training exercise', if he's up to it*

<Working, message sent. Unable to comply, access to senior officers...>

"Cancel inquiry, computer." Looking at the empty spot at the foot of his bed, J.C. asked, "Computer, what is the ship's standing order for personal pets?"

<Working, non-sentient pets may be kept with prior approval from the XO.> *Good, maybe I can get Benjamin here next time we're home. Oh well, enough of this, now it's off to the lounge.*

Ensign J.C. Allard
Mike Dailey

USS FEYNMAN: How About a Swim?

by Kristen Gant 7-10-1996

Stardate: 80710
Scene: Holodeck 3
SLD: 2.1330 (Mission briefing is at 2.1400 right?)

Krysa had barely finished initializing her holo-novel when she got a message from Commander Zane that she needed to have her briefing program ready for the mission briefing. She had almost forgotten. Kavan’s novel would have to wait. She stored that program and brought out her briefing program. After about a couple hours of finishing touches she felt it was ready. She called Bat and he met her at the Holodeck.

“You look tired, Bat.”

“Oh please, don’t remind me. I took some of the guys down to Epsilon last night. They had to kick us out sometime this morning. I am tired!”

Krysa chuckled. “Well, I hope you’re up for this.”

“I wouldn’t think of letting you down,” he said with a grin, attempting to push the late night/early morning look from his face. “I’m ready when you are.” he asked her.

She nodded, “Computer, run briefing program Jenn One.”

<Program now running. Enter when ready.>

Krysa walked through the open doorway into a small room, followed closely by Bat. On one wall was a long table with eight PADD’s set out. On the wall opposite the Arch was an open door way with a blue shimmering energy field blocking it.

<Good Morning, Krysa,> came her own voice over the speakers, <Please take a PADD and enter through the blue doorway.>

Bat smiled, “Much better then the old computer voice,”

<Good Morning, Bat> Krysa’s voice said again, <Welcome to today’s mission briefing.>

Krysa chuckled. She picked up a PADD and motioned for Bat to head through the doorway.

“Why do you need a special PADD?” asked Bat.

“You’ll see,” she said with a grin.

“Ladies, first,” he objected.

“Not this time, my friend,” she smiled.

Bat shrugged, “I should know better by now,” he murmured more to himself then to her. He always seemed to be the guinea pig for these little briefing programs. Then he walked through the door and disappeared from her view. Krysa followed him immediately stepping through the doorway.

She was immediately immersed in water standing on a small ledge. She could feel the water as soft currents carried it like a breeze around her. Yet she was breathing normally. She looked around, to see a muscular merman standing there motioning for her to follow him. <If you will follow me.> he said telepathically.

She smiled, pleased with the final full effect of her program. She looked beyond the ledge to see Bat having a grand time swimming through the 3D aqua world, doing flips and rolls along with a pretty mermaid. She laughed, glad to see he was enjoying it.

“So what do you think,” She called. While she could talk under the water, her voice was slightly distorted.

He swam over to her, followed by the mermaid, and landed his feet on the ledge next to her. “I love it! So I take it the PADD’s are waterproof?” Krysa nodded and he continued, “How is it that we can talk and breath under all this water?” he asked with the same distorted effect on his voice.

“Because you are with an Imarian Aquine,” she said with a smile.

“A what?” then looking at the mermaid, he said, “Her? The mermaid?”

Krysa nodded, “Pretty close, Bat. Actually she is an Imarian Aquine from the planet Imari. It is a planet much like Earth, being over 50% water. However, there are two sentient species on the planet. One being the Aquines,” she said motioning at their escorts, “and the other being the Avines. Both are humanoid, except that the Aquines have gills as well as lungs and the Avines have wings as well as arms. If we were on land meeting the ‘merman’, you wouldn’t even know he was a merman. They only have their tails when immersed in water.”

“Can’t say as I’ve ever met one.”

Krysa smiled, “No, not likely, they are very new members of our Federation.”

“Course that still doesn’t explain how I can breath down here.”

“Actually it does,” she said smiling, “Each Imarian Aquine can ‘breath’ for approximately two or three non-Aquines. I’m not really sure of the biology behind it. Perhaps Dr. Glin’kharr could explain it; I can’t. I just know that it works. So as long as you’re with your escort, you should have no problem breathing,” she assured him, “So it’s fun, isn’t it?”

“That it is,” he said stepping off the ledge as he did a few more spins through the water. “So where are we holding this meeting?” She pointed down toward a dark cavern where another muscular merman sat guarding the entrance. It was the only cave entrance so should be difficult for her fellow crewmates to follow.

The two swam down to the merman who meet them, “Good tide, Krysa. The meeting awaits you.” He bowed gallantly to the Betazoid woman and then turned to Bat, “Good tide to you as well, Sir.”

Bat and Krysa nodded and swam into the cavern which was lit by luminescent rocks which lined portions of the walls.

They continued down the lit tunnel until the came to a large cavern where a conference table had been set up. Bat’s buffet table was set up as well, waiting for him to come up with a few surprises to place upon it.

“How do you expect me to set a table down here. My liver pate would be ruined, not to mention those cute little sandwiches I spent all morning cutting,” he said chuckling. “I can just see them floating through the water now.”

“Hmm,” she said with a raised eyebrow, “I’m sure you can come up with something suited to the decor.”

“Sure... but will anyone eat it.” Then he glance at her, “...besides you, my dear.”

Krysa laughed and swam over to the table to help Bat prepare his part of this briefing.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Enjoy!! I was in need of a good swim :)

BTW, I did not create the Imarian Aquine race nor their planet. They were created by a friend of mine, Judi Marko, for a character she plays in another RP group. I thought they were fun, so here it is. Have fun ! :)


USS FEYNMAN: A Whole New World

by Jason Bostjancic 7-10-1996

SD: 80710

As normal, the Feynman CEO completely disregarded the shore leave orders. There was always work to be done. After the last mission he had to replace one of the structural integrity field generators. And Tarrant cursed Jerran's name every second of it. Not so much out of jealousy, but because of the absolute lack of thought at what his manuever almost did. The backup SIF was at 14% when they finally pulled out of the little maneuver. Had Tarrant not have been at an Engineering Panel, the Feynman would have been no more.

Then there was the Captain's new chair. That was something a little more interesting to build. A tungsten-duranium alloy would provide the support needed for what Tarrant had in mind. The chair itself would have 360 deg. rotation. And a special addition, a PGR (Personal Gravity Restraint). Emitters throughout the chair would produce a type of gravity beam that would keep the Captain in his chair should the ship be thrown about. All he would have to do would be to touch a ergonomically placed button on the left arm. Or he could set it for automatic use.

Now though the CEO found himself heading to holodeck 3. The future awaited, and he was a little hungry for action. Probably the Klingon part of him coming out a little, and the fact that he missed being at tactical when the Cardassian's arrived.

Scene: Holodeck 3
MD: 2:1350

Tarrant stepped through the arch and found himself in another room. <Gasp> At the far side he saw the blue opening. After the last few briefings this time Tarrant came prepared... almost. Carefully the CEO let his hand enter the blueish substance and felt wet. Removing it, it came out dry. A few wavy figures could be seen inside.

"At least we won't be dripping throught the ship after this."

Then he realized that Krysa would probably stop anyone from altering her little world with a PADD inside. Water, even holographic, could be programmed to render equipment useless.

After remembering the Flying Carpet incident during the Egypt holobriefing where he slammed into the Great Pyramid, Tarrant pondered his next choice carefully. Finally he gave in.

After a moment he accessed some of the commands and brought out something more to his style, then he entered the waterworld.

"Good Tide, Sir." Announced the fishy figure.

Tarrant found himself floating in water. Worse, he could never swim all that well. He started to panic a little before he realized that he could take a breath.

(Good old Krysa) Thought Tarrant. Then he looked around and found his transportation. His little addition.

To his right was a Giant Seahorse, perfect for the partial klingon to jump on. To its right another merfolk had saddled himself on one of the creatures.

"Your steed sir. I will be your escort."


A smile, a true smile, was glued to Tarrant's face. The Sea Horse was absolutely perfect. Instead of rushing directly to the cave, the CEO touk a roundabout course checking out the other sea life. His programmed escort continued to try and get him to the cave ahead, but wouldn't leave his side.

Tarrant had never thought of water as fun before, nor did he ever really care for sea life. But this was incredible.

Finally he entered the cave, and dismounted. "Good boy" blurbed Tarrant as he patted the Sea Horse.

Entering the conference area, Tarrant spotted the OPS officer and gave her a deep "Good Tide, Krysa."


Now back to my little hurricane. BERTHA.


Lieutenant Cmdr. Tirrin Vorak - OPS/2O - USS SERAPIS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"

USS FEYNMAN: Fish Out of Water...

by Joseph Baker 7-9-1996

SD: 80709.1935 (GMT)
SLD: 2.1330
Scene: FCO's quarters

"I think the cadets are coming along rather well," ENS Cartwright said as she and Jerran walked into his room. He immediately went over to his bedroom to change out of the flight jumpsuit he was wearing and into a regular duty uniform for the briefing in a half an hour. "I'm glad the Training Corp let decided to let them stay for the next mission."

As Jerran washed up and put on a new shirt, he nodded and said, "Yeah, but I'd still prefer to get some real pilots for this next mission. If the tone of CMDR Maril's voice on that message about the briefing was any indication, we might need them. Computer, list messages."

[One message forwarded by WO1 Charles Dunnon, originally from ENS Allard.]

"Ah, our new security chief. Play message."

As he got dressed, the FCO listened to the CSO's message concerning beefing up the flight department with other types of fighters. He raised an eyebrow but made no comment till the message had played out. "Computer, response to ENS Allard's message as follows: Suggestions noted and appreciated. However, in the future, any comments and suggestions dealing with the flight department should be sent directly to me. End Message."

"Wasn't that a little harsh?" Jennifer said as she plopped herself down on the couch. "Afterall, this probably is his first deep space assignment."

"True, but he's got to learn this from someone. Better it be me and my style than for him to do the exact same thing with someone like LT Koreth and end up getting his head bitten off for it."

He walked over and kissed Jennifer before walking towards the door. As he was about to leave, she said, "Speaking of the CEO, scuttlebut is that you had better stay out of engineering for a while. That maneuver you did blew out quite a few SIF and IDF relays, and so you are not exactly on his list of favorite people."

"Oh, I guess you're right. As soon as the meeting is over, I'll go down and help put together some of the damage I created. A couple of the new shuttles should be arriving sometime around then, so you'll have to get them and catalog them."

"Aye, sir," she said with a mock salute from the couch as he walked out toward the holodeck.

Scene: Holodeck

Considering the holonovel LT Jenn was working on this morning when LTJG Jerran had passed by her in the hallway, he was somewhat expecting to see dragons floating around the sky scape as he walked into the holodeck, but was instead surprised to see the table with the PADDs sitting near the blue glowing door.

He picked up a PADD and walked towards the door, thinking it was a forcefield. He touched it lightly with his hand and felt it go through water. Smiling, he walked through the threshhold, holding his breath.

As a half Vulcan, he was too genetically inclined to swim underwater, usually, let alone breath under it, but when one of the finned humanoids came up and told him it was alright to breath, he tried it. It was somewhat difficult to breath, but he got used to it rather quickly and followed the mermaid to the briefing area. He decided this was probably payback for making the crew walk up the steps of Mount Seleya in Vulcan's thin, dry atmosphere.

When he arrived, he watched as LT Koreth dismounted his sea horse, and gave the CEO a slight, apologetic smile as he wandered over to the buffet table which the OPS officer was already conspicuously attacking, as was usual. Jerran was glad to see that the death of her husband hadn't killed Krysa's appetite. He got a few seafood delicacies and sat down at the table, awaiting the arrival of the rest of the senior officers.

*       *           *
* Raneov Stefanh e-Annhwi tr'Khnialmnae, CO, HgR Ja'telaih, TOS TREKMUSE   *
* LTJG Jerran Terel, FCO, USS FEYNMAN, alt.starfleet.rpg                   *
* ENS Logan Knight, CEO, USS TSUNAMI, alt.starfleet.rpg                    *
* Dr. Alexa Denora, Sci Admin, Kachaira III Colony, alt.starfleet.rpg      *
* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu            * Of the Chief parts of the           *
* meillunsiateve                     * Ruling Passion only this            *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en:        * Can be truly said:                  *
* Mnahe afw'ein qiuu,                * Hate has a reason for everything    *
* rh'e hweithnaef                    * But love is unreasonable            *
* mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu          * --Rihannsu Proverb                  *

USS FEYNMAN: Ready-room-->Swim

by Andrew Catterick 7-10-1996

Scene: Ready-room

[....Commander I am very tired and this conversation is giving me a headache. You have your shuttles but I will be investigating *all* of the facts as to just why you need so many replacements at one time. And if I find even a suspicion of negligence on your part or by any one under your command I am going to personally see to it that the weight of Starfleet Command comes bearing down on you until you wished you were never thawed out of that test-tube.] She smiled viciously.

"Captain," He began again, trying desperately to remain calm "I have told you several times. Please read my report, or the report of any other member of the senior staff and you will see that the shuttles were..."

[Commander let me assure you that I have indeed read the fiction you call a report and let me just say that I've been around long enough to have heard all the excuses and this feeble attempt at one won't wash. Officially your report has been accepted and I have no choice to transfer *my* shuttles to you. But as soon as I can dig up proof...your mine.] The screen went blank.

Feeling like putting his fist through the wall or indulging in a primal scream to release the pent up rage and frustration. He instead opted for a beverage to help calm him down. "Coffee, Mocha Java, hot." He picked up the replicated cup and returned to his desk. *God she hates me.* He thought. *Ever since Bat and I 'liberated' the NOGURA she's been out to get me. Well,* he smiled. *Not this time.*

The door chime interrupted his silent victory. "Come."

"Sorry to bother you Captain I just have to get your signature and some reports, fuel consumption, docking transcripts etc."

Zane accepted the offered PADD and began to scan the reports. "Where's Chief Larocque?"

"He, uh....well he asked me to assist you today on account of his being dead. Sir."

"I see. Would this be a Bat Durensten induced death Yeoman?"

"I'm not sure sir. The Chief was late for our morning brief so I stopped by his cabin to make sure he was okay....."

"And." Zane prompted.

"He was passed out on the floor and two others were in similar positions."

"Barron and Fuhrman." It was a statement not a question. "Wasn't Bat there?"

"No sir. Actually I stopped by 10-Forward before I went to the Chief's quarters, in case he was having a late breakfast and had forgotten our meeting. Mr. Durensten was there, polishing his glass and seemed quite....healthy."

"I see." He handed back the PADD.

"Will there be anything else sir?"

"No. Thank-you Lieutenant."
Scene: Holodeck 3

Entering the holodeck Zane found himself in a small room with rock walls. In the center was a table with a number of PADDs on top.

<Good mooring Captain. Please take a PADD an enter through the blue door.>

Following the instructions he soon found himself standing in a huge room. It took him a second to realize that he was completely submerged in water! And he was able to breathe comfortably. In front of him. trident in hand, was what he thought resembled a Merman, if his memories of Earth mythology were correct.

<Good tide to you sir.> The merman gestured with his trident <If you will follow me.>

It was at this time Zane remembered he couldn't swim. Seeming to realize his charge's predicament the Merman offered his arm. <I will guide you.> The CO hesitated. He had an image to keep and showing up at the briefing towed by someone else....well he may as well just don some water-wings. Again the Merman came to the rescue. <Take my staff, it will provide you the ability.>

Gratefully Zane accepted the offered trident and was soon gliding through the warm waters beside his guide. All too soon they came to a cave opening and near the seabed. His guide stopped and pointed to the mouth of the cave. <Follow the cave and you will find what you seek.>

"Thank you for your help."

Once again underway, he found himself enjoying his 'swim' as he darted through the narrow confines of the cave, the initial fear of his predicament replaced by the exhilaration at the maneuvers the staff was allowing him to mdo.

It was with a slight feeling of disappointment he came to a gentle 'landing' in the underwater conference chamber.

"Well I have to admit I was very surprised when I found myself under water but I really did enjoy myself. Good work Lieutenant."

The OPS officer offered a platter. "Scallops?"

Zane wrinkled his nose. Even with his overly-healthy appetite seafood was rarely on the menu." No thanks. I think I'll just stick to the danishes. I need the sugar to keep my energy reserves high."

"Good thing you have to swim your way out of here or you'd never fit in that chair you've got the engineering staff slaving away on." Bat added as he moved a few bowls around on the buffet.

"Ah Mr. Bartender. Would you mind telling me why three crew members missed their shifts today."

"You know I'm really disappointed in those boys. They just don't make'em like they used to."

"Yes well they'll be pulling double-duty for the next two weeks thanks to your little 'outing' last night."

Bat sighed. "Well, can't say I blame you. It is too bad, they were only letting off steam after facing death and winning. Still if you can't pay the piper....Ah Mr. Koreth I have some seafood here I saved especially for you." Bat made a quick get away, knowing Zane was getting around to his own chastisement.

Noticing that all of the senior staff had arrived Zane sat at the table. A few minutes later each officer joined him. Bat made a quick scan of the buffet table to make sure everything was to his satisfaction before leaving, a mermaid on each arm.

"Before we get into our upcoming mission specifics I want to address our current staffing situation. As you know, Lt. Krazny has not awoken from his coma. Unfortunately the blow to his head has done much more damage to his brain than it was first assumed. The result being that he could emerge from his coma today, next month or never." Zane sighed clamping down on the emerging memory of Captain West. "So, I have officially transferred him from the FEYNMAN to EPSILON medical. Until Fleet sends us a new counselor Ensign Sally Ryan will be heading the department." He turned to face the second officer. "Lieutenant based on your past experience I'd like you to keep an eye on the Ensign and give guidance where needed. But not too much, she has to take on the responsibilities and you have your own department to worry about."

"Aye sir." Krysa replied.

"Next," the captain continued, "it seems EPSILON dispatched us a CSciO while we were out at the Ring. Unfortunately he is missing and presumed dead. There are ships out searching but it is presumed the shuttle either fell victim of an accident or perhaps even some spiteful Cardassians. Again, until we receive a replacement the aCSciO will be heading the department." He turned to face Glin'kharr. "Doctor I'd like you to keep an eye on things in the sciences, same rules as Lt. Jenn though, your medical duties take precedence and I hope it won't interfere with your Command Testing."

"Yes sir." The wolf replied, perhaps a little unhappily.

"Fortunately, we have been sent a replacement for the CSO slot. For those of you who have not already done so meet Ensign J.C. Allard. Welcome aboard Ensign."

"Thank-you sir."

The captain paused for a sip of his coffee. He was now so comfortable in the underwater setting that he didn't even consider how he was able to consume the liquid while being submerged. "Now, Mr. Jerran, you have put me in a very bad position."


"The loss of an entire complement of secondary vessels is not something the SILVER QM takes very lightly. She and I have had some run-ins before but the conversation I just had with her was, to say the least, distressing. Now not only do I have to explain to the QM but also Starfleet Command why we are in need of so many replacements at the same time but why I have seemingly rewarded the individual most responsible for their destruction."

"I'm not sure I follow sir." the FCO replied.

Zane rose. "Front and center Mr. Jerran."

As the surprised Jerran rose from his seat and walked/floated towards the captain he noticed the small black box in Zane's hand.

"Since coming aboard you have consistently performed your duties far above expectations, you have shown yourself to be an excellent officer, and excellent leader and essential part of the senior staff both through your actions and your ideas." He pulled the hollow pip from Jerran's collar and replaced it with a second full one. I hereby promote you to the rank of full Lieutenant with all the rights and privileges therein." He took a step and extended his hand. "Congratulations lieutenant."

<<<Joesph: Feel Free to respond>>>

While the newly promoted officer returned to his seat Zane remained standing. "This last mission was perhaps the toughest, most intense two days this ship has ever seen. It was certainly the closest we, as a group, came to our deaths. I am very proud of the results that the entire ship's complement created together but a special nod must of course be given to the medical and science departments who bore the brunt of this plague and conquered it. But even with all this expertise there were still two that stood out from the rest. Commander Maril, Lieutenant Glin'kharr."

Surprised both officers rose and moved to the head of the table.

"Without your perseverance in the face of incredible odds, your leadership, your intelligence and your sacrifices, I am certain that we would have all succumbed to the plague. I am pleased and honoured to present you both with the Leonard McCoy Medal for Medical Excellence." He pinned the medal on each officer. "Well done!"

<<<Feel free to respond.>>>

Zane gave the assembled group some time to congratulate their comrades as well as 'settle down' a bit from the excitement before continuing.

"Now, to the mission. Essentially we have two. The first is a patrol into the Coalsack." He paused to examine the faces of each officer. The coalsack was almost entirely unexplored it meant untold adventure as well as danger. "As you know the coalsack is a fairly in hospitable place and we have very few reliable charts of the area. With the construction of the new base as well as the general shift into this region it needs to be more fully charted. The FEYNMAN provides and excellent platform to do this not only for her maneuverability if the 'weather' gets a little rough in there but for the DELPHI array."

"As some of you are aware the last few months have seen increased acts of piracy, especially in the vicinity of the 'sack. Fleet thinks these pirate bases are hidden within the coalsack so while we chart we're to try to pinpoint as many of these bases as we can."

"Will we be engaging these bases?" The new CSO asked.

"No, our priority is to find the bases and pass the information along to EPSILON for future operations. The FEYNMAN can outgun any of the pirate ships we've seen so far. But a large number of them could do some real damage."

"That sounds pretty straight-forward. Why your worry about the crew being questioned by the press?" Maril asked.

"Because this will be a high-profile mission. The Admiral wants everyone to know who is going, where we're going and when. Which brings me to the second part of our mission. The Admiral has done some digging and found that the mystery fleet we ran into at the Ring is made up of some washed-out officers who have commandeered ships from GREY Fleet. It seems that they and there sympathizers in the hierarchy feel if they 'come to the rescue' the public will demand they get reinstated. So, if they know were going in to find the pirates...."

"...they'll be waiting for us so they can steal the information, put a few quantum torps down our throat and then they'll waltz in and wipe out the pirates." Koreth finished the sentence.

"Well after the last mission I asked the Admiral for something with a little bit more tension."

"Just how do you propose we face those four warships?"

"Its not nearly as bad as it seems. One. The officers aboard are in GREY Fleet because they couldn't cut it in the real fleet. Two those ships are there because they weren't able to get up to specs during their design. The SOLAR and AGAMEMNON class vessels are the original prototypes and were scrapped because by the time they were completed most of their technology was already outdated."

"And the two STORM class vessels?"

"We're not sure about them." Zane admitted. "But review of our sensor logs show that neither of them have had phaser cannons attached to their hardpoints. Its likely it would be an even match."

"Any questions?"


I'll leave it there because you know as much as me! (And this is a little longer than I'd planned)

You all know the drill, fill in your departmental readiness reports, as well as your observations, thoughts, problems etc on the upcoming mission.


Enthusiastic congrats to our promotee and medal recipients. Well Derserved! Let me know if you want to add a line to your service record reflecting your promotion/award.

ALL: Please remove Charles Jencks and Ian Stenquist from your mailing lists, as well as Andrew N for those of you who haven't already done so.

Charles/Ian: If you are lurking out there and read this...sorry but we couldn't wait any longer. If you are able to return to ASR in the future and you want to reactivate your characters I've left you an opening. You'll have to report back to SB ALPHA for reassignment.

New and improved roster to follow.

Andy-->Tired Fingers.

-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Unassigned
-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: MSG REPLY (Before Briefing)

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 7-11-1996

SD 80711.0230
SCENE: Before leaving for briefing

> "Computer, response to ENS Allard's message as follows: Suggestions
> noted and appreciated. However, in the future, any comments and
> suggestions dealing with the flight department should be sent directly
> to me. End Message."

"Computer, reply to that message" <working>, "ORDERS received and understood, SIR!, and my compliments to your fully equipped shuttle fleet. At your convenience, during our off time, would the Lt. care to indulge in a 'little training match', once the FEYNMAN is restocked."

"End and send, computer. Also, send a message to DS-5, LtCmdr. Allard. Hi There! Posted to USS FEYNMAN under Zane. Fairly pleasant crew, haven't met very many yet. Will write more later. Bye. Justin. End and send that too, computer."

ENS J.C. Allard
Mike Dailey

USS FEYNMAN: During and After the Meeting

by Joseph Baker 7-12-1996

SD: 80712.2300

As LT Jerran Terel accepted the second pip from the Captain, his Vulcan side still would not allow his Bajoran side to show the pride he was feeling, but he did have a sligh, unmistakable smile on his face as he floated back to his seat, his fellow crewmembers giving him quiet votes of confidence before the commander continued. He made a note to make sure that he helped the commander with that shrew of a QM on EPSILON. He figured it was best, though, to go through other channels to get the needed shuttles. And, as Zane explained the mission into the Coalsack, he realised they might just need a little more firepower, perhaps even some of the fighters which the new CSO, ENS Allard had mentioned. He quickly made a note in his PADD to ask the Ensign where he might acquire such ships without having to incur the prying eye of the QM.

As for pilots, he had been able to dig up five pilots so far from EPSILON, in addition to another three arriving from ALPHA in the next couple of days, just in time to come aboard before the FEYNMAN left dock. Now he just needed to get the ships for them. With the shuttles Zane had been able to get from the QM in addition to the two Assault bee sleds they already had, it shouldn't take too many more ships to get as decent compliment. It'd be crowded in the shuttlebays, but Jerran was sure WO Dunnon could handle the load.

After the commander finished with his part of the briefing, a few of the officers asked some questions concerning the mission, and then they filed out as best they could in the awkwardly aquatic environment. Jerran caught up with LTJG Glin'kharr, which was not too hard considering the good doctor's people weren't known for their swimming prowess, and said, "Doctor, if you need any help with the your added duties in the science department, please don't hesitate to ask. I have had training at the Vulcan Science academy in the various natural sciences, and would be glad to assist, when my duties permit."

"Thank you, Lieutenant. I appreciate the sentimate."

Jerran nodded and swam off towards the exit, stumbling slightly as he walks over to the dry side. He smiled as he noticed that his clothes were immediately dry, and he walked off the 'deck without worry of dripping all over the ship.

Scene: Main Shuttlebay, half an hour after meeting

The flight department stood at attention in front of the new runabout NOGURA II as Jerran walked in. They cheered him as the door closed, and congratulated him on his promotion. He smiled to them and thanked them. After a moment, his expression became more sober as he shouted all of a sudden, "Attention on deck!"

Surprised, the group of pilots knew not what else to do other than follow their FCO's orders as they got into the same line in front of the runabout. He walked in front of them, examining each one's uniform, stopping in front of ENS Cartwright. "You're out of uniform, Mister!"

"I am sorry, sir! I was not aware that this was not the uniform of the day, sir!" she said crisply.

Jerran raised an eyebrow and said, "I suggest you get into uniform immediately, Lieutenant!"

"Aye, aye, sir..." she stopped for a moment as what he had just said sunk in and she turned to him questioningly and said, "Sir?"

"Was I studdering, Lieutenant JG Cartwright?" He smiled to her and pulled out a small box, opening it to reveal a small hollow pip which he put on her collar. "This will have to do for now, but I don't want to see this sort of thing happen again. You've already been a bad enough influence on both Mr. Dunnon and Chief t'Jon. Front and center, you two."

The human shuttle pilot and the Andorian flight controller marched out of the line and stood in front of Jerran as he pulled out another pair of boxes, pinning a new Chief Warrant Officer's pip on Dunnon's collar and a Senior Chief Petty Officer's chevron on t'Jon's.

"Back in line," he said with a smile. "Now, I won't say anything to the Captain about these lapses in the dress code, as long as it doesn't happen again."

"No, sir!" everyone shouted at the same time.

Jerran laughed and said, "Come on, you group of misfits. The first round of synthehol at EPSILON is on me. The second round is on our other Lieutenant," winking at Jennifer. The pilots cheered again and followed their FCO out of the bay.

<NRPG> Just a quicky to give my NPC's a promotion as well, and to tell you I'm still around and ready for another mission :)

Joseph Baker
LT Jerran Terel

*       *           *
* Joseph Baker                                                             *
* University of South Florida                                              *
* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu            * Of the Chief parts of the           *
* meillunsiateve                     * Ruling Passion only this            *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en:        * Can be truly said:                  *
* Mnahe afw'ein qiuu,                * Hate has a reason for everything    *
* rh'e hweithnaef                    * But love is unreasonable            *
* mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu          * --Rihannsu Proverb                  *

USS FEYNMAN: Allard's Input

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 7-12-1996

SD 80712.2230

J.C. wiped his brow, perspiring just a bit. *What's wrong with me! I know, I probably just nervous.* Checking the quick notes he had made on his PADD from the 10-minute meeting with his Asst. Department Head, J.C. mentally rehearsed what he was going to say. This WAS his first briefing with Senior Line officers, not Academy NCO's or classroom Instructors. This wasn't a classroom, this was REAL life.

The lift stopped and deposited J.C. on the Holodeck. "Computer, senior officers' briefing?". <Ready, please enter>. J.C. entered through the massive Holodeck doors, to the wide-opened empty, black Holodeck grid, except for a strange glow on the far wall. He stopped, clutching the PADD in his left hand, "Computer, I requested the Holodeck for the briefing?" J.C. looked around, angry, but worried. Being fashionably late on this ship would not be a good idea.

Startled, the computer response was VERY different, a different voice!

<Hello and welcome, Ensign Justin Allard> said the unfamiliar voice. J.C. momentarily winced at someone using his given name. A small table materialized on the far wall, near the dark blue glowing blob. Upon it was another PADD.

<Please take a PADD.>

"Computer, I have on already, SEE!" J.C. recalled the night his squad tried to override the academy computer, and lost. He held up his PADD, as if some unseen eyes of the blind computer could better observe it. <Please accept the one located on the table, and proceed through the door> With that, the small glowing blob turned into a door-sized glowing doorway. "O.K. I know I can't argue with a computer!" J.C. walked to the table, exchanged PADDs, pausing a moment to straighten his uniform, and stepped through the doorway, and

*OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! SNARK GEEETTTT MEEEE OOUUUTTTTTAAA HEREEEEE!!* The words burst into J.C.'s mind, but did not utter a sound, even a gurgling sound. Beyond fear, the feeling a non-swimmer had when totally submersed in water! Although he could see, and hear the "effects" of underwater, somehow he wasn't "wet". Risking life, and probably air, J.C. opened his mouth, and breathed as normal with astounding shock. *OK, I can handle underwater briefings.* He regained composure and control, slowly, looking around and seeing some sort of amphibious creature swim towards him.

*Do not worry. As long as you stay near one of us, you can breathe.* Taking a few more careful, test breaths, J.C. looked at the creature. *OK underwater briefings and Telepathic sea creatures. What was that Admiral's name.... *

*This way, I will take you to the others.* J.C. looked at her, not knowing if he was to walk, run, jump, or swim. He took a tentative step, and walked as normal. In seconds, he was surrounded by his shipmates. J.C. glanced at everyone, who were all Senior Officers to him, and came to attention. "Good afternoon, sirs." Many were talking among themselves before the meeting started. The XO and CO greeted him. J.C. took a seat beside a wolf in Medical clothing. *Wow, almost has the same fur colors as my pet Benjamin.*

Paying close attention to the CO and the other officers, but still looking around at his new shipmates, J.C. tried to put ranks, positions, and faces to the few names he knew, which was hard considering he had met no one except the XO. He smiled when the FCO was promoted and the Wolf CMO and the other Officer were awarded the Leonard McCoy award.

The Captain spoke up to Allard," Now we'll hear from Security. Allard, your report." J.C. stood, out of Academy drill when reporting to a Senior Officer, but mostly to keep from sitting doing nothing. "Sirs, I just reported in a few hours ago, and had a quick talk with my 2nd in command. Operational we're 100%. both Security and weapons. Staffing, I am short 6 technicians, which I've drafted the request and forwarded it to you, Commander Maril. I also found out I have two Middies assigned to Security. I'll be pairing them up with each of my NCO's to balance their training.

"As far as our mission, I have a few Ideas to tighten security ship wide, and better prepare my team for the surprises of the unknown. Readiness drills, including boarding, battle stations, and intruder control drills. My 2nd also informed my ship-wide Phaser qualifications for this half of the year are incomplete for many, umm, Senior Officers. J.C. gulped slightly. *They could all practice now, just stun me, please!* J.C. came to at-ease to signify that's all he had to say, hoping it was enough.

Ensign J.C. Allard
Mike Dailey

USS FEYNMAN: Maril's View

by Max Felsher 7-13-1996

SD 80713.0230(GMT)
SLD 1.1300
Holodeck 2: BrOT

"Well, Mr. Glin'kharr, on to the next section. Computer, begin Bridge Officer's Test, Section:Tactical."

Again, the scene became the Bridge of the Feynman, except this time with Glin'kharr at the Tactical/Security station.

As Glin'kharr got used to the controls of the station, the holo-Zane walked onto the Bridge.

"Well, we have emergency orders. Starfleet has ordered us to proceed to Jasadi IV and destroy a terrorist base. It will be defended. Helm, set course for the Jasadi system and engage at Warp 7 when ready. Mr. Glin'kharr, yellow alert. Ready weapons."

As Glin'kharr followed the orders and the holographic Feynman sped into warp, his consience pulled at him. He was a medical officer; how could he destroy an entire base without provocation, even if it belonged to terrorists?

SLD 2.1345
Just Outside Holodeck 3

Maril stood outside the Holodeck doors, ready for blistering heat, killing dryness, or frightening cold. Even so, he was surprised by what he saw.

Maril noticed the blue light emanating from the other side of the room. He was about to go into it, but the computer stopped him.

<Hello, Commander Maril,> Lt. Jenn's voice rang out. <Please take a PADD.>

"Very well," Maril said, surprised, as he grabbed a PADD and transferred the memory.

Nothing matched the surprise, however, when he moved through the doorway. Suddenly, he found himself floating in water. He tried to hold his breath, but he had been caught without surveying the battlefield, and he had to finally open his mouth.

To his surprise, he could breathe. As he wondered how it was possible, a creature--like a reskolin of Tamarian mythology, or a merman of Terran-- appeared.

*Do not worry. As long as you stay near one of us, you can breathe.*

*Interesting,* Maril thought. *Very well. Where is the briefing?*

*Over there,* the merman said telepathically, pointing.

*Thank you.*

Maril swimmed fairly well(though not spectacularly) over to the briefing area. Tamarians were quite sea-oriented, and so swimming was quite important. Thus, Maril had extensive swimming experience from his childhood, and, of course, Starfleet training. Still, it was never something Maril was particularly interested in, and so he struggled a bit.

Finally, though, he reached the area. He found some food to his liking, and then sat down at the conference table.

As Commander Zane started, Maril tried to listen, though it was a little hard, considering the water.

After Jerran recieived his promotion, Maril congratulated him. He was very surprised, however, when the Captain called him up, along with Lt. Glin'kharr, and awarded both of them the Leonard McCoy Medal.

"Thank you, Captain," he said as Zane pinned the medal on his uniform.

"You deserve it, Commander," Zane replied.

As he sat back down, Maril felt a surge of pride. He had played an instrumental role in defeating the Plague, and he was proud of it.

The briefing continued, with Commander Zane outlining their new mission.

None of them knew it at the time, but one of the "mermen" standing just outside the conference area was no merman at all--in fact, he was a Starfleet officer. However, this officer wasn't in Red Fleet, Blue Fleet, Gold, Silver, or Indigo. This officer was from Gray Fleet, and at that moment, he was learning the plans of the Feynman.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: Yes, I know it's rather long, but I crammed quite a bit into one post. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few days, but I was uunable to access CompuServe from Wednesday morning to this morning(Eastern Daylights Time).

Andy: I noticed a few errors in the roster. For one my E-Dress is still listed under the old one(zante@....) and second, Azelti Maril has left for his home, so you can take him off the NPC's lists(both regular and registered.) I hope the spy in the last paragraph isn't a problem, but I figured that the Gray Fleet would have someone behind the scenes trying to get information. If it's a problem, maybe a freak electrical shock will kill him. :D

Ted: Your next BrOT situation is at the beginning. I hope that part about his conscience was in character. :)

Ted, Jospeh: Congrats on the medal and promotion! :)

USS FEYNMAN: Allard's Input (Cont.)

by Andrew Catterick 7-13-1996


> "As far as our mission, I have a few Ideas to tighten security ship wide, and
> better prepare my team for the surprises of the unknown. Readiness drills, including
> boarding, battle stations, and intruder control drills. My 2nd also informed my
> ship-wide Phaser qualifications for this half of the year are incomplete for many, umm,
> Senior Officers. J.C. gulped slightly. *They could all practice now, just stun me,
> please!* J.C. came to at-ease to signify that's all he had to say, hoping it was enough.

Zane looked around the table at the assembled officers some of them looking a little guilty. "I expect that situation to be rectified soon, preferably before we enter the Coalsack. See to it, Ensign Allard."

"Aye sir. When shall I book you in?"

Zane turned to stare at the new CSO and stopped himself from letting out the initial comment that was on the tip of tonque. He was overdue and he knew the Ensign was right. "I'll make sure I complete the qualifications drill before we lift." He smiled. "Fair enough."

"Yes sir."

"Good." He turned to face the group. "Now, as part of the press hoopla the Admiral has asked me to pass along his 'request' that we all cooperate with the press fully. As far as the crew is concerned its still 'no comment' but it is assumed that the senior staff know a little bit more about things so be prepared to drop them a few sound bites. Nothing substantial, just 'happy to do our part', 'looking forward to bringing security to the coalsack'. blah blah blah. Don't let them corner you into specifics and above all not a whisper of the SHADOW fleet."

He sipped the last of his coffee. "Any questions? Good. We're on shoreleave for 60 more hours and then we launch at 0800. Dismissed."


I was just going to send out an NRPG but thought hey why not.

Mike Dawe's server is down for the next 3 days but his mail is being archived so keep him on your mailing lists. He has asked me to include some sort of dealings with the press so that they know what is going on before we leave. This is to keep in with our storyline and I suspect may involve the greater 'SILVER tapestry.' So have fun with the press.

We'll launch Monday afternoonish. Mission clock will start then. Anyone that hasn't posted during the briefing but planned to do so please do so:)

Mike Dailey: Please remove the following two eddresses from your mailing list: LT.(jg) Oktyabr Krazny <> EN. Kevin Bishop <>

and add Joesph Baker's (FCO) two eddresses: <> <>

See I told you guys Kristin might come back early and we shouldn't say anything bad about her. Last time I let you guys tell me what to do<EG>


-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Unassigned
-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET


by Jason Bostjancic 7-14-1996


Tarrant waited patiently for the others to give their reports. He was particularly intriqued by the new CSO. Green wasn't a word he liked to use, (since he wasn't exactly three years in the fleet either), but Ens. Allard sure fit the picture. Stiff as a board, and maybe a bit cocky... he liked him.

"... and Mr. Koreth?"

The partial Klingon was brought back into holoreality. "Sir, all the refits and replacements to the SIF and IDS systems are near completion, " he glanced over at Jerran, "and should be online by 0500 tomorrow."

The Captain nodded.

"I would like to make some changes to our shield system, though." noting the concerned look on Zanes face he decided to explain.

"Technologicly we are far superior to the pirates, and we are beyond the capabilities of the Shadow Fleet we now know do to their incomplete ships. I can reroute our extra power to make an inner shield along our own. "

"Why the extra protection Lieutenant? If we are technologicly superior." asked Jenn.

"In a situation as the Shadow Fleet is in I would suspect some maquis type tactics could be used on us, ones that we may not be prepared for. The second shield could provide something they wouldn't suspect from a Federation Ship on this type of mission."

Zane gave it a thought then replied, "Ok, Lieutenant, but I want that second shield to be a surprise. Be able to activate it and deactivate it so regular scans won't tip them off."

"Aye Sir."

"Also, I want a team on the DELPHI round the clock. That is our one true ace here."

.... NRPG : Well at least I finally got to that!

I just completed running a Magic Tournament (card game) here
and can now put all of my free time back into vegging out
on the puter <G>


Lieutenant Cmdr. Tirrin Vorak - OPS/2O - USS SERAPIS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"

USS FEYNMAN: Phaser Qualifications

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 7-14-1996

TO: Senior Staff
FROM: Ens. J.C. Allard
RE: Biannual Sidearm Qualification

Sirs, as stated during our mission briefing, many officers and departments are seriously behind on their sidearm qualification, with the ship-wide total only at 53% completed. Below is a list, by Department and percentage, of personnel still unqualified. Individual Department Heads, and where applicable, Asst. Dept. Heads are listed. In the next two days, myself or my 2nd in command will contact you to schedule those persons in your departments who are not yet qualified.

All commissioned officers, as always, please remember to bring your issued sidearm for routine inspection, and cleaning if necessary. Feel free to use Holodeck program SEC-X118A to brush up before your test. This is a new simulation from Training Command, replacing the older SEC-SQ118 program with 8 levels of difficulty. Try it!

CO - CMDR Zane Not qualified
MCPO Larocque " "
XO - LTCMDR Maril " "
WO Jafel " "
OPS - LT. Jenn Qualified 80623.1300

SECURITY 12% Not qualified
Ens. J.C. Allard Qualified - Academy
CPO Tamarov Qualified - 80611.0915

MEDICAL 9% Not qualified
LTjg. Dr. Glin'Kharr Not Qualified

SCIENCE 13% Not Qualified

FLIGHT CONTROLLER 34% Not qualified
LT. Terrel Not Qualified
LTjg. Cartwright Not Qualified

ENGINEERING 7% Not Qualified
LT. Koreth Qualified 80601.1555
Ens. T. Jared Qualified 80604.2135

Thank you for you cooperation in this matter.
Ens. J.C. Allard
CSO/TAC Officer

Mike Dailey

USS FEYNMAN: The Captain's New Clothes... er Chair

by Jason Bostjancic 7-15-1996

SD 80715
SLD: 4.1800

With the official press conference over, and the media harping on anyone on Epsilon who even looked like they might be on the Feynman, Lt. Koreth had no plans on leaving the ship.

But then again, the CEO always seemed to have an excuse for not leavin during shore leave, and complaining all the while.

Besides, the last finishing touches were being completed for Commander Zane's new chair. The gravity 'belt' system seemed to work perfectly, and the built in computer terminal and slide out PADD were extra little options. Including a neat little addition only Zane and Tarrant would know about... a phaser concealed in the arm rest that would shoot into the Captain's hand with the right motion.

The chair was beamed directly to the bridge for final placement when Tarrant decided to let the Captain know about it...

Scene: Captain's Ready

"I'll assume that you've finished my little request Mr. Koreth." The Captain tried to hide what looked to Tarrant like a grin of anticipation.

"Yes sir. They are securing it now, but there are a few little things you must know about it first." And with that Tarrant pulled out a PADD and handed it to Zane.

"I figured as much knowing you Lieutenant." After going over it for a few seconds, but not really going over it, he announced "OK, let me see it."

With the burden of the next mission upon his sholders the Captain had to take his little pleasures where he could. And thus, was the first out the door.

Scene: Bridge

Sitting in the new chair, with a grin on his face like a child who knows he just got the last ice cream cone, was Bat. Before Zane could even protest the old CSO spoke up.

"Ya know. If the brass found out you got something this nice they'd probably demote you and take it for themselves." He was spining around enjoying the air-like movement.

"And last time I checked your name wasn't on the list for bridge officer of the day?" said Zane, his eyebrow raised.

"Nope, and I wouldn't want it." With that he rose from the chair. "Actually I needed to speak with you about some rumors I hear about our next mission. Now I know I'm not in the know but..."

Zane looked around, "Maybe later Bat, in more private quarters."

"You're killing me... but I guess I'll wait." he turned his attention to Lt. Koreth. "Perhapse you'd like to get a drink Mr. Round the clock?"

"Actually I have some work..."

Bat cut him off, "I've got a brand new recipe for Betazoid Tea, and just got in the ingredients. No replication."

Tarrant could never pass up anything food or beverage Betazoid, and Bat new it. It was an evil little ploy, but it worked.

Scene: 10F

True to his word, Bat had the real ingredients. He wasted no time preparing the drink, and probing the CEO for information. Tarrant though, as an old CSO himself, was wise to it and only gave more enigmatic answers.


Perhaps J.C. or some others would care to Join

hint, hint


Lieutenant Cmdr. Tirrin Vorak - OPS/2O - USS SERAPIS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"

USS FEYNMAN: Tying Things Up Before Leaving

by Joseph Baker 7-15-1996

SD: 80715.1936
SLD: 4.1530
Scene: Main Shuttlebay

The shuttlecraft Cousteu passed through the blue forcefield at the entrance to the shuttlebay with a slight hum as LT Jerran Terel waved Midshipman Talo to land it on one of the landing target markers in the bay. The shuttle floated slowly over the shuttlebay deck, stopped over the target, and gently dropped to the ground with a low thud. With that, the last of the new shuttles were now onboard. The NOGURA II sat at the very center of the bay like a large mother dog surrounded by its litter, the four smaller personnel shuttles. The four personnel shuttles had been stowed in the auxiliary shuttlebay when the four new pilots had arrived. They were now helping the FEYNMAN's regular crew to complete some checkups and such on the shuttles and other shipboard flight systems.

ENS Mendorn from the planet Benzar sat at the controls of a hover loader, pulling the central cargo bay module from off the NOGURA. He set it down on the bay's elevator down to the hangar deck where the enhanced sensor module for the runabouts and a few smaller ones for the shuttles would be offloaded and stored for the trip to the Coalsack. Mendorn was a junior midshipman in Jerran's Nova Squadron back at the academy, and so he had asked for him personally when he found out the Benzite pilot was available.

ENS Kella Dar, a joined Trill on her first life, pulled the warp nacelle cover off the shutlecraft Asimov II, running a check on the electroplasm shunt from the main reactor.

The flight crew was learning fast that even though these shuttles were new to the FEYNMAN, that did not necessarily mean they were new in the sence that they just came off the assembly line. In fact, the shuttle Piaget was over twenty years old, and hadn't had a major engine overhaul in about that long. Midshipmen Kaz and Alera were off in the auxiliary shuttlebay now working with WO2 Kieren McShane to remedy that problem. McShane, a human from the Mars Colony, had already established himself as somewhat of a lady's man, even though he had already had very little luck in the flight department. He had already received a drink in the face from SCPO t'Jon when they met at EPSILON while LTJG Cartwright watched and laughed at the exchange, obviously not amused by the warrant officer's advances on the Andorian pilot, but quite amused by the blue skinned AFCO's reaction.

The last of the four new pilots to arrive was WO2 Harkone, a rather large and intimidating Nausicaan shuttle pilot who had an affinity towards old Terran plays, especially those of Shakespeare.

Jennifer walked in, dodging the Nausicaan as he walked by, carrying a large cargo box. "Pardon me, ma'am, but I do believe they need to make side mirrors for these rather unwieldy boxes," he said in a surprisingly courteous tone for a Nausicaan.

She smiled to him as she walked towards the FCO and said, "It's OK. I can maneuver easier than you can, so you have the right of way this time."

The warrant officer bowed as best he could with the box in his burly arms as he continued on his way. Jennifer walked over to Jerran and said, "Why doesn't he just use an antigrav?"

Jerran shrugged and said, "It's just not his way, I suppose. It'd be like us putting a small suitcase on an antigrav. But, then again, the way you pack for vacations, I wouldn't be too reluctant to use one myself."

"Hah, very funny, Lieutenant. Just for that, see if I give you your messages for the day." She held a PADD in front of him teasingly, and he reached over and tickled her on the side, grabbing it from her while she was distracted. "That's not fair!"

"So?" he said as he smiled and keyed in the message retrieval. There was one message in the queue from ENS Allard. "Prophets! Allard says that neither you nor I have had our phaser qualification tests in over six months. Imagine that?!"

"Umm, Terri, dear. You haven't had a weapon's qualifier since you graduated from the academy. I should know, I've been around you most of the time since then," she said with a wink.

Jerran made a hmmph sound as he read on saying, "He also used my name wrong," showing her the PADD which read "LT Terel" right above the deputy chief FCO's name.

"Uh oh. You're not going to give him the famous Bajoran lecture on naming conventions, are you?"

The LT smiled, thinking about it for a second and said, "Well, he's just lucky I'm half Vulcan, or I would give him the lecture. This time, I'll just be more subtle."

He typed a reply message into the PADD that said, "Message received and acknowledged. FCO and AFCO will take qualifier this evening. -- LT _Jerran_"

"Are you sure underlining you're name isn't going too far?"

"Now look," he said with a laugh, "You're not letting me give him a lecture on interracial relations, so I have to do something."

"Alright, alright. Have it your way, you big baby."

"Yeah, I'll remember that when some Bajoran cadet calls you Lieutenant Jennifer," Jerran said as he touched the send command. He looked around as the flight crew put the finishing touches on their jobs and said, "It looks like everything's going alright here. We can go take the test now."

"OK, just promise to let me shoot a few of the targets."

"Oh, alright," he acquiesced.

They walked out the door, the large bulkhead shutting slowly as WO Harkone walked by, reciting a poem which was cut off by the door, "So live that when thy summons comes to join the innumerable caravan..."

"Every new Nausicaan I meet is like a new adventure," Jerran said as the entered the turbolift to go to the holodeck.

<NRPG> Next Episode: Departure :)

*       *           *
* Joseph Baker                                                             *
* University of South Florida                                              *
* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu            * Of the Chief parts of the           *
* meillunsiateve                     * Ruling Passion only this            *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en:        * Can be truly said:                  *
* Mnahe afw'ein qiuu,                * Hate has a reason for everything    *
* rh'e hweithnaef                    * But love is unreasonable            *
* mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu          * --Rihannsu Proverb                  *

USS FEYNMAN: Media Darlings

by Andrew Catterick 7-15-1996

SD: 80715.1000
Scene: Ready-Room
SLD: 4.1600

Zane sat at his desk and scanned the mission orders for the 10th time. He had spent the last 4 hours digging through Starfleet communications, bio-files, Fleet movements, anything that might possibly give him an inside edge for when they came to face the SHADOW Fleet. For the most-part it had been a waste of time and the frustration he felt was manifested in the hope that he would meet up with the PHOENIX's Captain Tremaine. In person. His right fist clenched at the thought as a small smile pulled at the corner of his mouth. *Call my ship a tin-can.*

Looking at the chrono on the top right corner of the screen he scowled. Thirty minutes to the press-conference. He hated reporters. The day he had graduated from the Academy had also been the day that the REPULSE had been officially listed as 'Missing, Presumed Destroyed.' Almost immediately the vultures, there to film another boring, they thought, Starfleet graduation, descended on him. 'Have you heard the news?' 'How do you feel?' 'What was your first thought when you found out your family and friends were dead?' 'Is it true that...' And it contined from there. As a fresh new ensign he was too respectful or perhaps too naive to tell them what he thought of them and instead stood numbly, dutifully answering their questions.

That was when Bat arrived and had pulled him out of the scrum and straightened all of them out quickly. He smiled at the thought. He had known Bat all his life, thought of him as an uncle, and was sure he had no surprises left in him, but the seemingly none stop line of expletives that came flying out of the retired CSO's mouth had shocked everyone. Certainly the reporters who had stood there staring dumbly as Bat, his tirade finished, smiled and whisked him away.

<<You have an incoming message.>>

Stirred from his memories he turned to face the computer screen. "Display." After a few seconds the header appeared. He was pleased to see it was from the new CSO following up on his phaser qualifications drills.

> SD80714.1600
> TO: Senior Staff
> FROM: Ens. J.C. Allard
> RE: Biannual Sidearm Qualification
> Sirs, as stated during our mission briefing, many Officers and departments are
> seriously behind on their sidearm qualification, with the ship-wide total only at 53%
> completed. Below is a list, by Department and percentage, of personnel still
> unqualified. Individual Department Heads, and where applicable, Asst. Dept. Heads are
> listed. In the next two days, myself or my 2nd in command will contact you to schedule
> those persons in your departments who are not yet qualified.
> All commissioned officers, as always, please remember to bring your issued sidearm
> for routine inspection, and cleaning if necessary. Feel free to use Holodeck program
> SEC-X118A to brush up before your test. This is a new simulation from Training Command,
> replacing the older SEC-SQ118 program with 8 levels of difficulty. Try it!
> CO - CMDR Zane Not qualified
> MCPO Larocque " "
> XO - LTCMDR Maril " "
> WO Jafel " "
> OPS - LT. Jenn Qualified 80623.1300
"Thats not to embarrassing, the two senior officers not up on their qualifications. Thank-god Krysa is or Fleet would have a fit." He said outloud, mentally chiding himself for falling behind. Something that had never happened before.
> SECURITY 12% Not qualified
> Ens. J.C. Allard Qualified - Academy
> CPO Tamarov Qualified - 80611.0915
> MEDICAL 9% Not qualified
> LTjg. Dr. Glin'Kharr Not Qualified

"Medical has a better rating than security!" He tried to picture T'Del with a phaser. It scared him almost as much as the thought of facing a wolf, his teeth barred brandishing a phaser.

> SCIENCE 13% Not Qualified
> FLIGHT CONTROLLER 34% Not qualified
> LT. Terrel Not Qualified
> LTjg. Cartwright Not Qualified

That's not like Jerran. He's usually a stickler for things like that. Well, it'll give Kyrsa something to tease him about. >
> ENGINEERING 7% Not Qualified
> LT. Koreth Qualified 80601.1555
> Ens. T. Jared Qualified 80604.2135

There was no surprise. As an ex-CSO it was inevitable that the Klingon would keep up with the drills. Of course this was even more embarrassing for Zane

He reached out and touched the reply icon.
SD: 80715.1600
TO: EN. J.C. Allard, CSO
cc: All senior staff
FROM: CMDR. Zane, commanding
RE: S-Arm Qual

Be advised. I will complete the qualification drill on or before SD:80720.1800. Scores will be forwarded to your office.

Please ensure all crew deficinent in qualifications complete drill before arrival our patrol destination.

Zane. ____________________________________________________________________________

Sending the memo he rose, drank down the rest of his coffee and deposited the empty mug on the replicator pad for reconstitution. He had put it off as long as he could.

_______________________________ Scene: Briefing Room, SB EPSILON
SLD: 4.1652

"....and that, essentially, covers the FEYNMAN's mission orders." The Admiral paused to put his pointer down on the lecturn. "Any questions?"

Zane sat on his chair, to the right and behind the admiral, who began to field the reporter's questions. Admittedly he did not know the Admiral very well but to say he was surprised by the last 20 minutes would be an understatement. The normally gruff Nicholas had held his audience captive as he explained the mission particulars, using the various computer animations and sketches that had been prepaired. He had even patiently explained several basic points that a reporter, who had obviously not done his homework, had asked. In short, he had them in the palm of his hand.

"Why the FEYNMAN Admiral?" One of the throng asked.

"I'll let the Captain of the FEYNMAN field that one." He gestured over towards Zane who quickly approached the podium. "Commander?"

"Thank-you Admiral Nicholas. Why the FEYNMAN? Well, personally I'd have to say that its because we're the best ship in the Fleet and if you want the job done you tap the FEYNMAN." A light chuckle rippled through the audience. He paused as the reporters furiously poked and prodded their PADDS. Of course every Captain thought his or her ship was the best in the Fleet but how many were lucky enough to have it publicized. This would be a nice 'response' to all of the SILVER Captains who had razzed him in the OClub about the FEYNMAN not being able to hold her crew.

"Professionally, the answer is that the FEYNMAN class explorer/destroyer is an ideal assest to achieve the mission specifications. For several reasons, its DELPHI sensor suite and its agililty. As Admiral Nicholas has outlined the Coalsack is not an inviting place. The violent storms and energy discharges are enough to play havoc with most ship's sensors. In effect once you entered the 'sack you'd be flying blind. The DELPHI, however, is sophisticated enough that it can cut through the disturbance's quite easily and locate the pirates and their bases with little trouble."

"Secondly the ships small size presents less of a target for the 'sacks random energy charges. Furthermore its low emmission rate is much more desirable if we find ourselves in the middle of a storm than some of the larger ships whose emmission rates would essentially turn them into a very large 'lighting rod'.

"Finally the ship's agility provides a final protection if the weather get a little rough. All in all, the coalsack is a very dangerous place but he FEYNMAN will be quite at home there." He paused to sip some water. "Next question."

"How do you feel about your orders?"

"As a Starfleet officer I have no 'feelings' about my orders. Like any other officer I receive and follow them."

"Yes I know the party line but surely as an *individual* you must have some opinions." The reporter persisted.

Zane kept the pleasant look on his face while he inwardly expressed a few opinions about the reporter, her colleagues, and the press conference in general before answering. "It is a challenging mission and I look forward to a challenge. On an individual level, as a Federation citizen I think it is a logical step in this sector's expansion. Federation citizens have been moving out to this region of space for many years. Because it is 'out on the frontier' there has been a certain degree of lawlessness which has lead to increased incidents of piracy to the extent that many settlers live in fear of attack or as to whether or not critical supplies will arrive in time to sustain fledgling colonies. It is part of the Federation's mandate to protect its citizens and I welcome the opportunity to do so."

"So what you are saying is that you support the Federation's expansionist policies."

"No, not at all. I don't think you can say that the Federation as an entity has expanded out into this region. It has been, infact, individual groups and beings that have done so of their own accord. The Federation is merely following these citizens and providing the rights and privledges that all have come to expect." He cursed inwardly, he hadn't handled that one all to well.

"Unfortunately we'll have to end things here." The Admiral's voice rang out. "The FEYNMAN will be departing in less than 18 hours and, as I'm sure'll you understand, Commander Zane has to return to his ship for final preparations."

"Can we get a picture Admiral?" Some one called out. Zane turned to go, happy the Admiral had ended the press conference, allowing him to escape. He was surprised to hear the admiral's reply. "Of course."

The two starfleet officers turned to face the audience while shaking hands as the reporters happily recorded the image.

"Having a good time commander?" The Admiral growled under his breath.


We'll assume that all those who are deficient in the phaser qualifications will complete the drill before we enter the sack. Please feel free to post the drill if you wish to. I plan to...time permitting.

Max/Joesph: Take us out and start the mission clock as MD:1.0800. (Approx 15 hours after the press conference if any of you have unfinished business on EPSILON please feel free to backpost.) I imagine they'll be a few small craft waiting for us outside spacedock to get a few pictures of us departing. If they're anything like today's press they'll probably be in the try not to hit them. We need good press relations!<G> Set course for the coalsack Warp 6. It will take about 72 hours to get there>

Mike Dailey: The mission date clock (MD) is used to keep some sembelance of order in much the same way as the use of SD. It is geared to ships time so we will depart on MD:1.0800 (Mission Day 1, 8am) If I've already mentioned this to you....well its as good a time as any to become acquainted with my feeble memory :)

Mike Dawe: Well it wasn't quite a press hoopla. Once you get settled in after your server comes back on line. (I imagine you'll have

  • alot* to catch up on.) Can you give me a rundown on what is

known about the coalsack/pirates/this region etc. Are we any where near the new base the Pearson(?) towed out?


Andy--->Lots of words, little substance (sounds like my thesis;>)

-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Unassigned
-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: Before Mission

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 7-15-1996

SD 80715.1030
SCENE: Returning from EPSILON

J.C. heard the large doors of the Holodeck here on EPSILON swoosh and clank shut behind him. That had to have been one of the best "trips" he had ever taken. *Wow, it's been almost six years since I had seen home.* The sight of New London on Mars' most sparsely populated region, the Wolfe District, triggered some memories of things and people J.C. would have rather forgot or more precisely, not had to remember again. Equally, the mini adventure brought back some wonderful times of youth, when Starships, missions, and reports were years beyond the carefree adolescent. Walking through the avenues, visiting Yeager Park, or sneaking into Yeager Park after hours with the guys to experiment with some "fruit juice" and barely escaping from the constables giving chase to the boys.

J.C. paused, considering beaming onto the FEYNMAN instead of traversing the corridors of EPSILON, after all, he had spent the past 3 hours walking around "home." But after that double helping of Rigellian Ravioli and three chocolate Ssiruv Juices, he could use the exercise.

After about 10 minutes, J.C. rounded the corridor to the FEYNMAN's docking bay. About 20 meters ahead was Bay-9, the FEYNMAN's. In front of the hatch were two of his men. Though not needed on EPSILON, and two being a slight overkill, J.C. considered the two Security Officers for a moment. With all the hype about the mission, the dealings with the press, it was a good move. He would make a note to commend CPO Tamarov, besides, it may make a good impression on the XO or CO. *Spirits, I need that!*

J.C. straightened his uniform, ready to have a little fun with these two, who looked like they were having SO much fun. Walking up to they Sentries, they immediately stiffened up upon noticing J.C. They did, however, not notice the other two men and woman approach.

"Excuse me Ensign, I'm Edward D. Moore, Federation News Network (FNN) Just a few quick questions please. Ensign, how do you feel about your mission," asked the first chap, shoving a PADD-corder into his face. The other fellow and woman followed suit. "Ensign, is this mission the beginning of a major Fleet-Federation expansion and development of the 'Sack area?" The third almost got in his face. "Ensign, you're Security, aren't you? Do you think a small ship like this is armed well enough for this mission. Wouldn't a Frigate or Destroyer be better suited?" The two Sentries were thankfully trying to get between the reporters and their new CSO.

*Spirits, why didn't I beam to the ship.* "ENOUGH!" *Wow, was that me?*

Grabbing a quick, deep breath J.C. continued. "Any information I have you guys already received at the Press Conference earlier, and as far as my personal feelings, well, they're my own feelings." The woman, obviously not satisfied, began again.

"But Ensign, we..." but she could not finish for the blessing of the Senior PO began ushering the trio away.

"Come on everyone, this is a restricted area. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the docking corridor. Standard procedure 12-hours prior to departure" *Good job. It was a lie, but it got them away and off my back and they probably didn't know anyway.* When the 'coast was clear', J.C. made a beeline for the hatch. *To hell with protocol, after that, Permission to come aboard be damned!*

Once inside, J.C. considered his options. It's 2200 hrs. . He could turn in early, return to his new office to acquaint himself more than the 10 minute meeting earlier with his 2nd., or third try out this ships 10-foreward. Turning towards the lift, choice three won. Leaning against the back of the lift, J.C. mumbled to the destination inquiry, "Deck 10-Foreward.". That Ravioli was playing tricks with his stomach. He considered going to sickbay for something, but three or four double-shots of Aldebran Whiskey will do the same.

The large wooden doors opened to reveal a VERY comfortable looking area. Big overstuffed chairs and tables, yet the room still seemed huge. Only about 8 people in attendance. Three middies in the corner playing Domjot *Spirits, that's me only six months ago*, two separate couples at separate tables, and a Klingon at the bar, and of course the Host. *What did the manifest say his name was, Bart? No Bat.* J.C. walked to the end of the bar, opposite the Klingon Lt. He was in no mood for Senior Officers now.

J.C. introduced himself to the Host, taking a liking to his attitude already. After the second double-shot, they had found out they were both originally from Mars Colony, though many years apart. J.C. found out Bat was a former CSO and begged for some "war stories", but Bat made a solemn promise for later. Bat had taken a liking to the FEYNMAN's recent newcomer, perhaps seeing himself a few years ago. J.C. wobbled out of his stool, "Bat, thanks pal. Now at least I know someone on this tugboat I can call a friend." J.C. chugged the last of his Aldebran whiskey. "Careful with that tugboat talk. If the Captain or XO hears you, you'll be scrubbing the hull with a q-tip."

"OK Bat, OK. but Officers call me Allard and J.C., but my friends call me Justin. So YOU BETTER START RIGHT NOW, PILGRIM!"

"Justin, that was SO LOUSY. Go get some sleep! That's an order, Mister!" J.C. opened his mouth, then closed it to smile and succumb to sleep. As he turned, he notice the Klingon sitting there. They hadn't met yet, and he was feeling a little too good to meet a Senior Officer for the first time. He didn't want to snub the guy, but After what him, Jason, and the others had done to that Klingon freshman last year. It was still hard to look a Klingon in the face! *Oh well, maybe now so I won' remember it.*

J.C. very slowly and cautiously maneuvered over to the Klingons side, Bat keeping an uninterested eye on them.

"Sir, good evening Sir. Lieute... Ensign Allard, CSO/TAC." J.C. offered his hand. He couldn't remember if Klingons shook hands,, be he was in no mood to bash heads with this guy. The Klingon accepted with a VERY firm grip.

"Welcome aboard Ensign. I am LT. Koreth, CEO. I would ask you to join me, but I see you are enroute to your quarters." Koreth turned and mutually nodded to Bat. "I am leaving also, you may join me if you like". They left, Klingon in the lead, Human literally falling behind.

After a horrible nights sleep, and a long cold shower, J.C. arrived on the bridge at 0730, startling the Gamma watch. He greeted the Gamma Duty Officer, a Bolian and introduced himself.

"Good morning, Mr. Ein."

The shocked MCPO replied "Good morning, Sir. Welcome to your first watch." J.C. didn't care what he meant by that, sincere or not. It was not to show off for the brass, but to get a feel for things early. J.C. stepped around to PO/1 T'meq at tactical and introduced himself to the Gamma CSO.

"Mr. Ein, please log me in at 0730. I'm relieving Mister T'meq." Ein could not argue an order, but paused briefly.

"Aye Sir. Will you take the Conn., since you're Senior officer? Ein got up slowly. *Is this guy baiting me for a sucker or what. First day I have NO intention of sitting there.*

"As you were, Mr. Ein. You only have 1/2 hour until the Captain arrives."

As if summoned by a spell cast by J.C., the lift opened to emit a cheerful looking Zane. Slightly shocked, probably like Ein was to see him, J.C. cleared his throat, "CAPTAIN on the Bridge... *Here goes nothing!*

Ensign J.C. Allard
Mike Dailey


Sorry for such a long one. Andy, Jason, anyone else, I hope I played your characters NPC's OK. I tried to cover a lot of ground before we "depart". Again, thanks all. I am still sorry I didn't join ASR earlier.


USS FEYNMAN: Let's Blow This Joint! :)

by Joseph Baker 7-16-1996

SD: 80716.1500
MD: 1.0800

LT Jenn looked up from her OPS console and said, "Dockmaster reports we are clear for departure, Captain. They also advise us to be aware of a number of small ships loitering around outside the base. Apparently the press is interested in our departure."

Commander Zane nodded and said, "Send my regards to the dockmaster, Lieutenant. Mr. Jerran, take us out, best speed. Try and keep it slow, though. I can probably cover for you loosing a few shuttles on our last mission, but if you were to mow over a few civilian ships, I don't think that would blow over very well."

Jerran grinned as he pulled the ship out of the dock on maneuvering thrusters, "Of course, sir, I'll do my best."

As they cleared the space doors, they were greated by at least a couple dozen ships ranging from small travel pods to runabouts and a few small transports, all maneuvering in a mock battle to get the best photographic coverage of the FEYNMAN's departure. Jerran brought the ship's impulse engines online and thrusted the ship away from the press cavalcade, doing a quick barrel roll as he passed by.

"What was that for?" Jenn asked.

"Just making sure the kinks are out of the thruster system," Jerran said with a mischevious grin. "We've cleared planetary orbit, sir."

"Set course for the Coalsack and engage at warp 6."

"Aye, aye, sir," LT Jerran said as he punched the coordinates into the computer and engaged the warp drive.

Hundreds of cameras were pointed towards the FEYNMAN as her engine nacelles raised to warp flight mode and she sped off on a new adventure.

<NRPG> Short and sweet, just enough to get us on our way :)

*       *           *
* Joseph Baker                                                             *
* University of South Florida                                              *
* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu            * Of the Chief parts of the           *
* meillunsiateve                     * Ruling Passion only this            *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en:        * Can be truly said:                  *
* Mnahe afw'ein qiuu,                * Hate has a reason for everything    *
* rh'e hweithnaef                    * But love is unreasonable            *
* mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu          * --Rihannsu Proverb                  *

USS FEYNMAN: Finishing Up Shore Leave

by Kristen Gant 7-16-1996

Stardate: 80716.1249
SLD: 3. 0930

Krysa carried the box off the transporter pad and headed off toward shipping. It was the last remaining box of Kavan’s things. She had already sent his clothes. But this one contained several valuables that she wanted to personally ship.

She cringed as she realized she was wearing her uniform and was immediately surrounded by reporters, asking about their upcoming mission. Krysa held the box in front of her looking very uncomfortable, hoping the would get the hint.

“I would love to talk to all of you, but I must get this box of things to shipping.”

“Can’t you tell us anything?”

“Well, there will be a press conference about it tomorrow. That would be your best bet.” Krysa said with a smile. She hoped it didn’t look to phoney.

“What are your feelings about this mission?”

“Of course, I’m just happy to be able to do what I can. But please excuse me, it is very important that I get this shipped out.”

“Does it have something to do with the Coalsack?”

Krysa frowned, “This box? No... I assure you it doesn’t.”

She swerved out of the way and continued on her journey.

Scene: 10-Forward SLD: 4:1840

Krysa walked into 10-Forward after having spent the day enjoying Kavan’s novel on the holodeck. Now she found herself starved and decided to have a bite to eat.

She was please to see Tarrant sitting there and promptly took a seat next to him. “You’ve been keeping yourself busy. I haven’t seen much of you.”

He nodded giving her a faint smile, “I’m always busy during shore leave.”

“Yes, I know. We will have to rectify that you know.”

He looked at her but didn’t say anything.

She laughed lightly, “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt.”

Krysa ordered a large dinner from the replicator and chatted with the Klingon as she ate. Tarrant laughed at her. “What?” she asked.

“You should have been a Klingon.”

Krysa looked down at her plate and chuckled, “Yes, perhaps I should have.

Scene: Bridge SLD: 5.0750

Krysa walked onto the bridge feeling fully refreshed. Better then she had in quite a while. She however, was put in a sour mood when she spotted Ein sitting at Ops. She walked over to relieve him. “Good morning, Mr. Ein.”

He stood and looked up at her, “Lieutenanat.”

“Where is Mr. Teeta this morning?”

“He had a family emergency, sir. And I was the only one with the experience to fill in.” said the Bolian stiffly.

“Very well, Mr. Ein,” she said with a diplomatic smile.

Zane, who was sitting in his chair, looking very pleased with it, called down to her, “Congratulations Lt, on being one of the few bridge officers to keep up your sidearm qualifications.”

Krysa smiled, “Thank you, Captain. It helped me to deal with the aftermath of our last mission.”

He nodded.

Regards, Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Well, Krysa’s ready to head out :)

Jason, Krysa and Tarrant haven’t talked in a while, so I figured now was as good a time as any... Especially since she has to play counselor again

