Joko Kabreigny

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  • Updated SD 350731


  • NAME: Joko Sebastian Soval Kabreigny (pronounced Joe-Koh)
  • RANK: [O-4] Lieutenant Commander
  • SERVICE NUMBER: SC4A-68799-FDX-713-LC2
  • STATUS: Active Duty
  • POSITION: Counselor/Protocol Officer
  • UNIT: USS Yorktown NCC 1717-F
  • RATING: Staff Officer


  • SPECIES: Terran/Vulcan [Vulcan predominance]
  • GENDER: Male
  • AGE: 45 (F.S.Y)
  • D.O.B.: March 2, 2390 [Terran Calendar]
  • HOME WORLD: Arvada III
  • RELIGION: None


  • HAIR: Ash (dark white)
  • EYES: Dark green
  • HT: 5ft-9in
  • WT: 164 lbs.
  • HANDEDNESS: Ambidextrous
  • COMPLEXION: “olive/tanned”-light brown
  • BLOOD TYPE: AB-/VM4 (hybrid Human/Vulcan)
  • VISION: 20/20


  • Father – Commodore Jordon Theodore Kabreigny, COMJAG [AGE: 68]
  • Mother – Tileen Kabreigny (Stuart) [Deceased 2403]
  • Spouse: Th’Sivon (Andorian) [AGE: 35] Senior Diplomat, Federation Embassy on Vulcan [Deceased 2433]
  • Siblings – None
  • Uncle – Kyle Patrick Kabreigny [Deceased]
  • “Uncle” (by kinship) Commodore Johan Bauer, COMSFDOC (Retired)
  • Grandfather - Theodore Benjamin Kabreigny [Deceased]
  • Grandmother - T'Quel Kabreigny [Deceased]
  • Great Grandmother [Paternal] - Isabel Juliana Kabreigny (Strauss) [Deceased]
  • Great Grandfather [Paternal] - Micha Thomas Kabreigny [Deceased]
  • Great-Great-Grandmother [Paternal] - Vice Admiral Quarlo Noriece Kabreigny (McDonnell) [Deceased]
  • Great-Great-Grandfather [Paternal] - Anthony Mitchell Kabreigny [Deceased]



  • 2408 – Diploma – New London High School, New London Arvada III
  • 2410 - A.S. Mechanical Engineering – Purdue University, Indiana Earth/SOL
  • 2412 - B.S. (equivalent) Xeno Psychology - Vulcan Science Academy, Vulcan/40 Eridani
  • 2415 - M.S (equivalent) Xeno Sociology – Chocrane Institute, Alpha Centauri


  • Starfleet Academy Officer's Candidate School
  • V’Shar (Vulcan Security Service) Academy, Class of 2417 (no class ranking, pass/fail system)


  • Basic/Mechanical Engineering
  • Diplomacy
  • Expert Marksman Type-2 Phaser
  • Federation Law
  • Intelligence Analyst
  • Negotiation


Academic Major: Diplomacy & Policy Affairs Professional Major: Counseling Professional Minor: UFP/Starfleet Law Class Rank: Upper 15% Reprimands: January 2419 Record Of Discussion Commendations: May 2419 Honor Code Athletics: None on file Activities: None on file



6-18: Attended Arvada III Elementary School System
18-20: Attended Purdue University – West Lafayette Indiana Terra/Sol III
20-22: Attended Vulcan Science Academy, Vulcan/40 Eridani
22-25: Attended Chocrane Institute, Alpha Centauri
25: Nomination/Application accepted into V’Shar (Vulcan Security Service) Academy
25-27: Attended & Graduated V’Shar Academy
27-28: Active duty V’Shar Intelligence Analyst
28: Resigns from V’Shar. Appointment to Star Fleet Officer’s Candidate School Accelerated Program Accepted
28-30: Attends Star Fleet Academy OCS, Marseille Campus
30-37: Active duty in Star Fleet
37-39: Star Fleet Command & Staff Officer College
39-44: Active duty in Star Fleet
44-45: Inactive/Sabbatical
45-Current: Active duty in Star Fleet



  • May 2419: Commissioned as Second Lieutenant (O-1)
  • June 2422: Promotion to Lieutenant (O-3)
  • July 2429: Promotion to Lieutenant Commander (O-4)


  • Stardate TBD: Entered Starfleet Officer's Candidate School

Medals and Commendation

Star Fleet Achievement Medal - DATE


  • Remarkably empathic, though not as capable as a Betazoid or other similar true empath rated species. Joko never pursued the Vulcan Kohlinar disciplines but has mastered the mental philosophies and practices of multiple cultures across (and beyond) the Federation. He will leverage both logic and emotions as circumstances warrant.
  • Fluent in Rihannsu, Vulcan, Andorian plus intermediate in Terran Italian.
  • Expert Qualified with a Type-2 Phaser sidearm, however, he has not recertified in many years.
  • Amazingly high tolerance for alcohol or the equivalent from many Federation worlds.


Joko is exceptionally clever and insightful. His temperament can be very willful at times, and will go to great lengths to win a debate/argument. Very forthright and bold and outspoken. Almost teeters at crossing the lines of protocol at times. Cautious in befriending people, yet exceptionally loyal to those he considers friends and bestows his trust. Intense devotion to duty, justice, and morals.


Joko is the Great-Great grandson of Vice Admiral Quarlo Noriece Kabreigny, Chief of Star Fleet Science Division from 2249 until her death in 2277 at the age of 104. The Kabreigny Family, who traces their genealogy back some 400 years, have always been staunch supporters of NASA, UESPA, Earth Start Fleet and later the Federation/Star Fleet’s role as a tool of exploration, research, and scientific endeavors.

He is one quarter Vulcan, from his Grandmother T’Quel. Though raised with human culture, his biology (and ears) reflects that of a Vulcan.

In 2390, Joko was born to delighted parents who previously had difficulties starting a family. Astonishing tragedy struck the family in 2403, a ground car accident claimed the life of his Mother Tileen, yet the driver of the other car was never found and brought to face justice. Shortly after the funeral, his father Jordon resigned his commission in Star Fleet to raise Joko on Arvada III. The colony suffered near extinction in the late 2330s from an ecological catastrophe but has emerged as a flourishing center of commerce, art, and education.

Overall competitive sports were never appealing to Joko, he became absorbed in the thrills and challenges Parrises Squares at age 14; and by 17 he had won several local tournaments in both singles and team matches. During one game, a 16-year-old Joko was fouled by another player, causing him to fall and break his left wrist. The judges failed to acknowledge the foul resulting in losing the game by 2 points.

Joko excelled academically, obtaining degrees in engineering, psychology, and sociology. After graduating from the V’Shar and receiving his commission as a Sublieutenant, he found the life of an information analyst less than challenging and decided to follow in his father’s footsteps. Securing an appointment from an old and cherished family friend, Joko was admitted to Star Fleet Academy’s accelerated Officer’s Candidate School, graduating a Lieutenant, j.g. (with a prior commission from another Federation Charter world).

2419-2420 Joko is assigned to the Starfleet Academy campus in Marseille, France, Terra as an Aide to then Deputy Commandant Maec S'Tarleya.

July 2422 - Promoted to [O-3] Lieutenant, assigned to OSFI outpost on [LOCATION RESTRICTED O-7 CLEARNACE REQUIRED] Template:Breen Confederacy

May 2425 - Detached duty to the V’Shar, assignment [LOCATION RESTRICTED O-7 CLEARNACE REQUIRED] Template:Deep Space Station 12

July 2429 – Joko is promoted to [0-4] Lieutenant Commander, assigned to SFJAG as a staff Counselor, Deep Space 13.

January 2431 – Transferred to Vulcan as the SFJAG Liaison Officer at the Federation Embassy.

December 2432 – Joko became engaged to Sivon, a senior Diplomat at the Federation Embassy on Vulcan.

February 2433 – Sivon (an Andorian) is a member of a Diplomatic Task Force, on a peacekeeping assignment to Patria I, a probable Federation member where the citizens were on the brink of a civil war. A terrorist attack obliterates the building they were working in, leaving no survivors. Devastated, Joko takes a sabbatical from Star Fleet. He returns to Aveda III to explore options to alleviate the sorrow, pain, depression, and anxiety of losing his most cherished soulmate.

February 2435 – Joko’s father, Commodore Jordon Kabreigny is listed as MIA while on a mission to [RESTRICTED O-10 CLEARANCE REQUIRED] Joko, having just gotten on the road of recovery after losing Sivon now must start the process over again.

March 2435 – Joko follows the chain of command and repeatedly requests to be returned to active duty and join the team to search for his father. Numerous officers with one, two and even three collar stars all rejected his requests.

April 2435 – Joko travels to Alpha Centauri to visit and seek the advice of his longtime family friend and defacto “Uncle” Johan Bauer (CDOR, retired). Contemplating resigning his commission and seeking other unofficial means to locate his missing father.

May 2435 – Assigned as Counselor/Protocol Officer USS Yorktown, his first star ship assignment in his entire career.


  • Ambassador Spolluv, Vulcan Ambassador to the UFP 2388-Current
  • Ambassador Soval, Vulcan Ambassador to Earth 2120s-2150s (An ancestor of the Kabreigny family)
  • Admiral Jonathan Archer, first CINC of Earth's Star Fleet and then later Federation President


  • Beagle (Terran canine) named Athos (Born 2433)
  • Classical music, Terran and Andorian
  • Exotic liquors, Terran, Breen, Cardassian, Risa etc.
  • Terran & Vulcan military history
  • Ancient Terran, Vulcan and Andorian philosophy
  • Parrises Squares, swimming
  • Exploring exotic times/locations on the Holodeck, dabbles in creating programs