USS Fenrir NPC Database

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USS Fenrir NPC Database
Created: SD 220713 - Last Updated: SD 221207


This page aims to collect all the Non-Playing Characters (NPC) and Protected Non-Playing Characters (PNPC) created for use on the USS Fenrir and on the rest of the units of Tactical Squadron 42.

Both active and inactive NPCs will be listed here, along with a reference to the player who created them, and when possible some short biographical notes.


When creating a new NPC please contact the relative Department Head (and always the Commanding Officer) as an act of courtesy and to confirm permission.

As a principle, everybody is entitled to create NPC for every position, but to the Department Head shall be given priority in shaping up their department, and a situation where more NPCs are created for the same billet should be avoided. Also, remember that a PNPC must NOT be used without permission from the player who created him/her, while normal NPC are in principle available without the need to ask, once they are created and listed in this database.

Use but do not abuse!

NPC/PNCP Database Listing

USS Fenrir, NCC-18004

Command Department

  • Master Chief Petty Officer Maximillian "Max" Bohnfeldt [NPC created by Federico Colnago]
    Chief Of The Boat
    Human/M - Age: 62
    Man of great experience and wisdom, he has been serving as Chief Of The Boat aboard many Starfleet vessels. Aboard the USS Fenrir he is also acting as a master of ceremony and diplomatic liaisons, and is also keeper and guardian of the Vingólf Lounge.

Operations Department

Currently none.

Engineering Department

  • LTJG Aveline Ristuccia [NPC created by John Birtles]
    Assistant Chief Engineer
    Human/F - Age: 27
    Ensign Ristuccia is undertaking her third ship assignment and her first as Assistant Chief Engineer, she was first commissioned on the USS SIRIUS a scientific research vessel working as a sensor and shield harmonics specialist. Promoted to LTJG she was transferred to the USS FALINGE a space scout vessel as Chief Engineer. She relished the opportunity of an assignment to the USS FENRIR and was happy to take a seniority reduction to Assistant Chief Engineer to accommodate this. She is an outspoken and capable officer who has a habit of questioning her abilities, her potential is will benefit any department.

Security/Tactical Department

Currently none.

Science Department

  • ENS Francesco Lotti [NPC created by Federico Colnago]
    Chief Science Officer
    Human/M - Age: 30
    Ensing Lotti is just at his first assignment on a starship, having been previously commissioned on Earth, working for Star Fleet Science as a Bio-Chemistry specialist. He was slightly reluctant to leave Earth, and his family back in Italy, but the opportunity of serving aboard the USS Fenrir was too much to decline even for him. He is a shy, introverted but very focused young Officer with a lot of untapped potential still to develop.

Medical Department

  • LT Ariel Remory [PNPC created by Federico Colnago]
    Chief Medical Officer
    Betazoid/F - Age: 32
    At the age of 6 she was already speaking fluent Vulcan, on top of English, Romulan and Betazoid. Her mental telepathic abilities were already quite strong too, putting her on top in her schools classes. In Starfleet Medical School, she was spotted by a Marine Colonel, then a teacher for courses on treatment of battle wounds and injury, and he convinced her to join the Starfleet Combat Trauma speciality school to be trained in emergency treatment of traumatic injuries in more depth.

Counseling Department

  • LTJG Jermaine MacKenzie [PNPC (ex-Playing Character) created by Mark English]
    Chief Counselor
    Human/M - Age: 31

Marines Department

Only NPCs from 22nd Marines Exepeditionary Unit stationed on the USS Fenrir should be listed here.

  • LMAJ Cal An Par Telan [PNPC created by Margaret K.]
    1st BTN Executive Officer
    Andorian/F - Age: 38
    Description: white hair, red eyes, 170 cm, slim build, blue skin
    Par Telan was born on Andor. Both of her fathers are teachers, one of her mothers is a physician and the other is a senior bureaucrat for the UFP. She enlisted in the SFMC at age 18 and worked her way up through the ranks. As an enlisted marine she received a number of commendations for her courage and her leadership, but as an officer her record has been more mixed. She has a reputation for being difficult to work with, especially towards academy graduates.
  • SGTM Niquai Taros [PNPC created by Margaret K.]
    1st BTN Sergeant Major
    Bajoran/F - Age: 39
    Description: brown hair, brown eyes, 175 cm, medium build, dark skin
    Niquai was born on Bajor. Her parents and most of her relatives are farmers. Niquai is actually fairly easygoing as a person, but she rules her marines with an iron hand. She expects, and usually receives, nothing less than perfection. She has very little patience for marines who don't meet her exacting standards of perfection, including officers. Holds a number of decorations for combat leadership and valour. Despite her demeanour, she is very even tempered and almost never gets annoyed. She will never start a fight, but will always finish one. Speaks Bajoran, English, and some Cardassian.
  • CPL Jean-Marie LaTuque [PNPC created by Margaret K.]
    1st BTN Clerk
    Human/M - Age: 21
  • LTMAJ Vasily Ivanovich Popkov - Call Sign: "Wade" [PNPC created by Federico Colnago]
    82nd FLT Commander Air Group (CAG)
    Human/M - Age: 38
    Description: a small (170 cm) man with a round friendly face, bald head and a white goatee.
    A retired veteran fighter pilot, son of a Marine Platoon Sergeant KIA, he joined the Corp at 16 after tampering with his birth certificate, passing for 18, to follow in his father's steps. Seasoned veteran, he fought against the Gorn, the Cardassians and in the Daldaria War. Loved by his flight crew, he has been in command of 82nd "Flaming Salamander" for 4 years already now.
  • CDR Evgeny Lazarovych [NPC created by Federico Colnago]
    Commanding Officer
    Human/M - Age: 38

USS Glorious, NCC-87660

  • LCDR Rax ch'Lente [NPC created by Federico Colnago]
    Commanding Officer
    Andorian/Chaan - Age: 34

USS Annapurna, NCC-87555

  • LCDR Emily Dupont [NPC created by Federico Colnago]
    Commanding Officer
    Human/F - Age: 30
  • LT Lorem Taryn [NPC created by Michelle Gelles]
    Chief Operations Officer

22nd Marines Exepeditionary Unit

NPC for 22nd MEU not stationed on the USS Fenrir go here.

  • COL Arthur "Bulldog" Buller [PNPC created by Margaret K.]
    9th Regiment Commanding Officer - stationed SB EPSILON
    Human/M - Age: 51
    COL Arthur "Bulldog" Buller enlisted in the SFMC at 17 and worked his way up through the ranks. He has a very no nonsense attitude and a reputation for toughness that earned him the nickname Bulldog as a young corporal, a nickname he has never lost.


Template to standardize the "look" of this page. Just copy it and fill in the relative information for the particular NPC you're adding to this database in the right section above. This is already in correct WIKI markup code, so the formatting will come by itself once the editing is submitted.

<div style="border: 1pt dashed blue; background : none; padding-top:0 1px 0 1px; padding-left:8px; padding-right:8px; margin-top: 10px;">
*'''RANK NAME SURNAME''' ['''NPC'''/'''PNPC''' created by ''player'']
*:''Billet Information''
*:Species/Gender (M,F) - Age:
*:Short Biographical note, if any.


version 1.1.0 - First update/creation - SD (24)220713 by Federico Colnago