ORIGINS: USS Hood May 2010

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ORIGINS: USS Hood Story Posts
Last Updated: 2262.059

Total Posts: 420+

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Every Ship Needs a Trill Girl - JP

by David Kiel and Brian V. Mansur

SD 2261.141

MD Post Mission

Scene: NAV's Office, USS HOOD

Sean felt better than he had in years. Though the bittersweet taste of saying goodbye to the mirror Jeri lingered, she had given him an unexpected blessing with her kind words. He felt at peace. Finally, he knew he could move forward with his life.

It didn't take Sean long to realize that he had not had found the time to acquaint himself with either their new NAV or their COMM officer. Cedria, being the decidedly more attractive of the two, earned her the first stop.

Walking into the NAV's office unannounced, he was surprised to see the Captain just leaving.

"Ah Sean, come pass on congrats to Zade?"

"Huh? Oh did you get her the Bronze Star then?"

"Yes indeed."

"Well good for her," Sean said genuinely pleased. "Which reminds me. I'll have to stop by sickbay sometime here and say hola to the new Commander. You know it really is going to suck that I can't pull rank on him anymore."

"Like you could before?"

"Whenever he's wasn't acting under the direct orders of my senior rater." Sean eyed his old friend severely. Steele slapped him on the shoulder and laughed.

"You'll make O-5 sooner or later Sean. Then you'll get to see how little respect you really get."

"If I ever make Commander, *I'll* bring the tequila and cigars."

"Bribery will get you no where."

"Bribery? Hardly. More like tempting fate. They have a tendency to make XO's into CO's eventually. If that ever happens, I'm really screwed."

Steele nodded warmly. "Good to see you turned around Sean. I was worried."

"You should be. I found religion again."

Shaking his head and smiling, the Captain left for his next stop.

Sean stepped into Zade's office to see Cedria reading through the certificate of award that accompanied her Bronze Star.

"Congratulations Lieutenant. Well deserved."

Cedria looked somber. Mixed emotions played over her face. "Thanks Commander. Umpteen lifetimes and there are still things to take my breath away." She turned to face the newcomer and her expression switched to one of amusement. "You should read about how heroic I am. It says `heroic and/or meritorious' right there on a certificate no less. I'm thinking of developing a Napoleon complex. I've never had one of those before. It should be a hoot." She flipped her hair back and faced him, hands on her hips smirking.

Commander Merrick smiled at her offsetting sense of humor. "I didn't get the chance to meet you or Mister Tamura before the latest mission so I decided to pay a visit to your respective departments." He stepped forward and offered his hand. "Sean Merrick."

"Cedria Zade." She shook his hand.

He noticed a glossy folder on her desk and picked it up. He was surprised to find an old fashioned wall calendar. "The Women of the Constitution Class?"

"Yes, yes." She said, thoroughly embarrassed that she had left it on her desk the whole time the Captain had been in her office. "A friend shipped one from the Academy. A cadet joke I'm assuming. Apparently I'm July." She looked oddly proud of the last part.

"Oh my freaking gosh," he laughed, then sobered. "You want me to get to the bottom of this?"

"No need, really." She snatched her copy from him and paged to July. "Just cadets being cadets. Besides I look good, don't you think?" She lifted her picture up, it showed her in the skirted version of the academy instructors uniform in Starpoint Park at sunset, hands running through long flowing brown hair.

Now it was Commander Merrick's turn to blush. How had he lost complete control of this situation? He'd only been in the room a minute or two. "Um." He searched for a response that didn't violate any codes of conduct.

She let him off the hook, tossing the Calendar back to her desk with various star charts and duty reports. "After all, you're only twenty eight a couple dozen times, tops. I'd offer you a chair but I haven't requisitioned any yet."

Sean chuckled, glad the calendar portion of the conversation was over. He seized the opportunity to move the conversation in a safer direction. "Now your counterpart was named Quall, right? So Zade is the symbiont and your name pre-joining name was Quall?"

"Quall? Never heard of it." She shook her head, weird universe that other one they had found. "My name was Cedria Vylex when I first started the academy. I was Zade a year later."

"And you aren't an assassin?"

"No, I'm a pilot, and a navigator, and a gymnast. And a bunch of other things by association but not any of them involve killing people."

"Well that's good to know." This Trill did seem friendlier and somewhat less violent than the version he had met on board the TSS HOOD. "I thought perhaps an informal get to know each other session might be worthwhile. After all we may be back to back on some alien world in a fight for our lives against predatory insects someday." He chuckled at the notion until he realized she was staring openly at him.

"That's not our mission is it?" Cedria said genuinely concerned. "I don't like bugs, and alien bugs, they are way worse."

"Um, no, no bugs, I promise." She could be a little bewildering this one. "I was just making conversation…"

"We should make a detailed tactical plan for this possible alien bug invasion. Come on," She grabbed her hand comp slipping it into her skirt pocket and leading him out of her office. "You can buy me some fruit juice at the commissary."

"Hmm," Sean commented. "I didn't know I was expected to buy you things."

She smirked pointing to the bronze star on her desk. "The Captain got me jewelry. You don't want to fall too far behind the curve here."

NRPG: Commissary scene to follow.

Girls of the Constitution class was lifted from a Rob Meier post on the Defiant. I was surprised to hear my character in it so I embraced the idea and worked it into this post.

Respectfully Submitted Jointly,

David Kiel

LT Cedria Zade




Brian V. Mansur

LCDR Sean Merrick



USS HOOD: Hood sweet Hood...

by David Martens

SD: 2261.140

Scene: personal quarters Dr Hemux

Arr'Rhiana took a deep breath of her pipe, the smell of wood, herbs and a strange sweetness filled the air as Hemux smoked her Mushrooms again. A big smile was upon her face as she had the nicest visions of her homeworld, the plains, the flowering meadows and the homelands where she was born, now almost a hundred standard years ago.

Things where going good for her now. She had found a new home on the USS HOOD, a strong, fast vessel that brought her to new worlds and new civilisations. Places no Denobulan, probabaly no member of the Federation, had ever been. She had already made such remarkable discoveries; she had added a few very nice specimens to her insect collectioin and there was so much new data to study.

Arr'Rhiana also felt pleased she had found some new friends on board of the HOOD. Although the men were ... typical men; rough, big mouthed, fast with their mouth and loving the booze, they also had shown to be loyal and friendly and, well, understanding about her little bad habits. She giggled as she lifted the pipe again and took another taste of the smoke. Yes, it had been good decision to accept this assignment.

Hemux blinked her eyes as she remembered some drawbacks on her assignment also. She shivered as she remembered the assault on the security station, where they barely escaped. And more recent, the meeting with her evil counterpart and the TSS HOOD; The cruelty the Evil-Hemux hd shown towards her `pets', the madness to gain new information and new data, how she spied on her crewmembers... It all was so wicked and sick. Hemux had checked the data from the destruction of the TSS HOOD and she was almost certain there where possibilities where her counterpart might have escaped.

She grabbed another bag of mushrooms, she needed something stronger to forget the almost destruction of the HOOD. Aha, yes, the Alterean orange brain fungi, that was a long time ago... She too a breath as the sparks lightened the dried mushrooms, this time a different smell filled the air: stronger, more salty, she nodded and closed her eyes.

She drifted away and noticed Corbet being chased by numerous females and dangerous looking rabbits while he called out for `mother'. She grinned as she turned the corner bumping into Steele who swing a bottle of liquid to her, offering her a glass that floated to her through the air. Taking a sip she walked on and passed a dozen or more duplicates of that Trill woman, Dax? Or something like it dressed up in all kind of outfits, from StarFleet officer over doctor, teacher, barmaid, male, female, but all with the same face.

She turned anther corner and came into a corridor with only one door, a big sign said "Dr Hemux, Alternate Lab". She frowned her brows, but stepped inside. She came in a lab, looking exactly the same as hers, no..., wait a minute, it WAS hers... from out her office came... Herself...

Hemux blinked her eyes looking at her duplicate. Alternate-her tapped a key and a tri-D holo showed up, a newsflash.

[Dr Hemux, the famous StarFleet scientist, assigned on the USS HOOD, has today activated the first multi-dimensional powerplant. Thanks to her continuous investigations and remarkable discoveries this new type of powerplants will give a unlimited supply of power and energy to our worlds. This will start a new Era with unknown possibilities and opportunities.]

Hemux blinked her eyes, a dream? A newsflash from the future? She turned to look again and saw a other alternate, with a more evil grin looking to the same newsflash

[Dr Hemux, the feared and remarkable Sovereignty scientist, assigned on the TSS HOOD, has today activated the first multi-dimensional powerplant. Thanks to her continuous investigations and, although some think questionable ways of investigations this new type of powerplants will give a unlimited supply of power and energy to our glorious army and fleets. This will start a new Era of expansion and unknown possibilities to crush our enemies.]

Hemux shivered as she blinked her eyes; was this what would have happened if the TSS Hood had succeeded in defeating the USS Hood? Would her evil counterpart had managed to use the multi-dimensional powers for the cruel intentions of the Sovereignty?

She faced her alternate self again and saw... A ravaged, old female, sitting in a corner of a lab, heavily guarded by soldiers.

[Dr Hemux, the infamous StarFleet scientist, formerly assigned to the USS HOOD, has today activated the first multi-dimensional powerplant. We now are witnessing the unexpected effects of this event as StarFleet is struggling to survive the forces unleashed by this experiment. Rifts and wormholes seemed to have opened to the multi-universes where Dr Hemux wanted to tape energy from. Already several colonies have been swallowed by such wormholes, outburst of uncontrollably energy-storms are reported and some ships has reported invasions from unknown races from other dimensions. It seems that Dr Hemux has called destruction and havoc upon our head with these questionable experiments.]

Hemux rushed out the lab, tears burning in her eyes and bumped into the wall. Dizzy she dropped down shaking her head. Slowly she stood up and stumbled back to her quarters. She knew that she had to think. What she had seen in the Dreamworld was a warning, maybe even a prophesy. Would her research into the multi-versum be a good thing? Or would it turn out for the worse? Was Starfleet ready to face the possibility of an enemy as cruel and vicious as the Sovereignty?

She reached her quarters and dropped on her bed. She needed sleep, the last mission had worn her out, maybe she was getting to old for his all, who knows. A night rest might give her the answers.


some character development, and looking forward to the new mission.


David Martens

Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux


Sovereignty Fleet