ORIGINS: Van Hartinger

LCDR Van Hartinger- First Officer, USS Kongo


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First name: Van
Surname: Hartinger
Current rank: Lt. Commander
Current Billet: XO, USS Kongo NCC-1710
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Date of birth: June 6, 2231
HT: 188cm; WT 94kg; Eyes: Hazel; Hair: Brown
Place of birth: Earth
Spouse: None
  Mother: Adrianna Hartinger 
  Father: Durias Hartinger 
  Siblings: Kylie Hartinger (Younger)
Children: None

Academic Background

Jonathan Archer High School, Earth
StarFleet Academy

Primary Occupational Specialty: Medical
Secondary Military Occupational Specialty: Helm
Command Track qualifications received.

Starfleet Record:

Assigned USS Robert Fox, Medical officer
Transferred USS Archon, Nav/Helm, promoted.
Promoted Lieutenant
Transferred USS Vico, Chief of Medicine, promoted
Promoted Lieutenant Commander
Transferred USS Kongo, Executive Officer

13-17 Attended Jonathan Archer High School
17-21 Attended StarFleet Academy
21-23 Assigned USS Robert Fox, Medical
23-25 Assigned USS Archon, Nav/Helm
25-29 Assigned USS Vico, Chief of Medicine
29-?? Assigned USS Kongo, Executive Officer

Background Summary:

Van grew up on Earth. Living the life that so many people fought to 
bring. No more wars, crime or poverty. Being so, it came to be quite a 
surprised when he learned that it was not always so. While he was 
attending JAHS (Jonathan Archer High School), Van became the resident 
history expert. Spending all his time researching how this new way of 
life came to be on his beloved homeworld. Spending all that time in the 
books, naturally he began to idolize one of Starfleet's original heroes 
and his school's namesake, Jonathan Archer.

Not long into his tenure at JAHS, Van decided he too, was going to help 
change the galaxy and join Starfleet. Van worked hard and passed the 
Starfleet Academy's entrance exams. He immediately sought a command career 
but was told that command comes with experience, not schooling. So Van, 
keeping with his idea that he wanted to help people, began a career in 
Starfleet medicine. Hoping that one day, he will get his chance to 
command his own starship...

Skills Profile:

With Van's experience, he has become quite the surgeon. One of the best 
Starfleet has to offer. During his post on the Vico, he would often be 
summoned away to preform important surgeries and also give lectures.

Not to be outshined by his medical skills is his ability to pilot ships. 
Serving as the Archon's Navigation Officer and Helmsman, Van got to show 
off his impressive piloting skills.

Taking after his idol, Jonathan Archer, Van became quite the negotiator. 
Being able to bring sensible compromises to the barganing table has helped 
Van his whole life.

Fitness Report:

Dr. Hartinger is as fit as anyone his age should be. By his reports, he 
excersizes regularly and his scans show that to be true. I have discovered 
that should affect his ability to perform his duties.

Dr. Troy Walker
Starfleet Medical

Psychological Profile:

Commander Hartinger seems to be completely stable. I'm a little worried that 
he is hiding away his true emotions and burying them so they do not get in 
the way. Humans denying their feelings are less useful then shorts on Pluto. 
I'm recommending that he see the ship's Counselor regularly. As long as 
Commander Hartinger complies with that, I see no reason to withhold him from 
any of his duties.

Dr. Media Arcad, Counselor
Starfleet Medical

Recreational Interests

Van likes to relax by physically asserting himself. Often, when he's off 
duty, you can find Van jogging the corridors.

Always better with someone else, Van tries to get his shipmates (and often 
succeeds) to play racquetball with him.