Kristopher McGregor

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Surname: Kristopher, Ian

Given Name(s): McGregor

Current Rank: CDR (05)

Current Billet: CO, USS Yamato

Species: Human: Irish/English

Gender/Sex: Male

Age: 43 Standard Terran Years

Date of Birth: November 16, 2377

HT: 1.80 m;

WT: 81.64 kg

Eyes: Hazel

Hr: Black/wavy

Comp: Tan colored

Place of Birth: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Spouse: Deceased

Parents: Deceased

Siblings: None

Religion: Terran God

II. Educational Background

A. Academic Institutional Background:

 -- Vancouver High School
 -- Star Fleet Academy

B. Service Schools Attended:

 -- Star Fleet Engineering Officer School

C. Qualifications (MOC's)

 -- Navigation/Helm Officer

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:

Academy Record: Class Rank: Top 25% Academic Major: Engineering/Star ships Professional Major: Navigation Qualifications: Navigation/Helm Officer Commendations: None

Reprimands: None

Activities: Swimming, chess, Oil painting, fishing

III. Biographical Notes

A. Chronology (tabular form):

0-13: Lived at home

13-18: Attended High School

18-22: University of Vancouver

22-26 Starfleet Academy

B. Background Summary:

As Kristopher grew up he showed a wonder lust for what was on the other side of the mountain. His parents realized their son was not one for the average job so they did their best to guide him with the things he got interested in. But as time went along he started looking up at the stars and wondering what was behind the next one. It was then they knew their son had decided on what he wanted to do. Space was calling him.

IV. Official Star Fleet Record

A. Promotion History:

2403 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1) 2405 Promoted to LT.JG (0-2) 2407 Promoted to LT. (0-3) 2411 Promoted to LT.CDR (0-4) 2420 Promoted to CDR (05)

B. Service History:

2399 Entered Star Fleet Academy. 2403 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1) 2404 Assigned as Flight Control Officer, USS Norton 2405 Promoted to LT.JG (0-2) 2407 Promoted to LT. (0-3) 2408 Assigned as CEO, USS Calcutta 2411 Promoted to LT.CDR (04) 2413 Assigned as OPS, USS Ramsey 2420 Assigned as XO, USS Yamato 2420 Assigned as CO, USS Yamato 2420 Promoted to CDR, (05)

C. Medals and Commendations:


V. Skills Profile

Kristopher choose to be a pilot as he had a chance to watch ships leave from Earth. Also while in the Academy he showed a strong talent for flying during flight training. He seemed to have a natural talent or better yet a feeling for it. Though he wasn't the best student flyer, McGregor did show an exceptional ability for the feel of the ship he was flying.

Though he choose Navigation as his field, Ian also had a strong leading towards Engineering. He does have a understanding on how things work and felt doing it on a starship would be a challenge. But in the end he decided to be in Navigation instead.

VI. Recent Fitness Report

Kristopher is in good shape. He does his best to exercise, and keep in shape when he can. He swims, and has a program for mountain climbing he uses when he needs to unwind.

VII. Psychological Profile

Ensign McGregor is a very active person who has a tendency to jump into things without giving them a second thought. His ancestry has given him strong feelings about fighting for the under dog. This has good and bad sides to it. He'll have to learn to control his feelings as he may find himself getting into more trouble than he can handle. But on the otherhand the man will be a vibrant asset to any assignment he is given.

                                 CDR Harold Matthews
                                 Evaluation Team
                                 Starfleet Academy

VIII. Current Recreational Interests

Kristopher is a real social person, and likes to mix with crew members and usually is well liked by them. He also enjoys swimming, chess and oil painting and mountain climbing at times.

IX. Miscellaneous Information