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- played by David Suarez de Lis
- FULL NAME: TenaHonabanaBalanobanaSonoahBaleaBarateMahuliPatihaSereah - COMMON NAME: Sereah or HonaSereah - CURRENT RANK: CAPT (O-6) - CURRENT BILLET: CO - SPECIES (EXTRACTION): Mabaraah (Caudean) - GENDER/SEX: Observer (distinct from 2 male and 2 females genders) - PRONOUNS: they/them/their
- AGE: 47 - DOB: SD 23900112 - POB: Echangari town, Baah (Sigma 2 Serpens Cauda II, Beta Quadrant) - PARENTS: -undisclosed- - SIBLINGS: -undisclosed- - SPOUSE: none (technically 'mati' which means 'exile' so socially ostracized)
- CHILDREN: none (1 very adult mabatiri, a soul-mate semi-intelligent plant)
- HEIGHT: 1.81m - WEIGHT: 78kg - SKIN: pale with big scattered spots of darker skin - HAIR: long hair, mostly blue black with red strikes and a big white lock on the left side, even the eyebrows are black and red; black, thin and short and scarce on arms, legs, back and chest with big red hair spots, usually where the skin is darker. - EYES: black with red spots
OVERALL: androgynous, slender and graceful, with elegant and precise movements; like an elf with round ears, many would think of them as female and others as male (they are extremely ambiguous). Only 4 fingers on hands and feet.
- BLOOD TYPE: AF-++ - VISION: comparable to Humans, same with hearing; exceptional sense of smell, insofar it's part of their languages the same way voice intonation
- RELIGION: none - CITIZENSHIP: Betazed (acquired), Baah (UFP protectorate) - LANGUAGES: Standard, and then Baah languages such as arts&magics, science and signs
A. Academic Institutions Attended
-- Star Fleet Academy Warp and Hyperspace Navigation Masters
B. Service Schools Attended
-- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School -- Star Fleet Survival School
C. Qualifications
- MOC: Navigation - MOC: Jr Bridge Officer - MOC: Bridge Officer
- BSc in Physics - Master in Warp Physics and Engineering - Master in Hyperspace Dynamics - Minor in Botany and Xenophytology
D. Star Fleet Academy Record
- Honors: Magna cum Laude (Fast Track) - Academic Major: BSc(Hons) Physics - Professional Major: Warp Field - Class Rank: 2/398 - Reprimands: 0 - Commendations: 5 - Athletics: martial arts (Aikido) - Activities: Botany Club, Philosophy Club, Academy Chorus 'Quantum Harmonicum'
A. Chronology (tabular form)
- 0-8: Attended Public School system - 9-13: Studied forbidden arts&magics - 13-15: Exiled, First Contact - 15-18: Attended Star Fleet Academy, fast track - 23-present: Active duty in Star Fleet
B. Background Summary
HonaSereah was born in a little neighborhood of a small city of Baah, in the northern region. When they were young they met a 'matiri' (a lonely) who taught them the signs language. That way they could both easily communicate without raising any suspicion. The matiri taught them the magics (eenea), that are forbidden to observers, as a cultural taboo. These are a series of natural medicine treatments and knowledge that comes from prehistory and, for some reason, only a handful of people is meant to be, never observers. Mabaraah, naturally, have advanced medicine especially since First Contact.
One day, when they were 13 years-old (already an adult in Mabaraah biology and society) one wander 'pahari' (a sacred but dangerous predator) hurt one of the members of their family.
Note: Mabaraah families are very complicated and the role observers play in them is controversial. Considered marginal members of the family at best, their presence is tolerated from a power position as they are solely reclaimed for the reproductive act, despite the fact little is yet known about the whole reproductive role they play. The latest investigations propose that observers play as a catalyst in the various steps, which take weeks, from male 1 and female 1 to male 2 and female 2, who finally produces the baby. They also activate several key steps by injecting messenger RNA at the adequate stages. It's still not known if the resulting offspring has any DNA from the observer themselves.
Sereah used the magics to save her, but although they saved her live, they were punished by their crime and became a matiri themselves, a pariah. They left the neighborhood and joined a Mabaratiah neighborhood (pariah comunne) in a very desertic area. By pure chance one of the first Federation ships after First Contact landed very near of them and they managed to befriend one of the leading investigators, Doctor Johsebas Mastro, from the Betazed Institute of Xenobiology.
After a while, they asked for asylum, in order to join Star Fleet. With the help of the Institute they managed to apply for asylum and successfully applied for SF Academy. Sereah shone in most of their studies, graduating on the Fast Track in two years and a half as the top student in many subjects.
C. Personality Summary
Sereah is quiet and quite lonely, but approachable and warm. They are very intelligent but also very curious and will listen to any cultural detail from any civilizations for hours without showing any sign of fatigue or boredom.
As a commanding officer, they are understanding and forgiving, but will expect growth from errors and mistakes. They appreciate creativity and initiative within reasonable safety margins and always will prefer talking to fighting. However, they feel with their heart but think with their head. If logic dictates action, they will will follow through.
As a tactician, they are exceptional in both situational analysis and finding the best way out, striking with precise force the vulnerable points of the opponent. Not only their very sharp mind will be a key director, but also an extensive knowledge from hundreds of strategists and tacticians from Federation history. The combination of past and present genius is applied to all situations, not just combat.
As patient on the bridge as they are on the botany gardens, they will treat any situation with as much care and detail as a bonsai tree but will also change to a forest point of view for higher level analysis.
They are a good friend to their friends and very loyal, one of the reasons for their continuous rejection of promotions: the TESLA II had become their dearest friend.
A. Promotion History:
- Star Date (24)080501: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1) - Star Date (24)080929: Promoted to LT(jg) (O-2) - Star Date (24)100420: Promoted to LT (O-3) - Star Date (24)260301: Promoted to LCDR (O-4) - Star Date (24)320401: Promoted to CDR (O-5) - Star Date (24)361221: Promoted to CAPT (O-6)
B. Service History:
Star Date
051001: Entered Star Fleet Academy 080404: Graduated from Star Fleet Academy; commissioned as Ensign (O-1) Academic Major: BSc(Hons) Physics Professional Major: Warp Field 080601: Assigned as SCI, USS TESLA, NCC-66001, BLUE - Feynman-class DD 080921: Promoted to LTjg (O-2) 080921: Assigned as SCI USS EXCALIBUR, NCC-1844-A, INDIGO - Endeavour-class CA 100420: Promoted to LT (O-3) 110511: Assigned to Sciences DS13, GOLD - StarCore Station 120310: Assigned SDO, Operations DS13, GOLD 131107: Acting OPS DS13, GOLD 150309: Promoted to LCDR (O-4) 150309: Assigned CO, USS TESLA II, NCC-66101, GOLD - Experimental Feynman-class DD 250401: Promoted to CDR (O-5) 361221: Promoted to CAPT (O-6) 361221: Assigned as CO, USS RANGER, NCC-93004, SILVER - Wanderlust-class CL
(Note: Ships recorded at current classification)
C. Medals and Commendations
Academy commendations:
- For team work and leadership capabilities, several times
Service commendations:
- 120310 - Commendation for battle of David Nebula, Iotia Sector - 120310 - Commendation for participation on El'Aurian killer events, DS13 - 261107 - Commendation for deactivation of minefield around a friendly station, USS TESLA II
HonaSereah is a pacifist and an explorer at heart. While most Mabaraah show a severely negative reaction to violence, all the years Sereah has been in Star Fleet had hardened their psyche. They will still try to find a pacific solution to any problem.
They enjoy botany and keep a personal small garden with plants from many Federation worlds to spend quality time with them and so they keep company to their mabatiri. While all plants have a rudimentary consciousness that Sereah can communicate with, the mabatiri is an almost-sentient plant and Sereah's soul-mate, a direct consequence of the complex Mabaraah reproductive cycle and the role the observers play in it.
Sereah has a very nice, soothing voice, with a huge tonal range, and they enjoy singing quite a lot, music from Baah but especially music from Betazed, Vulcan and Earth.
They are a very accomplished player of 'bere', a Mabaraah table game not very different from Earth go, although there are not many players they can practice with, and so it's mostly computer games.
Sereah's passion is learning about the different cultures in the UFP: traditions, biology, societies, history... They can memorize an absurd quantity of data in an impossibly short time.
In their years at the Academy, they learned Aikido and got interested in the practice of Zen meditation and philosophies. It's not unusual that they dedicate the first 10 to 15 minutes of the morning to meditate and put their thoughts in order.
The unusual biology of Captain HonaSereah makes very hard to ascertain their health status. Being an adult since 10, they are well into adulthood, but apparently still far from old age. All their biorhythms appear excellent and their health is, therefore, enviable.
They have shown an excellent response to emotional stability tests and all the simulations carried while this evaluation were finished in record-breaking time and with surprising results most of the time. The reaction from my staff was: "damn".
Despite the numerous rejections to promotion to bigger ships, always preferring the old USS TESLA II, their first command, all the reports I have read clearly show it was not for lack of ambition, but for sheer interest of investigation and the independence a surveyor provides within a Fleet. They are an ingenious problem solver, an excellent tactician, a veteran strategist and scientist at heart.
With all this, I cannot but recommend CAPT HonaSereah for their next Command.
- CDR Dr Thau Heram, PhD, SB EPSILON Counselling
They like botany, singing, reading and learning other cultures, meditation.
Mabaraah languages are complex and sometimes inarticulate. Mabaraah have not only a very different telepathy that only seems to work with plants and with some other Mabaraah, but many pheromone glands that convey many different meanings to the discourse.
Those odours are also naturally exuded as part of their emotional response.
This is a table of the most common smells and their significance:
- burnt wood: surprise - lemons and burnt wood: joy and happiness - lemon and chilli: extreme good humor - chilli and mint and lemon: the equivalent of a good laugh - sour garlic: frustration - kerosene: fear - burnt wood and perchloric acid: shock - rotten eggs: extreme distress - curcuma: extreme concentration - honey and lemon: amusement, relax - apple and vinegar: sadness, deception
Odors can vary in composition and intensity as the conversation or the reaction evolves.
Telepathy only works with plants, especially with the mabatiri, which is a semi-sentient plant that creates a symbiotic relation with some Mabaraah. All other species look like noise to them (only a barely known Beta-Q species have been able to communicate telepathically with Sereah, almost 30 years ago). Conversely, telepaths in UFP and other powers cannot read Sereah's mind, only sensing noise without any meaningful way of extracting information.
I am very pleased with his attitude, although he seems to be a bit shy and tend to be lonely, his performances in many fields are impressive. He is a serious worker and his biggest dream is travel the furthest and most as he can, studying and learning all he meets. Given that that is the main goal of Starfleet I am sure he will make a good official and an excellent member of the Fleet.
Dr Cmdr Malcolm Treville COUNS Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth Stardate: 80404
I have been following the career of Ens Sereah Hona since it came to the Federation, partly thanks to me and I can say I am very satisfied with it. It has adapted very well to Federation norms although it tends to be a little lonely, I am sure it will overcome that when involved in a real mission. It is an open individual, very talented and with a high concept of self-sacrifice in well-being of others. It is used to work in team and it knows how to integrate with others, although it may seem very shy and introvert, that is due to cultural differences and I am sure its many skills will make it a valuable member of Starfleet.
Dr Johsebas Mastro, Institute of Xenobiology of Betazed. Planet Baah, stardate: 80404.