USS Feynman OCT 1996

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October 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



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USS FEYNMAN: Maril Finally Arrives

by Max Felsher 10-1-1996

SD 81001.0240

Ensign Lee is the only one not somewhat apprehensive. After all, the last few times, he had had to climb a mountain on Vulcan, stay close to some Merfolk so he could breathe, and countless other things. He didn't doubt that this simulation was equally unique. He wasn't disappointed....

Holodeck 3

Maril found himself in a strange room with water in the middle. As he surveyed the room, he saw a bust of himself. It looked rather good. Stepping over to it, he noticed a stall, apparently for changing.

He walked into it, finding a piece of clothing. How it was supposed to be worn, however, was a mystery. Then he noticed an image of himself wearing the "toga(?)". After undressing, he tried several ways to put it on, none of which worked. Finally, he got it right, although it still looked very silly.

Maril stepped back out of the stall, but, to his surprise, he found himself in a large circular roofless theater, like those of ancient Rome. In fact, this probably was Roman--the Coliseum if he remembered his Earth history correctly. And this was where gladiatorial combats took place. Gladiatorial combats? Maril swallowed. He hadn't expected to have to fight.

As he shifted back to reality and out of his thoughts, Maril heard a sound--jeers and boos.

"RIDE OR DIE, barbarian!" a familiar voice cried. Since Maril didn't feel like dying, he looked to see what he might ride, but only found a wooden platform with wheels on the sides attached to some horses. He could see some more elaborate devices--they looked like eskolias--at the other end of the track. Perhaps the Romans didn't want another eskolia destroyed. <NRPG:The eskolia is the Tamarian version of the chariot.> The jeers were getting louder.

"Ride, barbarian!" the call came again. So, Maril did the only thing he could do. He stepped onto the piece of wood...

And the horses took off. It was all he could do to hold onto the reins as the horses sped towards the opposite end.

If this had continued the way it was, Maril might have been fine. However, as the horses kept running, the reins in Maril's hands began to tear. Soon they would totally rip apart and Maril would probably lose control and go crashing into the sides of the track(hopefully, the holodeck safeties were online.)

So, Maril did something he had never done before. He gathered all of his strength into one leap from the wood to one of the horses.

However, he found that he had barely caught onto the horse's flanks. Painfully, he pulled himself onto its back, and just lay there for about thirty seconds catching his breath.

Suddenly, the horse stopped and a guard led him into the main structure of the Coliseum.

After a moment or so, Maril reached a large buffet room where one could see the field of combat. Many of the senior officers, also in togas, had already come to the room and were sampling the food or watching the gladiators.

"So, you've arrived, sir," Jerran called out.

"Yes, I have, though I think it was only because of Ilabi's eyesight. Who is yet to come?"

"Let's see: Lieutenant Glin'kharr and Ensign Lee are the only ones left."

"Who was that person who said, 'RIDE OR DIE, barbarian!'? The voice sounded familiar."

"Oh, you don't know," Koreth smiled. "That was the great emperor Bat." A guard outside the room made a meancing gesture towards Koreth. "Excuse me, his High Exaltedness, Emperor Bat the First, Conqueror of the World." The soldier relaxed and Maril smiled. He strode over to see who the next "competitor" would be.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: You know, I think we actually did once have mission briefings in the Observation Lounge, way back when. You young ones have it too easy. I used to pilot shuttlecrafts 10000 light-years--in blinding plasma storms! And none of these new-fangled D-warp shuttles either! <BG>

USS FEYNMAN: Holomeeting

by Jason Bostjancic 10-2-1996

SD: 81002
MD: 1.1500
Scene: Roman Senate Chamber, Holodeck 3

> "A dilithium sword." Ensign Lee said. "Thats a very powerful symbol."
> "I agree." Koreth replied. "It may not bode well."
> "Perhaps, but the fact that they presented it to the Admiral may
>be a good sign. Many races in their infancy often presented weapons to
>other nations as a show of good faith. This may be the equivalent."
>Meleah replied
> Koreth didn't seem convinced. From here a lively discussion ensued.

"The presentation of such a weapon indicates that in some way they hold combat or warefare in high regard... such is only learned by dealing with war." Tarrant paused for a moment then continued, "Even if the 'emissary' and the Issahi pose no threat to the Federation, their enemies will."

"From the perspective of the SERAPIS I'd say *someone* sure does." announced Jerran, his voice a little more foreboding than usual.

"Captain, Do we know the location of Mr. Ross? He could fill in some of the blanks."

<Andy - Your answer?>

....... Later: Departmental Report

"My engineering staff is almost back up to full strength... however, I have yet to find a replacement for the beta ACEO. The damage we received in the last mission was quite minimal, and repair crews from Epsilon will be done within the hour."

Zane leaned back in his chair, "Lieutenant, I want to be able to get to the debris site as soon as possible.. less someone should decide to take what doesn't belong to them.... What's our best speed to the location?"

Tarrant did a few quick calculations in his head, "We *should* be able to sustain Warp 9.7 for most of the three days, with a constant watch... but when we start to get close to that debris field we'll have to drop to 9.0 for the Delphi to be effective."

Meleah piped in, "As we approach I suggest an exponential drop in speed as we near the center of the debris."

Tarrant nodded.


I'll leave some of the debris stuff to others... figured that we needed a reply for all of Andy's hard work <G>


Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS CAESAR AUGUSTUS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

Potest esse nur unus


by Jason Bostjancic 10-2-1996

SD: 81002

A lone Lieutenant (jg) carrying an engineering kit and a plasma welder entered transporter room 18c on EPSILON. Hs plain brown hair and dark eyes left nothing to attract attention, nor did the face (which if one actually thought about it, would have found it odd just because of the lack of distinguishing features.)

The transporter chief was bored out of his mind, and only snapped to a shell of attention when the Lieutenant walked in.

"Where to Sir?" His voice couldn't hide the fact that he really didn't care.

"The Feynman, Cargo Bay 1," after a second thought he added, "repairs are taking longer than we thought."

The chief gave a half smile, turned to the computer and began the transport. As the Lieutenant shimmered into the blue screen of nothingness, he noted that the readings didn't report the presence of any of the mechanical devices, plasma torch or engineering kit.

"Hmmf, repairs are needed here too..." said the Chief quite cynicaly to nobody in particular, then returned to his PADD containing the latest 'Women of Risa' mag.

Scene: The 'Lieutenant' beamed aboard and immediately spun arround... The cargo bay was lacking people, just as 'he' had hoped. Reaching into the engineering kit, he pulled out a small titanium colored box and attached it to a belt. A single flash of green light radiated from it, but only for a moment, then the dampening field took effect.

' You've already lost ... Your computer cannot see me... your telepaths cannot read me... now to hide... heh... hide and seek, hide and seek, come on FEYYYN-MANN Hide and seek...'


Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS CAESAR AUGUSTUS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

Potest esse nur unus

USS FEYNMAN: Briefing And...

by Andrew Catterick 10-3-1996

SD: 81003.1600
MD: 1.1500
Scene: Roman Senate Chamber, Holodeck 3

> "The presentation of such a weapon indicates that in some way they hold
> combat or warefare in high regard... such is only learned by dealing with
> war." Tarrant paused for a moment then continued, "Even if the 'emissary'
> and the Issahi pose no threat to the Federation, their enemies will."
> "From the perspective of the SERAPIS I'd say *someone* sure does."
> announced Jerran, his voice a little more forboding than usual.
> "Captain, Do we know the location of Mr. Ross? He could fill in
> some of the blanks."
"I'm afraid not." Zane replied, "Mr. Ross met with the Admiral for a few hours and then got right back on his ship and warped out. Two corvettes provided an escort to the border. They monitored the Issahi ship's direction which is how we know where their home system is. Assuming there was no trickery involved."

"The sea of Ajarno is murky." Maril added.

"At times you can be a master of understatement." Zane replied with a grin.

Scene: Ready-Room
MD:1.2000 (after the briefing and after FEYNMAN has set sail)

"Have a seat Lieutenant." Zane offered as the ready-room doors swished closed behind the CSO. The FEYNMAN had left EPSILON hours before and was now hurtling towards the floating debris that was once a proud ship and a fine crew.

Allard gave a polite nod to both the Captain and first officer. "Thank-you sir." he replied with a smile as he sat on the couch next to Commander Maril. 'Lieutenant' certainly sounded alot better than 'Ensign.' Zane took the chair facing the two officers.

"Mr. Allard let me come right to the point. When Commander Maril, Lieutenant Jenn and I were discussing promotions we decided that there were many reasons to promote you and as many reasons not too. I know your performance in this past mission has been discussed in depth with Commander Maril and I see no reason to belabour it. At this point we could either center on the negative or the positive. It was unanimously decided that we look to the positive."

"You have an excellent Academy record, lets face it, you wouldn't be here if you didn't. Hundred's of ensigns graduate from the Academy every year but only a handfull are immediately assigned as a department head. The fact that you were says alot about your abilities and I am inclined to argee with Fleet on this regardless of some of your rash decisions in this past mission. As a result we promoted you, not only in recognition of the work you have done but as an affirmation, if you will, of our faith in you to become an excellent officer and an invaluable asset to the FEYNMAN and to Starfleet."

"But let me be clear on this," Zane leaned forward before continuing, "you screw up again and not only will your head be on the block so might mine. It is entirely my perogative to promote my staff as I see fit. However, if anymore reprimand's appear on your record in the near future Fleet will be all over me as to why I promoted an obvious 'trouble-case.' As I said, there are lots of Ensigns out there all vying for your job. If you can't handle it I am duty-bound to replace you with someone who will and if Fleet feels that I can not adequately handle my own staff it is entirely feasible that the command structure of this vessel may change just as quickly. That is not going to happen. We think you have the makings of an excellent officer Mr. Allard but I will only stick my neck out so far. You have used up your one and only strike. Is that clear?"


This in no way signals the end of the meeting but as I mentioned earlier I will be away from Thursday afternoon until Saturday night...please continue with the briefing and your characters take on things.

Max/Mike Dailey: I decided to include this part as I didn't want to leave it hanging any further...please add your character's reactions etc to the conversation.

Looking forward to lots of reading when I get back!


-Commander Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: Briefing And...(Cont.)

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 10-3-1996

Scene: Ready-Room
MD:1.2000 (after the briefing and after FEYNMAN has set sail)

> "But let me be clear on this," Zane leaned forward before
> continuing, "you screw up again and not only will your head be on the
> block so might mine. It is entirely my perogative to promote my staff as
> I see fit. However, if anymore reprimand's appear on your record in the
> near future Fleet will be all over me as to why I promoted an obvious
> 'trouble-case.' As I said, there are lots of ensigns out there all vying
> for your job. If you can't handle it I am duty-bound to replace you with
> someone who will and if Fleet feels that I can not adequately handle my
> own staff it is entirely feasible that the command structure of this
> vessel may change just as quickly. That is not going to happen. We think
> you have the makings of an excellent officer Mr. Allard but I will only
> stick my neck out so far. You have used up your one and only strike. Is
> that clear?"

J.C. stiffened as best he could, "Orders received and understood, Sirs! Permission to speak freely, Sir." Justin looked to Cdr. Maril, and then right into the center of Zane's eyes.

Zane waited for a moment that seemed to last for eternity. "Granted, Mr. Allard. You're free to speak your mind." Maril opened his mouth to say something, but Zane shook his head to silence him.

"Sirs, I offer no excuses or apologies for my actions. I seen an opportunity and, although not by the book, acted upon it...

"Those actions had good intentions, Lt., but accomplished nothing" Said Maril. "Those Starfleet Officers you saw could very well be connected to the recent loss of three Starships. But you and CPO Tamarov, who acted on your orders, literally going AWOL only got you two both lost and wounded, while leaving the away team shorthanded and without any security personnel." Zane held his hand up, preventing Maril's anger to build any further. Maril acknowledged, sitting down again.

"Sirs, It is VERY clear to me that there are actions an Ensign would do that a LtJg. would NEVER consider. Originally, I had certain misgivings about serving here on the FEYNMAN. I now consider it an honor to serve here, with all of you. While the FEYNMAN is not the ENTERPRISE, I consider us top-rate. That means the security Dept. will be top-rate too....

Mike Dailey
Lieutenant D'doj Zzawj Ckorji, MD - CMO - USS CONSTITUTION - INDIGO

******** * NRPG * ********

.... Fill in anywhere guys. Andy, who goes on vacation mid-week while we slave away....



USS FEYNMAN: Flight Dept Report

by Joseph Baker 10-3-1996

SD: 81004.0053
After the Captain had finished his part of the briefing, the other senior officers began giving their individual department reports. Jerran was called on after Koreth, and so he stood with a PADD in his hand and gave it, self consciously tugging on the back of the toga that seemed a bit drafty in the back.

"All shuttles are accounted for and in top repair, including the Runabout Nogura-II," Jerran said with a slight smile, eliciting some chuckles from the other senior officers at the mention of a ship which had mysteriously been destroyed and managed to turn up again in the shuttlebay after the mission. It had suited Epsilon's quartermaster just fine, just as long as all the shuttles on the FEYNMAN were accounted for.

"LTJG Cartwright has been temporarily assigned to Starbase Epsilon for the rescue mission involving the Husnock ship, leaving ENS Mendorn to replace her as the acting deputy chief flight controller. I am disappointed to say that one of our cadets, Midshipman Sirana, will be leaving us, but am proud to say that it is to attend her graduation ceremony. She has expressed interest in returning to the FEYNMAN as soon as we are back to EPSILON after our next mission.

"Before we reach the salvage site, my crew and I will also be conducting some ballistics tests into the possibility of adding subspace driver coils to the Quickstep maneuvering thruster system, which should give us another 30 percent in maneuverability. The modification has been tested by Starfleet Engineering using shuttlecraft and runabouts with similar success."

"Thank you, Lieutenant," Zane said as the pilot took his seat again. "Next?"

*       *           *
* Joseph Baker                                                             *
* University of South Florida                                              *
* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu            * Of the Chief parts of the           *
* meillunsiateve                     * Ruling Passion only this            *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en:        * Can be truly said:                  *
* Mnahe afw'ein qiuu,                * Hate has a reason for everything    *
* rh'e hweithnaef                    * But love is unreasonable            *
* mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu          * --Rihannsu Proverb                  *

USS FEYNMAN: Security Department Report

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 10-4-1996

SD: 81004.0053
SCENE: Holodeck Briefing

Justin waited patiently for the senior officers to give their reports. He could not help occasionally pawing at the new pip on his collar. J.C. smiled to himself, but it was a habit he would have to halt right away.

After the FCO gave his report, Zane turned to Justin. "How about security, Lt.?". J.C. blushed slightly at the sound of the new rank. It would take a few days or longer to get used to.

"Sirs, both weapons and security at 110% readiness and 100% staffing. I've also had a slight reshuffling of Cadets. Mr. Hensley has left, and I've received the orders for two new Cadets, bringing the total for security to three. Also, I received some mail from a friend and my counterpart on the YORKTOWN. Seems his team has found a way to refine the intercooler stasis chamber of antimatter inside a photon torpedo. This refinement technique increases the 'impact explosion' buy 12 percent. Their CEO has worked with the Weapons Dept. to implement the process, and has forwarded the specs to Starfleet Engineering. Since we're best friends, he's given us a 'sneak preview'. This may prove to be our 'ace in the hole' if needed later in our mission. Lt. Koreth, I would like to cover the changes with you, soon, Sir.

"As for the debris field, if we could augment standard class-2 probes and insert them from four or six different coordinates, we could both minimize the risk of an initial up-close inspection, even with our upgraded sensors, and make it seem like the FEYNMAN is everywhere. Also, if we encode each probe to emit either the FEYNMAN or another starship's transponder code, it will seem like there are MAJOR fleet maneuvers in the area. That is, if anyone is 'watching' from a distance.

Mike Dailey
Lieutenant D'doj Zzawj Ckorji, MD - CMO - USS CONSTITUTION - INDIGO
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: Surprise Guest

by Kristen Gant 10-4-1996

Stardate: 81004.1037
Scene: Holodeck Briefing

Lt. Krysa Jenn had just finished her report when the trumpets sounded and a loud, "Ride or Die!" rang out through the stands. The FEYNMAN officers looked a each other, trying to determine who would be coming . all officers were accounted for.

"Bat?" asked Zane.

Bat shrugged, "Don't look at me, I didn't write the program."

Tarrant looked at the bartender, "No yet somehow you managed to make yourself Emperor."

"Just one of the many tricks I learned over the years, young man."

There was a simultaneous rush to the balcony to see what fun was about to occur now. There were several gasps as they all began to realize that the next contestant was none other than the CINCSILVER himself.

Krysa turned to look at Zane who was looking very pale as he watched the Admiral flip from the back of the chariot. Chuckling she watched the Admiral move with more speed and agility then she would have thought possible, "'Court martial' comes to mind about now."

The FEYNMAN's Captain did not seem to be as amused as Krysa was over the events he watched unfolding. Krysa was sure he was debating stopping the whole program in order to save his job. She put her hand on his arm in comfort, "I'm sure he's not going to be too upset."

There were cheers from the crowd as the Admiral charged at the oncoming tigers, bellowing in defiance. Krysa watched the grizzly scene with some trepidation. It wasn't a pretty picture. But the crowd loved it and the cheers grew louder and louder. When both tigers were no longer moving, the Admiral faced the box where the Senior officers stood. They all quickly hurried back to the conference table and stood by their seats as they waited for the Admiral to join them.

>"Thanks, I needed that." He said to all after waving them to sit down. "Now to business."

Krysa grinned at Zane as he relaxed noticeably.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

>Kristen knows what is coming, as for the rest of you, reactions at
>having Vice Admiral Azariah Nicholas crash your briefing are welcome.
>He is heavy set, grey haired, human. But he is very bearlike in
>movements and attitude.

Me?? Sure blame it all on me :}:} So now listen up .. thanks to the Admiral .. I'm taking over .. See what you get for taking a few days off, Andy :}:}

Kristen ->Okay, so I'm easily amused :} :}
Kristen & Scott Gant


by Jason Bostjancic 10-4-1996

SD: 81004 >There was a simultaneous rush to the balcony to see what fun was about to
>occur now. There were several gasps as they all began to realize that the
>next contestant was none other then the CINCSILVER himself.
>Krysa turned to look at Zane who was looking very pale as he watched the
>Admiral flip from the back of the chariot. Chuckling she watched the
>Admiral move with more speed and agility then she would have thought
>possible, "'Court martial' comes to mind about now."

Tarrant could only watch - frozen - as his holodeck program tried repeatedly to maul the Fleet Admiral. The CEO and his Captain were thinking the same thing... stop the program. But if the Admiral hadn't wanted to 'play' then he could have ended the program. However his thought's quickly changed.

> The wrapping for the package came off and he stood holding a sword
>that caught and refracted the light into a thousand rainbows. With a tiger
>before him and another behind he gave off a bellow worthy of a Klingon and
>he charged.

The glimmer of the sword was brilliant, and to a swordsman like Tarrant, it completely eliminated any thoughts of ending the program. Even with the apparent lack of skill by it's current wielder, the partial Klingon could tell that the sword was exceptional. The carnage which left Krysa a little aghast only brought into focus the strength of the weapon to Tarrant. It made his titanium-duranium-steel blend Katana he'd gotten a few months ago look like a toy.


> "Thanks, I needed that." He said to all after waving them to sit >down. "Now to business."

Taking a last look at the now wrapped sword, the CEo had to pry his attention back to the Admiral.

*Why exactly was he there?*


Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS CAESAR AUGUSTUS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

Potest esse nur unus

USS FEYNMAN: Short Report Plus a Forepost

by Max Felsher 10-4-1996

SD 81005.0000(GMT)
MD 1.1500
Holodeck 3: Roman Senate Chamber

Maril waited for Commander Zane to finish the mission briefing.

As Maril started, he cleared his throat. "The ship itself is ready to head back into space. However, I am worried about the crew. The destruction of three ships in the home fleet does not foster respect for the senior officers. I believe that we need to make sure that orders are understood so that there is no dissent among the crew. The crew is almost up to full complement with just a few officers and crewmen missing."

"Very good," Zane replied. "Next officer?"

MD 1.2000
Ready Room

As the Captain finished his conversation with Lt.(jg) Allard, he added, "Any comments, Commander?"

"No, sir, I have nothing to add."

"Very well. Lieutenant, you are dismissed."

Allard stood up and quickly walked out of the room.

"So, Commander, what are you going to do before turning in?" Zane asked curiously.

"Well, sir, I was going to go over the information on this area of space and review the personnel files."

"Very well. Dismissed."

Maril strode out of the ready room and quickly stepped over to the turbolift. He stopped short and turned to Lt. Jenn, who had the Bridge shift.

"What's our ETA to the debris field?"

"Fifteen hours, twenty-five minutes, sir."

"Thank you, Lieutenant."

Somewhere out in space, near the destruction site of the Serapis

The debris field slowly spread, thinning as it did. With that thinning and spreading, the chances of the Feynman realizing what they were up against decreased dramatically.

But there was someone who was happy about that. It was one entity, but a wholly evil and twisted one. Nothing would stand in its way....

The Serapis hadn't had what it wanted, but maybe this other ship would. If it didn't, well that was their problem.

The entity had learned something, though. Sometimes the direct approach didn't always work. There were many times when a more cunning technique would be more helpful.

Yes, the first officer would be a good target. He would work very well...

MD 1.2030
USS Feynman:First Officer's Office

Maril tapped the PADD, studying the area of the debris field. There was a large K-type star near it, with several planets around it, though none of them were Class M....

Wait a second; why was he doing this? There was no reason to do this.

Then he remembered. It was all because of that Captain. The Captain was ordering him to do these things. If the Captain was removed, Maril would be free, like Arir in the mountains, with no one telling him what to do....

That was right. He had to get rid of him.

Without thinking, Maril set down his PADD. He almost ran out of the room. He had to talk to a few people....

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

I knew I should have read the HMS Bounty...<G>

Now, these are what the entity is putting into Maril's mind, not what Maril is actually thinking. I hope. :)

USS FEYNMAN: An Extra Guest

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 10-4-1996

Stardate: 81004.1041
Scene: Holodeck 3 Briefing

Interrupting the department reports, the crowd started cheering, the trumpets blared again, and for yet another time, the battle cry was sounded...

> "RIDE OR DIE!" The throngs cheered, hoping for some blood this time.

Surprised as everyone else was, J.C. moved over to the balcony to behold the CINCSILVER battling the two tigers, and not quite hanging onto the chariot. The Admiral seemed to hurt nothing but his pride, although even that did not show. As he turned to the balcony, everyone scrambled back to their seats at the table.

When Vice Admiral Nicholas reached the top of the stairs, Allard shouted "Attention on Deck!", but it came out a little more squeaky than he would have liked. He stopped, regarded the staff in their native apparel, including Emperor Bat.

> "Thanks, I needed that." He said to all after waving them to sit > down. "Now to business."

******** * NRPG * ********

Just a quick one I had to throw in there while we're waiting for our guest speaker and Andy to return.

Cheers all,


by Jason Bostjancic 10-4-1996

ALL >Okay here's a slight problem we should fix before it becomes a big one.
>Jason wrote in his 10/2 post, 'Holomeeting':
>Tarrant did a few quick calculations in his head, "We *should*
>be able to sustain Warp 9.7 for most of the three days, with
>a constant watch... but when we start to get close to that
>debris field we'll have to drop to 9.0 for the Delphi to be effective."
>Max wrote in his 10/4 post, 'Short report plus a forepost':
>"Fifteen hours, twenty-five minutes, sir."

I was going from Andy,s long NRPG post. Briefing part III (i think.)

>Jason: Zane will want Maximun warp to get us there (4 days) will the
>engines take it? Or will I get a "Cap'n she canna tae much more!" My
>reply will be "then shake her apart." (Sorry can't remember Sulu's exact quote;) )

Besides, the Serapis was suppost to be quite far out and away from Fed space. The four days minimum seems less if not right. I said 3 at max, and perhaps a slow required for the last to really use the Delphi.


Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS CAESAR AUGUSTUS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

Potest esse nur unus

USS FEYNMAN: NRPG: Times (Cont.)

by Mike Dawe 10-4-1996

>Besides, the Serapis was suppost to be quite far out and away from Fed
>space. The four days minimum seems less if not right. I said 3 at max,
>and perhaps a slow required for the last to really use the Delphi.

And another opinion . . .

Serapis was on her way out of our normal stomping grounds, problem was, she died in the harness so to speak before she ever got anywhere.

Personal preference . . . Make it a couple of days, it makes you more isolated and prone to having to decide for yourselves rather than just jaunting back for the ole admiral to kiss your boo boos

Speaking of the Az . . . . I will be writing the rest of my side business today. If all and family go well then you may expect the second half today or tomorrow in the very early am (Pacific time)

mike--->wishing he brought Hisstare along for the briefing too

Vice Admiral Azariah Nicholas CINCSILVER
Captain Christof Fife USS REGENT
Lt. Cmdr Eskat Eskat USS HERMES
Lt James Cardiff USS SARATOGA


by Jason Bostjancic 10-5-1996

>The only problem with forwarding the MD on that is that that was supposedly
>right after Zane's talk with Allard, which Andy said was at MD 1.2000. So,
>either that is also forwarded three days or so, or Maril's stuck in Zane's
>office for those three days. <G>

If Zane learns of your mutinous plans than perhaps you will be meeting with the captn for three days... but in the brig ;)

'Not mutinous' you say..... heh. You get a Bird of Prey for part of one mission, then you want a 3XS-Tarrant- special (the chair!) Talk about ambitious.

Jason --> Planting the seeds of doubt

Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS CAESAR AUGUSTUS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

Potest esse nur unus


by Jason Bostjancic 10-6-1996

SD: 81006
MD: 1:1800
Scene: 10-F

Luckily for the Feynman's CEO, his body had already started running on minimal sleep mode before the briefing. His computer was filled to the brim with HUSNOCK data... and now this. He sat back and sipped a bit of his juice. About a dozen PADD's were spread out on the table before him.

The dilithium sword, it was a great wonder and a dangerous possibility. Except for Lt. Meleah, he was probably the best authority on Dilithium crystals on board. Thus, he tried to figure how a ship might be constructed with dilithium.

No matter what, it would have to be alloyed with something else in order to be space worthy. True, dilithium is hard and quite resistant to energy emissions, but *extreme* physical contact with anything else more solid than energy based could cause crystalization fracture. Dilithium has almost no appreciable elastic range to it, thus it wouldn't take much on a stellar scale in order to yield and break... like a brick going at warp2, or a concussion torpedo.

He plugged this information into one of the PADD's. Then added a request to the file for Lt. Meleah to look over the possibilities of what known metals or alloys would best combine with Dilithium crystals to provide a hard, yet space worthy element.

"Computer... Location of Lt. Meleah"

<Lieutenant Meleah is located on the bridge.>

Tarrant gathered up his belongings and headed to the bridge.

MD: 1.1845
Scene: Bridge

As the doors opened, a rather unenthusiastic Lt. Jenn turned in the Captain's chair. She looked as if something of great weight was burdening her.

"Come to relieve me already Lieutenant?" she forced a smile.

"No.. you get to sit in that chair a while longer... I have business with our intrepid Science Officer."

Meleah turned and gave one of those eye-brow raised questioning stares... preprogramed of course. "What can I do for you Lt. Koreth?"

He handed her the PADD, "I have no doubt that you've already started looking into the Dilithium-ship equation."

"It is an interesting problem."

Tarrant nodded, "We'll, I've been going over a few things myself. Could come up with a list of possible alloys which could be used with the dilithium, chemically and physically, in order to make such a vessel space worthy."

"There is no guarantee that such a vessel even exists."

"I know, but that sword we saw makes it all the more possible." A look of being in a dream passed over the partial Klingon... as if imagining what such a ship could do, or what that blade could do.

"I will work on the problem, Lieutenant."

"Thank you."

<NRPG> Just allowing some wheels in my brain to start turning... at least until the mice up there run out of food.

Melanie -> Sorry to have placed you on the bridge, just wasn't sure where else you'd be. Feel free to add or ask anything.


Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS CAESAR AUGUSTUS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

Potest esse nur unus

USS FEYNMAN: Past and Present

by Andrew Catterick 10-6-1996

SD: 81006.1800
MD: 1.1700
Scene: Roman Senate Chambers, Holodeck 3

>Lt. Krysa Jenn had just finished her report when the trumpets sounded and
>a loud, "Ride or Die!" rang out through the stands. The FEYNMAN officers
>looked a each other, trying to determine who would be coming .. all
>officers were accounted for.
>"Bat?" asked Zane.
>Bat shrugged, "Don't look at me, I didn't write the program."
>Tarrant looked at the bartender, "No yet somehow you managed to make
>yourself emperor."
>"Just one of the many tricks I learned over the years, young man."
>There was a simultaneous rush to the balcony to see what fun was about to
>occur now. There were several gasps as they all began to realize that the
>next contestant was none other then the CINCSILVER himself.

Zane stared down into the forum in shocked disbelief as he watched the Admiral, dressed in a toga walk out into the sunlight certainly unaware of the tigers that were most probably stalking him. His initial thought was to turn the holodeck program off...instantly.

>Krysa turned to look at Zane who was looking very pale as he watched the
>Admiral flip from the back of the chariot. Chuckling she watched the
>Admiral move with more speed and agility then she would have thought
>possible, "'Court martial' comes to mind about now."
>The FEYNMAN's captain did not seem to be as amused as Krysa was over the
>events he watched unfolding. Krysa was sure he was debating stopping the
>whole program in order to save his job. She put her hand on his arm in
>comfort, "I'm sure he's not going to be too upset."

*Not funny at all* Zane thought. *Maybe he won't be 'too' upset but I don't want an Admiral, especially Nicholas, even a little upset.* But still he decided to let the disaster play itself out. He covered his eyes with his hands as he heard the roar of the cats. But just as quickly the hand came back down. He couldn't watch but yet couldn't bring himself to turn away. Instead he looked over at Koreth who was standing on his other side. The CEO seemed to be having a similar reaction as his captain. "You realize the Admiral's going to be pretty annoyed with you?"

"Me?" The CEO replied with feigned innocence. "I was just following orders."

Both men turned to face the coliseum as the crowd's cheers rose to new heights. Zane cringed at what he saw. The Admiral was charging the beasts, sword raced menacingly above his head, letting out a howl that would have made any warrior proud. He struck. Seconds later it was all over. And Zane sighed in grateful relief marveling at the skill and stamina the Admiral had displayed. Perhaps those exaggerated accounts of Nicholas' exploits in EPSILON's 'Wall' weren't all that exaggerated.

>"Thanks, I needed that." He said to all after waving them to sit
>down. "Now to business."

As the FEYNMAN officers moved to take their seats Zane moved towards the admiral. "Welcome to the FEYNMAN sir. Can I get...."

Nicholas continued toward the table and silenced Zane with a dismissive wave.

>He tossed the sword, still covered with the hologram tigers
>blood, on the table before him and pointed to it. "I presume your CO has
>mentioned the gift I received in connection with your mission. A thought
>has occurred to one of my staff that I felt might be relevant to your
>The Admiral continued. "We have not been able to get even a sample
>from this blade for analysis. It is almost as though the crystal was
>'grown' in this shape. To remove a piece would cause the destruction of
>the entire blade."
>The Admiral spoke on . . . "Computer, comm channel to security."


Zane raised an eyebrow at his FO. This was getting more mysterious by the second.

> "This is the Admiral, computer will confirm verbal id and coded
>overrides. I want a phaser rifle beamed to this location now. There
>will be a momentary discharge, deactivate the alarms for this location
>for the next three minutes." He turned and focused his gaze on Allard
>who added confirmation. A moment later the rifle appeared next to the
>sword. Wordlessly the Admiral picked up the rifle and openly set it to
>level 7, a setting that could punch through a duranium wall in a single
short burst. He spun it with a practiced move and fired point blank on the
>sword before any could react.

Zane stared, as did they all, at the glow of the beam. Dilithiun wasn't exactly the easiest compound to destroy but a phaser rifle on that setting should have not only sliced through the sword with ease but passed through several decks and whatever they contained. The fact that the sword was obviously absorbing the energy sent a chill up his spine and opened the door to several possible avenues as to why the Issahi would give this as a gift. An example of their power or simple a sword made from a common material to them? Perhaps an expression of how important they held a possible friendship with the Federation. Or a symbol of the consequences if such a relationship was not formed.

>When the eyes adjusted to the light they saw the sword still there,
>now clean, none the worse for the experience. "Theory has it that I
>could hit it with a ships phaser and nothing would happen." He attested.
>"Now if the shape is as big as they make the crystal then all well and
>good, don't shoot their swords. But one tech made the scary
>suggestion . . . what if a ship were shielded with this?"

It would be virtually indestructible. If a starship phaser couldn't scratch this thing and *if* the SERAPIS was destroyed by such a vessel than a lone Starfleet destroyer certainly wasn't going to make much headway.

> He paused to let that sink in. "To boot, we do not know the
>origin of the blade. As a gift, yes. But did they make it or was it a
>battle prize? The SERAPIS might have had even less of a chance than we
>first thought. This translates into a reiteration of what I have already
>told Commander Zane. First sign of trouble you RUN. Failure to do so
>will be a reason to remove the current CO and have someone with common
>sense take over. Am I very clear on this?"

There was no need to answer. The demonstration was clear enough.

>"But then it would not be Commander Zane who would be removed from
>duty." He paused a moment for this to sink in. "Seeing as Commander
>Zane will not be the CO of this vessel."

Zane turned to face the Admiral in surprise. Just what the hell was that supposed to mean? But before he could ask the Admiral continued.

>"Hrrmf, I expect you would like to meet your new CO?"
> Silence met the question as eyes turned to Zane who seemed to
>know nothing of this either.

Zane was speechless. Actually he was smart enough not to voice the only thoughts that came to mind. But Admiral or not Zane did not intend to let someone else command *his* ship even temporarily.

> "Fine. Computer, comm channel to Epsilon transporter room 2"

> [Connected]
> "Engage" It was not a person that materialized on in the room
>but a small box on the table next to the sword. Admiral Nicholas picked
>it up and opened it. He removed a single solid pip and came 'round the
>table to hand it to Zane. "Commander no longer. As of this date and
>time you are Captain in rank as well as duties, congratulations. As I
>said, Commander Zane will not be the CO, Captain Zane will be.

Zane looked up from the pip he held in his hand, his face a mixture of shock, pride, relief and guilt at having questioned the Admiral's motives. He should had more faith in him, he always took care of his people. "Thank-you sir." Zane replied formally his emotions demanded a more heartfelt reply but his duty and respect for the Admiral reigned him.

>Now I have other duties to attend to so if you will excuse me?"

>As the Vice Admiral turned to leave via the arch, all eyes turned to
>their 'new' CO. Krysa was the first to move from astonishment to action
>as a huge grin spread over her face, as she wrapped her arms around him
>in an exuberant hug. She released him, the grin still on her face, "I
>guess he likes being chased by tigers!"

"It would seem so." Zane replied, still a little shaken, as Krysa pinned the pip on to his collar. Gratefully he accepted the thanks of the assembled officers who seemed less surprised at his promotion than he himself did. But soon the good natured commotion died down and they returned to the business at hand.

>"Has anyone tried to scan this stuff," she asked, touching it lightly. "I
>mean if a ship is shielded with this, can we scan through it."

"I would imagine that EPSILON science has crawled all over this thing." Zane replied. "Of course that doesn't mean there isn't something to be found." He nodded at Koreth and Meleah who both realized they would now be busy for the 3 day journey.

"If there is nothing else?" Zane asked. "Very well then. We launch in one hour. Dismissed."

"Ah Mr. Allard?" Zane said as he rose.

"Yes sir?"

"Would you join Commander Maril and myself in my ready-room at 20:00?"

"Of course sir." Allard replied somewhat deflated. He had expected this.

Scene: Ready-room

Zane sat, as he often did, staring at his desk terminal. One would think that by now he would be used to speeding off to mission's with little or no information to go on but he wasn't and he hated it. He had spent the past few hours going over the test that EPSILON science had conducted on the sword. The results had not been very reassuring.


"Enter." the captain replied to the door signal without looking up from the terminal. The doors swished open and then closed allowing his second officer entry.

>He looked up at her and motioned for her to have seat.
>"I'm sorry to bother you, *Captain*," she said with grin.
>Zane smiled back, "It's no bother. What can I do for you?"
>"Well, if you have a few minutes, I'd like to speak to you about
>something that's been on my mind for a few days now, regarding .. Dee."
>She saw the smile fade from his face and she hurried on, "I know you did
>what you thought you had to, but .. I just have don't like the idea that
>we let her go."

Zane smiled at the diplomatically constructed phrase. "Are you questioning my orders Lieutenant?"

Jenn paused and looked into Zane's eyes trying to judge what he was thinking. She took a leap. "Yes. Although to be more precise, not so much your orders as the reason's for your decision to let Dee go."

"I see. I was wondering if you would get up the nerve to ask, I am not unaware of what you might be feeling about this 'situation', and coming here and questioning my decision can't have been an easy thing to do?"

"No sir it wasn't, however I felt I needed an answer."

*You do* Zane thought. *But I don't know how to tell you.* He deflected the conversation. "Lieutenant as second officer you are part of the command staff. It is your job, as well as Commander Maril's to question me if either of you feel I have taken a course of action that is detrimental to this ship, this crew or Starfleet, in private of course. On the bridge of this ship and in 'public' I am the Captain and not to be questioned. If the crew doesn't believe in me completely then we have a major problem. The same is true for all the senior staff."

"Of course sir. But that doesn't answer my question."

Zane laughed. "No it doesn't. Would you be satisfied if I told you that my decision was based on personal reasons?"

"Satisfied? No. But in this instance I would be willing to accept that." She replied intrigued wondering just what personal reasons Zane could have.

He rose and walked to the replicator. "Computer. Coffee, orange brandy, hot. Krysa?"

"Ahhh...a hot chocolate sounds good." She replied wondering if this meant the conversation would not stop where he had left it.

Zane set the mug down in front of her and settled back into his seat. "To be perfectly honest I don't know where to begin. We both know Dee deserved to be brought up on charges but there wasn't very much evidence to go on and I'm afraid she would have received little more than a slap on the wrist. At the time you were in danger and when she offered to help you I decided that your life was much more important than her getting a slap on the wrist. So I accepted her deal."

"Captain I know you are a man of your word and I realize you made a promise to her but you know empathic abilities or not I'm a trained counselor and I know when something is going on around me especially when I'm somehow involved. You were considerably uncomfortable whenever Dee and I were together, I know you tried to keep us apart and when we docked on EPSILON you couldn't get rid of her fast enough even going so far as giving her departure priority over your normal return-to-base routine's. In all the time I've known you I've never seen you break from a routine. Your a creature of habit."

"What can I say? I had had enough of her and wanted her out of our hair," He rubbed his bald head, "so to speak."

Krysa laughed but she could tell by the Captain's mannerisms that he was still only speaking half truths. And Zane knew she wasn't buying it. "Well Krysa, I'm afraid you have a mystery on your hands. But let me ask you this," He leaned forward with a strange look on his face, "what do you think was going on around you?"


Sorry it took me so long to reply. To skip my trademark freenet whine let me just say that there were alot of posts I wanted to string together but was having too much trouble with it so settled for these three but I do have responses to other items. In order of appearance:

Time problems: Hey at least they happened now and not later....I think we've all agreed as to when we are and when we will be...we'll arrive at SERAPIS' last known location on Day 4 in the afternoon.

Joesph/Mike Dailey: Upgrades sound good. Keep me informed!

Ted: Volunteer Medics sound good...feel free to press gang some volunteers ;)

Mike Dawe: Thanks alot! Very pleasant surprise...and yes you 'got me' ...especially once the Admiral called for transport of the new Captain. Sheesh the crew in revolt and the Admiral playing mind games...what next?

All: Thanks for your congratulatory mail but to be fair I have to say that any recognition I might receive is solely due to all of you...You guys write all the great storylines I'm merely riding on your coattails :)

Kris: Right back at you<EG>


-Captain Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: Chocolate Chip?

by Jason Bostjancic 10-6-1996

SD: 81006
MD: 1.1645
Scene: Deck 8

A brown haired Lt. (jg) in a blue science uniform walked along the corridor. She was small, attractive, and rather unimposing. Her eyes never darted from the PADD she held up as if deep in thought. Although her ears were taking in everything around her.

The PADD held all the information publicly available on the Feynman crew... and some that wasn't so public... like that of the command crew.

Then around the bend came the antithesis of the small lieutenant. Admrl. Nicholas. His imposing nature nearly dwarfed the smaller, in fact he nearly bowled over her.

"Hrmf. Lieutenant, you may wish *next time* to remove yourself from an admiral's path before you get transfered to a work bee cleaning EPSILON."

She lowered her head, but kept the eyes fixed on Nicholas, "Yes sir."

The Admiral resumed his stride. Then from behind he could have swore he heard the words whispered, "Next time you and your ships..." he turned, but saw nothing. The only sound being the ship's hum.

Something didn't sit right about the Lieutenant, so many came through his office that he couldn't be expected to remember everone, but something just wasn't right.

Scene: 10-F
MD: 1.1800

Information is like newly baked cookies on a starship. At first everyone want's some, not necessarily because they're good.. but because they're new. Then you take some to your friend and use the cookies to tease ... but finally you give them one or two. They in turn tell their friends about the great (or horrible) cookies, and 'they' decide whether to get more or forget about it. The older the cookies, the less people who want them.

Thus came the news of the Feynman's mission. Some saw the Admiral... others saw the Captain now as a *Captain*. When the shift change came was when it hit. Still the information was scarce, but the main point was clear. They were going to the SERAPIS.

The knowledge also made it to the ears of the Lt. (jg) in the blue uniform.

'Oh yes... back to the scene of the crime... far from everyone. Heh, how wonderfully perfect.... no help... no ties to home.... just us.'

A grin formed on her face as she listened... and waited.


MikeD: Just something to take note of. Maybe I'll (you'll) use it later.


Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS CAESAR AUGUSTUS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

Potest esse nur unus

USS FEYNMAN: NRPG - Two Little Things

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 10-6-1996

> He paused to let that sink in. "To boot, we do not know the origin
> of the blade. As a gift, yes. But did they make it or was it a battle
> prize? The Serapis might have had even less of a chance than we first
> thought. This translates into a reiteration of what I have already told
> Commander Zane. First sign of trouble you RUN. Failure to do so will be a
> reason to remove the current CO and have someone with common sense take
> over. Am I very clear on this?"
> <<<nrpg>>>
> Just what you need, a reason for mutiny :)

"'ll give no more orders on this ship, Bligh. Mr. Fryer! Take the Captain to the launch...(and give him his chair, too)" scary evil laughing inserted here.

Cheers all!
Mike ([still can't shake the pirate feeling...)


by Michael "Mike" Dailey 10-6-1996

> "Engage" It was not a person that materialized on in the room but a
> small box on the table next to the sword. Admiral Nicholas picked it up and
> opened it. He removed a single solid pip and came 'round the table to hand
> it to Zane. "Commander no longer. As of this date and time you are Captain
> in rank as well as duties, congratulations. As I said, Commander Zane will
> not be the CO, Captain Zane will be. Now I have other duties to attend to
> so if you will excuse me?"

> Moving along the line Zane reached for the second box.
> "Lieutenant junior grade Glin'kharr as of this date you are hereby
> promoted to the rank of full Lieutenant with all the rights and privileges
> therin." The doctor's hollow pip was removed and replaced with the new
> one. "Congratulations Lieutenant Glin'kharr."

....Andy and Ted, congrats to you both. Andy, less heat from the other Captains who snubbed you... Ted, on his way to SF Medical someday... [PLEASE, no Pulaski-like replacements, besides we would mis you. Sit, Ubu, sit. Good wolf. <GGG>

Cheers all!

USS FEYNMAN: Admiral Stuff

by Mike Dawe 10-6-1996

> "Thanks, I needed that." He said to all after waving them to sit
>down. "Now to business."

He tossed the sword, still covered with the holographic tigers blood, on the table before him and pointed to it. "I presume your CO has mentioned the gift I received in connection with your mission. A thought has occurred to one of my staff that I felt might be relevant to your investigation."

Tarrant was almost squirming in his seat. To treat such a blade in such a manner . . . not to clean it off, tossing it on the table . . .

The Admiral continued. "We have not been able to get even a sample from this blade for analysis. It is almost as though the crystal was 'grown' in this shape. To rmove a piece would cause the destruction of the entire blade."

At this LT. Meleah looked up with increased interest. The ability to grow dilithium crystals had been theorized for some time but none had yet managed it. This would be a huge incentive to find a source of the blade for starfleet technology, if for no other reason.

The Admiral spoke on . . . "Computer, comm channel to security."


"This is the Admiral, computer will confirm verbal id and coded overrides. I want a phaser rifle beamed to this location now. There will be a momentary discharge, deactivate the alarms for this location for the next three minutes." He turned and focussed his gaze on Allard who added confirmation. A moment later the rifle appeared next to the sword. Wordlessly the Admiral picked up the rifle and openly set it to level 7, a setting that could punch through a durallium wall in a single short burst. He spun it with a practiced move and fired point blank on the sword before any could react.

<<<nrpg>>> Of course you can react after the fact ;) <<<rpg>>>

When the eyes adjusted to the light they saw the sword still there, now clean, none the worse for the experience. "Theory has it that I could hit it with a ships phaser and nothing would happen." He attested. "Now if the shape is as big as they make the crystal then all well and good, don't shoot their swords. But one tech made the scary suggestion . . . what if a ship were shielded with this?"

He paused to let that sink in. "To boot, we do not know the origin of the blade. As a gift, yes. But did they make it or was it a battle prize? The Serapis might have had even less of a chance than we first thought. This translates into a reiteration of what I have already told Commander Zane. First sign of trouble you RUN. Failure to do so will be a reason to remove the current CO and have someone with common sense take over. Am I very clear on this?"

<<<nrpg>>> Just what you need, a reason for mutiny :)


"But then it would not be Commander Zane who would be removed from duty." He paused a moment for this to sink in. "Seeing as Commander Zane will not be the CO of this vessel."


The Admiral was known for dropping bombshells but this floored the crew for a moment.

"Hrrmf, I expect you would like to meet your new CO?"

Silence met the question as eyes turned to Zane who seemed to know nothing of this either.

"Fine. Computer, comm channel to Epsilon transporter room 2"


"Engage" It was not a person that materialized on in the room but a small box on the table next to the sword. Admiral Nicholas picked it up and opened it. He removed a single solid pip and came 'round the table to hand it to Zane. "Commander no longer. As of this date and time you are Captain in rank as well as duties, congratulations. As I said, Commander Zane will not be the CO, Captain Zane will be. Now I have other duties to attend to so if you will excuse me?"

<<<nrpg>>> One plot scare and one well deserved promotion.

If you have Admiral questions I will answer them, otherwise I will call for the arch, grab a gyros and a tiropita and go back to the base.

mike--->did I getcha?
Vice Admiral Azariah Nicholas CINCSILVER
Captain Christof Fife USS REGENT
Lt. Cmdr Eskat Eskat USS HERMES
Lt James Cardiff USS SARATOGA

USS FEYNMAN: Just a Few Questions, Sir.

by Kristen Gant 10-6-1996

Stardate: 81006.1053
Scene: Holobriefing

As the Vice Admiral turned to leave via the arch, all eyes turned to their 'new' CO. Krysa was the first to move from astonishment to action as a huge grin spread over her face, as she wrapped her arms around him in an exuberant hug. She released him, the grin still on her face, "I guess he likes being chased by tigers!"

Zane still looked a bit shell shocked as the others began their congratulations as well. Krysa stood back to allow the other in. She was approached by Lt. Allard. With a wry smile he said, "I didn't get a hug with my promotion."

Krysa turned to the brash CSO and returned the smile, "Well Lt., when you attain the rank of Captain, call me, and I'll consider it."

They chuckled as the others began to settle back into their seats. This was after all still a mission briefing. Krysa wondered briefly if perhaps she'd should have dispensed with hugging the Captain, as it probably hadn't appeared to dignified. She hoped she hadn't embarrassed the newly promoted officer. However, her thoughts were soon draw away from that and to the interesting artifact before them.

"Has anyone tried to scan this stuff," she asked, touching it lightly. "I mean if a ship is shielded with this, can we scan through it."

MD 1.2000

Maril strode out of the ready room and quickly stepped over to the turbolift. He stopped short and turned to Lt. Jenn, who had the Bridge shift. "What's our ETA to the debris field?"

"Two days, eighteen hours, twenty-five minutes, sir." <<I think this makes the time correct :}>>

"Thank you, Lieutenant."

Krysa watched as the XO left the bridge. She kept her eye on the Captain's ready room, for she had some things she wanted to discuss with him, and she wanted to discuss them tonight if possible.

MD: 1.2330

As Krysa's shift drew to a close, the Captain still had not come out of his ready room. This really wasn't unusual. As Zane had no need of sleep, (something she thought he was really missing out on) he was often found spending the night in his ready room.

Krysa was drawn from her thoughts by the turbolift doors swishing open. Lt. Koroth entered the bridge to replace her. She filled him in on the little that had happened, which really wasn't much and made her way toward the ready room. She hit the call button and waited for his response.

She stepped through the door at his 'Enter,' and moved to stand in front of him. He looked up at her and motioned for her to have seat.

"I'm sorry to bother you, *Captain*," she said with grin.

Zane smiled back, "It's no bother. What can I do for you?"

"Well, if you have a few minutes, I'd like to speak to you about something that's been on my mind for a few days now, regarding .. Dee." She saw the smile fade from his face and she hurried on, "I know you did what you thought you had to, but .. I just have don't like the idea that we let her go."

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: So Andy :} Do you think Zane can easily address, Krysa's concerns??

Somewhere in here I'm sure we leave Epsilon :} But since Joseph always does such a great job with that, I'll leave it for him .. or for anyone else who wants to try and top him :}:}

Kristen & Scott Gant

USS FEYNMAN: Seek and Ye Shall Find

by Kristen Gant 10-7-1996

Stardate: 81007
MD: 1.2330

>"What can I say? I had had enough of her and wanted her out of our
>hair," He rubbed his bald head, "so to speak."

Krysa laughed but she could tell by the Captain's mannerisms that he was still only speaking half truths. And Zane knew she wasn't buying it. "Well Krysa, I'm afraid you have a mystery on your hands. But let me ask you this," He leaned forward with a strange look on his face, "what do you think was going on around you?"

Krysa's brow wrinkled, "Well, I know she felt she had something over you. Something that would help her get her way. I had assumed that was because she could help me."

Zane nodded, "I was led to believe that if she didn't help you, your life would be at risk."

"That's what I don't understand. And why I know there's more to it then that." Krysa said frustrated. "She lied. She wasn't the only one that could help. Dr. Glin'kharr would most likely have found the problem at some point, and you wouldn't have needed to accept her help."

"She was in your head, Krysa." Zane said emphatically, "There was no telling what she might have done while we waited for the doctor to try and figure out how she was getting there." He thought for a minute before continuing. "She threatened you .. and me."

Krysa knew that he hadn't wanted to tell her that. "She threatened you? How?" She was really confused now. There was a missing piece here that he wasn't telling her.

"She wanted a safe way away from her enemies. That's all she wanted and she was willing to use whatever means she had at her disposal."

Krysa nodded. "But what could she threaten you with?" She watched the captain's face, but he still wasn't giving anything away. Though there was something in his look .. There was still something he wasn't telling her. She felt his concern and his fear. But she wasn't sure what it was he was afraid of.

"I hope you don't mind me being so blunt about this, but I don't see why you're keeping things from me. I mean, she's gone now, and there's no way for her to get back into my head. She can't hurt me. She can't hurt you. Not anymore. Not after everything else she's done."

"I'd rather not talk about it." he said quietly. Krysa tried to get a better feel for why he refused to talk to her about it, using her empathic skills. She once again cursed the accident which had left her with so little of her natural abilities. What was it he was afraid of? As Zane raised his head and looked directly into Krysa's eyes, her eyes widened.

As their eyes met, his feelings for her could no longer be hidden. She was now able to see why Dee had effected him so much and the power she had held over him. Neither of them able to break the gaze that held them, Krysa was also able to see his anxiety that she'd find out and his equally strong misery that she never would.

"Oh .." Krysa whispered. Her own emotions in turmoil. She'd come to confront him on something she saw as an injustice only to be faced with something she hadn't expected.

"Krysa, I .." he began.

Krysa was finally able to pull her eyes away and she stood quickly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed. I mean, you had your reasons .. I should have respected that .."

Lt. Krysa Jenn
Kristen & Scott Gant

USS FEYNMAN: An Akward Situation

by Andrew Catterick 10-7-1996

SD: 81007.2000
MD: 1.2345

> As their eyes met, his feelings for her could no longer be hidden. She was
> now able to see why Dee had effected him so much and the power she had held
> over him. Neither of them able to break the gaze that held them, Krysa was
> also able to see his anxiety that she'd find out and his equally strong
> misery that she never would.
> "Oh .." Krysa whispered. Her own emotions in turmoil. She'd come to
> confront him on something she saw as an injustice only to be faced with
> something she hadn't expected.
> "Krysa, I .." he began.
> Krysa was finally able to pull her eyes away and she stood quickly, "I'm
> sorry, I shouldn't have pushed. I mean, you had your reasons .. I should
> have respected that .."

Zane felt like he was floundering as he watched the emotions play across her face. "You did what you thought was right...what *was* right. You thought something was wrong with me and you called me on it. I should have handled it better. I should have..." His voice trailed off as the enormity of the situation hit him. From here on things could never be the same. No matter what happened, what was said, what wasn't, this moment, when he foolishly let his guard down would forever be a turning point between them. But where would it lead?

"No I pushed and it was obvious you didn't want to talk about it and I just kept on going." She looked as confused as Zane felt and he desired nothing more than to reach out to her.

"Please sit down." He said. "I'm sorry. I hadn't meant for it....well now you know why getting rid of Dee was so important." He shrugged in resignation. *Now what do you do?* He thought to himself.

"How long?" She asked.

The Captain leaned back in his chair and thought back. "I don't know exactly...before Kavan came on the scene." As soon as he said it he regretted it. But Kyrsa seemed to let it pass for now as her mind grasped on to another thought. "When they all came aboard!" She exclaimed as her mind raced. "I knew you weren't yourself I even talked to Bat about it and he agreed you seemed a little out of sorts."

Zane nodded. "Up until then I figured any relationship we might have had would develop or wouldn't," He smiled slyly, "I was betting on would. But then suddenly your not only engaged but getting married! I couldn't change how I felt so I decided the only thing I could do was try to forget and move on. I couldn't forget. But at least I knew you were happy."

"Captain I just don't know what to say."

"Its very akward isn't it?"

"Yes!" She replied, glad he had said it first.

"Being my stoic self," he began with a smile, "I was all set to remain silent and I can continue to do so. But we can't ignore the fact that this is now out in the open between us. How we proceed from here," He shrugged, " I don't know. Unfortunately you get most of the shock and what that means is that, for the most part, the ball is now squarely in your court. You know how I feel and I don't expect anything of you save that you do what's best for you. But no matter what happens we both have a duty to this ship and her crew. We're Starfleet officers and can be nothing less no matter what our personal situation. If that ever changes then..."

" of us will need a transfer." She finshed for him.

He nodded.

"Well this Starfleet officer better get some sleep or she won't be up to her normal self." She rose and Zane followed suit. "Good night Captain."

"Good night Krysa." Zane watched as the doors closed behind her before he looked up at the ceiling. "Well that was fun."


-Captain Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: The Battlefield of the Mind

by Max Felsher 10-8-1996

Whan that Aprille with his shoures sote /
The droghte of Marche hath perced to the rote /
And bathed every veyne in swich licour /
Of which vertu is engendered is the flour

SD 81008.0130(GMT)
MD 2.0100
Lt. Commander Maril's Quarters

Maril was sitting in an armchair in his quarters, seemingly peaceful, but in reality his mind was being used as a great battlefield. Good against evil, his mind against the thing out there.

When the entity had first struck, Maril had not been ready for it and no resistance to the thing's suggestions had been made. But slowly his mind had realized what was happening and was fighting back.

Of course Captain Zane wasn't the probelm. He had saved the crew many times....but no, he was the one which was causing the problems, he was the reason why Maril couldn't command....what was he thinking? he would never revolt against the Captain....but the Captain was stopping him...what was the matter with him? this thing was taking control. If he let it spread, he would be a valuable tool for whatever was out there. He had to stop it....


Maril stepped forward into Sickbay feeling very weak. He was spending all his energy fighting the thing, and he could hardly walk. "Doctor..."

Glin'kharr happened to be coming out of his office at that moment. As he focused on Maril, Maril staggered forward and fell, holding his head. He slowly stopped holding, and his body fell limp.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

Don't worry. Maril should be okay, at least physically. Of course, this is all because you guys made me feel so guilty. ;) Now see what you've done! <BG>

USS FEYNMAN: To Serve and Protect

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 10-8-1996

SD: 81008
MD: 2.0610
SCENE: Security Office

J.C. leaned back in the chair in front of his desk, loosing the battle to fight against a yawn. Alex, the ACSO, sitting across from J.C., took a sip of his hot chocolate with a a few drops of brandy added for flavor. He had offered one to his CO, but he declined. After the briefing and the post-briefing discussion last night, he had turned in for a few hours sleep. Wanting to get an early start, he had asked Alex to meet him before Alpha started to have their own 'mini-briefing'.

"Everyone in security was going crazy when the Admiral called down requesting the rifle, and safety overrides be turned off. Jonas was on watch at the desk, and called me off-duty to see if I knew what was going on.", said Alex.

"I can imagine. He shocked us when he let go a shot at the sword. Hmm. I wonder if the Admiral still qualifies with his sidearm?", they both laughed at the mental picture of CINCSILVER at target practice. J.C. wheeled his chair back to the desk,

"O.K., down to business. I'm glad you finished the performance reviews for me." Alex handed him two PADDs. "With the briefing, settling in our two new Cadets, and that torpedo modification project, I had my hands full." J.C. picked up the first PADD and scanned the names.

"No problem, Ensign Allard..." Alex had stopped, J.C. tried not to notice, still reading the report. It would take a few weeks for him and the Security team to get used to the new rank. "Sorry, Sir. It slipped."

"Forget it, Alex. When I hear it, I think someone is talking to some other Allard." he rubbed the new pip on his collar, "It will take some time for ME to get used to it, too."

Turning back to the PADD, "Anyway, PO-2 Kori Matsumii, and PO-3 Micah Hicks both up one grade. I agree.", said J.C.

"Jerry Jonas would have made CPO if that, er, incident with Mr. Mason had not happened.", Alex stirred the marshmallows in his chocolate.

"Let's try not to remember that. I'm sure he doesn't want to." J.C. punched up a report on his desk console. "Alex, there seems to be one name missing...". Alex looked puzzled. He had gone over everyone's service records and performance evaluations, and listed the results of the two who were eligible for promotion. He stood up to see the screen, and dropped his mouth open... J.C. copied the file from the console to the PADD.

"There, I've added CPO Tamarov, Alex T. - to Senior Chief Petty Officer to the list. Alex, two direct orders! Close your mouth, and sit back down..." J.C. smiled, and reached across the desk, offering Alex his hand.

"Thank you, SIR! I'm not officially had my time in-grade for another two weeks." Alex had turned bright red, his face flushed.

J.C. signed his name, and hit the send button. The computer would route the report to CDR. Maril and Capt. Zane for final approval. "It's not official yet, of course. Maril and the Captain will probably complete crew evals. while we're enroute, so wait patient for a day or so." J.C. picked up the second pad. After scanning the reports, his smile turned to a frown.

"Both Duffy and McClure on report. Duffy for being late for duty, and McClure for a uniform violation.", J.C. hated this aspect of running a dept. Being recently in a 'hot' spot himself, the CSO had made it clear to all the Security NCO's that nothing short of excellence would be tolerated. J.C. had started the department meeting by saying, 'Our performance WILL be the best. The FEYNMAN may not be the flagship, but we're going to act like it. Excellence will be the standard, and standard will be unacceptable in performance.'

"I wrote Duffy up myself, and T'mec wrote up McClure just last night when he came on duty without his comm badge. Said he had lost it, and didn't have time to get another."

J.C. sighed as he again signed his name, and hit the send box. He gathered the two PADDs and stacked them in the corner of his desk. Duffy and McClure would be at the next Captain's Mast, now presided over buy a full Captain.

Alex spoke up, "Oh I almost forgot, I passed the word around about the Volunteer Medical program Dr. Glin'Khar was offering. Put me, T'Boc, and Jeotcki Reobetorg down. A few others said they might later."

"Good, Glin'kharr should be happy. I was considering it too. After all, we're usually the ones who need medical attention," they both laughed at the 200 year-old joke of high injuries in Security. "I'll let the good Doctor know this morning"

Alex looked at his chrono,"its 0740. I'm going to go relieve T'meq early. Maybe she'll go meditate or something" J.C. rolled his eyes at the Vulcan-slam. They both got up, J.C. added, "remember, as soon as we reach the SERAPIS, all patrol teams are to double up, and I want that permanent team on the bridge 24 hrs, heavily-armed. NO surprises this mission, Alex."

"Right, Lt. Allard." They walked out of the CSO's office. Alex went to the watch officers desk to relieve T'meq, and J.C. headed for the turbo lift. Once on the bridge, he greeted the Duty Officer, and went over to tactical.

"Good morning, Mr. Hicks. You can go early, but check out with the duty officer first."

"Thank you, Sir.", Hicks walked down to the center seat, and asked permission to leave. The D.O. nodded.

*When Lt. Koreth comes on duty, I'll speak to him about the photon torpedo upgrade*, J.C. thought as he punched up Gamma's shift-log from tactical, seeing absolutely nothing of interest. Thinking, he walked down to the chair to speak to the D.O. There was a special 'minor-alteration' J.C. wanted to add to the 'Chair'...

Mike Dailey
Lieutenant D'doj Zzawj Ckorji, MD - CMO - USS CONSTITUTION - INDIGO

******** * NRPG * ********

Kinda long, but I had a lot to do. Jason, when you go on duty, J.C. will want to talk to you...

Sorry, I didn't know who had the 'chair' during gamma???

....Now what could J.C. be up to...???


USS FEYNMAN: Making It To Morning

by Kristen Gant 10-8-1996

Stardate: 81008.1224
Scene: Krysa's quarters
MD: 2.0100

Krysa had dressed for bed, but was now sitting on the couch in her living room, unable to sleep. Her thoughts keeping her awake. She had no idea how to handle this new factor which had now been entered into her life. She'd never had a relationship where she hadn't known the rules before entering.

Her relationship with Jack during her academy years had always been for fun and companionship. She'd known then that there was never any hope of commitment there. He's heart was already taken by his career. She'd known that and accepted it. And if it hadn't been for his friendship she wasn't sure she'd have made it through the academy. He'd been a great support.

Of course with Kavan, plans had been made and decided when she was just an infant. As much as she'd fought it, there had never been another choice. Though there were times she wished, for Kavan's sake, she'd refused her fathers wishes. But her father always won out in the end. Unfortunately in this case, it didn't have a happy ending.

Krysa brushed away a tear that slid down her face. She did miss him, despite the guilt she felt over his death. It was the fact that he had been happy with her on the FEYNMAN that gave her any solace at all. She knew that had he lived, they could have been very happy. But the fates had decided otherwise.

She knew that she partly blamed Dee for his death as well, since she'd been instrumental in the circumstances that led to his death. Which was a big part of why she'd been upset that the Captain had let her go so easily. But now .. now it made sense. He'd been protecting her two-fold. Not just from Dee's mind control, but also from her manipulation of his feelings.

She remembered the first time she'd ever spent anytime with him. She'd been an Ensign, fresh out of the academy, excited to be on her first mission. He had been Lt. Commander Zane then, the FO of the FEYNMAN. She'd liked him instantly and they had gotten along well. He'd been the one to give her the Bridge Officers test and thanks to him it had been one of the most enjoyable and exhilarating simulations she'd ever done.

In the time they'd served together she'd come to respect him first as the FO and then as the Captain. She trusted him and they'd become friends. She'd known something was wrong when he'd been there to greet the shuttle's carrying her parents and Kavan's parents, but she'd never bothered to follow up on it.

She even remembered his somber mood at the engagement party. Which of course now made sense. He'd had enough respect for her to not say anything as she made her decision to follow tradition and her fathers wishes.

She knew he tended to be closed mouthed in personal matters and as a counselor she had respected his right to do that. Until tonight. She had pushed too far and gone beyond where any good counselor or friend should ever go. And now everything was different. She had been so caught up in making sure she got her answers ..

She sighed, "Well this is getting you nowhere, Lieutenant," she admonished herself. "Computer, lights off. Play Bach, French Suite No. 1 in D minor." As the music began, she headed into the bedroom and crawled under the covers determined to rest her mind and her body. She could think about things tomorrow.

MD: 2.0700

Krysa awoke, the French Suite No. 1 still playing softly. As she sat up the world still seemed so strange. Everything looked familiar, yet it was all different.

"Computer, stop music."

She got out of bed and ran a steaming hot water shower. While this wouldn't help her solve any great problems emotionally, it would definitely make her feel better physically.

Water so hot it made your pores tingle was definitely one of the most enjoyable ways to relax in Krysa's book. And she felt a desperate need to relax. It was still over two days away until they reached the Serapis debris field. In those two days the crew was in desperate need of something fun. Perhaps a ball game to set minds at ease before they had to deal with the gruesome work of investigating the wreckage. It was definitely something she should mention to the Captain.

She sighed as she realized out easily that had come out. They had come to work together so easily. So why did things seem so different now. Perhaps if she just went on as though she hadn't pried last night she could make things back to the way they were. Even as her training told her this was impossible, she set out to do just that.

As she dressed and brushed her hair she had the computer read off her list of things to do for the day. There really wasn't much to do, as most everything was in place and ready for when the reached the debris field. And that which wasn't yet ready was being worked diligently on by CPO Smith, the Ops department Delphi Operator. The Delphi array was an interesting section of the FEYNMAN. As a detailed sensor, it fell under both Operations and Science departments. Not to mention engineering to keep it fully functional. She had been fortunate enough to place Sarah Smith as Delphi Operator. Sarah seemed to get along with everyone and so far since she'd taken the position there had been no disputes over the array. Before, it had been a virtual hot bed of disagreement between departments.

Checking her appearance one last time in the mirror she ran out of her quarters to make it to the bridge for her shift. She was already running late.

MD: 2.0810

Krysa arrived ten minutes late. The Captain was in his chair when she stepped off the turbolift. He looked at her his expression vaguely blank. Krysa realized he was as unsure as to how to continue as she was. "Sorry I'm late, sir," she said.

"Sleep in, Lieutenant?"

Krysa grinned, hearing the easy tone in his voice. "Actually no, just had a slow morning." She then moved to relieve the Gamma Ops. She breathed deeply, glad that far things seemed fairly normal. Of course she'd not yet truly met his gaze yet. One step at a time ..

Lt. Krysa Jenn.

NRPG: So do we wanna do a ball game or something or just head straight on to the wreckage?

Kristen & Scott Gant

USS FEYNMAN: An Invitation

by Andrew Catterick 10-8-1996

From: Bat Durnsten
TO: All Personnel
RE: Bat's Second Whenever I Feel Like It Backyard BBQ and Ballgame!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Attention all hands!!! Tomorrow afternoon beginning at 12:00 on Holodeck 3 the party of the season will take place and you're all requested and required to be there.

Festivities will Include:

BBQ and buffet with all your favourites Lakefront setting complete with sandy beach Playing fields of all types and sizes

AND!! Try your throwing arm at the all new 'Soak the Captain Dunk Tank' ....special thanks to Captain Zane for graciously volunteering to be dunked.

I look forward to seeing you all!

Volunteers Welcome! Bat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>=/\=<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


This will take place at MD:3.1200.

I wonder if Zane knows hes been volunteered?;)


-Captain Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: Here and There

by Andrew Catterick 10-10-1996

SD: 81010.1100
MD: 2.0300
Scene: Ready-room

[Sickbay to Zane.]

"Zane here, what can I do for you Doctor?" Zane asked, wondering why Glin'kharr was up so late.

[Commander Maril was presumably on his way to sickbay and collapsed as he arrived.] The doctor replied matter-of-factly. Zane could here a slight twinge of frustration in the wolf's voice.

"I'm on my way."

MD: 2.0305
Scene: Sickbay

"How is he?" Zane asked before the sickbay doors had closed behind him. Glin'kharr looked up from his scanner at the Captain. "It seems to be a case of fatigue."

"Seems to be?" Zane asked.

"Every indication points to it but I would have thought he would have had more stamina."

"Well he's been through alot. The last mission was a grinder and a very emotional strain at that. I know he had friends on all three of the destroyed ships and that the loss has taken its toll. Add to that our immediate launch and all that goes with it and the load seems unmanageable especially for Commander Maril, the XO usually gets the brunt of a launch."

The doctor frowned. "Well you and the Admiral both got my report. I recommended some R&R for this crew before they get caught up in another 'grinder' if they don't they fall apart."

"Agreed. Which is why Ens Lee and our morale officer are planning something for tomorrow."

"Well it better be fun....and relaxing." The doctor demanded.

"Would you expect anything less from Emporer Bat?" He said with a smile. "Well I'll get out of your fur, keep me informed."

Scene: Bridge

Zane paced around the bridge for what seemed like the millionth time. He was his usual pre-mission 'antsy' self and was trying extremely hard not to harass the bridge crew. The FEYNMAN was hurtling through space at better than warp 9.45 in a relative straight line and they would be for another 48 hours. The result was there was little for the bridge officers to report on and little for Zane to sink his teeth into. That meant that Zane had little else to do but worry and the last 24 hours had given him plenty of topics to dwell on. He hated to worry.

"Excuse me Captain."

Zane looked away from the viewscreen to MCPO Mike Larocque. "Bit early for signatures isn't it Mike."

"Well I've got a few things I thought you might like to see, sir." He said with a grin as he passed over the PADDs and then watched the Captain's face carefully. He was rewarded soon thereafter.

Zane's eyes almost popped out of his head as he read Bat's invitation to the crew. "I imagine everyone already knows about this?" He asked Larocque, hoping he could delete the dunk tank idea before it got around.

"Uh...I'd say your probably the last one to hear about it sir."

"I see." Zane replied with a defeated tone. "You'll make sure the water is warm."

"Of course sir." Mike said with a smile. "Uh sir, I don't think Bat wanted you to find out about this...if he found out I was the one..."

Zane patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry your secret's safe with me."


Well its Thursday now so lets say we start the festivities on Sat Am...I think we could all use a little mindless distraction before we jump back into the thick of that gives you a day or so to think up fun things to do on the holodeck...a little more character development, recover from evil in the old throwing arm to try and dunk the person who promotes you etc.

Andy-->Thinking up a good bathing costume for a bald grey skinned man

-Captain Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET