USS FEYNMAN Crew Biofiles

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USS FEYNMAN Crew Biofiles
(Updated SD 351026)




Captain Paul Paxwax


Captain Zane

Commanding Officer: Captain Zane
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>STARFLEET BIO<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
NAME:                Zane 
SERVICE #:           9307448 
RANK:                Captain [INACTIVE]
POSITION:            Commanding Officer 
RACE:       Unknown 
HOMEWORLD:  Unknown 
AGE:    34 
SEX:    Male 
Physical Description: 
Humanoid.  HT:1.9m   WT:80kg   Skin:Grey   Eyes:Black 

-70731:  Graduated from Starfleet Academy  
-70804:  Assigned to ALB for Fleet transittion 
-70812:  Assigned to WhiteFleet (now SilveerFleet) 
-70814:  Assigned USS FEYNMAN, NCC 66000 
-70815:  Posted as Chief Security Officer  
-71016:  Promoted to Lieutenant junior graade 
-71205:  Promoted to Lieutenant 
-71205:  Posted as Operations/Second Officcer 
-71209:  Promoted to Lieutenant Commander  
-71209:  Posted as XO/FO 
-80204:  Promoted to Commander 
-80204:  Posted as commanding officer, USSS FEYNMAN 
-80204:  (Awarded Order of Orpheus, Unit CCitation, from CINCSILVER) 
-81006:  Promoted to Captain 
-90430:  (Awarded Outstanding Command Offiicer Citation at RT) 
-91031:  (Awarded Outstanding Command Offiicer Citation at RT) 
-91031:  (FEYNMAN Awarded Outstanding Unitt Citation at RT) 
-101001: USS FEYNMAN Destroyed by Xanthanddi Navy, Lion's Head Nebula 
-101030: (FEYNMAN Awarded Outstanding Unitt Citation at RT) 
-101030: Posted as Commanding Officer USS  KIROV, NCC 28000 
-111031: (Awarded Outstanding Command Offiicer Citation at RT) 
-111031: (KIROV Awarded Outstanding Unit CCitation at RT) 


Zane is generally quiet but often displays a developed sense of humour 
often directed at himself in a sarcastic sense.  Very determined and can 
become frustrated easily.  A being of action not patience. 

Hobbies/Interests:  Reading-political journals, the study of Earth's 
                    International Relations--19th and 20th Centuries., 
Favourite Drink:  Coffee, Black 
Favourite Food:   None...good appetite for most...See Medical File 

        As the only being of his kind little is known of his biology in 
terms of life expectancy, physical norms, life phases etc.  However 
after study of the subject several areas have come to light. 
Internally, Zane most resembles a Klingon in terms of having biological 
backups of all major systems.  For example all major organs have 
duplicates that appear to have little function unless the primary organ 
is damaged or incapacitated in some manner. 

        Of most interest is a small organ attached to the stomach which 
processes protein in a highly accelerated manner.  The result is that 
Zane does not need and, in fact, seems incapable of sleeping.   It 
appears this organ acts as some sort of internal 'battery' or power 
system.  To remain charged the subject must consume a substantial amount 
of food at frequent intervals.  On an average day 8 meals are generally 
consumed.   When unable to follow this the subject appears sluggish and 
begins to lose mental functions.  While dietary supplements and vitamins 
can be used a steady menu of solid food is recommended. 

        In 2356  the USS REPULSE discovered a derelict ship in sector 
HX-8946.  The ship was determined to be at least 8000 years old.  Upon 
searching the vessel a small compartment was discovered that still 
maintained partial power due to a small nuclear power plant.  The 
equipment being powered was retrieved and studied by the REPULSE.  It 
was determined that the equipment was designed to keep a fertilized 
embryo viable.  After much debate the ship's CMO,  in a direct violation 
of orders, revived the embryo from its stasis.  After a six-month 
gestation the being later named Zane was born. 

        As the REPULSE was on a deepspace-exploration mission the infant 
was cared for and raised by the officers and crew of the REPULSE. 
Primary care and guidance was undertaken jointly by Captain John Clark 
and the CEO, Lt. Cmdr Cathy Ryan.  Schooling was performed by the 
various department heads but it was found at an early age that Zane had 
little aptitude for the sciences.  It is unknown if this is an 
individual trait or one of his races. 

        By age sixteen it was unmistakable, the urge to leave and begin 
a life of his own.  It was decided that Zane would be best suited in 
Starfleet and thus entered the Academy in 2372. 

NOTE:  In 2376 (SD:70823)  USS REPULSE was listed as missing and 
       presumed destroyed. 

Letters of Recommendation. 

It is hard to believe  that we found Zane 16 years ago adrift in space. 
Since that time we have raised him 'as our own'.  I suppose it is 
inevitable that he would wish to join starfleet and it is a measure, not 
only of or affection but our respect for his abilities that we forgo the 
tradition of having an officer recommend him.  Instead, on behalf of the 
entire crew of the USS REPULSE, WE recommend him. 

- Captain John Clark, commanding. USS REPULSE
It is with mixed emotions I approve Ensign Zane's posting to ALB as part 
of his transition to the fleet.  The destruction of the REPULSE has hit 
him hard.  Not only has he lost his family and his home.  He must deal 
with  the fact that he must truly be alone.  He does not know where he 
is from or where he belongs.  However, I feel that a starship posting is 
the best way for him to overcome his sorrow. 
Cmdr. Hargan. 
Starfleet Medical
--------------------End Bio chip----------------------------------------


Lieutenant Commander Onta Maril

Executive Officer: Lieutenant Commander Onta Maril
(Note-Some information is under the Tamarian name.When parantheses are
used, it is the Federation name.)
Name-Onta Maril
Home Planet-Motuxi(Tyul IV)
Date of birth-Ulmawen's heart at the killings 3,6789(July 24,2380)
Place of birth-town of Nbolni,looking at the sea;continent of Majaden

The Tamarians' language is based entirely on metaphor. Before the
encounter between Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise and
Dathon, every attempt to communicate with the Tamarians had failed.
Although they now live on many planets, the Tamarians' home planet is
Arranda's Clearing(Cortuv V). Tamarians look somewhat reptilian. Onta
Maril is the first Tamarian in Starfleet.

Current Assignment-USS Feynman
Current Position-Executive Officer

Parents-Azelti Mar,father,age:52 Earth years,stellar cartograher,lives in
Nbolni,looking at the sea;
Perun Tuelchi,mother,age:51 Earth years, starship designer,lives
with her husband
Siblings-Agganu Maral,brother,age:31 Earth years,writer,lives in Rajal at
the throne Mountains;
Mikel Tuelchita,sister,age:29 Earth years,oceanographer,
lives in Mayal in the pit Islands;
Bero Marel,brother,age:26 Earth years, architect,lives in
Nolin Tuelchite,sister,age:19 Earth years, cadet-Anjil's
Hall,lives in Kamel's Castle,planet of Ridel(Ontalax III)


Education-13 years at Tamarian schools,best area:astronomy
2 years at a Tamarian science academy
2 years on Earth at the English Language School in New
4 years at Starfleet Academy,major area:science(Special mention:
went on diplomatic mission to Beronia VII with Ambassador
Filerot as science officer in sophomore year and found a new
phenomenon called Alkotian beambending in the atmosphere of
the third moon)

Major:Scientific Research
Minor:Technical Operations

Physical Description-height:1.75 meters,weight:73 kilograms,

Medical Information-mostly normal for Tamarian standards, although blood type
(River of Acseli) is rare and blood pressure is slightly below normal
Traditions-writes home once a month,walks on a path through a
forest,either a real one or one on a holodeck,each birthday

Beliefs-The beautiful buillding could be a monster's jaw.(Don't act on
Hobbies-sculpting, reading Klingon mysteries, and the bat'telh
Annoyances-people who make decisions without taking any time to look at
the situation

Ambitions-to be the first Tamarian Captain in Starfleet(or maybe even

SD 70622.1630-Graduated from Starfleet Academy
70709.1300-Assigned to ALB Holodeck 4
70808.0945-Reported to Admiral Ashe on Starbase Alpha
70808.1841-Assigned to White Fleet
70819.0911-Assigned to USS Feynman, NCC-66000
70819.1200-Assigned as Chief Science Officer
71020.1200-Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade
71206.1430-Promoted to full Lieutenant
71210.1200-Transferred to position of Second/Operations Officer
80117.0815-Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
80204.1000-Transfered to Executive Officer
80204.1200-Awarded Order of Orpheus, Unit Citation, from CINCSILVER

Letters of Reccomendation-
Develi Geletur, Instructor, Motuxi Science Academy(translated)
Student Maril has done some excellent work here. He is very industrious
and insightful. However, I fear his streak of shyness, may cause him
trouble, especially if he wishes to go to Starfleet Academy. I wish
him the best of luck, whatever he may do.

Paul Felien, Instructor, English Language School
Felix Stromefel, Instructor, English Language School
Onta Maril has done considerably well considering his background.
It has been very hard for him adjusting to the grammar of the English
language from his own metaphorical language. Although he does suffer
relapses, my colleagues and I have decided that he is fit to enter
Starfleet Academy.

Selen, Director of Academic Affairs, Starfleet Academy
Cadet Maril is doing well in Starfleet Academy. He is keeping up on his
work and his grades are some of the best in his class. However, the fact
that he is still learning some of the English language and the fact
that he is sometimes on the shy side have gotten him into some awkward
positions.However, if he improves in that part, I believe Cadet Maril will
pass with flying colors.


Lieutenant Krysa Jenn

Operation/Second Officer: Lieutenant Krysa Jenn
========================Begin File===========================
Age 24
Height: 1.30 m (52), Weight: 56 kg (125 lb.)
Hair: black, Eyes: black
Race: Betazoid
Hair black, Eyes black
Race: Betazoid
Siblings: Jerna Jenn 20, student at the Torin School of Psychology
Waston Jenn 17, with parents
Parents: Quarn and Baris Jenn, Betazed Embassy on Earth
Born: Earth, Betazed Embassy
Education: Starfleet Academy with special program in counseling
Service Number: Q3458-79346CN

Assignment History:
71220 - ALB Holodeck Training
71227 - USS Feynman, Ships Counselor
80117 - Promoted to Lt.(j.g.)
80204 - Awarded Order of Orpheus, Unit Citation
80205 - Promoted to Full Lt.
80205 - Posted as Ops/2nd Officer

Hobbies: Gymnastics and Dance
Background: Krysa was born on Earth at the Betazed Embassy so she is
considered to be a Betazed citizen. Her father, Ambassador Quarn Jenn,
has been a Betazed Diplomat on Earth for 30 years. His wife, Baris Jenn,
has served as his personal aide during that time. Krysa has 2 younger
siblings, Jerna who is a student on Betazed at the Torin School of
Psychology and Waston, who resides with his parents at the Embassy.
Krysa entered Starfleet Academy and has excelled in physical pursuits.
She was also above average in her academics. She successfully completed
Starfleet Academys special counseling program with acceptable marks.
Krysas empathic abilities began when she hit puberty. They developed
quickly and she quickly found that she could communicate telepathically
with those close to her. When Krysa was 16 she had a severe head injury
during a Gymnastics competition to retarded her telepathic abilities.
Doctors felt that given time they might return, but there was no
guarantee. She worked hard and at the time of this report had regained
her empathic abilities, but her telepathy was still very retarded.

SD 71023.1030
Krysa is a charming young woman and a good student. She has the
interpersonal skills to make an excellent ships counselor which is her
current goal. Going beyond her Betazoid empathic abilities, she has a
true caring for people. She show an extraordinary aptitude in dealing
with others on both a personal and professional level. Here at the
Starfleet Academys counseling department, she is well liked and
respected. She has served as a peer counselor here for 6 months and has
done exceptionally well. I highly recommend her.
Dr. Troy Adams
Program Advisor, Starfleet Academy

SD 71111.2320
I am recommending that Krysa Jenn be added to Starfleet. She will be an
asset to any ship she is assigned to. While her interests lie in
counseling, she also has a proficient ability in computer science and is
an excellent shuttle pilot. Based on this information, I recommend Krysa
to be commissioned with the rank of Ensign and to begin training at ALB
as soon as possible.
Commander Tony Jassey
Admissions, Starfleet Command

SD 71124.0930
Psychological Profile: Krysa is a personable young woman. She makes
friends easily and is very likable. She has an inner sense of others
that goes beyond her natural Betazoid empathy, though she does use that
empathy to its fullest extent. She has honed it and can quickly call on
it a moments notice. Due to an accident in her teen years she no longer
has full use of her telepathic abilities, but it doesnt limit her. She
is extremely approachable and her manner sets people at ease.
On the more negative side of things, Krysa can be over confident and
failure hits her like a stone wall. Not that she is arrogant, but she
sometimes over estimates her abilities and can occasionally put herself
in precarious and often dangerous situations.
Lt. Commander Jordon McCaffney
Admissions, Starfleet Command
==========================End File==========================


Lieutenant Tarrant Koreth

Chief Engineering Officer: Lieutenant Tarrant Koreth
Name : Tarrant L. Koreth
Race : 3/4 Human, 1/4 Klingon
Age : 24 years
Birthplace : Utopia Planitia Shipyards
Physical Characteristics :
6' 2" in height (1.88 m). Approx. 240 lbs (108.8 kg). Black hair.
(including plated forehead and re-enforced skeletal system.)

Education :
Stardate 20537 : Entered Klingon Defence Force
Stardate 30845 : Honorably discharged from Klingon Defence
Force Training citing personal reasons.
Stardate 71021 : Graduated Starfleet Acadamy. 33rd out of 420.
Special honors for tactical and engineering.
Stardate 71030 : Graduated From Training on Armstrong Lunar Base
Stardate 71112 : Assigned to experimental Scout Ship
Stardate 71221 : Promoted to Lt.(jg)
Stardate 71224 : Reassigned to USS FEYNMAN as CEO
Stardate 80118 : Promoted to Full Lieutenant
Stardate 80118 : Awarded the Wounded Lion
Stardate 80204 : Awarded Order of Orpheus, unit citation

Family :
Parents : Jami and Admiral Dor'al Koreth. Mother is human
Father is 1/2 Human, 1/2 Klingon Starfleet officer. Both
are noted engineers at Utopia Planitia Shipyards,
currently in research and development.
Sister : Fer'al Koreth. Location unknown.

History :
Tarrant grew up on Mars at the shipyards. With his parents as
noted engineers he was expected to follow in their footsteps. At a young age
he was pushed into engineering and at 13 he was interned at Utopia
Planitia Development and Testing division. As was thought, his skills were
exceptional and soon he was doing work that many his senior couldn't. But
at some point he began to rebel. Feeling that his life was planned out
by his family, that he had no control over his own destiny, he left the
confines of Mars and left to seek out his Klingon heritage. Spending
time on Kro'nos with his grandfather, Tarrant entered the Klingon defence
force at the age of 19. But finding that his human heritage was an extreme
hinderence, he left. However, the experence had given him a taste of
battle, and he sensed that he was good at it, (especially since the
insults from the other klingons would subside for a while after battle
simulations in which he almost always won.)

Finally feeling a sense of control, Tarrant entered Starfleet
Academy. He did exceptionally well in the tactical and technical
courses. Again, people tried to persuade him to go into engineering but
he declined, sighting that tactical was where his future would lie.

Socially things were much better for him there than at Kro'nos.
He was accepted and eventualy developed a sense of humor again, although a sarcastic
one. A point of note. On a particular simulation / test the student was
suppost to modify the tactical sections of a given ship to last the
longest in a battle simulation which was considered impossible to beat.
Putting his skills to work, Cadet Koreth modified his ship
so well that it sucessfuly survived the onslaught of over 15 enemy
ships, a feat unheard of before which gave him special honors in tactical.

Hobbies :
When he's not on duty, Tarrant usually is found either designing
some new type of technology or modifying the existing tactical systems
at his given location. He is a black belt in a number of terran martial art
systems (inc. Shao-Lin Kung Fu, Ninjitsu, and Akido), and he is considered a
master of the Katana sword, (In defiance of the Batleth Klingon weapon
of which he claims he can beat any practitioner of).

Strangely, he is also a good violinist (from his mother), but
dosen't practice it often.

Personality :
When it comes to his work or when he's 'engineering' something
he is all business and serious, which is most of the time. But when he lets
himself take a break he can be a verysociable person, seemingly
transfering to someone else. This may be his achillies heal in that he is an

For the usual dual roll of tactical and security he is not very good at
the security which requires often a median of the two extremes which Tarrant
finds difficult.

Quirks :
Tarrant has a deep dislike of Klingon society, from his time on
Kro'nos. However he is proud of his klingon heritage siting that his
family was able to see beyond the limited confines of normal klingon views.
He also likes batazed food, and Terellian Juice.


Lieutenant Junior Grade Tixx Tox

Chief Medical Officer: Lieutenant Junior Grade Tixx Tox
Name: Tok, Tixx T.
Rank: Lieutenant, J.G.
Service Number: L 8675309 JK
Ht. 1.71m Wt. 105km Eyes: brown Hair: none Age: 22
Race: Bolian Birth World: Baltora III Home World:
Baltora III

Marital Status: Single Dependents: 0
Parents: Tok, Moa W. and Tok, Clea Hasp
Siblings: Tok, Bak E.
Tixx Tok enrolled in Star Fleet Security Training. After the first six
months he switched to Star Fleet Medical. He has also completed Basic
Counselor's Training and has done limited work in the field of Diplomacy.
Tixx was involved in the "Dylemma IV Incident". All files on this
incident have been classified.
During his third year at the academy, Tixx studied a semester at the
Ferengi School of Acquisition as part of the Cultural Exchange Program.
Dean's List
Daimon's Award for Entrepeneurism
*********************CREDENTIAL FILE********************************
Personal Evaluation:
It was clear from the beginning that Tixx didn't have what it takes to
be a Security Officer. While he has a brilliant mind and a particular
knack for quick thinking, Tixx lacks the killer instinct and touch of
paranoia needed to be a strong Security Officer.
His passion for others and general love of beings allowed him to excell
in the arts of diplomacy and medicine. Tixx has shown both the ability to
lead and to follow orders. He will make an outstanding officer some day
and I am not just saying that since he is my nephew.

Lieutenant Glin'kharr

Chief Medical Officer: Lieutenant Glin'kharr
*Bio Pending


Lieutenant Junior Grade Fobok

Chief Science Officer Officer: Lieutenant Junior Grade Fobok
Physical Description: Exactly 6 feet tall, black hair, blue eyes. His
skin is slightly paler than most vulcans.
Age: 42
Education: Starfleet academy, 6 years extended time, covering all majors,
total 10 years at the academy
Starfleet medical, M.D., Ph.D.
Race: Half Vulcan, Half Human (mother is human)
Home planet: Earth
Current Assignment: U.S.S. Feynman
Current Position: FCO
Siblings: none
Place of Birth: San Fransisco, Earth
Spouse: deceased (human woman named Ivy)
Ambitions: Command of a starship
Children: 1 boy, Matt, age 8
Annoyances: people that refuse to admit they are wrong, even if the proof
is right there in front of him/her
Parents: Sevok of Vulcan (deceased), and Elain Foster of Earth
Hobbies: poker, three dimensional and two dimensional chess, Kung Fu
Service Number: 23262985213
Special Note: Chose human way of life, but is competent with emotion control,

and vulcan mental abilities. Uses emotion control to up
efficiency in a tight situation.
71012: Completed ALB Holodeck Training
70919: Graduated, Starfleet Academy, assigned to ALB for further training
990716: Son, Matt Bell, born
970810: Entered Starfleet Academy
960108: Married to Ivy Bell
921222: Changed to human way of life
921203: Father died
860691: Graduated, Vulcan Science Academy
851028: Won Chess Championship at Vulcan Science Academy
918606: Graduated, Vulcan Science Academy
851028: Won Chess Championship at Vulcan Science Academy
800910: Entered Vulcan Science Academy
700319: Started Vulcan mental training
651014: Born
Position Preference: Tactical/Security, or anything else that can lead to
Note from Security major instructor:
SD: 70910
From: Lieutenant Ballok
This note is to commend Cadet Fobok, and to clarify something. Instead of
taking the chance after 4 years to enter space, he chose to continue study,
and completed every major in the academy. No other cadet I have seen has
shown the iniative, or the will to learn, that Fobok has.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Del Selek

Name: Del Selek
Ambitions: None really, besides that of playing a lot of jokes.
Race: Cardassian
Parents: Unknown
Rank: Ltjg
Education: Starfleet Academy (4yrs)
Graduated 407/789
Major: Engineering, General Science

Physical Description:

Del is a Cardassian of medium build. He stands at 5
ft all and is therefore rather small. He has a
scar on his right cheek caused by a fellow cadet
who got upset at the joke Del played on him.

Religion: Atheist

Academy Record:

Reprimands: 6
Merits: 1

Cadet Selek is a bright young individual who has a lot of potential.
Unfortunatly, he has a "nack" of playing jokes on people that he
certainly shouldn't be playing any jokes on. For example, Once he played
a joke on myself. One morning I entered my Office to find that a mule was
grazing in it, comfortably laying on a bail of hay. Futhermore my entire
office furniture was removed, jusy to find it neatly arranged (just as I
left it) in the Academy's Gymnasium. Neatless to say everyone was amused
except I.

Signed: Admiral Vgithoc (Dean SFA)


71101 Graduated Advanced Instructor Training
71109 Assigned as Instructor at ALB
71130 Promoted Ltjg
71201 Resigned post to attend personal matters.
80321 Returns to SF, reinstated as Ltjg.

Ensign Jakkao Serra

Character Name : Jakkao Serra
Physical Description : Jakkao is 5'11", possesses a slim but athletic
build of a rock climber. He has dark hair and blue eyes. He comes close to
the homogenic man of Huxley's A Brave New World - lightly tanned skin,
with a slight epicanthic fold and medium to dark hair.
Age : 25
Race and Gender : Human Male
Home Planet : Earth
Service Number: 920123-2AC-SERR-83F2A
Current Designation: <Awaiting assignment on Armstrong Lunar Base>

Jakkao Serra was born on Earth to Ramiund and Olivia Serra. He spent his
first 5 years of life on Earth; his parent's working for the Federation
as (civilian) experts on Outworld (Colonial) Development. The Serra family
then took up residence in a farflung colony world. The colony world was
populated mostly by Bajorans, although Federation and Starfleet personnel
where on site to provide technological, scientific and humanitarian

There he finished his primary education, growing up side by side with the
Bajoran colonists's children. His two best childhood friends are Bajoran
and Vulcan.

During his secondary education (i.e. High School) he was an active member
of the Bajoran Militia. He participated in various security, defence and
law-enforcement courses and exercises; just before he entered Starfleet
Academy he was in command of a unit consisting over a 100 young Militia

He was recommended to Starfleet Academy by Captain Bourne of the USS
Rumoko. The USS Rumoko being one of the Federation Starships that
frequented the planet.

At Starfleet Academy, Jakkao Serra excelled in Communications, Computer
Systems and Command courses. On Earth Ensign Serra continued to pursue his
studies in sociology and development. His 4th year thesis involved a case
study of a newly contacted alien world, and an analysis of its integration
and its socio-economic and technological integration into the Federation.

Ensign Serra finished in the top 20% of his class.

Ambitions: To be in command of his own starship (of course!) He is also
aspires to be part or even to lead a Federation delegation to newly
discovered alien societies. He is also interested in assisting colonies
and other "backward" locations.

Beliefs/ Traditions/ Religion :
Growing up among the Bajoran people, he has acquired a great sense and
appreciation for spiritual matters. Although he does not formally embrace
the Bajoran Faith, he sees many truths and has grown to respect and
even observe most (if not all) of their Holy Days and Feasts. The same is
pretty much true regarding Ensign Serra's views on the Vulcan Faith. That
there is great power and truth in the Vulcan Faith, however, he finds it a
little beyond his ken to fully grasp it's meaning.

Literature, History, Philosophy are among Engign Serra's chief interests
outside of Starship Operations and Command . He is a devoted fan of prose
and to a lesser extent poetry. He is very interested the afforementioned
aspects of various cultures in the Galaxy.

He is also quite a Computer and electronics buff, and is a
holodeck/holosuite afficionado. As he is an avid rock and mountain
climber, he often programs the holodeck to simulate famous and scenic
cliffs and mountains that can be found in the known galaxy. He also
combines his various social science and humanties inclinations in a
variety of holodeck programs.

Also, his innate curiosity leads him to leap at the chance to visit exotic
and interesting alien planets. He has an insatiable desire to learn more
about alien cultures. He will almost never miss a chance to head out into
the city to absorb the culture and ambiance.

Jakkao Serra tends to use lively hand gestures in conversation, especially
when he is emotionally stirred or otherwise very interested in the topic.

He has no great love for synthehol, preferring to have some of the "REAL

He tends to take things a bit seriously... some people find him too
serious or often stressed even when he is not. Although possessing a quite
pleasing personality, Jakkao has been known to exhibit a mean sarcastic
streak. As a result of this and his exposure to many alien socities, his
sense of humour is a bit strange.

Family / Known Associates & Contacts :
* Ramiund and Olivia Serra (parents)
experts on outworld (Colonial) Development
in semi-retirement on a Federation colony
* Jenosha Serra (sister, Human F)
* Capt. Bourne (Human, M, Family Friend/Close friend of Ramiund Serra)
- former Captain of the USS Rumoko
* Majenta Benedictine(long time girlfriend; 1/2 human, 1/2 Bajoran F)
-specialties: Medicine and Life Sciences
* Dayonara Tala (part-Betazoid F)
-despite his relationsip with Ms. Benedictine, he harbors a
lingering attraction to Dayonara
* Jan-o Bimms (Bajoran M, childhood friend)
* Mivok (Vulcan M, childhood friend)

SUBJECT: Serra, Jakkao J. (Functional Analysis of)
DOCUMENT AUTHOR: Cmdr. Verduria Encantado, Cadet Counsellor (SFA)
STARDATE: 70222.1544

Cadet Serra lives primarily in a rich inner world of introverted Feeling.
Being inward-turning, the natural attraction is away from world and toward
essence and ideal. This introversion of dominant Feeling, receiving its
data from extraverted intuition, must be the source of the quixotic nature
of these usually gentle beings. Feeling is caught in the approach-
avoidance bind between concern both for people and for All Creatures Great
and Small, and a psycho-magnetic repulsion from the same. The "object," be
it homo sapiens. or a mere representation of an organism, is valued only
to the degree that the object contains some measure of the inner Essence
or greater Good. Doing a good deed, for example, may provide intrinsic
satisfaction which is only secondary to the greater good of striking a
blow against Man's Inhumanity to Mankind.

Extraverted intuition faces outward, greeting the world on behalf of
Feeling. What the observer usually sees is creativity with implied good
will. Intuition spawns this type's philosophical bent and strengthens
pattern perception...

Sensing is introverted and often invisible. This stealth function in the
third position gives the subject a natural inclination toward absent-
mindedness and other-worldliness, however, Feeling's strong people
awareness provides a balancing, mitigating effect. This introverted
Sensing is somewhat categorical, a subdued version of more overt sensing
and judging. In the third position, however, it is easily overridden by
the stronger functions.

The subject may turn to inferior extraverted Thinking for help in focusing
on externals and for closure. Cadet Serra can even masquerade in an
extroverted, sensing, thinking, judging business suit, but not without
expending considerable energy. The inferior, problematic nature of
Extraverted Thinking is its lack of context and proportion. Single
impersonal facts may loom large or attain higher priority than more
salient principles which are all but overlooked.

SUBJECT: Cadet Serra, Jakkao J.
DOCUMENT AUTHOR: CPOm Hatto Weyerhaeuser; Chief Security Officer

Status as Starfleet Cadet under-review for the following alleged
#1 Possession of a controlled substance
#2 Assaulting a senior officer
#3 Violation of Commanding Officer's standing orders

Details: On shore leave following the Cadets Field Exercises, Cadet Serra
chose to visit a frontier Federation outpost on Synian-V. The cities on
Synian-V are among the seedier locations in the quadrant, and the
commanding officer of the Starfleet forces on the planet issued an edict
declaring several locations on the planet off limits to Starfleet
Personnel. Cadet Serra testified that he was investigating alleged
misconduct of a Starfleet Officer, Ensign Lucan. Cadet Serra admits that
he was indeed in violation of the local CO's standing officers and he did
assault Ensign Lucan.

Also, Cadet Serra was found to be in possession of the Synian variant of
tequila. The Commanding Officer on Synian-V, has declared this form of
alcohol as potentially dangerous and a controlled substance. The item in
Cadet Serra's possession was confiscated.

The investigation and trial that followed proved that Ensign Lucan was
aiding and abetting known felons as well as selling Starfleet equipment
and supplies to local merchants.

<end of document>

SUBJECT: Ensign Serra, Jakkao J.
Oracle-Beta (Starfleet Holographic Construct - Adminstrative)

* Various commendations for scholarship in the Secondary Education
* Various Commendations for leadership in service of the Bajoran Militia
* Commendation for Exemplary Performance in Cadet Field Exercise
* Commendation for Exemplary Performance during his cadet cruise
* Commendation for an Excellent Cadet Thesis - a treatise on the
socio-economic, technoligical development and integration of
the planent, Horusis Three, into the United Federation of Planets

<end of document>

DOCUMENT TITLE: Captain's Personal Log (Excerpt)
Appended to a letter of Recommendation
SUBJECT: Jak Serra
DOCUMENT AUTHOR: Capt. Bourne, USS Rumoko
STARDATE: 31220.2038

Jakkao Bourne never seems to lose his sense of wonder. One might say he
sees life through rose-colored glasses. It's as though he lives at the
edge of a looking-glass world where mundane objects come to life, where
flora and fauna take on near-human qualities.

As a child, Jakkao often exhibited the fabled 'Calvin and Hobbes'
syndrome, switching from reality to fantasy and back again. I believe that
the young Serra developed imaginary playmates to help cope with the
stresses of migration and travelling aboard starships often with very few
or no other children on board.

Jakkao has the ability to see good in almost anyone or anything. Even for
the most unlovable he is wont to have pity.

His depth of feeling is often hidden, even from themselves, until
circumstances evoke an impassioned response.

Of course, not all of life is rosy, and he is not exempt from the same
disappointments and frustrations common to any form of life. Jakkao tends
to have a sense of failed competence, he struggles with the issue of his
own ethical perfection, e.g., performance of duty for the greater cause.
In the many years I have known him, Jak describes the inner conflict as
not good versus bad, but on a grand scale, Good vs. Evil. Various mythical
and literary protaginists depict this conflict. Although the dark side of
life must be reckoned with, the he is inclined to believe that good
ultimately triumphs.

Jakkao Serra also possesses gift for taking technical information and
putting it into layman's terms...

Ensign Kevin Christopher Bishop



FULL NAME: Kevin Christopher Bishop
RANK: Ensign
CURRENT POSITION: None as of yet
SEX: Male
AGE: 24 (terran years)

PLACE OF BIRTH: Isis City, Federation colony Chastryon II, sector 037
PARENTS: Jennifer Bishop (deceased) & Donald Bishop (missing)
OTHER RELATIONS: Eric Bishop (uncle)

QUIRKS: Has a somewhat twisted sense of humour, and can often spit out
sarcastic remarks in the most unlikely and unsuitable situations.
AMBITIONS: Kevin joined Starfleet for the single purpose of being able
to discover and explore the unknown. Ranks and such doesn't really
matter to him.
ANNOYANCES: Despises being told he is wrong or that something he
suggests won't work. He's very sure of himself.


HEIGHT: 185 cm (6'1")
WEIGHT: 84 kg (185 lbs)
EYE COLOUR: Icy blue
HAIR: Short, black
SKIN COLOUR: Medium tanned Caucasian

He's quite good-looking, he just doesn't realize it.


He grew up on Chastryon II where his grandparents settled in 2347. His
mother, a simple secretary, was lost in a terrible accident where an
experimental warp core exploded. The explosion destroyed nearly a
quarter of the city despite the heavy protection. Kevin was only three
years old at the time so he doesn't remember much of his mother.

His father, First Officer of the USS Wendigo, vanished along with his
crew when the ship was pulled into some kind of spatial rift which may
have been a wormhole. Starfleet investigated the matter but couldn't
determine where the ship might disappeared to. This occurred when Kevin
was seven, and he was then raised by his uncle.

Kevin's uncle is a man of discipline and logic (he's NOT a Vulcan), and
is quite dispassionate. He raised Kevin as his own son, and having no
family of his own, he did his best to raise Kevin in his own image. (How
this affected Kevin is stated in his psychological profile.)


Kevin specialized in the science departments, was bestowed special
honours in theoretical physics and temporal mechanics, and ranked above
average in all scientific fields. He was less successful in the more
practical subjects such as sports.

Mr. Bishop is an ambitious and hardworking young man, always willing to
try to do his best. He is extremely sharp and intuitive, and is at his
best when he's working under pressure. And even through he clearly
prefers using his brain rather than brawn, he has worked tenaciously
during his physical training and is in no way in bad shape. His main
interests are in exploration and first contact.

Admiral Peter Talovski
Starfleet Academy


Kevin is a quite withdrawn individual, and is having trouble socializing
and relating with others. He prefers to spend his time alone, and is
definitely not the person to look up if you simply want to talk. All
this has probably something to do with the fact that he grew up without
his parents, and that he was raised by his even more withdrawn uncle.
This may also contribute to his rather astonishing ability to remain
calm in virtually all situations. He is seldom, if ever, nervous, and it
would be a rare event if he were to be genuinely surprised.

I think Kevin could have some problems working with his crewmates due to
his closed personality. He wouldn't interact with them any more than
necessary, and would therefore have trouble making friends. This may not
interfere with his duties, but since you heavily depend on others while
serving on a starship it could still be a problem.

This part of Kevin isn't totally dominant though. He is simply a rather
silent and focused person. The problems begin when you try to get inside
him more. For instance, to my knowledge he has never had a girlfriend.
He would never approach a woman himself, and if someone would like to
get to know him better, he would probably become somewhat awkward, since
such a situation would be new to him. But it would be good for him to
loosen up a little and spending some of his free time with those around

Kevin is also incredibly stubborn, and is having a difficult time
accepting he may be wrong about something. Even if he isn't wrong too
often, it's still a real mess when he is. He's also having a hard time
believing in impossible scenarios, such as the classical "Kobayashi
Maru." When he took the test, he worked so hard at winning the scenario
he was about to have some kind of seizure. It didn't even occur to him
that there was such a thing as a "no-win" scenario. The point of saying
this here is that Kevin would never give up or surrender, even if it is
his only choice.

Finally I want the reader of this letter to understand that despite all
that I've written, Kevin is in no way rude or self-important. From what
I've seen he has a great deal of decency, honour and considerations of
those around him. I wish him the best of luck.

Patricia Johnson
Counsellor, Starfleet Academy


SD 80518.1300 - Graduated from Starfleet Academy
SD 80601.1047 - Assigned to Holodeck 15, Armstrong Lunar Base
SD 80612.0130 - Graduated from Holodeck training, ALB


Ensign Jordon Charles


Ensign Jade Sr'qwon

Chief Security/Tactical Officer: Ensign Jade Sr'qwon
Name: Jade Sr'qwon
Age: 24
Race: Trill
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 14 April, 2389


Jade commands a strong confident personality, whose aggressive
streak has been heavily tempered by her previous hosts. Friendly towards
others, she always has a smile close on hand. As with most Trill, Jade
chooses her close friends carefully with the wisdom of four lifetimes.


Utton was Sr'qwon's first host. After completing his joining,
Utton entered into a rigorous study of Colonisation Management Techniques
at the University of Paris on Earth. His achievements were highly
honoured when he was chosen to lead the first joint Trill/Federation
colony on Celius V. Utton remained in charge of the colony until his
death, only rarely venturing off-world. During this time he turned his
energies to the arts, music and painting especially. His 'Duronium
Starscape' still hangs at the Planetary Museum on Trill.

Sr'qwon's second host, Sayana, chose to join Starfleet to pursue
the quest for scientific knowledge. She served as Science Officer aboard
many ships during her fifteen years in the service and made the rank of
Commander before retiring to teach and research spatial-zolaegis theory
at the Academy on Earth.

The most recent host prior to Jade was Nehelik, who served in the
Trill diplomatic service. Nehelik dreamed of a peaceful life, and still
does in his own special way. He saw the advancement of peace as the
greatest gift a race could give another and strove to this end throughout
his life. Nehelik spent his last 10 years serving as Federation
Ambassador to the Ferengi Alliance on thier homeworld.

Rank: Ensign
Current Assignment: USS FEYNMAN
Current Position: Chief Security Officer
Special Notes: Member of the UFP Planetary Assault Team (PAT)

70131.2100 Graduated Starfleet Academy
80302.1930 Completed PAT Course
80303.0800 Assigned to Active Duty
80318.1150 Assigned to USS FEYNMAN as CSO

Lieutenant Junior Grade Justin C. M. Allard

Chief Security/Tactical Officer: Lieutenant Junior Grade Justin C. M. Allard
FULL NAME: Justin Connor Michael Allard
CURRENT RANK: Lieutenant, Junior Grade [O-2]
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
AGE: 23 F.Y.S.
DOB: October 23, 2385 (Federation Calendar)
POB: New London, Wolf District, Mars (SOL II), Sol
CIVILIAN RESIDENCE: 77 N.W. Churchill, Mont Laurier, Quebec, Canada, Sol III

HEIGHT: 6ft-1in		
WEIGHT: 161 lbs    		
HAIR:	White, cut VERY short    		
EYES:	Bright blue		
COMPLEXION: Caucasian, but Dark complected	
VISION:	 20/20		
CITIZENSHIP: Terran/Federation		
LANGUAGES:  Federation Standard		

FAMILY: Wife: Wendy M. Calonje
Occupation - Deceased
Cause - Groundcar collision, February 2403 

MOTHER: Christine M. Allard (Jennings) Born 1-7-2366
Occupation - Correspondent
Residence - Port Coquitlam, Alpha Centauri

FATHER: Michael K. Allard Age – Born 2-29-2369
Occupation - Deputy Chief of Staff, Andor Embassy, Sol III
Residence: Mont Laurier, Quebec, Canada, Sol III

GRANDMOTHER: Isabel V. Allard (Stone) Born 2349
Occupation - Lt. Commander OPS/20 Deep Space 5
Residence - Deep Space Station 5, Beta Quadrant

GRANDFATHER: Harold S. Allard Born 2346
Occupation - Proprioter, Antique Botique
Residence - Deep Space Station 5, Beta Quadrant

BROTHER: Kevin T. Allard Age – Born 2394
Occupation - Student, Wilmington Boys College, Mont Laurier
Residence – Mont Laurier, Quebec, Canada, Sol III

BROTHER: Brandon C. Allard Age – Born 2386
Occupation - Law Student, 2nd year Mars Colonial University
Residence - M.C.U. campus, New London, Wolf District, Mars

NOTES: Mothers parents missing, Shuttle accident. 4 yrs. ago
Father and Mother divorced 3 years ago.


A. Academic Institutions Attended:
Mont Laurier Elementary, Junior High and High Schools

B. Service Schools Attended:
AIT: Star Fleet Security-Law Enforcement Operations

B. Qualifiations:
•	Tactics: Small Units
•	Tactics: Anbo-Jytsu and Aikido
•	Tactics: Basic Marksman Phaser I and II
•	Tactics: Expert Marksman Phaser III
•	Psychology: Hostilities
•	Diplomacy: Hostile Species
•	Diplomacy: Non-Traditional Situations
•	Piloting: Shuttlecraft/Runabout Basic Pilot I

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Honors: Cum Laude
Academic Major: Federation Law 
Academic Minor: Xenosociology 
Professional Major: Security & Law Enforcement
Class Rank: 21st/296
Reprimands: 1
Commendations: 1
Athletics: Baseball & golf
Activities: Animal watching, Jazz music, deserts and Italian food

A. Chronology (tabular form):

0-18:     	Attended Public School System
18-22:       	Attended Star Fleet Academy
22-Present:	Active duty in Star Fleet

C. Personality Summary:

Justin has lived a normal happy life in New London with his parents 
and two brothers, until the age of 15, when his Mothers’ parents 
disappeared when the USS GRENWICH was lost and listed as missing in action.

Justin's mother Christine was deeply stricken by the accident, followed 
by a rapid deterioration in his parents marriage. A year after the loss of her 
parents, Christine asked for a divorce and moved to Alpha Centauri. Michael, 
and the three brothers relocated to Mont Laurier.

Following 3 years of healing, Justin was to enroll in M.C.U., to follow his brother 
Brandon in a Law Degree. That same summer, Michael introduced Wendy Calonje, 
daughter of one of Michael's co-workers at the Andor Embassy, to Justin. Three 
months later, they were arried in Ireland, Sol. The marriage of the perfect couple 
was destroyed when Wendy was killed in a tragic groundcar accident.


A. Promotion History:
Star Date 24080502: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1)

B. Service History:
Star Date 24030805: Entered Star Fleet Academy
Star Date 24080402: Graduated from Star Fleet Academy; commissioned as Ensign (O-1)
Star Date 24080704: Assigned as Chief Security/Tactical Officer USS FEYNMAN NCC-66000
Star Date 2409xxxx: Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade (O-2)
C.  Medals and Commendations
None at this time.

V. Skills Profile

Justin is highly skilled with a Phaser III rifle, proud of achieving Expert Marksman status, and proficient with Phaser I and II models as well, but prefers the stability and added range of the III. 

Very adept in the defensive arts of Aikido and Anbo-Jytsu, quite easily able to subdue an assailant twice his size. 

VI. Recent Fitness Reports

Star Date 24080102 

Ensign Justin Allard is in perfect health, both physically and mentally. He used his focus in training in the martial arts as an escape mechanism to cope with the loss of his wife four years ago. 
ALLERGIES - Anaprobaline (Level 2 allergen hazard), Terran strawberries (Level 1 allergen hazard)
- Doctor Ahmed Saquib, Staff MD Armstrong Lunar Base (ALB) 

VIII. Current Recreational Interests

Visiting wildlife preserves on any planet, fascinated by animals
Continuous training in Aikido and Anbu-Jitsu 
Learning to play Parrises squares

IX. Miscellaneous Information

His tests show him to be stubborn and argumentative at times.
Very strong sense of honesty and considerate to animals and older
people. Justin has an incredibly creative mind and works well in difficult
situations. Noted also is a sense of humor and joker at times.
---------------------------End Bio chip------------------------------------</


Ensign Krazny Oktyabr

Counselor: Ensign Krazny Oktyabr
Biographical Information
BETAZOID (3/4)/BAJORAN (1/4), Male

Physical Description: 1.9 m height, mass 75 kg, dark brown hair, steel
grey eyes, fair skin. 

Birthdate: February 11, 2390, Alpine Colony, The Demilitarized Zone.

Personal: Graduated Starfleet Academy, 2408. Specialties in psychology,
navigation, operations, and medicine. Certified Small Craft Pilot,
Starfleet Academy Flight Range Saturn, 2405. Speaks Bajoran, Betazoid,
English, Navajo, a little French and a tad of Klingon.

Known Living Relatives: None. In emergency contact Ens K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia
(currently on USS GAUSS), Ens Christophe Boulanger (currently on USS
MELBOURNE), and Ens Jarin Edisrevir (currently on USS LINCOLN).

Krazny Oktyabr uses the nicknames Kraz and, more intimately, Okkie. He
abides by the naming system of the Bajorans, because of his paternal
grandfather. Orphaned at the age of seven, when his parents died on a
mission (they were in the original Maquis), he chose his own name from a
twentieth century Earth novel (The Hunt for Red October, by Tom Clancy).
He often plays the hero, Jack Ryan, in holonovels based on these books.   
Krazny does not usually talk about anything before his time at the Academy
unless forced. At the Academy, he was a member of the elite Black Hole
flight squadron. 

Service Record: 
80115 Graduated SF Academy, went on extended leave
80310 Returned from extended leave
80311 Reported SB Alpha
80312 Assigned as CNS, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet

Charles Jencks ( SD 80401

Ensign Lee Anna

Counselor: Ensign Lee Anna
Name: Lee Anna
Sex: Female
Skin:: Caucasian
Hair: Dark Brown, very long
Eyes: Dark brown
Height: "5'7"
Weight: 115 pounds
Race: Bajoran
Place of Birth: Bajor
Family: Lee Nala (mother - deceased)
Lee Retsim (father - deceased)


Anna was born blind (sees with "artificial eyes" explained under medical
background section below). Her parents were killed when they accidently set
off an ancient land mine left behind by the Cardassians during the
Occupation. This happened when Anna was only 8 years old. She lived in
various orphanages and foster homes until she was 14, at which time she
moved to Earth, where she was given an operation that gave her vision, and
at 16, she joined Starfleet Academy.

She excelled at the Academy, especially, in security, medicine and
other sciences. She also did quite well at counselling, finding it easier
to help others with their emotional problems then deal with her own.

At age 20, during her final year at the Academy, she was accused of aiding 
the Maquis in an attack against the Cardassians. She was court-martialed, 
convicted and spent one year in the Federation Prison, Jaros II .

She was released on an early-release parole program, to be given a
job in the Federation Merchant Marines on the SS Alsace as a security
officer with the Merchant Marine rank of Ensign. The SS Alasce was
decommissioned later. Starfleet re-evaluted her parole terms at that time and
decided to have her report to SB ALPHA CSFO's Office to be given a position
aboard a Starfleet ship as it was decided that a post on a Starfleet vessel
would probably be more appropriate for parole considering her background.

Medical Background: As mentioned earlier Anna was born blind. When she
was 14, she received an operation where she was given "artificial eyes" that 
work exactly like a VISOR, but look like human eyes, and can imitate eye 
movements to look "normal".

Last psychological review, by Prison psychologist:

To talk with Lee Anna, you wouldn't expect an angry or violent person;
however, recently she attacked and severely injured another inmate which is
the reason for this review. The other inmate was a Cardassien, who made a
remark to the effect that it was a pity the Cardassiens didn't finish the
"job" on Bajor. It is my opinion that this was an isolated incident and
that Lee Anna can and will control her temper while on parole and that this
should not keep her from getting the parole.

Hobbies: Many different types of sports knows Klingon Self-Defence techniques; 
used to practice them as exercises in Holodecks when she was at the Academy.


Anna pleaded not-guilty all throughout the court-martial, against the
advice of her lawyer. She stills maintains her innocence. Anna is very 
strong in her Bajoran Beliefs, two important to the character are:

The Bajorans are fairly unique amongst the known major races in that they
have a two part name but the personal, or 'given', name comes last. So Lee
Anna, is formally addressed as Ensign Lee and not Ensign Anna, as Anna is
her given name.

The wearing of silver earrings is a direct link to the belief in the Pah,
or life force, that can be sensed by the Monks through the ear. . Every
Bajoran wearing an earring (Anna wears an earring) has a unique design that
can link it to the person. Often a characteristic effect or insignia is
carried down through the generations of a family.


Lieutenant Junior Grade Jerran Terral

Flight Control Officer: Lieutenant Junior Grade Jerran Terral
Subject: USS FEYNMAN: Terrel Bio
Name: Jerran Terel
Rank: Lieutenant, J.G.
Service Number: H 37560-4235-YXTO
Current Assignment: USS Feynman, SILVER FLEET
Current Position: Flight Control Officer
Age: 21 (Terran)
Race: Bajoran/Vulcan
Place of Birth: Ohi'Kia City, Bajor
2387-2395 Ohi'Kia City Primary School
2395-2398 Vulcan Science Academy
Major: General Physics
2398 Bajoran Militia Training
Specialization: Small ship piloting (Level 4 Status)
2301-2405 Starfleet Academy
Major: Astronautical Engineering (High Honors)
Minor: Astrophysics
Flight Classification: Level 9 pilot
2405 Armstrong Lunar Base Holodeck Training, Holodeck 2

Starfleet Record:
80105 Reported to ALB Oval Office
80110 Reported to Holodeck 2 for Training
80119 Graduated from ALB and Reported to SB ALPHA
80122 Assigned to USS FEYNMAN as FCO
80203 USS FEYNMAN Awarded Order of Orpheus by Adm. Nicholas
80207 Promoted to LT.(jg) after Persei Incident

Past Job Experience:
2398-2401 Bajoran Militia (Attained honorary rank of 1st. Lt.)

Family Information:
Father: Vedek Jerran Alec
Mother: T'Sel, Ambassador from Vulcan to Bajor
Siblings: Jerran Pylar, brother
Sex: Male
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Gray
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 178 lb
32Height: 6'2"
Weight: 178 lb

Physical Description: Young and rugged good looks. His dual bloodline
gives him the nose ridges of a Bajoran along with the pointed ears and
upswept eyebrows of a Vulcan, but neither not as pronounced as they would
be on a full blooded Vulcan or Bajoran. He usually wears a Bajoran
earring on his right ear which consists of a small IDIC symbol attached
to his earlobe with a chain coming from that to a cuff higher up on his
ear. There is also a small smokey quartz type crystal hanging from the
IDIC by another chain. This earring is a symbol of his religious faith
to the Prophets. He hardly ever smiles, but that doesn't mean that he
doesn't show other emotions.

Marital Status (As of 60605): Engaged to Captain Kira Kalani, Bajoran

Ambitions: To fly faster, farther, and better than he ever has before

Hobbies: Flying; history of flight on any planet which has achieved
flight, aeronautical or astronautical; studying engine system and
starship designs; reading ancient Bajoran and Vulcan legends (Pre-Surak,
of course. He finds anything after that rather boring)

Annoyances: Anyone who tries to make a grab for his Bajoran earring (He
doesn't get violent about it anymore, but will block any attempt in a
more passive way, such as a Vulcan nerve pinch.)

Final Academy Report:
Instructor/Advisor: Cmdr. David Keller
Cadet Jarren Terel had probably one of the biggest turn arounds that I'd
ever seen for a cadet. He came into the academy quite moody and
defensive, like many Bajorans his age I've met, not wanting to listen to
any of the older students' advice, and definitely not wanting to
socialize with any of them. His grades were exceptional in most areas,
especially in flight training. He reached level 9 flight status, and he
would have probably been able to go further, but the highest instructor
here at the academy is only a 9.

He had a few disciplinary problems, especially during his first
year. A few of the more militant cadets, such as Klingons and Nausicaans,
were always trying to pick a fight with him, and they quickly found out
that if they reached for that Bajoran earring he always wears, he was
more than willing to ablige. Now, I don't mind it when a student defends
himself from a bully like this, but Cadet Jerran didn't have to break the
other cadets' wrists when they tried it. There are a few formal
repremands on his record for such actions.

At about the beginning of the third year here, though, everything
seemed to change for him. He was still about as moody as ever, but not
as defiant and solitary. He also refrained from getting into anymore
fights, but I think that's just because the other cadets had learned
better by then. In fact, he even formed his own squadron of cadets,
calling it Nova Squadron.

About 40 years ago, there was another squadron by the same name.
It was supposed to have been the best, with every cadet trying to get
into it. It was disbanded because the cadets were performing fighter
stunts which had been outlawed, causing the death of one of the cadets.
No one had bothered to start up another Nova Squadron till Jerran came along.

To start off, he took a bunch of cadets who were actually kinda
mediocre pilots at best, and turned them into the best flight squadron in
the academy. By the end of the year, cadets were lining up just to try
and get a chance to see Nova Squadron perform. He had almost
singlehandedly brought back the honor which this squadron had lost 40
years ago. For graduation, all of the younger cadets in Nova squadron
who weren't graduating that year put on a huge air show in honor of
Jerran. It was just amazing.

Another interesting thing to mention about Cadet Jerran was his
Kobyashi Maru scores. He came closest to winning the no-win scenario
than any cadet has in the past hundred years or so, and he didn't even
have to reprogram the simulator, like some of the Academy legends say about
Jim Kirk's run. His command skills are quite unique, along with his
fighting tactics. I really hope to see him back for Starfleet tactical
operations training in a couple of years or so, and hopefully as an
instructor sometime, too.

Jerran graduated valedictorian in Astronautical Engineering, and
9th overall. Had he not had so many discipline problems at the
beginning, I would have recommended him for graduation at Lieutenant
Junior Grade level rather than Ensign. But, I'm sure he'll rise in rank
on his own soon enough.
---Cmdr. Keller

Academy Psych Evaluation:
Counselor: Dr. Lt. Jevadi Norral
Most hybrids that I have seen undergo a constant internal struggle with
there multiple bloodlines. I don't think this is the case with Cadet
Jerran Terel. He is perfectly content with his dual bloodlines, and uses
them btoh to great advantage.

He has the drive and passion of a Bajoran mixed with the
effeciency and intelligence of a Vulcan. He has also been taught many of
the Vulcan psionic skills.

This part made it very difficult for me to use my own Betazoid
skills on him, as he was able to put up psionic barriers. On the off chances
that I was able to scan him, I mostly sensed negative emotions, at least
during his first two years at the academy. I think he was homesick for
Bajor, and probably someone on Bajor. I noticed that when he had come
back from a vacation during the summer after his second year here, he had
gotten engaged, which seemed to bring out a complete change in his entire
attitude here.

I have also been able to scan him a few times while he was
flying, and I was surprised the first time to feel such a rush of joyful
and contented emotions from him. Flying is his greatest passion, and he
does it rather well from what I've seen of his squadron's performances.
He's not really motivated to command, even though he does have
exceptional leadership qualities. He'd be content to just fly a ship, and
fly it not just well and to the best of his abilities, but beyond,
pushing himself and the ship almost past the limits. This, I think, can
be both a great skill and also a horrible liability. Luckily, his
logical Vulcan side would tend to tell him the illogic in pushing a ship
past its designed capabilities. I'm not too sure about pushing himself,

As for his traditions and beliefs, those are also a very
interesting mix of Bajoran and Vulcan, which he has been able to
reconcile quite well. He believes devoubtly in the Bajoran Prophets, and
was probably schooled in everything concerning them by his father, a
Vedek. From his Vulcan mother, he received all of the teachings and
philosophies of Vulcan logic, but she let him learn from his Bajoran half
that logic is usefull, but it is not the end all and be all answer for
everything in the universe, something that I've noticed that a lot of
Vulcan hibrids have trouble with. Also, even though he believes
completely in his own set of paradigms, he is not completely closed
minded to others beliefs, and will sometimes compare and contrast other
Despite his early disciplinary problems in the academy, I believe
that Cadet Jerran would make an excellent addition to any crew. He has
the drive and intelligence which all Star Fleet officers should strive
for. And, he can be quite cordial once you get past his usually cold
--- Lt. Norral