USS Feynman MAY 1996

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May 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



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USS FEYNMAN: Ready-Room-->Sickbay

by Andrew Catterick 5-2-1996

Scene: Ready Room
Timeframe: After the BRoT and before the wedding

Zane looked across his desk to the two ensigns staring back at him. His eyes glanced back at his desk computer and he seemed engrossed in whatever information appeared on its screen. A few moments later his gaze returned to the two officers. "At ease."

The captain rose and walked over to the room's replicator and looked back over to Krazny and Jade. "Can I offer either of you anything?" Both declined politely and Zane settled for a flavoured coffee, Orange Brandy.

Returning to his seat he turned off the screen and began, "How would you both rate your individual performance in the last mission?"

After a silent pause Zane prodded one of them. "Mr. Sr'qwon?"

"I performed my duties to the best of my abilities sir." the CSO replied.

"And you ensign?"

"I too strove to perform to the best of my abilities."

"I see." Zane took a sip of his coffee and then set it down on the desk. "I tend to agree with both of you, as does Commander Maril who, as I'm sure you are both aware, is charged with the development of your careers. Nevertheless, I must confess that while you can certainly be proud of yourselves for making the transition from Academy cadet to Fleet officer there is little reason to get 'excited' over doing one's duty to the best of his or her abilities. I expect that of all who serve on this ship as a 'minimum' requirement."

"However, I must say that I am pleased to see that your abilities have expanded since you arrived and that is the key. Your assignment as escort to Commissioner Thessa when we first arrived at Furjen proved to be an excellent example of this. You not only served as escort and protector to the Commissionor you both kept your eyes and ears open and had the insight into the later discovery of the Commissioners... transgression. But most importantly you had the mettle to report your suspicions of the commissioner thus giving us a head-start in the investigation."

Zane rose from his seat. "Let's face it, as ensigns straight-out of the Academy it takes a lot of nerve to suggest that someone as highly placed as Thessa was involved in any wrong doing. But you did it without flinching. This shows a level of responsibility that the average ensign takes a long time to develop. As you have both arrived at this level it would not be fair to think of either of you as 'average ensigns' in any form. So upon consultation with the first and second officers I have entered into the ship's log the promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade of Jade Sr'qwon and Krazny Oktabr as of this date."

Zane walked around the desk and pinned the hollow pip on each officer's collar. "Congratulations to both of you. Well deserved."

<<<NRPG: Feel Free to comment>>>

Returning to his desk Zane continued. "It has been tradition thus far to promote officers at the pre-mission staff briefing. But as we are returning to Earth and you are both fairly recent grads, undoubtedly with friends still in the Academy I thought you might appreciate the timing a little more." He smiled as he watched the grins creep across their face's. "Dismissed." ________________________________________________
Scene: Sickbay
Timeframe: One hour later

"Can I have a word with you in your office doctor." The Captain asked as he strode through the door and continued on his way to Tok's office.

"Certainly." Tok replied to Zane's back. He put down the PADD he had been examining and headed for the office wondering why the normally cheerful CO seemed so perturbed.

"What can I do for you sir?" He asked as he entered the room and sat on the couch facing Zane who had selected the edge of Tok's desk.

"I have just had a long, annoying conversation with Captain Straun of Starfleet Medical. Heard of him?"

Tok nodded. Of course he had, Straun was one of the prime movers in the research branch at Starfleet medical. He was also notorious for luring CMO's away from their starships. It was only after they arrived that they found out the task master he was.

"It seems your research reports have been creating quite a stir. Now I realize that as well as your regular duties staving off death for all of us here you have been submitting your reports and proposals. Unfortunately with only the basic medical background I never realized the importance of your work. Too be honest I still don't understand it. But what I do know is that to have someone like Straun sniffing around it must be damn important."

"So here's the facts, I've got a CMO who is an outstanding doctor and has pulled off a few medical miracles since he arrived, not the least of which includes herding Bat down here for a physical..." Both men smiled as they recalled the look on Bat's face when he realized he had been tricked. " manage to keep up with research that is outstanding enough to attract the attention of that shark Straun and during our mission to Cesphala you performed exceptionally well in some covert ops. I'd say your a pretty well rounded officer. Am I missing anything?"

"I'm doing well in the BRoT." Tok added innocently

Zane snapped his fingers and pointed thoughtfully at Tok. "Onta mentioned that." He shook his head. "Tixx, we can't afford to lose you. And I think its about time I recognized all of this officially." He stood and produced a small black box. "Get rid of that hollow pip, its obsolete." Moving closer to the CMO he pinned the new full pip on to his collar and stepped back. "Congratulations Lieutenant Tok."

<<<NRPG: Lysle feel free to comment.>>>>

"Well my work here is done. Better get back up to the bridge. Just remember one thing, that pip comes with a price."


"Your not allowed to take any calls from that weasel Straun."

"Yes sir!"


Congrats to our three newly promoted officers!

This means its time to update your bios:( If you are simply adding a line to your service record **Please** tell me what the line is rather than sending the whole bio and I'll add it to the proper section of the crew bio list. Its a lot easier for me....



-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: The Wedding

by Kristen Gant 5-2-1996

Scene: 10-Forward
MD: 13.1230

Krysa had left her post on the bridge and was sitting in 10-forward watching out the window of 10-Forward. There wasn’t a lot to see sitting inside Earth’s space dock, but it was quiet and that’s what she needed. She knew it was only a matter of time before her father would be there to whisk her off to the Embassy in preparation for the ceremony. She found herself extremely nervous, despite the fact that she had come to accept what was going to happen.

She had grown fond of Kavan and had enjoyed their time together on the ship during their voyage to Earth, but she couldn’t say yet that she loved him. However, her mother continued to remind her that it took time. Krysa promised her that she would give them the time it took. She would follow through on her responsibilities.

They had spent time together walking and chatting. He had read her several of his poems, and she was pleased to discover his talent for verse was quite breathtaking. There was still no sign of that early telepathic link they had shared back when she was fifteen. And while Kavan said it didn’t bother him, she found it continued to bother her.

It was again pushed to the back of her mind as her father entered 10-forward, “Krysa, are you ready to go?”

She nodded. She stood slowly to see her father offering his arm. He was positively glowing. Krysa couldn’t remember the last time she had seen him look so happy. Together they headed to the transporter to transport to the Betazed Embassy.

Scene: Great Hall, Betazed Embassy
MD: 13.1700

The meeting hall was ready for the wedding. Comfortable chairs were set out. There were stands with flowers scattered around the room. Everything was ready. The guests were being escorted in in various wedding attire. There were tuxes, and gowns, as well as the traditional Betazoid plain white robes, which were always donned prior to the ceremony and then again following the ceremony. The crew of the Feynman had a place of honor directly behind the family.

The prelude music was played by a small band in the corner of the Great Hall. It varied from traditional human wedding music to Betazoid joining music.

Once everyone was seated, Krysa’s father stood, wearing the simple plain white robe, “I have had the honor, over the years of performing several joining such as this one. But none have brought me as much happiness as this one. My eldest child is today joining with the eldest child of my dear friend. Those who know the chant please join with me.”

The Ambassador began to chant a beautiful sing-song melody. He was soon joined by several voices combining in a complex and lovely harmony. This was Krysa and Kavan cue to enter. The walked in hand in hand, moving in time to the rhythm, wearing the same plain white robes that the Ambassador had on. Once they were in the front of the hall, every white robe in the room was discarded and the ceremony began.

Scene: Great Hall, Betazed Embassy
MD: 13.1800

Following the ceremony the chairs were moved to the side of the hall and large tables were brought in. Now was the time for the joining feast. The ceremony had lightened the guests' moods and everyone found they were ready for a party. The band struck up dance music and Kavan and Krysa were surrounded with guests congratulating them.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Yes she is a ‘modern’ woman, her name will not change :)

I didn’t write the full ceremony, cause frankly, I didn’t have a clue as to how they would perform it. So I made up the beginning and it seemed to be enough. You are welcome to dance the night away or excuse yourselves early to get on to your shore leave activities. But I think Krysa would love to dance at least once with everyone :)

Daniel, I’m sorry you got stuck going to a wedding of a crewmate you don’t even know yet :) Don’t feel like you have to attend. It’s not a requirement.... but for the rest of you--- Krysa will give you the evil eye for the rest of your life if you don’t go :) Jarren already on her hit list, for skipping the reception :)

USS FEYNMAN: Ready-Room-->Transporter Room

by Andrew Catterick 5-2-1996

MD: 13.1300
Scene: Commissioner's Quarter's

The door chime rang out. Commissioner Thessa looked up from his bag where he was rearranging some of the contents to make sure they wouln't break in transit. "Come-in."


"In here Captain." He called out to the main room.

Zane walked into the bedroom. "Good morning sir. I'm afraid its time."

Thessa laughed. "Don't look so grim captain. I'm not going to the gallows!"

The change in the Commissioner had been dramatic. A week ago when he had been confined he had been almost despondent. The reality of of a ruined life, a destroyed career had set in. Two days later when Zane had checked in on him he had been nearly panic striken with the fact that he faced incarceration. Then two days ago Zane had checked on him again. He had been perfectly calm, seemingly uncaring of his fate.

Zane gestured towards the door as Thessa swung the harness of his bag over his shoulder and followed him out. "You appear to have accepted your fate Commissioner."

"Actually I finally came to my senses. In the end I ended up making the right decision and know one was harmed."

Zane glanced over at Thessa. "Sir, you still broke the law."

"Well..." he smiled arrogantly, a sign of the 'old' Commissioner. " depends on how you examine the facts. As my report to the Council points out. I made a bad decision in trying to discover the underground movement mounted against the Furjen government."

"I'm not sure I follow." Zane told him.

"Unfortunately I let my ego get the better of me and forgot that I was a diplomat and not a spy."

"Your saying that all of that was planned. That you where 'undercover'." Zane asked incredulously.

"But of course Captain! What other reason could there possible be?" he asked smiling.

"Oh I don't about that the obvious is true and you were a willing party to this deception until the truth was discovered. Thats whats in my report to the council."

"Understandable. Completely understandable. You weren't privy to all the initial meetings so how could you know any better."

"Computer halt." Zane ordered. Almost immediately the turbo-lift stopped.

"Commissioner please don't take me for a fool. We both know exactly what happened and your version is simply just fiction."

"Captain it is perception not truth that is important. If we hold your report as being the correct one then the Diplomatic branch has to deal with a very public, very embarrassing incident not to mention the fact that they lose a diplomat of my experience and stature. If on the other hand we accept my version as the correct one than there is no embarrassment and the service retains a vital asset. Of course I overstepped my boundries and must be reprimanded, and rightly so. But please don't worry on my behalf the punishment will not be severe."

"Computer resume."

Scene: Transporter Room.

Zane nodded to Ensign Fuhrman to signal transport. As the sound of the tranport began to fill the room he took a last look at the Commissioner. Flanked on both sides by a burly Starfleet marine the Commissoner smiled at Zane smugly and then disappeared.

Scene:Great Hall, Betazoid Embassy

As the ambassador finished his speech all heads turned to see the couple enter the room. Krysa was more beautiful than Zane thought possible....


Just a quick one to catch up...

I guess we had such a good time at the BP we can't remember it;) Of course the ones I've been to in RL have had similar results.

Max: Do you want your NPC protected?

After the wedding reception everyone is free to head out for shore-leave on Earth. I haven't really come up with anything for Zane to do so if any of you want a companion let me know.

We'll stay on Earth until everyone gets there RL pressures straightened out and have had a few days of shore-leave. No point in starting our next mission until we are all 'back' and ready to post.


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Star Light, Star Bright

by Kristen Gant 5-4-1996

Stardate: 80504.2316
Scene: The middle of the desert some where in Arizona

Krysa and Kavan lay on a blanket, staring up at the night sky. “This is beautiful, Krysa. I never knew you could see so many stars from earth.”

Krysa chuckled. “I’ve always loved the desert for the reason. You know the other good thing about seeing the stars from Earth?”

“What’s that?”

Krysa pointed to a group of stars, “See those three stars that are straight in a row?”


“That is a part of the constellation called Orion.” She pointed out the remaining star of the constellation. “The ancient Greeks wrote wonderful stories about constellations such as that.”

“Would you tell me about Orion?”

Krysa laughed. “Do you really want to hear it?”

“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t.” he said.

“Alright. Well, Orion was a young hunter who was madly in love with Metrope, the daughter of a King.”

“I think I’m going to like this story.” Kavan said teasingly.

“Do you want to hear my story or not?” Krysa teased back.

“I’m sorry, please continue. I promise I’ll listen quietly.”

Krysa chuckled, “The King did not approve of Orion and denied his proposal of marriage.” Krysa voice took on a serious tone, “Orion, one night in a drunken stupor, raped Metrope. Her father wanting revenge consulted with Dionysis, the god of the wine.”

“They had a god just for wine?” Kavan asked incredulously.

“They had god’s for everything.”

“So what did the god of wine suggest.”

“Dionysis put Orion in a deep sleep and then plagued him with blindness. Awaking and finding his sight gone, Orion consulted an Oracle. The Oracle told him that in order to gain his sight back he would need to travel east and let the rays of the sun strike his eyes. He did this and when he regained his sight her found himself in Crete.

“There Artemis, the goddess of the moon, fell in love with him. Her love for him was strong, that she failed to light the evening sky with moonlight. Her twin brother Apollo, the god of the sun, wanted to get rid of Orion so Artemis would continue to light the moon at night.

“Apollo challenged Artemis to hit a speck among the waters of the ocean. Apollo with his ability to see things far away, knew that it was Orion, thought Artemis did not. Artemis shot a single arrow killing him. In response to her actions, Artemis placed Orion in the sky as a show of her love for him.”

“That is so sad,” said Kavan.

Krysa chuckled, “Yes, the Greeks were well known for their love of tragedy and unrequited love.”

Kavan sat up on one elbow. “Krysa, I want you to know that I am very happy. I hope I can make you happy too.”

Krysa nodded, “I know. I am happy, Kavan, really. It’s just that everything has happened so fast. It’s taking a while for me to get used to it.”

He nodded and lay back down. “So do you know any other ‘star stories’?”

Krysa chuckled, “Ummm, how about the Great Bear, more commonly known as the Big Dipper.”

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Just letting you know that even on shore leave Krysa finds herself drawn to the stars <G>



by Andrew Catterick 5-4-1996

SD: 80506.0900
Scene: Ready-room

"Come." Zane replied to the chime of the door signal.

As the doors parted Bat strode in, his duffel at his side. Zane carefully marked his page and set the book down on the desk. "You look very...touristy. Where are you off to?"

Bat smiled and flopped into the chair in front of Zane's desk. "A long lost friend from my Academy days just retired to a small island in the South Seas. He's by himself and has invited me to join him for the week. Nothing but kilometres of beaches with nothing to do."

"Sounds like a good time." Zane lied. Lying on a beach for several hours a day sounded extremely boring. To each his own. "Aren't you missing out on some prime sun worshipping right now? I could have survived missing a farewell, you are coming back."

Bat ignored the friendly jibe. "Well I couldn't enjoy myself knowing that so many were suffering due to the near sightedness of one."

Zane sighed. "Meaning?"

"Meaning I know you, your not planning on leaving the ship are you?"

"Actually I'm not. I've planned a restful week of reading and relaxation. Who do you see as suffering?"

Bat reached over and picked up the stack of books from the desk. "The Apology, the Pelopensian War, the Prince! Planning on overthrowing Starfleet?"

"You told me to get a hobby." the captain grinned. "The suffering?" he prodded.

"You know we've got a bunch of pups on board and that means they follow the examples of their leaders. A bunch of them aren't going anywhere as long as you are on board."

"What's it got to do with me. The department head's have all left or made plans to do so. Isn't that example enough?"

"For some but not all. So as unofficial moral officer I'm ordering you off this ship for the sake of your crew's sanity...."

"I think you are blowing this out of proportion."

"....and I'm letting you know that as long as you are here I will be also. Imagine being stuck with a very bored me for a week."

Zane smiled. "You win."
Scene:SB ALPHA, Transporter Room

The young transporter operator looked over at Zane as he walked through the door. "Destination sir?" He asked not really caring, cursing for the thousandth time the stupidity that had had him put in for the most boring post in all of the Federation.

"Tokyo, Japan." Zane replied as he stepped on to the platform.



Just a short one to get Zane off the ship.

Joesph: Hmmm...a Starfleet officer, kidnapped, helping his abductors, and helping them in action against other Rihannsu? Oh boy I hope the authorities don't catch wind of this! <EG>

Jason/Andrew/Bill: I know it is exam/essay/moving time of the year and RL is closing in on you. Don't worry as nothing crucial is happening right now. But could you send a quick line to let me know you are still with us. Thanks!


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Another Day of Fun

by Kristen Gant 5-6-1996

Stardate: 80506.1224
Scene: Restaurant in New Orleans

Krysa and Kavan entered the charming restaurant. They sat down and began looking at the menu. Krysa smiled, "What did I tell you. Completely Earth cuisine. That is what you wanted isn't it?"

"Absolutely," Kavan grinned, looking over the menu. "On our Earth holiday, I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Can't you get this kind of food on Betazed?" Krysa smiled.

"Sure, there are Earth restaurants, but somehow I doubt it can be anywhere as good as the original."

Krysa laughed, "Probably not."

Scene: Walking down the streets

Kavan looked at Krysa with quiet amusement. She noticed him looking at her. "What?" she asked.

"I still can't believe it!" he said with a teasing glance.

"Okay, I'm game, what can't you believe?"

"Where you put all that food." he said laughing. "Between the soup and salad, then an appetizer and the main course... you still had room for desert." They came to a lovely park and began walking through it.

"I always have room for chocolate. Every woman does." she said, joining his laughter.

"I can see I have a lot to learn about you." He took her hand as they strolled through the gently lit pathways.

"There will be plenty of time for that now," she said quietly. "I did marry you, and we will spend our lives together."

He smiled at her, "That's the best part." He motioned toward a park bench, where they sat down. "I consider myself a very lucky man, you know." They found themselves drawn together in a kiss. Kavan put his arms around her, pulling her tightly to him. "I just want to make you as happy."

Krysa relaxed in his embrace, "Kavan, I wouldn't have married you if I didn't think that I could be happy with you." The sat there like that, in silence, for a long time. Just enjoying the comfort of one another.

As the night air began to take on a light chill, Kavan whispered, "Perhaps we should head in for the night. We still have lots to do tomorrow."

Krysa nodded as they stood and headed toward their lodgings for the night. They had chosen a small family run Bed and Breakfast along the river. The owner was a native of New Orleans, claiming that her family had lived there for over 200 years. she was a wonderful hostess and both Krysa and Kavan liked her a lot.

As they entered the house, she approached them, "Did you find the restaurant alright?"

"Yes, we did, thank you," said Krysa smiling.

"I knew you would. Was it as good as I said it was?"

Kavan laughed, "Better! I know I probably ate too much, and I'm sure Krysa did!"

Krysa elbowed him gently, for his good natured teasing. But the woman just chuckled. "Ah it's so good to see you young people so happy. Now, is there anything I can get you before you turn in. I know you got lots of plans and I don't want to keep you up late."

Krysa smiled at her. "No thank you, I'll be fine."

"Me too," agreed Kavan.

She winked at them and told them good night as they headed up the stairs to their room. "So what are our plans for tomorrow?" asked Kavan, as they entered the room.

Krysa smiled, "Don't you want to be surprised?"

Lt. Krysa Jenn

Kristen and Scott Gant

USS FEYNMAN: Wrapping up the BrOT

by Andrew Nugteren 5-7-1996

SD: 80507.1135
Scene: Main Bridge
>> "So, if we separate our resources, we might be able to do it!" Tok
>>finished the thought.
>"You are correct, Lietenant." the holographic Zane said. He then turned
>to Maril and nodded.

Jade felt the urge to object. "Sir, I don't think it's a wise idea..."

"Thank you for your opinion, Mr. Sr'qwon. Now if you'd join me on the battle bridge. Mr. Tok have Lieutenants Jenn and Terrel meet us there."

>"Aye, sir." Tok replied.

Scene: Battle Bridge
Time: After the destruction of the attacking craft

"Open a channel to the Saucer Section," Zane ordered, relieved that the battle had gone in their favour. The Feynman was not primarily a fighting vessel, and in a tight situation is was often better to run than to fight.

Jade skillfully manipulated the controls. "Channel open, sir."

On the battle bridge viewer, Maril looked equally relieved. "Congratulations sir," he exclaimed. "That was like Demetrius to the Falcon."

Zane smiled at his metaphor. "The credit belongs to Lt.Tok I believe," he replied. "It was a fine idea to seperate the saucer, but that's something to discuss later. If you link our navigation controls into slave mode, Lt.Terrel can manipulate your position from here for linkup."

"Sir," Jade spoke up rather forcefully, and the heads on the battle bridge turned to her tactical station. "What I was trying to tell you before we seperated. The saucer and the engineering hulls cannot be reassembled in space."

Respectfully submitted
Lt(jg) Jade Sr'qwon


Yeah... it has been a while unfortunately, but I am still around, and I have still been reading posts even if I haven't had the time to write any :)

Lysle: Sorry to dent your plan (which worked btw), but I felt that this was a fairly important consideration to make <G>

Max: Are we finished this section? I figure that with the saucer section having to be towed by tractor and the warp bubble in a very inefficient shape, it may well take several months to make it back to base :)

| Lt.(jg) Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                   |
| Lt.Colonel Chris Williams Instructor - Holodeck 11 ARMSTRONG LB           |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                 New Zealand |

USS FEYNMAN: Journey to the Past

by Andrew Catterick 5-7-1996

Scene:Transporter Room, Nakamura Complex, Tokyo

As he materialized on the pad Zane found himself squinting, his eyes not yet having made the transition from drab grey to the bright sunlight shining in from the glass walls. Instantly a handsome Japanese man was bowing politely in front of him. Zane stepped down from the transporter pad and returned the bow, careful to match the depth and duration as he had been taught years before.

"Welcome to Tokyo and to the Nakumura Complex Commander Zane, I am Hoshi."

The fact that this man new him on site did not phase him, he knew that all of the greeters had sophisticated implants in their brains which allowed them to access computer core's all over the world. Before Zane had become fully reconstituted by the transporter Hoshi, recognizing the Starfleet uniform, had accessed the Fleet computers and put a name to the face. "Before we descend perhaps you would like to enjoy the view."

"Hai, dozo." Zane replied, idley wondering if he had just confused the word dozo for domo as he so often used to. He had only a rudimentary grasp of the language and it had been a long time.

Hoshi gestured towards the north wall. Each of the four slanted walls were transparent steel but the North one provided the best view.

Zane looked out and smiled. The clouds were low today and the ground was completely blocked from view. All Zane could see were the tips of the three other pyramid complex's that collectively formed the city of Tokyo. He was a little disappointed. Being almost 2000m up one would expect a tremendous view. Of course 'standing' on top of the clouds had its advantages. At least it was a sunny day. He had been here several times before but still found it hard to believe he was on the 599th floor of a glass pyramid whose base stretched for kilometers. The 600th, and top floor, of the building, of course being reserved for the office of the Japanese Prime Minister.

"I guess we better get going. If I remember it is a rather lengthy journey to the surface."

"Ah but it is a very comfortable ride. This way please."

Comfortably reclined in one of the room sized turbo-lift chairs Zane sipped at the tea he had been given and watched the wall video which presented a history of the pyramid cities that now covered Japan.

The idea of self contained cities was first discussed in a serious way in the 1990s as a solution to Japan's overcrowding, lack of resources and as protection from the elements notably earthquakes and typhoon. After several designs were put forth the pyramid design was accepted as the most viable option and construction of the first enclosed city began in 2004 just outside of Tokyo as a joint endeavour between the government and a consortium of business elements. Completed in 2015 it became the model for the future. Within in 2 decades three, more larger versions, had been constructed in Japan and 2 in China.

With the out break of the Third World War in the mid 21st century these cities came crashing down. An easy target, the two pyramids that had replaced Tokyo (a second much larger version of the first had been completed in 2032) fell victim to one of the wars opening shots as the Russian Federation invaded the historically contested Kurile Islands. When the Japanese Navy responded with an attack against Vladisvostock Tokyo was leveled.

With the conclusion of the war the pyramid design took on an even greater importance as self contained cities became one of the only places of refuge from the radiation and destruction the war had left behind. It was during this period that they truly became an 'everyday fact of life'. Presently, more than 93% of the Japanese population resides in such structures and there are similar complexes on every continent.

As the video ended the doors of the lift opened to the sights and sounds of the cities main transportation hub. After politily thanking Hoshi for his hospitality Zane walked out on to the Observation Level to get a bird's eye view of where he was going.

The hub was a bustle of activity which rivaled ALPHA's spacedock in terms of scope and size. From here one could hire land, sea, air and space transportation to just about anywhere. Spying the Bullet Train station about two kilometres to the north he stepped down to the floorway and selected the proper moving strip. After a few jumps to the adjacent, faster moving walking ways he was soon up to a comfortable 90 km/h and quickly approaching the station.


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: A French Spring Night

by Charles Jencks 5-8-1996

SD 80508.0130
Castle Boulanger, Strasbourg, France

Lieutenant (jg) Krazny was laying on the bed, eyes closed, remembering the way the sun had glinted off the buildings that afternoons. Not particularly interesting, but familiar...

A faint voice said, "Can I come in?"

The door squeaked open and Sally Ryan came in, dressed in a slate grey bathrobe. She sat down on the edge of the bed and said, "Krazzie, we need to talk."

"What, Sallie?"

She leaned over, so that her lips were practically touching his close cropped hair. Then she whispered "I love you." It was then that he noticed she'd untied the bathrobe...

"Me too... but what would the Captain say?"

She purred, "Don't bring up work at a time like this... OK?"

He suddenly felt grateful for the civvies he'd been wearing... they were far easier to take off. She bolted the door and came back completely naked, across the moonlit third floor room, and laid down on the bed.

Krazny stopped regretting the way Ensign Strait had dumped him.

Well.... I would go farther but I don't have the time right now.

Krysa: Don't think you'll be the only married officer for long... ;)


USS FEYNMAN: More BrOT and Shore Leave

by Max Felsher 5-8-1996

SD 80508.0300(GMT)
MD 9.0100
Holodeck 2: BrOT

"Computer, freeze program," Maril's seemingly disembodied voice rang out. However, he soon appeared as the holographic simulations froze in the middle of their actions.

"Very nice work. You handled that like the champion of Ictab. However, you still have two more sections to go. Computer, begin Bridge Officer's Test, Variation- Beta, Section 2."

Maril disappeared as the simulation hummed back to life, this time with Tok at Tactical, Sr'qwon at the Helm, and Krazny at Ops.

Again, the three officers settled into their positions. "Captain, it appears that we are in orbit of Felor XII, an uninhabited planet," Krazny reported.

Those on the Bridge who were holographic grinned for a second. "Yes, isn't that where we're supposed to be?" Zane asked, smiling.

"Ahhh...yes, sir."

Suddenly, Tok reported, "Sir, we're receiving a distress call from Felor...III. Apparently, there is a large starship near their spaceport. Its warp core is overloading. The core can't be ejected far enough away from the area, and there are not any ships large enough to get it farther away."

"Mr. Sr'qwon, set course for Felor III, full impulse and engage when ready," Zane ordered.

<<<<NRPG:Here's another test for you BrOT-ers. Figure something! ;) Now, on to the "present". I assume we will(or have) stop(ped) using MD's. FYI, for the next section, I will use first names for Maril and his family.>>>>

Johannesburg, Earth

Onta and his family, including little Krysel, walked through the busy city square, noticing all the things that were different about this strange planet.

"Four hundred and fifty bloomings-of-the-crocuses ago, this land was like the winter and the summer to now. It was like Fibbervi and the beggar, in many ways. The sun rose high for some and low for others...," Onta began to tell a little bit about the area.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: Well, this is just to keep things going. BTW, I will start thinking about which river should be for Krysel soon. Start suggesting, although I may not pick any of them. ;)

BrOT: I will re-iterate:solve the situation! :)

Jospeh: If you get killed, I'll strangle you! ;) Anyway, that pirate captain can't have you for too long. Your piloting skills have been leased to the Feynman. ;D

Everybody have fun on shore leave!

USS FEYNMAN: Leap-frog in the BrOT

by Andrew Nugteren 5-8-1996

Scene: Bridge
> Suddenly, Tok reported, "Sir, we're receiving a distress call from
>Felor...III. Apparently, there is a large starship near their spaceport. Its
>warp core is overloading. The core can't be ejected far enough away from the
>area, and there are not any ships large enough to get it farther away."
> "Mr. Sr'qwon, set course for Felor III, full impulse and engage when
>ready," Zane ordered.

"Aye sir," Jade responded smartly. "Impulse engines engaged. ETA in 13 minutes and 40 seconds."

Zane turned to Krazny who had OPS. "Estimated time to warp core breach?"

"My sensors are showing an estimated overloading in approximately 14 minutes sir."

The moment Krazny had given his estimate, Jade was already computing the maximum distance they could have travelled passing through the system on a straight-line intercept. "Captain," she reported. "Given Ensign Krazny's projections, even if we could beam the core aboard, we wouldn't be able to clear the system in time before it overloads."

Zane thought for a moment. "Suggestions, gentlemen?"

Jade's mind was already thinking over a stunt that had been pulled off when she had been serving on the USS CELSIOR almost 70 years back. They had driven the transporter code through multiple transponders placed on course and had managed to achieve a transport of several million kilometres. The theory was still sound, and she quickly ran the calculations through the navigation computer. On their side was that they were a long distance from the system, and if they began shuttle deployment immediately, the range of the maneoveur would be considerable.

"Captain, if we were to deploy our full complement of shuttlecraft and runabouts un-manned in a straight-line pattern like this," she brought the graphic up onto Zane's armrest viewer. "we could beam the warp-core directly from the starship's engineering section and leapfrog it from shuttle to shuttle so that when it reaches critical overload, it would be at such an extreme distance that their would be no risk of damage to the Felor system."

Respectfully submitted,
Lt(jg) Jade Sr'qwon


Well, it's an idea :) Will it work?

| Lt.(jg) Jade Sr'qwon Chief Security Officer USS FEYNMAN                   |
| Lt.Colonel Chris Williams Instructor - Holodeck 11 ARMSTRONG LB           |
| Captain Paul Paxwax Fleet Intelligence Officer SILVER FLEET               |
| Andrew Nugteren                                              Christchurch |
| Email:                                 New Zealand |

USS FEYNMAN: Swimming With the Fishes

by Kristen Gant 5-8-1996

Stardate: 80508.1121
Scene: Aboard the “Rolly”

Krysa and Kavan, in thier swimming suits, climbed on the small boat and took a seat next to another couple. As the ten passengers found a seat, the Captain stood up. “Welcome, friends.” He went on to explain a few rules and regulations before starting the boat and heading out into the open ocean.

The woman sitting next to Krysa leaned toward her. “I’m Helen, where ya from?”

“I’m Krysa, this is Kavan. He’s from Yarsa, Betazed, I was raised in Los Angeles, Earth.” Krysa told her.

“Oh, ya married an alien, how interesting.” the middle aged woman crooned.

“Well, actually, I’m Betazoid also. My father’s a diplomat here.”

“This is Frank, he and I are from Texas. Are ya here on vacation?” When Krysa nodded, she continued, “Us too. We never get to go anywhere. I told Frank that if he didn’t take me somewhere, I would leave him, so here we are. Ain’t life grand!” She began to laugh.

Krysa felt Kavan chuckling. She looked at him and found herself chuckling as well, as Helen continued to chat on and on about her life in Texas and how she never got to go anywhere.

Finally the Captain pulled the boat up to a docking area. Krysa and Kavan pulled their snorkels from their bag. Kavan had never been snorkeling so Krysa gave him a quick lesson on how it was done and then jumped in the warm waters off the reef.

Kavan followed her and together they headed out toward the reef. They had a great time watching the schools of fish and spying on the other creatures that lived among the rocks and corals of the small reef.

Scene: Dinner later

“That swimming does make you hungry doesn’t it.” It commented Kavan as he devoured the local cuisine.

“Well, just about everything makes me hungry,” chuckled Krysa.

“I can’t argue with you there,” he laughed.

“You know, I think I saw a cuttlefish.” said Krysa excitedly.

“A cuttlefish?” asked Kavan.

“It’s kind of like a squid, I guess. It can blend into it’s environment so it’s very hard to see. Which is why they are so hard to see. It’s quite likely we passed some without knowing it.”

“I was most impressed by those fish with the beaks. They were incredibly beautiful. What colors!”

“Parrot fish. I knew you’d enjoy the colorful fish.” Krysa smiled at him.

“See you’re getting to know me pretty well.”

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Okay so now, we’ve had Krysa and Kavan in the desert, New Orleans, and a coral reef... what’s next?? I don’t know, but I’m sure I could think of a million things that I’ve never done but would like to vicariously through these two :) Well, okay I’ve gone snorkeling at a coral reef... oh well :)


USS FEYNMAN: An Old Friend

by Kristen Gant 5-9-1996

Stardate: 80509.2044
Scene: Shuttle Port

Krysa chatted with her mother and Kavan’s mother, filling them in on all the exciting things they had done the past few days, as they headed to the Shuttle Port. The Grall’s were catching a special shuttle that her father had set up to take them back to Betazed. Kavan had, of course wanted to tell them good-bye before they left.

“I will miss you, Kavan.” said Salli Grall kissing him on the cheek.

“I’ll miss you as well, mother.”

Salli turned to Krysa, “You tell your Captain that the next time your ship is near Betazed you all have to stop for dinner.”

“I will.”

“Oh, I hate good-byes,” she said beginning to cry.

Devon Grall gave Krysa a bear hug then gave one to Kavan as well. Taking his wife by the arm he pulled her toward the Shuttle. “At this rate we’ll never get out of here. I’ll see you in another ten years, old man.” he called to the Ambassador. Then the two boarded the shuttle.

“Shall get a bit to eat before the two of you need to be of to that ship of yours, Krysa?” her father asked.

“I’d like that,” she smiled.

“I really wish the two of you would consider staying here on Earth with us,” he said. “I miss have you home.”

“I know,” she said. “But I can’t. I have a lot to do out there.”

The Ambassador gave a brief nod and the four turned to find a restaurant. It was at that moment she heard her name being called, “Krysa!! Krysa, wait!” As soon as she heard the voice she knew who it was and her memory flashed back to the last time she had seen him.

She was in line to enter her shuttle bound for ALB when she heard her name being called. She craned her neck to look over the crowd to see who was calling her.

“Krysa.... Krysa” It was Jack. He was a tall dark youth with burning black eyes. She had fallen for those eyes on more then one occasion. But now she had her heart set on a new course and that wouldn’t change. Not that she really ever had a chance with Jack. He would be a career officer. Of that she had no doubt.

“I got it Krysa!! I got it!!”

“Oh Jack, that’s so exciting. So now you are on way.”

“Yes can you imagine. The flagship of Starfleet!!! Things are really happening for me now. Sure I’ll start out at flight control... but just you wait, Krysa, just you wait...”

“I always knew you would, Jack.”

<Final boarding call for Shuttle Jackson to Alpha Lunar Base>

“I’ve gotta go, Jack”

Jack scooped Krysa in his arms and kissed her. “I’ll miss you, Krysa. But remember, look for me in the stars!”

He turned and left leaving Krysa gasping for breath. Yes, she has always loved his kisses. She quickly regained her composure and boarded the Shuttle which was already very full. She went to the last available seat and sat down. Within minutes the Shuttle was on it’s way and Krysa was left to her own thoughts.

Krysa turned looking for the face she knew she would see. He swooped in, grabbing her up in his arms. “I can’t believe your here. I haven’t see you since you left for ALB. What are you doing back?”

Krysa was at a loss for words. Seeing Jack again sent her mind whirling. “Jack, what are you doing here?”

“Hey, I asked you first,” he teased. “But boy, are you a sight for sore eyes.”

“umm, Jack, I’d like to introduce you to my parents...” she began.

Jack noticed for the first time that she wasn’t alone, “Oh, I’m sorry, sir... ma’am. I was just so excited to see your daughter.”

“I went to the academy with Jack,” Krysa explained.

“Yes, sir. Stole my heart away as well.” he joked. Krysa remember the charming man as always having something to say that would make her blush.

“Jack, this is Kavan... my husband.”

Jack’s face froze briefly as he turned to look at her. “Oh,” he said finally, “I didn’t know you had gotten married.”

Krysa nodded, “Just last weekend.”

Jack smiled, offering Kavan his hand, “You are a lucky man.”

Kavan grinned back, “I know.”

“Do you have time to join us for dinner,” asked Krysa.

Jack shook his head, “No, I don’t want to interrupt, I was just really surprised to see you, is all.”

“Yes, quite a coincidence, isn’t it.” She turned to her family, “Listen, why don’t you three go and get us a table, I’ll be right there. I just want to catch up briefly with Jack.”

Kavan nodded and pulled Krysa’s parents toward a nearby restaurant. Krysa turned back to Jack, “How’s your assignment?”

“It’s great, Krysa,” His enthusiastic spirit was a little quieter then it had been earlier, “How about yours. Do you still love counseling like you thought you would?”

Krysa chuckled, “Well, I’m not the ship’s counselor any longer. I was promoted to Operations. I’m now the second officer on the Feynman.”

Jack’s eyes lit up. “That’s great. I’m still FCO, but I am did get promoted to Lt.”

Krysa smiled. “Well, I guess that’s the perks of being on a much smaller ship.”

Jack nodded, “So, why didn’t you tell me you were getting married?”

“I really didn’t have the time. It happened really quickly. Not to mention, I haven’t heard from you since that day I left for ALB. We kinda lost track, huh.”

He nodded again, “Yeah, I guess so. That’s my fault. He’s an officer on the Feynman?”

“Kavan? No, he’s the son of my father’s best friend. We’ve actually been engaged since I was a baby.” Krysa explained, “I just never really thought we’d actually go through with it. I didn’t really even know him. He’s lived on Betazed all his life.”

“Why did you?”

Krysa paused, not sure how to answer that question. “Because it was the right thing to do.”

“Are you sure?”

Krysa nodded, “I think so.”

Jack sighed, “Well, as long as you’re happy. I should let you go have dinner. I’ve got other things to do. I’m really glad I saw you though.”

“Me too,” said Krysa softly.

She watched him go, feeling a bit of a loss. Had Jack asked her to join him back then, she would have in a heartbeat. But he never did, and she understood that. He had plans of his own and now she did too, thier paths were set.

She turned to find her family.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: I originally meant for this to be a very happy reunion post, because I needed a good pick me up from the yucky day I’ve had today, but I guess my mood changed that <EG> The memory is actually a part of my very first Krysa post to ASR (don’t you love recycled posts<BG>)


USS FEYNMAN: The Journey Continues

by Andrew Catterick 5-10-1996

SD: 80510.1300
Scene: Bullet Train kiosk, Tokyo

"Anjiro e no ofuku ken o onegai shimasu." Zane proudly informed the ticket clerk, happy he had remember the words after so much time and little practice.

The young ticket clerk smiled back, a look of slight confusion on her face. "So sorry, you want a round-ticket to Angora?"

Zane grinned sheepishly and decided to switch back to English. "Yes, I'm afraid my Japanese is quite rusty. But I was sure they were the correct words."

"They were but your pronunciation was....inaccurate. Perhaps a differing dialect?" She offered politely allowing Zane to save face.

"Perhaps." he smiled accepting the ticket.

While the desolation left by the Third World War provided for the dawning of Japan's move to indoor cities. But it also provided for a much different movement, one in the opposite direction. Many saw technology as the sole cause for the war and the move into the enclosed pyramids as following a sure path to destruction once again. Small cells of traditionalists began to emerge calling for a return to the past. They believed that only by returning to their roots could Japan survive.

Eventually as the world began to heal and the radioactivity was cleansed by breakthrough technology these traditionalists started to move back outside and set up small villages based on feudal Japan. While a surprising number of Japanese left the cities for the peaceful primitive life it soon became apparent that in the short term at least, these villages were not viable. While the radiation cleansing program had been a remarkable success it had not returned the land to the fertility it had once enjoyed.

Just as the movement began to die out two entrepreneurs came forward with a saving plan. The feudal settlements would be turned into an historic tourist attraction. The villagers would live as they chose to but would allow paying tourists to live amongst them for a limited time provided they followed all of the customs and traditions of feudal Japan including the rigid class system and moral codes. It had been an immediate success.

When Zane had found Angora, in his first year at the Academy, he had been thrilled. It had provided and excellent respite from the rigors of the Academy as a tranquil place to relax and to study. Quickly he had become a regular face in the village and after two years was allowed to stay indefinietly. While this was impossible to do while he was a Starfleet officer he planning on retiring here.

Scene: Welcome Centre, outside Angora
Timeframe: One hour later

As comfortable as his uniform was Zane felt much freer in the loose robes he now wore as he walked through the visitor centre to the registration kiosk.

"Ah Zane-san we heard you were on your way. It is good to see you again, it has been much to long."

"Yes it has been too long. But my duties keep me busy."

"Much has happened since you were last here. Haraga has become the domiant Daimyo in the region. The fife of Anjiro is now in his domain. Your friend Yoshi is now Lord of Anjiro."

"His Karma has been good!"


"I look forward to seeing him."

"You will see him sooner than you think he is waiting for you at the meeting place on the road."

"I am honoured."

"You will be." the old man replied with a crooked smile.

regards, Andy

-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS


by Mike Dawe 5-11-1996

>SD 80511
>The lupine figure of Glin'kharr Lieutenant MD ambled off the D-Warp
>shuttle and surveyed the StarBase's docking facilities. Letting the
>disembarking crowds swarm around and past him, he reached into his
>beltpouch and pulled out a pair of bifocals.
>Putting on the glasses, he read his orders again. They were vague
>enough, although they had seemed clear when he'd first received them...
>"Report to CINCSILVER, SB Epsilon for assignment", nothing more, nothing less.
>Snorting in the equivalent Kar'llian gesture for a sigh, Glin'kharr took
>another look around. Perhaps it was the diversity of life forms, or the
>range of scents emanating from dozens of alien species... or perhaps it
>was just the sheer size of Starfleet that was causing his disorientation.
>Taking off the glasses, Glin'kharr resignedly followed the crowds leaving the bay.
>"...Excuse me, sir?" a uniformed technician called after him urgently, jogging towards him.
>"Nng, yes?" Glin'kharr replied, turning.
>"Your orders, sir." Glin'kharr stared back, uncomprehending.
>"May I see your orders, sir?" the tech said trying again.
>With a mumbled "oh," the Kar'llian fumbled in its pouch again and
>produced the rolled paper. The tech looked at them briefly, and stated
>"You'll want to check in with the Admiral's office right away, sir," returning the parchment.
>Glin'kharr continued to stare at the tech. With a sigh, the non-com gave
>hasty directions to the bipedal wolf and returned to his work. Snorting
>again, Glin'kharr continued on his original trajectory.
>And lost all sense of direction as he stepped into the immense Starbase itself...
>*** Quite some time later, CINCSILVER's Office ***
>Glin'kharr Lietenant MD arrived at the Admiral's office, still carrying
>his duffle bag. He had no idea where he was to be quartered. At least
>the administrative offices weren't as overwhelming as the hustle and
>bustle of the rest of the Base. Glin'kharr presented his orders to the
>secretary, then sat down to read while he waited. Soon enough, he was
>called into the Admiral's office.
>Briskly, Glin'kharr marched into the office and stood at attention.
>"Glin'kharr Lieutenant MD reporting for duty, sir," he said to the
>grizzled human sitting behind the desk.
>VA Nicholas, his attention on some piece of administrivia, didn't bother
>to look up, but simply stuck out his hand. Glin'kharr handed over his
>orders immediately; he had them ready this time.
>"Hrmf, what's this?" Nicholas mumbled as he looked at the paper. Glancing
>sharply up at the Doctor, he barked, "Your _bio_, Lieutenant!"
>Fumbling desperately through his bag, Glin'kharr managed to produce the
>bio with a minimum of spillage, and handed it over to the Admiral.

"Right then." The Admiral toggled a key on his desk. "Interrupt me and suffer." He then closed the channel before anyone had time to answer. "What is told to you here today stays very confidential. If news of this got out we could have widespread panic or worse and I would know who to look to for the reason why." So saying the Admrial passed a PADD with a medical file called up across to the snow-white Lupine. Glin'kharr adjusted his bifocals and tapped the PADD scanning past the headers and security warnings down to a series of case studies. Minutes passed while the Admiral looked out a window and smiled without humour as he heard first a grunt of recognition followed by the growl of suspicion that this might be a trick. He turned back and forestalled any questions with a few direct statements. "Yes, it is accurate. Yes, the time/date stamps are valid. Yes, we think it is, too."

"But the last cases of the tarellian plague were seen over four decades ago." Protested the doctor.

"Four decades is not long enough for species to forget. If this gets out then we will have another series of planetary bombings and interdictions. Suspicion will set interstellar trade and diplomacy back to the dark ages. We can't let that happen."

"But it was proven over two decades ago that the best that could ever be done is palliative care. The plague is a fast mutative and not curable, as a matter of fact it is thought that there is not hope of there ever beign a cure. It is the medical equivalent of the Kobayashi Maru, a no win situation. What is the population of the planet infected?"

The Admirals face turned bleak. "That is the problem. It is not a planet, it is a Ring."

"A Ring?" Pink eyes showed confusion.

"A manufactured ring encirling the a star at a little less than one AU. It is similar to a dyson sphere without the total coverage assosiated with a shere. This one has been colonized by over 70 billion life forms from 30 different member states of the Federation." The Admiral called up a image on the display screen.

"And yet they are each well spread out and there is no crowding save for the species who prefer to be crowded. The Ring has an interior surface are that would rival ten thousand planets. Its polar regions suit cold weather species and its equatorial belt would make a Vulcan sweat. The outbreak of the disease is right now in a primarily human colony at about 40 degrees below the equator. They are a group of . . . "

The Admiral snorted. " Neo-Luddites. As such they have had little commerce with their neighbors and we don't fear contagion too much yet. But it is just a matter of time. Time we don't have. I am putting you on a D-Warp shuttle towards earth where you will rendezvous with the USS FEYNMAN and from there you will proceed to the Ring at the indictaed coordinates. You are not to discuss this subject on subspace save in a most circumspect way.

I want an evaluation of isolation methods and the risk factors involved. The Neo-Luddites will not allow themselves to be moved but if push comes to shove we will move or remove them to save the others in the Ring."

"Remove. You mean kidnap them?"

"Doctor, when your forebears met with a cancerous growth that threatened the life of the patient was the surgery considered kidnapping?"

"The cells did not survive the removal."

"But the body did. If this gets out and they are still on that Ring then you can expect a war ending in a series of quantum torpedoes targetting the Ring structure to excise the 'cancer'. Tactical ran a simulation for me, not knowing the motivations." Azariah tapped another key and on the viewscreen the Ring blossomed with fire the slwly began to unwind, the ends whipping around. Then the center, feeling the unbalanced pull of the star for the first time began an Icarus approach to the calling gravity well. The arms of the broken ring trailed behind it as it plunged into the star.

Silence filled the room.

"I don't know what solution I expect you and the Feynman to come up with. But it better be good. Seventy billion lives depend on it. Dismissed."

<<<nrpg>>> Temporary Doc for the summer as requested and a mission

what more could you ask for?

mike--->knowing there is more and waiting for the asking

USS FEYNMAN: Back to the Feynman

by Kristen Gant 5-12-1996

Stardate: 80512.2132
Scene: Shuttle bay
Last day of Shore Leave

Krysa and Kavan found themselves back in the shuttle port catching their own shuttle. They had decided to head back early as Kavan had a few bags that needed to be unpacked. They had already said their good-byes to Krysa parents and her brother at the Betazed Embassy, so there was no one seeing them off as they boarded the shuttle bound for space dock orbiting Earth.

The shuttle was full, but Krysa and Kavan were the only ones from the Feynman. Kavan chatted amiably with those near him, while Krysa thought about all she needed to do once back on the Feynman. She was looking forward to getting back to the ship. For the most part she had been off duty since they left Furjen. She had filled a few shifts, but most of the time had been spent with family. Now she was itching to be back doing her job.

She knew there would be new crew to put through an orientation before they headed out on their next mission. Though there should be enough time as they headed back to Epsilon.

“You’re quiet today.” Kavan whispered in her ear.

She turned and smiled at him, “Just thinking about all the things I have to do when we get back.”

Kavan gave her a teasing frown, “I’m not going to see you once we get there am I?”

She chuckled. “Well, definitely not as much as you have the last two weeks.”

“Actually that may not be a completely bad thing. My mind has been full of ideas this week, and I haven’t had a chance to write any of them down.” He kissed her lightly, “Not that I would have changed any of it.”

<We are approaching space dock, please remain in your seats.> came the pilots voice.

Once aboard the Feynman, they headed to Krysa’s quarters. Krysa had to remind herself that it was no longer just her quarters. It seemed so strange. Kavan was glad to find his bags were sitting there waiting for him.

“I’ll let you unpack while I head down and start getting my department in shape. I’m sure things are completely out of hand.”

“Alright,” he said, opening the first bag, “I’ll be right here.”

Krysa left and headed to her office. On the way she ran into Ein. “Welcome back, Lt.” he said.

“Thank you, Mr. Ein.” she said with a faint smile. She and Ein had never quite gotten along, and the disciplinary action she’d had to take against him had put them further apart then ever. She had honestly expected him to transfer off the Feynman, so was surprised to see that he was still on board. “Did you have a good shore leave?” she asked trying to be friendly.

He nodded, “Yes, I did.” he paused, “Lt., I thought you should know that I have put in a request for a transfer to a different department.”

Krysa nodded. “I understand.” She didn’t ask which department and he didn’t offer the information.

“I expect that Cmdr. Zane will make it official upon his return. I just thought you should know, so you could plan accordingly.”

“I appreciate that, Mr. Ein.” He nodded to her and continued on his way. She watched him go. She couldn’t say that she was sad to see him go. She continued on her way to her office.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Well, Krysa and Kavan are on board, and I’ve decided that Krysa and Ein have put each other through enough torture, so he’s being transferred. I suppose he could still show up on the ship somewhere as he isn’t leaving the Feynman :)


USS FEYNMAN: Starfleet Security HQ

by Andrew Nugteren 5-12-1996

SD: 80512.1245
Scene: Starfleet Security HQ

Jade stepped off the turbolift at level 31. Today was the last day of official shore-leave, but already official matters had taken her back on duty. The pressing need at hand was replacement staff for her department. The end of their mission had seen several notable transfers. Chief Petty Officer Barbara Mancuso, previous ACSO, had accepted a promotion aboard Silver Fleet's flagship, the U.S.S. Andromeda. While it was a drop in title, serving aboard the flagship was the sort of experience that Barbara had needed on her service record to get ahead. Jade hoped that they would keep in touch, since they had grown fairly close in the few months they had served together.

"Lt.(jg) Jade Sr'qwon of the U.S.S. Feynman," she stated her name and position, and then her intentions. "I have an appointment with LtCmdr O'Reily."

The Yeoman on duty double-checked the padd in front of him, and then gestured with one arm to the door. "This way, sir."

Jade followed him down the corridor and into the well-decorated office of the Deputy Director of Security Personnel. The decor was fairly neutral, although occasional flashes of color cheered the office up somewhat. Jade took the proferred seat and concentrated on the mental preparation she had put in in the last hour. LtCmdr O'Reily hadn't exactly the best reputation within Starfleet for helpfulness, so while she had decided to play the meeting by ear, she had resolved to be cautious.

"Lieutenant," the middle-aged man behind the desk gave an uncharacteristic smile. "Finally we have the pleasure of meeting. I've just been reviewing the reports from your latest mission. Your department performed with distinction."

"Thank you sir," Jade replied fairly neutrally. "Although I would prefer to label our performance adequate. We did our duty."

"Come now," O'Reily replied. "I never knew a Trill as modest before. Take it from me you can take pride in your department. But that aside, I believe you are finalising replacements for your staff."

"That's correct sir. I've been reviewing the files you sent me, and I've got the following preliminary request list." She pushed a padd across the desk and paused to give her superior time to scan the contents.

O'Reily rested his chin on one arm, and nodded. "Hmmm," he spoke at last. "That's a very fine team you've managed to put together there. Well done."

"It is only a preliminary sir," Jade replied cautiously. "I was awaiting your approval before I finalised it and sent out reporting orders to those concerned."

"I approve it without qualification," O'Reily s and pushed the padd back towards her. "Request granted."

"Thank you sir," Jade forgot her caution for a moment and smiled warmly. Two hours later, when Jade had finally sent out the last of the reporting orders to her new officers and crew, O'Reily was still picturing her standing in his office with that impish look on her face.

Respectfully submitted,

Lt(jg) Jade Sr'qwon
Chief Security Officer


by Andrew Catterick 5-14-1996

SD: 80514.0800
Scene: Shuttle

Zane leaned back in his seat and watched the Earth slip a way out the window. It had been an extremely relaxing week that ended all too soon. He looked forward to returning to the FEYNMAN, to seeing his friends, but he already missed Anjiro.

As relaxing as it had been, it had also been a week full of surprise. As he looked down at the two swords resting on his lap his mind drifted back to his arrival at the village. Yoshi, Lord Nakamura, he corrected himself, had been waiting for him along with all from the village. The villagers had been scattered throughout the square on the theirs knees, heads pressed into the dirt in a formal bow. The samurai, both male and female, lined up and also bowing. Lord Nakamura came forward and presented Zane with the two swords, bestowing samurai status on him for his past actions of loyalty and bravery in the name of his village.

From here things had been a whirlwind. He had bartered successfully with Nakamura for his annual stipend, 120 Koku and then, to his embarrassment had accepted the need for a consort. In feudal Japan it was the wife who attended to all financial matters thus alleviating the man from 'dirtying' himself with such things. She oversaw the household and along with making wise investments made payments ranging from salaries to purchasing food to paying her husband's debts from visiting the Willow World.

After a little polite maneuvering Zane had accepted Mariko, Yoshi's sister as his consort. As he would be gone for extended periods of time she would be de-facto head of his line. Zane shifted in his seat uncomfortable at the though of being married. He still hadn't resigned himself to the fact and wondered how serious he should take this. While life in Anjiro was very real it was still only a tourist destination. Wasn't it?

Of course the biggest surprise had been reserved for his departure. Yoshi had accompanied him back to the visitor centre and as had given Zane a holocube.

"What's this?" Zane had asked.

"It is a new development. I have recorded the village and all its inhabitants on it, they'll all appear to be who they really are. Every few days a subspace signal will be sent out 'updating' their knowledge so that when you interact with them on the holodeck you will be able to be a part of the village. Likewise, when you finish your visit a signal will be sent to me and I will tell those who you have interacted what has transpired. You are samurai now, and my aide, you must remain current."

"Aren't the inhabitants supposed to be anti-technology. I know you are rising throught the ranks but how did you get a hold of something like this?"

"So sorry. I have not been completely honest with you. I am Nakamura of *the* Nakamura's. It is my zaibutsu that finances all this."

"But that makes no sense. You control one of the most modern multinationals on Earth and yet you live in the past."

Yoshi shrugged. "Karma, neh?"

Zane bowed. "Good bye Nakamura-san."

"Excuse me Commander, we're arriving at ALPHA."

"Thank-you Ensign." Zane had been startled back from his memories. He had selected the shuttle ride back to ALPHA so he could get a last look at Earth but even though he had been staring out the window he had missed it all. __________________________
Scene: Main accessway, USS FEYNMAN

"Welcome back Commander. Relaxing week?"

"Very. You? How's the little one?"

"Fine." Onta proudly beamed. "Souvenirs?" He asked pointing down at the two swords.

"Something like that." Zane smiled. "How's the ship?"

"Ready for departure. You were the last to come aboard."

"Good. I'm going to stop by my cabin quickly. I'll join you on the bridge shortly. In the meantime lets get underway."


Okay someone take us out! Set course for EPSILON warp 6

Mike: Ready whenever you are!


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: First to Arrive

by Andrew Nugteren 5-15-1996

Stardate: 80515.0508
Scene: Holodeck Briefing

Arriving slightly before the briefing was about to begin, Jade tapped on the holodeck controls to open the door and stepped out into the bleak desert landscape that Lt. Jerran had prepared. Directly ahead, a set of steps led up the mountain. Jade noted that the ancient staircase had been modernised a little and converted into a moving escalator. What was unusual was that the escalator was moving down the stairs. That would have been Bat she decided, and the corner of her mouth came up into a slight grin. Trust him to make things a little more difficult.

It was fairly hot, and the atmosphere was muggy and rather dense. It reminded her of the Kyabush on Trill, near where she had been brought up. In any case, the escalator would make up for having missed her physical training programme over the last week while on leave. She took a deep breath and ran at the staircase bounding up the steps in leaps and bounds. Several hundred meters above her, she could see a figure on the skyline that looked remarkably like Bat. An instant later, she felt the escalator speed up slightly, increasing the workout to more like the level of a marine battle efficiency course. Several minutes later, she emerged at the top onto a flat plateau with a structure that looked rather like a Vulcan temple. Turning to look at where she had come from, she noticed two other officers just beginning to start the ascent up the stairs.

Bat was observing her just a few metres away. She turned and walked the few steps seperating them, breathing slowly and deeply in a controlled and relaxed manner. "Bat," she accused him. "This was your idea wasn't it?"

"Would I do such a thing, miss?" Bat looked her straight in the eyes. "This was all Lieutenant Jerran's doing."

Jade weighed up his version of the truth and found it a little wanting.

Respectfully submitted,

Lt(jg) Jade Sr'qwon
Chief Security Officer
U.S.S. Feynman


I would add more, but I've got to run to class.

Joseph: Love the idea :)

Ted: Welcome aboard!! Don't be frightened by all these mad people we have aboard *grin* Just don't ever get aboard a shuttle if Krysa is at the controls!!

Kristen: Some of us haven't forgotten yet :)

USS FEYNMAN: A Briefing on top of a Temple?!

by Bill Valera 5-15-1996

Stardate: 80515.0500
Scene: Holodeck Briefing

Ensign Serra stepped throught the holodeck arch only to be greeted by the a dry, arid gust of wind. Looking around it, he seemed to be on a far off alien land scape. Jakkao looked up the long flight of steps leading up to the main chamber of the temple and he sighed. The Chief Science officer gripped the PADD in hand and began this long, ardouous ascent.

Respectfully Submitted,
Bill Valera
ENS. Serra, Jakkao J.


Just a quickie to let you all know I am still alived and well despite finals and a minor bout with some alien flu. =)

More later...

USS FEYNMAN: Climbing Makes Me Hungry

by Kristen Gant 5-15-1996

Stardate: 80515.1150
Scene: Briefing

Commander Zane had called a briefing even before they reached Epsilon. This was highly unusual. It looked like they might not ever make it back to the Starbase. Krysa entered the Holodeck and was hit by a wave of heat. She groaned. Looking at the landscape, it could only mean one thing. “Terri...”

She headed to the stairs and began her long journey to the top. Well, she had always wanted to visit Mt. Seleya, though as she trudged up this Holodeck version of it, she couldn’t for the life of her remember why.

Reaching to top she looked at Jerran who seemed perfectly happy in this particular climate. “Have a boring shore leave, Mr. Jerran.”

He chuckled, “Nah, just a little extra time on my hands.”

“I guess so,” she laughed with him, “Let’s just hope the food makes it worth the climb.”

“Krysa, is there any food that you don’t like?” he smirked.

Krysa thought for a moment, “Yes, peas. I don’t like peas.” Terri opened his mouth to comment, but Krysa held up her hand, “Don’t ask.” She then made her way to sample the Vulcan fare.

Bat was at the table fussing over his display. “Looks great, Bat.”

“Krysa,” he exclaimed, “Haven’t seen you since your wedding. Have you been avoiding me?”

“Of course not,” Krysa smiled, “Just been getting Kavan settled in.”

“That was some wedding,” said Bat, “Always loved those Betazoid ceremonies. Now they have an appreciation for beauty.”

“I would have to agree with you.” Krysa laughed, “So what did you do with yourself during shore leave?”

Bat relayed his adventures to her as they awaited the rest of the crew.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

USS FEYNMAN: Prelude to a Crisis

by Andrew Catterick 5-15-1996


I think we have inadvertently put the horse before the cart in that we can't very well have a mission briefing before we have a mission;) To get around this I did something I really hate doing....I changed a bit of Ted's post. Instead of Dr. Glin'kharr being escorted to the briefing I had him escorted to meet with Zane first and pass along hand delivered (and therefore secure) mission orders from the Admiral.

Ted: I hope you don't mind. As the crew can attest to this is not something that I do lightly.


"Captain, sensors show a shuttle approaching...its just coming out of d-warp."

"On screen." Zane sat forward in his seat, curious. Only a day out of ALPHA it was a little out of the ordinary for a D-warp shuttle to arrive unannounced. "Zoom in on its markings."

Instantly the shuttle's aft-port quarter filled the center of the screen. "Hmmm....all the way from EPSILON. Commander were you expecting any new personnel who couldn't wait for us to return?"

"No sir. It seems we have a mystery of sorts." the first officer replied.

"Captain the shuttle pilot requests permission to land and has relayed the request of the passenger to see you immediately."

Zane raised an eyebrow. "Grant permission and have someone escort the passenger to my ready-room." He rose from his chair. "Commander you have the bridge."



As the doors parted Zane was surprised to see his first Kar'llian. "Lieutenant junior grade Glin'kharr reported as ordered."

"Ordered by whom?"

"Admiral Nicholas, sir." He held out a datachip before Zane had a chance to reply. "These are your orders from the Admiral sir."

Zane accepted the chip and examined it for a few seconds wondering if he really wanted to know what message it contained. His instincts told him he didn't.

"I take it you will be joining us?"

"Yes sir. Admiral Nicholas assigned me as a mission specialist."

"Sciences or medical?" He had of course noticed the blue uniform when the FEYNMAN's newest officer arrived.

"Medical, exobiology specifically."

"Very well." He rose. "My exec, Commander Maril has the bridge. Report to him and he'll assign you quarters and take your bio to enter into the ship's manifest." He extended a hand. "Welcome aboard."

As Dr. Glin'kharr headed for the bridge Zane returned to his seat and inserted the datachip into his desktop terminal. After the appropriate codes were given and accepted the familiar Federation emblem was replaced by the unsmiling face of CINCSILVER. Over the next few minutes the Admiral provided a brief overview of the crisis and gave the FEYNMAN its orders. His video was followed by a rather lengthy section of text most of it dealing with medical research that was beyond him.

"May the gods protect us."

Placing his face in his hands he though for a few moments. "Zane to shuttlebay."

[Shuttlebay. Roberts here.]

"Mr. Roberts secure the D-warp it will be remaining with us and tell the pilot he has just been drafted. He can report to Lt. Jerran during BETA shift. Zane out."

Pulling the chip out of the terminal he rose and headed for the bridge. As he entered the bridge he noticed Maril look up at him, his curiosity clearly evident but his professionalism not allowing him to ask the question directly. "Seems we have a new specialist." He let the implied question hang.

"Seems so." Zane replied. "Mr. Jerran, how long to Epsilon Indi at maximum warp?"

The FCO entered a few commands into his board. "47.5 hours sir."

"Computer initiate Communications Protocol 1, authorization Zane, Sierra 8946 Echo 8253-A-72125."

<Acknowledged. Communications Protocol 1 is now in effect.>

The bridge officers traded shocked glances. CP-1 was a complete and total blackout of all communication emissions from the FEYNMAN. No messages of any kind could be sent without the joint authorization of the captain and FO. AS far as the rest of the universe was concerned the FEYNMAN no longer existed.

"Mr. Jerran set a course for Epsilon Indi, maximum warp."

"Maximum warp, aye."

Zane turned to Maril and handed him the chip. "Commander I'd like you to review the information on this and then schedule a meeting of the senior staff for 1300."

Maril accepted the chip and headed for the ready-room without a word. The concern plainly evident on his face.

The captain turned back to the FCO. "Lieutenant if I remember correctly your up on the rotation for creating the holobriefing site. If you can get it done on time your excused from the rest of your shift."


Well this brings us up to where everyone started to arrive on the holodeck. I'll post the beginning of the briefing either tonight or first thing in the morning. Until that time Zane, Maril and Glin'kharr are the only ones who know what the mission is and they aren't talking. <EG>

Please note the mission clock has been reset.

Lysle: Did I understand your NRPG to say that Tok did not return from shore-leave. If this is true what is the reason you would like to use. Changed his mind about Straun's offer?

Ted: Bio/rosters on the way!


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS

USS FEYNMAN: Wrapping Up Ends and Starting a Mission...

by Max Felsher 5-16-1996

SD 80516.0300(GMT)
Shuttlebay 2

Maril stood there, sorry that his family had to leave. However, he knew they had to go and so hugged his family members, including his father, who was leaving, after being on the Feynman for so long. He also said goodbye to one family member who hadn't been there when he had greeted his family seemingly so long ago--little Krysel.

"No drought for your river," his family members said goodbye.

"No drought for your rivers," Maril replied.

As they boarded their shuttle and the shuttlebay-doors started to unlock, Maril waved goodbye, then walked out of the shuttlebay.

Holodeck: Vulcan Mountain Temple

The Tamarian walked through the double doors of the Holodeck to some dismay--and perspiration. The long staircase before him was not a welcome sight. Well, he'd just have to have a little talk with whomever created this physical exertion tool.

Halfway up the steps, he felt like he was going to die. Maybe more than just a talk was in line for the creator of the program. Something more a demotion.

Finally, he was two steps from the top. He didn't know if he could go on any longer, but he tried. Okay, one more step to go. He fell forward, almost hitting the hard stone floor at the summit of the mountain. He didn't, however, and was able to look up to see the waiting officers at the top. Jerran and Sr'qwon and Jenn and a...wolf. Maril thought maybe he was going to faint, fall down all those stairs and have to climb back up them again.

"Hello, Commander. Like my program?" Jerran laughed.

Aha. So this was who the criminal was. It would have been Jerran. "Yes, a very nice program, Lieutenant," Maril smiled facetiously. "Perhaps you could step over here," Maril said, motioning towards the edge of the mountain. He didn't think that he could throw Jerran over, considering his greater strength and the fact that this was Jerran's natural habitat. But he might die in the process, and thus remove himself from this terrible environment.

"If it's all right with you, Commander, I think I'll stay over here," Jerran smiled.

Maril smiled back. "Very well. Where's Commander Zane?"

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: Well, this is just to get Maril up-to-date. Really sorry about not posting more, recently.


by Max Felsher 5-16-1996


I just created a post, then I recieved Andy's post, so:

1) Assume for the part in the Holodeck after MD 1.1300
2) Also, assume Maril's surprise at seeing Glin'Kharr(sp?) is just because he's still not used to seeing wolves in SF uniforms, even if he has met one of them.
3) And assume that whatever Maril's mood, it's just a cover for the very dark mood he's in about the mission.

Live long and prosper,

P.S. Ooh, I'm one of the ones who can authorize contact outside the I feel powerful! ;)

USS FEYNMAN: Zane Arrives

by Andrew Catterick 5-16-1996

SD: 80516.0900
MD: 1.1250
Scene: Holodeck 2

As Zane entered the holodeck he was immediately assaulted by a wave of heat which became much worse after he realized the stairs in front of him weren't there merely for show. Looking up and cursing the idea of a long climb he noticed a small speck waving frantically. It had to be Jerran. At least the climb would give him time to reconsider his policy of holodeck briefings. They were supposed to breed a relaxed environment. Relaxed wasn't the word to describe what Zane would be when he got to the top of this big rock. Rock! That was the key!

"Computer, access Earth's mythological database and create a Roc complete with saddle and harness."

Instantly the huge bird appeared. Pausing only to grab the hypo and push the triox into his neck he jumped aboard and the two were away.

Mount Selya really was beautiful from the air and it seemed the computer generated bird was enjoying the flight even more than he was. Content to let the Roc fly its own course he settled back to enjoy the view. Spying the battlefield he steered the great bird towards it, intent on buzzing the participants. A few near misses by some powerfully thrown spears from both sides quickly changed his mind.

Landing on a small dais away from the meeting site. He hopped down and with a meaning full stare into his steed's eyes, and a pointed finger to the ground he told it to "Stay."

After some brief mingling and a trip to the buffet table to retrieve some Vulcan fruit salad and a glass of their strong tea he seated himself at the briefing table. In short order the other officers joined him.

"I trust you have all met Lt. Glin'kharr?"

Several nods.

"For those of you who were not on the bridge....we are at CP-1. I realize this is a drastic measure but by the end of the briefing the need for it will be apparent." He touched a button on the arm of his chair and small sections of the stone table face in front of each officer 'dissolved' away to reveal a computer terminal.

"This is the star Epsilon Indi, located on the southwest frontier of SILVER's border." A small ball of yellow light appeared in the center of each screen and began to grow in size as the view began to zoom in on the system. The object that is circling this star is a Dyson's Ring, similar to a Dyson's Sphere with the exception of course of its physical structure.

The ring is home to 327 races comprising a total population of just over 70 billion. The ring was discover 10 years ago and has been studied ever since. Each community remains removed from the others but a dozen or so have discovered each other and have developed inter-ring trade.

"This section," A small portion of the ring stated 'blinking' red, "is home to the neo-Luddites a human colony. Like most of the rest, we know they arrived well before the Federation moved into this region but we don't know how.

As you can imagine, this is an excellent opportunity to study the evolution and interaction of a multitude of societies and Starfleet has been doing so since the ring was discovered.

Three days ago USS BENTON returned to EPSILON after a 30 day deployment studying the Luddites. During the 2 day trip back to the starbase 3 crew members died, with little warning, of some mystery illness that they had picked-up in the Luddite community. Apparently the Luddites had developed some sort of sickness and the crew of the BENTON tried to assist. They weren't a medical intensive ship by any means and so were unable to even diaganose the sickness. Unfortunately the BENTON's medic was sure the transporter's bio filters would detect and kill any germ's on returning crewmen, who had at this point, he was sure, not contracted it. He was wrong on both counts and now the entire ship and crew is infected, quarantined and orbiting a moon on the outskirts of known space. A medical frigate is enroute but the crew will most likely be dead before it gets there.

The medical staff on EPSILON have confirmed the sickness to be Tarellian Plague."

There were a few gasps of disbelief from the assembled officers.

"But that died out for..."

Zane raised a hand. "If you'll look to your viewers you can scan the initial reports by EPSILON medical as well as our orders."

Several minutes later

"We have quite a number of problems ahead of and I'm sure you all understand the consequences of failure."

Zane began to tick off priorities. "We need to isolate the Luddite section of the Ring from the others. Once this begins to spread we've lost. We have to stop the spread of the disease amongst the Luddites themselves. We have to aid the dying and dispose of the dead. We have to keep this quiet. Everytime this thing has reared its head chaos has followed. Planets have died, empires have fallen, civilizations have been wiped out. If word gets out you can expect warships from all over the quadrant arriving to vapourize the Ring and anyone who have had contact with it."

"Fortunately this is not a well travelled sector but obviously any ships that enter the system can not be allowed to dock at or near the Luddite Community."

"Aren't the away teams facing the same dangers as the crew of the BENSON?"

Zane gestured towards Dr. Glin'kharr.

"Yes and no. I have hypos that I can give each member that will give you about a 90% immunity from the virus but they must be injected every six hours starting 24 hours before contact or they are useless."

Each officer digested the 90% protection figure.

"What happens if we can't stop the spread?"

Zane looked grim. "This is an emergency situation with very conceivably the galaxy at stake, our orders are clear. Sterilization."

"You mean we beam down and kill all those people?" Krazny asked aghast.

"Actually that won't work. This is a very hardy virus that can live and spread for months without coming in contact with any lifeforms." Glin'kharr addedd.

"I mean we use ships phasers to cut the entire colony out of the ring and let it drift into the sun."

"We can't! The report was quite clear that any stress of that nature would doom the entire ring to destruction."

"That won't happen because Lt. Koreth and Ensign Serra are going to come up with a way to keep the ring stable." Zane looked at the two officers who nodded, each of them thinking it was impossible.


Well how's that for a start to an interesting meeting?

I think Mike has given us the makings of an excellent meeting. We have medical dilemmas, strategic dilemmas, technical dilemmas and most importantly moral dilemmas.

I look forward to your characters take on this as well as additional problems/solutions/outcomes that may concern us.


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS


by Charles Jencks 5-17-1996

SD 80517.0510
USS Feynman Holodeck

Krazny Oktyabr looked up Mount Seleya, and was thankful he'd thought of rocket boots after the last briefing. He kicked the rockets on, and shot up to the top of the mountain. "Sorry I'm late, Captain."

Previously... Late July, 1998. Annapolis, Maryland...

Dr. Ryan cried all night, after the doctors told him that not only did his daughter have leukemia, but that there was no chance she'd survive the summer. There was one doctor who kept insisting there was hope... cryostorage. "There may be a cure in the future..." he kept saying.

Jack looked up. "Do it, but I want to say goodbye to my little Sally." He headed into the room where his little daughter, only ten years old, lay in a hospital bed. His wife, Dr. Ryan, was already there... as a medical doctor she'd been allowed to see everything.

Later but still previously... July 2398. Annapolis, Maryland...

The lights flickered on, and the little girl lay in bed, well for the first time in just over 400 years. She whispered, "What day is it?"

"July 25. 2398."

"400 years..." The ten-year-old Sally Ryan could hardly understand... but she remembered what happened...

... and, strangely, that she'd always rolled in her sleep.


Well, late, I made it to the briefing (server trouble). I thought I'd use the opportunity to try to explain Sally's origins.

Charles Jencks
LtJG Krazny Oktyabr