USS FEYNMAN Crew Biofiles

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USS FEYNMAN Crew Biofiles
Version 1.0 (Updated SD 350810)




Captain Zane

Commanding Officer: Captain Zane
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>STARFLEET BIO<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
NAME:                Zane 
SERVICE #:           9307448 
RANK:                Captain [INACTIVE]
POSITION:            Commanding Officer 
RACE:       Unknown 
HOMEWORLD:  Unknown 
AGE:    34 
SEX:    Male 
Physical Description: 
Humanoid.  HT:1.9m   WT:80kg   Skin:Grey   Eyes:Black 

-70731:  Graduated from Starfleet Academy  
-70804:  Assigned to ALB for Fleet transittion 
-70812:  Assigned to WhiteFleet (now SilveerFleet) 
-70814:  Assigned USS FEYNMAN, NCC 66000 
-70815:  Posted as Chief Security Officer  
-71016:  Promoted to Lieutenant junior graade 
-71205:  Promoted to Lieutenant 
-71205:  Posted as Operations/Second Officcer 
-71209:  Promoted to Lieutenant Commander  
-71209:  Posted as XO/FO 
-80204:  Promoted to Commander 
-80204:  Posted as commanding officer, USSS FEYNMAN 
-80204:  (Awarded Order of Orpheus, Unit CCitation, from CINCSILVER) 
-81006:  Promoted to Captain 
-90430:  (Awarded Outstanding Command Offiicer Citation at RT) 
-91031:  (Awarded Outstanding Command Offiicer Citation at RT) 
-91031:  (FEYNMAN Awarded Outstanding Unitt Citation at RT) 
-101001: USS FEYNMAN Destroyed by Xanthanddi Navy, Lion's Head Nebula 
-101030: (FEYNMAN Awarded Outstanding Unitt Citation at RT) 
-101030: Posted as Commanding Officer USS  KIROV, NCC 28000 
-111031: (Awarded Outstanding Command Offiicer Citation at RT) 
-111031: (KIROV Awarded Outstanding Unit CCitation at RT) 


Zane is generally quiet but often displays a developed sense of humour 
often directed at himself in a sarcastic sense.  Very determined and can 
become frustrated easily.  A being of action not patience. 

Hobbies/Interests:  Reading-political journals, the study of Earth's 
                    International Relations--19th and 20th Centuries., 
Favourite Drink:  Coffee, Black 
Favourite Food:   None...good appetite for most...See Medical File 

        As the only being of his kind little is known of his biology in 
terms of life expectancy, physical norms, life phases etc.  However 
after study of the subject several areas have come to light. 
Internally, Zane most resembles a Klingon in terms of having biological 
backups of all major systems.  For example all major organs have 
duplicates that appear to have little function unless the primary organ 
is damaged or incapacitated in some manner. 

        Of most interest is a small organ attached to the stomach which 
processes protein in a highly accelerated manner.  The result is that 
Zane does not need and, in fact, seems incapable of sleeping.   It 
appears this organ acts as some sort of internal 'battery' or power 
system.  To remain charged the subject must consume a substantial amount 
of food at frequent intervals.  On an average day 8 meals are generally 
consumed.   When unable to follow this the subject appears sluggish and 
begins to lose mental functions.  While dietary supplements and vitamins 
can be used a steady menu of solid food is recommended. 

        In 2356  the USS REPULSE discovered a derelict ship in sector 
HX-8946.  The ship was determined to be at least 8000 years old.  Upon 
searching the vessel a small compartment was discovered that still 
maintained partial power due to a small nuclear power plant.  The 
equipment being powered was retrieved and studied by the REPULSE.  It 
was determined that the equipment was designed to keep a fertilized 
embryo viable.  After much debate the ship's CMO,  in a direct violation 
of orders, revived the embryo from its stasis.  After a six-month 
gestation the being later named Zane was born. 

        As the REPULSE was on a deepspace-exploration mission the infant 
was cared for and raised by the officers and crew of the REPULSE. 
Primary care and guidance was undertaken jointly by Captain John Clark 
and the CEO, Lt. Cmdr Cathy Ryan.  Schooling was performed by the 
various department heads but it was found at an early age that Zane had 
little aptitude for the sciences.  It is unknown if this is an 
individual trait or one of his races. 

        By age sixteen it was unmistakable, the urge to leave and begin 
a life of his own.  It was decided that Zane would be best suited in 
Starfleet and thus entered the Academy in 2372. 

NOTE:  In 2376 (SD:70823)  USS REPULSE was listed as missing and 
       presumed destroyed. 

Letters of Recommendation. 

It is hard to believe  that we found Zane 16 years ago adrift in space. 
Since that time we have raised him 'as our own'.  I suppose it is 
inevitable that he would wish to join starfleet and it is a measure, not 
only of or affection but our respect for his abilities that we forgo the 
tradition of having an officer recommend him.  Instead, on behalf of the 
entire crew of the USS REPULSE, WE recommend him. 
                        Captain John Clark 
                        USS REPULSE. 

It is with mixed emotions I approve Ensign Zane's posting to ALB as part 
of his transition to the fleet.  The destruction of the REPULSE has hit 
him hard.  Not only has he lost his family and his home.  He must deal 
with  the fact that he must truly be alone.  He does not know where he 
is from or where he belongs.  However, I feel that a starship posting is 
the best way for him to overcome his sorrow. 
Cmdr. Hargan. 
Starfleet Medical

--------------------End Bio chip----------------------------------------


Lieutenant Commander Onta Maril

Executive Officer: Lieutenant Commander Onta Maril
Biography file:
(Note-Some information is under the Tamarian name.When parantheses are
used, it is the Federation name.)
Name-Onta Maril
Home Planet-Motuxi(Tyul IV)
Date of birth-Ulmawen's heart at the killings 3,6789(July 24,2380)
Place of birth-town of Nbolni,looking at the sea;continent of Majaden

The Tamarians' language is based entirely on metaphor. Before the
encounter between Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise and
Dathon, every attempt to communicate with the Tamarians had failed.
Although they now live on many planets, the Tamarians' home planet is
Arranda's Clearing(Cortuv V). Tamarians look somewhat reptilian. Onta
Maril is the first Tamarian in Starfleet.

Current Assignment-USS Feynman
Current Position-Executive Officer

Parents-Azelti Mar,father,age:52 Earth years,stellar cartograher,lives in
Nbolni,looking at the sea;
Perun Tuelchi,mother,age:51 Earth years, starship designer,lives
with her husband
Siblings-Agganu Maral,brother,age:31 Earth years,writer,lives in Rajal at
the throne Mountains;
Mikel Tuelchita,sister,age:29 Earth years,oceanographer,
lives in Mayal in the pit Islands;
Bero Marel,brother,age:26 Earth years, architect,lives in
Nolin Tuelchite,sister,age:19 Earth years, cadet-Anjil's
Hall,lives in Kamel's Castle,planet of Ridel(Ontalax III)


Education-13 years at Tamarian schools,best area:astronomy
2 years at a Tamarian science academy
2 years on Earth at the English Language School in New
4 years at Starfleet Academy,major area:science(Special mention:
went on diplomatic mission to Beronia VII with Ambassador
Filerot as science officer in sophomore year and found a new
phenomenon called Alkotian beambending in the atmosphere of
the third moon)

Major:Scientific Research
Minor:Technical Operations

Physical Description-height:1.75 meters,weight:73 kilograms,

Medical Information-mostly normal for Tamarian standards, although blood type
(River of Acseli) is rare and blood pressure is slightly below normal
Traditions-writes home once a month,walks on a path through a
forest,either a real one or one on a holodeck,each birthday

Beliefs-The beautiful buillding could be a monster's jaw.(Don't act on
Hobbies-sculpting, reading Klingon mysteries, and the bat'telh
Annoyances-people who make decisions without taking any time to look at
the situation

Ambitions-to be the first Tamarian Captain in Starfleet(or maybe even

SD 70622.1630-Graduated from Starfleet Academy
70709.1300-Assigned to ALB Holodeck 4
70808.0945-Reported to Admiral Ashe on Starbase Alpha
70808.1841-Assigned to White Fleet
70819.0911-Assigned to USS Feynman, NCC-66000
70819.1200-Assigned as Chief Science Officer
71020.1200-Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade
71206.1430-Promoted to full Lieutenant
71210.1200-Transferred to position of Second/Operations Officer
80117.0815-Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
80204.1000-Transfered to Executive Officer
80204.1200-Awarded Order of Orpheus, Unit Citation, from CINCSILVER

Letters of Reccomendation-
Develi Geletur, Instructor, Motuxi Science Academy(translated)
Student Maril has done some excellent work here. He is very industrious
and insightful. However, I fear his streak of shyness, may cause him
trouble, especially if he wishes to go to Starfleet Academy. I wish
him the best of luck, whatever he may do.

Paul Felien, Instructor, English Language School
Felix Stromefel, Instructor, English Language School
Onta Maril has done considerably well considering his background.
It has been very hard for him adjusting to the grammar of the English
language from his own metaphorical language. Although he does suffer
relapses, my colleagues and I have decided that he is fit to enter
Starfleet Academy.

Selen, Director of Academic Affairs, Starfleet Academy
Cadet Maril is doing well in Starfleet Academy. He is keeping up on his
work and his grades are some of the best in his class. However, the fact
that he is still learning some of the English language and the fact
that he is sometimes on the shy side have gotten him into some awkward
positions.However, if he improves in that part, I believe Cadet Maril will
pass with flying colors.


Lieutenant Krysa Jenn

Operation/Second Officer: Lieutenant Krysa Jenn
========================Begin File===========================
Krysa Jenn
Age 24
Height: 1.30 m (52), Weight: 56 kg (125 lb.)
Hair: black, Eyes: black
Race: Betazoid
Hair black, Eyes black
Race: Betazoid
Siblings: Jerna Jenn 20, student at the Torin School of Psychology
Waston Jenn 17, with parents
Parents: Quarn and Baris Jenn, Betazed Embassy on Earth
Born: Earth, Betazed Embassy
Education: Starfleet Academy with special program in counseling
Service Number: Q3458-79346CN

Assignment History:
71220 - ALB Holodeck Training
71227 - USS Feynman, Ships Counselor
80117 - Promoted to Lt.(j.g.)
80204 - Awarded Order of Orpheus, Unit Citation
80205 - Promoted to Full Lt.
80205 - Posted as Ops/2nd Officer

Hobbies: Gymnastics and Dance
Background: Krysa was born on Earth at the Betazed Embassy so she is
considered to be a Betazed citizen. Her father, Ambassador Quarn Jenn,
has been a Betazed Diplomat on Earth for 30 years. His wife, Baris Jenn,
has served as his personal aide during that time. Krysa has 2 younger
siblings, Jerna who is a student on Betazed at the Torin School of
Psychology and Waston, who resides with his parents at the Embassy.
Krysa entered Starfleet Academy and has excelled in physical pursuits.
She was also above average in her academics. She successfully completed
Starfleet Academys special counseling program with acceptable marks.
Krysas empathic abilities began when she hit puberty. They developed
quickly and she quickly found that she could communicate telepathically
with those close to her. When Krysa was 16 she had a severe head injury
during a Gymnastics competition to retarded her telepathic abilities.
Doctors felt that given time they might return, but there was no
guarantee. She worked hard and at the time of this report had regained
her empathic abilities, but her telepathy was still very retarded.

SD 71023.1030
Krysa is a charming young woman and a good student. She has the
interpersonal skills to make an excellent ships counselor which is her
current goal. Going beyond her Betazoid empathic abilities, she has a
true caring for people. She show an extraordinary aptitude in dealing
with others on both a personal and professional level. Here at the
Starfleet Academys counseling department, she is well liked and
respected. She has served as a peer counselor here for 6 months and has
done exceptionally well. I highly recommend her.
Dr. Troy Adams
Program Advisor, Starfleet Academy

SD 71111.2320
I am recommending that Krysa Jenn be added to Starfleet. She will be an
asset to any ship she is assigned to. While her interests lie in
counseling, she also has a proficient ability in computer science and is
an excellent shuttle pilot. Based on this information, I recommend Krysa
to be commissioned with the rank of Ensign and to begin training at ALB
as soon as possible.
Commander Tony Jassey
Admissions, Starfleet Command

SD 71124.0930
Psychological Profile: Krysa is a personable young woman. She makes
friends easily and is very likable. She has an inner sense of others
that goes beyond her natural Betazoid empathy, though she does use that
empathy to its fullest extent. She has honed it and can quickly call on
it a moments notice. Due to an accident in her teen years she no longer
has full use of her telepathic abilities, but it doesnt limit her. She
is extremely approachable and her manner sets people at ease.
On the more negative side of things, Krysa can be over confident and
failure hits her like a stone wall. Not that she is arrogant, but she
sometimes over estimates her abilities and can occasionally put herself
in precarious and often dangerous situations.
Lt. Commander Jordon McCaffney
Admissions, Starfleet Command
==========================End File==========================





LT JG Justin C. Allard