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Starbase Horizon Table of Organization
Version 1.0 (Created SD 320719)


The contents of this table are largely based upon the like document created by Scott Lusby for the USS CIRCE, which in turn was based on the document created by D'Maris Coffman for use with USS QUASAR.

The section detailing the Combat Information Center group was written by Scott Freligh for the CIRCE.


This document sets out the Table of Organization (TO), i.e. the organizational structure, of Starbase Horizon. It is concerned entirely with the role playing aspects of the station. Information about the administration and mechanics of this writing group may be found in the Style Guide (which will soon be placed on the new web site).

With that in mind, a few additional remarks are relevant. With that in mind, a few additional remarks are relevant. First, Starbase Horizon is the headquarters of Task Group Horizon in the ASR universe. As such, the station is assigned 'attached' vessels which serve to screen it from attackers and to perform scouting and surveying functions nearby as well as general mobile defensive support. Though the nature and number of these escorts are mission dependent, at present Starbase Horizon is accompaned by the light cruiser USS Destiny, and the destroyers USS Vigilant and USS Tiayang shen.

More information about these ships may be found on the SBH site.

Second, the material below was taken from a variety of contemporary sources. One in particular are the web pages of the United States Navy's Atlantic Fleet, particularly the USS Cowpen. The original author (D'Maris Coffman) has made every effort to extrapolate this to the 25th century and Trek technology, drawing both on her own knowledge and the best of ASR practice.

Comments, critiques, concerns, clarifications, etc. are most welcome, particularly if your character happens to be in charge of the department involved.


Starbase Horizon has three operational phases--primary training, intermediate training, and operational. This mirrors USN practice, though the distinctions have been simplified for our purposes.


During the primary training cycle, the focus is on training crew, professional development of personnel (certifications, operations watch officers qualifications, space warfare officer exams, etc). During this phase, the station reports to what is called the "Type Command," which is behind the scenes in ASR (yet it is assumed to exist). The Type Command is responsible for seeing that software upgrades, hardware maintenance, etc. also happen during the primary training cycle.


An intermediate training cycle follows the primary one. This often may be rather short, compared to months spent in a primary training cycle. For our purposes, this is the period where SBH is joined by the ships in her task group for group exercises. The station moves from under the purview of the Type Command back to the Theater Command.


During the operational phase, SBH and the other ships in her force have mission orders and are under the direct supervision of COMTGHORIZON and the officer-in-tactical command (see below) of a given mission.

Officer-in-tactical (mission) command: The officer-in-tactical command is the officer responsible for the overall mission. In ASR, this is most usually the unit CO. During the current mission, the officer-in-tactical command is Commander Hanson Bennett, Commanding Officer, Starbase Horizon.



There are five senior line officers on SBH. They are the CO, XO, OPS, CIC and CMC, and they represent the shipboard chain of command.

Commanding Officer

The commanding officer (CO) is ultimately responsible and accountable to his superiors for the station. During primary and intermediate training cycles, the CO reports to the Type Command. During this period, the operations and logistics groups concentrate on maintaining combat readiness, keeping systems up-to-date, and for training of personnel, as well as ongoing projects (sciences). During the operational phase (where the station has mission orders), the CO is responsible for his station's role in the mission.

When a commanding officer of a station also serves as officer-in-tactical command for a given mission, the CO is responsible for ensuring that all Star Fleet assets under his purview (including escorts and support craft). If there is a flag officer or other senior officer aboard who is the officer-in-tactical command, the CO is accountable to said officer for his station's role in the mission, but remains the absolute authority in matters pertaining to the station itself.

Mission specialists and the commander of any independent marine attachment (rump battalion or larger) report directly to the officer-in-tactical command. Regardless of a CO's actual rank, his position is that of station's commandant and he is addressed either as 'Commandant' or by his or her rank.

Executive/First Officer

The executive officer (XO, Exec) is responsible above all else for the day-to-day operation of the station. The XO is also the professional development officer and assists department heads in facilitating training of all line officers. The XO designs and administers all watch officer exams, certifications and qualifying exams as they relate to station-board operations and command. The XO is also responsible for the station's routine and for keeping crew discipline. All department heads report to the XO. Regardless of his rank, he is senior to all naval officers who are part of the ship's permanent complement.

Operations Manager/Second officer

The operations manager (OPS/2O) is the senior member of the shipboard operations group which consists of three departments: operations, combat systems (tactical), and navigation/astrogation. In this capacity, the operations manager also allocates station's resources and coordinates interdepartmental projects, including those which involve engineering or sciences. OPS also has a permanent place in the senior officer watch rotation.

Combat Information Center/Third Officer

The combat information center officer is responsible first and foremost for the combat information center (which is on Deck A-4). The purpose of the CIC is two-fold: in multi-ship combat, the CIC keeps track of what is happening. The TAC officer is too busy with how the station performs in combat to spare attention for the big picture. Second, the CIC officer is the clearinghouse for orders from the officer-in-tactical command (see above) of the engagement. The CIC of a large station thus is responsible for coordinating its combat maneuvers and status with the other ships in the force, including the officer-in-tactical-command of the force.

Due to these awesome responsibilities, the CIC is considered a member of the senior command staff. On SBH, this officer acts as the 3O as well.

Command Master Chief

The Command Master Chief (CMC), alternately known as the 'Chief of the Boat' or the 'Boatswain,' is the highest-ranking non-commissioned officer on board SBH. Her job is to act as a liaison between the rest of the station's command group and the enlisted personnel. As such, this task is always given to the senior-most enlisted person on board. As a general rule of thumb, this person is a career officer, possibly on the verge of earning a warrant commission, and well-respected by her fellow enlisted personnel.

Usually, the CMC is a Master Chief Petty Officer (E-9).


The underway watch rotation (the only one that really concerns role play on SBH) consists of six four-hour watches which cycle every twenty-four. Each overall watch has two watch officers, one senior and one junior. There are subsidiary watches at OPS, TAC, and NAV, as well as ENG and SEC. While department heads may participate in the watch rotation as junior watch officers, they only takeover their primary operations consoles doing alerts.


Beyond the permanent watch officers, there are also officers of the day. Senior officer of the day is limited to those officers who have passed the senior BrOT (bridge officer's test). Junior officer of the day is open to any junior officer who has passed the junior BrOT. Both are good experience for any ambitious officer.

Watch Rotation

Watch (time)		Senior Watch Officer	Junior Watch Officer
------------       	--------------------    --------------------
Alpha (0800-1200)	XO               	JOOD
Bravo (1200-1600)	OPS             	JOOD 
Charlie	(1600-2000)	CIC             	TAC 
Delta (2000-0000)	OPS             	JOOD 
Echo (0000-0400)	CIC        	        JOOD
Foxtrot	(0400-0800)	TAC                     JOOD

OOD:  SCI, PRO, etc (if qualified)
JOOD:  Varies

Also bear in mind that division officers serve as watch officers for their departmental watches (operations, engineering, tactical and navigation watches). In sciences, there is no standing watch. Attending physicians rotate as shift supervisors. A shift in sickbay is two regular four hour watches; the sciences department may also run in eight hour shifts at the discretion of the chief science officer.


The departments are grouped into command, operations, flight operations, engineering, sciences, medical, intelligence and Marines. These distinctions are most important during the training phases. They also reflect the uniform colors employed aboard SBH. During operational phases, these groups become less important as the entire station comes mission-focused.

On smaller ships, the Marines are treated as if they were a regular department, and are ultimately answerable to the CO and XO of the vessel. However, on large stations, they are an independent command (explained in greater detail below), and are ultimately answerable to regiment commands within the Marine Corps.


The command group is comprised of the aforementioned senior line officers- CO, XO, CIC and OPS- as well as the Command Master Chief and any administrative personnel attached to the Commanding Officer, such as Yeomen. It also encompasses the Combat Information department as well, due to the nature of the responsibilities of Combat Information. All officers of this group wear uniforms piped in red.


The operations group consists of operations, combat systems (tactical), security, legal services, and astrogation/navigation departments. On the SBH, all of these people will wear uniforms piped in mustard. This group is responsible for the performance of the station while operational, particularly in combat. The operations manager is the senior member of the operations group, and is accountable to the XO for its overall readiness during training cycles.


The flight operations group consists of the flight control, shuttle maintenance and shuttle operations departments. Flight ops is responsible for the maintenance and care of all embarked and guest craft on SBH, a rather large job for a station of SBH's size. They also are tasked with coordinating all flight traffic in and out of SBH. All uniforms of this group wear uniforms piped in gray.


This group, second only to Operations in size aboard a station, is tasked solely with the maintenance and repair of SBH herself. This includes both hardware and software repair and upgrades. All personnel of this group wear uniforms piped in orange. All departments within Engineering report in to the ENG, who in turn reports directly to the XO.


The sciences group, demarked by uniforms piped in dark blue, is made up of all researchers, lab technicians, and the administrators who oversee and support them. The focus of the departments within the Sciences group varies according to station function and mission parameters.


The intelligence group is responsible for providing a liaison between the Star Fleet presence on board the vessel and OSFI: they are responsible for obtaining proper clearances for any sensitive information the CO and the crew may need, for assisting CIC in deciphering and analyzing information obtained by CIC, and for acting as an aide in any diplomatic situation. Officers of this group wear uniforms piped in white.


The medical group consists of the medical and counseling departments, and provides specialized professional services to the ship; as such, these personnel wear uniforms piped in sky blue. The heads of each department- The chief medical officer and counselor- report separately to the XO.


The role of the marine complement also varies a great deal from ship to ship. On a station like SBH that also functions as a regional headquarters, the marine complement is that of a full brigade composed of multiple battalions (rifle and artillery) plus a command company; in addition to this, a full squadron of pilots and their support personnel are stationed here, plus a command team . This brings the total number of Marines stationed aboard SBH to approximately 3,000.

A brigade is an independent marine command in SFMC, and the regimental commander has an XO, an OPS, and an adjutant, as well as an administrative staff. The marine commander is responsible to the CO of the station for the discipline of his marines while on-station. A regimental commander will generally designate an officer to serve as a liaison to the XO or OPS for requesting station's resources and may deal directly with both Star Fleet and civilian security on matters of joint training. The MCO for a detachment this size is typically a brigadier (O-7).

While the marine commander is accountable to the CO for the discipline of his marines, and to the officer-in-tactical command for their role in the mission, a regimental commander also reports to a theater commander who is part of the fleet's marine division. This is analagous to the Type Command, and is the entity to which the regimental commander is accountable for training and performance of the marine unit. However, given SBH's unique situation of being outside of any fleet bureaucracy, the brigade commander is answerable to the Commander of the Marine Expeditionary Force assigned to Starbase OMEGA, which would be a MGEN (O-8).

On smaller ships, the marine complement is not an independent command (company on light cruisers, platoon on destroyers). In these circumstances, the marine complement is detached to the ship and the marine commander reports directly to the XO as if he/she were a department head.

While the security department is responsible for the discipline of the station crew, the marines (when they are present on board a station) are responsible for the station's safety--garrisoning sensitive areas, repelling boarders, etc. and for protection of away team missions. They also handle dignatary details, provide color guards for ceremonies, etc. When marines are providing such services, they report to the XO or PRO where appropriate.

Regardless of role, all Marines wear green uniforms to designate their group.



Combat Information Department (CIC)

CIC stands for Combat Information Center, and is located on deck B-7, near the top of BETA section on SBH. The Combat Information Center's mission is fourfold:

  • Monitor all sensor readings for signs of tactical threat, and in combat analyze sensor readings of threat vessels.
  • Plot and track all readings given by the sensors, and in combat plot firing solutions for Tactical to have at hand.
  • Communicate and Co-ordinate with other Federation and/or allied vessels while in combat. CIC serves as the clearinghouse for the officer in tactical command of an engagement, passing his orders to and from the other ships in an engagement.
  • In an emergency, CIC can serve as the ship's command center if the bridge becomes incapacitated. Auxiliary stations for the primary bridge stations are provided, but nominally left unmanned. In case of a flag officer commanding from CIC, these stations could also serve as positions for his or her staff.

CIC is laid out as a large circular compartment, approximately fifty percent larger than the Operations, and is typically kept dimly lit and cooler than the rest of the ship. The most dominating feature of the CIC is the Main Holographic Display (aka "The Tank"), which takes up most of the starboardside forward quarter of the compartment. The Operations repeater stations are set up around the aft periphery of the Main Holographic Display, and immediately forward of the Main Holographic Display is the Main Viewscreen. However, this Viewscreen is rarely used.

The Communications Division's stations run along the Starboard bulkhead until they end at the main entrance, after which the Sensors Division's stations run along the aft and portside aft periphery of the compartment and end at the entrance to the CIC Officer's office. The portside forward quarter is dominated by the Plotting and Tracking Division and features multiple medium-sized viewscreens and several holographic plotting tables. The Command Chair is set immediately aft of the Main Holographic display and in a line between the main entrance and the CIC Officer's office. The Command Chair has its own small holographic display and a number of information repeaters surrounding it.

The CIC Officer is considered to be a Command Position, and is considered to be third in the chain of command aboard a station. As such, the CIC Officer is nominally a Lieutenant Commander (O-4) or Lieutenant (O-3). Additionally, there is an Executive CIC officer, typically a Lieutenant (O-3) or Lieutenant Junior Grade (O-2).

The CIC is divided into three divisions: Sensors, Plotting and Tracking, and Communications.


The Sensors division is responsible for monitoring and interpreting all information received by the station's sensors. The Sensors Division is typically commanded by an Ensign (O-1), or Lieutenant Junior Grade (O-2). Each sensor array on a station has a station manned to monitor it in CIC, large arrays, such as the lateral array, are often divided among several stations and each is assigned a 'sector'.

Ratings assigned to the Sensors Division are often Operations Specialists (OS), or Information Systems Technicians (IT).

Plotting and Tracking

The Plotting and Tracking Division is responsible for tracking all sensor contacts reported by the Sensors Division in relation to the station. In addition, during combat the Plotting and Tracking Division pre-plots firing solutions on all sensor contacts and relays them to the Tactical station on the Operations, providing the Tactical Officer quick targeting selection. The Plotting and Tracking Division is often commanded by a Lieutenant Junior Grade (O-2), and often has an assistant officer of Ensign (O-1) grade.

Ratings assigned to the Plotting and Tracking Division are often Operations Specialists (OS), or Information Systems Technicians (IT).


The Communications Division is responsible for maintaining unbroken communication and data links to other Federation or allied vessels in combat and passing orders between them from the Officer in Tactical Command. The Communications Division is often commanded by an Ensign (O-1), or Lieutenant Junior Grade (O-2).

Ratings assigned to the Communication's Division are often Cryptographic Technicians of all types, or Information Systems Technicians (IT).


Operations Department

The role of the operations manager vis-a-vis the operations group has already been discussed. The operations manager is also the operations department head. In that capacity, OPS is the chief operations officer and supervises the operations division officers. OPS on STAR CORE-class space station is typically a lieutenant commander (O-4).

The operations department (as distinct from the operations group) is composed of six divisions. All division officers may take operations watches, though the ship services officer (SSO) is often excused from such duties owing to the scope of his normal commitments. These divisions are discussed below:

Station Services (SSO)

The ships services (SSO) division is responsible for the mundane tasks that keep a station operating and the crew in good health and spirits. With the assistance of the engineering staff (primarily E-division), station's services ensures the operation of replicators, holodecks, etc. The station's services division also assigns quarters, stewards, and deals with housekeeping. Moreover, with the assistance of the counselor, station's services makes certain that recreational and education programs go off as planned, and assists the protocol officer in seeing to the comfort of dignataries. This officer is typically a Lieutenant (O-3) or a Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).

Computer Core (CORE)

The computer core officer is responsible for maintaining the station's multiple computer cores. In these duties, the computer core supervisor is assisted by a number of operations specialists. This officer is typically a Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2), but may be a chief warrant officer (CW1-CW2).


The sensors division officer is responsible for ensuring the proper calibration and operation of all the station's sensor systems (navigational, long range, short range). In general, sensor software is maintained by the operations department. The G- and E-divisions in engineering handle the hardware side, while this operations division handles the operation and fine tuning of them. This officer is typically an Ensign (O-1) or a Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).

Communications (COMM)

The communications officer is responsible for ensuring the proper function of station's communications equipment, especially the software (such as the universal translator) side. Because this billet benefits more from experience than education, the communications officer is often a warrant officer (W1-W2).

Cryptography & Intelligence (CRYPTO)

The crypto department works closely with both the communications divisions officer and the combat information center (CIC) officer to process and direct intelligence to the appropriate parties. This division officer is typically an Ensign (O-1) or a Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2), but may also be a chief warrant officer (CW1-CW2).

Combat Systems Department (TAC)

The combat systems department is headed by the chief tactical officer (TAC). This officer is typically a Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2) or a Lieutenant (O-3) on an REDOUBT-class station. TAC is assisted by several division officers, who handle key parts of the offensive and defensive station systems. These divisions are, as follows:

Torpodoes (STRIKE)

Strike, as the torpedoes' division officer is called, is responsible for the station's torpedo systems, both regular and quantum (flux). The torpedo crews (who handle this manually in the event of system failure) report to Strike, and this officer is also responsible for torpedo stores. Strike is often lead division officer, and is typically an Ensign (O-1).

Phasers (GUNS)

Guns, or the phaser division officer, is responsible for the performance of station phaser systems, including phaser and gatling (pulse) cannons. Gun crews, who handle the firing of phasers in the event of control system malfunction in combat, report to the phasers division officer. Guns is typically an Ensign (O-1).


The shield division officer is responsible for the station's shields (excluding navigational deflectors which are handled by the NAV dept), including optimizing their protective value. Because shield systems are highly vulnerable to opposition fire, the shields DivO often works closely with DAMCON (below) and the R- and E- divisions in engineering. Shields is typically an Ensign (O-1).

Electronic Counter-Measures (ECM)

Electronic counter-measures are critical to the survival of a station in combat. Despite a space station's higher mass/power ratio than most ships, ECM still perform critical functions on these stations. Counter-measures are used to draw off opposition fire, particularly torpedoes and particle beams (causing false weapons lock). ECM is typically an Ensign (O-1).

Fire Control (DAMCON)

DAMCON is responsible for coordinating damage control efforts during and after combat. DAMCON works very closely with the R-division (repair & maintenance) in engineering and is always the liaision officer to engineering for the combat systems department. DAMCON is typically an Ensign (O-1), ideally with some engineering expertise as well.

Pinpoint Defense Systems (PDS)

PDS is responsible for operating and maintaining the pinpoint defense system, a network of short-range lasers designed to intercept and destroy incoming missile fire. This officer is typically an Ensign (O-1) on a larger station like DS13, though he or she can be an experienced rating as well.

Navigation/Astrogation Department (NAV)

Primarily, navigation officers are responsible for plotting the safest, most efficient course of travel (a task which can be elusive even with the computer) and for coordinating with OPS and TAC to take into account their considerations for plotting approaches to systems, etc. Moreover, NAV/A handles stellar cartography and keeps the star charts updated (Star Fleet is constantly bombarding its ships with updates).

Navigation also supervises itself (traditionally a good billet for professional development of young officers.) NAV is typically an Ensign (O-1) or Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2), and is assisted by three division officers, all typically Ensigns (O-1) or experienced petty officers.

Stellar Cartography (STELCART)

While science officers often make use of stellar cartography, this center falls under the purview of navigation. The stellar cartography division officer is directly responsible for keeping the charts up-to-date and for providing navigation the information necessary to plot and plan the safest, most efficient course.

Ship Control (HELM)

The ship control division is responsible for the training of helmsmen and assistant helmsmen (quartermaster's ratings, no relation to supply) and is the physical location of the navigation watch. Ship control develops and refines evasive manuevers (with the collaboration of TAC and OPS) and is responsible for the performance of the helm and for the performance of navigational deflectors.

Navigational Sensors (NAVSEN)

Navigational sensors are distinct from the rest of station's sensors. They maintain continuous sensor sweeps and are critical to the safe operation of the station. The information this division supplies permits continuous course corrections and adjustments. The division officer is accountable to NAV for the performance of this system.

Security Department (SEC or CSO)

The security department on SBH is fairly large. Security is concerned primarily with maintaining crew discipline and enforcing Star Fleet Regulations. There are three standing watches (which rotate through twice a daily cycle). Each watch has three squads of ten men-at-arms (the enlisted rating of security personnel). In addition, there is an administrative squad which primarily handles criminal and forensic investigations and paperwork. The CSO on a STAR CORE-class space station is typically a Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2) or a Lieutenant (O-3).

On smaller vessels, the department head for security may very well be a senior non-commissioned officer. In such cases, he/she is known as the CMAA (Chief Master-of-Arms & Armaments). Where TAC and CSO are combined on some vessels, there is a CMAA who reports to the TAC/CSO. Otherwise, this officer reports to the XO directly, as he does on SBH.

Protocol Department (PRO)

The protocol officer reports to the OPS. His duties involve advising the XO and CO on matters of shipboard and service protocol and by assuming responsibility for selected tasks. These duties are outlined in detail because the average player may not have had much contact with this particular billet.

Shipboard protocol duties involve: Supervising ship ceremonies while underway, including but not limited to marriages, funerals, change of command, parade reviews, commissionings, and shipwide award ceremonies; acting as the Vice President of the Mess (for formal messes in the wardroom) [Note: The CO is the President of the Mess. In the absence of a protocol officer, this falls to the XO]; handling preparations for diplomatic functions held aboard the ship, and caring for the needs of VIPs and their accomodations; accompanying the CO on casualty calls while in port; assisting legal officers, the captain, and executive officer with the conduct of boards of inquiry, Captain's Masts, and summary court martials while underway.

Mission related protocol officer duties include: advising away team members on local customs, laws, and institutions, especially as they govern the proper treatment of foreign heads of state and other officials; accompanying away teams on formal diplomatic functions or at the request of the XO or CO; lending relevant assistance as requested or required in the protocol officer's own area of professional or academic expertise; and, and participation in the officer-of-the-day rotations where appropriate and if qualified.

Legal Services Department (LS)

The legal services department provides legal support for the staff and crew. The Senior Legal Officer (SLO) and his or her staff would assist the Protocol Officer and the Captain in matters of interstellar law or Federation law researching precedents, representing the Federation in a court of law, etc.

The Senior Legal Officer would be assisted by a complete staff on a station the size of DS13, given her diplomatic duties. Typically, the SLO would be a LCDR (O-4) or possibly a Commander (O-5), or a Marine of comparable rank. Any Junior Legal Officers would likely be Lieutenants (O-2 or O-3), and the research staff would be headed by several staff Ensigns and manned by paralegal ratings.


The flight operations officer is responsible for all embarked craft and the captain's yacht- this includes any maintenance or repairing and upgrading they might need. Flight ops is also responsible for all space traffic in the general area of DS13, just like 21st-century air traffic controllers. The flight operations officer is typically an ensign (o-1) or a liuetenant, junior grade (O-2), and is considered a good billet for a young officer looking to gain command experience.

Flight Control Department

The flight control officer (FCO) is the air traffic controller of the ship, coordinating departures and arrivals of all inconing and outgoing vehicles. This officer is usually an ensign (O-1).

Attached Ship Operations and Maintenance Department

Each of the attached ships has their own repair and maintenance dipartments, as well as a skeleton crew, which maintains the ships while docked at DS13. When under mission orders, the command crew and much of the support staffs of these ships would be made up of station personnel.

Given that these are starships and not merely shuttles, each of these departments would be commanded by an ensign (O-1), who would stay on during missions as the ship's operations manager.

Shuttle Operations and Maintenance Department

This department is responsible for the repair and maintenance of all embarked and guest vehicles on DS13, including the Captain's yacht. It is also responsible for any software and/or hardware upgrades to said vehicles. Finally, it is also responsible for assigning pilots to any embarked craft when necessary. usually, this department is commanded by a Shuttlecraft Technician, and is usually some grade of petty officer (E-7 or higher).


Engineering is responsible for the repair, maintenance, and proper functioning of the station's physical components. Headed by the chief engineering officer, engineering is broken down into five functional departments, three (propulsion, gravitics, electronics) involve specific technologies, whereas the other two (diagnostics and repair & maintenance) are logistical in nature. All department heads report to the chief engineering officer.

The chief engineering officer (ENG) supervises the division officers and reports directly to the executive officer (XO). ENG is responsible for the professional development of engineering officers. ENG is typically at least a lieutenant (O-3), and is often a lieutenant commander (O-4).

In dealings with enlisted personnel, ENG is assisted by a first mate. On DS13, the first mate should ideally be a warrant officer, but would most often be a senior or master chief. By naval convention, engineering divisions are referred to by their one or two letter abbreviation.

Power Department (P)

The power department is responsible for operation of the manuevering thrusters and all f the power-producing units on the station. Power is the largest of the engineering divisions and the division officer is at least an ensign (O-1). Power may be further divided into matter/antimatter, fusion and magnetodynamic divisions with warrant officers and petty officers supervising those.

Gravitics Department (G)

Gravitic systems include those technologies which manipulate gravity per the SF Engineering page (shields, long range sensors, tractor beams, and gravitic cloaks when appropriate). The gravitics department head is an ensign (O-1).

Electronics Department (E)

Electronic systems are those technologies which rely on electro-magnetics, namely short range sensors, navigational sensors, transporters, structural integrity fields, etc. as well as internal ship systems. Like the G-department, the electronics department head is typically an ensign (O-1).

Diagnostic Department (D)

The diagnostic department head is responsible for the ensuring the operation of all station-board diagnostic systems, particularly their software components. This officer works closely with the computer core division officer in operations and with the R&M division officer. Diagnostic department heads are typically ensigns (O-1), and may even be chief warrant officers.

Repair & Maintenance Department (R)

The repair & maintenance department coordinates all of engineering's repair and maintenance efforts. This department head works closely with the fire control (DAMCON) division officer in the combat systems department and with the station's services division officer in operations. The R-department head is typically at least an ensign (O-1), but is typically a lieutenant, junior grade (O-2), given the interdepartmental liaison duties.


The science department (Sciences) has a dual role aboard a REDOUBT-class station. First, and foremost, the science department is tasked with solving problems of a scientific nature brought to it by the command staff. These problems may be mission-related, or may reflect the challenges of space travel and exploration in a more general sense. A good chief science officer (SCI) will study the mission briefing material for ways in which the science department may support overall mission goals. This aspect of the science department's role is most obvious during an operational phase.

Otherwise, the science department engages in ongoing research. When not called upon to perform specific tasks, the members of the department will be pulling together work done on previous missions, writing classified material up for Star Fleet and unclassified material up for publication, as well as conducting their own personal research. The SCI has a control function, making certain that Star Fleet by and large ends up funding research of some utility to the organization as a whole.

The chief science officer is not necessarily a scientist, but rather the chief administrator of the sciences department and is typically a Lieutenant (O-3), but may be a reasonably experienced Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2). In this task, SCI is assisted by division officers who are also administrators, and are typically junior officers of varying ranks. Their most important tasks are to serve as an interface between the scientists and the command staff. In that, they are tasked with translating mission related demands into a scientific framework, putting together project teams (multi-disciplinary or otherwise), and judging between competing demands for resources. The specific number of divisions will vary at a given time, but be grouped around loosely related fields: social sciences, physical sciences, biological sciences, etc.

Division officers are assumed to have undergraduate degrees (but no more) in the discipline which they supervise. 'Supervise' is a term used loosely because they are not supervising the content of research, but rather supporting the efforts of ongoing scientific study. Most of the scientists in their divisions will outrank them considerably (and have advanced degrees); however, they report to the DivO in an administrative sense. Also, the DivO's are responsible for making the SCI aware of potentially mission relevant research done in their division, as these things occasionally work the other direction as well.


Medical Department

The chief medical officer (CMO) is a department head and member of the senior staff. On SBH, this officer is typically a Lieutenant Commander (O-4). The officer must be a medical doctor and must have completed residency. The officer need not be a specialist. The chief day-to-day responsibilities of the CMO are administrative. Though the CMO may well choose to see patients, the officer does not have a sickbay shift.

There is also a civilian chief who, while their duties are outside of scope of this document, pretty well mirror the administrative structure of Star Fleet's, listed below.

Staff Attending Physicians

There are generally three staff attendings in addition to the chief medical officer. Their ranks are typically Lieutenant (O-3), but may be Lieutenant Commanders (O-4). Regardless of their ranks vis-a-vis the CMO, they report directly to that officer. Many of these officers are board certified specialists, but do not need to be.


There are also usually three residents whose shifts mirror that of the attending physicians. They are the doctors who do the bulk of the 'grunt work' in sickbay. While attendings must sign off on their diagnoses and treatment plans, they are the ones most likely to see patients. They may or may not be studying to become specialists. All of these officers are at least Lieutenant, Junior Grades (O-2). With only three total, there is no head resident. First year residents are called interns.

Head Nurse

The head nurse is usually a Lieutenant (O-3) and is the officer to whom the nurses report. She reports to directly to the chief medical officer, though her nurses report to the attending physician in charge of a given shift.

Staff Nurses

There are nine staff nurses. At any given time, about half of these will be Lieutenant, Junior Grades (O-2) and the other half Ensigns (O-1).


There is one pharmacologist/toxicologist on staff. That officer will be a Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2), Lieutenant (O-3) or possibly a Lieutenant Commander (O-4), depending on experience and education.

Medical Techs, Orderlies, etc

There are a number of paramedics, medical techs, orderlies, corpsmen of various enlisted ratings, etc. In general, senior medical techs are warrants, all others are petty officers. Paramedics are senior noncoms (with very experienced ones being chiefs), orderlies are junior enlisted.

Counseling Department

The counseling department varies a good deal from ship-to-ship; generally, however, there is always a counseling division and a protocol division. On DS13, however, this is not the case: given the size and scope of SBH's diplomatic responsibilities as a regional headquarters, Protocol is a separate department entirely, and is under the purview of Operations.

The ship's counselor is responsible for the mental health of the crew and for advising the captain in matters of shipboard morale. Some ship's counselors go at it alone, others have assistant counselors. There is an enlisted rating of naval counselor. These people are not professional mental health providers, but rather an equivalent of social workers. All ship's counselors have counseling certification from Star Fleet and are assumed to have at least undergraduate degrees (but more often intermediate and advanced degrees) in a related field: psychology, psychiatry, anthropology, or sociology.


I know some of this sounds confusing; it can be, especially if one doesn't have any military experience (such as myself). This was provided in order to help you get a grasp of your responsibilities with regards to the ship in general and your individual departments. Personally, I have found it quite helpful in structuring my own departments on various other ships. You, of course, have the freedom to use this at your leisure. However, should you choose to create PNPC characters within your department (which might be a good idea for most of us), I would like to see you follow these guidelines as to their jobs, etc.

Of course, if you have any questions about this or are in need of clarification, feel free to drop me a line.


Scott Lusby

RADM Cayle Veld Veld

Commanding Officer

Task Group Horizon


  • 1.0- Original text edited by Scott Lusby (SD 320719)