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USS Fenrir Escorts - Tactical Squadron 42
Created: SD 220709 - Last Updated: SD 220709

Squadron Overview

Tactical Squadron 42 (TACRON-42) is the denomination of a group of ships that operates in Task Force Epsilon, Silver Fleet and that constitute one of the many Battle Group of this fleet.

The main objective of this force is to offer support to the flagship of the squadron, and to operate as a single synergistic coordinated unit when required. As a Command Battle Cruiser, the USS Fenrir is expected to be tasked with a variety of missions, including battle ones, for which a support of lighter and more manoeuvrable ships could be required. All the units of this tactical squadron are of course entitled to operate as singular entities, but the USS Phobos, USS Glorious and USS Annapurna are to be considered always at the disposal of the Fleet Command to support the Fenrir, should she require it. The Fenrir command staff itself, in the person of the Commanding Officer, is entitled to direct the operations of the supporting units and order their deployment as strict escort, saved the previous approval of SILVER Fleet Command Staff after consideration of wider fleet requirements.

When operating as a coordinated group, the command of TACRON-42 falls on CAPT Alexandra Hong Lee's shoulders, as Commanding Officer of the flagship. Should the need arise to descend further the chain-of-command, LCDR Paul Henderson is to be considered second in command of TACRON-42, with the Commanding Officer of the USS Phobos to follow.

Any flag ranked officers could, at any time, take over the command of the Squadron, while the command over the single units would remain in the hands of the respective Commanding Officers. One example of such occurrence is the deployment of the Squadron as an active Battle Group in a direct engagement with enemy forces where most likely the Fenrir might be chosen as Flag Ship for the Commodore/Admiral in command of said action.

Squadron Composition

The Squadron composition, as of the latest update available, is as follow:

  • USS Phobos, NCC-59118 - (MONTU-class Light Cruiser, PNPC ship),
  • CDR Evgeny Lazarovych commanding.
  • LCDR Rax ch'Lente commanding.
  • LCDR Emily Dupont commanding.

Version History

version 1.1.0 - First update/creation - SD (24)220709 by Federico Colnago