ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010

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ORIGINS: USS Hood Story Posts
Last Updated: 2262.059

Total Posts: 420+

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Riding Off Into The Sunset

by Daniel Belin

SD: 2261.023

<<Snip from Dave’s Post “"Denobulans and shuttlecrafts"

ARr'Rhiana dropped the rifle and threw up, she just had made it while the Romulans where shooting at her and she had been forced to shoot at least one and probably had hit several other. This was the first time she had to shoot to kill and she never would forget the sight of blood showing up from the Romulan she had shot.

Tears where running down her cheeks and she trembled from anger, fear, anxiety, a strange mix of feelings. Slowly she came back to her positives and looked up through the tears in her eyes. She noticed someone holding her hair out her face and she tried to smile grateful. "Are, did we, is everyone safe?" She was able to ask...

End Snip>>

Corbett smiled down at her as he let her hair fall back. “Because of you we all made it safe.”

ARr'Rhiana gave a slight smile to the cowboy. “I hate killing, but I’d hate losing my family even more.”

“I understand that very much,” Corbett answered. “I could give you something to help, but I suspect you might want to hold onto that emotion for awhile.”

ARr'Rhiana nodded. “Do all professional scoundrels know the right things to say?”

Corbett had to chuckle at her. She was almost 3 times his age with a lifetime of devastatingly hard experiences and yet she could exude the unconditional love and innocence of a child. “Only the more practiced ones.”

Smiling widely she took a seat on the shuttle and closed her eyes. It would take her time to sort through her emotions, but right know time was something she had.

Corbett left her to her thoughts and turned his attention to the Captain and First Officer. “You’re looking better Sean I think that neural stimulant has helped. You took a pretty bad hit back there.”

Sean sat up a bit to answer, but was gently pushed back down by the Captain. “Don’t let him fool you he’s goldbricking Stile. He gets one small point blank hit and decides to sit out the whole firefight.”

Sean snickered a bit at that. “I thought you needed the shooting practice. Nice dive to my resting place by the way. It almost made you look like a real action hero.”

“Don’t you start with me Commander.” Steele said smiling. “Beginning tomorrow at 06:00 I’m sending you down to DeSimms for evasion drills.”

“Sorry to disappoint you Cap.” Corbett interrupted with an evil glint. “But do to the hit Commander Merrick sustained he’ll need some nursing care for the next day or two. I was thinking of assigning Lt. Saxman to him.”

Both men watched as Merrick turned a shade or ten paler. “That won’t be necessary doctor I’m fine.”

“As chief medical officer I am charged with maintaining your health sar. Now do as I say, or your next physical will be highly unpleasant.”

Merrick nodded meekly, giving both the doctor and Captain extreme pleasure at watching their friend squirm uncomfortably.

Gar sat next to the unconscious Andorian female and Romulan prisoner. Shaking his head he tried to clear his thoughts and the fading effects of his own stunning. He watched Avae and pondered what he was going to do, but that could wait.

He had been listening to his shipmates joke amongst themselves. Humans were a curious race, he thought. They could endure hard battle and tragedy just to make a joke on the other side of it. They were in their own way a remarkable species.

“I seem to remember from old Earth movies.” Gar said quietly. “Westerns I think they were called. That at the end the good guys always rode off into the sunset.”

The senior officer looked over at him and smiled.

Respectfully Submitted

Steve Apple

Stile Corbett, MD


ASR Origins

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Remote Control

David Kiel

Cedria rolled her belongings down the gangplank and looked around for the duty officer. The flight deck was unusually active, it was instantly clear that she was simply the first expected landing. She reached out and snagged a passing crewmans arm.

"What's going on."

He looked over surprised and in a hurried panic extricated her hand from his arm. "We have incoming from the planet and are apparently playing decoy for a Romulan warship." He sped off towards the landing area.

"First minute on board and charging Romulans already." Cedria whistled impressed at fates deadly sense of humor.

She hurried as quickly as her wheeled trunk would allow and tapped a wall panel with quick fingers. She looked around the landing deck at the crewmen dashing about, spotting one lonely fellow wringing his hands in a corner near the turbolift. Eyes darting back to the screen she repeated the pertinent points of the readout to herself a few times and then hurried with her stuff over to the lonely crewman.

"Lieutenant Zade." She said by way of introduction as she approached.

He looked up nervously and smiled. "Crewman Michaels, ma'am."

"You look like you can help me."

"Sure." He said, puzzled but looking relieved to have something to do. "I am a botanist, I'm afraid, I'm just trying to stay out of the way."

Cedria rubbed her hands in excitement as the adrenaline of the surrounding activity began to kick in. "I need to get to cabin nine bravo on the officers deck and then the bridge as quickly as is possible, and I need a guide."

The crewman looked back at her shuttle understanding her need of a guide and picked up two of her bags. "Right this way then." She pushed the trunk and followed as he led them into the turbolift. There was a pause as the lift whirred its way horizontally and then vertically up to the main decks. He halted it at a juncture and the doors whooshed open.

"This way." He trotted quickly down the corridor and then turned to the right following a curved corridor for two dozen meters. Cedria scrambled after him, her trunk clattering along the deckplating as she half rode it around the corners. He stopped at a cabin door and tapped the keypad, it opened and she pushed her stuff in. She pointed to the bunk and he deposited her bags there. He began an explanation of the cabins appointments that sounded like it was straight out of a handbook.

"I'll need a guide to the bridge as well, if you'd wait outside for a second." Cedria cut his dissertation off with a hurried smile as she unzipped her largest bag and pulled out a mustard colored duty uniform, tossing it to her bunk.

"Pardon?" He looked back at her seeming disappointed that she didn't want to hear about the cabin desk feature.

Cedria's eyes glittered and she chuckled to herself. He'll catch on in a second she thought, and reached down and pulled her top up and off over her head. She glanced to the side as she began unbuckling her flight pants, his eyes were wide and fixated on the trail of spots along her slender Trill form. Botany was an exciting profession she was sure but from the looks of crewman Michaels he was clearly not used to seeing young Lieutenants in their undergarments as part of that duty.

He managed a flustered squeak and hurried to the exit. "I'll just wait in the hall." The door whooshed open and closed again. Cedria carefully collected the command tube and her hand comp and changed as quickly as was Trillanly* possible.

[forty-seven seconds later]

The door whooshed open and Cedria hopped out pulling her second boot on as she moved. She looked at the again startled crewman as she stamped her foot on the deck to push her boot the rest of the way on. His eyes widened even further if that was possible as they followed the leopard spots long her leg from the boot to her golden hem of her uniform skirt.

She grinned and pointed a finger at him. "You've seen way too many spots, Michaels."

"Ma'am, I am deeply,.."

"Bridge now, apologies later." Cedria set off in a jog in the direction of the lift.

"Yes, Lieutenant." Michaels caught up and stepped into the lift. He ordered it to deck one while she smoothed the hang of her duty tunic and skirt. "I do hope I didn't give the impression that I uh,…"

Cedria looked over and grinned once again. "Don't worry crewman. I completely understand, trust me. I was a man just a few years ago."

Crewman Michaels eyes widened so far she was sure his eyelids were sprained.

[Fifteen seconds later.]

She left the speechless botanist in the lift and stepped onto the bridge. The ship was moving in an arc over Arcturus, the Romulan ship was still small on the main viewscreen but it was clearly already getting closer. She whistled again, and her attention was distracted by a flash on a secondary display. A formation of shuttles was just exiting the atmosphere, the flash had come from the portmost in the formation and it was peeling away and arcing over clearly out of control.

"Sir, one of the shuttles has lost nav control, their flight controls have overloaded." A communications officer addressed a man in a gold tunic sitting in the Captains chair. Cedria didn't recognize him, he clearly wasn't Captain Steele and did not have captains stripes on his uniform.

"Do we know who is on that shuttle." The acting captain spoke.

"Unknown, sir. It's flight arc has it impacting the planets surface in six minutes"

Cedria stepped a little closer, her vivid green eyes darting from station to station taking the layout as quickly as she could. She had had three weeks with nothing to do but read constitution class technical manuals, but seeing it all helped cement everything in her mind.

"We could intercept, sir. A tractor beam."

"No, ensign. We have to be in position should the Romulans make a move." The acting captain shook his head and then turned when a young Trill woman in a gold uniform cleared her throat behind him.

"Lieutanant Cedria Zade reporting for duty, Captain." She said using the honorific captain to the man who was currently manning the role. "Im the new navigation officer, with your permission Id like to try something a little, unusual?"

"I thought you were the navigator, Compass?" A man in red laughed and looked at the acting captain and turned away with a hastily muttered apology following the resulting stare.

Cedria looked at him with a mixture of shock and dismay at her unfortunate timing. It was her turn to apologize. "Im sorry, I didn't,…"

Compass, to his credit, waved her off with a hand. "If you can do something to help that shuttle do it.." He turned back to the main viewscreen. "Shields up and weapons ready, but don't charge the banks unless the Romulans do."

"Yes, Captain." The laughing ensign said with deference as his hands moved over his console.

Cedria moved quickly pulling a long black cable from one of the emergency repair cabinets and darted over to the communications station. She knelt and stuck her head under the station and attached the cable to the leads and looked up at the communications duty officer. "I need a narrow beam signal linked to that shuttles sensor array."

She then dashed to the helm trailing the cable and slid legs first under it as well. Attaching the cable as quickly as possible, she then pulled her hand comp from her waist pocket and clipped it into a port on the underside of the con. Lying flat on her back she looked up at the helmsman, "If it was just the cockpit controls that have failed and not the engines we can possibly fly it remotely. Access the shuttles command codes and pass them through communications and then pass control to me on the hand comp."

"You intend to fly and land a shuttle from a hand computer?" The acting Captain looked as if he suspected her of being a clever Romulan spy.

Cedria Zade nodded. "I can do this, Captain."

The helmsman looked at Compass with incredulity and awaited confirmation. "The shuttle will crash in five minutes, sir."

There was a short pause and Compass nodded down at her. The helmsman tapped a few keys and suddenly she was looking through the shuttles main viewscreen on her hand comp display. Cedria heard the words `Ahead full impulse' and felt the slightest tug as Hood increased speed. She accessed engine control and sent speed and attitude corrections leveling out the shuttle. Her eyes darted back and forth from the auxiliary viewscreen showing the shuttles rise from Arcturus and the hand unit in front of her.

Still lying flat on the deck of the bridge she began flying, arcing the shuttle up from the surface and picking up speed to rejoin the flight formation with the others. The Hood was moving quickly and she hoped the Romulans didn't choose to become aggressive. If Hood's deck began pitching flying the shuttle would become nigh to impossible. She kept the shuttle about two widths out of proper formation as touch control was tricky on a hand unit meant to display technical manuals.

In about forty five seconds she saw the Hood veer into and turn about on the shuttles display. It was an odd feeling watching herself approaching the very ship she was currently laying down in. She slowed and took the aft position, she couldn't trail the others by far lest her shuttle be left behind. Her brow furrowed and beads of perspiration trailed the edge of her hairline as her fingers moved furiously sending mathematic commands directly to the shuttles engines. Landing was much harder than the rest of it combined.

Cedria Zade set the last shuttle down on the landing deck as carefully as she could and without hitting any of the other shuttles. She cut the attitude controls and powered down the engines and then, with her fingers shaking, allowed the datapad to drop to her chest, breathing heavily and letting all the panic she had been suppressing wash over her.

It had been a difficult first twelve minutes aboard her new ship and she definitely needed some tea. Compass gave the order and Hood jumped to warp speed.


I have been reading all the heroic dashing about planetside and decided to jump in with my own very heroic rewiring of command panels and laying down on the bridge.  This embellishes the details of what happened in Andrews post "Not With a Bang…", not meant as a retcon at all, but as an enhancement of those events.

(*) I like to make up words now and again. As fast as humanly possible in this case modified by Trillanly. It should probably be Trilly but its my word and Ill spell it how I please. :p

Last time I was in ASR there were multiple places one had to post. Let me know if I am missing anything as this group is the only place I am sending to.

David Kiel

Lt Cedria Zade,




by Daniel Belin

2100 Hours Shipboard

Scene: Officer's Mess

The chatter in the officers mess was spilling over into the hallway. DeSimms and Corbett commandeered the mess and set up a little party. Corbett was over with Hemux, chatting away. DeSimms smiled as the Captain came in. The Captain walked over to the bar and poured himself a glass of Tequila, and sat next to DeSimms. He said, "John, I'm a little bit worried about something."

"Yes?" inquired John, sipping away at a cup of god-knows-what.

"What did you do to the guy who didn't notice you were missing?"

"I told my whole security team to be in the cargo bay 1300 tomorrow. Terrible performance from all but a few."

"Who did well?" Asked a smiling Steele. The Tequila was already warming his cold, hungry interior.

"Gene Lowl. He was excellent. I am recommending you put him up for promotion. I want him as my SECXO."

"I'll take it into consideration."

The door opened and Gar and Merrick walked in. Gar started feasting on the food and Merrick poured himself some of the same god-knows-what DeSimms was drinking. Suddenly, Corbett said over all the voices, "It's time for the news!"

DeSimms tuned the screen into the FNS frequency and dimmed the lights. Everybody looked at the screen as John Williamson and Mike Calviston, the 'voices of the Federation' materialized on the set.

Calviston started talking after the FNS logo had flashed onto the screen,

<<"Good Evening and welcome to Evening News with Mike and John, todays headlines are: Fighting in Arcturus leaves several people dead, the Kirk Court Marshal continues, and the starship Vance was decommissioned today," Calviston immediately turned towards John.

John looked at the camera, "Today, a fight over an unknown situation completely wrecked the Arcturan Spaceport. It seems to have ended in a Federation Victory."

Mike led on, "It seems that the Klingons, Romulans, and the Federation were fighting over an unknown asset today. It ended in a heroic, against- the-odds victory by the crew of the USS HOOD. After capturing the assets, a man heroically stayed behind to make sure everyone got onboard. Even when he was left for dead, he and the crew that pulled this off changed all my opinions about Starfleet. Our Arcturan field office captured this footage."

John interjected, "This is captivating stuff. Wow." >>

The viewer was filled with the image of DeSimms persisting in his fight even with the gash in his shoulder. The famous shot then appeared of DeSimms rallying forth with his Disruptor as his communicator was shot out of his hand. The new navigator, Cedria, smiled at DeSimms.

<<Calviston then started talking again, "And here is the unknown Starfleet Officer's heroic rescue.">>

The screen filled with the image of Steele and Corbett lifting DeSimms into the moving shuttlecraft as Hemux manned the doorgun. It was captivating imagery, even for the participants in the shot. Suddenly, a huge spontaneous cheer emerged from every single officer in the mess. It rang through the halls on that deck and made pipes shake.

As the commercials came on, the lights came up again and the talking resumed. The drinking and eating continued at a more fervent pace. DeSimms wasn't the Oracle, but he knew that this was to become one hell of a wild party, considering what near-everyone in that room had just gone through. Suddenly Compass walked in and rather meekly asked, "May I join the party? Sir?"

Steele smiled and said, "Of course. You have your own reason to be celebrating. I'm recommending that you be promoted and be given the position of XO on a ship. I think you've passed my personal command test."

Another, smaller cheer went up for Compass, who said, "Thank you sir!"

Cedria moved to DeSimms, and started talking to him about the footage she just saw. The Trill was clearly enjoying the conversation, and as a matter of fact so was DeSimms. He hoped to learn a little about the past lives of her symbiont before the party got too rowdy.

<Tag Everyone!>

NRPG: I can't wait to see what happens as the night progresses.


Daniel Belin

John DeSimms

SEC Officer




by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.023

Scene: Officer’s Mess


Suddenly Compass walked in and rather meekly asked, "May I join the party? Sir?"

Steele smiled and said, "Of course. You have your own reason to be celebrating. I'm recommending that you be promoted and be given the position of XO on a ship. I think you've passed my personal command test."

Another, smaller cheer went up for Compass, who said, "Thank you sir!"


Jack took a quick look around the room and then turned back to Compass. Duty first. “ C’mon, we need to talk.”

Once they were out in the corridor the captain turned and began to head towards the Observation Lounge. His office probably would have been a better venue but after being planet bound for so many days he was happy to see the stars. As they entered the expansive room he took a table near the window and away from everyone else. Before he could begin Yeoman Greene and her beaming smile suddenly appeared to see if either officer needed a beverage. Once she was gone Jack leaned back in his chair. “Mark I really do hate to lose you. I hadn’t expected to so early.”

“Thank you sir, but I have to admit to being confused as to how all this came about.”

“Rank hath its privileges.” Jack said before continuing. “I hadn’t put in for a new NAV nor did I know I was getting one until she showed up. But it seems a senior captain needed an experienced NAV and he requested you. I’m afraid not all captains are created equal and personnel approved the unofficial poaching.”

“I see sir.” Mark replied although he really didn’t. Hadn’t the captain mentioned something about being a first officer? “Who requested me sir.”

“Well commander it seems Ron Tracey wants you on the EXETER with him.”

“Captain Tracey!” Mark exclaimed. He was one of Starfleet’s most senior and decorated captains just as EXETER was a ship many dreamed of being assigned too. “It was my understanding that EXETER already had a first officer.”

“They do.” Jack answered. “A good one too. No, your transfer to EXETER is a lateral one, although I’m sure Tracey sees it as a promotion. However a friend of mine is captain of the DAUNTLESS, a tough little destroyer that patrols the frontier. She is looking for a good first officer and I told her I think you would fit the bill.”

“I see sir. So what exactly are my orders?”

“HOOD has a rendezvous with USS KIDD in two days. At that point we are to transfer over our Romulan guest and you are to hitch a ride back to Starbase 10 where you’ll meet up with EXETER. I can’t give you any guarantees but if you tell me you want the exec job I’ll forward my recommendation to Admiral Carstairs. Captain Tracey can trade on his fame but I don’t think the admiral is going to leave an XO spot open when he has a good fit.” Jack rose from his seat. “I’ll be sending the admiral my after action report in three hours you have til then to make the decision.”

Mark rose from his seat. “I don’t need to think about it captain as much as I’d hate to leave HOOD I’ll take DAUNTLESS.”


Good thing mark went with DAUNTLESS. I’d hate to see him as white powder next to his NAV console while Captain Tracey was down on Omega IV playing Caesar with the Kohms and Yangs ;-)

Ya I’m a TOS geek!



CAPT Jack Steele




[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Back to Normal?

by Scott Lusby

SD: 2261.024 Setting: Shuttlecraft speeding away from Arcturus

<<snip- from Steve's post, entitled "Riding off into the Sunset">>

Gar sat next to the unconscious Andorian female and Romulan prisoner. Shaking his head he tried to clear his thoughts and the fading effects of his own stunning. He watched Avae and pondered what he was going to do, but that could wait.

He had been listening to his shipmates joke amongst themselves. Humans were a curious race, he thought. They could endure hard battle and tragedy just to make a joke on the other side of it. They were in their own way a remarkable species.

"I seem to remember from old Earth movies." Gar said quietly. "Westerns I think they were called. That at the end the good guys always rode off into the sunset."

The senior officer looked over at him and smiled.

<<end snip>>

Gar turned his attention back to Avae. He was worried about her- not medically, as he knew she was not seriously injured. However, she'd been conducting black operations within Federation space- at least what the Federation considered Federation space, anyway- and that was outlawed.

Neither the Federation Council nor Star Fleet Intelligence sanctioned black operations. Period.

Gar leaned back in his chair. He didn't **really** think the Federation and SFIA could afford to be as naïve as that...but the laws were what they were, and Avae was going to end up answering for her crimes.

After a moment, Gar chanced a glance at Doctor Sahen. This man was one of the most despicable men he'd ever had the misfortune of meeting: he was a man who thought of nothing beyond his own gain. He never gave a second's thought to the consequences of his research- a problem more than one scientist has had over the millennia.

Looking back and forth between the two prisoners, Gar couldn't help but feel, at least on the moral level, that Starfleet's brass had gotten this one all wrong. In fact, had Starfleet recognized the kind of monster Sahen was, they could have avoided all this unpleasantness by putting a phaser bolt between the Romulan's eyes and keeping the Am Tal out of the mix.

Of course, that might be giving Starfleet too much credit, he thought: they could- and likely DO- know full-well what kind of monster Sahen was.

They wanted him anyway.

One thing was certain, he concluded as he closed his eyes: there was certain to be quite a flurry of animated communiqués from the President's office and Andoria.


Timeframe: 2100 hours- several hours after the shuttles made it back to HOOD Setting: Officer's Mess, C-Deck, USS HOOD

<<snip- from Daniel's post, entitled "Party!">>

The door opened and Gar and Merrick walked in. Gar started feasting on the food and Merrick poured himself some of the same god-knows-what DeSimms was drinking. Suddenly, Corbett said over all the voices, "It's time for the news!"

DeSimms tuned the screen into the FNS frequency and dimmed the lights. Everybody looked at the screen as John Williamson and Mike Calviston, the 'voices of the Federation' materialized on the set.

Calviston started talking after the FNS logo had flashed onto the screen,

<<"Good Evening and welcome to Evening News with Mike and John, today's headlines are: Fighting in Arcturus leaves several people dead, the Kirk Court Marshal continues, and the starship Vance was decommissioned today," Calviston immediately turned towards John.

John looked at the camera, "Today, a fight over an unknown situation completely wrecked the Arcturan Spaceport. It seems to have ended in a Federation Victory."

Mike led on, "It seems that the Klingons, Romulans, and the Federation were fighting over an unknown asset today. It ended in a heroic, against-the-odds victory by the crew of the USS HOOD. After capturing the assets, a man heroically stayed behind to make sure everyone got onboard. Even when he was left for dead, he and the crew that pulled this off changed all my opinions about Starfleet. Our Arcturan field office captured this footage."

John interjected, "This is captivating stuff. Wow."

The viewer was filled with the image of DeSimms persisting in his fight even with the gash in his shoulder. The famous shot then appeared of DeSimms rallying forth with his Disruptor as his communicator was shot out of his hand. The new navigator, Cedria, smiled at DeSimms.

<<Calviston then started talking again, "And here is the unknown Starfleet Officer's heroic rescue.">>

The screen filled with the image of Steele and Corbett lifting DeSimms into the moving shuttlecraft as Hemux manned the door gun. It was captivating imagery, even for the participants in the shot. Suddenly, a huge spontaneous cheer emerged from every single officer in the mess. It rang through the halls on that deck and made pipes shake.

<<end snip>>

Gar leaned over towards Merrick. "I'm not sure Admiral Carstairs would be joining in on the cheering."

"You think?" Merrick asked, his tone sardonic.

Gar's lips twisted into a tight grin. "Yes, I think," he said. "Covert operations- even successful ones- are not supposed to make it onto the Evening News."

They watched as Steele abruptly got up to answer a hail from the intercom across the room. After a couple of quick words, he pushed the intercom closed, and, tugging his uniform and pursing his lips, he marched out of the mess hall.

"That doesn’t look good," Merrick commented. "Carstairs?"

"I'd bet my thermal bedsheets on it," the Andorian quipped.

Merrick's eyebrow shot upwards. "Thermal bedsheets?"

"I come from an ice world, Sean."

Suddenly, there was a call over the ship's comm. [[[Security to the brig- security to the brig.]]]

Gar quickly turned to Merrick. "Avae's in the brig," he said, pushing himself out of his seat.

Merrick followed suit, and found it hard to keep pace with the Andorian.

When they reached a comm. panel, Gar flipped it open. "This is Commander Gar- what happened?"

[[[Sir, the Andorian spy has escaped somehow.]]]

"Good thing you didn't take that bet," Merrick muttered as they jogged towards the nearest 'lift.


Just taking this another step forward. Up to you whether Steele is answering an angry call from Carstairs or investigating an escape from the brig. Maybe we have both happening at the same time.

I'm assuming since we are giving Sahen asylum that he's NOT in the brig, but in guest quarters. Is that where Avae's heading? Or is she escaping? Hmmm....

Respectfully Submitted,

-- Scott Lusby

/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth

Chief Engineer



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Madman and the Scientist

David Martens

SD: 2261.024

USS HOOD, Guest quarters...

Time: during party

ARr'Rhiana was facing the Romulan scientist in front of her. She had left the party just before the newsflash. Hemux felt still confused, tensed and she needed to know. She needed to know who Sahen was, why StarFleet had sent them in to get him, why she had endured the Orion Traders again and why she had to kill to rescue Sahen.

So she had wandered to the secured quarters where he was , two Security Guards next to the door and two more at each junction of the corridor leading to Sahens quarters. After a scan of her retina and voice print to make sure she was ARr'Rhiana Hemux, she had to give of her phasor and only then she was allowed to get in with Sahen, joined by one of the guards.

Hemux now sat in front of him, "Dr Sahen, I am ARr'Rhiana Hemux, Science officer. I am curious why you have left Romulus and why StarFleets want you so badly that they where willing to send in one of their top StarFleet senior officers to get you."

She paused for a moment, but the man only looked to her with a slight, grim smile on his face, leaning a bit to the back in his seat.

"I know you reputation, Sahen. You're a brilliant genetics engineer and the results of your cloning is highly praised in StarFleet science. You're findings on growing organs and replacement techniques for limbs are an incredible step forwards into science and medical technology." Now Sahen sat up a bit more straight and nodded to Hemux, but he still didn't said anything.

ARr'Rhiana narrowed her eyes and her voice became more harsh "But I also have heard the rumours, the rumours about forbidden experiments, cloning total humans, or Romulans, breeding and selecting the individuals as you, or better the Romulan Empire wants them. Have you not learned from what happened in the past?"

Now Sahen laughed "You know nothing, woman. You do not know half of what I have achieved. You want to know what I can do ? I do much better then just breed new limbs or new skin for medical purposes. I am way beyond the pity requests of parents who want their son to have green eyes and be 6 foot tall or their daughter to be as pretty as an Orion slavegirl."

Sahens eyes glistened as he talked about his achievements, he was a proud man who had top hide himself to long in the underground, and now found someone who was a scientist, highly trained and good neough toi serve on the top of StarFleets battleships. She woudl understand, at least so he thought...

"In the past they where able to clone humans, breed them with better muscles, being stronger, having a mind capable of better thinking and swifter analysing then normally possible. But they all forgot one thing: they had still the imprints of their original `parent' What I achieved is better, I can breed full grown bodies, not babies that need to be grown over decades before they perform at their best. I am able to grown a full grown adult in less then three months!"

Hemux stared at Sahen stunned, if that was true then it was beyond anything that was achieved until now, that was a really incredible step forwards in genetic engineering.

Sahens lips curled up in a wicked, evil smile "And I even add more to it, woman! I can breed full-grown bodies with a blank mind, ready to be trained for any purpose."

Now Hemux shook her head "That is not possible, a body can not grow for so long without picking up feelings, senses, sounds. Even babies grown in the womb of a mother hear the heartbeat of their mother, taste the fluids in the womb, move their muscles, feel the warmth off the summersun. That all leaves imprints. It is know that soft music calms an unborn child, and..."

"You are an idiot!" Sahens voice lashed out to her with such anger and rage that the guards took a step closer. Sahen looked to him and ignored him as Hemux waved the guard back.

"Grow them in isolated tubes, isolated from sounds, light anything. Keep the temperature exactly as high as needed, it is all possible. And then, in the end, lay the imprint over their mind as you want it, as you desire it. I can create any kind of Romulan or human or Klingon, I want. I am better then God because I choose who they are, what they become!"

Now hemux knew it for certain: Sahen was crazy, but also a brilliant scientist. "You mean you can add a personality to the clones?"

Sahen nodded "Imagine, I create slaves for the mines, stronger muscles, greater endurance, better resistance to radiation or chemicals so they can perform better in hostile environments. I feed their minds with what they need to know to handle the tools and equipment, but no anger against the guards, no requests for better payment, no anger as a mine collapse and dozens of their comrades die in the accident. They just accept their fate... Or soldiers: I create them with better reflexes, better vision so they can see better at night, hear the enemies come from hundred feet away, feel no pain, no fear, I lay a keen mind, ready to follow orders from any superior officer, ready to march into death with a smile."

Sahens eyes where wide open as he talked about his dreams and his breathing was faster. "Imagine what I could do with such an army of soldiers."

Hemux blinked her eyes "Is that why you where hunted away? You want to breed your own army and the Romulan Empire discovered your plans?"

Sahen growled to her "They thought I searched for knowledge, not for glory on the battlefield. They where jealous of my talents as scientist and yet hated me because I found the continuing struggle for territory and new ground an idiotic thing to do. They found me weak so they repelled me from their worlds. And knowing that Romulus might be destroyed in the future, they wanted to become to most powerfull asset in the Galaxy, so they only wanted to use my talents for their own good! So YES ! I wanted REVENGE."

Sahen had a glow in his eyes that made it clear he had completely lost all sanity and normal looks to the universe. He was crazy and very, very dangerous. Hemux stared at him in silence, she knew enough...

Before anyone could speak or do anything there was suddenly a strange noise in the corridor. Running around, a voice talking, then a strange bump or so and then silence again. Hemux narrowed her eyes and the guard layed his finger to his lips.

ARr'Rhiana puled Sahen to his arm into the back of the room, hidden behind a bed and notioned him to shut up as he wanted to ask something. Maybe it was nothing, but maybe Sahen was not safe after all...

<tag anyone>


Hi All,

I tried to figure out what would be so important about Sahen and came up with this background for him. I hope it fits into the storyline.

I also picked up the Alert in Scotts post, maybe the sounds in the corridor are nothing, maybe it's just Gar and Merrick checking Sahen, but maybe it's something bad... (Play the `Jaws' theme here...)


David Martens

Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux




by Steve Apple

SD: 2261.024

Timeframe: Parallel to Scotts "Back to Normal?"

Setting: CMO’s Office

Corbett exited the party early and made his way quietly to his office. Placing his hat on the desk he went about the ritual of cutting and lighting a cigar. Leaning back he exhaled and looked appreciatively at the Cuban he held between his left thumb and index finger. He sipped on his glass of tequila and wondered not for the first why he felt so uneasy.

People were getting drunk and slapping each other on the back extolling what a good job they had done, yet here he was thinking about what had went wrong. This mission was supposed to be covert; however, there was the crew featured on a news broadcast that spanned all the worlds of the Federation. The Admiralty will not be pleased, he thought as he took another sip.

The Klingons and Romulans could and most likely would claim that those involved were rogue elements from their respective governments and in no way were legitimately sanctioned. Ah to be a totalitarian government and get away with such things. The Federation would not be so lucky. There would be no way to deny that the actions of the crew from a Constitution Class heavy cruiser were sanctioned. Well not unless Star Fleet wanted to brand them mutineers and pirates. Corbett had to laugh at that thought. What would make Star Fleet look worse that they sanctioned the operation, or that a handpicked crew from a flagship mutinied.

[Security to the brig- security to the brig.] Came over the ships intercom breaking into his thoughts.

Corbett shook his head and put his glass down on the desk. Back to work already he thought as he pushed his chair back and grabbed his hat and emergency med-kit.

He made it to the turbo lift where Merrick and Gar were already inside. “Gentlemen, imagine meeting you here.”

“Avae has escaped.” Gar said with what sounded to Corbett like a mixture of anger and pride.

“So I take it we’re all off to the Brig?” Corbett asked.

“No,” Merrick said. “Actually were headed to Dr. Sachen’s quarters. Gar believes that’s where she is headed.”

Gar just nodded his head to the affirmative.

“I take it you’re trying to get to her before Security does. Mind if I tag along then?” Corbett asked.

“Don’t you have to go to the brig?” Merrick questioned. “From what Gar has told me about her I would bet that the security detail in charge of her is injured.”

“That’s the beauty of being me.” Corbett said smiling as he stepped over to the lift’s comm. button. [Corbett to trauma team 1]

[Harris here sir.] Came the metallic sounding reply.

[Nick take a couple of stretchers down to the brig and make sure no one is seriously injured.]

[Aye sir, I’ll let you know if you’re needed. Harris out]

“Oh don’t give me that frown of disapproval Sean; it’s not an abuse of power.” Corbett said facing Merrick and then turned to Gar. “I have a feeling she only incapacitated her guards; however, what she might do to Sachen is a different matter entirely.”

“The doctor is right.” Gar said grimly. “She will try to carry out her mission and assassinate him. We very well may need Stile on site.”

“Well then I guess you’re along for the ride doctor.” Merrick said.


You know how I hate to be left out.

Respectfully Submitted,

Steve Apple

Stile Corbett, MD




by Brian V. Mansur

SD: 2261.024

Scene: Nearby the Guest Quarters, USS HOOD

Sean and company rushed up the corridor knowing that if Avae really intended to complete her mission then they had only seconds to stop her. Sean shouted ahead for unwitting crew to make a hole. He glanced back to see Stile holding his hat to his head and Gar gritting his teeth from six flavors of angst.

They pulled up short at the intersection nearest Sahen's quarters, panting like greyhounds. Sean pulled the mini phaser he always carried, Gar gripped his own weapon of choice, and Stile brandished his beloved colt. It was dead quiet in the hallway. He peered cautiously around the curve of the cooridor. What he saw made the lump in his throat drop clean into his stomach. The guards ... were perfectly fine. Still standing even. Hell, they had their weapons drawn and were actively checking the corridors as though ready for action. It could mean only one thing.

Aw frak.



"This girlfiend of your's."

Gar growled.

"Sorry. Friend then."

"Just tell me what you want to know," Gar demanded.

"Is she as devious as you are?"

"Aw frak," Gar said.

Wanna clue me in gentlemen?" Stile said.

"Yeah. We may be frakked," Sean replied.

"Frakked?" the doctor said puzzled. "What? How?"

"She's not here," Sean said.

"Aw frak," Stile said.

"Waddaya think Gar? Is she going to try for engineering. Blow up the ship?"

"Transporters make more sense. Just beam him out to space. Not even bother rematerializing him."

Sean pinched the bridge of his nose as though a headache were building. "Gosh I really hate to do this," He flipped open his communicator. "Sean to Security."

NRPG: Tag :-) I love hide and go seek.

Repectfully Submitted,

Brian V. Mansur

LCDR Sean Merrick



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: What has it Gots in its Pocketses

by David Kiel

[This post coincides with the party timing wise. Cedria's activities at the party will be dealt with in a separate joint post with Daniel. The below takes place just after the events of `Decisions' ]

Cedria stood at relay junction seven alpha and examined the display. She examined it very closely, it was mostly shiny and black where the display wasn't showing anything and she used that section to check her hair. She brushed a stray lock behind her ear, her long brown hair was tied back in her usual ponytail. She hadn't really had time yet to freshen up with the dashing about and then the impromptu celebration.

She glanced occasionally to the conversation across the room. It was the best opportunity she'd had thus far but there was no way she was barging into the middle of it all. She would wait until one of them left. She tapped a few codes in to alter the display just enough to see another part of her reflection. There were so damn many people on Starfleet ships. She should really have been an architect, just drawings and a comp screen all day, much quieter.

But then she would have had to be an architect, with the drawing and looking at comp screens all day. She shuddered at the thought.

Mr. Compass rose and shook the Captains hand and departed. He seemed a little pleased with the situation at least. She still would be very happy if she didn't get a chance to meet him again before his transfer. Obviously the department transfer would go more smoothly is she had a few transitional meetings with Mr. Compass but then again not every department transition went smoothly and why should this one?

A little transitional chaos could be character building for her new personnel.

She tapped the panel and closed out the session. Reaching down, she picked up a cup of tea that a yeoman named Greene had forced her to order. Slipping her other hand into her pocket she crossed the room to where Captain Steele sat contemplating whatever had just occurred with her predecessor.

"Quiet corners are the best part of the room, I've often found." She said by way of announcing her presence. The Captain was tall, with shortish brown hair and clear blue eyes. Younger than she expected, more the dashing adventurous type than the bookish academic his file had made him out to be. His expression was calm, and he greeted Cedria with a nod and an even smile. There was no sign of undo tension in his face or in his manner. He seemed to carry the weight of the ship rather easier than she felt she might in his place. He also seemed to have weathered the not quite pleasant events on Arcturus rather smoothly as well. It had been a long time since she had been a psychologist, but the knowledge still came in useful from time to time.

"Lieutenant Zade I presume." Captain Steele said, a hand gesturing to the empty seat across the table.

The Trill woman smoothed her skirt and took the proffered seat. "From my encounter with my predecessor, I take it that my presence was less than expected."

"These things happen in Starfleet." The Captain said. "Fortunately Mr.Compass has a new opportunity ahead of him. So tell me, how has the Hood fared in this unexpected trade? Are you a better navigator than the one we are losing?"

Cedria lowered her eyes for a moment. The unjoined Cedria would have blushed at the audacious question, but Cedria Zade was more pragmatic. "Well, I don't really know him, but, yes."

Captain Steele seemed amused by her reply. His gaze remained neutral, the practice of one used to being in a position of command. The corners of his mouth curled slightly and he seemed at least lightly surprised by her unexpected response. "You seem quite sure of yourself?"

She looked around to make sure nobody was listening to the conversation. "I'm six hundred and ninety-nine years old. There are a couple things I'm pretty good at, better than one can usually manage in a single lifetime. I've been a pilot, a psychologist, a politician and those are just the ones beginning with `p'. On the other hand I have also been a criminal, a drug addict and a lawyer. I am a mixed blessing of an operational asset."

The Captain took a sip of his drink and looked at her evaluatingly. "I suppose we will find out soon enough."

She lifted the command tube from her pocket and looking around one last time, slid it across the table. "And I also come bearing presents. Its command locked to your codes and no doubt contains a data device. For your eyes only I am told."

<A tag for Andy>

David Kiel

Lt Cedria Zade,



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Introductions

by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.025

Scene: Observation Lounge, USS HOOD


She lifted the command tube from her pocket and looking around one last time, slid it across the table. "And I also come bearing presents. Its command locked to your codes and no doubt contains a data device. For your eyes only I am told."


Jack accepted the tube and stared down at it for a moment. His curiosity was of course instantly aroused. Beside the normal concern over what the next mission would bring he had the added pressure of whether or not his transfer orders were contained inside. But it was only a brief pang of apprehension; the message tube had obviously been sealed long before the news crew had laid the covert operation bare. So official censure and disgrace was still waiting on his comm terminal. So it was with relief that he was able to focus his attention on the more important of the two options, his new Chief Navigator. “Seven hundred years old?” He said failing to completely mask the shock in his voice. At least he was able to bite off the ‘you don’t look a day over 100’ comment that struggled to get out. Where was Merrick when you needed him?

“Six hundred and ninety-nine.” She answered demurely.

“Of course.” Jack replied. “I can’t even begin to comprehend that. The things you must have seen.” He said enthusiastically. “Your experience and insights alone will be a tremendous asset on the bridge, as long as you don’t fly the ship into anything I’ll be pretty much happy.”

“No promises.”

“Fair enough.” He smiled.

“I see you have a party of sorts going on?”

Jack nodded. “Its not a standard thing, just blowing off a little steam. The last few missions have been a bit more stressful then most and I guess now is as good a time as any to let our hair down. In general though its not really a nightly thing. Having said that, now would be a good time to meet the rest of the senior staff.”

They both rose from their chairs and headed back down the corridor.


Just a quick one, Brian will be happy to know that I’m actually doing work..while at work.



Capt Jack Steele




[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Still Employed

by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.025

Scene: Captain’s Quarters

Jack lay on his bed and stared up at the ceiling as he replayed the conversation with the admiral in his mind. It had gone better then he had expected it to, in that he hadn’t been relieved of his command. But although the admiral hadn’t specifically said it there had been a very clear ‘Yet!’ in the message he had given Jack. The good news, such as it was, had been that much of the reason for the covert operation had been to keep Romulus in the dark as to where their missing scientist had gone had been negated long before the news crew managed to catch DeSimms on video. The fact that both Romulus and Quonos had sent teams made it quite clear they knew where Sachen had fled to. And it was extremely unlikely that Romulan troops hadn’t noticed Federation operatives firing back at them whether they were in Starfleet uniforms or not. Carstairs did concede that no one had expected even Romulus to have the nerve to blatantly drop troops into what all governments privately admitted was a non-aligned world, official claims notwithstanding, and begin to shoot up the place. And as sensational as the news piece was it was short on verifiable facts. Starfleet already had there publicity people working at warp speed to spin the story that the fight had been between Klingons and Romulans. HOOD which had been patrolling nearby had responded to the turmoil and had taken steps to evacuate Federation nationals who had been in or near the spaceport. In the end it probably wouldn’t wash but by then there would be some other sensational story which would be burning up the comm net.

What a frakin disaster Jack thought as he swung his legs around and hopped off his bed. He supposed he could mope around his cabin for the rest of the day but it wouldn’t change things and it was better to be out amongst the crew. Pulling on a fresh tunic he strode out into the corridor and headed for the mess and a comforting cup of coffee. As he walked along he thought about the mission orders he had received. It was a fairly standard assignment, one that Admiral Carstairs felt that even HOOD couldn’t screw up. A tour of the Celes system would be fairly uneventful and be a good opportunity for the crew to do some training and research. Entering the mess he saw Sean tucked away in a corner staring intently into a viewer. Jack stopped briefly at a food replicator to grab a coffee and then headed over to join his first officer.

“So am I getting promoted to captain?” He asked with an innocent smile.

“Sorry, I’m afraid the admiral is keeping me around for the short term at least.”

“Crap. Oh well maybe next time.” The smile on his face faded. “How bad was it?”

Jack shrugged. “It took a few hours but I’m now able to sit.” He sipped at his coffee. “New orders in. I’ve forwarded them to all the senior staff before I came down here.”

Merrck nodded. “Can you give me the highlights?”

“Pretty straight forward. We’re to patrol Celes and the surrounding systems. Should take about three weeks.”

“Whats out there?” Sean asked frowning, he recognized the system name but couldn’t remember anything beyond that.

Jack shook his head. “Nothing of note. Two colonies, three mining facilities and a small science outpost studying the Sonata Nebula.”

“Anything we need to worry about?”

“Doesn’t look to be. Just a ‘show the flag’ run. Drop in on each facility see if they need anything, deliver some supplies, that type of thing. I’m sure Dr. Corbett will want to have his teams do some health checks and I imagine engineering will be called upon to help out with some minor repairs, parts fabrication and upgrades but all in all it should be a nice quiet change to the last three missions.”

Sean raised his mug in mock salute. “Lets hope.”


Hi all, trying something new with the mission. Rather then one we can have several mini-missions. They can turn into something larger or not…we’ll see how it develops. I have no preconceived ideas…and it if tanks we’ll get called away to somewhere more epic.  ;-)

Also, I'm not trying to jump things ahead, just wanted to write something and I don't know if I will have time Tues-Fri. I also don't want to drop myself in the middle of the Great Escape...I'm really looking to see how it plays out.

So, keep posting where you are and ignore my post til it fits in better with the timeline. :-)

Finally, did my post Introductions go out on the mailing list? I see it on the group but I didn't get it from either the HOOD or ASR mailer...and I know I missed that one post from Scott two weeks ago. If anyone got it can you let me know so I don't resend it.



CAPT Jack Steele





by Scott Lusby

SD: 2261.025 Timeframe: Concurrent with Brian's "Racedown" Setting: Corridor Outside Guest Quarters, USS HOOD

When last we left our "heroes"...

<<snip from "Racedown">>

"Waddaya think Gar? Is she going to try for engineering. Blow up the ship?"

"Transporters make more sense. Just beam him out to space. Not even bother rematerializing him."

Sean pinched the bridge of his nose as though a headache were building. "Gosh I really hate to do this," He flipped open his communicator. "Sean to Security."

<<end snip>>

At the same moment that Security and Starfleet's latest hero-wonderboy Lieutenant John DeSimms were getting Commander Merrick's rather pained call for help, Avae Zh'sharav was busy proving Gar was, at least in part, correct: she had completely bypassed Main Engineering (in fact, had not even come anywhere close to the secondary hull) and went straight for Transporter Room 2, on the other side of the main hull from where Doctor Sahen was being held.

Avae had spent most of the all-too-abbreviated time that she was in her cell contemplating her mission. Without a doubt, it was completely blown apart: Sahen was in Starfleet custody, and while she was certain she could get to him and complete her mission, she wasn't all that confident that she could do that AND still get off the ship.

And there was still the matter of Gar.

As she crept quietly through the Jeffries tubes, she contemplated her former lover or, rather, her reaction to her former lover.

Her reactions were far more powerful than she ever imagined it would be in her thoughts. She thought she could control her feelings, move on and not let him...affect her.

She was wrong- oh, so wrong...and it had probably cost her this mission, for in the end, Gar was right: she could not kill him.

Avae's thoughts snapped back to the task at hand as she approached the junction nearest Transporter Room 2. As quietly as she could, she crawled down from the tube, and poked her head out of the tube.

She saw nothing.

With the sort of grin a Cheshire Cat would employ, the Andorian agent hopped down from the tube's entrance, and strode towards the doorway to the transporter room, hips swaying as she did.

It was time to get into character.

Avae stepped through the doors as they parted, and gazed at the transporter room tech with the kind of look that could ignite one's soul.

"Care to show me around?" she purred, stepping up to the control panel an propping up against it in such a way as to make all of the curves of her lithe body demand to be noticed.

The tech noticed them enough to react, but played cool. "I'm on duty, Ma'am," he said simply, turning back to his controls.

A quick boot across the face dispatched him from his chair. "Not anymore," she said at the red-shirted unconscious man sprawled on the floor.


To be continued in about 3 minutes...

Respectfully Submitted,

-- Scott Lusby

Avae Zh'sharav

Am Tal Operative


[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Great Escape

by Scott Lusby

SD: 2261.025

Timeframe: Immediately following "Blown Apart"

Setting: Transporter Room 2, USS HOOD

<<snip- from "Blown Apart>>

Avae stepped through the doors as they parted, and gazed at the transporter room tech with the kind of look that could ignite one's soul.

"Care to show me around?" she purred, stepping up to the control panel an propping up against it in such a way as to make all of the curves of her lithe body demand to be noticed.

The tech noticed them enough to react, but played cool. "I'm on duty, Ma'am," he said simply, turning back to his controls.

A quick boot across the face dispatched him from his chair. "Not anymore," she said at the red-shirted unconscious man sprawled on the floor.

<<end snip>>

Quickly, Avae worked the controls in front of her. She knew she didn't have much time...but she couldn't simply leave without...

She slid the mechanisms down, and waited for Sahen to appear on the pad in front of her.

All the Am Tal operative got was a derisive chirp from the console.

"Force fields," she murmured. DeSimms was good, she granted him that: force fields around Sahen's quarters to block transports was Security 101, she knew...but that didn't mean everyone knew it or thought of it under pressure.

It also meant they were on to her.

At that moment, the doors flew open, and two security guards ran in.

Avae wasted little time. She slapped the phaser out of one guard's hand and, as he recovered from his shock, she spun, kicking the phaser from the other guard and knocking him to the ground. Then, turning back to face the first guard, she blocked one incoming blow, then the follow-up, neatly with her forearms. Then, leaning back, she shot her leg out, catching the guard firmly in the solar plexus, knocking him down.

By this time, the second guard had gotten up and had somehow retrieved one of the phasers. Before he could fire, however, Avae had crossed the short distance between them and knocked his phaser arm away again. However, this time, she caught him with a backhanded fist across the face on the return, then brought a knee up into his groin. Finally, a two-handed hammer to the back of the head disposed of the second guard.

The first one was back up again, and this time wary of his opponent. He stood crouched, ready to spring like an Andorian snow leopard would on an ice bull.

However, this time, Avae had a phaser. "You lose," she said, and fired.

The first guard dropped like a sack of potatoes.

Quickly, Avae scurried to the control panel again and, after pressing a few buttons, she pushed the slide controls upwards and, rounding the table, climbed the pad.

It was at that moment that Gar, Merrick and DeSimms entered the room.

"It's been fun- see you boys again sometime," she said, waving and winking.

Then, shifting her gaze to DeSimms, she said- this time in tones of pure ice- "We have unfinished business, you and I."

Merrick was the first to react. "The transporter- stop her from beaming!" he shouted.

Gar hurried to the panel, but there was nothing he could do; the transporter had already begun disassembling her pattern.

He glanced up at her.

"Someday," Avae whispered as she disappeared from the transporter pad.

Merrick was at Gar's side. "Where did she go?"

The Andorian engineer looked up. "My guess is another ship- these coordinates are for something moving at warp nearby."

Sean glanced at DeSimms, who was helping his guards up from the floor.

"Frak," was all he said.


Well, that gets rid of Avae...for now. :)

Daniel- don't take this personal, but you know she'll hold a grudge after John's little 'chat,' right?

Hope you guys enjoyed that.

Respectfully Submitted,

-- Scott Lusby

Avae Zh'sharav

Am Tal Operative


[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Party Conversations - JP

David Kiel and Daniel Belin

[Taking place after the start of the party and before the `What Does it have in its Pocketses', and before the great escape.]

Cedria had been exploring the ship, trying to memorize the important junctures. It would not do to become hopelessly lost in an emergency. When she had stepped into the officers mess, the celebration had already begun. She hadn't really expected quite as much celebrating to be honest. She was offered a drink by a security ensign, she turned it down with a shudder. Seven years after Padrek Zade and she still couldn't tolerate even the scent of alcohol.

She saw the Captain at the other end of the gathering. There were far too many people for a proper introduction and way too many to give him the command orders she carried. She mingled cautiously and suppressing no small amount of panic at the wide variety of people who might try and talk to her at any moment. Mingling was not Cedria's strength, it was one of Zades, one of the many dichotomies joined Trill got to experience. She knew exactly what to do and how to `work the room', she just really did not want to. Really- very- a lot.

She quickly decided that she might be able to convince the Captain to move to a less occupied area of the ship where she could unload her orders and then perhaps download a nice book for the evening. She carefully moved through the throng until she got to the security officer who had been on the news stream, the one with the shoulder injury. He smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Enjoying the party?" He said gesturing with the drink in his hand.

Cedria looked around, and saw the Captain talking to the navigation officer she was replacing and cringed. That was not a conversation she was going to interrupt. She looked back at the security officer, her eyes drawn to the still open wound on his shoulder. "Doesn't that hurt?"

"Naw," answered DeSimms. He looked at it, "I can take the pain."

"Why don't you just have it autosutured?" Asked Cedria, looking at it again.

"The wound resists laser treatment. Corbett wanted to keep me in sickbay for observation, but I refused."

"Was that a good idea?" She asked, now concerned.

"I should have hired him years ago to be my mother," said DeSimms. He smiled and continued, "The only one around here who ever needed him badly was Merrick. The guy's a fraking injury magnet."

Cedria suppressed laughter. She looked around and said, "You really think it's a good idea to be badmouthing your XO?"

"If you are going to break the rules, don't get caught. Anyways, Merrick doesn't care. In fact I think he knows it better than anyone else," said DeSimms, "But what about you? You ARE a symbiont, right? Tell me about that."

"I'm joined actually. The symbiont is just part of me, we're a shared consciousness so to speak. Once joined we became a single whole. I remember most of the lives of the seventeen hosts before me. I've been many things, architect, astronaut and artist and that's just the ones beginning with `a'." She looked to the side for a moment, "oddly enough I can't draw at all. Some things transcribe well from host to host. Other things not so well. That said I have six hundred and ninety-nine years of knowledge and expertise to fall back on in a pinch."

"Very interesting, if I had so many experiences and memories, I would-" DeSimms was interrupted by a Klaxon.

The intercom came on, <<This is Security Control. A prisoner has escaped from the brig. Situation Baker Two, repeat, Situation Baker Two. Security team to the transporter room. DeSimms, please report to Commander Merrick. All other crew report to designated areas.>> Everyone in the room got up and moved to their respective areas.

DeSimms made for the door as fast as he could, knocking over a Noncom on his way there. this party was over, and DeSimms knew it.

Cedria was visibly relieved by the alert and by the way it emptied the room. She crossed her arms and tried to remember where her emergency station would be in this situation. Ultimately she decided to secure the shuttles, not that anyone would be crazy enough to try and slip through the warp envelope.

She watched the security team scramble out leaving their drinks behind and then headed for the flight deck to check on things.

Respectfully Submitted;

David Kiel and Daniel Belin

NAV Lt Cedria Zade, and SEC Lt. John SeSimms



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Where’d the Doctor Go

by Steve Apple

SD: 2261.025

Timeframe: Immediately after Brian's "Racedown"

Setting: Corridor Outside Guest Quarters, USS HOOD

<Snip from Brian’s Post "Racedown"

"Waddaya think Gar? Is she going to try for engineering. Blow up the ship?"

"Transporters make more sense. Just beam him out to space. Not even bother rematerializing him."

Sean pinched the bridge of his nose as though a headache were building. "Gosh I really hate to do this," He flipped open his communicator. "Sean to Security."

End snip>

Corbett took out his scanner and began moving it about Sean’s head.

“What the hell…”

“Hold still, I think you’re having a stroke.” Corbett grumbled.

“I’m having several with a heart attack to boot.” Merrick sighed as he knocked Corbett’s scanner away. “We’re heading over to Transporter Room 2”

Gar nodded and turned to run down the hallway. Corbett turned too, but was halted by the intercom.

[Trauma team 1 to Dr. Corbett]

“Corbett here,” He said as he watched Merrick stop to listen in.

[Doc we got a problem. Ensign Jimenez started seizing and her heart rate just plummeted.] The medic said in a panic.

“How was she when you first got to her?”

[She was roughed up pretty bad, but was talking to us. We were just taking her in as a precaution when she went south.]

“Pull up her tunic and tell me what you see.”

[She’s breathing, but it’s shallow and there’s a large bruise on the left side of her chest.]

“How far out are you from sickbay?”

[4 maybe 5 minutes]

“Damn it; don’t move her I’m on my way.” Corbett yelled into the comm. then punched it again. “Corbett to sickbay.”

[Saxman here sir.]

“Kiska I got an emergency inbound 5-6 minutes. I need a surgical unit and trauma nurse prepped and ready when I get there.

[Aye sir, sickbay out]

Corbett turned and almost smacked into Merrick. “Go, you can check in with me later.” Corbett said shooing Merrick away.

“I will.” Merrick said taking off after Gar.

Scene: Brig

“Easy gentlemen, she’s hanging on by a thread as it is.” Corbett said as they lifted her. She started to convulse as soon as they moved her onto the stretcher.

“BP 60/20, pulse 28 and weak.” The corpsman yelled as he watched his hand held scanner.

“No you don’t darlin, you ain’t dyin today.” Corbett scolded in his thick Texas drawl.

“BP 40/10, no pulse.” The corpsman yelled to Corbett. “We need a Cardio Stimulator, or we’ll lose her.”

Corbett ignored the medic and ripped open the woman’s uniform and undershirt exposing her chest. Pulling an old style syringe from his med-kit he grabbed the plunger from the syringe and threw it behind him as he pressed two fingers against the left side of her chest. Once he found the landmark he was looking for he pushed the needle into her chest and was immediately hit with a stream of blood that was under high pressure.

“BP 80/50, pulse 40 and regular, her vitals are getting stronger.” The corpsmen yelled in surprise as they took off down the corridor to sickbay.

“She had a pericardial tamponade, blood in the pericardial space, which was constricting the heart and keeping it from beating. I relieved it with the needle and syringe. Corbett said. “So don’t be so reliant on technology sar, as sometimes the old fashioned low tech treatments work the best. Also you should have figured that out for yourself had you done a proper secondary survey.”

The medic said nothing in return. He knew he had screwed up and instead concentrated on getting the patient to sickbay.

The doors to sickbay swooshed open and they wheeled the patient to the surgical suite. For an outsider looking in the action was very quick as the corpsmen and nurses surrounded the table and began to stabilize the young woman and prep her for surgery.

“Sir what happened, you’re covered in blood?” Saxman asked.

Corbett looked into the mirror that hung outside the surgical suite and saw his cowboy had was streaked and spattered. “Mr. Wong is not going to be happy with this.” He said.

“Who’s Mr. Wong?” Saxman asked puzzled.

“My drycleaner.” Corbett said over his shoulder. “Now let’s get prepped for surgery.


I was with Sean and Gar for “Racedown”, but eliminated without explanation from the fray in “The Great Escape”. So just in case the continuity police are roaming around I thought I’d post what broke me away from the fun.

Respectfully Submitted,

Steve Apple

Stile Corbett, MD

CMO, USS Hood 1703


[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Back to the Grind

by Scott Lusby

SD: 2261.031 MD: Three days after Avae escapes and one day after HOOD rendezvous with USS KIDD Setting: Main Engineering, O-Deck, USS HOOD

"What in the name of the eternal gods did those idiots DO in here??!" Gar shouted, his temper finally boiling over as he scanned through the work orders from the past few days. "Where's Compass? I'm going to KILL him!"

He'd spent the last couple of days under the care of Doctor Corbett, as a precaution to the head injuries sustained on Arcturus. He'd thought he was all right...but shortly after Avae had left, he'd found himself with a brutal headache, bad enough to force him to visit Sick Bay; a short examination from the Good Doctor revealed that he was suffering from some post-concussion symptoms.

That was the end of his working for a couple of days.

Still, the time was productive: he had been able to study the changes the Starbase's yard dogs had tried to do- which would eventually evolve into his current frustration, but, initially, had simply produced confusion, as there would seem to be no reason to mess with the ship's communications and sensor networks.

He needed to talk to Compass- now.

"Computer- tie-in," he said, pushing a button on his desk.


"Location of Lieutenant Commander Mark Compass."

[[[Lieutenant Commander Compass is no longer serving on the HOOD. He was transferred to the USS DAUNTLESS as First Officer two days ago.]]]

Gar grumbled. "Figures."

He closed the connection, and began sifting through the reports further. Truth be told, his crew had done a good job in re-implementing the 'improvements' those idiots from the Starbase had undone over the last few hours...and since he was being somewhat generous, he supposed Compass stood his ground firmly enough in the end...

What was worse was that, now, he had a department full of new personnel. He'd glanced through their files, and all seemed competent enough (they had to be just to be considered for HOOD or one of her sister ships)...but many were young, and that meant they still worked by the textbook.

Even his new departmental XO had taken some convincing...

MD: A couple of hours earlier Setting Chief Engineer's office, Main Engineering, O-Deck, USS HOOD

"I want you to get the work crews going on fixing some of those 'repairs' the Starbase crews carried out," he said, sliding a tablet across the table.

The Tellarite glanced at Gar skeptically- or so Gar thought, anyway; it was hard for him to tell otherwise with a Tellarite.

"Are you sure that's wise, Commander?" Lieutenant Daroth said, grabbing the table. "Usually, repairs are carried out on systems that are damaged in some way."

Gar fumed as he glanced up at his new assistant.


This ended up being too long for one post, so I split it up. Second part coming in a few minutes.

Respectfully Submitted,

- Scott Lusby

/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth

Chief Engineer



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Starting Over

by Scott Lusby

SD: 2261.031

<snip- from my last post, entitled "Back to the Grind">

MD: A couple of hours earlier Setting Chief Engineer's office, Main Engineering, O-Deck, USS HOOD

"I want you to get the work crews going on fixing some of those 'repairs' the Starbase crews carried out," he said, sliding a tablet across the table.

The Tellarite glanced at Gar skeptically- or so Gar thought, anyway; it was hard for him to tell otherwise with a Tellarite.

"Are you sure that's wise, Commander?" Lieutenant Daroth said, grabbing the table. "Usually, repairs are carried out on systems that are damaged in some way."

<end snip>

Gar fumed as he glanced up at his new assistant; he wasn't sure if he was hearing sarcasm or if he was falling prey to a little racial stereotyping- gods know the Andorians and Tellarites have had their share of conflict over the years. So he chose not to say anything about it- for now. Instead, he said, "Repairs are also supposed to make systems better- more efficient, more powerful, something. And theirs did not; in fact, overall efficiency in this department has dropped several percent. I'd like the highlighted systems- the communications nets, the sensor nets, and their relays- returned to their previous state."

Daroth sifted through the information on the tablet. "These modifications aren't to spec," he muttered.

Gar nodded. "I know- I authorized them and made the changes because they made the systems run better. I already submitted those improvements to Starfleet Engineering. Please do as I ask."

Daroth looked through the tablet's contents for another few seconds. "They don't seem to pose any danger to anyone...and they **do** seem to improve system efficiency and delivery times," he muttered to himself.

Gar resisted the urge to lean across the table and choke the snout-nosed engineer.

The new departmental XO now looked up and met Gar's gaze. "I'll get teams on them right away, Commander."

Gar's lips curled into a forced grin. "Thank you, Lieutenant," he said. "Perhaps, in the future, we'll be able to dispense with the inquiries and simply follow my orders," he added, perhaps a little more pointedly than he had intended.

Daroth's head cocked to one side. "Perhaps," he said, and walked out of the small office, tablet in hand.

Gar felt himself growl as the doors parted behind the brash lieutenant.


MD: present Setting: Same

The whistle from Gar's comm panel jarred him back to the present. "Engineering- Gar here."

[[[This is Merrick- Captain's called a senior staff meeting. Seems we got our new marching orders.]]]

The Andorian paused for a moment. "On my way- Gar out," he said, closing down the channel as he pushed himself up from his chair.


Just pushing this to the next step, since it appears our little cloak-and-dagger mission is over. Andy, care to share what was in the special tube? :)

Respectfully Submitted,

- Scott Lusby

/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth

Chief Engineer




by Brian V. Mansur

SD: 2261.031

Scene: Officer's Lounge, USS HOOD

"Oh for crying out loud Stile, I'm fine," Sean insisted.

"I tell you sar that a man who would stoop to relying on a red shirt to do his job ..."

"Hey watch it," Gar shot.

"A security red shirt," Stile corrected, "Is a man who is nothing short of broken. There's something diagnosable on you and I intend to find out what."

"Oh no doc. I know how you work. I'm not getting naked anymore. I don't need massage therapy from a sweet brunette nurse whose name starts with a K. I don't want any snake oil, voodoo dolls, or cat scans. I am perfectly fine. Gar please put that fork away, you're making me nervous."

"You are a sick man," Gar said.

NRPG: Just a quickie.

Repectfully Submitted,

Brian V. Mansur

LCDR Sean Merrick




by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.031

Scene: Shuttledeck

“Permission to leave ship’s company and disembark.” Lieutenant Commander Mark Compass said as he stood next to the open shuttle craft door. Inside the young ensign who had piloted the shuttle over from the KIDD did his best to pretend that the fact that the Romulan who was sitting quietly behind him was such an everyday occurrence that he barely noticed him. For his part the Romulan scientist tried hard to portray an individual who traveled on Starfleet vessels all the time. But it was becoming increasingly hard to contain his excitement over his new life. He’d been disappointed with the reception from the officers of the HOOD. To be fair he was sure the space port battle with his ex-countrymen could not have helped. But he was still surprised that he had not been treated more warmly. Of course they were military and not likely to understand how important he was. Well the ever smiling science officer seemed to have a grasp of who was in her midst.

Back outside the shuttle Captain Steele was responding to the request. “Permission granted commander.” He extended a hand. “I’m not suppose to tell you but the admiral has approved your transfer to DAUNTLESS as her first officer.”

Mark beamed. “That’s good news sir. I’d hate to think I’d wasted the last two days going over all her mission logs and personnel records for no reason.” He took a last look around HOOD’s cavernous shuttle bay. “Its been an honour captain.”

“You’ll be missed Mark. Best of luck.”

Five minutes later Jack was back in the center seat coffee in hand.

“KIDD reports Commander Compass and guest are safely aboard.”

“My regards to KIDD’s captain.” Jack said before addressing he new NAV officer. “Set course for the Celes system.”

“Course laid in sir.” Lieutenant Zade replied.

“Alright Lieutenant Steering ahead warp factor five.”


Just a quick one. Working on a JP with Steve which will hopefully out tonight.

And for the life of me I don’t know why I wrote the transfer on a shuttle and not the transporter.



CAPT Jack Steele

Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703