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CAPT T'Ran, Commanding Officer USS HOKKAIDO NCC-56524


Played by: Marrku Herd

AGE: 61
DOB: June 6, 2361
POB: K'Lan-ne, Vulcan
PARENTS: Sevet (Father), T'Chal (Mother)
SIBLINGS:         -
SPOUSE: Kintal (deceased 2643 BC)
CHILDREN: T'Rok, Combat shuttle pilot, USS VALHALLA

HEIGHT:  182 cm
WEIGHT:  68 kg
HAIR: Sandy brown, usually worn in ponytail or twin braids
EYES: Brown
SKIN TONE: Medium Olive
VISION: 20/20
RELIGION: Federation standard of ethics
LANGUAGES: Vulcan (current and archaic), English, Romulan, Andorian


A. Academic Institutions Attended:
  -- Vulcan Science Academy
    Master, Dimensional Warp Theory
    Doctor, Xenoarchaeology

  -- Star Fleet Academy

B. Service Schools Attended:
  -- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School
  -- Star Fleet Command School

C. Qualifications:
  -- Science Officer
  -- Engineer
  -- Command

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Academic Major: Warp Theory, later Archaeology and History
Professional Major:
Class Rank: Top 5%
Athletics: Basketball, Parrises squares
Activities: Four-dimensional Chess


A. Chronology (tabular form):

0-13:   Lived with parents.

13-18:  Attended High School

18-23: Attended Vulcan Science Academy, major: Warp theory

23-28: Attended graduate program in Vulcan Science Academy, major:
Dimensional Warp theory

28: Accepted in Star Fleet Academy

28-32: Attended Star Fleet Academy

32: Attended Space Warfare Officer School

32-35: D-Warp Specialist in Temporal Investigations

35-37: Spent in prehistoric Vulcan, because of a laboratory accident

37-42: Stayed home on Vulcan raising her child

42-48: Attended graduate program in Vulcan Science Academy, major: Archaelology

48-52: History and Archaeology Researcher, Miskatonic Science Base

52-56: Science Officer, USS BELVEDERE

56-57: Attended Starfleet Command School

57-61: Executive Officer, USS BELVEDERE

B. Background Summary:

T'Ran showed aptitude in quantum physics already when young. She
applied to the Vulcan Science Academy when coming to age and
constantly received top scores in warp field and dimensional warp
theory. Her prime interest was in temporal physics, however the Vulcan
academia is traditionally limited in that field of study.

Her hard work didn't go unnoticed though, Starfleet Temporal
Investigations is always on the lookout for new operatives. Approached
by them, T'Ran joined Starfleet and after the mandatory course she
joined the ranks of Temporal agents.

The event that changed her life happened when the Bajoran government
lended the Orb of Time to the Temporal Investigations, in order to
study the field mechanics it emitted.

A freak accident, one that no one expected to happen, threw T'Ran
nearly 5,000 years into Vulcan past, into a savage era of constant

Fortunately for T'Ran, she remembered the ruins of Castle Vlekath had
recently been discovered and would be excavated. She made her way to
the castle, a thriving place of command and trade at the time, and got
inside as an Acolyte of the warrior goddess T'Vet. She managed to
leave a message on top of a pillar in one of the inner chambers, that
would be discovered by future archeologists.

Two years after the accident, she was rescued by Temporal
Investigations agents. During that time, she had become involved with
a man called Kintel, an advisor of the castellan and one of the most
famous sculptors of the era. When she was returned to her own time,
she was three months pregnant with Kintel's child.

Kintel had another surprise for her. After her departure, he had
carved a statue of her and had it placed in the chamber where she hid
the message, so that its hand pointed at the hiding place. The statue,
three times larger than life, was well preserved when it was found,
five millennia after it was made. It's life-like (and anatomically
very correct) features were intact, so it was moved in the foyer of
the History department of the Vulcan Science Academy.

After her return, she spent five years in her family home raising her
child. Her experiences had left her with unique perspective in the
planet's past, so she decided to return to the Vulcan Science Academy
to study history and archaeology.

The presence of Kintel's statue was a mixed blessing, though. It was
the only tangible memory she had of her beloved (apart from her
daughter T'Rok)  but people (particularly non-Vulcan males) had often
dealing with her after giving the statue the thorough study that it
deserved, given its historical significance and aesthetic value.

By the time of her graduation, the question "have we met before?"
followed by a blush and stammers had lost its initial amusement. She
applied back to Starfleet and was given position as a researcher in
the Miskatonic Science Base, that specializes in archeological finds.

Later she was given the Science Officer position on the USS BELVEDERE.

C. Personality Summary:

Before the temporal incident, T'Ran was a strict follower of the
traditional teachings of Surak. During her time in the past, she
however developed a more relaxed attitude to life, probably as a
result of close contact with Kintel (who, according to historians,
began advocating peaceful and logical solutions in his advice to the
castellan of Vlekath).

T'Ran has professional attitude to her work, but has become known for
her frequent smile and the occasional joke. Her historically themed
parties are remembered fondly by the BELVEDERE crew.

As the Executive officer, her leadership style favored teamwork and
cooperation, with minimal regard to formal hierarchy.


A. Service and Promotion History:
2393: Graduated from Star Fleet Academy; Commissioned as Ensign (O-1)
2395: Promoted to Lieutenant(JG)
2397: Left Starfleet service

2409: Returned to Starfleet service
2411: Promoted to Lieutenant
2417: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
2420: Promoted to Commander

C.  Medals and Commendations
Several decorations from scientific branches

V. Skills Profile

T'Ran is one of Starfleet's top experts in warp field, temporal and
dimensional physics. Her main field of interest, however, is studying
the history of different worlds.

VI. Recent Fitness Reports

Recreational athletics keep T'Ran in very good shape.


VIII. Current Recreational Interests

During her stint in Temporal Investigations, T'Ran developed an
interest in four-dimensional chess, a variant of 3D chess in which
pieces can also move back and forth in time.

This sparked an interest in her to create new variants of chess by
simulating different quantum warp mechanics. This had disastrous
results. When her queen reached Warp 10, occupied every square on
the board thus annihilating both sides, and then regenerated into
a pawn. After that night the chess club unanimously decided to
switch to Warhammer.

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