LCDR Shenal Thalan ch'Evreni- First Officer, USS Lexington


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LCDR Shenel Thalan ch'Evreni           FO - USS LEXINGTON (Origins)
	(played by Alan L. Martin)
I. Personal Data
Full Name:  		Shenel Thalan ch'Evreni
Surname:  		Thalan
Given Name:  		Shenel
Current Rank:		Lt. Commander (O-4)
Current Billet: 	First Officer, USS LEXINGTON NCC-1709
Species:  		Theskian (Andorian)
Gender/Sex:  		Chen (Male)
Age:  			33
DOB:  			(22)220815.0000
POB:  			Theskia
Parents:  		<Names to come>
Siblings:  		<Names to come>
Spouse:  		<Names to come>
Children:  		<Names to come>

A. Physical Description
HT:			1.75 m (5'9")
WT:			77 kg (170 pounds)
EY:			Blue
HR:			Yellow
SK:  			Blue
Blood Type:  		A+
Religion:  		Theskia Pantheology
Citizenship:  		Theskia
Languages:  		Theskia, Common

II.  Educational Background
A. Academic Institutions Attended
   -- Star Fleet Academy
      -- Bachelors of Science, Chemistry
B. Service Schools Attended
   -- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School
   -- Star Fleet Command School
C. Qualifications (MOS/MOCs)
   -- MOC: Science Officer
   -- MoC: Command Officer

D. Star Fleet Academy Record
Academic Major: 	Chemistry
Professional Major: 	Chemistry
Class Rank:  		2
Reprimands: 		0
Commendations:		3 - Cadet Thalen was exemplerary in his studies.  He recieved
			3 comindations for academic excellence.
Athletics:  		None
Activities:  		<<special clubs or organizations>>   

III. Biographical Notes

A. Chronology (tabular form)

0-18:		Lived with parents on Andor; attended Terran public schools.

18:  		Entered Starfleet Academy.

18-22:		Attended Starfleet Academy.

22:		Midshipman Cruise aboard USS DEFIANT.  Commissioned into 
		Starfleet as an Ensign (O-1).

22-Present:	Active duty in Starfleet.

24:		Promoted to Lieutenant (JG) (O-2)

26:		Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3)

30:		Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4)

32:		Entered Command School

B. Background Summary

IV. Official Star Fleet Record


A. Promotion History:
(22)460801.0000:	Entered 1st Year, Starfleet Academy
(22)470801.0000:	Entered 2nd Year, Starfleet Academy
(22)480801.0000:	Entered 3rd Year, Starfleet Academy
(22)490801.0000:	Entered 4th Year, Starfleet Academy
(22)500531.0000:	Promoted to Ensign (O-1)
(22)511131.0000:	Promoted to Lieutenant (JG)
(22)541206.0000:	Promoted to Lieutenant
(22)571218.0000:	Promoted to Lieutenant Commander

B. Service History
(22)480801.0000:	Entered 1st Year, Starfleet Academy
(22)490801.0000:	Entered 2nd Year, Starfleet Academy
(22)500801.0000:	Entered 3rd Year, Starfleet Academy
(22)510801.0000:	Entered 4th Year, Starfleet Academy
(22)520531.0000:	Graduated from Starfleet Academy; assigned to
				cadet cruise aboard USS COURAGEOUS
				NCC-0710.  Promoted to Ensign
(22)511131.0000:	Promoted to Lieutenant (JG)
(22)541206.0000:	Promoted to Lieutenant
(22)571218.0000:	Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
(22)600531.0000:	Assigned as First Officer, USS Lexington

C.  Medals and Commendations
None at this time.

V. Skills Profile

Extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat.  Often carries 2 Chakas in with him.

VI. Recent Fitness Reports

Lieutenant Commander Thalan is in prime physical shape.
-- Dr. Sekar
	Staff Attending, Starfleet Academy

VII. Psychological Profile

While being accomplished at hand-to-hand combat, he tends to avoid combat.
He'd much rather be in the arts and sciences.  However, he will not hestitate
to defend himself, or those he cares about.  And while avoiding combat
whenever he can, he will not back down from a challenge.

-- LCDR Bradley Baines
	Staff Psychologist, Starbase 11

VIII. Current Recreational Interests
